#still ugly but whatever /hj
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mono-dot-jpeg · 2 years ago
child! reader w/blade, yanqing, natasha, & gepard
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summary; thoughts being thunk about cute scenarios with child! reader
genre/extra tags; fluff, blade is probably ooc, don't give blade a child, yanqing being a big brother, yanqing and reader gang up on jingyuan, natasha my beloved, gepard big brother arc, but gepard is an awkward big brother, whoops my hand slipped now there's angst (natasha's part), blade wants to punt a kid (/hj)
[gender neutral! reader] [child 7-9! reader] [platonic]
[warnings; implied for reader to be heavily sick often (natasha)]
a/n; *smacks my head* this baby holds loads of child!reader ideas, thanks to their family being the way their family is. good ol' trauma. you didn't pick any characters in particular other than just non-express crew characters. hope you enjoy
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it's a fucking miracle that you're even standing next to this man. kafka just had to give you to him. luckily, blade is less violent than he looks. and luckily for you, you hold no fear.
"you look ugly like that." you point at him, your tiny finger inching a little too close to his eye. "why do you look like that?" kafka stifles a laugh as she watches from afar.
"i can't believe i want to punt a child." he mutters. "i don't know, why do you look like that?" he retaliates.
"look like what? ms. kafka says i'm cute!" your hand goes limp to rest on your lap.
"you are anything but cute, you devil spawn."
you gasped, "ms. kafka! blade is being mean!" you get up to run to the woman, who is laughing silently. "he called me a devil spawn... whatever that means!"
"it means you're tiny. and stupid." blade says, watching as you hide behind kafka's leg.
"no, you're stupid!" you stick your tongue out at him.
"you little sh-"
"curse jar!"
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"yannie!" you cheered loudly.
"y/n!" he cheers back. you run to him as he picks you up. "do you want to walk around today?" you nodded. "let's go get some allowance from the general first!"
"jing!" you and yanqing arrive at the general's office.
"if it isn't our little cloud knight." jingyuan watches as the young blonde puts you down to go run at him. "i could only wonder what you are doing here with yanqing."
"i wan' to explore with yanqing!" you climb up jingyuan's legs as he watches with a fond gaze.
"is that so?"
you nodded, "but me 'n yan need help." jingyuan looks at you confused before turning to look at yanqing.
"we need some money, general..." jingyuan raises an eyebrow, glancing at you who shows him puppy eyes. and then yanqing tries to play off his ask with an innocent grin.
jingyuan can't help but sigh, "for a lieutenant and a little cloud knight, you two sure are sly." he smiles gently.
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"you think we can annoy serval?" an impish grin starts to grow on your face.
"we really shouldn't do that." gepard chides you. you groan.
"but i'm so bored! she's got cool ga- gad-gets."
"yeah! i wanna see them! i wanna watch serval work!"
"she's probably busy, y/n." you huffed as you struggled in gepard's arms, "stop it!"
"what can we do then?" you pouted. "what do you wanna do?"
awkward silence...
"my idea is better! let's go see big sis!" you tug on his clothes as if it would anything to make him move faster.
"how about we make something for serval? wouldn't that be fun?"
"hm? making something like a gad-gets?"
"gadget. yeah, maybe something like that. or we can draw something for her, and she can put it up somewhere."
"yeah, let's do that!" you cheered, walking alongside gepard and putting your hand in his.
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it's no doubt that your parents would leave you in the care of the nicer-est nurse in town (your words, not hers). even if you were a not so amazing state, you can't help but still be happy.
"i think you're a superhero, ms. natasha. i wanna make a story about you!" you've always been a creative soul, it was one of the few things you can do with being bedridden for days on end. writing was a favorite. but you really liked making comics.
"i'm just doing my job, dear. i think you should make a story about yourself." natasha speaks with fondness as she distracts you from getting a shot. "you're just as strong as a hero." her voice is bittersweet but you don't notice it.
"how about i make a story about us? we can be the best-est heroes in the world!" you beamed at your own genius suggestion. "i can be your sidekick!"
"i would love to see that story someday." she smiles. "i know it will be amazing as always." she places a band aid where your shot was taken. her thumb brushes over it once, then again. "i'll even put it up by your bed. framed and everything."
she just hopes you live to see another day.
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storkmuffin · 19 days ago
Matz Lego Live 2025.2.13 Liveblog
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@fallenstarhwa and @iriswashername this is for you!!
First off, you know they picked the 13th of February to do this lego live thing, very deliberately right? They're avoiding Valentine's day.
We open on Hongjoong muttering to himself while looking at his phone. It's always so funny to me that content makers are just as much serfs to the data farm as the ordinary people who watch their content. Hongjoong is wearing what looks like a hooded raincoat indoors, and a knit cap under that. I guess it's cold in this hotel. I've found that to be generally true of the West- Koreans keep things warm indoors, but westerners don't as much. Also there is a giant mirror in front of Seonghwa's bed. I can already hear the fanfic pens sharpening. Seonghwa comes to sit (plop, actually) next to Hongjoong. He is also wearing layers and a knit hat indoors. Definitely cold. The glasses he has on are very cool but they also are very grandpa, and given their height difference and Hong Joong slouching they look like dad and son.
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Hwa is checking angles, making sure the lego boxes are lined up properly, that the link to internet is working, the camera is on, busy busy busy, and HJ is just ... diddling his phone on his lap making mouth sounds.
Immediately, Hongjoong causes banging. He pretends the banging didn't happen but Hwa doesn't cooperate. He looks for the thing that fell, and sees nothing on the floor, so then he silently wonders if someone knocked by staring at the door. He looks almost ready to stand up. Apparently when someone knocks it's Hwa's job to go open the door, because he doesn't say anything to HJ about the 'knock.' This is finally when HJ sheepishly says, No, it's not anything, it's my phone. Hwa looks at the phone in HJ's hand, clearly wondering how did that thing in your hand make a noise so far away from it, but he's just too busy doing the set up. HJ leans back from his seat to pick up the second phone that's fallen to the floor from the arm rest. HJ keeps talking but Hwa doesn't say a word until the set up is working.
Hwa is a sweetie. He really for some reason REALLY REALLY wanted to make legos with HJ and it's finally happening so he messes up his opening comment. He says, It's been a million years... and then realizes, Oh this is the first time! HJ is just a kid - he actually just echoes what Hwa says, no brain, just amplifying, until he confirms that this is the first time they're doing legos.
Then Hwa notices their outfits match. "This is so exciting!" he says, about their matching, and HJ pouts, You're copying me again. They are not looking at each other. Hwa says that he has to keep the glasses on because he looks ugly without, to which HJ says that he knew Hwa would wear the glasses, so he left his own behind. .... HJ. Dude. TELL HWA HE'S PRETTY. what are you DOING.
Hwa explains the legos they are about to make to the audience, adding in a little bit that says, I tried to reflect HJ's tastes even though he told me that he likes whatever I like - and HJ is like I did not say that!! Then Hwa explains in painstaking detail about Anakin and Asoka and how having an apprentice is not the same as having a brother (it's not 형 it's 스승 and 제자!). HJ has no idea wtf he's talking about or anything about Star Wars. At all. Okayyy. (I'm judging him in Nerd.)
They're unboxing the Legos with Hwa narrating like he's trying to sell them on the home shopping network. There are thumb grooves to make the boxes fun to open! and so on. HJ is trying really hard to not be mean about all this dorkiness, and mostly succeeding. The first crisis point is when Hwa shows off about how environmentally friendly the packaging is now, no plastic!!, until he opens his own smaller lego and realizes... it's still fully plastic. HJ covers his face to laugh.
Hwa will assist HJ on putting HJ's lego together. HJ side eyes Hwa to ask how much of a time commitment this is going to be, to which Hwa says it'll be about an hour.
Then HJ tells us, the audience, that this is not his lifetime first encounter with Legos. Hwa is surprised enough to turn to look at HJ, and acts betrayed. (뭐야...). He gets over it pretty quickly and goes right back to selling the legos on the home shopping network. The dialect tonality is coming out so strong right now. Is it because he's excited? LOL
As HJ begins unboxing the pieces, he just hates them. His mouth sours. He hates the legos as they come out, whereas Hwa looks fondly at the plastic pieces like they are his offspring hatching from the foam covering their egg cluster. Then HJ says that by nature, he hates the kind of thing where he has to follow a pre-set recipe and order. Hwa, holding the pre-set recipe and order book in his hand, stares off into the distance.
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This is going to be a very long evening.
Hwa hazards, "So you just wanna make something new??"and HJ says no, with this sort of thing you have no choice but to follow. Hwa smiles just the tiniest bit, because he had been plunged into an icy bath just a moment ago and now he's back out of it.
HJ says he wants to experience the 'time killing' culture of Legos, then says that since beginning his Lego habit, Hwa has gotten angrier as a person (joke). If Hwa had done something similar, HJ would immediately go NO I DIDN'T but Hwa smiles in an exasperated way and then asks, rhetorically, Shouldn't it be the opposite? and lets HJ explain that he was joking. They are so different.
Then HJ spills everything and they disppear for a while, to pick up all the pieces, muttering. Hwa lectures - belatedly - about how you have to open stuff carefully.
HJ keeps signalling how much he hates Legos already and he hasn't even fit two pieces together. He says "This is a valuable experience" - singular, the one time, never again, etc. is implied. "You're doing great!" Hwa says, "You've already made half of Asoka!"
HJ doesn't like being Hwa's student. "It's been a long time since I've learned something from Hwa. It feels... complicated."* Hwa doesn't want him to drop out, so he says, "All you need for lego making is to be fastidious and alert." HJ says he's neither of those things. HJ says this is like getting behavioral therapy to learn calmness.
*What HJ says is it feels 오묘하다 to be taught by Hwa, which literally means Mysterious, but I'm choosing a different word.
But HJ gets the hang of it by the 10 minute mark - he says, "I just have to follow the instructions!" like this is a discovery (Why is he 4 years old?). And then they are side by side, looking down, chatting in a leisurely way about their visit to Como. They look just like me and my knitting circle when we work on individual projects side by side, talking.
HJ kinda talks about himself a lot. See. This is one of those things that makes me think he's ND. Hwa says things to him about him, and HJ answers with more information about himself, but doesn't ask Hwa anything. When Hwa makes an encouraging comment - Oh you're on page 2 already? -HJ is like I am good at this sort of thing because I studied hard in school. But Hwa just indulges him like HJ is his grandson - Oh what a smart boy, Kim Hong Joong, he says, absolutely soullessly but not with any sort of sarcasm, while making his own lego. And HJ just keeps talking about his strengths - he can stay put and work on something for a long time! And Hwa keeps agreeing. "Yes! That's why you're so good at composing."
Basically, Hwa is gentle parenting HJ into staying put and making this lego thing, doing something he doesn't like (Following a strict recipe) about an IP property he knows nothing about (Star Wars) because Hwa's fans (and probably Hwa himself) wants him to make legos with someone while on this tour. LOLOL.
HJ says he has set up a composition station on the bed in his hotel rooms (Hwa: And not because you just want to work in bed?) then he tells a story about packing harmonicas and a whole second bag of composition equipment. Hwa spills things, and blames HJ (Now that I'm with you I'm spilling things!) to which HJ as per usual shoots back (No, spilling things is just your nature).
I saw an anti-Ateez post on the Korean internet, and the person said HJ was the reason she couldn't get into Ateez. HongJoong stans, cover your eyes: She said that she's noticed when a leader of an Idol group with a lot of members is short, their egos tend to be bloated, and felt HJ was a prime example. 4 minutes into actually making legos, HJ is congratulating himself - I am talented at this! - and Hwa says, Oh you're definitely talented at this! Half a second later, literally, HJ makes an alarmed mouth sound and Hwa says, "Why, did you mess up?"
Hwa keeps HJ talking about the harmonica. HJ says he can play a song on the harmonica, and starts singing it. Together, they start singing Donna e Mobile from Rigoletto and not remembering what it's called, and I'm having that experience of being a ghost, where I'm screaming IT'S RIGOLETTO!! RIGOLETTO!! DONNA E MOBILE!!! but the people I'm screaming at can't hear me.
HJ keeps soliciting praise from Hwa ("I'm doing great!") and Hwa just automatically affirms.
The chat is trying to tell HJ what the song is but those bitches are all getting it wrong. I am biting down on my teeth so hard because I can't keep shouting La Donna e Mobile!!
Hwa spills more pieces and HJ attacks him. He gets overexcited so he stutters- What-what-what were you saying about like psh! like about the spilling?? to me??? Hwa is a lot like San in that he suddenly says Zen master things: Everyone makes mistakes, but the key is to not be defeated by them. I feel like this shows a perfectionist streak, to have to defend dropping a lego piece with this sort of weighty principle.
They gossip like old biddies about San. San kept saying the steaks in room service of every hotel is delicious, but when Hwa double checks with HJ the answer is sometimes a meh. HJ says San just likes beef.
HJ completes a portion of a piece then wants praise (again) (He's kind of a handful, isn't he?). Hwa says, You mustn't give up, there are so many cheering you on. HJ says, You said this would be over in half an hour. Hwa retorts, I said an hour. HJ really doesn't like Lego. LOLOL
Hwa keeps checking in on him- you're having a fun right? I'm so pleased to hear you're having fun - and HJ affirms, but his comments say otherwise. He keeps declaring himself DONE and FINISHED when he evidently isn't.
At the 27 minute mark, Hwa is done with his. HJ drops something else, and Hwa automatically consoles him to no response. HJ, when he's not praising himself or soliciting praise, sings snippets of song. This makes him just like San, who just starts singing when there's nothing else to do. I think Hwa is worried HJ will drop out of this project, so he's lathering him in praise. "Oh such great observation skills!" But HJ still doesn't like it. He wants to know if there's competitions for finishing legos as fast as possible. LOLOL. Hwa doesn't know.
Hwa starts to actively, aggressively help HJ put the thing together. "My mouth is drying out," HJ says, because he's having a rough time. Hwa's soft power is unparalleled. He's totally forcing HJ to do this and I'm CRACKING UP.
Oooh! HJ finished! He flips open the lid of his spaceship back and forth, now soliciting praise from the audience. Once the toy is complete, HJ makes mouth sound effects like he's 4. Zzzyoooong ~ etc. He's literally 4.
Hwa says, You finished the first one.
HJ gets up immediately.
HJ goes to get the second bag and slumps in his chair. He hates this so much. YOU DO IT NOW TOO, he commands Hwa as the second baggie full of legos comes out. "I am," Hwa says, very calm.
What is Hwa getting out of forcing HJ to do this? This is a weird kink.
They're talking nonsense about flying cars, about how technology can come out that you think is impossible, and then HJ signals how much he's not actually enjoying this: What about machines that make legos for you?? Hwa, very calmly ignoring this, the 700th hint, says, That already exists. But he's not missing out on the hints. He starts to act as a surgical nurse to HJ, finding the next piece he's going to need and handing it to him one right after the other like it's in the surgical theater and they're saving a life.
HJ hates this so much. He reads his favorite line of the manual so far. "Hey they're letting me know that I'm halfway through!!" Hwa is honest and brings down the reality hammer: "This is not the halfway point." (There's a lot more to go.) HJ is CRUSHED but Hwa is amused. HJ can't stop now, even if he hates it. Hwa is pleased.
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It's only a quarter of the way done.
HJ starts to rebel. "I'm going to just go by feeling!" Hwa says no - "You can't go by feeling. I told you." He starts pre-making pieces to hand over to HJ to fit into the in progress piece. HJ is playing drums, rapping, drinking, sighing, making mouth sounds. "It would have been a disaster to pick a bigger one," Hwa admits.
HJ wants Hwa to let him stop. "You're feeling frustrated, aren't you??"
Hwa, very calm, very pleased, says No, not at all.
What is this kink?
This kink of forcing a person who hates Legos to make a Lego with you even as they actively hate it??
HJ tries to trick himself into going on. "I like it! This is good! It's great!"
That was the last of his energy though, because HJ just puts his head down on the table. He wants to leave, but the force of Hwa's power is such that he can't, so he wants to exit the room by going inside his subconscious. Hwa is busy, making HJ's lego for him. "You're not sleeping, right?" he asks. HJ's head pops right back up. "No! No! I'm thinking [about making the Lego]!" he says.
HJ gives up. Hwa is making the Legos, so HJ reads the comments by those in the chat. Meanwhile, there's a piece missing, and Hwa looks for it. HJ finds it for him on the table. Hwa says, "Lego never makes an error. All the errors are my own."
Why is Hwa making Buddhist koans out of lego? LOLOL
He hands the lego making back to HJ, because making HJ make the legos is his kink. HJ is trying so hard - talking himself up, rapping, singing, writhing around - to keep his mind on these lego things that he hates.
I'm scary when I concentrate! he threatens Hwa, as he accepts his fate. You're not intimidating in any way, Hwa says, helping him. He's back to lathering HJ in praise - You're talented at this! I believe in you! HJ is putting the lego together with all the joyless but concentrated detachment of a factory worker putting semiconductors together.
"Are you so very bored?" Hwa asks, laughing.
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This is so his kink and I don't understand but it's very perverse.
HJ protests that he is having a wonderful time. Then he says, as Hwa continues to be his surgical nurse, "You make a good assistant. You were born to assist me!" Then he segues into a military role play, where he's the tough commander and Hwa is his solicitous subordinate. Hwa plays right along, smoothly transitioning into the tone and affect of 'military' as seen in media. Hwa's dialect is coming out strong. HJ is talking 'down' to Hwa, using 반말, because he's the "general" in this little play whereas Hwa is speaking 존댓말 in response. All while in the larger context Hwa is forcing HJ to do this thing he doesn't like. This is fucking kinky. This is giving, also, Captain Hook and Mr. Smee, where Smee was the top. You know what I mean right? HJ is being played so hard. I can't believe KQ staff are letting this happen to him. Is it OK that I'm watching this?
Hwa, what are you doing, you weird pervert!?!?
SO they have finished one of the wings. Hwa says, to be encouraging, You just have to make one more! but HJ is like, Why does the fucking spaceship have two wings?
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HJ doesn't want to snap the pieces together anymore. He says, I'll find the pieces and you assemble it.
AND NOW HWA IS THE GENERAL AND HJ IS USING 존댓말. Hwa's voice gets louder and lower and HJ turns into a little high pitched bird.
I'm suited to this! HJ says, happily. Being what? Being Hwa's submissive assistant? Do you even know what you're saying, HJ? Was this Hwa's big picture all along???
They entirely stop talking for long moments as Hwa is fully in the zone, having HJ play the attentive assistant to him, while he makes Legos. This is Hwa's sexuality, apparently. I mean I said he was queer but like, he went ahead and invented Lego Queer. I have been listening too much Ateez music because I'm fully hearing in my head Seonghwa singing I'm the one in my zone, 다른 애들은 삐약 as I'm watching HJ hover at Hwa's elbow as Hwa makes the rest of HJ's lego.
HJ starts cheering like an American cheerleader at Hwa making the lego.
이건 무슨 일이야 indeed.
What is it with these Ateez guys and their need to make speeches about life lessons? HJ, completely unaware of the Lego Queer Kink Dungeon in which he has found himself, jabbers on about how he is learning important Life Lessons from building this lego.
Hwa is putting stickers on the lego, and HJ is just stroking him by praising him every step of the way. HJ needed Hwa's praise to stay engaged in the lego making, but Hwa was actually just dosing him with the behavior he wanted HJ to do. That is, Hwa wanted HJ to praise him as he made legos. What's happening looks the same but what's actually going on is entirely different.
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박성화 너 뭐하는거야????????????????????????
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야 박성화! 성화야! 야!!!!!! 너! 너너!! 너어어어어어어!!!!!
You shouldn't shoot this at people, Hwa says, after collecting the bullet.
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Hwa has a cruel streak if this is anything to go by. Look at poor little HJ who clearly had no idea what sort of video he was making. He's crushed, drained, overwhelmed. Hwa on the other hand is shooting load after load at the camera.
His aftercare is cold as shit too. He asks if HJ would ever make Legos again. When HJ responds with the loudest silence of all time Hwa just tells him what's next on the agenda - they are gonna make a small lego in HJ's composition room. HJ immediately says no. There is no shelving and no space. Hwa doesn't argue. He is just going to bide his time to get what he wants. Like he did this time. Then he summarily orders HJ to go.
가 he says. Just Go. Not go and rest or go and wash up or go and sleep. Just. Go.
HJ mumbles something about including San but Hwa had no answer to that because he got what he wanted. He's done.
Park Seonghwa is a Lego Queer Dom and he's A BRUTE
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madthetruemad · 10 months ago
awhwhh I saw u did the period cramps one with aven and topaz. Can u do it with ratio this time? How would he comfort reader when they are in period?
warnings | period/blood
I can definitely see Ratio not being the type to be all mushy and lovey-dovey
He's the type to give you a presentation on periods and how your body is like super healthy right now /hj
On a more serious note
You can expect him to buy you the highest quality of tampons/pads (whichever you prefer).
Trust me, he does research
Makes you your favorite food cravings to the point that they are both healthy yet good and sweet/spicey/sour (whatever craving you have, I can see him having a perfect recipe solution for it)
Will get the highest quality heating pad.
Money is no obstacle.
Now, he may not be soft. He still has that know-it-all personality and callous way of speaking, but I can definitely see him as being a little soft with you during this week
He doesn't snap at you when you get something wrong
He doesn't bash any of your opinions/theories (somehow, he holds himself back)
And when it's time for bed? He will let you cling to him when your cold or kick him away when you're boiling hot.
(Will pout when you push him away)
What if your miss your period or your period lasts longer than it's supposed to?
He's giving you a full indepth explanation on the reasoning. Trust.
You won't be worried for long, because he seems like the type to nip at the worries before they could even fester.
Your period skipped?! It happens. No, you're not pregnant. You're probably stressed.
Your period lasted eight days instead of seven?! Your body probably produced more blood than it was supposed.
"No, you're not ugly."
Problem solved before it began.
In other words, he may not be entirely soft. But with you? He can make a few exceptions.
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aromanticannibal · 6 months ago
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Anyways. Headcanons based on whatever progression this is.
I said headcanons and I lied. Over-analyzing time.
First thing I was thinking about: how are Katsuki and Izuku childhood friends when they are very clearly from different cultures slash tribes slash villages. The idea I ended up with is that Katsuki's people move a lot since they have dragons and they temporarily settled near the Midoriya's house at some point.
Very quickly because I made a post about this before : at some point All Might's sword breaks or is broken on purpose by All Might and its two parts are given to Katsuki and Izuku (this is somewhat lore accurate/canon to the fantasy art series). I headcanon that Katsuki and Izuku then personalize their swords more, keeping the blade intact while modifying the hilt and such (see last illustration: Katsuki's sword is more visible that Izuku's but both have blades in a similar shape as the All Might/One For All sword. There's also that Izuku has another sword at his hip and Katsuki's original sword, the curved one, isn't the one that's out).
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Shouto and Enji are so fucking weird.
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Shouto's demonic situation in the second illustration clearly represents his left side being associated with his father (bad) and his hatred (also bad). I'm gonna say this is a curse passed down from Enji and created from hatred - the more hate you feel, the more the curse consumes you, but you can learn to wield the curse's power if you let go of your hatred. Both Shouto and Enji are fighting the curse in the second illustration (explaining Enji's fuckass costume hiding his flames, probably) and both of them let go of their hatred (Enji for All Might, Shouto for Enji) in the last illustration.
I also assume given their outfits that they're royalty, if not the king and prince, other similarly important guys.
I think heroes are knights, maybe, probably.
All Might is likely some kind of knight or warrior, Iida and Yaoyorozu are knights, Jirou is a knight, Aizawa is kind of a knight, maybe? It's not a fullproof theory I'll be honest, not all pro-heroes or heroes in training are knight coded in the fantasy series.
The ugly ass dragon?
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The ugly ass dragon in the second illustration seems to be an ally to Katsuki and Izuku (and therefore the others) but for reasons you'll understand every soon it's fucking dead. I'm assuming it got killed by villains. Whoops.
So the reason I think it's dead is uh. Yo? Katsuki and Izuku's shoulder pads in the last illustration sure are purple and scaly huh? And the ornaments on Katsuki's new sword sure are orange and horn-looking, huh?
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Anyways, the dragon got killed and they used its body for armor and weaponry.
the green capes?
The last illustration has Izuku, Shouto, Ochako, Iida and Aizawa wearing the same type of green cape (Ochako's is a little different but it's still the same green). So this is the Dekusquad plus Aizawa, I'm gonna go ahead and say this is Izuku's party, RPG style. Aizawa is probably here to mediate and make sure they don't die. Katsuki isn't there because he likely is leading the other party.
Kirishima glow up? hello?
He looks so fucking cool in the last illustration I don't even have anything to say. He also looks closer to Katsuki's clothing style, so I'm gonna say Kirishima is part of Katsuki's tribe slash village slash whatever the fuck but left to become a knight and then started getting more in touch with his culture when meeting Katsuki.
Stuff I point out without expanding on it:
Hawks' wings are gone, whoops. Interesting that the fake ones are white and not red. Dove much?
Yaomomo baby that armor isn't protecting you. However you are safe anyway because you are clearly some kind of magic user as well as knight and probably have some kind of force field in place.
Ochako's hat updates to have horns. Minachako goodness. /hj
Kaminari is a cute bard! He's such a romantic. Holding a flower and shit
Not visible in the picture I have. Guys I know we all love the I on Katsuki's arm but I'm sorry it's likely the number 1 in roman lettering rather than the letter -i. He's the number one. He's so goofy.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 9 months ago
Abecias Malice Ref (God OC Ref Sheet Remake)
(Edit: Had to pic the drawings a bit bcs I FORGOR I HAD THE FACIAL HAIR AT 30% OF OPACITY LIKE THE MORON I AM!)
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After a few days this gae bacon-haired moron is finished & tbh I like this new ver of him more than his original design. (If you wanna see his original design the link is here- (Plz remember the post is pretty old on here as well as the pic bcs originally this fella was actually a Early b-Day gift for my frend back when this year just frikin started.)
& yes that is some wine coming out of his mouth. (He loves his wine) & of course.... Bro is flipping u off. (But it's censored, also I originally was gonna draw a bird crossed out but then I forgor SO LETS PRETEND ME FORGETTING WAS INTENTIONAL & NOT SOME GOOF I COMMITED!) Look we a bit of somewhat vulgarity even if I'm not the person who would just curse. (But I do say byastord, which this guy is, so its fitting.)
Also Lil rewrite of his bio bcs frik u:
|| Name: Abecias Malice (aka Adder'Synn Malkovich) | Gender: Male (Trans), He/Him | Age: ?? (Died at the age of 22-23) | Sexuality: Gae | Height: ??'?? ft (Possibly was 6'2 ft tall when alive) | Enithcity: ?? (Possibly was a Rozokeen/Osmort mix when still alive) | Personality: A very unhinged & crazed individual who seem to have a unhealthy obsession with men & himself?? Seems to really like seeing oeppel die yet despises getting himself dirty to the point that he will literally start avoiding anything that has a SINGLE speck of dirt! What im saying is, hes narcissistic, sadistic, & also very lazy & wants others to do stuff for him. (Also is very racist to bird ppl idk, why though) I Occupation: The King of his kingdom of Vallenfholt (This is Godhome's hew name) | Family: ?? (When alive he had a older brother, a younger sister, & 2 parent but one of them was ded) | Species: Bloopmo (Halflett type) (Formally), Ascended God | Other: Can't seem to get drunk from the wine he always drinks EVERY SINGLE FRIKIN DAY! Is literally a rich pompous a-hole who despises the porr, homeless, & ugly ppl. Also thinks the mailmen are coming for him /hj ||
(A lot of the info here is not filled on purpose bcs gods... dont really care about mortal nonsense.)
Extras: Was originally a college student (or whatever he was when he was still alive) pretty much dealing with a pretty ab*sive father who would not respect his identity & was basically a complete snake. Although one Adder just.. snapped & ran off the campus to drive to his father's house &... kill him... But that was not the end of it, by the next day he had murdered around 12 people & injuring 2 (that being his now ex- bf & his now rival) only to be killed by his once best friend, Hugo.. When he died his soul was sent into the ring of Wrath but over the years, the regret he had turned into pride... He enjoyed what he had become... Not only that but his personality had started to shift, become extremely lustful & abnormally greedy to also having his appearance be shifted also, this was normal for a Sinner, but this Sinner was different... He risen up the rank & eventually became a God, not a well known god but a God nonetheless. Eventually going up into Vallenfholt & making a kingdom there which suited his needs. He however became so obsessed with himself that he pretty much just lost it & became the thing he originally despised the most... A rich, greedy, & selfish monster like his father was. Not only that anyone was below him was eventually killed instantly in the arena that he built for prisoners (Usually bcs he didn't like bcs of their appearance) to fight to the death in. Now as for how the hell he became obsessed with men & started to h8 on bird ppl (+ the whole thing about the mailmen coming for him... idk bro-). Now keep in might he was BoRN in a time humans (the morons from earth) did NOT come to Eeross.
Also if you wanna see the uncensored puc of the guy flipping u goofs off then here- (plz click read more but if u are offended by ppl flipping u off plz don't.)
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Yeh no body pic bcs this is a friend's oc (that I made for em) but it would be VERY WEIRD OF ME TO POST THAT! (Even if we are AroAce & its a *full body ref* but plz don't ask me to post it in respect of MY FRIEND!)
ANYWAYS CREDITS BCS I H8 MYSELF! (Not really but I sorta do.... I need help-)
Character: Created by ne but belongs to a frend of mine who I'm gonna keep anonymous but they are on here (I ain't gonna say who BCS THEY ARE MEANT TO BE ANONYMOUS!)
Art: MinE
Program: IbisPaint x.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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cookiekat-blogz · 10 months ago
Why do Akutagawa and Atsushi fit Yin and Yang so well?
may or may not be inspired by some sskk rant I saw on tumblr a few months ago (I'll reference if I remember the creator) and a Pinterest post w this template:
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Has anyone else ever notice how yin-yang Akutagawa and Atsushi are? Yeah they are both orphans that were taken in by Dazai and "abused by their handler" ('handler' is wild ngl) but in the main series Atsushi is more Yang and Akutagwa is more Yin, character wise, and even design wise. Yet, in Beast (a spin-off where Akutagawa ends up in the ADA and Atsushi ends up in the PM) the roles are reversed and Aku is more Yang and Atsu is more Yin, further emphasizing that this difference between the two isn't accidental (not claiming simply speculating).
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Akutagawa is relatively bad but he has shown how he could be good, in the main series, Wan, and beast. he's undeniably a good brother (just look at how much he cares for his sister in beast, he even joined the ADA and made it his purpose to find her after he learned that she was in the mafia.) He keeps promises, hates meaningless torture-- which believe it or not shows a bit about his character-- (haha he does have emotions even if it may be stemmed from a deep psychological trauma). He also has a mainly dark but light accent wardrobe, from the ends of his hair to the very same accessory that he can't even name. help I ran out of good character traits I think I'm failing
Atsushi is relatively good, and even seems to be blind to it at times, but he has shown his not the best traits. He's kinda like Gon, but less merciless, even when it comes to fights with Akutagawa (sometimes). His good:bad ratio is pretty skewed though, no matter how much he may envy or hate his kindness kinda just... drowns it out. Evil headmaster dies? cry. Evil goth boyfriend partner dies? scream. Evil American enemy still lives? team up with him. Evil 14 year old serial assassin in the port mafia exist? save her.
Although, he's pretty rash/blunt (that Dazai diss was wild aku didn't do anything to deserve that) and its also shown in wan and other scenes in the main series that he would probably participate in a 2017-19 roast battle(hj) and holds some strong grudges. (help I ran out of bad character traits he's too good, its like he's so good and he doesn't even try.) Butttt apperence wise, his singular black hair streak in a head of light whatever-colored-hair (in contrast to Akutagawa's) and accents of black (suspenders, tail-belt-thing that moves as if he was Cat Noir, tie, gloves, pants, shoes) do what Akutagwa's 19th century ruffles do best. Be utterly useless and ugly and feed into the theory that he is a time traveler Contrast.
Now for beast. I'll make this one shorter:
Akutagawa takes Atsushi's role. in this he represents 'in light there is darkness' perfectly. he's on the 'good side' and has the noble goal of finding his sister and his color pallate is lighter but he is still pretty quick to judge and isn't open or super kind.
Atsushi is considered ruthless (because of how violently and mercelesly quick and cold he kills but its really the tiger) but he himself admits that he is scared, scared of it all, especially death (or something like that) so to over come his fear of death, he must become it. That's it. He became the 'god of death' because of his fear of it. His color pallate is much darker and the lightest parts of it is the tiger fur on his coat and his natural features like hair and eyes. He's on the side of 'bad' but he even betrayed dazai for kyouka because he cares about her too much and that part of him he cant change. he will always want to protect all the orphan kids that were suffering like he was because he cant bare to see it, so yeah, in darkness there is light.
Basically, Shin Soukoku canon because opposites attract.
(this is from #9 1/2 of my "why Akutagwa is the best bsd character ever" post)
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seelestia · 10 months ago
Analyzing word choice is a hobby I've had since I was 12 (song lyrics>>>). Here are my favorite sentences from your latest work and why (all statements are /srs /gen unless stated otherwise).
BUT FIRST! A message from our sponsor:
Mirei Has the Vocabulary of a 6th Grader (aka words that impressed me):
• Plentitude
• Relish
• Grime
• Pristine
• Cognizant (what does this one mean????)
• Innocuous (imma have to pull out Google...)
• Languidly (the longer this list grows, the more I feel humbled 😔 /j)
• Nefarious (IK WHAT THIS ONE MEANS... I think ._.)
• "Sure, the pillows are extremely comfy but he always has a preference for things with much, much more value."
When I read this line I SQUEALED bro finds me more valuable than a pillow I'm FLATTERED !!
• "His witty quips are as feather-light in weight as light-hearted they are in intent."
Connecting the lightness of his remarks because they're not serious to the lightness of his heart because he feels content and playful SO GENIUS OMG
• *That whole angsty flashback leading up to this sentence* "Although he deems himself unworthy, an ugly grime on your pristine existence that still insists on cradling him --- but despite it all, he finds this last melody to be his favorite so far."
I'm imagining a rust stain on a glimmering silver vase and I just *heart breaks* NO AVENTURINE YOUR THE POLISH THAT LET'S ME SHINE ON BRIGHTER DAYS.
The consistent days of bliss and peace brought on by the love your life after years of unrest and turmoil. It is similar to the last chorus of a sad song, isn't it? Carrying a lighter tone than the earlier verses, an ending happier than he thought he ever deserved (PLEASE I LOVE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING MUSIC RELATED 😭)
• This whole paragraph: "the light of noon greets your eyes... Penacony's limited edition perfume kisses your nose."
Tell me why I could PHYSICALLY feel every sensation omg Lia your descriptions are so VIVID
• "...instead, aventurine's arms reestablish their hold on you. Hooking you closer to him as if to wring out whatever proximity is left..."
i LOVE this line lemme tell you why cuz we often hear/read proximity being "squeezed" out until space becomes "tight" but metaphors become weaker the more they are used and yet you EXPERTLY AVOIDED THAT BY USING A VERY SIMILAR BUT DISTINCT VERB ("wring out") WHICH KEEPS THE ORIGINAL MEANING BUT GIVES IT A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT IMAGE (I could grasp the utter *extent* to which there was no space between us cuz it felt like he had twisted every last drop of air out from a towel) THUS MAINTAINING THE IMPACT OF THE METAPHOR !! I'm probably reading WAY too much into this BUT I CAN'T HELP IT IT'S UNIQUE AND EFFECTIVE AND PERFECT !!!
• "Aventurine knows [you can never be too stern with him], yes, and he gives you an A+ for effort each time."
*GIGGLES* <---- me anytime I receive validation, even if it's from a fanfic (PLEASE praise me/hj)
• "He has half a mind to pinch his skin, as if to remind himself that this is real. He can feel your giggles tickling his skin as if to tell him in return: yes, you are."
Odelia I cannot exaggerate when I say this line made me fall in love with him. Perfect way to end his part.
I couldn't do the writing for the other characters cuz this is SO MUCH LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT !!
Truthfully I had thoughts on EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE, it genuinely feels like every word was carefully considered and I loved all of it. You really outdid yourself with this fic and clearly MANY other people agree (THE AMOUNT OF NOTES OMG) oke gonna go study for my pre calc exam see ya !! ^•^
[ in reference to this! ]
mirei.... UR JUST LIKE ME FR! /pos. i also like analyzing and annotating my fav books!!! so to have it done for me makes me wanna sob happy tears. i'm glad it helped broaden ur vocab! english isn't my first language either so it's nice that we get to trade new words together ‹3
( yapping abt my thought process while writing aven's part in i'll show you (if you'll let me). under the cut 🙏 )
extra: speaking of innocuous!! that paragraph was one of my favs in aventurine's part. i used that specific word bcs he knows that u don't really mean it / are actually that annoyed when ur pushing his face away - so it's harmless and doesn't offend him in any way, thus considered innocuous!
moving on to ur delightful commentary !!! LOL if ur flattered, then his goal is a success. the man's a sneaky flirt even in his inner monologue... ur falling for his inescapable charms 😔 /j
THANK U! i was a little proud of that line bcs there is a nuance in meanings despite the presence of “light” in both feather-light and light-hearted. and i wanted to tie them together !! sososo, thank u for noticing aaaa ‹3
LMAOOO the way u simplified the angsty flashback pfft. hoyoverse dumped a bucket of angst in the mixing pot when they designed him 💔 a personal take on aventurine: he thinks of his past as ashes from a flame on the verge of going out (it's him, he's the flame). he doesn't think of it as a burden, rather as a symbol of the innocence he once had. he is content with bearing those ashes using his own hands. but when someone learns of it, tries to hold his hand through it, he can't help but feel like his ash-stained palm will ruin the purity yours has.
AWWW thanks :'( i still think my skills in terms of describing realistic stuff (compared to abstract emotions LOL) are lacking, but it's smth i'm trying to work on. +++ did u know? the penacony's limited edition perfume is a reference to an official skit abt aventurine's timeline! u can find it here.
it's like a towel. u gotta wring out every single drop of water left until there's none - except the water droplets are a replacement for personal space. it's giving “this is mc, they like their personal space. this is aventurine, he also likes mc's personal space.” energy LMAO. i hc him as clingy in the morning with his messy bedhead and groggy voice... (<- can't continue otherwise i'll melt at the domesticity)
THIS SMUG MAN !!!! ahem, he may or may not be patronizing us but that's ok. it's a compliment and he means it ‹3
THANK U AGAIN ( ;´ - `;) one thing abt me is that i loveeee writing the ending in my works. it's one of my fav parts to write. i treat it as an opportunity to either tie everything up nicely or do a smart & ironic callback or to put in a revelation / monologue that leaves me feeling smth after i proofread it. bcs if i feel smth from reading that then hopefully, it'll make my readers feel smth too.
^^ ANYWAY back to the context of the point above: i find that ending line to be heart-wrenching??? in a bittersweet way. this ending line also ties back to a line in an earlier paragraph: [ you question whether it could be nostalgia or instead, silent awe at a reality he never imagined could ever be his. ]! so u could say that in aventurine's part, the concept of his disbelief - over having you as a source of happiness in his life; is it truly a reality and not a dream? (and being reassured by you that this is, in fact, a reality) - is somewhat consistent in the background. it is intentional ><
NONONO, THANK U!!! this analysis has so much thought put into it and that alone is beyond enough for a silly little writer like me. i can't even express how much it matters to me that u took the time to write this and tell me ur thoughts! it's the best kind of feedback a writer can ever receive 🤍 having my writing get annotated.... i'm truly living the dream!!! T_T
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months ago
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You've called upon the wrath of your friend who loves Kristoph and knows a thing or two about character design, color theory and fashion. /hj /lh
This isn't to insult you or anything, I just accidentally took politely disagreeing with your opinion to the extreme by getting way too excited about all stuff I know relevant to this topic. I completely get how loafers could seem like a bad idea because yeah they usually are horrible and I personally hate loafers 90% of the time. They're ugly, impractical and hard to style. At least high heels make you look awesome while damaging your spine and legs 🙄🙄
Starting off simple, he's blonde and his suit is purple because those colors go very well together but because he's a calm character, the colors are muted and the only bright colors he's allowed is the ribbon. Thing. Around his neck. I'm not actually entirely sure if you'd call it that?
I don't think they'd make him anything other than blonde, I'd assume they designed Klavier first and were dead set on the Gavin brothers being blonde.
Anyway, his loafers. First off, I think the shape of the loafers compliments the rest of his design. He has wide shoulders, a double breasted suit that makes body appear more square than it likely is, and he always has his arms crossed. The loafers have a flat end that gives for a rectangular shape, which suits all the other squares and rectangles in his design.
The one way you could justify anything else, is pointed shoes saying that it'd match his hair, but the shoes are so far from the hair that making them match in shape would have his entire silhouette feel off.
The lapels don't count as a case for triangle motif because his suit needed realistic lapels no matter what (so that he wouldn't look like an idiot, he's a respected lawyer and can't dress in suits that aren't really suits, I sincerely doubt they wanted to make a silly looking inaccurate one for such an important character)
Okay, onto the color of the loafers.
Ok the off white isn't great, the fact that it's a different genre of off white from the lightest parts of his hair really pissed me off when I was drawing him
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It's green tinted which I genuinely have no clue why they did that. Did they get possesed by an evil spirit? A demon? Were they drunk? Was it April 1st when they submitted the design but their boss mixed up the dates? Are they a prankster? Whatever it is, I think they suck.
I will say, the one redeeming quality is the shading. It's blue, which allows the non purple shoes to better blend in with the purple clothes. Here's how I'd personally change his shoes. Left is edit and right is original.
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Just change the off white color to a desaturated lylac so that his design is more coherent and to draw attention away from his shoes.
Anyway again sorry this is not meant to be mean or offend you, I love you Iris you're a good friend, I just got really excited when you talked about Kristoph's clothes and I blacked out 💔💔
i want to preface this by saying that this is some genuinely good analysis of his outfit from the perspective of character design. it is and what im about to say does not take away from that.
however. youve seen the childrens hospital. you can have all the sensible design philosophy in the world and still look truly the worst and that is exactly what kristoph gavin does. colour theory will not save his suit.
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kalims · 3 years ago
genshin impact characters when they meet your ex/jealousy. pt.1
fluff? jealousy, established relationship. wanted to add girls since I said so. all are unaware of the ex, just plain jealousy sometimes.
part two.
a total of 8 characters, 4 men, 4 women. ♡
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⁀ ✦ shenhe
glares, literally.
she legit didn't know it was your past lover, all that registered in her mind was that they were looking at you in a way she didn't like at all. and her first instict was of course, homicide.
starts out with subtle mentions of harm then it escalates with threatening them with no shame, graphically mentioning what she's gonna do with them.
she says that violence is always the answer if you want to take the smooth lane ♡.
⁀ ✦ chongyun
is trying to stay positive but is failing miserably as he aggressively bites into his popsicle.
please do not smile at that person, he does not even care if it sounds down right obsessive but please don't because he's gonna start getting warm if you do.
HOT WITH ANGER >:(. yeah you want this? he can feel the urge to fight, oh no it's taking over. SAVE HIM!! > that's chongyun totally not trying to divert your attention.
help him please. at this point he doesn't even care about that person anymore. just help him cool down pls. he says, fanning himself dramatically while sending them a side eye.
⁀ ✦ sangonomiya kokomi
what does she do? frowns with a little concentrated look on her face. you see that? yeah that expression with the fingers holding her chin? RUN. that is her war face, yeah you better run.
doesn't mean to scare away the person with you but they catch her gaze and they felt like all their secrets were laid out, bare and open in front of her. she looked like she knew everything about them.
eventually they hastily sputter out a half asked excuse and BOOK IT because who'd wanna mess with the priestess who looks like she's gonna start a literal WAR with you. /hj
atleast the person left right?
⁀ ✦ tartaglia
🤨 what do I even place here. there's like a lot of tartaglia being a jealous whore but whatever.
if this were some place FAR FAR FARR away from civilization then tartaglia would have probably beat their ass already before they could take another breath.
fortunately for them, this was in a public setting so sadly no handing people their arrogant ass back to them. plus, he's sure that the tsaritsa and signora alike would talk down tf outta him.
acts like he's all buddy buddy with them but when he gets the opportunity to just feign a one armed hug, he holds their wrist behind their back. out of your view while gripping it, TIGHTLY. *cracking sound*
⁀ ✦ beidou
you see. she's very laid back.
beidou will absolutely not blame the innocent for something they didn't do or feeling something as remote as jealousy. as a valid argument, if it ever comes the time where she does need to argue she'll just say that jealousy is normal y'know.
she trusts you a lot but it still kicks in, that ugly feeling that swells up in her chests. THE ONE that makes the bottle of rum in her hand crack into a fit of splinters??
the crew eyes her nervously but is fully intending to support her if there ever comes a time for a brawl. kazuha is chill so he handles it instead with ✨peace✨ 😎
⁀ ✦ diluc
sorry what? what was that? you think he's jealous, you say? oh would you look at that. diluc is ignoring you. better luck next time comrade!
denies that he's jealous: "hm, how preposterous. I have better things to do than sit like a child and brood." aggressively defends himself like his LIFE IS ON THE LINE.
'sit like a child and brood' he says, ten minutes later you see him sit down on a stool and contort his face into a grumpy look while stubbornly looking out the window like the depressed emo man he is. /j
kaeya is having the time of his life, rosaria wants to leave and venti tries to bribe him into giving free wine to get rid of the 'pest'. diluc actually pauses to THINK about it.
⁀ ✦ yoimiya
tries to manipulate you.
with love of course. ♡
why is she jealous you ask? because this absolute bummer is distracting HER s/o who can't even respond to her euthastic calls and jokes because the said attention HOGGER! Is interrupting her, so rude!
what is the solution? use your cuteness to your advantage! 😈 "oh s/o! you'll never believe what happened to day. it was so horrible :(" she pushes out her bottom lip for extra precaution.
TAKE THAT ATTENTION HOGGER! -from the actual attention hogger.
⁀ ✦ kaeya
the one that actually manipulates you. 🤨
it's for your own good s/o ofc ♡
will absolutely slide in a conversation he deems that is not personal. what? he's a gentleman ofc he'd NEVER snoop around. ok freind of rosaria. let me rephrase he'd NEVER snoop around in a conversation that is meant private.
(he's lying, he's done it before. why do you think he knows literally everything? he looks like the most shadiest man in town which HE IS.)
he knows this person, OFC he does! they're the person that let such a glimmering gem like you go! what a baka they are! 🥺 no seriously, he has this like passive aggression towards them.
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OHMYGOOOOD ive never seen a blog that focuses on male/gn readers before im so happy rn im fr giggling and kicking my feet
if it's not too much trouble, could i request a transmasc bunny beastperson reader who sometimes gets picked on by other members of savanaclaw bc they still present kind of femininely and are considered much physically weaker than the other big dog/big cat beastmen? and how their partner would comfort them/stick up for them/ruin someones life for them (/hj) ❤️ with azul, jamil, trey and ruggie if that’s alright!!
thank u sm i luv u smooches /p 💙🐙
Beware the Bunny
Sorry this took a while I'm finally outta finals so I'm gonna clear my asks before I open reqs again since I have like 60 bdbdbd- Trans Masc Bunny Reader, no phys description of reader at all so its completely neutral for anyone to enjoy!
Herbivore is what you were called for your race. Bunnies are fragile, weak. They do not belong in a dorm of carnivores and athletes. They lack fangs and claws, they're dainty, and they're inferior in sports or battle. They're prey. However, people fail to realize just how strong they can be. Their kick is strong and bite is blunt, in death, they get revenge on their hunter with protein poisoning and inducing rabbit starvation.
You had to be strong to be in Savannaclaw, and despite your strengths, it was inevitable that you would soon fall. Toxic brutes with their ideologies on what a man should be. So fragile that the concept of body types and clothing pissed them off. "Nice girl shirt." "Nice girl clothes." "You're not a real man."
It was overwhelming…
Trey is a sweetheart through and through. He gets you out of the situation quickly, rather than stick around and possibly deal with a fight. Plus, it allows them to say more awful things to you. Trey whisks you away to his dorm.
He holds you close and lets you squeeze and cry into his shoulder. Assurances that he loves you and how you will always be a man come out of the lips he uses to kiss away your tears. Trey lets you vent and take as much time as you need, perhaps afterward you both can bake together and eat? Bread always tastes better when you take your anger out on it, you know?
Oh yes, he told your freshmen friends about the situation. With their tempers, he has no worries that they will ah… resolve the situation…
Azul despises bullies. That much is obvious. To this day scars from the words spoken to him by his peers remain in his heart. He too was bullied, you know? A fat, ugly, stupid octopus is all he was called. Every. Damn. Day.
You never insulted him. You never expected anything from him. You accepted his mistakes. You never criticized the way he feels. You saw all the effort he puts in. You care about him so much and he cares about you. You were gentle with his heart. Despite his front, he's fragile, and he's grateful he found someone that can love the younger him when he can't.
When he hears you breaking down crying at today's insults, it reminds him of all those times when he was picked on. He immediately goes to try and comfort you. Do you need food? A distraction? Comfort? Whatever it is he will offer it and treat you the way he wished he was treated years ago. As he holds you close to his heart, the gears in his mind turn. Oh hell, get those bastards all right, with one hell of a deal and one hell of a catch.
A quick snake whisper makes your bullies silent as Jamil approaches. Do you want them to go away? Apologize? Dance perhaps? They're all under his control now.
Afterward, Jamil comforts you the best he can. Despite many thinking that he would be awful at it, he's surprisingly emotionally intelligent. He had to grow up reading everyone around and comfort Kalim and his sister growing up.
He takes you to his room, letting you cry, scream, vent, and cuddle to ease your mind. "Feeling better?" And like that, he wipes away your tears and hums a sweet melody, pulling you up to your feet for a simple dance.
Ruggie knew of your situation. He is the Vice after all. He knows however that even with his position, some of the brutes won't listen to him and insult him as well. Oh well, if they get physical he can just make them laugh with him.
Ruggie doesn't need to do anything major to solve the situation. He is close to Leona after all. It just takes a bit of bothering to get Leona to listen and before you know it the lazy lion gives quite the talking to. You can hear his roar from afar.
While Leona handles that, Ruggie holds you tight. He wipes away tears and gives a warm hug that cheers you up in no time. By the way, he snagged those bastard's wallets while they weren't looking. Dinner on them?
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timechaser · 2 years ago
i let this thought go tonight and it will never see the light of the moon ever again so here goes every thought in my mind abt the poppy war trilogy. mind you, a lot of this is just nonsensical dabble and incoherent babbling bc i cant ever form coherent thoughts but whatever.
id pay big money and wage a thousand wars to go back in time and yank every material object out of my hand and out of my reach to ensure that i never even wondered abt the trilogy's existence. it's not that i regret reading them because they sucked--no, far from it. it's not that i led myself blind and didnt take the extra precautions to make sure that i was in the right mindset to read them. i knew what i was going into, what ch21 was withholding, i knew how graphic and how heavy they would be to read. i retreated to my room and poured a stupid amount of hours staring at a screen, at a bunch of words, and feeling such bizarre emotions.
that being said, i love runin. i love how bold she was and how persistent she was despite having her bones kicked inwards from quite literally every person she has let into her life. i love how she was a proper morally grey character, a heroine led astray and betrayed by her very own thoughts. i love her bc even though she was the anthropomorphic personification of a god, she was still human. at the end of the day, what killed her wasnt a higher being, it was the self. that part of her arc cemented her place in my top list of female book leads. i love rin because she was human through and through, all the sides of it, she was everything. reading her was a tough pill to swallow, but a necessary one because she is proof of how dangerous the mind can be to itself, to how dangerous humanity is to itself. and sometimes id wish i could reach into their world and pull her back to ground bc of her recklessness. i love and hate rin at the same time, never one more than the other.
i love kitay even more. never once have i faulted him, he knew what was best, a moral compass for readers really. especially after primarily reading from rin's violent and often irrational perspective, it was relieving to have a voice of reason. theres not much i can say abt him other than the fact that he is my favourite out of the trio, id see it through no matter what. yes i wish he'd said no to bonding himself to rin, to put himself on a compromise, but at the same time i'm glad that he did. kept rin grounded, gave her a sense of purpose other than vengeance, instilled her a sense of duty and obligation--to survive, not only for herself but for him as well. will always defend him no matter what, this boy is clean and he is faultless.
nezha nezha nezha. i tried for three books (and tdf) to like him, truly, but even after all those pages i still dont know how to feel about him. he was insufferable in the first book, honourable for most of the second, and downright pathetic in the third. but if i say that i hate nezha then id have to say that i hate rin as well. they were both children of war, born under humiliating circumstances and forced to take the wager of compromise, they share the same faults. its not fair of me to defend one and leave the other open, they forced the ugliness out of each other. they were tragic. i saw his betrayal from kilometres away, but anticipation did not make forgiveness easier. but i know what it feels like to be brought up as a pawn for ur own family's benefit, to be subjected to so much responsibility when you barely know the world and its wonders, feels like a push to the edge. i cant blame him for that.
in short, im devastated. ive had my tears ricochet on loop since i started the first book. i am but a hollow shell of the person i was before this book. it has altered my life (/hj) and i cant go a minute of my day without thinking abt it. it's incredibly tragic, it's flawed in its own ways but it is also three incredible pieces of literature. rfk did well, im glad i read it while at the same time hate myself for reading the entirety of the trilogy in the span of 36hrs. i dont think its once u can read almost immediately, u need to pace yourself. 5 golden stars from me nonetheless.
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years ago
Hi! Pretty sure this counts as a headcanon request?? It’s not rlly an x reader thing either but you can make it that if you want :0 anyway can I request what you think Makoto, Hajime, and Shuichi’s texting style is like? If that makes sense. Thank you!
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TEXTING HCS • makoto, hajime, shuichi
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hello, so nice to see you requesting again! i decided to not make this an x reader for a change in paste, and i also put some general texting hcs to make this more interesting. i hope this is good for all of you!
tws/cws: none that i can think of.
|| -> mod taka <3
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i feel like he just followes whatever texting style is most common and trending at the time. so, right now he chats in all lowercase without any punctuation other than commas, sometimes.
"hi!! good morning how are you :D" 100% uses emoticons way more compared to actual emojis on his phone. just thinks they convey what general vibe he has most of the time, plus most of the emojis he wants to use mean... very different things in his generation.
wants to use the "😇😂😬😀" emojis but they're all used very ironically with people his age, so he'd rather not have others misunderstand what he wants to say because of that fact.
will use the ":] :[ :< :o :/ :'(" text emoticons as well, thinks they're all very cute looking. just really likes those, but he's not the biggest fan of kaomojis or how they look.
the only ways he ends his sentences is usually with "!!", "-", one of his text emojis, or just not using anything to end it at all. thinks its very awkward to actually put a period at the end of his text, it intimidates him when others do it.
is also that one person that adds extra things to his messages so he sounds more nice and welcoming. "hey"? never heard of them. "heyy!! :D"? ah yes, his good old friend.
if you send him something funny, he'll chat you "BAHSHAHHA", or something along those lines. he doesn't do keyboard smashes since they're not his style, so he'll just say "baha" in all caps and a few different letters to express it.
the man just sounds like an average, friendly gen-zer. doesn't stand out too much, other than that he doesn't use actual emojis or kaomojis. is a very comforting man to text with.
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he has auto capitalization on, so he wouldn't do the common lowercase thing going on right now. but, he doesn't use punctuation unless he's serious, so it's still pretty similar to how most of us chat.
uses tone indicators, because he's well aware that he makes some pretty strange/violent jokes at times. the ones he uses the most are "/j, /hj, /lh, /gen, /pos".
also uses emojis since he does know what all of the ironic meanings are, and think they're pretty funny. "Lol you are a homosexual but dw me too 😂😂 /j"
he thinks abbreviations are very convienent, so its in almost every one of his texts. if there is a way to shorten a certain term/saying, he will be the first to use it.
is that one guy that, on a whim, decides to use a random emoji, ends up liking it, then after that is the process of overusing it in every possible conversation, stopping gradually, and then choosing a new emoji. his newest emoji to overuse is the "👪" one.
uses it whenever he decides to simp over a fictional male character. he'll say something along the lines of "Hey can we 👪 please /hj" if you send him a photo of his current big crush.
has a whole album in his gallery for reaction photos and reaction videos. expect him to send really strange out of context photos in that big bold meme text you see everywhere. the man has a gigantic collection of those photos, and its hilarious.
the reaction photos he has are the ones with a bunch of people looking confused, that switches to a different face whenever the extremely bass boosted music makes a beat.
if you send him something funny, he will send you keyboard smashes, that often look very ugly. "IQYWIAUWIWUW" is what most of them look like and he doesn't know how to fix it, so please bear with him.
a very chaotic person to chat with. expect to be bombarded with a reaction photo that somehow matches the conversation perfectly, and a bunch of different videos with extremely loud music. he is a very fun person to text though.
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uses proper punctuation, but types in lowercase when talking to his friends, and also adds alot of things to it so it doesn't actually look all that intimidating.
"hi! are you all free today? 😇" yes, he uses every single emoji genuinely and doesn't get any of the ironic meanings to them. please don't think he means anything else but nice things when he uses the "🥺" emoji, he's trying his best.
isn't the best at understanding lingo, even though he's a youngster himself. its to the point where he thinks "wtf" means "why the face". do excuse him if he tells you wtf when he can tell you're sad.
his phone has auto correct on and he doesn't know how to turn it off, so there are times when his messages don't make any sense because of his phone.
spells check all of his texts before sending them, so you will not find any typos or grammar errors in his chats. although, he does have trouble spelling restaurant, so please bear with him while he tries to spell it for a good three minutes.
actually uses kaomojis sometimes. he thinks they're cute when they're used sparingly. the ones he uses the most are "♡´・ᴗ・`♡" "(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)" "(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞" and "ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ".
responds immediately. you dont know how, you dont know why, but he just does it. unless he's forbidden from using his phone, he'll almost always see and respond to your text right away.
is a fast typer, its just that he has to spell check. and because he types so fast, he often gets things wrong on the first try. have fun watching the texting bubble go on and off for a few minutes.
responds all at once compared to breaks and pieces, so maybe thats why it takes so long to him. he just prefers to have things in one place and be completely organized, even in texts.
is just a delight to have a vitual conversation with. he sees your messages, starts typing up a response, and uses alot of nice and cute kaomojis with it. 10/10.
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dihalect · 3 years ago
umbrella academy s03e01-02 thots
ep 1:
the sparrows are introduced pretty quickly — and in the middle of a fight — and aren't really explained at all. kinda gives the vibe of "this is normal in this timeline, better get up to speed on your own, and quickly"
(on that same note: i think the dance-off — even if it was a hallucination — was a very weird note to start the season on.)
the timeline has been changed. they assume that they had been left with their birth parents, which would mean that they had entirely different lives. why does allison think she would still have the same husband and child???
i love justin h min's acting, and i'm honestly super glad he's got a bigger role this season (both in terms of screentime and in being his own person)
there are six umbrellas, seven sparrows, and one dad. come on, guys. apes together strong. /hj
ep 2:
the clipping that viktor reads says that sissy died on the umbrellas' birth date. by the end of the episode, we know that this is the date that the umbrellas' would-be birth parents died. i doubt she would've been one of those parents. but she is the mother of harlan, who has shown up in the periphery of this season. it'll be interesting to see how they come into play.
they weren't lying, viktor's transition was WICKED rushed.
to paraphrase:
five: you met with the enemy, vanya??
viktor: it's viktor, actually. that's who i've always been
five: ok cool, love that for you. but what the fuck were you thinking?
i do hope that, if there are more seasons after this, they flesh out viktor's gender stuff a bit more. especially if gerard has more of a hand in writing that — i trust him with a trans arc way more than some rando.
i kinda appreciate five's forced nonchalance. i think his actor did a decent job of capturing this old man's "can't i get a god damn break" energy.
the sparrows include TWO white women with long dark hair. i am pretty much faceblind (#autism) and only noticed that they were two people when they formally introduced themselves to luther. so far my only way of distinguishing them is "hits on ******" vs "spits".
klaus's steering wheel is on the right side of the car.....?
allison's ptsd is depicted pretty realistically. i'm certainly glad that the trauma they've all faced wasn't glossed over, and i appreciate that it affected them all differently.
the way the amish are treated here is..... suspect somehow. very "isolated, Weird group with misplaced hostility, and one Good Apple who helps the protag". idk, i can't exactly write an essay criticizing this depiction right now, but i feel like i've seen this trope before and it's been ugly
i'm sure we'll find out more about this, but how did that amish lady find out about all the other umbrella-mothers' deaths??
not sure i like this approach to time travel. five says that, since they were never born in that timeline, time-traveling into it creates an Ultra Mega Super Bad paradox. but i mean..... wouldn't it be a worse paradox if they actually had doppelgängers walking around? *sighs* i guess i'll just have to see how this plays out but. mmrggghhh
come ON, you bastards. KEEP it IN your PANTS.
edit: i've partially changed my mind on the vanya/viktor name change. bc there are trans people who are given names that "match" their gender or are gender-neutral, and change them anyway to better match how they feel. so *shrugs* cool. of course one also has to consider that viktor is a fictional character, not a real trans person with real agency. but like. it's whatever.
edit edit: got a couple names mixed up and misspelled a word
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lvanter · 5 years ago
note: did i write a 2.3k word fic and title it after a pun i made at the end?? yes,, ive also said looking too much please leave me alone this is so cheesy dfgshfks
warning: a pun. i never claimed i was a good writer
wc: 2.3k
terrible joke. three stars. hjs
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“jisung,” you approached your best friend carefully, a hopeful and pleading look on your face.
jisung shut his locker and glared at you.
you wanted something.
“what do you want?” his words and deadpan expression hopefully covered up how excited he was to see you.
“do you want to come stargazing with me?”
that didn’t sound so bad? why did you look like you were asking him to go skydiving?
“sure? why do you look so nervous? it’s just on the roof, right?”
the two of you had gone stargazing on top of the roof of yours or jisungs apartment buildings many times; so why did you look so nervous?
“about that,” you leaned against the locker.
“what?” jisung squinted his eyes at you, trying to ignore how angelic you looked in the ugly clothes you called your school uniform.
“it’s in the woods…” you told him hesitantly.
“what?!” the boy in front of you said loudly, gaining some annoyed looks from your fellow students.
“you wanna go stargazing in the woods? like at night time? in the woods?!”
“sung, please, it’s for art class and i don’t wanna do it alone,” you begged, pouting slightly.
“why are you going stargazing for art class?”
“we’re have a space theme and i wanna do something with stars and star signs,” you explained, the pout still on your face.
“so….you want me..to go with you…into the forest…in the middle of the night?”
“…..yes, basically,”
you and jisung stared at each other for a couple of seconds, you with a pleading look on your face, and jisung with a look that said ‘i would rather die’
“jisung, please,” you took his arm and shook it, doing it in an overly cute way, “i really don’t want to do it alone,”
jisung groaned, after looking into your eyes, “fine, i’ll go with you,” he gave in.
your face lit up, “thank you, thank you, thank you! i’ll text you the details later—or soon probably, okay?” you said, walking backwards, towards your next class.
jisung nodded with a smile, his eyes staying on you even after you turned around and ran down the crowded hall.
he let out a small sigh, banging his head into his locker.
jisung didn’t notice felix walk up to him and stare in curiosity.
felix blinked at the barely older boy, who’s as busy giving himself brain damage.
“are you okay, jisung?” felix asked in a light tone.
“i’m going into a dark forest with (name); i am going to die,”
“i know! how am i gonna survive?!” jisung kept banging his head against the locker.
“well firstly, stop giving yourself brain damage,” felix put a hand on jisungs shoulder, stopping him, “and secondly what is it that makes you think you’re going to die? is it going in a dark forest or being alone with (name) in a dark forest?”
the teasing smile on felix’s face made jisung want to punch him.
“shut up,” he murmured, turning around and walking to his next class, ignoring his burning cheeks.
felix followed his friend, laughing happily at his friend.
as the two boys were walking to class when jisungs phone buzzed.
from (name)!!: saturday at six?? we can get something to eat on the way!! ^_^
to (name)!!: do i have to go :((
from (name)!!: yes >:( you already said yes you can’t take it back >:((
to (name)!!: :((
to (name)!!: saturday at 6 is fine
from (name)!!: great!! i’ll come by and pick you up
from (name)!!: pack some blankets!!!!!!!
to (name)!!: okay!!!!!
from (name)!!: !!!!!!!!!!
jisung smiled subconsciously at his phone, earning a eyebrow wiggle from felix.
jisung choose to ignore the eyebrow wiggle from his friend and his red cheeks, and instead picked up his walking speed.
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“han jisung!” you shouted from outside, ring the doorbell again and again, annoying jisung to no end.
jisung nearly ripped the door off its hinges, “what?!”
“are you ready to go?” you smiled, blissfully ignoring his glare.
“yes, just let me get my bag,”
“did you remember the blankets?”
“what do you think i packed,”
“just making sure,”
jisung quickly grabbed his bag and shut the door behind him.
when you got to your car, both of you got in and put on your seatbelts.
“oh! did you remember gloves?” you asked him.
“i won’t need gloves,”
“sung, it’s gonna be really cold,”
“i won’t need gloves,” he repeated.
“…okay, whatever you say,”
you drove for half an hour before stopping at a random diner.
jisung ordered for the both of you as you found a booth to sit in.
he sat down in front of you with a small groan, “can we go home now?”
“no, jisung,” you rolled your eyes with a giggle, “you promised you were gonna come with me,”
“i didn’t promise shit,”
you chuckled, “okay, no, you didn’t promise, but you said you were gonna come, so you can’t back out,” you pointed your finger at him,
a waiter came with your food and drinks, and the two of you began to eat.
jisung finished his food before you, and opted to watch you stuff your face with food.
he smiled amused at the sight of your full cheeks.
“what?” you asked, mouth still full.
jisung shook his head, still smiling, “nothing, you just,” he leaned over the table to poke your cheek, “look so cute,”
you glared at him, but it didn’t do much, if anything it just made his smile wider.
he leaned back in his seat, still smiling.
his eyes fell on your backpack.
he pulled it over the table and opened it, pulling out a book about stars and constellations.
he flipped it open onto a random page, “who the fuck is orion?”
you snorted, stealing a sip of jisungs strawberry milkshake.
jisung kept looking in the book, putting it back when you were done with your food.
after saying goodbye to the waiter, you were back on the road.
“i thought we were going to the forest” jisung commented.
“i lied. we’re going to the field,” you parked the car and got out, waiting for jisung to do the same thing.
jisung threw you your bag and followed you into the open field.
the moon was bright and full, the stars were shining brightly, the air was cold, and everything was perfect.
you looked up at the stars in amazement, hands curled into fists inside your jacket pocket, trying to keep them warm.
the cold air biting your cheeks, you ignored it blissfully, choosing to focus on the beautiful night sky.
jisung, on the other hand, was too busy trying not to freeze to death, to notice the sky. he was slightly (read: very) scared something was gonna come out from the woods and kill you both.
“isn’t it beautiful?” you asked mindlessly, not looking at your distressed best friends.
“sure,” jisung replied, not actually looking up.
you finally pulled your attention away from the clear sky and to your best friend, noticing how he was looking around him and not up, “you’re not looking,” you whined, walking closer to him.
jisung looked at you, “it’s scary out here,”
“no, it’s not, you’re just a coward,”
“maybe so,” he admitted, curling his hands into fists, “but it is scary,”
you shook your head, “that’s because you’re not looking up,” you put two fingers under his chin, tilting his head up towards the sky.
“wow,” he breathed out, amazed by the amount of stars, “it’s beautiful,” he stood star stuck, eyes fixated on the many stars.
you grinned, returning your hand into your pocket, “would it be too cheesy to say ‘like you’?”
jisung looked at you again, scrunching up his nose, “yes. especially since we’re not dating,”
“just because we’re not dating doesn’t mean i can’t appreciate your beauty,”
“(name),” he groaned, “you’re too much sometimes,” his cheeks were red and hot, but he didn’t bother hide them, since you couldn’t see their color anyways.
“too much or not enough?” you teased, taking small steps closer to him.
jisung rolled his eyes, heart beating out of his chest.
“are you cold?” you asked.
jisung rarely hated himself but he did in this moment, hating himself for not bringing gloves.
his hands were freezing and he felt like his cheeks could fall of at any moment.
but he wouldn’t admit that to you; you told him to bring gloves, saying it would be cold, but he didn’t listen.
“what? no. i’m fine,”
“sung, you’re shaking,”
“shaking with excitement maybe,” he tried to joke, hitting your arm with his.
“what would you excited about?” you took a step closer to him, teasing him.
jisung sucked in a sharp breath when you stepped closer to him, “…i’m just so excited to be here with you!” he laughed nervously.
“and you say i’m cheesy,” you rolled your eyes and shook your head, a subtle grin on your face.
you knew he was lying but didn’t press on it.
the two of you fell silent, observing the many stars above you.
well, you were observing the stars, jisung, on the other hand, was too busy looking at you, and the stars in your eyes.
he was completely mesmerized by you, and found it hard to look away.
he let out a shaky breath, trying not to think about how close you were.
if he just moved his hand a bit, it could be in yours.
now that he thought about it, his hand would fit perfectly in yours.
it did fit perfectly
you had held hands before, mostly for a short period of time and usually when you had to walk through big crowds, but it never failed to make jisung’s heart race.
“i’m in love with you,” jisung blurted out, quickly slapping his hand over his mouth afterwards.
“nothing,” his voice cracked, “nothing at all,”
“no, you said you were in love with me,” you looked at him carefully, watching him stammering something that sounded like an apology.
“jisung?” you began carefully, taking one of his hands.
“yes?” his voice was squeaky and if it had been a different situation, you would’ve made fun of him.
“are you in love with me?”
you smiled softly, “jisung,”
“i’m in love with you too,”
jisungs eyes widened, “really? like seriously? me? you’re in love with me? han jisu-”
you cut off jisung and his never ending talking with a kiss on the cheek, “yes. i am in love with you, han jisung, no one else,”
jisung began to smile widely, he even let out a few giggles.
he hid his red face in his hands, still giggling, making you giggle as well.
“hey, jisung?” you said, still giggling.
“yeah?” his voice broke, making you giggle again.
“do you wanna be my boyfriend?”
jisung looked up from his hands, “you want me to be your boyfriend?”
the smile on his face prevented you from giving him a sarcastic response.
“hmm,” you confirmed.
jisung smiled and laughed in disbelief.
he’s liked you for so long, and dreamt about getting to be your boyfriend, so this felt like a dream.
he stammered out something that sounded like a yes.
you chuckled, “is that a yes?”
“yea- i- yes, i want to be your boyfriend,” he breathed out.
“good,” you smiled cheekily, “or else this would be slightly awkward,”
jisung didn’t—couldn’t—say anything.
he was too amazed and caught up in the feeling of relief.
you actually liked him! you like him! han jisung! he is your boyfriend! the person who’s gonna make you feel happy and safe!
he could kiss you! he could hug you and hold your hand whenever he wanted!
“sung?” you snapped your, now, cold fingers in front of his face, effectively bringing him out of his daze
“what? what?”
“are you okay? you seem distracted,”
jisung looked into your eyes, “just cold,”
he took your hand and held it in his, squeezing it tightly, “trust me, i’m okay,”
“okay,” you smiled at the feeling of your hand in his, “let’s get to drawing,”
jisung pulled out the blanket from his backpack and laid it out on the damp grass.
you sat down crossed legged, pulling out your note/sketchbook and a pencil.
jisung sat down beside you, lying back so he could look at the stars.
his gaze moved to you and watched you as you doodled some star related stuff (he didn’t know what exactly).
despite how cold it was, you looked relaxed and content.
jisung sat back up, pulling out another blanket.
he pulled one end around his shoulders and the other around yours, to get you both some warmth (your coats didn’t do much anymore).
“thank you,” you muttered, looking up at the stars again before looking back down into your book.
“(name),” jisung called suddenly.
he was afraid of breaking the peacefulness.
jisung knew his voice was gonna  shake, but he took the chance, “did you mean it?”
“mean what, sung?” you broke your attention away from your drawings and to your, now, boyfriend.
“did you mean it? am i really your boyfriend?”
you looked him over carefully, “of course i did. why wouldn’t i?”
“you just…i don’t know..”
“jisung,” you moved your hand to his cheek, making sure he was looking at you, “i meant it. i love you. i really do,” the corners of your mouth tugged upwards a little bit.
“i love you too,” jisung said lowly, “thank you,”
you smiled at him, removing your hand from his cheek.
your smile made jisung’s heart speed up (like it usually did).
you picked up your pencil again and began sketching.
jisung sighed happily, looking up at the many stars.
he recognized three stars in a row, from one of your books about stars.
“that’s orion’s belt,” he stated proudly, pointing towards three stars.
“terrible joke. three stars,” you said in a monotone, absentmindedly.
jisung snickered at your pun, shaking his head.
he leaned in a left a kiss on your forehead, “you’re terrible,”
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yelenasdog · 4 years ago
bonnie and clyde (billy/4 x fem reader)
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genre: angst
summary: there were five people at the funeral of billy jones. why did two, more specifically one, of them leave?
words: 1.3k
warnings: just vv sad my guy. literally no fluff i hate it here </3 mentions of death, billy’s funeral, and crying.
a/n: yo so idk if billy’s last name is jones but i saw someone on here refer to him as billy jones and i think it’s just bc of ben’s last name but anyway LMFAO. i for some reason couldn’t stop thinking abt this and so i wrote it (as one does fkefnkerjn). also y/n was not used so if u wanted to read this as an x another character or x an oc it would work as well. enjoy :)
There were five people at the funeral of Billy Jones.
This was common knowledge who would listen long enough to hear the vigilante talk about the experience he had only seen from afar, his own heart growing tender during, or at any mention of, the moment.
But Billy always failed to explain the situation with a full grip, to its entire truth. As to why, most anyone could figure out.
He was afraid.
Afraid of getting her hurt, afraid of thinking of her for just a moment too long, afraid of his impulse driving him to get his ass right back up and go say he still loved her.
Four was afraid of a plethora of horrible scenarios that could occur if he let the truth about his funeral slide to anyone except One (which was bad enough that he had to know by default as it was).
And the irony of it all, was how miniscule and ineffective something like who had left his funeral early and as to why, would be to anyone else on the team.
Sure they all had their secrets that would seep into the pool that was their little family, Three’s mother, One’s lover, Two and Three’s infatuation with each other (though, that one wasn’t really a secret).
Not to mention, Four despised painting her in a bad light, allowing others to think for a fraction of a second that she didn’t leave because her already frail heart couldn’t handle to see her beloved’s name etched onto a gray stone in a patchy field of a horrible green, couldn’t handle the idea that their Bonnie and Clyde reminiscent days (minus the killing of 13 people, that is) had come to an end.
There were two people at the funeral of Billy Jones who left early.
The first? An old friend from his hometown.
He was a wealthy businessman now, having abandoned the life of pretty crime and rush of his youth. He showed up to Four’s not-so-celebration of life in an ashen tux with an obsidian tie and shiny oxfords, and barely a minute into the service he had begun checking his shiny Rolex, probably counting down the seconds until he would be considered late to some important meeting for whatever corporate hoax he was a part of to be able to stay afloat. How ironic.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock
The sound was like nails on a chalkboard to her, while the action itself felt like somewhat of a betrayal, even though Billy and the businessman hadn’t talked in years. It was a kind enough gesture that he had even come to begin with.
But she didn’t care.
Because before the service had even started, salty droplets were rolling down her reddened cheeks, dampening her hoodie, his hoodie, that she had coiled so tightly around herself and her limbs, almost like a corset.
So when the businessman turned to go after what could maybe have been a measly few minutes, she could barely control her anger.
But she did, for Billy. She sucked it up and stayed put, keeping her eyes trained to his mother who was now speaking, her striking emerald eyes also obviously wet. But in reality, Billy had wanted his former lover to turn around and smack that prick square in the face.
But then 4 took some time and realized that if it were the other way around and she had been dead, he could conjure in his mind how distressed he would be to where he would prefer to focus on wallowing in his sadness for her and her only, not be consumed by anger for some random fellow.
Billy truly wanted to leave One where he stood, wanted to run to where her shaking was escalating from ever so slightly to violently as could be, wrapping her in his strong arms she already missed. The strong arms that she believed should have kept him safe when he was dangling from that damned building with that damned necklace in his mouth.
The image could have been some renaissance painting with how beautiful he looked, even then, on the brink of what the world would know as the death of Billy Jones.
In fact, most of Billy’s and the girl’s adventures could be different renaissance paintings. Alive and free, bursting with vibrant colors and emotions that weren’t able to be captured with words, so rather, they were thrown on a canvas in what was somehow a meticulously put together flurry.
On that rainy day, the weather so fitting to what she had been feeling, she wished for nothing more than to somehow place herself back into those non-existent paintings, to even for a fraction of a second bask in his never ending love like some sort of oasis.
She wanted to run her fingers through his golden curls one last time, kiss his forehead goodnight one last time, to tell him she loved him more than anything in this universe, one last time.
But she didn’t, and she wouldn’t ever get to.
And her one final chance to say what she wanted him to hear, she had missed out on, as that’s when she had left.
It was long after the uptight man in the fitted suit, long after his crying mother had gone from where she was speaking up front, back to the shadows of her baby’s grim event that she should never have had been alive to see.
She had managed to drag herself halfway up to where his casket was sitting just above the ground, trying to not look at the box a second too long.
Rather, she pretended there was a pair of rose colored glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, helping her pretend that this was all some big misunderstanding, that Billy was just pulling one of his infamous pranks.
He would pop out from behind the tent covering the few who stood with their feet shifting on the damp soil, or perhaps from the headstone of his very own grave. She would gasp or shriek and then smack his arm, lecturing him as he grabbed his chest, doubling over in laughter, the sound like music to her ears.
God, what she would do to hear that sound one more time.
Nevertheless, in the end he would stand up, and wipe her tears from her sweet face, pressing gentle kisses on either of her cheeks to rid her of that pout he hated to admit he loved. She would crack a small smile and he would punch a celebratory fist in the air at the gesture, leaving her to only shake her head at his antics. He would sling an arm around her shoulders, nustling close to her as they would exit the graveyard, never coming back until the inevitable day they both had lived their happiest and fullest lives together.
He would say “You know you love me.” And without a doubt, every time, she would say “Yeah, I do.”
But not this time.
This time, she would let her eyes wander to a tall tree just over the hill, slimming her puffy eyes. She rubbed them and did a double take, and swore that for a moment she had seen what looked like his figure next to one of someone she had never seen before.
And that’s when she left.
She let out an ugly sob, running as fast as her feet could take her to wherever that wasn’t there, the sound of her shoes against the cold ground muted, but the sound of her uneven breathing was anything but.
As for all she knew, it was her mind playing a cruel, cruel, trick on her. Or even her mind trying to give her some sort of closure to move on.
Whatever it was, though, was simply too much for her to process, too much to handle. So she had left, given up on what she didn’t know was her only chance to give a proper goodbye.
“You think she saw you?”
“I hope so.”
we vibing w this?? i hope so hehe. WAIT PUN NOT INTENDED LMFAO I DID THAT PERIODT! anyway, have a wonderful day/night, and go drink water and eat protein, it’s all abt intention!! i love u! also if u have any questions abt this fic pls do lmk bc ik some of it was kinda weird! 
p.s., pls pls pls reblog this! this is my first ben related fic and ik when it’s ur first fic for a fandom they can flop so it would be very cool if y’all could help me out a lil bit :) either way ily, thank u! kk bye
xx hj
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bagels-and-seagulls · 5 years ago
how about a scenario where hot jock david is confronted with some kind of unpleasant realisation about badboy matteo. or he ends up jealous?
i wrote about jealous hj!david over here if u want to check that out :)
bad boy matteo + hot jock david
David was sitting on the couch, casually talking with Hans about something while waiting for Matteo to get home, when his quiet night without too much happening turned into a flurry of commotion that he was still trying to get his head around hours later. One second he’s talking about a new movie he heard about and the next Jonas is slamming the door to the apartment open and yanking a bruised and bloodied Matteo through the living room after him and into the bathroom with another bang. 
“Matteo?” David asks and jumps off the couch to follow them with something tugging at his heart, something heavy and quick and panicked in a way he hasn’t felt before that jumps into his throat and makes it a little hard to breathe. He stands in the doorway, not knowing what to do and watching Jonas scurry around the bathroom, looking for the first aid kit while Matteo holds his sweater sleeve up to his nose and scarlet starting to sink lower and lower towards his elbow. 
“Keep your head back,” Jonas says. 
“I am,” Matteo mutters, and it comes out garbled, and rough, and in a way that makes David want to close his eyes and hopes this is all some sort of bad dream. 
“Keep your head back,” Jonas repeats with a little more urgency, something a little frantic in his voice, like he’s done this before but still hasn’t gotten it quite right yet, and grabs some tissues to shove in Matteo’s hand. 
“I am,” Matteo bites back. “Jesus fuck, I got it- Jesus, I said I got it.” And grabs the tissues out of Jonas’ hands to hold up to his nose, and the blood keeps pouring out and seeping into them, turning them red and mangled in seconds in his hand. He pushes Jonas out of the way and grabs some things out of the kit before opening a bottle of rubbing alcohol with his teeth and dumping some out on tissues and wiping it on a cut over his eyebrow with a hiss and a scrunch of his face, like this whole thing was practiced. 
It’s then that David can see the state of Matteo’s face, with blood seeping into his eye that was already turning an ugly purple color. His nose looked a little crooked where it was bent out of shape under the tissues that were still held up and swelling up big along with his lip, that was split down the side and leaking out blood to match the rest of the scene. 
“Fuck,” David says, but stays in the doorway, not wanting to get in the way, still not knowing what to do with his hands, though he could feel his heart pounding in his ears telling him to just do something. 
“It’s fine,” Matteo says, not really caring who was the one that was talking, jsut filling the space it left and opening some bandages with one hand while Jonas tried to help and open some himself. Matteo looks at himself without really looking at himself in the mirror with a clear mission and goes to close the cut over his eye with some butterfly bandages. 
“Should you get stitches?” Jonas asks in a rush and goes to grab some more tissues to replace the ones up near his nose. 
“No,” Matteo says quickly and shakes his head. 
Jonas pulls Matteo’s wrist to take a look at his nose, and David sucks a breath in through his front teeth when he seems to finally take in the whole picture with Matteo’s blood soaked into the collar of his shirt and down his sleeve and his face a myriad of black and blue and unnatural colors that made David want to start to cry a little bit, if he thought it would help at all. “Are you sure?” 
“I’m not going to the hospital,” Matteo says like that decision was final. “I’m fine.” 
Jonas goes to argue again, and Matteo pushes him away with a hand on his shoulder. “Go get some ice,” he says, and Jonas sighs, knowing that if he put up a fight he would just get kicked out all together, and slinks out anyways, brushing past David and leveling him with a look that David can’t really read, doesn't really want to. 
David watches Matteo clean his lip and wipe the blood off of his chin with the alcohol and screwing his face up with the sting. “Did you- uh, can I help?” David asks, not knowing what to do with his hands. 
“No, I’m fine,” Matteo says, and it sounds like he didn’t even really listen to the question, just answering on autopilot, just filling the space again. 
“Matteo,” David says and steps into the bathroom a little further to try and get Matteo’s attention from the trance he was in, staring at himself in the mirror and moving a little slow but still with a purpose. “Matteo,” he repeats a little louder and grips at his shoulder. 
Matteo yanks himself away quickly taking a step back and running his hip into the counter with his chest heaving. Matteo stares at him with wide eyes for a few seconds with his arm out in front of him like he was ready to fight someone off. Again.
“Hey, hey, hey, you’re okay,” David says and holds his hands up. “It’s just me.” 
Matteo looks at him for a second, blinking once, twice, three times, before his eyes flicker across David’s face, trying to make sense of what was right in front of him. He settles into his shoulders a little bit after he finds whatever he was looking for and turns back to the mirror to finish wiping the blood off his face. 
“Are you okay?” David asks, wanting to crowd in close but not wanting to startle him again. 
“I’m fine,” Matteo says again, looking quickly at David through the mirror before going to strip his sweatshirt off and toss it in the sink. There was still some blood around the collar of the t-shirt he was wearing, and David had to stop himself from running his fingertips around the edge. 
“What happened?” David asks, with his hand in between him and Matteo going from reaching up to touch and going back down again, not really knowing where it should rest. 
“Nothing,” Matteo says sharp. “It’s fine.” 
“It’s clearly not fine,” David argues back, feeling a little prickly, feeling a little defensive and aggressive creep up his spine and telling him to protect Matteo from something that has already happened, from himself and his habits of self-detonation.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Matteo says with a little murmur and edge in his voice, and shakes his head. 
“Just tell me what happened. If- If you got mugged or something, or got into a fight, then- then we can go talk to someone or-”
“Just drop it!” Matteo yells, interrupting. He turns towards David fast with something angry in his eyes and his fist balled up by his side like something hot was still running in his veins, not quite ready to let him crash yet. David takes a step back, not used to hearing Matteo get loud, not used to having Matteo get mad, not at him. “Just,” Matteo starts and sinks down when he sees the way that David was half turned out the room, ready to shut this whole thing down with wide eyes and his lip between his teeth. “I said I’m fine,” he finishes. “I’m going to go change,” he adds and goes past David, careful not to touch. He shuts his door quietly, and David strains to hear the lock. 
David stands there for a moment, staring at the dirty sweatshirt in the sink, and knocks his head back against the door frame behind him. 
“Where’s Matteo?” Jonas asks from behind him with a wet rag in one hand and a bag of ice in the other. 
David moves out the entry and further into the bathroom. “Went to change,” he answers. 
Jonas hums and goes to sit on the counter. David takes a seat on the edge of the bathtub. 
“What happened?” David asks after a second, looking up at Jonas, who was looking down at the bag of ice in his hands. He notices that Jonas doesn’t seem to have anything wrong with him, no bruises, no blood, no cuts, and David starts feeling a certain type of way about that, about the way that Matteo came home roughed up and his best friend seems perfectly fine. But then he tells himself to stop being an idiot, that he didn’t even know what happened, and then he feels a different type of way about the fact that Matteo looks like he got jumped and his first call was to Jonas, that Jonas gets to know information that he doesn’t. 
“He asked me not to tell you,” Jonas answers. 
“When we were walking here. He said you were over and to not tell you,” Jonas says and shrugs, avoiding his eyes in hopes to not get swept up in the persuasive way that David seems to look at people, making them spill their secrets right into his hands with just a smile and kind eyes. Jonas likes David, is the thing. He likes him a whole lot just as a friend, and he likes that Matteo is happier now than he’s ever seen him even more. He knew that if he looked up right now, looked at the way David was sitting there looking small, and sad, and worried, staring into the hallway like he was waiting for Matteo to appear, he probably would tell the story down to the minute details. 
He doesn’t though, tell the story. All he does is say, “He’ll be okay.” 
“This has happened before, hasn’t it?” David asks instead of responding. Jonas shrugs, and it’s answer enough for David. “It’ll happened again, won’t it?” 
Jonas sputters for an answer that seems like it wasn’t too pessimistic, but Matteo beats him to it, standing in the door in a shirt that looked like it was David’s with his jaw set tight and blood pooled under his eye. “Probably,” he says and looks in between the two of them with something icy behind his gaze, like he was ready for a fight, another one, that no one in the room was feeling up to having with him. 
So, no one says anything, everyone just looking at each other in a tense silence that Matteo breaks by reaching for the ice on the counter to plop onto his nose. “Jonas, I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” 
Jonas nods quickly and slips off the counter. “Yeah, yeah. Did you want anything before I left? Pain killers or something?” 
“Nah, I got some in the room. I’m good,” Matteo says and shakes his head. “Thanks, man,” he adds on and bumps their elbows together as Jonas passes him. Jonas kisses him on the head and whispers something in his ear that David can’t catch before throwing a look over his shoulder in David’s direction that’s filled with something like pity as he leaves. 
Matteo continues to stand in the doorway with the ice held up to his face, looking at David, waiting for a reaction, or at least something, and David wasn’t entirely too sure what kind he was looking for, if he was waiting for David to be angry, or scared of him, or something. Because he wasn’t any of those things. He was just worried mostly. 
“Can I help?” He asks, standing up and in front of Matteo. 
Matteo purses his lips like he was going to say something but then stops himself to shrug. 
“What is it?” David asks and crowds into him a little more, still not touching him but still desperately wanting to, if just in case to make sure this wasn’t some bad dream. 
Matteo deflates a little bit, sinking into his spine. “I don’t know,” he says through the bag of ice, and it crinkles as his face moves. 
“How about,” David asks and grips onto his wrist to pull the ice away for a second just to get a closer look. He tries to keep his face neutral as he can see the bend in Matteo’s nose better now along with the swelling of his eye shut. It looks broken, David thinks, and Matteo should probably go see someone about it. But he doesn’t mention it, not wanting to get into an argument. 
He must wait too long to finish his thought because Matteo licks his lips and says, “It looks a lot worse than it is.” 
And David shakes his head and puts on a small, forced smile to stop himself from saying what was really on his mind, that it was just as bad as it looked, that it looked horrific and awful and made David’s skin crawl, that he wanted to know what happened desperately, that he felt like he might need to settle a score somewhere and that the mix of worry and anger that was swelling up in his gut scared him because he never felt the itch to fight someone more than right now. But he keeps his mouth shut and those thoughts stuck behind his teeth and responds, “How about we put on a movie in your room, and I’ll hold the ice for you? The trainers taught us a good regiment to stop swelling.” 
Matteo looks at him for a second, to see if he was serious, before putting the ice back to his face and nodding just a little. And David smiles at him again, this time slightly less fake but still as forced and leads him to his room. He puts on some movie that he knows Matteo has seen at least a couple of times, something about robots and aliens or something like that, and pulls Matteo to settle against his chest, bracketing him with his knees, and tipping his head back against his shoulder. He holds the ice against his face diligently, 20 on, 10 off, 20 on, 10 off, until the ice is melted into lukewarm water and Matteo starts dozing on and off, finally seeming to hit the adrenaline crash. 
He startles himself awake when David moves just a little to close the laptop. “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” David hushes and smooths his hands down Matteo’s arms and to his hands where they’re clenching onto his knees and digging into the skin. 
“Sorry,” Matteo mumbles and melts back into him, and David keeps running his fingers up and down his arms to try and keep him settled. 
“I’m worried, Teo,” David mutters into the hair right above his ear. 
“I’m fine,” Matteo says back and closes his eyes with a sigh. 
David smooths some hair off of his forehead with the edges of his fingertips. “I just want to know what happened.” 
“Don’t make me tell you. Please, don’t make me,” Matteo says quiet and tiny and in a way that breaks David’s heart even more than this night already did. Matteo’s body starts tensing up. His hands ball into fists, and he goes to move away, push himself up and maybe try to escape this whole conversation by walking right out the door and leaving David to stare after him again. 
“Shhh, baby,” David says with his lips against the edge of his ear and pulls against his shoulders just a little to try and get him to stay. “You don’t have to tell me. Not if you don’t want. But could you at least tell me why?” 
“It’s bad. Bad and ugly,” Matteo whispers with his hands going to scratch at his wrists, and David tries to interfere by entangling their fingers together and keeping his hands moving just a little, if just to keep him distracted. “It was no good. Just like me. I don’t want you to see that part.” 
“You’re good,” David argues back, still quiet. “You’re good, Teo,” he repeats. 
And Matteo just shakes his head, like he doesn’t believe him. 
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