#still not buying the game tho fuck david cage
ryssabrin · 6 years
i’ve been binging all the dbh alternate ending paths on yt bc i’m honestly curious about actual decent scenes there could be hidden under all the heavy handed biblical allegory and there’s a p rare ending i guess? where markus dies and fails his part but connor manages to convert all the warehouse androids and somehow becomes the leader of the revolution instead.
he’s about to do a speech and then cyberlife tries to take control and says it was “their plan all along~” (yeah it’s as dumb as it sounds) and now they control the leader of all the deviants (if amanda had a mustache to twirl that would go here) and connor fights to regain control to actually kill himself just so cyberlife can’t get their way and honestly. tbh. the way the scene is framed and the look of determination on connor’s face as he aims the gun and you see he’s willing to sacrifice the life and autonomy and humanity he fought all along to gain and he won’t come back this time just so the androids can win and not be manipulated by the evil corporation is a much more moving and meaningful scene than any of markus’s weird pseudo-messiah bullshit. (the scene cuts away before he actually does it too which works really well tbh.)
and like i think it works so well bc it’s specific to the artificial intelligence story and has no direct analogue to slavery or holocaust imagery. like it would only work in a story about androids rebelling agains humans.
why couldn’t u just make a good android game david cage. why.
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the-kipsabian · 5 years
2, 7, 12, 18, 22, 25 ~
2. First console you owned?iiii dooo believe the first one i owned myself was the dsi? im fairly sure i did buy that before i bought myself a ps2. its either of those either way ~
7. Video game character you’ve had a crush on?uuuUUUH. im sure theres a lot but mmm. two more recent ones that immediately came to mind are leon from resident evil cause hes. just a babe andddd mike from until dawn?
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12. Most embarrassing gaming moment?..shit ive been trying to think on this but i cant. really say anything? i usually admit to my mistakes or having to look something up etc., i dont. really get embarrassed by how i game or what i play? i admit to all the trash tbh. so no not even the fact that i very shamelessly love dating sim games counts to this lmao
18. If you could only play one video game for the rest of your life, which would you choose?mmmmm i have a few i could choose tbh, but i guess if i want something that will last on me it should be something long, or something where i can do just a shit ton of things and the game never ends.. so the answer would either be breath of the wild or stardew valley. tho im leaning more towards stardew as its still being developed and added new stuff into, it has multiplayer mode and you can do. so freaking much in it its like. yeah you’ll never run out of things to do tbh. and starting a new game always resets that and its enjoyable still so yeah. but also. breath of the wild tho (especially since ive noticed i get more out of the game when you restart it and thats always super nice tho woo)
22. Video game character you want to/have cosplayed?i already answered this once, but since i have more i’d love to cosplay, im gonna answer it again cause. my wife. quiet from mgs5. now i know this really. isnt my style and everything lol, but it would be such a boost to personal body positivity, you know? ..also cause i high key fucking love her okayyy
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25. Video game you wish you could burn from your memory?i have another answer for this one too! and that is heavy rain. cause fuck heavy rain, fuck david cage, and fuck this whole game and all its stupid bullshit and awful acting and horrible writing and problematic content. fuck heavy rain (i can say this, i 100%’ed this game cause i hate myself obviously)
video game asks!
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