#still tryna find the right options for me and trying to get a cardio referral for this + perfusion issues and stuff
flutterbyfairy · 3 months
btw if a doctor ever tells you that you don't need to worry about your low blood pressure because you're "young" that does nooooot count if you're getting symptoms. reasons doctors will say this can be because:
1. blood pressure tends to rise with age, so if you're young it's likely that your blood pressure is lower than it'll be when you're old, and
2. it's not uncommon to get orthostatic hypotension for a short period just after a growth spurt, which may lead to symptoms, however that is only relevant for children and teens who are still growing, and that should resolve relatively quickly.
things like passing out, getting dizzy, or losing vision when you stand, as well as more generalised symptoms like fatigue, can be due to low blood pressure (this can be blood pressure that's always too low but even if it's normal when you're sitting or laying down, it may drop too low when you stand which is still a problem).
things you can try that may help are salt, fluids, electrolytes, and compression garments (particularly abdominal binders), and if you start blacking out when you stand, try to sit or lay down if you can. these things don't always work (they never have for me), but they're usually worth a shot. if these things don't help and you're able to see a doctor who specialises in dysautonomia please do!
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