#still on break but. old doodle won't hurt right
catgriller · 7 months
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somehhuuuhh · 2 months
Some old stuff (drawings, animation, ect)
I'm going to yap about it alot and there's going to alot of old art so yea
(Tw- wounds, slightly suggestive???)
Some Swap outfits 🩵
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The one on the left👈, I was thinking about what would swap wear sometimes as a casual outfit and also I was thinking about classiccherryberry (classic x fell x swap). I got the outfit idea from an outfit from Pinterest sadly I deleted the reference so yea sorry
The one on the right 👉, it's him as a mafia. At least I was trying to make him look like a mafia. I got the idea from a classiccherryberry art that they were mafias and it was a ploy thing which I really love. (Sadly I can't find the artwork fr some reason but if I find it I'm going to edit it in) oh and in that artwork Swap had this tattoo on he's arm and I was trying to do in my art but it looks like crap...
Sans undertale drawings :D
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On the left 👈 again me thinking of classiccherryberry but i was also thinking of another outfit that he could wear with his boyfriends and OF COURSE I HAVE TO MAKE HIM CHUBBY!!! Like look at him you can not tell me that he gives the best hugs ever >:T
On the right 👉 I was just experimenting on my artstyle after seeing a TikTok video where they use a cartoon artstyle and they use dots as eyes and I thought it was pretty cute. You can clearly see that it didn't work out for me but still a cute artstyle
Some random headshots
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There's not much to say they just random drawings of some characters
For the lust one I was just trying to find a design to them. I love to think they wear lipstick even though they don't have lips. They are just silly like that
For the Horror drawing....um is he scary? I tried to make him scary I think
Blueberror!!! Man i love that dude. I should draw him more...
Passive Nightmare is just so sad so I drew him beaten up and sad. Gosh this dude needs a break, he just six!!! For the love of God. If anybody hurt him I'm start my villain arc
I redrew this one frame from the original comic of Horrortale and it was Horror Papyrus. I like the horror Papyrus he needs more love
🐈Cat break🐈
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I love cats :3
I also love Inkmare :D
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I keep seeing inkmare as yuri and it's adorable so I wanted to doodle them. I didn't really have an idea but I thought why not have Ink annoyed Nightmare. Ink is touching Nightmare boob's to annoyed her :D
Nightmare will probably beat up ink and then make out ʕ ◕ᴥ◕ ʔ
Yay a random animation
This animation that I will never finish. It was supposed to a animation meme where my sonq and my ocd with a Gravity Falls audio behind. Idk I just lost the movation to finish it
A dusttale comic kinda
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For some reason I didn't give him any dislodge. Just pretend he's saying the most insane thing from a broken man OKAY. Idk why I didn't add anything, ig I couldn't figure out what would he say to Napstablook
So like the idea of this comic is that Napstablook is probably the only one that's alive because he's a ghost and stuff. This where dust finally defeated the human where they won't come back. Eventually Napstablook will notice that everyone is gone, they will wander around trying to find someone until they find Sans. I like to think that before Sans committed Genocide they at least know each. Napstablook was somewhat happy but still knew some was up especially since Sans being covered in dust.
Dust of course attack them but it isn't very effective cuz he's a ghost. Napstablook didn't really want to attack Sans, he's makes music not a fighter. So he give Sans mercy until Sans give mercy back and have mental breakdown...yay good ending kinda
For a bad ending Napstablook fight back and Sans gets very injured and Nightmare just comes out of nowhere and take Sans soooooo good ending for Sans just bad ending for Napstablook because they all alone.....so yea sad
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dekatsu · 1 month
As the last embers of OFA die, Izuku falls into a little bit of depression and the only thing holding him up is documenting every last bit he remembers about the former holders' quirks.
So he's still in hero school, more than a little lost but trying to stay afloat by distracting himself with his little doodles and then, because he can, he does the same for his classmates, as most of them have gone under a quirk evolution or lost mobility in one way or another.
It's small thinks that he notices, the others too busy to think about details when they have to build their strength back up after their breaks/stays in the hospital.
His murmuring and note taking doesn’t stop. The others are worried for him at first. Deku just lost his quirk, which can't be easy on him, especially since he held his dream for barely a year. They try to pay attention to him, draw him away from his Notebooks only to find Deku giving advice here and pointing new development out there.
Aizawa noticed first, having kept a close eye on him ever since the battle. He had left the clean up and other stuff to the pro-heroes and had dedicated his time to the students at u.a. So of course he noticed Deku's small obsession over everyone's quirks but decided to observe for now.
Recovery girl was the second one to notice how fast Deku picked up on other students condition and how he would point it out to them so they could train without causing more damage. She approached him, trying to hint at going into the field of physical therapy, becoming her assistant or something close to it.
It was when All Might visited again that Bakugou of all people walked up next to him and gave his shoulder a rough nudge. "You walked down the same shitty path as him, huh?"
Deku stared at All Might a little wistfully, still full of admiration. "Seems so," he sighed, a little dejected, a little guilty. "At least he gave OFA to the next generation. I let the last embers die and didn't even manage to save his mentor's grandc-"
Deku didn't get to finish his sentence, finding himself fall back as Bakugou rammed his elbow into his sternum. "Fucking shit are you on about?"
"That hurt, Kacchan," he wheezed, holding his chest.
"Shit, fucker!" Bakugou growled, taking a step away from Deku. " I didn't come here to hear yer yapping about nonsense. I didn't mean to fucking hit you, I'm sorry."
Deku waved him off, still too unused to this version of his childhood friend. "It's okay."
"It ain't shit," Bakugou muttered, still he glared at Deku. "I didn't get the whole story but didn't the first user of AFO want to stop OFA? So haven't you fulfilled it's purpose? What are you mourning for, Izuku?
"You and All Might talked about Embers and shit not. I can't fully graps it and I won't try. But you are here, both of you. You still spout all your nonsense, get in everyone's business and spread your stupidity." He nodded over to All Might. "Old man still kicking, too. Even back out there, trying to build a new system with chicken wings. Didn't even give me a fucking autograph yet."
"Have you asked?" Deku questioned because he couldn't quite comprehend everything else Bakugou said just yet.
"Shut up." Bakugou grumbled but he did walk over to All Might, a polaroid in his hand. "Shitty Embers and nerds. He didn't give his quirk, did he? Least he can can do is give me a signature without me having to ask."
As Bakugou walked away from him, Deku would think about it, think about his words. He's right, Deku thought. All Might didn't need to give Kacchan anything. Nor anyone else. Not even Izuku. All Might was just always there. A hero, a symbol, a role model and a mentor.
As he observed his class from a corner of the training field day by day, saw their teachers give advice but still miss a few things Deku had noted, he thought about Bakugou's words.
His eyes fell on Aizawa Sensei, notebook in one hand and eyes on the matches infront of him.
A teacher, he thought, glancing at his own notebook.
A teacher and embers. New heroes and new hope. A new symbol born right within the walls of this facility. And he could play a small part in shaping that person.
He didn't know if he could do it, control a class of superhumans without a quirk but he might be able to learn.
So his focus shifted from observing his peers to observing his teachers.
A new flame ignited deep within his eyes.
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by-glass-and-waves · 1 year
I like the idea of each of my three AU/fanfic ideas having a slightly different Narinder, slightly different Lamb(?)
or at least I hope they're distinct enough, Depression Quest and Courtship Lamb may be similar, but it doesn't make sense for moody trainwreck Courtship!Narinder to swap with dumbass trainwreck Restart!Narinder. Maybe he could switch with Restart!TOWW lmao
I'm gonna write some notes - which might change - on the pair/story for each AU because god knows if/when I'll actually write Depression Quest or Restart, at least we have some shitty doodles right
i promise i am working on Courtship i have done the Spongebob
so far
... actually I'm nervous posting this fml sorry guys who are looking for delicious Courtship/Restart goodies
spoilers ahead for my Depression Quest AU/fic/whatever it is if spoilers for a nonexistent work matter to youwu. I'll blob a hopefully readable version of what story beats I had and link the two posts whenever it happens
Depression Quest:
Lamb (she/they, mostly they)
poor babby beat down by the world and killed by the Bishops
gets the Red Crown and starts mowing them down with glee
they're a good leader, they're saving the Lands of the Old Faith from the Bishops, the Cult loves them
and it looks like The One Who Waits is as just as shitty as the others, can't have that, they are way better than he could ever be
so maybe they get a little too power happy and go a little too hard on the whole heroic leader thing
when he is conquered, TOWW is seen as nothing more than a trophy, a piece of property just like the Crowns surrounding his house
they act merciful, but Narinder knows it's just to make him submit, knows that they're just as power-hungry as he was
they let him run away because they'll always know where he is, and they want to see what happens/how long it takes before he crawls back to them
finally gets revengeance on his family who threw him in jail, gets released from his prison just to get beat up and thrown into a gilded cage
he is depressed. he is angry. he has nothing left
I'm talking SI/HI, self-harm, screaming and breaking things, pushing Baal and Aym away, and crying on the floor breakdown shit
resists for a long time but eventually starts integrating into the Cult, only to get betrayed by a jealous follower
Narinder has a breakdown because he was stupid enough to think things would be better, so he runs away from the Cult
he encounters Ratoo and they bond over loss :'( but just like Ratoo, he never quite gets over things :(((((((
Ratoo might be the only person he'd call a friend/someone he trusts
addendum: narinder's third eye: he keeps it closed like in canon but technically he can open it, just really difficult and it fucking hurts to do it anyway
over time he gets a little strength to open it for short amounts of time but it still hurt
there's a few times when he gets angried or whatever when he accidentally attempts to open it and he goes OH FUCK OW and maybe it'll set his head straight
Depression Quest may have a bittersweet ending in which the Bishops return and were able to Get Over It™ in the Afterlife due to their actual support network, but I don't know tbh
I do know if they did return/if Narinder meets them again somehow, it'd just be like, sad, guarded, they'll reconcile but it's not the same kind of relationship deal
When I first came up with Depression Quest in September I was like, maybe Lamb is just protecting the baby and won't push him or anything because they love him and stuff
then as time passed I was like okay that's complete and utter bullshit and besides, Narinder is so consumed with his losses there is no way he could into a relationship in the near future. Sometimes people just can't move on :(
I also don't know how the Narinder/Ratoo friendshit even happened guys, it was just the idea of Narinder walking into Ratoo's heart pond and going "what the fuck are you doing" and things went from there
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years
i don't normally talk about work on main but virtual teaching is fucking great because kids just wanna play video games and draw, which are my two sole personality traits!!! unfortunately none of my students are avid sonic fans (hehe yet) but this is fine!
when kahoots get stale we play math obbys (thanks to one prior student of mine forcing me to play roblox bc she wants to be a pro gamer like her dad. and yes, she was in love with my setup and kept insisting i do a collab stream with her. god i love these kids) and between our kahoots (anything from animal/minecraft trivia to social studies test prep) and this i am SET. i literally get paid to ramble and play video games with hilarious and intelligent kids, from the comfort of my own home, on my terms.
and don't get me wrong, it isn't always fun. i spend a lot of time working on ieps and making custom worksheets and activities for each student because this isn't like teaching where you can follow a formula or set curriculum. good tutoring is about finding what your students are passionate about, and trying to use it to reignite their love for learning.
the hardest part of 1-1 education is figuring out why a student doesn't understand something. why is the 13 year old still unable to spell? why is the 7 year old afraid to read out loud when they can use 4 syllable words without an issue? why is the 9 year old still forgetting to carry the 1 when adding? it usually comes down to phonetics, operations, and practice, but you can't just say "they'll get it eventually" to a guardian who is paying you to speed up this process.
on that note, most of my students are hurting tbh, even the ones with loving family members who will do anything for these kids. maybe they're in too many activities, have constantly shifting home lives, their fun hobbies are pushed aside, they don't have friends, too many siblings, etc... and it's sort of my job to listen. a kid who isn't sure of themselves needs someone to listen and care about their thoughts, offering a no-judgement and consequence-free environment. they need someone who can give them work outside of classes that fuses their education and interests.
scratch that last point actually: EVERYONE needs projects that fuse their education and interests, that's the fucking point of learning.
it isn't just a brain development thing, it's the core of humanity itself: we ask and learn because we're curious and want to know. what happens when entire generations of humans lose that spark? well, no one is searching so there's nothing to find or expand on, and that's honestly so depressing. education should always be fun, no?
anyways, i think tutoring should be the standard for everyone in education (from pre-k to post-secondary). it should be an integral part of learning, and while it might be hard to have a teacher for every student, structuring things like big lectures or classes for general knowledge, with ieps curated towards individuals that fuse their interests and natural talents with this base level curriculum would make everyone a fuckton happier and just... better
i love my job. not just because i get to play silly games and doodle on worksheets for a paycheque, but because when i finally break through that nervous barrier that kids have, and they trust me enough to talk about what they love, and know i won't get mad at them for rambling or showing me their stuffies or pets because i do the same, they're ok with learning. they are ok with not getting a question right because there's no consequences with me. no bad mark, no extra homework, just different worksheets in class and maybe a new game for us to try out. i had students who would barely say 3 words who will now spend 90% of the class rambling. if there's no rush for either me or the family, i'll spend an extra 15 minutes drawing or playing a game with my student because they did enough work to earn a break, but we ran out of time
(and for the record i don't charge for going overtime, even though it's so easy to make extra money that way. even if they forgot about the session completely, i don't mark it as a no-show i just move it on the hub calendar even though i'd get paid extra. i don't feel like financially punishing a family for missing a day when they're already doing above and beyond for their kids. i also slept through a session once when i first started and even though the mom was super chill about it, the guilt haunts me lmao)
this is a very scattered vent/announcement because there are really strong paint varnish fumes in my house and i didn't sleep because of all the noise between the workers and my dog (construction) but i felt like saying this all. oh! and here's my lil roblox avi:
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aint he cute???? yes i made infinite shut up this is a sonic blog and he's my babie so if you ever see "infinite" running around in a math obby it's me and i'm working dhmu 😎
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sckyie · 4 years
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song: streetcar by daniel caesar
word count: 2.6k
genre + warnings: angst to fluff; reminiscing in past heartbreak, breakdowns, timeskips, swearing, someone gets slapped
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: here's part 2 to driver's license,, i hope this was okay >~< i had to include a new song to the mix (its going into the playlist) soooo enjoy :) also my ratio for angst to fluff is TERRIBLE im sorry
Ever since you had confessed your feelings to your best friend, you had became so distant from everyone. Knowing you might've ruined one of the best friendships shook you. Lately you'd been driving around past curfew just to keep your mind off him. Passing all the street lights just felt like you were driving down memories. 
That flickering light at the corner where Oikawa had helped you after crashing your bike into a pole. Or that bright cool light by the park where you, Iwa, and Oikawa first started playing volleyball. Or that one littered with stickers where you told both the boys that they better remember you when they were famous. 
Apathy overcame your entire being. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, who knew heartbreak could have this effect on a person? It was hard going to school, avoiding Oikawa in every hall, dodging Iwaizumi on your way out, and even trying to ignore Kasumi was too much. It hurt like hell but you didn't want to know what Oikawa had to say. More so, you didn't want to hear what he was going to say, you knew what he'd tell you.
Two months until graduation.
It had been a over a month since that confession. The bright girl everyone used to know dulled out. No one knew why nor how it happened. It only stung between you and the boy you knew you could never love. Oikawa and Kasumi remained together despite the lingering thought of those words you said to him. 
"I- You- Ugh! Just go away, I don't want to see you!" The crack in your voice shook those hidden feelings within you.
"Why not!" Oikawa held onto your forearm, restricting you from running away.
"Because I fucking loved you idiot!" You screamed as hot tears rolled down your cheeks. Oikawa froze at your words, unable to process them.
"You...loved me?" He asked.
"I still fucking love you! God, I hate you- I just- Let go!" You shoved him away from you. "I'm leaving. If you try to stop me, I'm never speaking to you again."
Yet, you never spoke to him regardless. The sudden break between you two effected Iwaizumi as well. Although he had no part in the situation, he was torn who's side to take. He knew your secret but he couldn't betray both his best friends. Seeing you two spilt was like watching glass break. It's sudden, scattered, irreplaceable but if you tried to fix it, you could cut yourself or ruin the glass even more.
Oikawa took your last words as your goodbye. What was worse was that, he couldn't bring himself to find the right words to say to you. How could his best friend love him and never tell him? He never did end up telling Kasumi that he loved her. He began to question his feelings about her and well, you. 
One more month until graduation.
"Hey Y/n, are you going to the third year dance?" Hanamaki taps your shoulder as you doodle on your notes. You shook your head, knowing well enough how you'd have to see Oikawa and Kasumi together. "Come on, we're all going."
"No thanks," You smiled. A sudden ache in your chest hit you as you looked back at your notes. "I don't like dances."
"Liar," Matsukawa joins into the conversation. "What happened to you?"
"Hm?" You looked up, tilting your head at him.
"Just come along, we'll drive," He suggests. "You don't need a date. Just tag along with he boys and Kasumi."
"Again no thanks," You turned him down. "I'm not on good terms with Oikawa right now. I don't want to see him."
"Well, then let's all four go together then. Me, you, Mattsun, and Iwa," Makki says. "We lowkey miss having you around."
"Yeah, come on, we don't have to go with them," Matsukawa agreed.
"Promise we won't hang around them?" You ask solemnly. They nod at you, prompting you to let out a long sigh. "Fine. I don't have a dress, do you guys want to come with to find one?" 
Two weeks until graduation.
You stood in line with the three boys to get inside the ballroom for the dance. You carefully adjusted Matsukawa's corsage that matched your dress. Kasumi and Oikawa had came later, waiting farther back in line. He rests his hand on her waist as he examined the people in line when he spots you. This was the first time in forever since he could see you clearly. He had only caught glimpses of you through the halls, never seeing your face.
Was that the reason the guys didn't want to ride with him? For you? It hit a bit knowing they chose you over him but he knew how you haven't hung out with anyone lately. Always avoiding people, never trying to talk to anyone. 
Inside the ballroom, you and the boys sat together at your assigned table. The songs seemed redundant, leaving you four to occasionally get up to dance. It wasn't until a slow song that caught your attention. You had your head leaning against Iwaizumi's shoulder when you spotted Oikawa and Kasumi walking center stage.
"I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air," You say, standing up. You adjusted your dress before walking away to the outside patio. The muffled sound of the slow song was heard as you rested your arms on the railing. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on the sounds of the streets nearby. It was hard to drown out the feelings of Oikawa after seeing him with Kasumi. You feel the pain well up, trying your best to resist crying.
You open your eyes as you feel something being placed on your shoulders. "You'll get sick out here," Iwaizumi says, standing beside you. "You're thinking of him aren't you?"
"Can we not talk about him?" You breathed, tears slowly rolling down your face. "I just don't want to think about how bad I fucked up."
"Well," Iwaizumi looked down at the ground. "Will you dance with me?" You turned to see him holding out his hand for you. Taking his offer, Iwa holds you close as the music played. He let you cry in his arms, knowing well enough that you needed this. Having held all your pain behind driving, you couldn't show how much you were in pain. 
"Thank you Iwa," You sniffled into his chest. 
"I'm always here for you," He smiled. "You're like a little sister to me...It pains me to see you all dull and hurt...When Makki asked you to come out with us, I didn't expect you to agree but I'm glad you did." 
"Can I tell you something?" You panted for air through your tears.
Oikawa held Kasumi close, carefully swaying back and forth together. With her head resting on his chest, he was able to see through the patio window. He spots you and Iwaizumi dancing but for some reason it stung in his chest to see that. Why is he hurt? He's with Kasumi and he loves her, right?
Graduation day.
A group of cheers goes around the ceremony as your final day in high school is finally over. You greet your old classmates one more time, saving your close friends for last. For some reason, all the pain you previously carried had faded away. You approach the gate to meet with your friends for the last time before you go off your separate paths. Makki and Mattsun agreed to text you more to keep up with each other.
Iwaizumi had hugged you once last time, telling you to do your best. You smiled for the first time in a while. It was strange but Iwa was glad to see you starting to move on. You and him agreed to update each other on your mental healths and to hang out whenever you'd visit. Then it was the one you dreaded.
Saying goodbye to Oikawa, it'll be the last time you'll see him. You waited patiently for him as he was caught up by some fans and Kasumi. When he did manage to leave the underclassmen, he spotted you waiting. "Hey babe, can you go on ahead? I want to talk to Y/n," He says to his girlfriend. She nods happily, walking by you as she left. 
"Hey," He stops a few feet away from you, scared to step any closer.
"Hi," You said. "I have a few words for you." You let out a small chuckle, leading him to believe it was something good.
"Good or bad?" He laughed.
"Well," You started. "I just wanted to say goodbye for the last time...It was nice being your friend and I know how rough it turned out in the end...I'm sorry for not telling you before how I felt. I just thought I wasn't good enough for you and that you'd fall for someone else. Kasumi is a great girl and you two are amazing together...I really wish you guys the best...I know you'll do outstanding in volleyball like the king you are. You better not forget us when you're famous..Listen, I have to go before I'm late, so this is...it...Goodbye Tooru." You wiped a tear from your cheek, smiling at him. You quickly turned around, disappearing into the city. 
"Wait! Y/n!" He rushes after you, only to get lost in the crowd of third years saying their goodbyes. Oikawa felt tears well up in his eyes as he desperately looked around for you. "You didn't let me say..." He whispered to himself.
A week later, Oikawa and Iwaizumi join each other to lunch at your favorite restaurant. Iwa scrolls on his phone waiting for the food while Oikawa looked at the booth you two would always get. "Hey Iwa-chan?" He asks. "Do you know where Y/n decided to go after graduation?" Iwaizumi stopped scrolling to think back at the third year dance.
"Can I tell you something?" You panted for air through your tears.
"Anything," Iwa replied.
"I'm moving away from Miyagi immediately after graduation," You sniffled. "Remember when we were kids and we said we wanted to live in Tokyo or Kyoto?"
"Y-yeah," He was a little shaken up hearing that you'll be leaving so soon. 
"My uncle just moved to Kyoto and he offer me a room there...and I said yes," You started to trace circles on his back. "It's by that college I wanted to go to and they have good jobs there and-"
"You don't have to explain yourself. You'll do amazing out there," Iwa chuckled. "Just promise you'll visit sometime?" He knew how much you needed to be away from Miyagi. Although it pained him, he knew it was only for the best.
"No," Iwa lied. "I haven't seen her. She hasn't texted in a while.
Three months after graduation.
You got into a cab on your way to your new job at a café. You stared out the window, admiring the new city you live in. Learning to adjust and work around the city was tough. The feeling of calling Kyoto home was strange, knowing that it wasn't. 
Ever since you had said goodbye to Oikawa, things in his life changed. He believed losing you wasn't fair, not knowing where you'd gone always haunted him. He had broken up with Kasumi over the guilt held over his head. Always thinking about you when he was with her wasn't right. With you being gone, his only priority became volleyball. 
You however, had let go of those old feelings you held onto. That last goodbye satisfied you, letting you sleep at night and allowed you to love yourself more. You've grown so much from dull slump you were stuck in for weeks. Though living in a different environment made it feel like you weren't even there.
Oikawa roamed the streets slowly approaching different shops along the sidewalk. He had some free time before the practice match he had, so it wouldn't hurt to explore, right?
That's when it happened.
You closed the door to your cab, turning towards the café's direction. Your eyes lock onto a set of familiar pupils. Frozen in time, the two of you never exchanged a word yet, suddenly a rush of emotions filled you both.
Pain, anger, fear, regret, almost everything you felt in the past came back to you seeing him. Standing before you, the man you once loved. The man you might still love.
You snapped out of your thoughts, walking towards him, stopping a few feet away from him. "Y/n what-" You raised your hand, harshly impacting Oikawa's cheek. His hand flies up to his face, holding the spot you smacked.
"You seriously broke up with Kasumi for me?" You growled. "Y-you're an idiot y'know? She was good to you too! Also ignoring Iwa for volleyball? I told you not to-"
"You kept track of me?" He whispered, a slight smile creeping on his face.
"W-Well obviously! I ask Iwa about you from time to time," You muttered. You looked up to Oikawa and saw him grin down at you.
Before you could say anything else, Oikawa puts his two hands on the sides of your cheeks. He pulls your face close to his, crashing his lips against yours. You tense at the action, gripping his wrists. He doesn't pull away until you settle into the kiss.
Your hands melt away from his wrists and reach for his torso. Your lips moved together in sync, almost as if it were a familiar feeling. He pulls away from you, pressing his forehead against yours. "You never let me say my goodbye," Oikawa snickered. "You said goodbye to me then disappeared without a trace."
"Sorry," You blushed. His hands move to your waist, still holding you close to him.
"I wanted to tell you that..." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I love you too. I'm sorry I'm so late in telling you and I'm sorry for being caught up with Kasumi. I didn't know what I was doing and I couldn't talk to you...I fucked up for not seeing how much you- well how much I loved you...I know this is all late and you probably don't want to hear any of this but-"
You tiptoed and kissed his nose, making him stop. "How'd you find out you loved me?" You looked at him curiously.
"I was driving down your street and all the old streets we'd walk through," He started. "It reminded me of you and then I saw that white streetcar. The one that is always parked by the laundromat? It made me realize how much you meant to me."
"Seriously? That old junk car?" You laughed.
"Hey, it reminded me of you okay, just seeing it whenever we hungout and passed it," Oikawa squeezed your hip, making you chuckle at him. "Will you ever forgive me?"
Your laughter ceases as you look up at him. "I had to learn how to drive on the highway on my own, jerk," You brought up.
"Is that a yes?" He smirked.
"...No...Maybe," You squinted your eyes at him. "You owe me ramen."
"Wait how'd you know how I've been these last few months?" Oikawa pulls away from your hold.
"Oh Iwa was the first to know I was moving, I asked him to check on you every now and then. I just wanted to make sure your pretty face doesn't do anything stupid. You did by the way, you did some stupid shit," You grinned. "Hey are you hungry? I can get you something from the café for free." You turned away from him, heading to your job.
"Hey you can't just insult me then leave, come here," He runs after you stopping you a few steps away from work. Oikawa plants a rough kiss on your lips before looking down at you. "The only stupid thing I did was not tell you I loved you sooner."
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @d0llpie @elianetsantana @joy-laufeyson @kac-chowsballs
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jjmaybanksblog · 4 years
Good Old Days - JJ Maybank
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Gif credit @toesure !
Summary: you and JJ meet once again after a harsh break up.
Word count: 1,982
Warnings: cheating, angst underage drinking, implied sex at the end. I do NOT condone the action of going back to someone who cheated.
You sat alone in a booth at a local restaurant, diagonal from where your friend Nicole sat with an unfamiliar boy. You had offered to 'be a look out' for the girl when she brought up how her friends had helped her get a blind date. Nicole had the fear that she might embarrass herself or something might go south, so you decided to lend a helping hand to calm her down.
You subtly flicked your eyes up and down from the menu to your friend as a waitress came up to you. "What can I get you hun?" 
"Just a vanilla milkshake and fries please." The lady nodded and took the menu from your hands. You reached inside of your bag and pulled out your notebook. Finding a pen, you began to mindlessly draw little doodles of whatever came to mind. 
You were actually enjoying the peace and quiet until the front door bell chimed. Before you could react, JJ Maybank took the spot right across from you. "Can I help you?" You scoffed, closing the notebook. 
"Nope. I'm helping my friend out and it looks like you happen to be doing the same thing for your friend too." JJ said, looking behind his shoulder to see his friend give him a thumbs up. You rolled her eyes, defensively crossing your arms.
"Okay, well how about you move to the other booth where you can 'help' by yourself." JJ dramatically put his hand to his heart, "does Y/F/N Y/L/N not want to spend time with me?" "The last time I was near you it didn't end well." You hissed. JJ immediately got quiet as the waitress came up to deliver your order.
"Oh! Would you like anything dear? On the house for the couple!" The waitress smiled, "oh no we're not-" "actually I would love a hamburger and a chocolate milkshake please!" JJ grinned. "Coming right up." 
"Seriously JJ why can't you just sit somewhere else?" You asked as you dipped a fry into the milkshake. JJ furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you take a bite. "What? It's good." You defended.
"See I could, but Steve made me promise to help him out. And now I get to talk to you which is exactly what I want to be doing on my Friday night." Sarcasm dropped from his voice as you bite your tongue.
"Well you can leave. You never were good at keeping promises anyway." You seethed, taking the cherry out of the milkshake and popping into your mouth. JJ became quiet once more as the sudden flashback hit him.
2 years. 2 years was all it took for something so positive and bright, to turn into something dead. 2 years was all it took for JJ Maybank to own, and then break your heart. 
You two had been dating for a full two years, both of you guys admitting you were in love. Making promises that you two couldn't keep. One of them being, 'I'll always love you.' 
JJ broke that the minute his lips touched some tourons at an end of the year school party. You had lost sight of your boyfriend in the middle of the party after telling him you were going to the bathroom. It took you 10 minutes to find him with the unknown girl. 
"Have you seen- oh." Your words slipped your mind as you saw a boy and girl break away from a kiss. Only to reveal that face that made your heart break. "I better... I better g-go." You stumbled over your words, your legs moving as fast as they could out of that house and far away from JJ.
You didn't know what to do, what to think, how to act, what to say, everything just became numb. Like someone had just ripped your heart from your chest, and dangled it in front of your face as if it were mocking you. So you just ran, and ran all the way to your house. Dried tears stained your face as you were panting, on the verge of passing out. 
Your mind felt fuzzy, as if it were an old TV and an antenna was knocked loose, like all you heard was static and a ringing. You shook your head frantically as you paced in the living room. A rapid knock echoed in the silent room as you let out a sob. You slowly walked to the door, your hand shaking as it hesitantly reached out.
You twisted the handle and pulled the door open to reveal a frantic JJ. "Y/N please let me-" "Don't even fucking start JJ." You said, cautiously backing away from the door. JJ walked into the house as he tried to grab hold of your wrists. 
You pulled your wrists back from JJ's grip as you began to have trouble breathing. "You fucking kissed some random girl. Who knows what the fuck would've happened if I didn't walk into that room." You mumbled to yourself as your head began to ache.
"Y/N you know I wouldn't do that!" "When you're in a relationship you don't fucking kiss somebody else! I didn't think you'd do that yet here we are!" You raised your voice as you paced again.
"Open your fucking eyes, it's so obvious I'm in love with you!" JJ yelled back, causing you to flinch, his breath smelled of alcohol. Your eyes suddenly fell to the ground, afraid to look at him without breaking down.
"You need to leave," your voice wavered, "you need to leave and not come back. You can't look at me. You can't speak my name. You can't have anything to do with me, Maybank. We're fucking done." You breathed out, feeling as though you had a boulder crushing your body.
"Y/N. I made you a promise that I'd love you, please let me keep going with that promise." JJ begged, his eyes burning harshly with tears. "You broke your promise, you can't come back from that."
JJ let out a sigh as his head slumped down, forcing his legs to walk out the front door, and out of your life.
Memory over.
"Look, this isn't a guilt trip: I just genuinely want to know if you dislike me so I can stop bothering you." JJ said, fidgeting with his fingers. You sighed as you swirled the straw around the milkshake. "I don't dislike you as a human, I fucking despise what you did to me." You admitted.
"I've changed Y/N. I haven't been with any other girl, I haven't spoken with that other girl since then. Please just give me a break. I've been busy trying so fucking hard. I'm doing the best I can. Please, please don't ask more of me." JJ frowned, his leg now anxiously tapping.
You let out a scoff, but you couldn't lie to yourself. You missed being with JJ, you missed him so damn much, but you didn't want to admit it. Your eyes flickered to your friend who was standing up and giving Steve a kiss on the cheek. 
Their date was over, but you and JJ sat firmly in the booth. "Let me just drive you home like the good days, just hear me out." JJ begged. You cracked your knuckles, a habit you gained after the break up. "Fine. But so help me Maybank if you fuck it up you will never, I repeat ever come speak to me again." JJ let out a breath of relief and thanked you.
You couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of luck when he offered, glad that you chose to walk to the diner. You two sat in silence for a bit of the ride before JJ turned on the radio. 'Wonderwall' by Oasis played through the sound system, memories of this song hitting you in the face like a brick.
JJ began to obnoxiously shout the lyrics like he would when you guys went on drives together. He would roll the windows down, blast the volume and just let it all out.  At first you were annoyed with the boy, but as soon as he nudged you with his elbow you began shouting the lyrics as well. At that moment, things felt normal. Like nothing bad happened between them, and that scared you shitless.
When the song ended, JJ turned down the volume and began to speak, "you know, I never took your school photo out of my wallet. It's still there. And every night after... we broke up, I would just look at it and cry. Because I drank and I ended up losing the best thing I ever got in life. And believe me I know drinking is no excuse for what I did. I lost the one person that understood me more than my other friends, than myself. And I fucked it all up. And I know I can't take back what I did. Saying sorry won't change the hurt I made you feel. But I want you to know I'm truly trying my best to be a different person than who I was before." His voice was shaking as he found it hard to look at the road.
"I can try to forgive you Maybank, but that night has been burned into my memory. And it's gonna take a lot of time before I can forget it." You mumbled, looking out the window watching the trees zoom by.
"I'd wait 100 years if it meant that you would talk to me again." JJ muttered as he pulled into your driveway. "Do you.. want to come in? And like, catch up?" You wanted to punch yourself in the face for your offer, but again you couldn't deny how much you missed him.
JJ was shocked at your words, his mouth slightly open as he nodded his head. You walked into your house and to your luck, nobody was home.
You guys sat in your room, silence filling the air once again. You walked over to a picture frame on the desk and picked it up. The picture was of JJ after he had fallen asleep with his head in your llap. "Remember this night?" You asked as he looked over your shoulder.
"Yeah. I came over to make cupcakes for John B's birthday but we ended up just throwing flour and eggs at each other." JJ laughed loudly, remembering how he would find flour in his hair and ears for days after. "Then we sat on the couch and you laid your head in my lap. I played with your hair until you fell asleep and you snored so loud." You smiled at the memory.
"God I fucked up." He whispered. "Yeah. Yeah you did. When you sat across from me in the booth I wanted to flip my shit. I wanted to go off on you and say something like, 'oh fuck off you piece of shit. You think I care about you? That I give a damn about your feelings? Fuck off.' I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me." You confessed. 
"Damn Y/N. I- I don't even know what to say." JJ said as you faced him. You couldn't help but stare at his lips, the lips you craved so desperately. You hated yourself for this. You hated yourself for making this move, but you leaned in anyway and kissed him. You were taken back at your actions, but your knees nearly buckled at his touch.
JJ gently held the side of your face as he pulled back. "I don't want to hurt you." He said, his words echoing in your head. "I'm desperate. And I'm pretty sure you are too. This is a one time thing until you gain my trust back. But for now, just shut up and have sex with me."
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2nerdsandablog-blog · 6 years
shiro x reader coffee shop au
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alright so for this, u and lance are coworkers at a small time cafe:
- so u work nights/afternoons a lot and it gets rlly tedious. i mean, u can go a full hour without any work at all so u and lance tend to play stupid games or doodle on napkins to stick around the work area. 
- at one point he’s in the back doing smthn and in walks shiro, fresh from a run and looking like someone sculpted by the gods and ur jaw drops. i mean, u break out in cold sweats, instantly nervous, but he's rlly sweet and cool. he makes small talk abt what he should get, he tells u he rlly likes tea but he has't found any rlly good brands and asks which is ur fav. he also asks abt the little pastries and stuff, he doesn't want anything too sweet or heavy and u help him with that
- the whole time he's rlly sweet, hanging on ur every word and giving u blinding smiles, def flirting w u but not going overboard and ur an anxious mess. he kinda hangs back to chat w u some but then a new customer comes in and he ends up heading out- saying he'll see u soon- and u go to take care of the next customer
- after the lady gets her drinks, she sits in the corner and start going on her laptop and lance finally comes out. u tell them abt this guy, u don't even know his name (it was so slow u didn't have to ask for one- u also forgot from staring at him), but u do a rough sketch of shiro, scar and all, and lance teases u abt it bc they don't believe he was that attractive LMAO but now ur determined
- over the course of the next month u see him 5 times and every. single. time. lance is doing something. inventory, cleaning the bathroom, laying out pastries to be put in the oven or something that keeps him away from the front and every time he comes back u tell them how ‘the guy’ came by again. it becomes a huge joke between u two but lance is getting rlly interested in seeing this dude bc u hype him up so much
- so finally !!! lance is working the cash register and ur wiping some tables (u guys play games and whoever 'loses' has to do the dirty stuff like clean tables or the bathroom or wash the dishes after a small pop- neither of u mind doing those things but it's fun to make it a game either way) when shiro walks in but he doesn't notice u and just walks up to the register. mind u, he always comes within the same time frame. not on the dot but he always swings by after a run around 7-8pm and chats w u until someone comes in and u gotta help a new customer. it's routine. so he goes up to the register, fully expecting u, and comes face to face w lance
- u see this and ur pointing, making hand gestures to say "THATS HIM" and lance is like jaw dropped, eyes wide, completely blown away because he's real and u weren't kidding, this guy is gorgeous and before lance can compose himself to give the spiel ("hi, what can i get for you?") shiro cuts him off and asks for you by name. LANCE SNORTS OUT LOUD which makes shiro blush like crazy bc holy shit did he just say that out loud ? 
- and u run behind the counter, slowing to a walk before u get to shiro so u can pretend like u didn't even notice him. u say hi while lance moves to let u take shiro’s order (best wingman ever). ya'll do the whole flirty thing and lance starts working on the drink while u both talk. u try to hang back and talk to him but people start filtering in and he says he's gotta get back to check on his brother
- as he's leaving and he says goodbye you hear lance yell "her number is on the cup !!" and u blush like crazy while he just crooks a smile and nods his thanks, things pick up after that and u forget what happened in the meantime
- the next day shiro calls u so u can save his number (this boy is bad af at texting- old man) and he tells u how he didn't wanna call u while u were still at work. he asks abt ur day and what ur plans r, if u enjoy ur job, etc. and it ends up being a decently long convo that just flows so naturally - it's rlly amazing and ur swooning. hard. 
- u try to give lance grief for doing that bc u were so nervous but ur on cloud 9 after the phone call that ur heart just isn't in it. 
- shiro’s phone calls regular and he still swings by the cafe after some of his runs but now when he gets his drink he hangs around longer. so even if u take a minute to finish up something for another customer he'll wait for u instead of just leaving like he did before. lance usually tries to cover for u, joking that once ya'll r finally together they won't be so nice. 
- which brings u to a serious dilemma: how will he ask u out ? or does he expect u to do it ? and ur nervous af bc he's amazing and ur a bit worried that ur not on his level but lance reminds u that he called u even when he wasn't obligated to and points out how shiro hangs back to talk to u which helps u feel a bit better 
- but right before ur gonna like super freak he comes in, not sweaty but like dressed rlly nice (and oh fuck, that nearly kills u bc he looks even better if that was even possible), and he orders his drink and talks to u but when things pick up he kinda sits at a table and casually hangs out. shiro goes on his phone, sometimes watches u make a drink and just generally hangs out. 
- side note: he's def like put thought into the outfit. he's got nice jeans and a button-up, with the sleeves rolled up which rlly hug his arms and show how strong he is. his hair is a little messy but the good kind, and he smells so good. he's def made an effort which kinda confuses u but ur also too busy drooling over how good he looks to seriously consider the implications
- it gets super empty around 9:30-ish and ya'll have to gear up to close at 11. eventually lance tells u to go 'clean tables' and talk to shiro a bit- ur p sure he’s up to smthn bc he has the same smirk he wears when he’s abt to beat u at one of the games ya'll play- so u wipe the dirty ones down before sitting at the little table where shiro is hanging out. 
- ya'll start talking and at one point the conversation falls into comfortable silence, just kinda watching the few cars go by, before he turns to u and gets ur attention 
- he tells u abt how when he first came in and he thought u were rlly cute, he comments on ur smile and how helpful u were. how he honestly wasn't a fan of the tea u suggested but he didn't wanna hurt your feelings so he drank it. he says he came back bc u were so sweet and he was instantly smitten. shiro tells u he's surprised u weren't annoyed by him taking up all ur time after u had made his drink and even tho u try to stop him he kinda shakes his head, gives u a small smile, and keeps going. i mean, shiro is here being rlly sweet and then he says he rlly likes u and he couldn't figure out a better way to ask u but he wants to take u on a real date, maybe not at a cafe tho lmao
- so ur kinda shocked but he doesn't pressure u, he says it's a choice u have to make and that he doesn't need an answer right away- even if u decide not to, he's 100% okay with it and when u realize shiro thinks there's even the slightest chance u'd reject him u shake ur head rlly aggressively
- obvi u tell him u wanna go on a date with him and he gives u this warm smile and then asks u abt something arbitrary, easing the conversation into smthn different and easier
- lance lets u guys talk for as long as they can before he actually needs ur help to close up. shiro apologizes a bunch but lance brushes it off. shiro promises to call u and leaves. 
- lance whispers "u owe me for helping u get dick" before ya'll part ways and u honestly can't even be that embarrassed bc the butterflies haven't gone away for a second
- he calls u to say goodnight and make sure u got home okay ofc
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