2nerdsandablog-blog · 6 years
Asahi x Reader - Coffee Shop AU
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i love coffee shop au's, here we go:
- he works there with you for sure !! but ya'll work conflicting schedules. like even tho asahi is a mess he's actually really good at managing the rush flow so he's always scheduled then which means ya'll only rlly see each other on shift change which doesn't allow for much talking
- so ya'll only end up working together bc hinata (also ur rlly good friend), who usually fluctuates between fast and slow shifts, ends up calling out rlly last minute and asks asahi to cover for him
- at first ya'll don't rlly talk, like the first few hours are slow as fuck and it's abysmal but during a point where only one customer is off in the corner working on stuff and already got food he starts fixing up a coffee and u look at him like "what the actual fuck" as he's doing it but he's in the zone and isn't bothered
- he finishes making the drink and he's done so much to it you kinda can't keep track of what he's added and he leans on the counter and starts drinking it- finally making eye contact with u and ur look of confusion and he's shook. like his cup is halfway to his mouth and he freezes bc u look at him like he's grown a second head
- he offers to let you try it and ur like blown away. he confesses to experimenting with drinks and stuff when it gets slow but he doesn't do too many bc he doesn't wanna get in trouble lmao. ya'll r allowed one drink a shift and that's what he does with his. he tells u he's saving up to get a nice espresso machine so he can start doing it at home but he knows he won't even have half the spices and syrups (as well as milk and brew options) as ya'll have at work so he rlly enjoys playing around here. he tells u anecdotes abt his best and worst attempts, some of which have u almost crying bc of laughing so hard
- u have him make smthn new for u and he makes this amazing hot chocolate that blows u away and conversation is even easier after that. so much so that time flies and ya'll end up closing faster than either of u want
- after that, you barely see him. once every week or so he's coming in as ur leaving and u wave, ask if he has any cool new drinks and then ur off
- but when u r at work u talk hinata's ear off abt him, to the point that hinata (sunshine in human form) is starting to get a little exhausted of it but he'd never tell u so. he encourages u to talk to asahi more but ur too nervous to do so
- so one day u were coming to work and asahi was just finishing up and when he sees u he tells u abt how he finally saved up enough to get that espresso machine and he's having a bunch of friends over to test his stuff and he promises to make u hot chocolate bc he knows ur not a coffee fan, needless to say he invites u along to that party and he gives u all the details before he leaves (and his #) and wishes u a good shift
- so anyway, the day is upon ya'll and u go to his lil party thing and there's a bunch of people you've never seen before but hinata is there and so is suga (he's the manager at the cafe and while ya'll aren't close, ur p decent workmates) but when asahi sees u he's super excited to show u the machine and he gives u a lil tour of the apartment
- he brews u another rlly good drink and, as usual, asks for any feedback or criticisms u might have. asking for more clarification and what u would've liked instead. ya'll talk more and while he spends a good amount of time w u, he eventually has to go entertain other people and u wander around
- all in all, it's a great evening and u actually make a few new friends (kenma who shows u where he hides when people r too loud so he can play his DS and yams who notices ur new and helps introduce u to people while also making silly comments or telling anecdotes abt them) when asahi is busy entertaining. and so u get kind of adopted into the group and it's good times
- after that, things r kinda uneventful for a hot minute. u still talk hinatas ear off at work, asahi texts u with cute photos of his latte art (he found out about it a week ago when u brought it up randomly and he's obsessed with scouring pinterest for ideas) or asking if u think certain flavor combinations would be too weird - since hinata also works busy shifts he has to listen to asahi talk his ear off abt u in return
- everyone hangs out outside of work and stuff but with conflicting schedules it's hard to rlly do stuff with everyone and both u and asahi r too nervous to invite each other places w/o someone from the friend group along
- hence begins hinatas plan to get u and asahi together with a smidge of help from our boy yams
- he convinces asahi to hold another party and tells asahi this is his big chance to do something and ask u out but he's nervous. eventually, he decides on something that'll show how much he likes u
- so the day of the party comes around and it's not as packed as the other one and u go looking for asahi but yams kinda blocks ur way into the kitchen, which is the last place ur looking for him. he starts talking abt all kinds of stuff and u entertain him bc u don't wanna be mean ofc. u don't know but hinata is in the kitchen w asahi, telling him ur at the party and he has to start doing his thing pronto
- so after a few minutes hinata runs out and yanks yams away, yelling that asahi is in the kitchen and u should say hi and u go, completely confused
- asahi is by the counter with a mug in his hand and he looks absolutely terrified but u smile at him and he kinda relaxes. u ask what's his newest coffee attempt and he hands it to u, telling u he's made it especially for u. and while ur drinking it he goes into how much he likes u and wants to spend more time with u and what not
- the drink he made was like rlly thought out. he took all the critiques u gave him over time and created the perfect drink that's not too sweet or bitter and just tastes like heaven for u
- ur kinda shocked into silence bc while ya'll have been good friends and what not you rlly had no idea so u just stare at him. he gets rlly worried and starts rambling on so much that u rush to stop him and let him you know you feel the same
- he gives a full body sigh of relief, so thankful things aren't going to be weird that he doesn't even realize you said you really like him too but when it processes in his brain, asahi is over the moon. he grabs you in a full body hug and lifts you off the ground, blushing like mad
- after that ya'll r officially together and it's amazing. whenever u come in and he's leaving work he'll make u ur signature drink, which he refuses to make for anyone else, and gives u a kiss before leaving. his favorite days r when u come in 30 min after he leaves and he hangs by to catch u before u come in. u always get there a bit earlier than ur meant to clock in so u both can sit and chat at a table before he goes. he also def comes by during rlly slow points to bring u snacks or just keep u company
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2nerdsandablog-blog · 6 years
shiro x reader coffee shop au
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alright so for this, u and lance are coworkers at a small time cafe:
- so u work nights/afternoons a lot and it gets rlly tedious. i mean, u can go a full hour without any work at all so u and lance tend to play stupid games or doodle on napkins to stick around the work area. 
- at one point he’s in the back doing smthn and in walks shiro, fresh from a run and looking like someone sculpted by the gods and ur jaw drops. i mean, u break out in cold sweats, instantly nervous, but he's rlly sweet and cool. he makes small talk abt what he should get, he tells u he rlly likes tea but he has't found any rlly good brands and asks which is ur fav. he also asks abt the little pastries and stuff, he doesn't want anything too sweet or heavy and u help him with that
- the whole time he's rlly sweet, hanging on ur every word and giving u blinding smiles, def flirting w u but not going overboard and ur an anxious mess. he kinda hangs back to chat w u some but then a new customer comes in and he ends up heading out- saying he'll see u soon- and u go to take care of the next customer
- after the lady gets her drinks, she sits in the corner and start going on her laptop and lance finally comes out. u tell them abt this guy, u don't even know his name (it was so slow u didn't have to ask for one- u also forgot from staring at him), but u do a rough sketch of shiro, scar and all, and lance teases u abt it bc they don't believe he was that attractive LMAO but now ur determined
- over the course of the next month u see him 5 times and every. single. time. lance is doing something. inventory, cleaning the bathroom, laying out pastries to be put in the oven or something that keeps him away from the front and every time he comes back u tell them how ‘the guy’ came by again. it becomes a huge joke between u two but lance is getting rlly interested in seeing this dude bc u hype him up so much
- so finally !!! lance is working the cash register and ur wiping some tables (u guys play games and whoever 'loses' has to do the dirty stuff like clean tables or the bathroom or wash the dishes after a small pop- neither of u mind doing those things but it's fun to make it a game either way) when shiro walks in but he doesn't notice u and just walks up to the register. mind u, he always comes within the same time frame. not on the dot but he always swings by after a run around 7-8pm and chats w u until someone comes in and u gotta help a new customer. it's routine. so he goes up to the register, fully expecting u, and comes face to face w lance
- u see this and ur pointing, making hand gestures to say "THATS HIM" and lance is like jaw dropped, eyes wide, completely blown away because he's real and u weren't kidding, this guy is gorgeous and before lance can compose himself to give the spiel ("hi, what can i get for you?") shiro cuts him off and asks for you by name. LANCE SNORTS OUT LOUD which makes shiro blush like crazy bc holy shit did he just say that out loud ? 
- and u run behind the counter, slowing to a walk before u get to shiro so u can pretend like u didn't even notice him. u say hi while lance moves to let u take shiro’s order (best wingman ever). ya'll do the whole flirty thing and lance starts working on the drink while u both talk. u try to hang back and talk to him but people start filtering in and he says he's gotta get back to check on his brother
- as he's leaving and he says goodbye you hear lance yell "her number is on the cup !!" and u blush like crazy while he just crooks a smile and nods his thanks, things pick up after that and u forget what happened in the meantime
- the next day shiro calls u so u can save his number (this boy is bad af at texting- old man) and he tells u how he didn't wanna call u while u were still at work. he asks abt ur day and what ur plans r, if u enjoy ur job, etc. and it ends up being a decently long convo that just flows so naturally - it's rlly amazing and ur swooning. hard. 
- u try to give lance grief for doing that bc u were so nervous but ur on cloud 9 after the phone call that ur heart just isn't in it. 
- shiro’s phone calls regular and he still swings by the cafe after some of his runs but now when he gets his drink he hangs around longer. so even if u take a minute to finish up something for another customer he'll wait for u instead of just leaving like he did before. lance usually tries to cover for u, joking that once ya'll r finally together they won't be so nice. 
- which brings u to a serious dilemma: how will he ask u out ? or does he expect u to do it ? and ur nervous af bc he's amazing and ur a bit worried that ur not on his level but lance reminds u that he called u even when he wasn't obligated to and points out how shiro hangs back to talk to u which helps u feel a bit better 
- but right before ur gonna like super freak he comes in, not sweaty but like dressed rlly nice (and oh fuck, that nearly kills u bc he looks even better if that was even possible), and he orders his drink and talks to u but when things pick up he kinda sits at a table and casually hangs out. shiro goes on his phone, sometimes watches u make a drink and just generally hangs out. 
- side note: he's def like put thought into the outfit. he's got nice jeans and a button-up, with the sleeves rolled up which rlly hug his arms and show how strong he is. his hair is a little messy but the good kind, and he smells so good. he's def made an effort which kinda confuses u but ur also too busy drooling over how good he looks to seriously consider the implications
- it gets super empty around 9:30-ish and ya'll have to gear up to close at 11. eventually lance tells u to go 'clean tables' and talk to shiro a bit- ur p sure he’s up to smthn bc he has the same smirk he wears when he’s abt to beat u at one of the games ya'll play- so u wipe the dirty ones down before sitting at the little table where shiro is hanging out. 
- ya'll start talking and at one point the conversation falls into comfortable silence, just kinda watching the few cars go by, before he turns to u and gets ur attention 
- he tells u abt how when he first came in and he thought u were rlly cute, he comments on ur smile and how helpful u were. how he honestly wasn't a fan of the tea u suggested but he didn't wanna hurt your feelings so he drank it. he says he came back bc u were so sweet and he was instantly smitten. shiro tells u he's surprised u weren't annoyed by him taking up all ur time after u had made his drink and even tho u try to stop him he kinda shakes his head, gives u a small smile, and keeps going. i mean, shiro is here being rlly sweet and then he says he rlly likes u and he couldn't figure out a better way to ask u but he wants to take u on a real date, maybe not at a cafe tho lmao
- so ur kinda shocked but he doesn't pressure u, he says it's a choice u have to make and that he doesn't need an answer right away- even if u decide not to, he's 100% okay with it and when u realize shiro thinks there's even the slightest chance u'd reject him u shake ur head rlly aggressively
- obvi u tell him u wanna go on a date with him and he gives u this warm smile and then asks u abt something arbitrary, easing the conversation into smthn different and easier
- lance lets u guys talk for as long as they can before he actually needs ur help to close up. shiro apologizes a bunch but lance brushes it off. shiro promises to call u and leaves. 
- lance whispers "u owe me for helping u get dick" before ya'll part ways and u honestly can't even be that embarrassed bc the butterflies haven't gone away for a second
- he calls u to say goodnight and make sure u got home okay ofc
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