#still too many plants and books and small shit
suis0u · 1 month
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And another Stiles.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 month
would you make a Klaus fic, where he and reader are under a sex spell? just a sex magic fic, you can decide on the plot🥰
love your fics btw💕
Sex Pollen Spell -Klaus M.
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Warning:Dubcon cause sex pollen, talk and use of sex toys, desperate/passionate fucking, needy Hybrid sex, brief realization of Yandere behavior at the end
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‘You’re joking!’ I exclaimed, unable to unhear what Bonnie had just told me.
‘No, not at all. We need to keep you away from everyone else because this spell can potentially effect others who come in contact with you. Caroline has already said you can stay in her parents cabin, Damon is taking you there now.’ She shooed me out of the room and outside to Damon’s car.
‘Get in the back!’ He snapped as I moved to slide into the passenger seat. ‘I don’t need this shit effecting me next-‘
‘Why can’t I just stay in the cell in the basement? That way I won’t be alone…I’m scared-‘
‘Because Klaus was hit by that shit too, we don’t know if he knows what it was yet and with how desperate he is for you every other day without being bewitched, I can’t even imagine what he would do with you now.’ He explained as if I were a small stupid child and I wanted to hit him desperately.
A warlock coming after Elena (as always) for Doppelgänger blood for one of his spells had attacked us. I had grabbed a potted plant outside of the Grille and cracked it over his head which gave Elena enough time to run and find Damon, though as he whirled around to me there was suddenly an angry Hybrid standing in front of me which gave the Warlock pause.
Klaus had seemingly taken an interest in me as soon as he arrived in town and while I don’t encourage him, I’m also not cruel or mean either, which seemed to make him think he had a chance.
The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a small spell bag before dumping some pink powder into his hand and blowing it at the both of us. I couldn’t help but inhale it, only breathing in more when I began choking and hearing Klaus do the same, my eyes and nose burning as I felt his hands holding onto me. Though he was still coughing himself he checked on me (which I found very sweet), hands on my face and inspecting me before brushing the powder off of me leading to me returning the favor. He had no clue what it was and neither did I but after a quick thanks I left to find my friends and a witch to tell me what the fuck I just inhaled.
Turns out we had both been choking on a very powerful potion that people had dubbed “Sex Pollen”. Many witches used to use it several hundred years ago but most stopped once people began insisting that it led to way too many people becoming effected (since all you needed to do was injest a drop) and ending up sexually assaulting whoever came across their path. The potion is typically in a liquid form but talented witches can make it in a powder, however it is about ten times more potent.
‘Stay here, theres food and water, TV, books. Everything you could possibly need. Caroline also bought you some…play things…to help. God this is so gross, they’re in the bedroom. Get out of my car-‘
‘No! How long do I have to stay here?!’ I snapped making him roll his eyes.
‘Bonnie said in the powder form it can take several hours to kick in but it lasts a few days, though with how much you breathed in probably a week at least. Go! Before you infect me too and we really have a problem!’ I grabbed the bag that Elena had packed me and slid out of the car, walking inside and locking the door behind me with a heavy sigh.
‘Fuck All Of You Assholes!’ I screamed, hating my friends for abandoning me just so they wouldn’t suffer as well before I looked around the cabin, finding the bedroom with a large California King that was quite comfortable. I also came across a basket on the bed which contained a rechargeable wand, a 7 inch pink suction cup dildo, a butt plug and a bottle of salted caramel flavored lube. ‘Why The Fuck Was She So Thorough?!’
I set the basket aside and stripped out of my shirt and jeans as I began feeling warm, climbing into the bed under the sheet and deciding to try and take a nap before I get hit with killer horniness.
The nap didn’t last more than an hour before I woke up rolling around restlessly, my body sweating now as a hot feeling in my stomach began intensifying. I couldn’t tell you how long I laid there writhing in misery before I heard a loud knock at the door, instantly hating the world that much more.
‘What are you doing here?!’ I snapped as I finally dragged myself to the front door, moody and uncomfortable which made me unable to be kind.
‘I thought I would come and assist you. Wouldn’t want you suffering through this alone, now would we?’ Klaus asked, looking every bit as put together as always but I could see in his eyes how desperate he was. I could also see his impressive bulge tenting his jeans.
‘How did you find me? I was-never mind. Go away Klaus!’ I groaned, moving to shut the door.
‘I followed Damon, he wasn’t very careful, my guess is he didn’t much care if I found you. They just wanted you away from them before they had to suffer too, your friends that you protected sent you away to save themselves. Seems really selfish to me.’ Any other day I would disagree but with how I was feeling I couldn’t argue with him, prompting me to agree.
‘You’re right…Fuck them! Couldn’t even put me downstairs! Had to leave me all alone!’ I raged as I was overcome by a cramping pain straight down to my pussy causing me to double over.
‘Invite me in Love, let’s help each other? It’s going to be days with only brief hours of relief between…let me help you get some relief?’
‘Klaus, I can’t-‘
‘You want me just as much as I want you, don’t lie!’ He growled, eyes glowing gold now as he showed how desperate he really was, so far gone that he wasn’t able to hide it anymore.
‘It’s just this stupid magic-‘
‘No! No, I’ve wanted you since I first set eyes on you, and you…you need me too.’ His hand reached down to grab his crotch, pupils nearly swallowing his entire eye whole. ‘I can make your pussy feel so good baby, you need me! Who else could go anywhere near as long as a Hybrid, huh?’ He was right, if anyone could help me it was Klaus, especially with how pent up he is himself. ‘Please Y/n? I need to be buried in your little cunt, and you know you need it too! Your fingers can’t help you the way my cock can and I know you’ve dreamt of my cock in your needy little pussy since long before this ever happened-Fuck! I Need You! Please?!’ He begged and as I felt a rush of wetness coat my panties I whined, nodding my head. ‘Say it Y/n…Say It!’
‘Come in Klaus! Please?! I need-‘ I didn’t get to finish my statement before I was tackled to the floor with the Hybrid yanking his pants open and shoving them down enough to free himself before tearing my panties off of my body and shoving himself into me roughly.
‘So Fucking Perfect! Knew your cunt would be perfect! Tightest little cunt-Fuck! Never gonna stop fucking you baby!’
‘Yes! Don’t Stop! Fuck Klaus, your cock! So good!’ Tears leaked from my eyes as he continued thrusting into my body. The sound of skin slapping together echoing through the house and out the front door that hung on one hinge from where the Hybrid had nearly ripped it off as he entered. ‘Oh Fuck!’ I threw my head back against the carpet as my first orgasm rushed through me out of nowhere, only realizing he had finished with me when I felt the hot cum inside of me as he continued thrusting, never once even slowing down.
‘I need to feel you squeeze me again Babygirl, cum for me! Cum for your Alpha!’ The second orgasm was just as strong as the first as I came and felt his body tense up as well before he finally stilled, breathing heavily into my neck.
‘I think…we’re in trouble…’ I panted heavily and he chuckled before looking down at me, hesitating only a second before pressing his lips to mine in a soft, lovely kiss. ‘Don’t stop.’ I insisted when he pulled back, grabbing onto his neck and pressing my lips to his this time as I enjoyed our kiss.
‘This isn’t how I wanted it to happen, I wanted to take you on a date, show you how much I love you…then I was going to fuck you…wanted to make you feel so good you would never leave me again-‘
‘It’s okay, you’ve just done it backwards…you can still take me out, just after this is over because I don’t think people would appreciate you fucking me over our table.’ I teased, enjoying the genuine smile that I got from him, only ever seeing it when he looks at me which has always made me feel special.
‘That’s the spell talking-‘
‘I liked you before that you idiot! I just never really thought you were all that serious.’ I admitted, pushing him up and feeling his (once again) hard cock slide out of me as he helped me stand up.
‘How could you think that? I’ve gone out of my way to show you-your friends told you I was using you, didn’t they?’ I nodded and he huffed a heavy sigh before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a rough kiss. ‘I love you, regardless of any doppelgänger or your awful friends. After all of this I will take you out properly, I promise…but until then-‘
‘No! No more floor fucking, there’s furniture and a bed here for a reason, no more carpet, it hurts.’ I explained, feeling the rug burn against my back and ass.
‘No more rugs, but I need you now.’ He growled, lifting me by my thighs and appearing in the bedroom instantly, dropping me onto the bed. Just as he spread my legs he paused, glancing over to the table and reaching out to grab the basket with the things Caroline had left. ‘What-‘
‘Caroline left them for me. I guess she wanted to help me since I’m all alone.’
‘Interesting…does she know you well, or not?’ He wondered, picking up the butt plug and raising his eyebrows making me blush as my body started sweating.
‘Klaus! Stop the teasing and get inside me! The cramps are starting, so if you’re not going to help me then get the Fuck out and I’ll do it my-Ah!’ I cried out, feeling the rounded end of the plug pressing to my tight hole and rubbing against it. ‘Oh God!’ Klaus took the lube bottle and squeezed a healthy amount onto the plug before tossing it to the other side of the bed and pressing it back against my ass.
‘Relax Precious, this is going to make it feel so much better!’ He promised, pushing the plug harder until it popped into my hole. Klaus could feel his cock throbbing even harder at the sight of the jewel on the end of the plug. ‘You are so fucking perfect! How do you fee-‘
‘Klaus! Please?!’ I begged, pulling him closer and yanking at his shirt before getting it off and sighing in relief at the feel of his hot skin against mine.
Klaus shoved his jeans and boxers the rest of the way off, finally naked as well before taking hold of his cock and pushing himself back inside of me. ‘There you are love, feels so fucking good, doesn’t it? Both of your slutty little holes stuffed up?’
‘T-Too much-Never-‘
‘Never been so full before, I know Baby! I-Fuck!’ Suddenly as if he could no longer control himself he began thrusting into me frantically. ‘Mine! My Fucking Cunt!’ He snarled, Hybrid visage taking over as he fucked into me so hard I briefly wondered if he could shatter my pelvis like this.
‘Yes! Yours! All yours, don’t stop! Please don’t stop?!’
Y/n couldn’t have said how long Klaus continued like that. How long he thrust into her cunt at a painful speed, how many times the both of them had climaxed together while he still continued to fuck his (somehow still) hard cock into her, she couldn’t even say how many times he had buried his fangs into her throat in an effort to mark her as his like a werewolf marking his mate…and maybe he was. Odds are she was never getting away from him now-not that she wanted to.
It was a week later that Damon finally came back to the house to check on her finding the front door ripped open.
He ventured inside, not hearing anything and figuring that it was over for Y/n and who was inevitably Klaus that had torn the door off the hinges. He was prepared with jokes galore for the the drive back, excited to pick on the young girl for giving into the monster that had been after her for months but sadly he never got to use those jokes.
Damon opened the door to the bedroom to find his girlfriends friend snuggled into Klaus Mikaelson’s naked chest fast asleep. The Hybrid however seemed to have awoken as soon as he turned the doorknob, his yellow eyes finding his with an intensity that he had never seen. He bore his fangs, lifting his head and Damon (one of the only people who had never truly feared Klaus Mikaelson) was instantly terrified. It was like a bucket of ice water dumped on him, alarm bells ringing in his head declaring the danger that he is in prompting him to throw up his hands instantly. As Klaus moved to sit up, the young vampire shut the door promptly and hightailed it back to his car, peeling back down the driveway.
He doesn’t know how long that stuff will take to wear off but it definitely hasn’t yet and he would not be disturbing them again!
Y/n and Klaus were in the house for nearly 2 weeks before they felt as if their bodies were back to normal though they stayed for another week after that. No one could have imagined how close such a spell would bring them…no one except Klaus of course.
The witch he had hired to make that powder had done a wonderful job, money well spent in the Hybrids mind. The spell had worked better than he ever could have imagined and it had gotten him exactly what he wanted.
The only thing left to do was to kill the witch that had helped him and ensure that his mate never learned that he was the one who had dosed her.
He finally had his girl, he couldn’t let something so trivial ruin it.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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hellfire--cult · 11 months
toot toot
Eddie has a very important question for you - just eddie being a loving boyfriend with something i know we all struggle with as we enter a relationship (fem!reader) - self indulgent
a/n: idk man. i had this talk with @ghost-proofbaby and I was like, 'yeah, i should write this' and she agreed.
Wc: 1k
“Why don’t you fart in front of me?”
You almost spat the water you were drinking all over the book you were reading as you laid on his bed with your back propped up on the headboard. 
“Eds, what?”
“You never fart in front of me.” He was dead serious, looking at you while his arms rested on his guitar, sitting at the end of the bed, his legs crossed. You were blinking at him as if he had just sprouted a leaf over his head.
“What are you going on about?”
“We’ve been dating for a whole year, and I have yet to hear a fart from you!” Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment and you shook your head, looking back at your book.
“And you never will.” He rolled his eyes at you and scooted a little closer with a little jump that made the bed move underneath you, making you jump and glare back up at him.
“I fart all the time with you, with sound, with no sound… I mean, we trust each other, and darling, I do know you hold them in.” Your mouth opened with an o shape, not believing the words coming out of your boyfriend’s lips. 
The worst part, he was right.
You complained many times because of tummy aches, and you knew it was retained gas you weren’t letting out. You were just embarrassed about it. He didn’t care whenever he did it, and you didn’t either. You even laugh at some of his farts because they sound straight out of a cartoon, and sometimes, you die a little bit because they are deadly.
“I don’t feel comfortable doing it!” You retorted back, and he sighed in frustration, shaking his head again, putting the guitar to the side of his bed. 
“I promise you, it’s normal, it’s natural, and the stigma of all the women being proper ladies is such bullshit.” You knew it was that as well. You were also afraid of it being too loud, or smelly, and just utterly repulsive to him to the point he would not be attracted to you in some way.
“I know it’s natural… But I still won’t ever fart in front of you.” He groaned loudly at your words.
“You’re impossible princess.”
“But you love me.” You grinned at him with a sway of your body and he smiled back at you and crawled towards you to plant a smooch right on your lips.
“That I do.”
But it wasn’t even a week later that you were both lying on bed again, and you both were laughing as Eddie told you a story about Steve completely fucking up his date with Heidi.
“He literally tumbled back when he saw a roach sneaking in front of him and he made her fall onto the fountain at the park! That’s why his face is fucking red!” Eddie was cracking up by now and your eyes were filled with tears as you laughed with him.
“Oh shit, she slapped him!?”
“Of course she did! It was a fucking roach! Not a goddamn monster or some shit!” You cracked up at that, and it was a bad idea, because your stomach had been contracting in pain and twisting for the past hour because you were holding your gas in. 
You had tacos for dinner, and that was a very poor decision knowing that you were spending the night at Eddie’s, and knowing how the night might end. Everytime you held your gas in, sex was almost painful sometimes.
And now, with the laughter, with your belly going up and down against your stomach, it happened. And your laughter and his immediately seized, leaving the room completely quiet for a few seconds.
It was small, very thin, but it could be heard. Your face immediately heated up in embarrassment, and you turned to the other side, not being able to face him. Was he going to think you were disgusting? Not lady-like? Was it a boner killer? Why isn’t he saying anything–
“Oh, FUCK YES! I’VE BEEN SAVING THIS FOR THE OCCASION!” You felt him sit up on the bed and your eyebrows frowned, making you turn to look at him rummaging in his drawer from the night table. A small confetti popper in one hand and its string on the other. He pulled and the confetti exploded with a pop, startling you.
“What the hell Eddie–”
“Congrats on your first fart in front of me!” Your eyes were wide at his antic, but he had a wide smile on his face and you couldn’t believe your boyfriend got happy from you letting out an accidental fart from laughing so hard. 
“It was an accident Eds!” You whined as you sat up next to him and you had a terrified look on your face and he shook his head, holding onto your face with both of his hands.
“It’s the first step! Next one is an intentional one, so come on darling, I know you’re holding it in~” He cooed and you pushed him away, shaking your head in utter embarrassment.
“You’re so weird Eddie… you don’t… find it disgusting?”
“Fuck no! Makes me happy you trust me enough to do it in front of me! Accidental or not!” He was smiling at you, and your heart fluttered as you stared at your loving boyfriend. You leaned towards him and pecked his lips softly, only to then shake your head.
“You’re insufferable.” 
“But you love me.” He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but nod and lean in to kiss him again.
After that, you never do it intentionally, but now, if one escapes you by accident you are able to laugh it out with him. 
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dingbatnix · 9 months
Chapter 6
Aww yea, an update! Eeeee. Also totally not me typing out whole chapters with a screwed up hand, sorry Becky xD
Anyway anyway, enjoy! Not much happens here and it's a bit short compared to the last one, but y'know. Injured hand and all that : D
Chapter 1
Chapter 5
Dream + Tommy reference
Word Count: 1,901
Warnings: mmmm, mentions of starvation? Fear of reprecussions, I suppose. Not much going on here : D
They continued to travel, days passing as they grew closer and closer to the edge of the forest. Tommy wasn’t exactly sure how far they were from Manberg, but…it had only taken four days for the men who had previously kidnapped him to get as far as they did. Dream was either taking his sweet time getting to the capital, or…or he had lied to the teen about their destination. Tommy tried not to think about it too much.
It was a bit…disconcerting for Tommy, spending his days on a human’s shoulder, and, occasionally, in the human’s hands as Dream walked. The motions of Dream’s body as it moved felt different than when he had been in the cage, more…telegraphed than before, but Tommy couldn’t really find it in himself to complain. Often, he found himself being lulled into short, hazy bouts of sleep from the rocking, repetitive motions. He honestly felt more rested than he had been for several weeks, and it was very refreshing.
His clothes, unfortunately, were stained from the blood that had soaked into them. Both Dream and Tommy had tried their best to wash the remains of the faint tan smudges from his shirt and shorts, but they stayed stubbornly in the fibers of his garments. Tommy didn’t have anything else to wear, and Dream didn’t have any convenient stashes of smallfolk clothes, so the teen just had to deal with it for the foreseeable future.
Dream had been…surprisingly accommodating to Tommy, despite the fact that he’d had to carry and keep a general watch on the teen for the last couple of days. He hadn't even tried to put Tommy in any of his pockets, not since the teen had mentioned his fear of small spaces. That, among other things, had Tommy growing less and less wary of the human as the days went on. He learned that, pretty much no matter what he did, Dream wouldn’t hurt him. Even after the one time Tommy had managed to get his hands on an especially sharp stick and had stabbed the thing into Dream’s hand in a bout of defiance, all the human had done was curse, pull the splinter out from his bleeding skin, and ask Tommy not to do it again.
As usual, the human’s actions puzzled Tommy down to the extremes, but he wasn’t about to complain. He found himself enjoying the simple days of travel, especially when he got away with being ‘a little shit,’ as he had been called many times before. He thrived on being able to vocalize every little thought he had, and the fact that Dream would add on to whatever Tommy had to say made it all that much better.
Tommy didn’t think about their destination, or his approaching future, focusing more on the current moment. He’d decided that he would enjoy every second of his life while he still could, while it was still fun and painless. But, in the very back of his mind, the cesspit of anxiety, paranoia, and self-preservation roiled, waiting for just the right moment to rear its head and take control.
That’s why, when Dream had let Tommy down on the forest floor for a few minutes as the human dug up some sort of medicinal plant, Tommy took the chance and booked it, impulsively darting away from Dream and towards a nearby clump of weeds. He sprinted as silently as he possibly could away from the hunched, towering silhouette of the human, leaping over stray twigs and dodging around branches of grass and dead leaves. He dove under the arch of one such leaf when he heard Dream start moving, stifling a gasp with one hand as he sensed more than saw the shadow the human’s body cast over Tommy’s hiding place as he stood to his full, impossibly colossal height.
He heard the human’s voice, loud and pervading, blare out through the forest air. Tommy pressed himself lower against the cool, mulchy ground, holding his breath even though he was sure Dream wouldn’t be able to hear him.
"Tommy? Tommy?! Where’d you go?” The sound of shuffling, as if Dream were searching through his pack, then around in the nearby foliage, and then, Dream’s voice again, this time slightly hissed and flecked with an emotion Tommy couldn’t quite identify. “…Goddammit."
A small, triumphant grin slid across Tommy’s face, and he had to hold back a small laugh of victory. He was free! He was free! For the first time in nearly two weeks, his life was in his own hands, and nobody could grab him and keep him captive!
All he had to do was make his way further from Dream without being spotted, and he’d be free to go wherever he wanted!
It almost hurt to keep his gaze so high up towards the sky as he ducked and sprinted through patches of cover, but it was necessary for Tommy to keep an eye on Dream, and, more importantly, where the human was looking. Tommy didn’t think anything bad would happen if he were caught, per se, but his freedom to roam about the camp at night would definitely be taken away. Tommy frowned, realizing that, if Dream caught him, he might just stick the teen in a pocket and not let him out until they reached Manberg.
Well, I guess that’s just more incentive to not be caught, then, Tommy thought, swallowing down the knot in his throat and clambering over a particularly large log of a stick. He glanced back and was unable to see any sign of Dream behind him.
Deciding that he was far enough out of sight to properly start moving, he set off, picking the direction that would take him furthest from Dream, and started fast-walking. He was eager to see where his path would take him, and even more eager to see where his newfound freedom would bring him.
He’d been walking for about an hour now, and was gradually coming to realize that this, escaping into the forest, had been a terrible idea. He’d already had to run away from two trapdoor spiders, and one huge lizard that had persistently chased after him until Tommy managed to juke it out through some roots curling up out of the dirt.
He was tired, and his feet kinda hurt. He had a nasty scrape across his right shin from a broken stick he’d tripped over, and his hands were still shaking with the vestiges of adrenaline from the lizard encounter.
Huffing slightly, Tommy plopped down on a stone that jutted out of the ground at about knee height, slouching as he caught his breath and rested his legs for a moment.
Tommy knew jack-shit about the world of nature. He'd spent most of his life learning the ins and outs of being a borrower, an inchling that lived inside big-folk houses, where there were very few dangers aside from being caught by the owner of the house, or being bitten by a wayward spider or rat. Tommy knew that there were smallfolk that lived their whole lives outside in the wild, and that there were even whole villages built out in hard-to-reach places, like burrows and crevices and hollowed out trees, but he wasn’t one of them. He didn’t know the first thing about outside living, or, hell, even outside travel!
In the house that he’d lived in before he got kidnapped, there was a garden balcony with many, many plants. In the seven years that he had lived in that house, he’d only gone out to that garden twice. There were so many crows and bugs and critters bigger than he was populating that small patch of greenery that he hardly ever dared to venture out into it. He would have been plucked up and eaten in a heartbeat, he just knew it.
The point was, Tommy didn’t really know what he was going to do now that he had escaped. What the fuck had he been thinking? He was gonna get himself killed! He’d been safe with Dream, if only until they reached Manberg.
He couldn’t go back, though. It was partially from a point of pride, because he didn’t want to go crawling back to Dream just for the simple fact that he couldn’t handle being outside. The other part was from a slowly growing sense of fear, an unnerving buzz in the back of his head that tried to convince him the longer that he was gone, the madder Dream would get. It had already been a little more than an hour. Tommy didn’t want to know how pissed Dream was. Of course, there was the small chance that the human had given up chasing after the teen, but Tommy didn’t take Dream for the type to let go of something so easily. The human was definitely still trying to track him down.
He had to keep moving. Tommy pushed himself up, and continued walking.
Eventually, he came up to a massive wall of stone that blocked his path, rising at nearly a ninety-degree angle to bar Tommy’s trek forward. The teen’s brow furrowed as he scowled, glaring at the unprecedented obstacle. Now what?
His only options to continue were to go right, left, or to climb the stone cliffside all the way to the top. Tommy took one look at how high the crest of the cliff was and chose left. After that, it didn’t take him long to find a crack that split into the stone, one big enough that it might as well have been an invitingly wide door. It took little effort to scramble through it. Tommy hoped that it would lead to a path to the other side of the cliff.
The crack opened up almost immediately into a huge, dimly lit cavern, so huge that Tommy couldn’t even make out the ceiling above his head. He gaped for a moment, thrown off by the sudden expanse of space, but shook it off fairly quickly. He wanted to keep going.
Oh, what if he found diamonds in this cave? The thought brought a grin to his face, and he started moving, keeping close to the wall he had come in from.
As he wandered deeper, searching for a way through the network of caverns to the other side, his mind started drifting towards what might happen once he got out of the cave. What would he eat? Where would he sleep? How would he find fresh water that wouldn’t steal him away with a simple current?
It had gotten so dark. Tommy didn’t feel the most confident about wandering through the caves now, unable to see much other than the occasional flash of the pale skin of his hands as he felt his way forward. He should probably go back. What if the cave only got deeper and deeper and deeper? He could get trapped down here, and he’d starve to death, or die of thirst.
Tommy needed to go back. This was a terrible idea. He’d find some other way around the cliff, or pick a different direction to travel in. Anything would be better than continuing on in this abyss-like darkness.
The ground disappeared out from under his feet before he could turn around, and a terrified shriek escaped from Tommy’s lips as he plunged down, down, down…
Poor toms...Anyway, taglist!
@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156 @gt-daboss
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slytherhys · 9 months
12 Days of Christmas - ACOTAR Edition
In the spirit of the Holidays, I will be writing & posting short stories about the ACOTAR characters for the next 12 days. Please note that some will be shorter than others and that this is simply meant to be a fun time for everyone that loves these characters as much as I do!
PS. I'm open to requests.
3rd day of Christmas - Mistletoe
Unsuspected Kissing
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Rhys eyed his family, noting the happiness on their faces, the ease that seemed so familiar now, when years ago, it had felt so foreign. Sitting by the fire, Nesta and Elain chatted about whatever book they’d both been reading lately, Amren intervening with her own thoughts ever once in a while. Morrigan was sitting across from them, sprawled on the couch as she drained yet another glass of wine, cackling loudly at whatever Feyre said that made Azriel blush in his seat. They were all so content, so relaxed. It was exactly what he had wanted for the Solstice.
And yet, Rhys couldn’t help but feel…extremely fucking grumpy.
Not that anyone could tell, of course – leaning against the door frame, Rhysand stood with his arms crossed as he watched his wife with a scowl on his face. Really, he was the epitome of grace and joy.
When he had first asked Elain to bring him some mistletoe, he had assumed kissing his mate under the unsuspected green branch would be easy enough.
Everything had been going exactly according to plan. Rhys, a man-prepared if there ever was one, had gotten out of bed while Feyre still dozed, sneaking away from their bedroom to hang the damned mistletoe and make her breakfast. He had been extremely pleased with the idea of spending his day kissing his mate senseless whenever they oh so accidentally crossed paths under the wooden beam of the door frame.
So, when he first spotted her coming down the stairs, his sweater covering her body, hair still messy from sleep, Rhysand had smirked.
“Good morning, darling.” He had drawled. Feyre had rubbed the sleep away from her eyes, smiling as Rhys handed her a mug filled with freshly pressed coffee.
“Good morning,” she had said, standing on her tiptoes as she reached for his lips.
And then the doorbell had rung, signalling Elain’s arrival with boughs of holly under her arms, Azriel right behind her carrying what appeared to be a small pine tree.
Rhysand had stared at them blankly, his well-thought-out plans crashing down right in front of him. Elain, clearly misunderstanding his confused look, had simply smiled.
“It’s a human tradition.” She had offered as an explanation, breezily walking past them as if nothing was wrong. Feyre had followed after Azriel, excitedly pointing to where exactly she wanted the greenery to go.
From then on, it was chaos. Soon, Nesta and Cassian arrived, quickly followed by Amren and Varian, all bringing food, presents and entirely too much cheer. Still, he persevered, trailing after Feyre in what he hoped to be a charming, helpful manner (sure, she had cursed him inside his mind more than enough times, but such was their bond).
Needless to say, Feyre hadn’t noticed the mistletoe, let alone his intentions of kissing her for approximately two hours. Give or take. And as it was, all hope had gone down the drain when Morrigan announced her arrival, carrying too many bottles of wine. Rhys had merely sat down on the couch, slumping away in his defeat and disappointment.
A solstice without a single kiss from Feyre. It made him sick even thinking about it.
Hours had passed and he now stood under the wooden beam once again, glaring at the shrub. Rhysand had never noticed how accusing a plant could look. What had promised to be a delightful tradition, was now a perverse reminder he hadn’t kissed Feyre all day.
An obnoxiously loud sigh sounded from his side. Rhysand didn’t have to look to know Cassian was standing there with was probably a shit-eating grin.
“You know,” He lowered his voice, standing too close for comfort. “they say it’s bad luck if you don’t kiss under the mistletoe.” He whispered seductively. Or at least trying to sound it.
Rhysand gave him a dull look. “Don’t even think about it.”
“Party pooper.” Cassian grumbled, taking a sip of his mulled wine and, unfortunately, making absolutely no move to leave.
Rhysand raised an eyebrow. “Can I help you with anything?”
“You’re looking extra jolly this evening, brother.” Cassian smirked. “Trouble in paradise?”
Rhys stared at him, making a show of exactly how unimpressed he was.
Cassian sighed loudly. “It’s starting to get pathetic how needy you are.” He threw an arm around his shoulders. “You could just ask her, you know?” He suggested. “Communication is key.”
“Aren’t you the little relationship expert?” Rhys drawled. Cassian preened at that, grinning as he stared at Nesta.
“I don’t know brother,” He could hear the pride in his voice. “I’m actually very good at it.” He said, just as Nesta turned around, a not so happy look on her face as she stared at her mate, signalling him to go to her. “Mother’s tits.” He grumbled.
“Clearly very good at it.”
“That’s just love.” He shrugged, making his way towards Nesta as he said too loudly, “Just talk to her.” And then he was off, kissing Nesta before she even had the opportunity to scold him for whatever he had done this time around.
Rhys turned to Feyre. Asking her would take away the surprise element he was going for, but it was better than to not kiss her at all. Just as he was about to make his way towards his mate, Feyre tried to get up, losing her balance just as she stood. Falling down on the couch, she looked up at Rhysand, a sheepish smile on her lips. He couldn’t help but smile back.
Darling, are you drunk? He asked down their bond.
“That’s not a very appropriate question.” Feyre answered out loud, earning confused looks from everyone in the room.
“That’s a yes.” He smirked, watching her as she got up once again – this time successfully - making her way towards him.
“I’m having fun.” She shrugged, throwing her arms around his neck. Rhysand’s heart started to beat wildly inside his chest, as it tended to do whenever she was around.
He raised his hand, pushing a lock of her hair away from her face. “I know, my love.”
She frowned. “But you are not.”
“Of course I am.” He smiled softly. “How could I not?”
“You’ve been brooding all night long-”
“I’m not brooding.” He grumbled.
“And you haven’t kissed me once.” She said indignantly. That shut him up.
“I’m sorry,” Rhysand whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead before looking into her eyes. “I never meant to deprive you from such a gift.” He teased – like the hypocrite he was - yelping when he felt her punch his arm.
“I sure hope not.” She huffed.
“Is…” He gulped, looking around. “Is this what you wanted? What you wished for today?”
“This is everything I ever wanted.” She said, honesty shining in her eyes as she stared up at him. “You?”
Rhys didn’t even need to think about it. “I couldn’t imagine a better Solstice.” He kissed her nose. “A better life than this one, where I get to spend my days with you.”
Feyre smiled brightly at his words, her eyes flickering up as her cheeks pinked further. “Look,” She gasped. “mistletoe.” Mischief alighted her gaze.
“How convenient.” He heard Cassian’s grumble from across the room.
Rhys felt himself smile, pulling Feyre’s body closer to his, his left hand gently tilting her jaw just right. He felt his heart settle, felt as Feyre, too, settled against him. There was nothing else that mattered. Nothing else that he could think of saying other than, “Finally” as he pressed his lips against hers.
Just like he was supposed to.
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rosiesramblings · 2 years
Even If
Fandom: Stranger Things, Steddie
WC: 1.5k
A/N: Dedicated to @veryblushyswitch thank you for motivating me to get off my ass and finish this :) I think the fic kind of jumps around, probably because I wrote it so sporadically, but I still hope you enjoy!
The thing was, Steve knew he was being ridiculous. The logical side of his brain was well aware that his feelings didn’t make sense. But, over on the emotional side of his brain, Steve’s abandonment issues were going into overdrive.
It started with Claudia Henderson, of all people. On a brisk fall day when Steve and Eddie had stopped at Dustin’s house to drive him to the arcade, Mrs. Henderson came bustling out of the house with a small potted plant in her hand.
“Eddie, dear,” she called, “I saw this at the garden center the other day and it made me think of you,” and she thrust the potted plant to Eddie through the van window.
It was obvious to anyone who looked at the weird plant why it reminded her of Eddie - the leaves were spiky and dark green, with bright pink veins running through - the plant’s whole vibe was fuck around and find out. It was altogether about as metal as a plant could get. It made sense that Mrs. Henderson would think of Eddie and only Eddie. Or at least, that’s what Steve tried to tell himself, as a traitorous part of his brain whispered, She didn’t get one for you because she doesn’t think of you as anything but her kid’s babysitter. You’re such an insignificant part of her life that she barely remembers you exist when you aren’t right in front of her.
Steve shook off the voice and turned toward his boyfriend, who was wearing an oddly touched expression on his face. Later, he would tell Steve, “No one has ever seen something and bought it just because it reminded them of me.” And that brought up a whole other insecurity of Steve’s, that he was a shitty boyfriend, and he kicked himself for not buying Eddie things like that himself.
The plant, which Eddie named Bridget after frankly too many days of deliberation, took up residence on the trailer’s kitchen windowsill. It was pretty cute, the way Eddie religiously watered the thing every morning, filling a small mug and gently drizzling it into Bridget’s pot. There was something about the ritual that calmed Eddie, and Steve was happy he found joy in taking care of it.
One day, Eddie came bouncing in the trailer with a library book on botany, grinning adorably. “Guess what, Stevie! Plants grow better when they listen to music! Music, Steve, isn’t that so wild?” He ghosted a hand over Bridget’s leaves and hummed, blowing the plant a gentle kiss.
“That’s cool, Eds,” Steve said, a small smile pulling at his lips. “Did you want to go and get some dinner?” It was date night, and it was Eddie’s turn to pick what they did.
“Actually, Stevie, I was thinking we could stay in tonight? I want to play Bridget this song I’ve been working on.”
The logical side of Steve’s brain knew this was a reasonable request, that Eddie had had a long week and probably just wanted to keep the evening low key. The emotional side, which had been taking the wheel more often than not lately, hissed that this was Eddie’s way of letting Steve down easy, that he didn’t want to spend time with him. 
That he would literally rather play music to a non sentient plant than to eat dinner with Steve.
Steve worked to keep his emotions off of his face, but apparently didn’t do enough because Eddie cocked his head at him and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Steve shrunk into himself. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
Eddie squinted at Steve. “Hmmmm. Nope. Maybe if you were trying to convince one of the less emotionally intelligent brats, but I know you. What’s wrong?”
Steve wrapped his arms around his torso. “It’s stupid.”
“Okay,” Eddie shrugged. “You’re allowed to be upset about stupid things. But if it has anything to do with me I would like to know because despite all the shit I give you, I don’t enjoy making you actually upset.”
Steve sighed, and looked up at the ceiling, trying to find a way to string the feelings inside of him into a coherent sentence. Eddie didn’t rush him, just took a seat on the other end of the couch, and waited.
“I know I’m being ridiculous. Like, part of my brain knows that you’re my boyfriend and you lo… like me enough to keep me around. But I guess… I just wonder when you’ll get bored with me,” Steve trailed off.
Eddie’s face was doing something that Steve didn’t know how to read, so he hurried to explain, “I mean, when are you going to find something like Bridget that you decide you would rather spend your time on? What am I going to do when you inevitably find someone who, like, actually understands the nuances of DnD, or fully appreciates thrash metal, or fucking… doesn’t have capital T trauma from all the Upside Down bullshit?”
Eddie reached out and gently took one of Steve’s hands in one of his own. “Stevie. Baby. I need you to listen to me,” he said, his stare so intense that it made Steve’s insides do flips. Eddie took a deep breath, and gave a soft smile. “You are not a placeholder. You are not someone I keep around just until I find someone… ‘better’ for me, Jesus H. Christ. I don’t want to date some DnD nerd who loves metal and is all untraumatized and boring. I want Steve Harrington, the guy who listens when I talk about DnD and asks questions about my campaigns, the guy who lets me play my metal tapes in the car even though I know there’s probably a thousand other things he’d rather listen to, and one of the only other people on fucking planet earth who knows exactly what I went through during Spring Break. You’re it for me, babe. I’m here until you tell me to go.”
Steve blinked. Swallowed. Blinked again. “Oh.”
Eddie snorted, “Wow, Harrington, I pour my heart and soul out to you and that’s your response?”
“No! I just - I mean - I don’t know what to say,” Steve stammered. “Nobody’s ever… really said something like that to me before.”
Eddie’s smile turned soft again. “Well, I’ll say it however many times it takes for you to believe me.”
“Even if it takes a while?”
“Even then.”
“Even if it takes forever?” Steve asked with a nervous smile.
“Even then.”
“Even if I forget sometimes?” His grin grew, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“Jesus, yes, even then,” Eddie said with a good natured eye roll.
“Even if -”
“You know what, smartass? Yes, whatever you’re about to say, even then.”
“But what if -”
“That’s it!” With a feral grin, Eddie pounced, knocking Steve sideways onto the couch. Steve knew that grin, and started giggling nervously before Eddie even touched him. 
When Eddie dug his fingers into his underarms, however, Steve’s giggles turned to cackles. Eddie would be the first to admit he wasn’t always the best at reading people, but even he could tell that Steve’s laughter was downright delighted. Eddie thought he might melt at the realization that Steve was absolutely craving this.
That didn’t stop him from protesting though. “Eddie, Eddie, no no no nononono,” he pleaded as Eddie spidered his hands down to Steve’s sides. Eddie smiled as Steve desperately shook his head back and forth, grinning big enough to light up a goddamn castle.
“What’s wrong? Thought you wanted my attention,” Eddie teased. “Is it in the wrong spot? Do you want my attention here?” He wiggled his fingers down into the dips of Steve’s hips. “What about here?” he reached down to squeeze at Steve’s thighs. Steve howled, and Eddie, not wanting to end this so soon, walked his fingers back up to Steve’s tummy. Soft giggles replaced the echoing laughter, and Eddie couldn’t help but coo at him.
But then Steve was reaching toward Eddie’s wrists with a new determination. Instead of pushing Eddie away, however, Steve looked pointedly at the ceiling as he placed Eddie’s hands towards the backs of his ribs.
Eddie was going to die from how cute his boyfriend was. 
“Baby,” he cooed, flexing his fingers just once to make Steve arch his back. Eddie drummed his fingers on the backs of Steve’s ribs, and Steve tensed in anticipation. He bit down on his smile when Eddie leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose. “You’re too much,” Eddie said, and squeezed.
Steve absolutely shrieked before descending into wild laughter as Eddie scratched at the space between his upper ribs and underarms. 
“This better, baby?”
Steve’s ears went pink, but he nodded through his laughter anyway.
Sensing that Steve was near his limit, Eddie slowed his hands until they just rested on Steve’s ribs. Leaning in close, he pressed a kiss to Steve’s forehead.
“I think you might be my favorite person,” Steve whispered.
“Oh yeah? You gonna tell me that every day?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
“Even if -”
“Oh god, don’t you start.”
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Batman therapist - Part 2 (prequel)
Summary: While been taken hostage under the Wayne's residence helps you develop a severe case of boredom, you occupy your mind with thoughts of Bruce. Understanding his strange behavior leaves you with more questions than answers.
Characters: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Looking up from my book and seeing the god like sculpted muscles with what the towel would let me see. The little of light that would brush against his skin softly.
Water droplets fell from his hair and rolled down his back. Would it be too much from me to say that I would lick it off his body in an instant?
Hearing him in the shower when walking past his room. I swear he would tease me, the way his door would be ajar.
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I spent most of my time here barely existing. I daydreamed most of the time whether that was while deep in many of the books that were here or looking at particular someone. Bruce had a routine and by the first week I had it down.
Mostly of his routine was by himself in his little cave from what it looked like.
As weeks went by, I stayed. I questioned first, many many times. But the same response came from Bruce and Alfred. My safety.
Somehow I got tangled into Gotham's troubles. Bruce wouldn't let me go. For how long? No answer.
I know I've definitely lost my job. My plants are probably dead. My apartment could be broken into by now and I wouldn't even know.
In the events that lead of up to strange existence, I lost my phone so I felt pretty much cut off from the world. Alfred would give me a private line to contact my family to tell them I'm safe. But other than that, not much else.
"Miss, do you want to have the rest of that sandwich that you were saving for later?" I snapped my head back.
My attention completely broken from the corrupted thoughts running in my head.
"Oh.. Yeah, that actually sounds great" I smiled crawling out of my big cozy chair I made a den in for the last couple of hours.
"I've noticed you have taken quite a liking to that chair when reading over the last couple of weeks. Would you like Mr. Wayne to move it to your room where you might be more comfortable?" Alfred offered leading me to the kitchen.
"There's really no need. I kinda like the cozy corner I have in the living room right now. Unless.. I'm in the way?" I asked realizing this might be "Mr. Wayne's" request more than Alfred idea.
"Of course not, I just suggested. I know I just like reading when I'm in more my space" He wholesomely smiled while handing a plate of my left over sandwich.
As I ate, some stray piece of lettuce fell out of the sandwich. I felt a presence walk behind me. With that, the chair beside me pulled out.
I casually glanced over to see the towel still around his neck but underneath a black t-shirt was now covering his soft pale skin.
"What's that?" He gestured to the food on my in my hands.
"A sandwich" I stated holding back a smile that was peeking through my poker face.
He rolled his eyes and I noticed his jaw clenched. My thighs automatically pressed together.
"No shit.." He mumbled.
Before he looked away a small smile crept up on his face. My heart jumped at the thought of me making him smile.
I looked down at his hands, they were fidgety. He couldn't sit still. Within a couple of minutes, he was gone again. I looked over at Alfred who was busy pouring himself some coffee.
"How do you relax around him?" I smirked
"Change you mind about the chair now?" Alfred chuckled taking a sip of his coffee.
After saying goodnight to Alfred, I made my way to my room. Every night I past this stairwell that lead presumably to the basement. I argue with myself most night whether to go down or not.
"Fuck it" I whispered to myself. I glanced by to make sure Alfred wasn't near and quietly made my way down the stairs.
Dim lightening peeped from the bottom of the door. I pressed my ear against it, nothing.
I turned the knob expecting it to be locked but hearing the latch click. I paused realizing the door was unlocked. I opened the door gently hoping it didn't squeak.
Through the crack, I could see him at his desk, all surrounded by computer screens which were casting a bright light on to his face. That was the only light source in the big open void space. I would see shapes of object in his room but nothing too detailed.
I tried to focus on what was on all the screen but I couldn't make out anything. I just knew two of the screens had several CCTV footage on them. I squinted my eyes, straining to see anything further.
As I leaned more forward the door hinges made a high pitch squeak, ripping me from my focused trance. I pulled back quickly not knowing if he noticed or not. I held my breath for a second listening to any cue of what may be happening.
Suddenly the ajar door jolted open.
It took a second for my eyes to adjust in such darkness.
"What the hell" He voice stayed low with a hint of annoyance.
"Uhh... " I fumbled my mind going completely blank.
"That's all?" He replied I couldn't really make out his facial expression.
"I didn't realise taking you in means I would be losing my privacy" He sighed leaning up against the door frame shoving his hands in his sweat pants.
"Well... I think you're being a bit dramatic" I smirked.
"What were you doing then, peeping Tom?" He snapped back.
We both stood in silence in the near pitch black doorway. The only thing I could see was the silhouette of his frame from his computer hub.
"So can I come in?" I whispered, breaking the silence.
He didn't say anything. He just shifted his weight and turned, leaving the doorway free. He made his way to his desk and plonked his body on his chair. As I slowly entered the room, I watched him exit out some windows on his monitors. The CCTV monitor stayed. The closer I came the more I noticed that it was live footage of Gotham city.
He spun around in his chair to face me. I continued to look around, but the room was in the depths of darkness. Making out anything was a mission. I think there was a wall full of book shelves on the left of me. That's where a couple of reading chairs and a coffee table were, that I could make out.
"Satisfied?" He stated, bringing my eyes back to him.
I nodded but felt lost in the middle of the room. I didn't want to leave knowing this was probably going to be the last time I would be here. It's the only part of the building I haven't explored, and I wanted to see more. To be honest, I wanted to watch Bruce. I wanted to see what he does for hours and hours. I know I won't get that now due to my presence.
I walked over to one of the leather reading chairs, feeling his eyes on me the whole time.
I sat down, the cold material pressing against my legs. I brought them up on the chair and rested my head back.
We looked at each other for a couple of seconds before he turned back to his desk and continued with whatever he was up to.
The quiet clicking of a mouse every so often was the only noise that filled the room. I glanced down to see his leg shaking under the table, nonstop. It was a tick I didn't expect from him. His eyes stayed focused on the screen in front of him.
As time went by, I felt my eyes getting heavy. I fought the urge to stay awake until the next think I remember is waking up in a bed.
My bed.
My eyes followed a beam of sunlight, cutting my bed in half and continuing all the way up my wall.
I laid there wishing I was in his room instead.
Masterlist for other fics
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xxladyballadxx · 8 months
Yamato Kai x F! Reader
✿ Wordcount (I normally don't do this shit XD): 477 words ✿
Summary: Just (Y/n) getting constantly worried about her boyfriend (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥)
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ꨄ dividers by: @saradika-graphics ꨄ
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Your boyfriend headed out to do an important job, it sounded urgent and he told you reassuringly that he will be extra careful when fighting off those military men. To be honest, Yamato always ends up heading home with minor injuries. His younger brother Minato tells him off for it and so do you. 
Yamato smiles it off confidently whenever you and Minato have a little go at him. Well, mostly you. There are times where he just needs a light bonk on the head with the back of the book. Yamato didn’t want you to make you and his younger brother worry so much. You just can’t help it. Yamato going out there, doing a dangerous job, getting wounded majorly and sometimes minorly.  You’re his girlfriend, you worry a lot about him and just want to make sure he takes care of himself properly. 
As you were doing the laundry, you heard an unlocking sound from the door which means Yamato has arrived home. You popped out for a moment only to see blood dripping from the corner of his forehead, “Oh my god! You’re hurt!” You shouted in worry, getting the clean cloth from the cupboard and wetting it in cold water. 
“It’s fine, it’s not a big deal.” Yamato tried to reassure you. You let out a grunt of little frustration with a sign of worry overflowing as you dragged your boyfriend to the couch, “ ‘Not a big deal’ up my ass!”
As he sat down with you in a calm manner, you damped the wet cold cloth gently towards the corner of his forehead. While you were doing that, Minato hopped out from his room to see what was going on.
“Oh hey Minato, you alright?” Yamato greeted his little brother with a small wave. Minato signed, walking over to him with a worrying look planted on his face, “I swear, you always get hurt. No matter how many times you promised to be careful outside..” 
Yamato gave an apologetic look, “I’m sorry to make you both worry…” you spotted a few scratches on his body and chest. You urged Minato to get some badges and ointment from the drawers. Minato chuckled when you once again bonked your boyfriend’s head with a book but not too rough since he’s hurt badly. 
Your reckless boyfriend gave you that softening gaze as you tended to his injuries, you noticed it and sensed that he was looking at you romantically. You turned a little red when he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. He shot you a small surprise kiss on the cheek in his poor state. 
You let out a sigh, your face softening, “What am I going to do with you, Yamato Kai?” 
“Love you too, (Y/n).” Yamato sweetened his face with a comforting smile, pressing down a kiss to your soft lips. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
(a/n) - *sigh* I feel like Yamato Kai deserves more appreciation :-; I still find it surprising that there ain't many project scard fanfics on here (╥﹏╥)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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Galois Room Post!
I made Gale's room in the Sims! It took a ridiculous amount of time for such a tiny room. Overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out-it's faithful to what I was picturing, and the places it's not can be blamed more on the limitations of the Sims 4. One thing I struggled with was the size. It's supposed to be a pretty small room, most of the living areas in Draxum's house are, but I definitely had trouble placing everything I wanted in there. Sizing it up 1x1 made it feel too big though. (Sims 5, please let us build walls on half or quarter tiles, I'm BEGGING you) In the end I couldn't fit in a real bookshelf, which was my only real gripe, but he still has plenty of space for books. (plus Draxum has so many bookshelves, he can offload some if he gets too cramped)
I wanted to have it mostly Galois but not 100% Galois. He's a teenager and wants to decorate his bedroom to the nines because that's what teenagers do, but I also wanted to keep in mind that this furniture was not bought for him and was mostly left over from its last occupant/bought when Draxum viewed Donnie as his new science slave and not his son.
Without further ado, here we go!
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It's...yeah, it's white. Nothing else really looked good. It was Bella's room first and Draxum didn't bother to repaint. She probably had this place papered with posters and cringey 90's wall hangings when she lived here. In retrospect pale purple walls were a trend in the 90's, but whatever it's done now.
(I also forgot to paint the walls originally so I might have just gotten used to the white)
Also just imagine the ceilings are a little lower, the wall height needed to be on medium for the rest of Draxum's house to work and due to how the Sims 4 works I couldn't give just Gale's room shorter walls. The top of the cabinet should be touching the ceiling.
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Other side! Gave him some nice plants, he's got some hanging ones around his bed and computer area. :) I'm not sure how I feel about the rug but I was feeling a circular rug and the colors worked. Left door is to the bathroom.
Huginn and Muninn 100% made that knitted turtle for him.
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Did I give him one of those fairy light canopies every movie and sitcom character had in the 2000's? Yes. Yes I did. Look, I wasn't planning on it, but I saw it in the lighting section and I had to give it to him. I know I'm terrible to him but he is my baby and I will spoil him.
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Better view of the bed. (the canopy kept fading from existence) Got the salt lamp and the lantern Cass gave him, I'm so happy I found those. I'm probably the least happy here, he needs more stuff on his shelves and more pictures under them. There's so many goddamn pictures in this room but HE IS A TEENAGED BOY and this is how they express themselves.
Also the clutter under the bed. In-fic that platform is actually storage space, so it works. Please enjoy how he's hiding his fashion magazines behind the pillow.
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His little computer corner! The Draxum family stays pretty unplugged when they're not at work, (Draxum would like them to be anyway) but Gale's allowed to have all the tech he wants in his bedroom as long as it stays in this corner.
Swing back again and-
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Just pretend that the vampire doll is Atomic Lass, okay?
So that bookcase thing. Is NOT a bookcase. It is a thing of evil. It drove me absolutely nuts because I wanted to fill those shelves in with clutter. Those are not snap points. But the bookcase has snap points. So I couldn't alt-move stuff there or use 9-0 keys because they'd just snap to the bottom there. So now they just look empty and stupid while he has books on the floor.
But other than that, I like this corner. He's got some binders for schoolwork in the cubby there, got some artsy stuff for relaxing and his box of vinyl records with no record player. (Draxum probably has a record player somewhere) It looks like how an actual teenager would organize his shit. I'm not sure how I feel about him leaving a stack of books on the floor, but overall Gale is a very good book owner so I'm sure he's careful.
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He doesn't get a window so I gave him a nice picture with curtains so he can pretend.
On a side note, I absolutely fucking hate the curtains in this game, that was the only set that looked good and didn't cover up the whole damn picture AND THEY DIDN'T COME IN PURPLE. Really, there's such a lack of purple in this room. Blame the color swatches, because I tried. God I miss Create-A-Style.
Again, please use your imagination and imagine the bulletin board filled with pictures of him with Cass or Pax and loving notes from the goyles. There's also a watch on his dresser-before he recreated his tech gauntlet, Draxum gave him a really nice watch to wear. He doesn't wear it anymore because having his gauntlet on hand is a major source of comfort, but he still loves the watch. I also realize this looks more like a girl's bedroom, but to be fair Donnie is very gender and Galois inherited that from him.
(I was SO tempted to put that box of kleenex behind his computer)
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Close-up of the clutter in his corner. I know Donnie's canonically not into geology, but this game really wants you to use rocks as decor. Also purple.
I don't know what that orb thing is supposed to be. Maybe like a mini version of the orb Draxum was looking into during the Goyles episode? That sounds like something a Yokai teenager would have in their room.
I wanted to give him a stereo too but my game glitched out and wouldn't place any, so I put a mixtape there in honor of that. We'll say Cass made it for him.
I did make his bathroom too, but it's not the most interesting because
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Yeah, pretty small.
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God, doors in this game look so silly when they're up against a wall.
It was looking way too white so I gave him the fishies and the plants for a splash of green. That sink is also SO not the style I was going for but everything else was clashing with the other counter. We can say this bathroom was remodeled at some point when vessel sinks were in fashion. I don't know why because no one was living here when they were. (Huginn and Muninn probably did it as a weekend project just for fun) I feel like he needs a rug and a big piece of art on the opposite wall, now that I'm looking at it.
I definitely went overboard with the bathroom clutter. I was just very excited that I was able to squeeze in a whole counter just for decoration. Seriously, I just wanted to add in that eyebrow pencil so he could draw on his eyebrows, then that evolved into the blush palette and the makeup brushes and the lotions and the nail stuff. He doesn't even fucking wear blush.
He did make his electric toothbrush, though Draxum makes him keep a backup because he's skeptical about how that works.
And that's the build! I'm also building the rest of Draxum's house, but it's taking a while due to the absolute utter ridiculousness of the layout. (I mean, it's my own fault, I'm the one that chose this layout)(and also because I need to use the curved wall tool for his mushroom house, and by god curved walls are impossible to work with) Decorating should be quicker though, the only place with this level of detail should be the lab and maybe the greenery. I'll probably revise his room a little, maybe paint his walls an actual color. I also want to do something more with the cactus he has on his counter. Maybe I'll download some more CC so I can give him purple curtains.
I also have no idea if this is actually playable. Probably not, I feel like a Sim wouldn't be able to figure out the platform bed thing. But whatever, I didn't make this to actually play in.
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v-anrouge · 5 months
Saw you wanted Vil and Rook rambles! So!
Vil honestly probably gets a suburban home vs a mansion. He takes great care of his home, and doesn’t really like having others do work he can do for himself. So yes, he scrubs toilets! Everyone acts shocked, but he just wonders how disgusting their home toilets are if they’ve never cleaned them. He does have a chef and gardener, but he honestly enjoys cleaning, and cooking. It’s meditative for him. He only has the chef come over once a month to make some premade foods for days he just can’t cook. Ada gets her own room, which quickly becomes a spare bedroom when she refuses to sleep without Vil. Vil does want a big bathroom, spa style! He’s got a jet tub, huge walk in shower, marble sinks, his bathroom is his pride and joy. He has a joint kitchen/living room, really he just has the couch pushed against the island and the tv across from the kitchen area. He prefers to be able to refill his water easily when watching shows. He has a small widowsill garden 🪴and Rook has named every plant and wants to know when eachone grows a new leaf.
Rook owns many properties that he rents out, but he views his home base as a cabin in the woods, it’s a dry cabin, so once a week he makes the trip into town to get water, and while Vil finds it gross he washes in the nearby stream usually, Rook enjoys it. Rook doesn’t have much in his cabin, lots of books, an old fridge, and a wood stove. It’s honestly just three rooms, living/kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, which is more of an outhouse. Vil refuses to stay there for longer than a day or two, partly cause he has to share the bed with Rook and Rook cuddles in his sleep so when Vil wakes up for the bathroom, he can’t move. Rook’s favorite chore is foraging, takes the triplets out, and they have a blast hunting up mushrooms, berries, and he’s even found a small patch of wood potatoes! He does have his own garden too though, mostly carrots, potatoes and beets.
They both LOVE going over to Epel’s yearly for the harvest festival! Epel has obviously inherited his farm, and grandma has slowed down but still kicking. Vil and Rook both adore Grandma! Vil tends to stay behind in the kitchen with Grandma, cleaning up the house while Epel and Rook do chores. Epel has a BIG house, six bedrooms that he has on hold for when he finds someone and starts a family. He does plan on letting Vil and Rook help set up nurseries, but his partner gets final say. Except on the theme, it’s gotta be nature. Preferably apples. Yes, his house is full of apples paraphernalia, probably names his dogs after apples.
THEZE ARE SO CUTE😭😭😭 PLEASE RAGH I LOVE UR RAMBLES SO SO MUCH im sobbing please rook being rich as shit and having the smallest crunchiest house in the middle of nowhere so he can live out his cottagecore girl dreams 😭😭
also please rook asking for leaf updates💀
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tricksterfiction · 1 year
Prompt #11 Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Time passed, somehow, but it was all blurry.
Active erosion, chiselling away at something, there were always so many distractions. The discontent was fleeting, sparks before being drowned away. She was conscious, propped upright, she had survived it all relatively intact. And yet... There was a pinprick of a hole, slowly widening.
Brief glimpses of the distractions, she was away from her ceiling hanging indoor plants, her beloved creeping ivy spilling over the window sill, the small animal bones, the messy desk piled with books with reference marks, dusty spines, and piles of old candle wax. A carefully tended shrine to Althyk with incense ash in pewter bowls. What all used to be such an important sanctuary.
Her bed was neat, orderly, sheets tucked so tightly you could bounce a single gil off it. It was cold and untouched.
Stranger's beds were so comfy, inviting, and she had tumbled endlessly into them.
"Would you like to join my girlfriend and I tonight?" He would ask, behind a blurry face.
"Sure," She would say, "Don't blame me if you break up once she realizes you can't perform oral for shit."
A good hearty laugh from both. Sen would laugh too.
Hands bound, the tip of a fang dragging delicately along the nape of her neck.
"Remember, you can do whatever you want. It'll be gone by the morning."
"I know, pet," A hot breath rolled over her neck, but their tone changed out of play mode, "Remember your safe word." Another, different blurry face swam into view as her blindfold was pulled down to make eye contact.
Another was seated beside her, similarly bound. Her posture was perfect.
"Of course." Sen would say.
Sat down at Carline Canopy.
"Sorry Sen, this isn't working out anymore. You-..." She sighed, "Barely take any time off, and I don't feel like we can fit into your life. You haven't told your parents about us." Both of them held hands, separate from Sen. They looked hurt.
"I-I understand." A strained frown, her heart ached, a spark of discontent flew. "I wish you both the best."
Another party of strangers, the sound of wine pouring. Holding out her mug.
"Whats the matter, little dragon?" A tilt of her chin.
She was suddenly shy, quailing, blushing. She was sandwiched by a handsome midlander and seeker, by her own deliberate efforts to join the party. Now that she was where she had wanted to be she was losing all nerve. Confused above all else why she was reacting so strongly to such a familiar set up. "N-nothing, just don't call me pet, kay?"
"Whatever you say," His face too was a blur, as he leaned in for a kiss and she gladly met him. More than ready to tune out the doubts, retreat gratefully into her body.
He stopped again, this time catching her hands and could tell her heart wasn't in it. He sweetly pressed his lips to her knuckles, searching her face, "Tell us, what is hurting?"
She brushed it off, cutting sharply, "I said it was nothing because it would only bore you."
A flick of leaflet, a letter, open exuberant excitement.
"Oh, Sen, the botanists commendations have finally arrived! Glowing as expected," Madame Dubois was elated, "Now only the military commendations...! Everything we've worked for is finally bearing fruit."
Sen stared at the leaflet, summoning a smile, "Yeah, I was wondering when it'd arrive."
Sensing something was off, Madame Dubois cautiously inquired, "You are still seeing the counsellor?"
"Yes, every week." She answered.
"Yes and praying before you ask." She answered dryly.
Madame Dubois wrung out her hands, worried, "Of course you're not expected to be here every night, I'll always cook for two- I..." She hesitated, "You've been so busy out of the house and speak so little of your social excursions."
"They're nothing really to talk about, truthfully. Please don't be worried, I'm just-"
"You miss Miss Kemp, yes?" She was taking shots in the dark.
Sen sighed loudly, "Everyday but that's not the problem. I'm just in a funk, okay? Untangle those hands."
Moons passed, summers came and went. Sen found herself in the spring again. Still stumbling in and out of her patterns. Presently bent over her current patient.
"Hold still." A small thin hook being threaded, aether surrounding her fingertips as pain relief, she stitched the back of some soldier's head. She blinked, zoning out. The soldier waited patiently for several moments, trying to stay still as time passed.
Every muscle was taut. Her entire body tensed, brow deeply furrowed. The hole in her heart had expanded so widely that the emptiness couldn't, wouldn't be ignored any longer. It throbbed hungrily to be filled, and not to be filled by sex, love or work.
Sen's breathing grew rapid, she flinched at the touch of her colleague tapping her shoulder. More time had passed than she realized, the soldier flinched as well.
Snapped back to reality, "Ah- I, sorry one moment." She rapidly finished the stitching, tying it off. Patting the soldier's shoulder, free to go.
They rubbed their neck, giving Sen a strange look before heading out of the ward.
Her colleague, face sharply in focus, young miqo'te woman with a bushy brow and slowly invading unibrow. She was climbing the ranks, and despite Sen's sharp tongue leaned on her for her experience, "You alright, Urabe?"
Sen blinked at her, before she knew what she was saying - the words smashed past all internal filters, "I don't want to do this anymore."
Her colleague began to laugh, "Yeah it's slow today, you don't have any physicals scheduled today right?"
Sen was uncharacteristically neutral, no hints of amusement to be found, she got up. In a flurry of movement she cleaned up her workspace, washed her hands, tugging off her uniform over her head.
Her colleagues complained, "Go to the change rooms, for godssakes-"
She didn't reply but pulled on a deep green cloak, fastening it, not sparing them a second look.
She stopped, the three of them in total were staring at her. She reassured them, "I'll see you tomorrow." Then was gone.
Sen wondered through Gridania on foot, holding the reigns of her chocobo. Moonshine was kweh'ing with delight, expectant of exercise and exploration. The conjurer found herself by the massive community board, staring at the various flyers for bar nights, fights, and other social events.
A Private she recognized was pinning recruitment flyers up when she approached, squinting at something in particular. She reached tugging it free from underneath the colourful layers.
"Bokh?" She said aloud, "Authentic Bokh?" She deliberated, would it be a waste of time? How many scantily clad muscle men and women would be drawn to a traditional wrestling event?
The hyur private noticed her, a salute before leaning over to see what caught her eye. He chuckled, "You lizards really do like wrestling huh?"
"Don't call me lizard, Private." She warned sharply, folding the flyer to tuck into her belt.
He straightened, rolled his eyes, and returned to his flyer pinning while muttering, "Whatever, foreigner."
That got him a shove, "That's rich coming from you, Private Steele."
"Hey! Watch it-"
She continued, piercing, "When your family only moved to the Shroud two summers ago, you've barely got the stink of Greenwrath off of you." She cut deep, "I've lived here nearly my entire life and you would do well showing some godsdamn respect to the people mending your bruised ego after a snapped bow string nearly took out your eye three moons ago."
He blushed furiously, but elected wisely to shut up.
Sen walked away, reading the flyer closely. With the evening off she tapped the folded flyer to her chin with thought. She spared a look down at herself - not really dressed for the beach. It wouldn't really matter, she wasn't going to do any wrestling herself.
She went to Limsa Lominsa, down to the Mists, Moonshine happiest of all.
She arrived late for the start, riding up along the seabreeze markets, looking over the stone walls past patrons perched on them. She rode on taking herself down to the sands. It was busy - crowds were gathered around three separate rings of wrestlers paired off already in full swing of their matches.
To her surprise there was a great deal of variety of wrestlers from miqo'te, auri, hyur, lalafells, men and women across the spectrum. A rare smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she dismounted shooing Moonshine off to explore and find a good patch of grass to graze. Instead the chocobo went bounding to play in the surf.
Coming up behind a considerable crowd she pushed past to get to the front, many excuse me's, begging of pardons, gentle shouldering to get to the front for a good view to watch.
A dark keeper, only shades above shadow faced off against a towering xaela. He was lanky, distantly familiar, and the way he moved past the mountain he faced off against he was practically acrobatic. Fangs flashed with a confident grin. Red eyes lit up with adrenaline.
"I don't fucking believe it." A face snapped sharply into focus past all the noise. The same face smiling with latent approval while he carried home his younger sister Dolyea after their tree mishap. A face screwing up with disgust at tasting something foul they had snuck into his lunch. His face barely restrained fury, holding up his lance speared with a Bog Yarzon's limb shaking it at the pair of troublemakers, they snickered behind their hands.
The match ended, she found his discarded shirt thrown off to the side while two others swarmed to his side as he had all but collapsed in the sands from the exertion. They were congratulating him on the wonderful match.
Sen offered him his shirt, "Hey Twig."
He stared up at her, scrutinizing the nickname long since unheard. Jesser'to accepted his shirt, he replied curiously, "Pipsqueak?"
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evan-bo-bevin · 11 months
So I had to go to Greece last year because of a wedding, it was unexpected and I wasn’t sure about it at first, but I honestly fell in love? Not with the islands, they’re cool I get it, but it’s too… fancy. I loved Athens though, like the city proper. It reminded us of the cluttered towns you see in china, japan, SEA, the neighborhoods you see that have buildings a handful of stories tall, start white and beige, the electric wires crossing everywhere, but placed in a hilly region that reminded me a little of the Central Valley, in Phoenix? Kinda like taking a small piece of NYC, switching up the architecture style, and placing it in an arid scrubby region, I love it a lot. It was so much more arid than I knew!! So many desert plants, they have tortoises just roaming the city streets and I’m in love with every one of them.
ANYWAY, I picked up a little Greek while I was there and I decided to keep going with it, I didn’t expect to fall in love with the language. It sounds like a perfect combination of English and Spanish/Italian, which makes sense, it’s old as heck and so much was adopted from the ancient version that still persists today. And yet it sounds NOTHING like any language I’ve ever heard. Conjugation rules are similar to Spanish though, so there’s a lot of grammar tricks from there that I’ve been able to apply to learning Greek, I don’t want to say it’s easy exactly, but also… it is? In a way? They also use diminutives for EVERYTHING, it’s very cute.
If anyone ELSE is interested, r/Greek has fantastic resources. My method has been Duolingo for repetitive practice, but Language Transfer (link below) for actual grammar lessons. Duolingo doesn’t do shit for grammar, so PLEASE don’t rely on just that for ANY language. It’s so important that you supplement your learning with additional sources, so read children’s books when you can, especially if you know the story already in English. Disney recently added SO MANY dubbed languages to their movies — Sleeping Beauty & Hercules both have Greek, and it’s so much fun to hear the other actors!
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gellavonhamster · 1 year
monthly media recap: may 2023
the lusty month of May! this one is gonna be long
The Terror by Arthur Machen - a properly unsettling short novel about strange murders happening in England and Wales during World War II. I gotta say, I think the narrator is wrong :D as in, based on the story, I have a slightly different opinion on the cause of what happened
The Great Return by Arthur Machen - a novella about the reappearance of the Holy Grail in a small Welsh village; short, but beautiful
The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories by Algernon Blackwood - not bad apart from, as usual, certain period-typical yikes, but after Machen and M.R. James it just doesn't seem as good, and the endings to many stories felt too abrupt to me. However, I am a big fan of the character whose rooms were haunted by his friend's ghost, so he went to his other friend's place to study because "there's no hallucination about that exam; I must pass that whatever happens."
Issues No. 1-3 of the Hellebore zine - yep, still reading this, still in an absolutely random order. Witch trials, poison plants, the cult of Pan and other good shit; I've bookmarked the names of some books I might give a try later. I feel like the articles in earlier issues were more, uh, informal and essay-like and became more scientific as the zine continued to be released, which I think is a good change tbh
Temeraire series, Books 4-7 (Empire of Ivory, Victory of Eagles, Tongues of Serpents, and Crucible of Gold) by Naomi Novik - hell yeah! I started this series in 2019 (I believe?), read the first three books, loved them, but then kind of forgot to continue. Catching up on it now and greatly enjoying the alternate history (in very broad strokes: Napoleonic wars with sentient DRAGONS in the air force), constant adventures, anti-colonialist themes, and the extremely likeable cast.
+ progress on Lancelot-Grail: done with The Quest for the Holy Grail, The Death of Arthur, and the first part of Post-Vulgate (The Merlin Continuation). Currently reading the Post-Vulgate version of the Grail quest and Book 8 of of Temeraire - Blood of Tyrants
Daisy Jones & The Six (2023) - there were changes in comparison to the book that I liked (loved Simone's storyline in the show, for example) and that I disliked. I think the novel and the adaptation work together best. The soundtrack is amazing, and the original songs are very good even out of context
Valkoinen peura / The White Reindeer (1952) - older horror films often are more haunting than the newer ones despite limited special effects and mostly relying on things like lighting and music - or maybe because of that - and this Finnish film is a good example of that. God forbid women do anything (turn into a murderous reindeer)
November (2017) - fascinating folk horror set in 19th century Estonia - mundane magic, deals with the devil, and the unrequited love no spells can fix. Beautiful and sad and very well-made
Yellowjackets (season 2, 2021-?) - AAAAAAA!!! I know many people found this season much worse than s1, but I honestly enjoyed it, even if I didn't agree with all decisions (they better do something unexpected about Van's cancer, or I'll be mad). The finale is devastating, but I kinda expected that to happen :( it was one of the most likely character deaths. Alas, the only one of these women I'd be ready to let go is the one who's certainly not dying unless they all die in the end (which is not that unlikely, I guess). Anyway, this is one of my favourite shows at the moment, and I'm really excited for season 3 (and the mysterious bonus episode?..)
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oh god vax would love it ESPECIALLY if they had to run away cause of something clasp related, sometimes he would get nightmares about her being too far and the clasp hurting her, and he wouldn't get there in time, but now living in such a small space, he can always see her, he's never too far
I can totally see it being somewhere on Korrins land, a little outside the farm so they can't be found but still close to her dad
plus vax loves waking up in the morning, and just being able to look over and seeing keyleth make her tea, and make his coffee, or already sitting near the fireplace reading a book (I love the bnb other anon sent cause the amount of books u could put on those windowsills and shelves is so yum)
The close quarters really helps them feel safe again, as well as their proximity to Korrin who can get them some snacks and shit from stores that they can't make or grow themselves. And just so many plants and books and wind chimes. It's just so cozy and warm and safe.
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ladykailolu · 2 years
Sometimes Gyro and Johnny get a little fresh and frisky in the stables and make love on piles of hay or on the floor in front of Slow Dancer and Valkyrie lol
Then they fall asleep in the stables and jolt awake, scrambling to find their clothes when they hear their oldest daughters already up and approaching the stables.
Gyro is the first to sense that someone is approaching. “Wait, I know that sound....Oh shit! It’s Paxe! Those footsteps are Paxe’s, and they’re coming right over here!”
“What are you talking about? I don’t hear anything.” Johnny says. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and watches Gyro dress himself in a panic.
“What are you doing? Get your clothes on! If she catches me here doing this with you, I’m dead!”
“Gyro, we’re already married.” Johnny pulled on his pants and fiddled with the buttons, but it was far too slow for Gyro’s tastes.
“I know, but,”--the footsteps were getting closer, Gyro had to act--“Oh shit...!” Without thinking, Gyro threw bunches of hay on Johnny, slowly covering his half-naked body in a small mountain of it.
“Just for a little while! Be still, pretend that you aren’t here!”
“...” Fuming, Johnny obeyed and stayed quiet.
The door opened and Paxe entered with a huff, hands on her hips and feet planted firmly on the ground. “Where have you been?” She started and stared Gyro down. “Julia has been crying non-stop and it’s driving me crazy! You never told me where you keep her food, so I came out here looking for you. What are you doing anyway, and what happened to your shirt?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” Gyro felt exposed, ashamed and silly for being shirtless in front of his daughter, but she didn’t seem to catch on yet. He forced himself to look away from Johnny still hidden a few feet to his right. Paxe rolled her eyes and didn’t question it further.
“And where is Johnny? He usually takes care of Julia anyway.”
Like nails grating on chalkboard, it occurred to Gyro that Paxe never referred to Johnny as her father. She called him by his first name only and nothing else no matter how many times Gyro reminded her that she has two dads now. Paxe never accepted it.
Poor girl. She must still miss her mother.
“School is about to start soon.” Gyro countered and moved toward her, shooing her away to the door. “Get your books. Now. I’ll take care of Julia. And play nice with the other kids today. I don’t want to hear you had another fight with a boy.”
“Well maybe if he knew what was good for him, he would stay in his place and not bother me.”
And so Paxe left to gather her school supplies, but Gyro didn’t follow her just yet. Once he closed the door, he turned back to the haystack and dug Johnny out of it.
“She’s a handful.” Johnny said and pulled his shirt over himself.
“Now you know what I mean when I said she’s a pain in the ass at times.”
“You can’t blame her though. She gets all that aggression from you.” That comment earned Johnny a glare from Gyro.
“Wise-ass.” Still, Gyro leaned in and kissed Johnny.
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wilheminalibrary · 6 months
Bedrooms and the Best of Intentions: Week 1 of November Writing Challenge
I love November. There's something alluring about the month before the end. It commands in equal measure the pitched mandate of disaster preparedness and a decadent sort of Masque of the Red Death need to party before the end. Few things in life delight me like cognitive dissonance. The air changes, the night gets thick with darkness as early as 5:30pm, and something in me wants to get all my shit together and ride the missile into the end of the year like the end of Dr. Strangelove.
How fitting then, that all my friends are cracking their knuckles and getting busy with the reason for the season: National Novel Writing Month. Thirty days of committed work and thirty days of my group chat blowing off steam and complaining about their word counts. I'd laugh and sip my lemonade from the Porch of the Unbothered but, here's the thing: I love a challenge. I love writing to a brief. Give me an assignment, a deadline, and a small chance of success and I'm sold. I see my friends mounting up like the Regulators and I long for a horse. But how do I ride beside them?
I've attempted to write long form before with minimal success. This is what I can best manage: thirty poems, thirty days. A poem a day. This keeps me apace with my peers and gives my November that essential doomsday feeling I need to feel alive.
So that's what I've been up to all week. So far, the process has been rewarding. Funneling my work into the bottleneck of a messy procession of days, forcing first drafts that must be edited later, I can feel these habits barnacle-ing onto my craft. It feels good to look at the past week and see seven little sprouting plants poking out and leaning towards the gray sun. It feels like accomplishment. Like progress.
Of course, the most daunting part of wrangling poems at this pace is that age-old writer cliche: Where to get ideas. Some of my poetry peers can swan dive into the month wihout a plan and trust the universe to give them 30 things to write about in as many days. I love these people. I envy these people. I am not one of them. I need structure. I need buckets. I need a project. I need to iterate. That means forms. It means scaffolding. I love scaffolding.
When pulling inspiration for series poems, the two main roads I've had any success with are variations on form and variations on theme.
I write mostly free-verse, but occasionally feel the call of a sestina or villanelle or pantoum. Perhaps it's the lapsed Catholic in me, still clutching her rosary with frail hands, but I find immense power in repetition. Repeating lines, repeating words, they build momentum and magnify intention like spells or prayers or music. Each repeated line takes new weight from its predecessor, forcing the reader to see the same thing but suddenly different.
Thematic writing or motifs help to tackle larger concepts a moment at a time. I think of the way my transition has changed me, so I start with the media I grew up loving that changes with me as I look back. I'm obsessed with the idea of home and the ways we build it, so I start with people's bedrooms.
These works can feel like the parable of the blind men and the Elephant, grasping at the too-big whole of a thing and coming away with pieces. Bedrooms have such significance. They're solitary spaces that we define by our living in them, but the mere mention of them conjures intimacy, sex, and connection. In her book, The Letters of Mina Harker, Dodie Bellamy writes that "1,000 bedrooms couldn't solve my problems." The line immediately made me think of all the bedrooms I'd been in, and the legend of a thousand paper cranes.
Maybe they would solve everything. Maybe there's value in the work itself. It suddenly became meaningful to attempt it. And so a healthy portion of the month's poems are going to a series about Bedrooms.
The first week has gone by with minimal incident. A couple of skipped days here and there but I'm on track. I'm happy with the poems and excited to write more.
I'll be putting up posts like this one weekly to reflect on my process thus far. A week of poems in. I feel pretty good. I feel like I'm working towards something significant, even if it's just the sense of accomplishment I feel looking at all the sprouting plants poking up from the garden so far. I put in the work, for no other reason than the work itself. I'm eager to see where the rest of the week takes me.
The world may be ending. The year may be shuffling towards a terrible, cold end, but I will work the winter until its soil freezes into bitter stone. I will tend to my hardy crops as the sun dips low and blue as metal. I will work.
And then, as the blue goes black and the last day has nothing left to say but "I'm sorry" and silence, I will look down at my table, my bounty of growth and smile. Piled on my table will be all my efforts, steaming and lovingly transformed from hard work to art.
And then, in the dark hall of December's shadow, proud as a parent, I will pull all my poems toward me with a satisfied sigh and I will do what December was made for.
I will feast as the world screams its last breath all around me. I will bite down on all my heard work and taste its blood in my red mouth.
I will smile.
I will feast.
Yours with an open mouth,
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