#still kicking myself for not seeing it the first time round
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bisexualbeetlejuice · 2 years ago
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something something "seasons change but people don't"
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streetlamp-amber · 8 months ago
never ending night
bruce wayne x femwife!reader
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word count: 1.7k | divider by @saradika | requests are open!
CW: pregnancy, pure fluff NOTES: hello hi i’m ailís and i’ve been meaning to start a blog where i can post some one shots that i’ve been thinking of as a way to motivate myself to finally write down my ideas so this is it. i’ll be double posting my stuff on ao3 (which you can find in my bio) and will eventually make a masterlist as well as a navigation post with a list of fandoms/characters i write for. also, english isn’t my first language.
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It was close to three in the morning when Bruce finally joined you in bed after a long night of patrolling and fighting bottom of the barrel criminals all night. He showered in the bathroom on the first floor of the manor to avoid making too much noise and waking you up, but when he finally walked in your shared bedroom, you were already awake, sitting up against the headboard.
“Darling, what are you doing still up?” Bruce asked you as he reached his side of the bed.
The room was dark par for the moonlight filtering through the gap between the curtains, meaning your husband had yet to notice the state you were in.
“Dick had a nightmare,” you answered, voice barely above a whisper due to how tired you were. “It took me two hours to get him to fall back asleep and when I finally came back here, this little one started kickboxing me and keeping me awake for another hour,” you continued rubbing your round belly in hopes of soothing your baby to finally catch some sleep.
“I’m sorry I wasn't here to help,” Bruce apologised, planting a kiss on your temple as he held you close to his body.
“It’s alright, Gotham needs you,” you dismissed, not at all angry.
“Still, you’re six months pregnant. You’re growing our child inside your body, you need all the rest you can get,” he softly argued. “I would've come home earlier but all the amateur criminals came out tonight.”
“Bruce, it’s fine,” you brought your hand up to his cheek and he leaned his head into your touch. “You’ve already been cutting your patrols shorter since we found out about the baby. As long as you keep coming back home to us, alive, then I’m not mad.”
Not knowing what to say – his gratefulness for having someone so accepting of his duty as Batman was almost overwhelming, even after all those years – Bruce kissed your palm while staring at you with the same look full of love that he has been sporting since the first time he met you six years ago.
“How’d I get so lucky to fall in love with the most understanding and selfless person I know?” He asked while grabbing your hand on his cheek, wrapping his fingers around yours and squeezing them gently.
“Now that’s a lie,” you rebutted, a loving smile on your lips, lowering your joined hands on the bed. “You’re more selfless than I am. You’re the most selfless man in the world.”
“Let’s not start this never ending argument again,” Bruce chuckled, now his turn to hold your face as he brought you in for a kiss.
You happily sighed against his lips, the feeling of home that overtook you every time you tasted them was a nice welcome in this interminable night. But the kiss was cut short as you felt your baby kick again and you let your head fall back as you groaned.
“She’s still kicking?” Bruce asked you, he couldn't see the movements under your skin due to the darkness of the room and your hand on your belly.
“We don't know it's a she,” you reminded him instead of answering. You had both decided to wait until the birth to know the gender.
“And I’m telling you, I know it's a girl,” your husband repeated for what could be the hundredth time.
You also secretly hoped it was a girl, but Dick really wanted a little brother. Bruce and you were still in the process of warming him up to the idea of a little sister and it was slowly starting to work.
“As long as she doesn't come in my room,” your eight year old son had said last week, with his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his lips.
“I doubt she’ll be doing that for the first few years, chum,” Bruce reassured him, fighting off a slightly amused grin.
“And the baby will have its own room with its own toys,” you added.
“Will I still be able to play with the baby?” Dick asked after a moment, uncrossing his arms and a hopeful look filling up his blue eyes.
“Of course you will, bubs,” you said, your fingers threading through his black hair that fell over his forehead.
“But only with her toys at first, some of yours are not suited for a baby,” Bruce pointed out, ever the overprotective father.
Bruce had lowered himself down under the blanket so he could be laying head levelled with your belly, his hand now replacing yours over the bump.
“Hey trouble,” he whispered to your child and the baby kicked again, making him smile lovingly at the movement he felt under his hand. “You shouldn't be awake this late at night, you know.”
“You're one to talk,” you commented, tone almost reprimanding.
“She doesn't know that,” Bruce looked up at you as he defended himself before his gaze fell back on your belly. “Mommy is really tired,” he continued talking to your baby, his hand now rubbing soothingly over your round stomach, “and she needs her rest to do all the work so you can come out all healthy and beautiful. Well, you're definitely gonna be the most beautiful baby if you end up looking like your mother, but that's not the point.”
You smiled at the cheesy comment and your fingers found their place in Bruce’s hair, brushing through it and nails occasionally scratching his scalp.
“Your brother Dick can't wait for you to come around,” he carried on. “Said he will teach you all sorts of acrobatic tricks once you know how to walk. And he asked Alfred if he could help paint the nursery when we finally decide on a colour.”
“And I keep telling you we should do soft green,” you argued.
“I’m not changing my mind from primrose pink,” he told you with a sly grin.
“The room won’t be pink, even if it’s a girl. And that’s final,” you firmly said. Your husband will not be winning this one argument, no sir.
Bruce sighed, rolling his eyes before focusing back on your belly. “I hope you’re not as stubborn as your mother,” he whispered to the baby, as if he was having a private conversation with them and that you weren’t there. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s one of the many reasons why I fell in love with her, but I won’t be able to say no to you even when I have to, so it would save me a lot of reprimanding from Mommy if you’re not as tenacious as her.”
You smiled to yourself as you continued listening to your husband talk to your unborn child as you threaded your fingers through his hair, enjoying the softness it had after a shower. Bruce usually gelled his hair to appear more professional when he was working in the day, and then it would get all mixed up with his sweat under his cowl when he was working as Batman. When he would come back to you after the day was over, you would refuse to touch his hair until he had showered, the texture of the gel and sweat too gross on your fingers for you to ignore.
As Bruce continued talking to your baby, his voice started lulling the two of you to sleep. The baby hadn’t kicked in over almost ten minutes now, and the peace you had waited for so long to arrive made you aware of how heavy your eyelids were. You slowly lowered yourself down the bed, getting in a comfortable position with Bruce’s help where you could finally lay your head on your pillow and it didn’t take long for sleep to catch up on you.
At the sound of your soft, barely audible snores, Bruce turned his head away from your bump to find you asleep with your free hand raised next to your head on your pillow, the other one still tangled in his hair.
He planted a soft kiss on the exposed skin of your belly, eyes closed as he took a moment to absorb the fact that a baby that was half you and half him would be joining your world in a little more than three months. Bruce wasn't known to cry, the only time you ever saw him cry was as you walked down the aisle at your wedding, but tonight, a lonesome tear rolled down his cheek and fell on your stomach, where your child was growing, because Bruce never believed he would ever get to experience again the amount of love he hadn't felt since he was eight years old.
As he observed you, sleeping soundly with his child coming to life inside you, after you comforted Dick back to sleep, Bruce, for a moment, felt overwhelmed by all the love in his life. When he became Batman, he crossed out the idea of ever having a family (other than Alfred), of settling down with someone he loved and who loved him back.
But somehow, the universe put you on his path, as a miracle or a guardian angel or simply as an anchor to life outside of Batman, he didn't know. You walked into his home, into his life, to remind him that he, Bruce Wayne, was also deserving of love, of family, of happiness. Then Dick came along, rather unexpectedly but still no less welcomed, and Bruce started entertaining the idea of having children with you. He definitely wasn't opposed to it, but it wasn't something he wanted to jump right into, especially with Dick having just entered your lives. You were both young, he in his early thirties and you in your late twenties, you could allow yourselves a couple of years just the three of you (four with Alfred) before expanding the family.
So it was rather shocking when two months after you and Bruce had officially adopted Dick that you found out you were pregnant. It both took you by surprise but after talking through it together, you couldn't be happier. And the two of you haven't stopped being happy about this new little addition ever since.
Bruce rose up from his position next to your belly, your limp hand fell from his head as he did so, and he laid on the bed next to you. He delicately kissed your forehead, then your nose before falling back on his pillow and whispered “I love you” as he curled around your body, his hand resting on your belly as he fell asleep.
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poguehearted77 · 5 months ago
Baby Steps
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Summary: You and Rafe are expecting your first child and decide to take a trip to the beach, not expecting to be joined by a guest with chubby cheeks and pull ups.
-some more domesticated rafe as per your request-
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The golden hues of the late afternoon sun stretch across the horizon, casting a warm glow over the beach as you and Rafe arrive. You smile at the feeling of the hot sand between your toes.
The waves lazily lap against the shore, creating a serene soundtrack to your special day. It was a beautiful day out, for sure. With the cooler gripped in one hand, with the umbrella on top, and the box containing a special mini cake in his other hand, Rafe is already in full preparation mode.
“Here, let me help with that,” you offer, but Rafe shakes his head, his grin both charming and determined. "You're already carrying something valuable, let me handle the rest, okay?" Rafe reassures you as he places the items down in a nice vacated space.
Far enough from the waves to not get wet, but close enough to still hear the water cracking against the sand at an amplified volume as the perfect white noise for you to do some beach reading. You glance down at your rounded belly, letting your left hand rest over the precious cargo he's referring to.
"I'm only four months, babe. I can still carry things. Just let me help you set up at least." You hold onto the muscle of his upper arm with a soft frown and he can't resist. An idea visibly dawned upon him. "Yeah, you know what." He props open the cooler and pulls out a chilled bottle of water, "I need you to drink this, I don't want you to get too hot."
Your eyes roll and you take the bottle, about to ease yourself down onto the beach chair when Rafe is suddenly behind you, a guiding palm on your lower back to lighten your load as you sit down. "Rafe, you're joking, right? I know how to sit down by myself." You huff and he sees you're starting to get frustrated.
He crouches down to be near you, "Look, baby. I'm sorry, okay? It's all just so new to me and I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby especially not if I can help it." Your arms unfold, and your composure melts under his apologetic gaze.
How could you be mad at him? He was just so cute and excited to be a dad, he wanted to make sure you had the safest, most comfortable pregnancy possible, and he made sure of that at all times. He set up everything while you didn't lift a finger.
You'd even slipped into a light nap as he did so. Waking up under the shade of the beach umbrella and almost certain there was an extra layer of sunscreen on your arms that wasn't there before.
Your towels laid out on the sand in front of you where Rafe knelt, the cake now put away in the cooler as he organized the supplies in the first-aid kit he insisted on bringing along.
"Is this all you're gonna do all day?" You mumble, lifting up your sun hat a bit to see him better and he smiles. "Well, you fell asleep on me, so I was keeping myself busy." Taking that as your cue to stand, leaving your hat behind on the chair and untying the flowy coverup you'd been wearing.
"I'm up now, let's get in the water." He's right behind you as your heels kick up sand with your eager steps to the ocean. Your laughs blend harmoniously in the water. Playful splashes and stolen kisses fill your afternoon for the next hour until you're ready for lunch.
Now Rafe was lounging under the shade, sunglasses covering his sky-blue eyes as he relaxed on the chair. Meanwhile, you enjoyed the warm sun kissing your skin as you sat on the towel, preparing some sandwiches for you both to share.
That brings you to now, the two of you sitting on the sandy towels with satiated appetites and a pleased smile on your faces, enjoying each other's company. "You ready now?" Rafe proposes, referring to the mini cake in the cooler which had either a pink or blue filling. You shake your head.
"Not yet, I need more time." He laughs, "At this rate, you'll find out when the baby comes." He says casually and your brow arches, "Only me? Don't you mean the both of us?" His head shakes, "Uh uh, I'm eating that cake with or without you." He jokes and you swat at him, causing him to spill some water from the bottle he was sipping before putting it away.
His attention was stolen from you and focused on something behind you, before you could even turn your head, Rafe's reflexes are shown as his arms reach out for the tumbling toddler who'd tripped over the uneven terrain and it seems she'd been running at a pace faster than her chunky legs could keep up with.
"Woah! Hey there, pudding," The nickname rolls off Rafe's tongue so naturally you hardly even recognize it, she looks up at him from within his stronghold. "Hi!" She waves and Rafe smiles so big it warms your heart to see.
"Where are your parents?" He follows up but she busies herself with the chain around his neck, blabbering the words 'Dada' in the sweetest voice you'd ever heard.
Rafe's eyes crinkle at the corners with his smile as he looks at you, mouthing the words, "She's so cute" and you mouth back, "I know," "I wonder where her parents are." You say, checking the tag on her swim top for any signs of identification but nothing. The two of you stand, the toddler hanging off Rafe's side, having the time of her life with a cheeky smile.
The two of you paced the beach, up and down. "I know her parents are worried sick," You mutter, checking your phone for any services you can contact for a 'lost baby on the beach please help!'
"If they don't come back, do you think we can keep her?" Rafe inquires and you laugh, "It's probably every parent's nightmare to hear a stranger say that as you're holding their missing child." You say, stopping in your tracks and placing your hands on your back with a sigh, worn out from all the walking.
"Are you okay?" Rafe checks in and you nod, "Maybe we should just go back and wait? Her parents might be walking around too and we keep missing them." Rafe agrees and the three of you walk back to your place on the beach, each of you holding her hand as she had insisted on being put down.
You kept her busy once you returned to your spot, building sand castles and giving her some water and sunscreen to keep her hydrated and protected from the slowly setting sun.
"How old are you?" Rafe laughs at your attempts to have full conversations with who he assumes is a two-year-old, but your guess was three. "Me Ava." She says and your eyes widen. Your initial question remained unanswered but now you had other answers.
"Ava! Hi Ava!" You coo, tickling her tummy until she's a bundle of fits and giggles, completely oblivious to the longing look Rafe has on you. "Tummy!" She says, and you laugh, not sure what she's talking about until she places a hand on your belly. "Big tummy!" She repeats and Rafe can't help but stifle a laugh at her direct observation.
"That's right. There's a baby in here." You explain but her head tilts, lost. "Baby?" You gave the soft waves of her hair a gentle pat, admiring her innocence, "Yep, it's either a girl baby or a boy baby." To your surprise, she begins chanting for a 'boy baby'. "See, Ava gets it." Rafe teases, always taking the opportunity to talk about having the boy he so desperately begs you for as if you had any say in the matter.
"Hungry," She whines and that sends Rafe digging into the cooler for snacks. You let her decide which fruit she wanted but her eye had caught sight of the mini container of cake that had been taken out in order to find the other items.
"Looks like she knows what she wants," Rafe smiles and you think about it, "We can't give her sugar, Rafe. Here, do you want some watermelon?" Her focus now is on the juicy red fruit you presented to her on a plate.
She must be fond of it, slurping up the juices and making a mess of her top. Fortunately, it was later washed off with the salt water when Rafe insisted on playing with her after she'd digested her food.
The sun was slowly beginning to set and the three of you had been lounging around for the last thirty minutes or so, when Ava made a loud shriek, "Mama!" She yelled, hopping off the towel and into her mom's arms.
Ava's mom graces you with a tight hug and a desperate stream of never-ending apologies and gratitude. She congratulated you on the little one you were expecting, confident you'd be amazing parents. "Now, what do you say to the nice people who watched you, Ava?" Her mom prompts, with what you could imagine is a very secure hold on Ava's hand, ensuring she doesn't slip away again.
"Thank you!" She beams, showing off her tiny baby teeth and you feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of her leaving. The last two hours, though chaotic, gave you the reassurance you were looking for with the whole parenting thing.
You wave them goodbye and you take a deep breath, "I'm ready," You don't have to explain anything more and you're both walking back to your spot to cut the cake. Only to see a toddler-sized footprint in it that Ava must've caused as she got up, denting the container and the contents inside smushing against its confines.
"Wait…" You say, in disbelief, kneeling down with Rafe doing the same. "Are we-" He says, eyes misting over and you call him out, "Hey, I thought you wanted a boy." He holds you close, "I thought so too, but I'm honestly just glad it's with you." He brings you in for a kiss on your forehead. She's so loved already and she doesn't even know it.
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paperultra · 2 years ago
back of house.
Pairing: OPLA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1,113 words Warnings: Mild swearing
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If it weren’t for his principles regarding women, you’re fairly certain Sanji would’ve throttled and strung you up to dry by now.
“I … I’m impressed, sweetheart,” he says with a bright smile, though under the swinging lights of the kitchen it seems more out of pain than pleasure. “You managed to burn water.”
Your cheeks flame as you peer into the blackened pot with him, all traces of the water you’d been tasked with boiling completely gone. Vanished. You have no idea how or why.
“I’m sorry, Sanji.”
“No need to apologize. Everybody makes mistakes –”
“Sanji!” you hear Zeff before you see him round the corner. “Why the hell do I smell something burning in my kitchen?”
“None of your business, old man,” Sanji snaps immediately, murmuring a quiet excuse me, dear to you before taking the pot by the handle and heading to the sink. He twists the faucet open and running water roars like thunder in your ears as he thrusts the pot underneath. “I have it under control.”
“Under control, eh?" Zeff says. He suddenly turns his squinted gaze upon you, and you shrivel. “This your doing, missy?”
“I –”
“Leave her alone,” Sanji interrupts. “I didn’t give clear enough instructions. It was my fault.”
“Oh, there’s no doubt about that.” Eyeing your guilty and defeated figure next to the stove, Zeff shakes his head with a sigh and points you to the door. “[Y/n], go out and wait tables for the rest of your shift.”
Immediately, you make a move to remove your apron. “Oka –”
Sanji makes a noise of dissent and turns the faucet off. “Wait tables? She can still chop the vegetables and help me plate.”
“You’ll do that yourself. Front of house needs the extra person, anyway.”
“I’m her mentor.”
“And I’m the damn boss.”
The rest of the staff roll their eyes and carry on while the two men argue in the middle of the kitchen. You swallow and take your apron off, balling it up in your hands. This isn’t the first time they’ve butted heads over your incompetence, and watching them now cuts at your last shred of dignity.
Clearing your throat, you grimace when Sanji’s head whips around to look at you.
“Zeff’s right,” you tell him. “Dinner rush is coming up soon and I’ll just be in the way, anyway.”
Zeff grunts with satisfaction.
The expression on Sanji’s face reminds you of a kicked puppy. “But …” he begins to protest.
“Oi, you heard what she said. Get back to work! We have customers waiting!”
Sanji blusters about before heading back to his station, casting you one final, forlorn look as he does so. You imagine that your own face looks just the same when you turn to leave.
You take orders and serve customers for the remainder of the day, as promised, and help with cleanup after closing time. And then, long after the sun’s dipped below the horizon, Sanji joins you on the upper deck with a steaming bowl of seafood fried rice.
“For the madam,” he says with a smile, offering you the bowl.
You accept it silently and take a bite as he sits down next to you. It’s perfect like it always is – savory and warm on your tongue, happy and gentle in your stomach. You’ve never known a home quite like Sanji’s cooking.
His eyes remain fixed on you as you eat all of the rice, scraping the bowl for every last grain and setting it down beside you once you’re finished.
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing. I figured it would cheer you up.”
“It did.”
It did, and yet, your lips tremble and your throat closes up. You clench your hands into fists in your lap.
Sanji’s hand immediately presses your shoulder as you sniffle. “Are you alright?” he questions worriedly.
(His attentiveness strikes you like a hot iron sometimes, even now.)
“Why haven’t you given up on me yet?” you whisper.
His brow furrows. As if it’s obvious, he answers, “You want to be a cook. A lady’s wish is my command.” Sanji pauses. “And I can’t call myself the greatest cook in the East Blue if I can’t teach others to be great cooks as well.”
“I think you’d be the greatest regardless.”
You glance at him through watery eyes in time to see his face flush a deep red. He looks away hastily, chuckling with feigned modesty. “I’m flattered that you think so highly of me.”
Your shoulders lift in a shrug as you look back down at your hands. You reach up to blot away your tears.
How could you not think the world of Sanji? Or the world of anyone at the Baratie, for that matter? When you were kicked off the merchant ship you’d stowed away on two years ago, you had been sure that you’d be banned from setting foot in such a fine-looking restaurant. Years of scorn and slammed doors had not given you the chance to think otherwise.
But Sanji spotted you on the docks, called you madam like you really were one, cooked you a meal in the kitchen and talked to you. Zeff gave you a job and a bed of your own. The staff gave you a family.
“We’ll try again tomorrow. I’ll figure out something that’ll make everything click for you, and you’ll be a proper cook in no time.” Sanji leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and winks up at you. “I promise.”
As always, your heart skips a beat.
Maybe, you realize suddenly, you don’t necessarily want to be a cook so much as you want to love the way Sanji does.
“That’s my girl.” Standing up, Sanji takes your empty bowl in one hand and offers the other for you to take. “Now, shall I walk the madam to her room, or does she wish to stay out on the deck for a while?”
You allow yourself to grin, considering. “The madam wishes to stay out here and …” you hesitate but then decide to soldier on, “and possibly chat with a dear friend for a few more minutes?”
Your pulse pounds in your ears.
Sanji’s eyes widen a bit. Then he blinks, and then he smiles, drawing his hand back and quickly sitting down next to you once more.
“A lady’s wish is my command,” he says.
He takes out a cigarette, making a quip about Patty while he lights it, and your combined laughter rings out across the Baratie. It’s perfect like it always is – savory and warm on your tongue, happy and gentle in your stomach.
Indeed, this is home.
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gingernut1314 · 4 months ago
Head On ch. 8
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Summary: You and your friends go to see Viktor off to school when you all are met with a horrid sight. All you want is to get everyone out safely and for Silco back at your side.
Content: female reader, gendered terms, pre-season 1 arcane, young Vander, young Silco, young Sevika, young reader, young Felicia, young Connol, baby Vi, Nadia & Nikolai are Viktor's parents, pre-teen Viktor, canon typical violence, riots, guns/blood, friend reunions, confessing feelings, reader has water manipulation, smoking, slight Arcane season 2/League of Legends spoiler (Janna, Felicia & Connol)
Word Count: 7.6K
Tag List: @miffysoo , @teriyakiitae , @locinne , @equaniimouxx , @cipher-nine
@shi-toshi , @sebastianlover
A/N: Okay okay, 1) I wanted to just quickly say THANK YOU to everyone whose taken the time to read this story and whose let me know you've been enjoying it!! It really does mean so much to me and keeps me going!! 2) sorry for the long ass word count. I can't help myself. I am a long word count girly who has been trying her hand at short word counts but will always go back to running her mouth in her stories lol 3) sorryyy for the time skip again. It's important to me at least to have it so that we can age up some younger characters anddd to keep things moved towards more fun events. It doesn't truly impair the story too much I feel. And 4) I hope you all enjoy!! Sending much love!!
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Three years later
“Oh and off she goes.” Felicia cheerfully spoke as Violet wandered off towards a bit of blue chalk lying on the side of the street faster than you believed her small legs should be able to take her. Felicia rushed after her, grabbing her toddler up in her arms just as Vi had snagged the bit of chalk. 
Vi gave an angered noise that sounded like some roaring beast at her feet leaving the ground. The kid thrashed about in her mom’s arms, kicking and throwing punches as if she could fight her way out. Felicia laughed through it all.
“Okay, okay.” Felicia placed a smacking kiss on her kid’s round, dirt-smudged cheek before quickly pulling her face out of the way of another small, chubby little fist. “Geez. One of these days you’re gonna knock someone's tooth out.” She huffed, placing Vi back onto the ground.
“No, no, mommy.” Vi humphed, wagging a finger like she was the boss. Felicia merely laughed again, ruffling her head of pink hair. 
“That kid needs a leash,” Sevika grumbled from where she walked beside you, pulling her cigarette from her lips.
“She’s just explori--oh and there she goes again.” Felicia booked it after Vi as she made to start writing on some passing man’s pants with the chalk still clutched in her fist. 
“Gods. Guppy, you ever catch me daydreaming about shit like having a kid, I give you full permission to smash a rock over my head.” Sevika took a long drag from her smoke after she spoke. 
“Only if you agree to do the same for me.” You smirked. Sevika held her first out and you were quick to bump your own against it. She pulled her cigarette from her lips and exhaled the remaining smoke from her lungs. 
“You two are so negative,” Nadia spoke from where she walked just before you two, her eyes nervously scanning over her own kid, now nearly on the cusp of teenage-hood. “Vi is just a very spirited child.” And just as Nadia finished, Vi gave another screeching wail as Felicia lugged her back over to you all. 
“Got her!” Felicia cheered as Violet’s eyes began to fill with frustrated tears. 
“How are you feeling, little angel?” Nadia asked Viktor who she hadn’t taken her eyes off once since they all started the walk towards the bridge. 
And she was nervous for good reason. She and Nikolai, after years and years of hard work and living off scraps, had saved up enough money to send Viktor to school in Piltover. 
And not just any school. The best school money could buy. A school that would further feed Viktor’s curiosity and need to experiment as well as give him the connections needed so he could, after he graduated, attend Piltover Academy. 
But for him to attend this school and become something over there, he had to stay there and you knew it was keeping everything within Nadia not to break down and forget about all of it. 
“The same way I felt when you asked me a minute and thirty seconds ago,” Viktor responded, voice full of sass he’d been using more and more lately. 
“Oh.” Nadia gave a weak smile. “Excited then, yes?” She asked, reaching a gentle hand out to run her fingers through his head of wild hair to try and smooth it back down. Violet gave another screeching wail just as Viktor swatted his mother’s hand away. 
“Silly goose,” Felicia spoke as Nadia pulled from her son, fingers beginning to fiddle and pick at each other. 
“Actually. Just shoot me.” Sevika grumbled under her breath to you as she observed the exchanges between both mothers and their kids.
“Only if you do the same.” Sevika chuckled heartily at your response. “Dee, you said Nikolai’s already over there?” You questioned, trying to quickly keep Nadia’s mind off her son's denial of affection. Nadia blinked her burnt gold eyes at you, that weak smile still plastered to her face. 
“Yes. Yes, he went last night to deliver a sculpture to a client. We have a friend he stayed the night with. He should already be on the other side of the bridge and to meet Viktor and bring--” Her voice faltered a bit as she gazed back at her son who confidently limped ahead, looking all too ready for this next step in life. “Bring him to school. Help him settle in.” 
“Good.” You quickened your pace a bit to be able to stand beside your friend. Your first friend. One you’d met as soon as she and her family had made it to the Lanes after fleeing their home. She had been just as sweet and kind back then as she was now, but she too held that same sass her son now used. You placed a hand on Nadia’s shoulder. 
“Viktor’ll do good. You know that. He’s smart.” Nadia nodded, grabbing hold of your hand tightly and giving you a heavy, grateful-filled look. “We’re here for you…even when Sevika’s a Miss. Dark and Gloomy and Felicia wrangling some feral creature.” Nadia gave an equally as weak huffed laugh. 
“Watch. My little creature is gonna grow up and become a famous cage fighter. Hand you all your asses while she’s at it.” Felicia grinned your way, Vi all but hanging upside down as Felicia struggled to keep a hold of her wrestling daughter. 
Felicia and Connol, since having Vi, decided Felicia could stop working the mines till Vi was old enough to stay home by herself. It made it so that Connol was rarely home and Felicia feeling a bit more lonely.
So, Felicia found work at your job. Your boss, having a soft spot for mothers and their little ankle biters, gave Felicia temporary work in her office where she could bring Violet while she helped with paperwork. 
It’s why Felicia was able to come with you all this morning to see Viktor off. You all would make sure he got across the bridge safe and sound before heading to the diner-shop to start the work day. 
After work, your group decided to hold a mock family dinner for Nadia and Nikolai to try and help keep their minds off their son living in a city that would try to swallow him whole every chance it got. 
You were trying not to think too hard about your whole group in one place like that. Talking and eating and drinking together, when such festivities had grown less and less frequent. 
And it was all thanks to you and Silco of course. 
Your fight three years ago had left you both fighting for months. Months that neared on a whole year before Vander stepped in and told you two to knock it off. That you needed to at least act civil when around the whole group, especially since Vi had been born. 
It had stopped the fighting but had left you two distant. Hardly a word spoke to each other for a year afterward.
The problem was you both were stubborn. Too proud to admit the fight was over nothing. Too proud to just sit down and talk it over like adults. 
You still hardly spoke a word to each other a year after that one, though now you two could be alone together and not have it turn into a verbal battle. 
You missed him. 
It was something you had been thinking about more and more. 
You missed exploring after work with him. Missed long talks while sharing a cigarette. Missed being able to sit next to him in silence, shoulders and thighs pressed together. Being able to sit there and not have the air be full of tension. 
You missed your friend. 
You cursed yourself out daily for having had a hand in losing his close friendship all because you had been scared and ran away. You should have just stayed in that cave and told him what you were thinking--how you were feeling. 
But that chance passed you by and you were stuck in this tension-filled now. 
Shouting pulled you from your thoughts. 
You thought at first it was Violet again, but it was too loud--too many different shouts. And when you looked to the little girl, you found she had calmed in her mom's arms, watching as a pair of people rushed past your group towards the bridge.
“Oh no.” Nadia gasped as you all rounded the corner, finding the mouth of the bridge a cluster of people shouting and screaming at the enforcers standing there, trying to keep them back. 
You didn’t have to peer too hard past everyone to see a large, chain fence had been put up, blocking anyone from going in. 
Nadia pulled from your touch and grabbed hold of her son, who didn’t shoo her away this time. 
“What the fuck.” Sevika hissed, plucking her cigarette from her lips and flicking it to the ground. “No chance in hell they’ve blocked us out.” 
But none of you would ever put it past them. They’d done it before a long while ago, back when Vander’s dad was your age and The Gray ran more rabid in the streets. 
“Do you know what happened?” Felicia asked the next person who tried to rush by. They took a small second to look back at you all, eyes shifting to look at Vi who was now greeting them with round after round of hi.
“They raised the toll. Five hundred.” You felt your blood run cold. The old toll had been hard enough to pay and now this? 
Five hundred? 
That was more than most made in a week’s worth of work. 
“And even if you can pay, they’re askin’ thousands of questions just to find any reason to not let you through. Not unless you have proof.” And off they rushed into the crowd, leaving you and your group fuming.
“Fuck this--Vander’s gotta give in after hearing this shit.” Sevika gruffed and you agreed. 
Vander would agree to start fighting back like you and the others had been wanting. He’d held you all back for years saying nothing that had happened was worth going to war for. 
But this was worth it. 
They were cutting you all off from the rest of the world like one might do to a decaying limb. 
Sevika made to march back through the fissures to find Vander, but something caught her eye.
She froze. 
You froze. 
“Where the hell is Nadia?” Felicia asked as Vi became fussy messing in her arms all over again. Your chest tightened as you scanned over the rioting crowd. Tightened painfully when you caught a flash of ruddy red hair disappearing within it. 
You rushed for her, leaving Sevika to curse and all but command Felicia to stay put as she ran after you. You didn’t slow as she called your name. Didn’t slow as you pushed and shoved through the crowd, hissing and snapping harshly at any who refused to move. 
Sevika shoved those who refused away with one arm easily, having caught up to you. The few that had all but glued their feet to the ground took one look at your menacing friend and moved before you could even get to them. 
“--see. Himerdinger himself selected my son to attend Piltover Preparatory School.” You heard Nadia’s accented voice before you saw her, but when you pushed through the last few bodies, you spotted her. She was shoving a gold detailed letter into the hands of an enforcer by a door closest to the tollhouse. It was the acceptance letter Viktor had received. 
The enforcers, who you recognized immediately to be Rufus, who should have retired years ago, nodded on a heavy sigh. 
“Five hundred.” He handed the letter back to Nadia who was quick to give it to Viktor, who was pulling lightly at the skirt of her dress shaking his head, looking like a small kid again. 
“We cannot affor--” Nadia cut him off with a fierce gaze. 
“You are going to that school.” She demanded, digging into her pockets for a small pouch full of coins. She fished out the correct amount and handed it to Rufus who nodded to another enforcer standing guard by the door to unlock it. 
“Nadia--” You called just as an enforcer stepped before you, keeping you back. You bared your teeth at him. “Move it.” But he only continued to shove you back, just as more enforcers came to shove others back. 
“You are going to work hard. And it will be hard, but you will do good things. Great things for this world.” You heard Nadia continue. You caught a glance at her, finding her on her knees before her son, holding his tear-streaked face and looking so proud. “Do not let them snuff out your spark. I love you, my little angel. Always remember that.” And you were shoved away just as she wrapped her son up in her arms for what might be the last time. 
You hit Sevika’s solid body, but she held you steady. She flashed you a smirk, gray eyes steady and full of that burning anger you all held before she shoved the enforcer back, his armor rattling violently as he fell to his ass. 
You used the opening to rush over the fallen officer toward Nadia, who was watching Viktor walk through the gate door, which slammed shut and locked behind him. He cast his mom one last look, who steadied him with an encouraging nod. You grabbed her arm as the enforcer Sevika knocked over shouted at you. 
“Why the fuck did you do that?” You asked, trying not to let your words bite seeing your friend’s eyes had turned all red and glossy. “You shouldn’t have paid that goddamn toll.”
“It is only money.” She started, almost fighting against you as you tried to pull her away from the fence. Her burnt gold eyes, which welled over onto her flushed cheeks, kept track of her son the whole time. “I would do anything for him. Anything.” 
Shouting grew more aggressive behind you. A sound that normally would have thrilled you, but with Nadia still in the heart of it all, it was dreadful. 
She couldn’t fight. Didn’t know how and could hardly pick a fish-filled crate up without help. She would only get caught in the crossfire of a fight like this. 
“Nadia--Nadia we have to go.” You insisted, tugging sharply at her arm. She allowed you to pull her closer. 
You turned and--
The sound echoed sharply through the air. 
The sound of a gunshot. 
People screamed and began to run around like chickens who’d had their heads cut off. You spotted the person who Felicia had stopped to question laying face first on the ground, red pooling beneath them. 
The enforcers who had fired looked just as terrified as everyone else, his gun shaking in his hands.
Rufus shoved past you both shouting orders at him and the others to not fire. 
Another gunshot sounded further down the line and that was when you held Nadia tight and sprinted toward Sevika. Sevika grabbed hold of your own arm and began dragging you back toward Felicia just as you were dragging Nadia. 
Another gunshot roared through the air. 
And then another. 
Nadia tripped, startled scream on her lips. You held her tight and continued to pull her along. 
You all just needed to get away. Far away from the enforcers and their need to quince their bloodthirst. 
Felicia was holding a screaming Vi tight to her chest, feet already moving as soon as she spotted you all. 
“That way. That way!” Sevika shouted to Felicia who turned the corner she was pointing at sharply. 
“The fucking brothels?!” Felicia shouted back. 
“Where the fuck else!” Sevika hissed.
“I can’t bring my kid in there!” Felicia called as Sevika wound the corner after her.
“Cover her eyes!” 
“I can’t--” Nadia called your name on a winded breath, “I can’t--” Her pace began to slow. 
“Just a little further, okay, and then we can sto--” But you felt Nadia drop to her knees just as you two turned the corner. Her weight growing so heavy it nearly pulled you down with her. 
A painful start hissed through your body when you found her on the ground, clutching at her shoulder and looking pale. Too pale even for her. 
Red splattered on her shaking fingertips. Red that had dripped here and there on the ground leading directly to your friend.
Rock bit into your knees as you rushed for her, flipping her onto her back to find the front of her dress soaked in blood. 
“Did--did he get across?” She sputtered, fear high in her eyes. Pain screwed her face up, tears never ceasing their fall from her eyes. 
“Sevika!” You screamed, grabbing for Nadia’s hand to pull it from her shoulder. She gave a scream that tore at your chest and made you hesitate. “It’s--it’s just your shoulder.” You tried to smooth, pressing your palm against the bleeding wound that only made her pain grow. “It’s fine--Sevika!” 
Water was in the blood. 
Water was yours to command yet blood never wanted to behave as nicely as water. Not even as nicely as alcohol which held more than less water in it than blood did. 
You’d never been able to control it. Never been able to slow the flow of it even from something as small as a paper cut. 
You tried anyway, squeezing your eyes shut and focusing on the water flowing within her blood. Willed it, begged it to halt just long enough for someone to come to patch her up.
Sevika cursed sharply when she came to your side but you kept focusing on your task. Kept pushing your power harder and harder even when it began to make your head spin. 
“V-Viktor--” Nadia gave a small sob. “Did--get--” Another sob that burned at your eyes. “Please.” 
“He did. He got across.” Your voice came out too wobbly. Too weak. 
“We gotta get her out of here.” Sevika’s voice sounded, her strong hands gently starting to pull you away. 
You let her, but kept your focus on your task. On wrangling her blood with your magic and pushing it back as if trying to reverse the flow of some powerful river. 
Nadia gave a brokenly pained cry as Sevika picked her up as gently as she could. You followed, vision beginning to dot the longer you pushed your magic to work on such a hard task. 
Black fuzzed through your eyes and the next thing you knew you were standing inside a dimly lit brothel. 
Black fuzzed at your eyes as you watched Sevika lay Nadia on a pillow-covered bed, an older Yordle assessing the damage. She turned her eyes onto Sevika looking all too grim.
Black fuzzed at your eyes and Vi’s screaming rang through your ears, loud and piercing. A hand grabbed your shoulder and you pushed it quickly off of you. 
Your magic snapped back into your body so hard it made you stumble backward out of the room you had been led into. You tried to summon it back but that fuzz turned into dull buzzing in your ears. Made your breath heavy and tight in your lungs. Made your stomach twist and your mouth fill with hot saliva like you might throw up. 
A few of the employees of the brothel you all barged into peeked their heads out of their rooms, eyes wide and some even filled with tears. They must have heard about what happened at the bridge. Must have seen you all rush in and known what had happened as soon as they spotted Nadia--Nadia--
Your stomach rolled just as your heart twisted like some old rag and your eyes blurred. 
You blinked and you were outside. 
Blinked and you were down the street. 
Blinked and you were looking at your shaking hands. 
Blood. Nadia’s blood. 
Oh gods oh gods. 
Where the fuck was Janna? 
Where was she? 
She was supposed to be the Lanes’ guardian spirit or some shit. Supposed to protect you all. Keep shit like this from happening to you all. 
And--and she’d just left. 
Left you all to suffer and die by the hands of Piltover who would never stop trying to take, take, take. They would take till their bellies were round and full and still their hunger would not be sated. 
Hands grabbed your arm, tugging at you. You shove whoever it was away. A shove that only made the person grab you tighter. 
You blinked and found it was an enforcer. Two. One shouted down the way for backup.
Your head spun. 
The effort from trying to use your powers on something as hard as blood made it hard to re-focus--to breathe. 
Before you could try to fight them off, a blur of red and gray flashed past you, attacking the enforcers for you. 
The sound of a blade zinging free and the gurgled sounds of a dying breath filled your ears as you staggered back, trying desperately to get yourself together. More screams. More sounds of death and soon someone was before you. Someone who was calling your name sharply. 
You tensed a bit when hands grabbed hold of your face, body readying to fight, but the feel of those hands. Of chilled, calloused, and scarred skin gave you pause. Had you blink and blink that fog away till you found Silco’s face there. 
He looked worried. Really worried. 
Worried for you. 
Only you. 
“Hey--hey are you hurt? Did they hurt you?” Fingers smooth over your skin, pulling your face closer and closer. You blinked again, eyes filling with liquid fire as you grabbed desperately for his hands. Hands that continued to hold you tight, to hold you so close you felt his forehead brush against yours. 
Out of all the touches and almost touches that had happened between you two your whole lives, this was the one you craved most. One you pressed into. One that had those tears you fought back rolling down your cheeks and over her fingers in hot streams. 
“Tell me--what happened? I heard about the bridge and--”
“Nadia--” Weak. Your voice sounded so weak in your ear and, even though you typically would have cringed at such weakness being shown, you didn’t care. Couldn’t care. Not when your friend could be dying. Not in front of Silco. “She’s--” 
Silco pulled you into his chest, arms wrapping around your body tightly and you just crumbled. Just completely broke down--snot and all. Sobs shook your body so violently you were sure they were shaking through Silco as well. 
But Silco didn’t pull away. Only held you tighter, like he might try to press you into him. Only smoothed his hands over your back and pressed his cheek against your head, keeping you almost completely surrounded by him.
“Silco!” It was Vander’s voice and Vander’s footfalls that were growing closer and closer. “Where are the other girls?” He asked, worry high in his voice. 
“Where is Felicia? Vi?” Connol sounded even more worried than Vander. As he should. His whole life had been at the bridge. His whole life could have been taken away in one fell swoop. You grabbed two fist fulls of Silco’s leather jacket, holding on for dear life as you fought to reign back your chest-aching sobs. As Connol all but hissed your name, trying to frantically stir you from your breaking. 
“Don’t.” Silco hissed right back at him, a hand coming to hold the back of your head as if to keep you shielded from your friend. “I saw her come out from the entertainment district. I would guess they are all there.” Silco had hardly finished his words before someone, most likely Connol, rushed off. 
“It's not safe here. We need to get out of view.” It was Benzo’s voice that spoke, the man sure to have joined them without a second thought. Silco was silent as his fingertips brushed over the back of your neck. Seemed to be waiting for you and for whenever you were ready, no matter the danger that lurked through the streets. You wrestled yourself to move, pulling slowly from Silco’s hold as you tried to bite down your weakness.
Silco let his hands linger on you. Let his hand brush over your cheek and over your shoulder, seafoam eyes scanning you over, looking for everything and anything that might be a harm to you. 
He took hold of your hand firmly like he was refusing to let you go again. You were glad for it. Glad for his support, even when tension between you had grown choking. Tensions that, in that moment, seemed to be forgotten.
Vander’s face hardened when his eyes took in your upset nature. Benzo’s eyes grew sullen.
You never cried. You’d come close, but you never cried. Especially in front of others. 
It was something Silco and Vander both knew. Something that was hardening Vander against the cruel reality that someone could be hurt. Someone could be dead. 
Hardened into that anger. 
The wolf paced behind those gray eyes. 
Was growing stronger and stronger, ready to be let loose upon the world. 
Sevika was right. He would agree to start the revolution you all had dreamed of now. 
Start a war. 
“Who?” Vander asked. Your lip trembled. 
“Nadia. I--I don’t know--” Silco’s body pressed closer to yours in a silent telling that you could lean on him. That he would be there for you no matter what. 
Vander nodded, beginning to head off in the direction Connol had run, Benzo quick on his heel. 
“It’s not safe out here. Let's go.” It was a command. One you wanted to follow but your body locked up against. 
Go? Go back to that brothel Nadia was laying in? Go back to that place and see her dying?
Silco’s hand pulled from your own only for it to wrap around your waist, pressing you into his side. 
“I’m here. I’m here with you.” He didn’t promise that Nadia would be okay. He couldn’t promise that. No one could. Not when they didn’t know any true doctors. Not when, even if it was just a shot to her shoulder, could be fatal if left unattended for long. 
But he did promise he was there. 
That he wouldn’t leave your side, no matter what. 
And it was enough to get your body moving back towards the entertainment district. 
The typically busy street looked like it had been abandoned. Looked like it was closed down for good. 
You led them to the brothel everyone was hold up in, finding Connol and Felicia sitting just in the entrance on a nest of pillows, a small group of workers cooing at Vi who was going up to each and grabbing for any shiny jewelry or pretty hair piece they wore. 
One of them rushed past you three and was quick to lock the door. And bolt lock it. And shove a plank of wood across its frame. She was just as quick to rush to stand before you all, giving a small bow of her head before rushing back off towards the back rooms. 
“Any word about Nadia?” Vander asked Connol and Felicia. 
“I was asked to leave the room because this little troublemaker was very upset,” Felicia spoke, a small smile pulling to her lips as Vi huffed her mom's way. “Sevika’s with her…it’s been quiet.” 
Your throat tightened. 
Your eyes burned. 
Your stomach rolled.
She wasn’t okay. She was dying. Dead. Laying in some brothel she would have blushed furiously at just from a glance in its direction.
“Let’s sit.” Silco calmly spoke to you. Only you. You nodded and let him pull you along. 
“I--I’m sorry.” You all but heaved out past your thick throat. Silco sat down on another little nest of pillows, gently sitting you down next to him. He didn’t pull his hand away from your waist, even when he no longer needed to guide you around like some lost dog. 
“You’ve done nothing you need to apologize for.” He calmly spoke again. 
This was the closest you’d been to him in a long, long time. The longest he’s touched you in a long, long time. 
And gods you had missed it. Gods you cursed yourself for being so stupid and stubborn. 
You moved the slightest bit so that your thigh was pressed firmly against his. So that you could look up at his face and take in all his sharp, handsome features. Look into those seafoam eyes he was already watching you carefully with. 
“I shouldn’t have--” Silco cut you off with a small shake of his head, knowing where you were going with this.
“You don’t--”
“I don’t want to fight anymore. Please. Can we--please.” You begged on a breath so that only he might be able to hear. 
This wasn’t something you really wanted to be doing in front of your friends. In front of strangers and in the heart of a brothel but you needed to say it. Needed to stop your fighting before something happened to you or worse, something happened to him. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if something horrible happened to him and you hadn’t at least tried to remedy it. 
Silco watched over your face for a long moment. A moment that only had your aching heart ache even more. 
Did he disagree? Did he not want to try and mend the hurts between you two? 
A small nod helped ease a bit of the ach in your chest. 
“I don’t want to fight either.” He breathed back, keeping his words just for you as you had for him. “I should be apologizing. The way I acted was immature and--”
“It was pretty childish.” Silco paused for a moment, slight surprise in his eyes at your teasing but you found the edge of his lips pull upward.
“I am in the middle of an apology here.” He huffed back. An amused huff. It made your lips tug at their corners. 
“Oh sorry. Go on.” You shifted a bit as if to get more comfortable. 
“You’re insufferable.” Silco shook his head at you. 
“Thank you.” You proudly said. Silco chuckled and you did the same, but your amusement faded out as pain spiked in your chest at everything that had happened. Your eyes scanned his face over once more, finding a bit of dirt smudged on his cheek from his work. They must have dropped everything and rushed from the mines when they heard what had happened.
Hesitantly, you brought your hand up to brush that bit of soot away and Silco didn’t shrug you away. He leaned into your touch, eyes almost fluttering closed at your skin on his. 
“I’m…I’m really terrified.” You breathed, eyes burning all over again. Silco nodded, cupping your hand within his, holding it against his cheek. 
“I know.” 
“What if…” Your voice broke and your lips trembled. “What if she dies? I’m…she was the first person to show me kindness and--” Your voice failed you then.
“Then…we’ll deal with it. Together. Head on. Just like we always do.” His thumb brushed over your knuckles in further comfort. A comfort you anchored yourself to. Let your eyes flutter closed and just breathe it in. 
Even when he hadn’t showered, he still managed to smell fresh. Like mist. Like a calm lake. 
His forehead pressed firmly against yours once more. You weren’t entirely sure who had moved closer, whether that be you or Silco, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was he was close to you again. Was telling you silently that he still cared for you. That he would always care for you and you silently told him the same. 
“Just because your friend was bleeding out all over my establishment doesn't mean you can fondle each other here without paying.” A rasping voice spoke, spooking you and Silco from the tender moment you had been sharing. Spooked you two so bad you pulled apart, finding the older Yordle walking into the center of the entrance room. 
The workers who had been cooing and playing cheerfully with Violet were quick to their feet at the Yordle's appearance. They rushed off, bowing their heads at you and your friends, and the Yordle before rushing back towards their rooms. She only shook her head at them.
“We weren’t--it wasn’t like that.” Silco started pink dusting over his cheeks in a way that had Felicia chuckle knowingly and you feeling all flustered as well. Benzo wasn’t as discrete with showing his amusement, all but bellowing out a laugh that nearly had him folding in half.
The Yordle took a long drag from her cigarette and blew the heavy smoke in a tight stream toward the ceiling a few moments later. 
“Boy, I work in a den of lust and love. I’ve seen it all and know what’s what.” Silco’s blush only grew deeper, his eyes glancing your way in his embarrassment of being singled out. 
And despite your own embarrassment, you could help the small chuckle that pfffted from your lips. One that only had that blush deepened, but tugged that easy smile you adored to his lips.
“How is she?” Vander cut in before anything else could be said. The Yordle leveled him with a look. 
“Babette.” Vander’s brows furrowed in slight confusion. 
“My name is Babette.” Vander blinked, looking a bit lost for words. 
“Uh--Vander.” Babette nodded her head slowly, taking another long drag from her cigarette. 
“I know. People talk.” Vander gave a small exhale of breath just as she gave a release of smoke. 
“Babette,” Vander started, “How is our friend?”
“You’re lucky this is the place you barged into. I’ve been doing this job a long time now. Seen it all. Had to learn to patch up bullet and knife wounds alike. People think just because they are paying they can do whatever they wish. No manners.” Babette mused on a shake of her head, making you nervous all over again. “She’ll live.” You breathed a shuddering sigh in relief, Silco’s hand giving yours a squeeze. “But she’s weak. Will be weak for a long while. Such a small thing, that one.” 
You were quick to your feet, Silco following suit. “Thank you. What--how much do you want?” You asked. 
Between the six of you in the room now, you could probably scrooge up…seven…eight coins. Sevike would try to horde whatever she had on her, but she would add in another three or four coins. Probably only bronze…none of you would be carrying around any gold. 
“You couldn’t afford it, sweetness.” Babette purred, making you feel all flustered all over again. “All I want in return is for you to take a stand for us.” Babette’s eyes found Vander’s again. Found him and settled him with a hard, burning stare. Vander nodded at her.
You saw the wolf pace and pace, mawl dripping in hungry justice. 
“Thank you.” Babette gave a wave of her hand as she took another drag of her cigarette. 
You started for the backrooms, Silco still having yet to take his hand out of your and you found you could only be grateful for his continued support. More than grateful. 
Sevika leaned against the wall next to the door Nadia was behind, already watching you two walk towards her. “She’s sleeping.” Sevika huffed, eyes glancing down the hall to where more workers were peeking their heads out of their doors. They disappeared under her gaze, all except one who winked her way before popping back into her room. Sevika gave a smirk at this. “We gonna break their enforcers' skulls?” She asked, her gaze darkening as she looked at Silco. 
“More than break,” Silco spoke coolly.
“And if Vander chickens out again?” Sevika asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Would that make any difference now?” Sevika scoffed. 
“Good.” You…found you didn’t like this. Like this…this almost behind closed-door talk. Like Vander would give up on fighting for his friends. Like Vander would give up fighting for everyone. For freedom. 
He wouldn’t. It wouldn’t come to that.
But as you pulled out of Silco’s grip and made it into the room Nadia slept in, finding her looking all too weak, you almost didn’t believe your own thoughts. 
Part if you believed Vander would back out, if under the right circumstances. 
And Silco…you knew he never would. 
He would die before he gave up hope on the future of Zuan.
And you would be lying to yourself if you said it didn’t scare you. 
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Your whole group made the journey from the entertainment district an hour later to safely bring Nadia back home, which was a tiny, run-down hole in the wall squished between and under other-like homes. It was a mess of all sorts of art and science supplies and half-finished projects. The space was cut roughly in half by a hung curtain, hand painted by Nadia with various swirling designs, to keep their makeshift bedroom separate.
Felicia and Connol, after double-checking to make sure Nadia would be alright, had headed home, their daughter having turned into a sleep-needing beast in Connol’s arms.
Sevika rummaged through Nadia’s small kitchen now, looking for any sort of alcohol she could get her hands on. When she started to shout back to Nadia about it, even when the woman was definitely not supposed to be roused in such a way, you excused yourself outside to find Silco. 
You found him sitting on a pile of crates and barrels near Nadia’s home, a half-smoked cigarette dangling from his fingers. Vander and Benzo had been out here a few minutes ago, standing beside him. You assumed they must have left, whether that be back to work or to The Last Drop. 
You weren’t sure and you didn’t entirely care in that moment, not when Silco's seafoam eyes found you before the door had even swung shut behind you. 
You made your way down the ramp Nikolai had built Viktor over top of the original steps there to make it just a little easier for his son to get home before you came to a stop a little ways before Silco. 
You held his gaze as he ran his hand through his hair, which he had allowed out of its usual bun to hang loosely around his shoulders in gentle waves. 
He held your gaze right back, offering his cigarette out to you. You carefully took it, only for him to grab hold of your wrist and yank you closer. Your heart spiked in your chest and began to beat erratically against your rips at the sudden movement. 
Neither pair of eyes left the other for a long moment. Neither of you moved. Neither of you wanted to move. Not when you were so close again. Not when you truly wanted to be even closer.
“How is she holding up?” Silco asked and you begged your heart to calm its wildness. 
“As fine as someone who's just been shot and sent their son off to live in the belly of the beast.” You murmured, pulling a nod from Silco.
“Alive. That’s what matters most. We’ll figure everything out. Head on.” He moved his legs so that they hung over the sides of the crate he was sitting on. So that his knees were on either side of your legs, brushing against them gently. 
“Together.” You agreed.
“Together.” He repeated, eyes dipping to glance at your lips. You moved closer now that he had created space for such a thing, the front of your thighs pressing into the edge of the crate and his thighs laying against them comfortably. You’re own eyes dipped almost greedily to look at his own lips. Lips you thought about too often…no--no, maybe didn’t think about them enough. 
“Thank you….for being there for me.” Silco gave your wrist still in his grip a gentle squeeze.
“No need for all that. I will always be there for you when you need me.” You felt warm ash from the cigarette you held fall over your fingers, but you dared not pull away from him. Not when you’d been away from him for so long. Not when you had missed his close friendship so dearly.
A long silence filled the space between you two. A silence that was familiar--warm, not the foully tense thing it had been for one too many years. 
“Would…” You started, your heart beginning to beat loudly in your chest again. Fear, anxiety, and flusteredness all tumbling about within it like some riptide. 
“Would…?” Silco questioned, eyes ever watchful yet so--so soft. A softness only you had never been allowed to see. A softness you had realized maybe too late was only ever for you. 
You hoped it wasn’t too late. 
You prayed it. 
“Would you…would you like to pretend that we’re back at my pool?” You spoke on a voice smaller than a whisper. A voice that was anything but full of all the nerves rolling about in you. 
Silco’s eyes widened the smallest bit at your question, his lips parting in the same smallness to show you a small flash of his chipped front teeth you loved to see. 
“What--but…I thought you didn’t want us to fight any longer?” He whispered back. 
“I don’t but…I was scared.” Silco’s brows furrowed in slight question. 
“Scared? Of--me?” 
“I--Felicia talked to me…after.” Silco nodded in understanding. After your fight in The Last Drop. He’d seen her rush after you. “She told me--well she said I should tell you why I ran away.” 
“Because you thought I was going to hurt you?” You gave a small huff through your nose as you brushed a bit of his dark hair behind his ear. An action that had that delicate blush spreading over his cheeks all over again. 
“Silco you could have anyone. You’ve had anyone. I just--I don’t want to be just anyone to you because…you’re not just anyone to me.” You rested your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb gently over his flushed skin.
“Anyone--” He said your name just as softly as he looked at you, “You aren’t just anyone to me. You’ve--you’ve never been just anyone to me. Why do…” He seemed to grow nervous then, eyes drooping slightly away from your own. “Why do you think I waited so long to…to try to kiss you.” Even though the last part was whispered, you heard it nonetheless. He shook his head slightly. “You are--are everything to me and I’m sorry you felt like you were anything less.” 
You moved your hand gently along his sharp cheek to find his chin, lifting it so that you might see those seafoam eyes of his you adored. Eyes that shone bright with such--such admiration for you in them. A look that had you forgetting all about the cigarette in your other hand. 
That horrid, nagging voice clawed at the back of your mind as it always did and always would. A voice that shouted at you all the things that could happen if you let yourself believe his words. A voice that wanted nothing more than to protect you from possible hurt, but it was also a voice that would only ever hold you back. 
And it was a voice shoved an iron-clad hand over to silence it. 
“Would you like to pretend?” You whispered again, letting your thumb brush just below the curve of his lower lip, which parted on a shaky inhale of breath. 
“I don’t want to pretend.” He whispered back, hand moving up from where he held your wrist to pull you closer. “Let’s just--face it. Head on.” You nodded, nose brushing against his. A brush that had your blood pounding right alongside the beat your heart had set. 
“Together?” Silco’s hand ended its journey, finding rest on your jaw. He guided you closer. So close you felt his breath ghost over your lips, sending a tingling flare through them. 
“Together.” He agreed, eyes flickering between yours and your lips. 
Waiting. He was waiting. 
He was nervous. Nervous you might run away again. Nerves that made your heart ache for him past its beating. 
You pushed closer, lips brushing against his, turning that tingling into a flame. A flame that roared into a blaze as you fit your lips against his like you would a cigarette. And just like a cigarette, his lips against yours filled your head with a pleasurable fog. Had your lips begging and begging for more. 
Silco inhaled deeply as he moved his lips against yours steadily, his other hand wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against him. You let him hold you, his strong--safe--hold only making your head spin faster and faster. 
Forehead rested against forehead as you two pulled apart, panting in shared air. 
A goofy grin spread over your kiss-puffed lips. A grin that pulled an equally as goofy smile to Silco’s own lips, turned near red from your kiss. 
“Was that--was that okay?” Silco asked on uneven breaths. You gave a small huff in amusement, running your fingers through his hair just like they had always itched to do. An action that had Silco’s eyes fluttering in utter enjoyment.
“I would have thrown you into the harbor if I hadn’t.” You teased, nuzzling your nose against his. 
“Good thing,” He started, nuzzling your nose right back. “‘Cause I can’t swim.” 
“You have to learn. Could save your life one day.” That soft look returned in full then as he looked over your face. A look that was full of such joy it only brought the same bright joy to you.
“Only if you teach me.” You nodded.
“Gladly.” And his lips seared into yours once more.
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sixosix · 2 years ago
summary wc 1.5k, lyney’s teapot voicelines (with a bit of modification here and there) turned fic. just fluff and pining lyney LOLL to celebrate him coming home yesterday ❤️
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“Hey, Y/N!”
Arriving at the Serenitea Pot only to come face-to-face with a certain illustrious magician is what you haven’t been expecting. You stumble back from surprise, and Lyney reaches out to catch you naturally, like this was something out of his scripted shows.
He beams. “I just knew you would be making an appearance here!”
“D-Don’t scare me like that!” you scold, warmth spreading across your face with each passing moment of his proximity. What’s with Lyney’s breath coming off so warm? It burns more than holding his vision for too long. “What if it was someone else who came in here?”
“That’d be really awkward,” Lyney admits, but his easy smile and undaunted fingers on the small of your back convey no embarrassment.
“I almost forgot that I gave you permission to this teapot,” you sigh, gently pushing him away with a palm on his chest. He concedes, pulling you upright and backing off.
You place your hands on your hips. “Well? How do you like it here?”
Lyney’s smile softens impossibly, letting his gaze wander around your teapot. Outside, it’s dim and wet from the rain, but here, his face is cast in a warm, gold glow—it’s taking all of you not to crash onto his chest and use him as a heated stuffed toy. “Your home is breathtaking. Even a legendary magician like myself can confidently say I've never seen or heard of anything like it!”
You huff, gesturing for him to follow you inside. “Impressed, are we?”
“It’s hard not to be impressed by anything when it comes to you,” Lyney says without missing a beat. You thank every archon listening that your back is facing him, not your bitten lips and wide eyes. “But were I to say I've already gotten completely used to it... Would you think I'm lying?”
Is he planning to make himself at home on the first day? “Sure doesn't seem like the truth.”
Lyney laughs, speeding up to walk beside you. “Aw, that really hurts my feelings… But, I was really being honest this time!”
“Ha, ha,” you say blankly, twisting the doorknob open. Lyney ooh’s and aah’s at the sight of your hall, twirling around as he takes each in, from souvenirs you received in Fontaine to furniture you bought all the way from Mondstadt.
He makes his way to a shelf filled with various items you’ve collected over time, region to region. The Adhigama Wood still looks as clean as it was first bought, after you’d been lectured about the special paint that’ll keep it grease-free, appearing untouched. Lyney looks hesitant to reach out, scanning a framed picture in the middle.
It’s a solo picture of you with flowers adorning your head, two bouquets wrapped in large leaves in your arms, and your face captured mid-laugh. The aranaras took it. Lyney looks at it for a moment too long, his finger hovering above the glass.
Starting to feel a little strange about it, you stand beside him, wondering if there’s anything wrong with the picture that he’s seeing. Yet there is nothing but a thin layer of dust on the image, which you swipe away. “Something caught your eye?”
He turns back to you with a mischievous grin. “Well, looks like I've got no choice but to stay here for a while longer! After all, it will take some time for me to win your trust again.”
Lyney looks up at you through his lashes, tilting his head. “...You won't kick me out, right?”
‘Staying here for a while longer’ meant that Lyney was checking every nook, cranny, and room, empty or unoccupied (“Some of your friends live here?” Lyney gapes). You give him a bit of a story for each one, and he soaks your words in like a sunflower to the sun, never appearing disinterested even when you speak about a round table like it’s your firstborn child.
He’s explored more than your friends whom you’ve offered to give rooms to, which is saying enough. And now, exhausted, you pair rest on the loveseat, gazing at the ceiling wordlessly.
“Say,” Lyney says, after moments of silence. He sits up, shuffling closer to you until he kneels on the seat cushion and displays his hat. “Why don't you take a look at this? Do you see anything different about it?”
You squint. “Don't think there's any difference.”
“Ah, but that just means you need to look at it more carefully! Just come a bit closer.” Lyney brightens when you play along, drawing nearer himself. “So, do you have the answer? Is it the pattern, or the color? You should have seen this hat many times before.”
“...Nope, still not seeing it.”
He sighs, resting the hat on your head. “What a pity... Although, your conclusion is actually correct.”
Unbelievably confused, you reach out to hold it, patting all around it. “Is it bigger or smaller than before?” You can’t see much from this angle, nor feel much.
“You look adorable,” Lyney grins, pinching your cheek. “And no, the whole thing was misdirection. I just played a little trick, and stole something of yours. And after that, I also slipped a card into your pockets.”
You blink, reaching down to your pockets and fishing out a card, just as he’s said. It feels as real as it can be between your fingers, still warm from its previous holder.
Lyney grins at your dumbstruck expression, pleased. “Now, can you guess what I stole from you?”
You take a moment to answer, watching him carefully. “My heart?”
He jolts just as his entire face bursts into flames. “Ah, um, a most unexpected answer! I have to say, even my heart has begun to race too.” He looks at you with a petulant glare, as if saying, why would you say that?
Lyney clears his throat, “What I actually stole, however, was your ‘attention.’ E-Even though it's not nearly as valuable as your heart, it's still very important to us magicians nonetheless!”
He trails off, face still pink. “...Okay, you can return my card to me now.”
After that, it had been pretty hard to get rid of Lyney.
He seems to always be there whenever you come around—either spread out on the couch and practicing cards with one hand until you call for him, or appearing in front of you the moment you warp in. You ask if he’s just here every day, waiting for you, but he seems embarrassed to give you an answer.
Today, he has his pets with him. Some of them fly and run around outside, with Lyney at ease when you assure him that there are no signs of monsters here, and you have an Adeptus continuing to keep this haven safe.
You have Lyney’s hat on your lap, playing with Rosseland. The cat is performing a little magic show for you, taking after its owner, especially with how it soaks in your applause with a smug smile.
Lyney is a deflated balloon on the other side of the room, most likely regretting his decision as now you’ve poured all your attention on his pet assistants instead of him. Even worse, his pets seem to love you much more.
Having enough, Lyney approaches from behind, frowning at Rosseland, who appears unbothered, loving the crowd as always.
Your head falls back to the couch, looking at Lyney with a dazzling smile. “You were asking if they could stay here, right? I think you can guess my answer.”
Lyney is torn between celebrating and groaning at the thought of possibly more days of you ignoring him to come. “That would be wonderful,” he says instead, though sincerely. “Thank you.”
You laugh quietly, pulling him close with your fingers on his nape. “Why do you look constipated? Don’t tell me you’re feeling jealous over your own cat?”
He doesn’t tell you, so he keeps quiet instead, the red on his cheeks spreading all the way to his neck.
“Don’t make fun of me,” Lyney says, feigning annoyance while you chuckle. He leans impossibly closer, until your noses are barely an inch away.
“Your cat is watching,” you warn upon seeing the look on his face.
Lyney groans, snatching the hat and wearing it on his head, where Rosseland settles inside by practice. Then, against your mouth, he whispers, “Haven’t I made it obvious I brought them here as an excuse for this?”
You raise an eyebrow. “So you are jea—”
You didn’t end up finishing your sentence at all, swallowed by the press of his lips.
By this point, you’re no longer surprised whenever you enter your teapot. 
“Morning, Lyney,” you say, leaving him stunned instead when you plant a kiss on his cheek before maneuvering around and entering your home.
It takes a while for him to snap out of it. Lyney grins, catching up to you. “Good morning. It would be great if I could see you every morning if you’re gonna kiss me like that.”
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a/n more sixosix lyney fic what have i become
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marauder-misprint · 4 months ago
In that case i would like to request numbers 36 and 48 from your celebration prompts for an Sharp x fellow professor reader ☺️
First time writing for Sharp so sorry if it's bad 😬
lil disclaimer: reader is a fairly new Ancient Runes professor after working as a traveling runes researcher for years.
Professor Sharp x Professor!reader
1.5k words
cw: drinking, fluff
You were finishing up your nightly rounds when light from a cracked open door catches your eye. It’s coming from the Potions classroom so your immediate thought is a student is up far too late brewing. You have your wand at the ready, fully prepared to tell off the pupil and remind them that they aren’t to be out of bed after curfew. You hold your breath as you ease the door open quietly. You scan the classroom. There’s no student in sight and all the stations are clean and empty. 
“Huh,” you breathe, noticing the light is coming from the open office.
So not only was a student out of bed, they were in a professor’s office, likely stealing from Professor Sharp’s personal stores. 
“You know, it’s quite late,” you say as you enter the office expecting to see a student caught red-handed.
There was no student. Again, but worse.
A sigh.
“I suppose it is…” Professor Sharp says, looking up from the pile of essays on his desk.
“So sorry, Professor!” you say quickly, eyes wide. “I thought a student was in here.”
“No, it’s just me.” He looks you over. “Finishing your rounds, I assume?”
You nod. He sighs again, sending worry coursing through you. Were you annoying him by simply being in his office? You really had thought a student was in here.
“I think I will finish these tomorrow,” he says, adjusting the stack of paper and moving it to the side. Then he looks back at you. “Would you care for a nightcap? 
The offer takes you by surprise. Yes, you were coworkers, but Sharp usually kept his distance from the professors. When you started, Professor Garlick described him as a bit harsh and standoffish. Yet, here he was offering you a drink after you interrupted his grading. He could have easily just dismissed you, kicking you out of his office and claiming he was going straight to bed himself. The offer hangs in the air as all of this runs through your mind. You’re not sure if Sharp notices your delay in answer, having stood up to retrieve the alcohol and cups from a cupboard.
“If you’re pouring,” you say, taking a step into the office. 
You remove some things off of a barrel and move it closer to his desk. When Sharp turns around with the drinks, he lets out a low laugh; it’s the first time you’ve heard him laugh all term.
“You could’ve conjured a chair, you know,” he tells you and you blush.
You look down at the barrel you’re perched on. “Bit late for that now…”
He sets the drink down in front of you before bringing over his own barrel. 
“Also, you needn’t call me Professor. Aesop is fine.”
“I’m still getting used to being a professor myself, that’s all,” you say, reaching for one of the cups. “Being back here, even after years of being in the field, I feel like a student again.”
“I remember that feeling. At least it wasn’t injury that brought you here.”
You snort a laugh, realizing that it was probably an insensitive response since Sharp’s leg was why he was teaching rather than still being an auror. 
“Yay for needing financial stability,” you say before taking a sip, hoping it will prevent you from putting your foot in your mouth again. 
“You’re still doing what you’re passionate about though, aren’t you?”
“It’s more consulting and writing about ancient runes. I really liked getting to travel and seeing where they are inscribed, discovering new artifacts. That’s a bigger thrill than standing in front of students and lecturing.”
“Better than me. Closest thing I have is tracking down which student had the gall to ‘borrow’ from my personal stores,” he says, using air quotes. 
You lean toward him. “Has someone been stealing?”
“Not recently,” he says, giving you an amused smile. “Hoping to show off some detective skills?”
“Goodness, I don’t know if I would actually be any help with that. More your department of expertise,” you say with a shake of your head. “I had thought I was catching a student red-handed when I came in.”
“Must’ve been a disappointment to find me,” he says, looking away from you.
Your eyes widen slightly. 
“No. No! It’s better I found you… I’m glad I found you… Trust me… Although, I didn’t mean to interrupt your grading.”
“It’s good you interrupted. I was probably giving Acceptable work O’s.”
“And we can’t be having that,” you say with a small laugh. 
Sharp looks over you again, a smile playing at his lips. It’s an unfamiliar look on his face, but you like it. You think you’d like to see him genuinely smile more often.
“Besides the name thing, are you adjusting to Hogwarts well?”
“Oh, I think so. I do enjoy not having to sleep in a tent.” You debate your next words. “It’s also nice to share a drink with someone.”
Sharp gives you a disbelieving look. “I find it difficult to believe that someone as beautiful as you didn’t have someone to drink with.”
“You flatter me, Pro-... Aesop,” you say, correcting yourself as you almost called him Professor Sharp. “But it’s true. I usually drank alone, unless a friend was visiting or I was collaborating on a project.” You take a sip of your drink. “I’m fairly convinced that I’m difficult to approach.”
“Some people are scared of a beautiful woman who exudes confidence,” Sharp says.
With the drink in your system, you feel a bit more confident, which you’re appreciative of.
“Are you, Aesop, scared of beautiful women who exude confidence?” you ask, leaning forward again, your elbows digging into your knees.
Sharp clears his throat. He’s scanning your face, trying to get a proper read of your intentions. When he offered a nightcap, he hadn’t expected the conversation to take this turn, not that he was complaining. He just wanted to be sure. He smirks at you.
“Don’t get my hopes up, darling, if you’re just going to leave like everyone else.”
You raise an eyebrow with your head cocked to the side. 
“Leave like everyone else?” you repeat, unsure of who had all left him. 
He sighs but his expression toward you is soft. “Being an auror isn’t kind on one’s relationships.”
“Neither is being a traveling researcher,” you say with a smile. “But you’re retired and I’m stationary.”
“Those are… both true.” 
“And I have no intentions of leaving.”
Sharp was looking at you with an intense look on his face. One that was begging you to be serious and sincere. His internal thoughts were asking how he ended up in this situation, with the temptation of you in front of him, saying things he had only dreamed of. Since his auror partner died, he had avoided getting close and forming real relationships with anyone. But something about you had him offering you a drink. Something about you got his hopes up that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t have to be so closed off to the rest of the world.
You finish your drink and set the cup on his desk. He’s still staring at you. It’s obvious he’s lost in his thoughts of uncertainty. 
“Aesop, just kiss me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice by the beautiful woman in front of him who exudes confidence. He sets his own cup down next to yours before leaning forward toward you. One of his hands gently holds your face as he brings his near. His eyes hesitantly search yours, half expecting you to say “Sike” and pull away. You don’t. You’re waiting patiently for him to close the space between you. 
When he does, you can’t stop yourself from smiling. The kiss was a little too forceful, but he quickly eases the pressure. It shifts into something far more gentle in nature than you thought Sharp had in him. You deepen the kiss, one hand going to hold his arm and the other finding his knee. Your lips move in sync. 
You feel breathless when he pulls away. There’s a nervous smile on his face that gains confidence as he sees your own smile. There air between you is charged with unsaid emotions and the uncertainty of where this left you.
“This is probably my favorite way to end nightly rounds,” you say with a nervous laugh. 
“With a nightcap?” he asks, earning a light shove from you.
“Aesop,” you say, a lightness in your voice. 
“Well, um, if it was late when you first got here…” His voice trails off.
You laugh, “It certainly is late now.”
You stand up and walk to the door, ready to say good night. Sharp follows you, but the confidence in his walk is hindered by the development in your relationship. 
He clears his throat. “So this was a one-night thing?”
You shake your head, going on your tiptoes so you can press a kiss to his cheek.  “There’s no way this was just a one-night thing.”
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dreaminofdixon · 16 days ago
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I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the side of the truck, trying to think of all the times I had been too cold for comfort with the AC cranked up. Those were the days. The water in my bottle was nearly hot enough to brew coffee, and that wasn’t helping my misery. Sweat was pouring down my face, and I could feel it sticking to the fabric of my tank top. The material clung to me in the most uncomfortable way possible, and when I tried to adjust it, the fabric refused. 
I glanced at Daryl. How? How was he sitting there, so calm, legs crossed at the ankles, his hands resting on the crossbow across his lap, eyes half-closed? Was he human? Or was he just a machine designed to withstand the heat and inconvenience of everything?
Clearly, I was not cut out for this version of the world. I needed luxuries - fans, air conditioning, comfortable beds... hot showers. All the good stuff.
The ride felt like it lasted forever, and when the door finally rolled up and fresh air flooded in, I was practically weeping with joy. The heat and the humidity had been suffocating. But the slightest breeze was like heaven sent from the apocalypse gods.
We all gathered at the front door of the store, which still seemed intact. It was rare to find a place that hadn’t been ransacked, had the windows smashed, and doors kicked open. I cupped my hand over my eyes, trying to spot any movement through the glass. Rick tapped on the door with the barrel of his gun, loud enough to draw attention inside but not enough to draw anything outside.
“See anything?” Glenn asked quietly.
I shook my head, stepping back. “Nah. Doesn’t mean there’s nothing in there, though.”
Rick broke the glass door with the butt of his gun, and soon we were inside.
“Okay, everyone keep quiet and be careful. Meet back here in ten minutes.”
I nodded and headed straight for the aisles nobody thought about - hygiene.
Because really, it’s one thing to live with myself when I stink, but living with others? Still working on that. I grabbed several sticks of deodorant, then moved to the women’s products. Pads and tampons - necessary. But do the men ever think about this stuff? No. I grabbed as many boxes as I could fit into my backpack and zipped it up before tossing it on my back and moving down the aisle.
Rounding a corner, I gasped as a walker came at me. The smell of rotting flesh hit me first, then its dead eyes locked on me, hungry. Add in the fact that it was trying to bite me, and yeah…freaking terrifying. I stepped back, only to have another walker appear behind me.
Damn it!
I reached for the knife secured at my side with my right hand while the left held one of them off. I fell backward into the shelf, hitting my head hard enough to see stars, losing the grip on my knife. The sheer panic in the moment dumped adrenaline through my body and I held them off while reaching for my knife. This is not how I’m going down, with a load of deodorant and feminine hygiene products on my back. I glanced to the side and found the knife, gripping it tightly and swinging it with all of my might at the head of the being that was on top of me. 
The second one grabbed at my feet. I kicked it off, fighting to get free from the first.
“Get the hell off me!” I said through gritted teeth, finally pushing the walker off and scrambling to sit up just in time to see Daryl approach at a determined pace.
He gripped the walker by the shoulders and threw it away, then shoved his knife into its eye. Silence followed, only broken by my heavy breathing. His eyes found me.
“You bit?”
I shook my head, taking his outstretched hand and pulling myself up.
“No,” I answered, reaching for the back of my head where I was sure a lump was forming.
“You hit your head?”
“Yeah. It’s fine.” I pulled my hair down from the messy bun and winced when I felt the lump. “Eff.”
“Lemme see.”
“I’m fine.”
He rolled his eyes and gently grabbed my arm, turning me just enough to check the back of my head. I winced as he felt the lump.
“Ow,” I whined, swatting his hand away, instinctively protecting my head. “Don’t touch it!”
“Got a good lump goin’... bit of blood.”
“Thanks, Captain Obvious.” I pushed past him, grabbing my knife from the walker’s skull and wiping it off.
“Just… take it easy,” he said, glancing at the shelves and grabbing a box of Tylenol. “Take couple of these.”
I eyed him suspiciously.
“Are you a doctor now?”
“Or don’t. Whatever.” He dropped the box at my feet and turned to leave. “Just fuckin’ be careful.”
I watched him go, shaking my head.
“Thank you,” I said softly. “For helping me.”
He grunted in response before disappearing around the aisle.
With a roll of my eyes and a sigh, I bent down to grab the Tylenol and popped a couple in my mouth, taking a sip from my water bottle. I squeezed my eyes shut, the headache starting to set in stronger.
I rolled my neck, trying to tell myself it wasn’t that bad. Time to get serious. Pull your shit together. I opened my backpack again, sweeping extra bottles of painkillers into it.
Before too long, we were back in the truck, and I braced myself for the hot box ride home. The engine started, and I set my bag to the side, trying to make myself comfortable. Maybe if I closed my eyes, I could sleep off the headache.
“Gotta stay awake,” Daryl said, his voice gruff.
I sighed, frustrated. "Why?"
“Mighta got a concussion.”
I glared at him. “Fine.”
My fingers got tangled in my hair as I tried to fix it. It hadn’t been washed properly since I left my condo - running water wasn’t exactly a luxury we had anymore, and washing my hair in the quarry pond wasn’t doing much. I pulled it back into a messy bun but froze when I heard his voice.
“Looks good down.”
I glanced over at him, unsure if I’d heard that right.
He shrugged, his gaze quickly turning away.
I bit my bottom lip, a grin threatening to form. My fingers worked through my hair, smoothing it out. Was that a compliment? Pretty sure that was a compliment.
A little glimpse of something. :)
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selfcontrolskey · 2 years ago
“You’re an asshole”
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❗️A little bit was my idea but the rest isn’t my idea❗️
nicholas leister x reader
Sorry for the povs switching so much and for how long this is 😅
( can we please get more fics about this man )
You're fighting your enemy in the training room. Nicolas, apparently the best underground fighter ever according to lion.
As I step forward to hit him he quickly steps back. He's fast, l'II give him that.
I hit him again this time not giving him time to step back. He softly chuckles and touches his jaw where I hit him.
"Not bad"
I quickly regain my position in order to strike again. But this time he’s the faster one. He blocks my hit and knees me in the stomach.
I slightly stumble backwards.
That son of a bitch he knew it was bruised from my previous fight. He strikes again this time aiming for my face.
I duck just in time. “Is that all you’ve got?” I ask teasingly. I strike forward but he blocks my hit and turns me around so my back is against his chest.
“Is that all you’ve got?” He says in a mocking tone.
I chuckle. “oh no, I still have something just for you.” I lift my leg and hit him right in his area before he could react.
He lets go of me and stumbles backwards.
“Got you again.” I smile proudly.
Nick’s pov:
“Is that all you got?” I ask using the same words she did. A little laugh escapes from her mouth. her head touching my chin in the meanwhile.
“Oh no. I still have something special just for you.” Before I can figure out what that means I feel a stinging pain near my dick.
I let her go and stumble backwards.
After a few seconds I stand straight ignoring the throbbing pain.
“Aw I’m sorry did that hurt?” A little smirk appears on her face.
I’m gonna kill her.
Her smirk disappears into something more serious. I regain my position and get ready to defend myself.
She quickly moves and slides her legs under mine. I step back just in time.
This time I step forward and kick her in the leg making her loss balance. With that she falls to the ground, right on her back.
I can hear her trying to catch her breath. “I’m sorry did that hurt?” She slowly moves her head and I can see she’s getting angrier by the second. I like it when she’s angry.
She slowly stands up and gets ready for another round. She’s a tough one. I’ll give her that.
I shake my head and chuckle.
“What? Afraid to lose?” She says.
“Like hell I am.” I say getting my hands ready to fight.
“Good” She responds getting ready as well.
Suddenly she looks to the left catching my attention. What the hell is she looking at? As I turn my head I’m welcomed with a fist to my face.
I stumble backwards but mange to remain my balance.
“Oh. So that’s how we’re playing now huh?”
I slowly wipe away the blood from my lips and look straight at her. She’s enjoying this.
"What, didn't expect that from a girl?" She says wiping the blood from her knuckles.
I give her a small smile and attack. My left fist first which she blocks. Then my right one, hitting her jaw. She quickly recovers and tries to knee me in the stomach. I grab her knee right before it reaches me.
"Not this time" Panick flashes her eyes so quickly I might think I imagined it. I push her back and slide my foot under her standing leg.
She falls but takes me down with her. Now I'm on top of her pinning her wrists down. Heavy breathing coming from both of us.
"Ready to give up?"
your pov:
Now he's on top of me and pinning my wrists. Heavy breathing coming from both of us.
"Ready to give up yet?” He asks with that stupid smirk of his. I slowly move my head forwards. I can feel his his breath on my lips.
"You know what. I actually like this position" I say seductively.
"Oh come on, you should know you can't play the same game two times"
"What if l'm not playing?" I breath out.
His eyes piercing through mine. "Forgive me for not really trusting your word" He whispers in my ears.
I quietly chuckle. “Good decision" I quickly move and pin him to the ground. Sitting on his lap, this time me pinning him down. I slightly move forward making him groan.
"What? Cat got your tongue?” He quickly glances at me and I can see desire and anger build behind his eyes. "You know what, l'll give you one more chance."
"One last round" I pat his chest and get ready to get up. Two hands suddenly pull me back down. His hands on my waist preventing me from getting up again. "Don't"
Confusion and realisation hit me at the same time. "Aw you don't have a crush on me do you?" I say leaning forward.
His hands tighten around my waist. "Don't move.”
nick’s pov:
She quickly moves and get's on top of me.
Oh fuck.
I slightly groan causing her to look at me. She slowly leans forward and an intense feeling goes right trough my body.
"What? Cat got your tongue?"
No, you just made me hard..
I close my eyes trying to focus on anything else but her sitting on my fucking lap.
"You know what?" She responds "I'll give you one more chance" I quickly open my eyes and see that she's sincere.
"One. Last. Round" She says holding up a finger. She patts my chest and get's ready to stand up. No fucking way she is getting up now.
I grab her by the waist and pull her back down. Another sensation strikes right trough my body. fuck, I'm hard. She softly yelp’s and looks confusing at me.
But not for long, her brain quickly catches up and knows what is happening. Her eyes suddenly fill with pleasure. "You don't have a crush on me do you?"
She leans forward and I cant help but tighten my hands around her small waist. "Don't move” I breath out.
Fuck, this feels good.
"Think of my mom" she says out of the blue. Did she just say what I think she did?
"What the hell."
"What? You want me to turn you on?"
“Not fucking help.”
your pov:
"Think of my mom" I suddenly blurt out.
He quickly glances at me with a "wtf" look. "What the hell.” He says.
“What?” I ask offended. “You want me to turn you on?"
“Not fucking helping.” he says closing his eyes again.
"Okay, just give me a second to think"
He slightly groans.
“Yeah, sure. Please take your time.” I ignore his comment and think.
Okay, this might work.
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
He suddenly opens his eyes and looks at me. “Why, you interested?"
At that I laugh. "Oh please"
His eyes slightly darken and something moves in my stomach.
“Just answer it"
"You think you'd be straddling my lap if I had one?”
"I'm not straddling your lap, I am simply just sitting on it" I say with confidence.
"It's your fault I have to sit on it anyway, so hurry and make it disappear."
"It's not a toy you know, you can't just fucking control it.”
"Fine, just hurry"
He sotfly laughs and shakes his head. A few moments pass and he looks more relaxed.
"You ready?" I ask so we can finally fight again.
"No, just give me a few more seconds."
I see a small smirk form on his stupid face.
oh this bitch.
“You’re nasty.” I say hitting his chest. I quickly get up and hear him laughing still on the floor.
"You can forget that last round" I say walking out of the training area.
"Why? Because you can't beat me?" As I turn around I can see he's standing again.
"Cmon just say it." He says walking closer to me.
“Say what? That you're an asshole? Gladly." He takes one step forward making him even closer to me. I slowly lift my eyes to meet his.
“Say it.”
“Say what?”
"That I'm better than you" I softly snort at that. He has some serious ego issues.
"Fine, just come a bit closer."
He slowly grins and steps closer.
I put my hands on his chest and stand on my tippy toes to whisper in his ear.
I wait a second before continuing.
"an asshole."
I put my leg behind his and push him backwards.
He lands with a loud thud.
"Did you want me to say something else?"
He looks at me and anger fills his eyes.
"I'm gonna kill you"
"Good luck trying"
I give him a wink and leave the training facility.
Nick’s pov:
Before I can realise what she is doing I land with a loud thud on the floor.
"Oops" she says looking extra innocently. "Did you want me to say something else?"
I glance up at her, pure anger filling me once again. This woman is gonna fucking mess me up.
"I'm gonna kill you" I say with gritted teeth.
She softly grins and gives me a wink. "Good luck trying.” Then she turns around and leaves me, her ass swaying slightly with every step.
and yes I used the ‘cat got your tongue’ thing again. Bite me. But I hope you enjoyed !
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While I'm on a kick of being really open about my sexuality, lets just start throwing shit out there and seeing how people interact with it
People who have followed me from the beginning will know that most of my partners get some quippy little nickname assigned to them in place of a name for the internet, and I want to name that this actually DOESN'T come from where might think (or rather it's still infosec, but it goes beyond "don't post the actual names of people you fuck online"
In the scene I have most cultural context for, people often came to group play sessions with an alias (I have one too lol, and it's the only name I ever introduce myself to partners as, mine has been static for going on a decade now). You would introduce yourselves to playmates under your alias, and often you would continue to use it as a marker of in-scene vs out-scene topics of conversation (e.g. sometimes people will talk about their aliases in third person as a whole entity with their own motivation, life, and power, my mom used to talk about "her friend [redacted 1]" if she ever needed to be able to reference a thing without naming explicitly that she and [redacted 1] were the same person, and there are friends of hers who still call her exclusively by that name in private because they have loved each other for going on 50 years now and [redacted 1] is still their partner and love even if mom isn't and vice versa).
So for example, on here, I will refer to any metamours by the plural-inclusive term The Metamour with very little discussion of which one or how many there are or whatever. But in person, I call one metamour [redacted 2] and another metamour [redacted 3] because they were introduced to me by their aliases first, and I genuinely DID NOT KNOW THEY'RE ACTUAL NAMES until after we had become real friends lol.
Anyway, Youtube Boy doesn't know that his nickname here is Youtube Boy, and that's not his alias in scene, nor his actual name, but critically these terms allow me to side step early uncertainties around terms like "boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate/etc" which may imply a degree of romantic entanglement I'm genuinely uncomfortable with. On occasion during this round of posting, I have gone "well it's CLEARER tho" and tried to type out "my boyfriend" about one of my current partners (partner does not carry this same issue for me, as I have always carried dual connotations of Romantic Oartner and Play Partner, so I feel no discomfort/cognitive dissonance with it's implications) and every time I do it I physically cringe away from the screen and delete it. Maybe he wouldn't feel the same way, and hell maybe I won't forever either! But I have almost never been willing to use a word like boyfriend without fairly explicit conversations about commitment, meaning to each other, and boundaries that just don't come up all the time in play partnerships for me you know?
Anyway, what I'm saying here is that sometimes the point of being a slut is to get to be every iteration of yourself that you love being independently from each other in a space that adequately facilitates that iteration of you. I like the people I play with to each get absolutely all of me that is available to them, and I **LIKE** that this often means I get to spend time as different important aspects of self, wholly and without self-doubt or minimization.
And hell, sometimes I even name the iteratioms and let them become something bigger than just a "version of me" and that can be fun too.
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zylphiacrowley · 3 months ago
Hello everyone! I got bit by the nostalgia bug from doing and seeing everyone's 2024 GPOSE Wrapped sets so I decided I wanted to throw all my own shots into a ring and make them fight for a spot in a top 10 round-up for my personal favorite shots I've taken all year. So without further ado I present to you:
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Honestly any one of the four Pride themed shots could've gone on this list since I still like all of them but Lyra doesn't show up anywhere else on this list (sorry sweet bean bun) so she can be my rep for this set. This whole set was just so much fun to do!
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This shot I got by pure chance since I have idle cam on and it just happened to focus on my ErenviIIe retainer standing in my yard at the perfect time of day to capture this moment. I liked it so much I had to hop into gpose and get a proper shot of it. I used this one as my desktop background for a good while.
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I can't believe I made an alt to go to an Eternal Bonding and ended up falling in love with them and creating an entire backstory and lore for them yes I can. While this one didn't turn out exactly as I had imagined it in my mind, I'm still pretty happy with it.
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This shot is one of my earlier ones from this year. It's also one of my simpler shots. It ends up being this high on the list despite it being less impressive than some of the ones it beat out because it's probably the shot that really kicked off my love for gposing. This is also the shot that I felt was the point-of-no-return in my own mind for them as a couple.
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This was another one of those test shots that I do pretty often. I had a concept in mind going into it that I still intend to use in a future set, but this was almost just a happy accident as I meant to get a different shot at the time but I can't help staring at him face sometimes...
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From ErenWoL week. I ended up really liking the mood of this shot, but also I liked that I got to include both Lumi (X'vahl's chocobo) and Flag snoozing soundly beside the fire with them as well.
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This is @ambalambs boy Miko! I really just absolutely adore him and I had this idea kicking around my brain for a while before I finally asked if I could pose the shots from this set. I am so happy with how they turned out and I'm glad that Lambs trusted me with her boy! ♥
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The Combat Couple AU. I like ErenviIIe best as a non-combatant, but sometimes it's fun to think of what-if situations. For instance, "What if we kissed in the shared tankbuster?" (つω⊂* )
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I am still just so happy with how this turned out! I love how the colors turned out (even if this shot doesn't have the rainbow that I waited almost an hour to come back in it OTL) Posing all the pixies whisking Feyrn away, maybe to a happier storyline. (╥ ᴗ ╥)
So what could possibly beat out this shot? (╭ರ_•́)
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This is my absolute favorite shot from this whole year! I love the lighting, I love the pose, I love the way they're making eye contact, I love that I finally got the hat thing to work! I'm actually still using it as my desktop background. It'll be a challenge to get a better shot in 2025, but I'm excited to see if I can!
This was the first year that I really put myself out there and delved into gposing so I'm overall pretty happy with what I've done in my first year of doing it. But since this is my first year really getting into the gposing side of the community, it's also allowed me to make friends with lots of really incredible gposers out there who are doing some crazy impressive stuff and seeing their work always serves as an inspiration to me to keep learning and doing better myself.
I'm not going to make this into a tag game, but if anyone else feels like doing a personal countdown of your own work feel free to tag me in it. I'd love to see them!
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jaded-jezz · 2 years ago
Don’t Trip
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Another Jack one-shot obvs
Please do not repost, reblogs are appreciated.
Jack Champion x F!Reader
summary: Just Jack being a gentleman without realising.
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I’ve been super excited to go to Jack’s movie premier ever since he auditioned. It wouldn’t be our first event as a couple but this time it seems as if the entire world knows about it as it’s no longer our secret.
When we posted our anniversary photo dump on Instagram and some sickeningly cute TikToks, our followers have risen dramatically and the response has luckily been way more positive than we expected. We didn’t realise that our fan base overlapped so of course they were all ecstatic when finding out their suspicions were correct.
Jack and I were in our taxi queueing for our joint entrance onto the carpet. Both our palms were sweating yet Jack gripped mine tighter when I tried to move to wipe it.
“Are you nervous Champion?” I jest
“Me? Pfff no way” he replied before widening his eyes to show he was lying, “I’m petrified”
We look into each others eyes and before we know it we are being told to leave and expose our long kept secret and safe privacy to the flashes of cameras.
He doesn’t let go of my hand once, in fear that he may lose me to the crowds of interviews trying to get the first interview of the new hot couple. It makes me smile to myself as although I’ve done many premiers before, he still keeps an eye on me.
We move to the line of photographers and I check for the marks on the floor directing each celebrity to the correct angle and lighting for their photos. Jack goes in first and I follow once he moves up the marks.
I have to pick up my dress due to the weight of the detailed beading, lace and tulle as I walk confidently to the first space. The awkwardness hits me as I try to kick around my dress to stop the train from bunching up so much as I want the cameras to pick up on my teams hard work.
Suddenly an angel from heaven, my knight in shining armour comes to the rescue.
I barely hear Jack’s voice over the shouts, flashes and the swelling of stress in my ears but it’s loud enough to start to bring me back to earth and to a calmer state.
I look down to see he has crouched to start to straighten out the long floral train. He glances up at me and gives me a wink as he feels me look over my shoulder at him.
“Don’t worry, I got you!” He laughs as he try’s to check my face for any signs of continuing worry.
I offer my hand and pull him round next to me so that we can have photos together. The paparazzi go even crazier, as if Jack’s previous action didn’t have a loud enough reaction.
We laugh at the eruption and a strong wave of serenity washes over me as I lean in closer to my boyfriend.
“You look so stunning that I had to help you, I hope you don’t mind,” Jack leant into the side of my head. “You are a saving grace Jack, and thank you” I whisper back.
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I want to thank everyone who like/reblogged my first post, it means a lot. I did not expect any interaction at all so thank you!
My best friend helped me to check over this so if its bad, blame it on her plz and thx!
Requests are open, so send them no matter how big or small you idea is.
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
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throneofsapphics · 9 months ago
finding you again, part three
Azriel x f!Reader
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summary: after he ended your relationship, you didn’t expect Azriel to pop into your life again - and you’re not happy about it
warnings: on the series masterlist! I'm keeping them there this time if you'd like to avoid potential spoilers :)
a/n: thank you so so much to @whisperingmidnights for beta'ing this for me <3
series masterlist
It was over. The war had finished, but everything felt … heavy. As soon as you were no longer needed, you’d gone right home. Guilt still crept in every time you thought of home, of the island. Not Velaris, not any longer. Although you visited, although your family asked you to move back each time, you weren’t ready. 
Fifty years of conditioning to pain each time you thought of the city hadn’t worn off yet. Maybe it never would, but for now all you wanted was the comfort of sea wind, your own bed, and a warm supper. 
He’d told himself months ago that maybe seeing you just once, would be enough, and it was. His shadows hissed in his ear at the blatant lie he tried to convince himself of and, as usual, they were right. You were a drug he couldn’t kick. Didn’t want to. 
When he saw you, walking through Velaris that day, he had to take his chance. If he could get just one night, perhaps he could make it memorable enough you’d want a repeat. That or to leave it as a cherished memory. He checked the barrier around his mind. If his brother heard that, he’d tease him relentlessly. 
But he needed to get a night with you first. With your scheming younger sister it wasn’t too difficult. She was already one of his informants, and knew vaguely of your history. One day, when it wouldn’t give them away so obviously, he’d make sure to tell you just how much your sister did love you. 
“We miss you in Velaris,” your sister pouted. She’d come out to visit you on the island and was scanning everything with a keen eye, noting every detail, “but I can see why you won’t come back,” she admitted. 
Did she know about Azriel?
Wait - why did you think of him? 
“-It’s so beautiful here,” she was still speaking. 
You hummed in agreement, but your mind was now lost to that impulsive thought now lingering in your mind. No, Azriel was not the only reason you were staying away from Velaris. Even though you may have run into each other during your last visit. Even if the dinner you had together was a pleasant encounter. Even if what followed that dinner and copious amounts of alcohol from both of you still set you blushing. 
Fully grown adults, making fully grown adult decisions, you reminded yourself. 
Azriel’s hand traced down your spine, shadows trailing around other parts of your bare body, a laugh bubbling. His thumbs finally dug into the spot where your shoulder met your neck. A small, too sexual moan, considering the events of the past hour, slipped past your lips. 
“Beautiful,” you heard him say. 
“We have one night,” you reminded him, not entirely sure why you felt the need to. 
His hands paused, just for a second, before continuing their ministrations. 
“I know.” Was that resolve? Or maybe determination you heard there?
Before you could push he hit a particularly sensitive spot and your mind emptied.
An elbow jutted harshly into your side, drawing you back to the present. 
“Ouch,” you yelped, jumping away before your sister could do it again. “What was that for?” 
“You zoned out,” she rolled her eyes. “Again.” 
“Sorry,” you muttered under your breath. 
“Thinking of anyone special?” 
“No,” you answered too quickly. 
She hummed, tapping a finger against her lips, sending you a small secret smile, a I’ll keep it to myself, you shot her a grateful one back just as your parents rounded the street. Your entire family, visiting your home for once. 
The villagers had gotten word to Rhysand, an urgent message requesting help for you, claiming you were under some kind of curse they couldn’t figure out. You’d gone to search for some sort of herbs that only grew near the middle, came back a few days later with a glazed look in your eyes, behavior erratic but mostly unresponsive. 
The words were shaky, rushed, and the ink blotted as if someone had shed a tear writing the message. 
Rhys hadn’t questioned him when he insisted on coming with.
“We had to take everything away,” the male said quietly outside the door, nodding to someone who looked like his son - standing guard. “She kept trying to hurt herself.” 
Hurt herself? 
“We’ll see what we can do,” Rhys sent him a reassuring smile, but he knew his brother well enough to see the worry in his eyes, the mutual fear they shared. Koschei.
He felt Rhys’s shield surround them the moment they entered the room. There was a glazed look in your eyes, too familiar to Azriel. Same as the Autumn Court soldiers. 
“Y/n,” Rhys called your name cautiously. 
A few seconds, but you turned to face them.
Your eyes met his own - clarity, a flash of recognition, and his chest tightened almost unbearably. 
It only lasted a moment, before you screamed - nails clawing at your own skin, jagged marks left behind, wells of blood in their wake.  
Azriel spent hours with you that day, hoping to see that recognition again, to get any answers or words from you he could, but you hadn’t spoken a word, not even reacted again. 
Only that empty look.
Bloodlust, a desire to bring pain, harm, and despair to whoever dared put you in harms way thrummed so heavily in his veins it took a concentrated effort to remain partially anchored to reality. Azriel went hunting for the rat. Someone must’ve given information on you to Briallyn, and he intended on asking them a few questions. 
As weeks passed, the visits became less frequent. The solution was clear - until whoever had control of the crown was dead, you were gone to them. His mind refocused. Find the crown, and he’d find you again. He knew where to start. 
She’s free, a shadow curved around his ear; free, confused, scared.
He’d sent them to check on you, two days after Feyre gave birth - after Feyre, Rhys, and Nyx nearly died.
Why hadn’t he thought of it sooner? That when Briallyn was killed, you might be freed as Cassian was released from the Crown’s control as well. The first thing he wanted was to see you, and the last thing to disturb Rhys’s temporary peace, but he had to. He knew Rhys had taken the burden heavily, that one of the Night Court’s own was attacked in their court. 
Azriel cast his thoughts to him; Y/n may be freed as well.
Rhys was downstairs in a moment, still looking a tad disheveled, but held his hand out to Azriel without another word. 
Back pressed against the wall, your head hung low, forearms propped on your knees. Not quite a cell, but not quite a room. Four smooth wooden walls, not a door you could find, one indestructible window - you’d tried, bruising and bloody knuckles standing as proof; a soft padded floor, comfortable enough to sleep - but nothing else. Water and food appeared at regular intervals, but you couldn’t remember how you got here. 
Your last memory … 
“Pretty little thing, so far from home, aren’t you?” An old crone cooed, a crown atop her head.
You spun slowly, reaching into your limited magic, hand going for the dagger, but she was there, touching your shoulder, and the world faded.
Is the crone keeping you prisoner? Saving you for a rainy day? 
The bigger, more important question was why. You hadn’t done anything to piss anyone off, as far as you knew, so why would they take you. Based on the rise and fall of the sun, it had only been two days, but you’d expected to at least hear from your captors by now.
Three knocks on the wall directly across from you, and you scrambled to your feet - planting them hip width apart, fists curled. 
A door appeared out of nowhere, handle materializing, and slowly swung open. First, you were greeted by two familiar scents. 
Your jaw dropped. Eyes darted between two of the most powerful people in your court. Hurt. Betrayal. Shock. 
“May I show you what happened?” Rhysand, your High Lord, asked first. 
“How .. how do I know you won’t do it again?” You seethed. 
They’d stepped fully inside now, and met hazel eyes as a memory flashed. 
One glimpse of him, a scream from your chest, before everything blanked again.
“What did you do to me?”
“We didn’t,” Azriel said, voice cool, soft, and … pleading? Almost imploring you to believe him. 
“Fine,” you turned a steely gaze on Rhysand, a faint warning in your eyes. Sure, your powers were nothing compared to his, but you knew there was a whole village who would be pissed if something happened to you. 
After what was probably supposed to be a reassuring nod from him - it didn’t work - you lowered the fragile barriers surrounding your mind and let him in. 
Azriel tensed at the glazed look crossing your eyes. Yes, it was different to when you were under Briallyn’s control, but similar enough to set him on edge. Through the glaze, he saw the shock and horror, watched your knees wobble, body beginning to shake. 
Shadows carried him through the room, and he caught you just as Rhys pulled from your mind. 
The shock was great enough you didn’t fight him off as he lowered you to the ground, as he crouched next to you, hands still keeping you from collapsing completely. From shattering. 
“We understand it’s a shock,” Rhys had crossed the room as well, crouching before you. “We can take you wherever you need to go, but we’d like you to see Madja first, if you’re willing.” 
“How long?” You croaked. 
“Fifty days,” Azriel replied instantly. He’d kept a mental tally of each one. 
Wide eyes turned to him, and you fainted. 
“Fuck,” he cursed, arms slipping under your shoulders, holding you in a sitting position. 
“Get her to the Moonstone Palace,” Rhys straightened. “I’ll send Madja over.”
Moonstone Palace. Not Velaris, not when someone could still have a sliver of influence in her mind. Still, Azriel didn’t question him. His priority was you. He’d found you again, and had no plans of letting you go if he could help it. 
“I still don’t like you,” you hissed at him, back propped against the headboard, surrounded by a mountain of pillows. 
“Fine with me,” his mouth curved up at one corner. As if it was. You didn’t need to be a daemati to read his mind,and  he planned on changing yours. 
“Absolutely not,” you corrected. 
“I said nothing.” 
The dry and cool tone, touched with the barest hint of amusement set your blood boiling, ticked off a familiar itch in your mind. Like he was making fun of you, that’s how it felt. 
He didn’t need to say anything. You couldn’t decide if you wanted him to or not, but the silence was suffocating. 
“Don’t do this to me again,” your jaw clenched, eyes hard and shoulders tight. 
Not a plea, a warning. Azriel realized this wasn’t fairytales and roses. He didn’t ‘save the girl,’ and have her fall at his feet. At least not with you, and gods-damn him but he liked it that way. 
Still on your sickbed, barely coming back from your ordeal and you were already shooting venom at him. At least you were paying attention to him. A small, logical part of him realized just how delusional he was, but with his shadows encouraging his compliance … he’d think through it more at another, undesignated, time.
taglist: @mellowarcadefun @acourtofbatboydreams @macimads  @sirens-and-moonflowers @tele86 @kalulakunundrum @anxious-study @mika-no-sekai-blog @judig92  @randomperson1234sblog @fightmedraco @caraaaaugh @thelov3lybookworm @tothestarsandwhateverend @fxckmiup @scatteredstardustt @tooweirdtolive-toorareto-die @redcap3girl @boygeniuses10 @anuttellaa @aunicornmademedoit @inloveallthetime @florencemtrash @juniperberriesaries @azriels-shadowsinger @mybestfriendmademe @prettylittlewrites @bubybubsters @emryb @blessthepizzaman @littlelou22 @topaz125 @prrius-tylersapphire  @skylarkalchemist @lilah-asteria @sheblogs @fan-of-many-bands @whatasweetgeorgiapeach  @lipstickmarks @moonlwghts
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Your Optimus' Older sister, and he's always looked up to you even as a Prime headcannons
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When Optimus was "born" you were still young, you could remember holding him
Basically you guys were inseparable since you were young
You helped him get through his schooling and a job at the archives actually
You were kinda like that embarssing mom, especially infront of Femmes you caught him glancing often
"Ooo is that your little-" "no! No! No!"
In an honest respect you both have each others back, you've been there for every big ceremony he's been apart of.
He told you about becoming a prime first
You were more than proud of him.
And even as a Prime he really still found you a roll model
Always looking up to you like he did when you were both younger, either it be in battle or in simply speaking.
Its unfortunate but you both broke apart with the wars final days
He to earth and you, well he didnt know exactly what had happened to you
He hadnt forgot about you, but pushed you to the back of his mind.
Maybe he hoped you'd find your way to him like all those times you did when he got lost as a youngling, telling him it'd be okay as he cried scared he had lost you forever
"I always come back. Don't I Orion?"
What a way to run back into each other, back on earth that is
Everyones shocked to be honest.
They had never known Optimus had a sister, none the less one so different from him.
Also. He showing a happy emotion? Its a good day
"Still light as ever I see!"
Not you picking him up in a hug, basically embarssing him.
The bots were glad to have another well rounded fighter
And Miko was just glad to meet another kick ass bot
"Optimus has a sister? And that sister is you?"
"Bam! Right on the dot! Me and ol Blue and Red here! Together again! Huh?"
Despite your outgoingness you do keep silent, they've realized Optimus started doing your little finger on the chin thing as you think
"I didn't think Femmes could be so tall."
"You're just mad because she's taller than you, Jackie."
Tall femme supremacy
"So! What did you do on Cybertron?" Miko asked happily.
"Do?" Y/n questioned hands on her hips, "what do you mean do?"
"I bet you were a Wrecker like Bulkhead and Wheeljack! Are you a prime?"
"Oh my occupation!" Y/n smiled as she thought, finger holding her chin in thought, "well i did a number of things, anything to get some energon on the table."
"I thought you and Orion lived in Iacon." Raffle spoke.
Y/n nodded, "We did. Didn't mean it was easy. I did do a number of things Im not proud of Anything for my little brother." Y/n answered with a smile.
"I was more than happy to ruin my own reputation and life to get him where he needed to be." Y/n spoke.
"Wow." Jack responded, "I'd wish I had siblings like you."
Y/n smiled with a nod, "never break up a set. I use to tell him that all the time."
Megatron? Terrified of you
Mostly because you've been able to kick his aft more than once in his life time
Picking up your injured brother
Protecting your injured brother
Taking the shot for your injured brother
Ratchet came out of base to even get Optimus immediate medical attention, but you snapped back and wouldn't let anyone touch him as you held him close
Ratchet knew you before hand so it was a bit helpful that he knew all the things you been through.
Arcee argues with you for it
"You could of gotten Optimus Killed!' She shouted at Y/n, pointing a demanding digit at Arcee.
"I know what Im doing. Back off!" Y/n demanded, "and don't point at me."
She slapped Arcee's servo away.
"You shouldn't even be here! You're a liability! You don't help in anyway and disrespectful Optimus!"
"Disrespect? I'd kill myself before I ever disrespected my little brother-"
"Thats just it! He's a leader not your little brother! Not no more! He thinks your embarrassing!"
"Oh please." Y/n spoke
"You're just dead weight-"
"Thats enough!" Ratchet demanded pulling the two apart.
"If Orion thinks Im such of a dead weight. He can tell me. And I'll leave." Y/n spoke, "and I won't come back."
"His name is Optimus." Arcee argued.
"And thats where you miss." Y/n defended, "This isnt just a discussion about war. This'll be a discuss about family."
You ended up leaving after dicussing it with Optimus
"But Y/n I don't understand why you are leaving"
You didnt tell him what had happen.
"It's just best for the team. If you need me, Im a comn link away."
It's almost like a big sister going off to college, but instead of coming back after 4 years, you won't come back at all
Kinda just fell off the face of the earth again :(
He never did comn you, and you never did come back.
He felt as if he's disappointed you in some way
That could be the only reason you left in such a way
Sure though, he'd find you again on the feild.
In a cave specifically, slumped against a wall, sword at your side, dead cons around you.
Sure, you did defeat all the cons, evident by the slashed chasis, decapitications, and sliced off body parts.
Turns out just one too many injuries got you this time around.
How his spark ached seeing you in such a stature
Never to see you alive again, never able to repay such a debt he had as you being his big sister
It's even more unfortunate that he never learns of why you truly left
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olivia091108 · 1 year ago
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how to be a jackass Introduction
Word count:1.k
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Tonight I’m going out with my sister and her boyfriend because apparently ‘I need to get a a life’ which I think is kinda rude but the only reason she’s saying that is because her and her boyfriend are thinking of moving out together but I don’t know anyone around town and she doesn’t think I’m responsible. She’s right
“Are you kidding me we need to leave in a half hour and your still in your pyjama’s chop chop”she claps her hands in my face.
She can get quite stressed when it comes to me I wasn’t the easiest to grow up with I was a bit of a hothead we both have a few stories from tell of our fights which she still has a scar form that she never shuts up about
“Alright calm down I have loads of time” I push myself off the sofa and just as I walk past her I barge her against the wall and quickly scurry to the bathroom and lock the door before she gets crazy.
I walk into my room with a towel wrapped round my body and one in my hair and flick the tv on just to have some noise in the background it was an alright show jackass that I would watch when I get back late and nothing else is on except teleshoping. I don’t have anything against it but they need to step it up cos I know give me 10 or 20 bucks I’ll do anything they do.
I find an old shirt from when I was like 15 or something and picked up some jeans that were laying on the floor before slipping on some shoes.
“See I’m ready in what 5 minutes you need to take some Xanax I swear”
“Your hair is literally dripping” I flip my head back and forth no doubt getting it on her. And walk down to her boyfriend Oliver who was gonna drive us.
Once we get their it’s already kicking off and walk towards the bar but some grown men are standing there ignoring me while I ask them to move so I manage to budge my way through them and get a rum and coke.
I start to sweat being surrounded by 15 people who clearly know nothing about personal space. I see my sister and Oliver talking to some dude and my sister starts pointing me out and calling me over.
Y/n come here so you know that show you love jackas-
Love? No I don’t love it I don’t even like it that much but what does that have to do with anything?
“Y/n”she says my name like my mum used to when I would break something she jerked her head to the man just standing there and at first I’m confused but then I realise who he is Oh shit
you don’t like the show sweetheart?the leader of the show asks
“I mean It’s alright but you could do better.” He laughs a bit at my words “oh yeah what then?”
“Nah I didn’t mean to be rud- no I’m serious what do you think”
“Do more nasty shit or more extreme stuff and more painful stunts all in saying is anything you lot do I could do if I knew I was getting paid or just for a laugh”
Ill buy you a drunk if you make out with that man at the bar he points to a fat man who is drenached with sweat and is missing a tooth at the bottom
I walk over to him and straight up grab his face and kiss him slipping my tongue and feel him grab a handful of my ass and a few seconds later pull away and walk back over to Johnny using the bottom of my shirt to try and wipe my tongue
“Ok your’e turn Pants that biker playing pool” Johnny looks at him and he looks like he will smash his face in. He walks over there and waits till he has his back to him and as hard as he can yanks his jeans down with his boxers coming as well exposing his bare crack Johnny turns round and ores tends to be in a conversation with some random lady.
The man pulls Johnny to face him and holds him by the colour getting redder and redder. His friends start crowding him and they look like they’re gonna jump him so I walk over and tell him.
“Sir they ran into the bathroom he didn’t do it.”
He lets go of Johnny and storms towards the bathroom with his friends following hot on his heals. I burst out laughing making my eyes water.
“I was about to get my ass kicked”Johnny said joining in on your’e laugh.
The night progressed like this having a couple drinks doing some dares. I didn’t even know that Olivier and my sister left. Some of his fiends joined in.
Running along the bar naked then getting pushed off -Chris
I poured salt in my eye
Ehren getting pool balls thrown at him.
And obviously Steve o lit himself on fire spreading it onto my hair
And so on by the end we were all drunk as fuck and had been kicked out.
I wake up with a throbbing head ache and open my eyes but getting blinded by the lights once they adjust I’m in the bath but I don’t recognise it. I get out and try and find out where I am I hear voices so I walk towards it and then it clicks.
We got kicked out and went back to Steve os apartment carrying on the night everything else’s is a bit hazy right now.
I see all of them in the living room chatting and I also see Steve o wearing my shirt that is 4 sizes too small and some boxers.
Hey Steve o can I have my shirt back I groggily ask making them look towards me probably forgetting I was here.
Yeah dude. He takes it off and throws it at me and I take off the one in wearing and give it to him.I turn around and change
“Dude that bruise is gnarly” I look down at my hip bone and see it decorated with a purple bruise from when I tried to break the door down.
“Y/n you weren’t bullshitting last night we’re you? Johnny asks
“What about?”
“Well we were thinking you were right we gotta be more exciting and you seemed pretty into it would you wanna join.”
“No offence babe but Johnny she was drunk as shit she won’t do any of it sobre”
“Try me.”
Time skip
“Im y/n y/l/n and this is electric mouse trap.”
I stick out my tongue and let Chris clip it on to my tongue and immediately feel the electricity. I Jump around in pain trying to keep it in as long as I can to prove to them I can do it. I Shake my head and rip It off my tongue and It feels numb. I try to speak but all that’s coming out is jibberish and everyone including myslef laugh.
“Welcome to jackass y/n”
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Guys I’m baaaack
This will be a slower burn series of bam x reader and jackass girl don’t know how often I will post but I’ve planned at least 3 chapters and I’m so excited message me any headcannons you wnat in this
Ik bam wasn’t in this but just you wait
My requests are still open
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sanccharine · 10 months ago
13 | winners and losers
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hogwarts au
pairing: hufflepuff!tzuyu x slytherin!reader genre: fluff, slice of life word count: 3.3k
warnings: brief descriptions of injuries, swearing, and stupid angst :D
summary: whether on the field or during class, you never shied away from trouble. and in your sixth year, trouble seemed to follow you like a shadow, though you couldn’t complain. especially when that series of misfortunes led you to the transfiguration prodigy, chou tzuyu. includes: red velvet’s yeri, ateez's san, txt’s yeonjun, viviz’s sinb, loona’s olivia hye
status: ongoing a/n: happy pride month yall, tho there is nothing happy about this part i fear, very homophobic of me ik, time i out myself
masterlist | chapter 12 | chapter 14
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More than anything, it was instinct that saved you. 
Well, instinct and the cushioning spell. 
You couldn’t have cast it even if you wanted to. Not that you didn’t know the spell, you simply forgot it existed. You were more than all right taking the fall, can’t be more dangerous than usual. But, you really did appreciate the softer landing. One moment, you were free-falling with the ground rising at insane speed and the next, you’d hit the land, rolling around as you kicked sand up. 
With a defeated groan, you stopped on your back. Coughs sputtered out of you, no doubt a result of all the sand you ate, while your hand gently let go of your broom. The whine was clear even between the sounds of an ongoing match. 
In your hands, lay your broom—your gift—cracked in two.  
That’s it. 
You were done. 
And so was your broom. 
Maybe you hadn’t broken any bones, but your back was gone. There was no way you were going to class the next week. Lying on the sand, still running on adrenaline, the pain hadn’t settled. You were sure, all through next week bruises of all colours and various levels of pain will bloom much like flowers during spring. But at least, you were done. 
You were done!
A relieved sigh escaped between the panting as you squinted up at the players. Most of them had stopped to see if your fall had been fatal. The game was momentarily paused for you.
Eunbi was the first to arrive. Where from is a question you will never have answered. 
“Told you we’d win,” she said with that wicked grin of hers. 
She was standing at your side, leaning down enough that her face made up most of your vision. From her neck to her ears, she was flushed. It was a scarlet so dark it was almost concerning. She was bearing all her teeth, something between a smile and a method to catch her breath. Exhaustion or elation, it wasn’t clear. Eunbi looked at you all expectantly, as if you had to share the excitement. You weren’t privy to what was running on her mind, you seldom were. 
“No,” you groaned, grappling at the strap digging into your chin. The helmet had done its job. “No, you didn’t.”
Eunbi pouted. 
You sent her a look at the expression, though she just let her smile grow again. The referee landed a few meters away from you. Before they could ask the relevant questions and make it a whole thing, you were quick to give them a thumbs-up. The crowd erupted at your sign, the game didn’t need to be stopped. Still grinning, Eunbi stuck out her hand. The quicker you get out, the quicker the game ends. You took her hand. 
“And,” you paused. 
Something stopped you from fully clasping her hand. 
Something round. 
“We… didn’t win.” 
Staggering, you came to stand, your helmet slipping behind you. Toe to toe, you stood with Eunbi, hand still gripping hers. This close to her, you could really see the specks of light catching in her eyes, her iris alight with mischief. A sight you only witnessed on the field. 
Gulping, you looked down just as your conjoined hands pulled apart. 
Golden wings unwrapped and fluttered, the singing ball floated right up to your eyes as if it were greeting you. And then, it was turning towards Eunbi, circling around her as if begging for her attention. 
“There is no way—!”
The referee blew the whistle. 
“You can’t be serious.”
The points dinged as they rose. 
“You’re insane.”
The crowd was raucous. 
“Told you we’d win,” Eunbi smiled before looking up at the rest of the players. Widening that bright grin, she caught the snitch again and then held it up high. 
To say the Slytherin team were dumbstruck would be a very easy statement, but a lie. Every member of your team was agape, frozen. To be fair, even you couldn’t move—and no, it was not because of your injuries. 
When Slytherin did begin to lose their stupor, Gryffindor was still fuming. 
You could understand them… just a little bit. 
“Did you really need to do all of that?” you asked, cringing at her dramatics. Of course, she pulled stunts like this. That’s how she won her first game. Though they mostly happened to be tricks of the mind rather than extravagant displays. 
“The game was boring,” she shrugged, glancing at the crowds and then at your broken broom. “Probably, the most interesting thing was you struggling for half the game and then plummeting.”
Addressing the jab with a roll of your eyes, you asked. “When did you even get it?” 
“Maybe around ten minutes ago,” Eunbi shrugged again, smiling and waving at our teammates who were landing. The snitch responded with her. “Everyone was too busy focusing on you. Soobin never announced his spotting of the snitch, if he even spotted it, and you were unpredictable. Gryffindor was struggling to get around you and Yeri—a smart choice to change plays in the middle, by the way. Good distraction. So, yeah—”
You put it together quickly. 
“You used me,” you stated, kind of hurt. A lot, hurt actually. Eunbi just shook her head. “Yeah, you did! Ten minutes ago—You could’ve stopped the game, you know I was struggling and you even removed our substitutes—”
Eunbi turned to you with a dead stare. All of her mirth from the previous seconds was gone. A look saved just for you, moments before the team engulfs the two of you with praise. 
“You were finally getting out of your head, finally playing the game,” she said. “I wasn’t going to stop that.” 
And then she pointed at your left hand. And you followed her finger.
It wasn’t shaking at all. You hadn’t even noticed. 
You didn’t know what to say. 
When you looked at Eunbi, she must’ve recognized some emotion in you. Perhaps, gratitude, maybe fondness, either way, she couldn’t handle it, so she turned away. 
“Besides,” she cleared her throat to salvage herself. “We were twenty points behind and I—oof!”
Eunbi went down. Olivia had basically pounced on her. 
You let out a snort. “As if that mattered with the—!”
Yeonjun slammed into you and down you went, for the second time that day. 
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Turns out your injuries weren’t too bad. Nothing a little magic couldn’t fix, right? Though you guessed it was more that Madam Yun was sick of you wasting space in her wing. 
The weekend after the game, Slytherin dorms had their wildest party yet. Your team finally was allowed to let loose, going all out and doing the most. Yeonjun had challenged Olivia in some muggle game, clearly baiting her into some easy bet. Olivia, being the competitive spirit, fell for it headfirst. Your beloved first-years just watched their seniors with glassy wide eyes. You doubt there was anything admirable about their seniors, but you weren’t going to burst the first-year's bubble. Minwoo had gained another chocolate frog from you (stolen from the hospital wing, of course) but he let the frog sit atop his shoulder. He’ll have to learn the hard way why that was a terrible idea. 
From time to time, your housemates dropped by to drag you into the revelries but you just shook your head. You were quite comfortable on your couch. After the week you’ve had, you appreciate the stillness. Speaking of…
Your hand was fully under your control. 
Holding both your left and right up, you turned them over and over again to study them. No trembling at all. There were faint shots of pain, more memory than actual pain. 
You were clenching and unclenching your fist when someone whacked your hand away. 
Yeri propped herself on your lap and nestled in, making herself comfortable at your expense. Her legs hung over the couch as she sighed at the ceiling. 
“Happy?” she asked, looking at you upside down. 
Rolling your eyes, you gently moved around her straying strands of hair and she closed her eyes. 
“We won, didn’t we?” 
Yeri hummed. “Not what I was talking about.” 
You paused your ministrations. You weren’t sure what she was talking about.  
With a sigh, Yeri reached out to take your left hand in hers. Intertwining her fingers from the back, she showed your palm to her face so she could trace the lines with her index finger. 
“I feel like you worry over nothing,” she said, suddenly deep in thought. “You know, no one on the team doubted you for a second.”
Now she was drawing random shapes on your palm, from stars to smiley faces. 
“I don’t understand how every year you keep second-guessing yourself,” Yeri said with another sigh. “Eunbi was adamant on it—kicking Hyukwoo out, that is.” 
Your whole body tensed. On a mind of its own, your eyes found Eunbi all the way across the common room. And as if she felt your stare, she looked back at you, coolly.
“No one was against it, but everyone knew it was a dicey move,” Yeri confessed. “Whether the fight happened or not, I think she would have done the same. It just so happened she got lucky—an easy reason—no one could refute her argument. That is, even if it meant it would burden us.” 
Now this was going beyond a simple school game, beyond your personal squabbles. 
“She shouldn’t be playing games like that, her actions will get back to—”
“Eunbi has already been scouted, her position is already confirmed—”
“Alright, then what about the team? What about us?” About me? was the unspoken question. “This year won’t be easy, they won’t make it easy—”
“Then, we’ll just have to wait and see,” Yeri concluded at the same time she dropped your hand. Your best friend stretched like a cat, before turning over to lie on her stomach. Propping her chin on her hand, she kicked her feet as a shiny gloss lit her eyes. “So how do we feel about Tzuyu?”
“That’s quite the topic change,” you pulled a face but she continued, undeterred. 
“And your detention with her?” 
“I don’t,” you paused to think about it. What did you feel about it? “I don’t really feel anything. It's just detention.”
“Yeah, somehow I doubt that,” San’s voice chirped from your right as he seated himself on the armrest, his shoulder bumping into yours. 
“You know there are perfectly empty chairs right across,” you said, faking your derision. 
“Yeah, but I just want to snuggle close to you like—” You shoved San’s face away before he could plant a kiss on you. Though it was proving to be difficult when both his hands were already wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Oi, don’t change the topic—we’re talking about Tzuyu,” Yeri swatted at his arms, but with no real fight. “Seriously, how do you feel about her?”
“I thought we were talking about how I feel about detention with her?”
“Same difference,” both your friends said at the same time. 
You frowned at that. 
“What exactly am I supposed to be feeling?” you asked, in a way to stall so you could honestly bring out your thoughts of her. It was all too muddled, unfortunately. 
San rounded himself and took a seat on the coffee table, your knees almost touching. 
“Well, you like her, don’t you?” San asked as if it were so simple. You were already shaking your head but he just continued. “You’re always worrying about her.”
“Well, more like worrying about how Tzuyu sees them.” At that, you shot Yeri a questioning glare. “Don’t act like it’s not true.”
“I’m not, is it so bad that I don’t want to look like a fool in front of her?”
“Well, you’ve never cared about it before—”
“Well, I guess she’d never been on my radar before—”
“Alright, then, what changed? Why is she on your radar now?” 
You purse your lips. 
They’d caught you. 
You didn’t have an answer. 
What was different now?
“I don’t know,” you admitted. 
The confession made you feel more bare than you’d like.
San and Yeri shared a look. 
“It is clear how much you care for her,” San says so sweetly, you shudder a bit. Care for her? Of course, you do! You just don’t understand the distinction that deserves a whole conversation. 
“Teasing aside, it's good for you—I mean you’re studying and working harder than ever,” Yeri said, “but most of all you’re finally stepping out.”
Before you could ask what that means, she continues. 
“You never really cared for anyone but us, Slytherins, or quidditch players—I could even argue anyone but our team doesn’t really register as important in your mind,” you had to bite back the nerve to ask, why would they? “But standing up for those first-years—”
“Anyone would’ve done that,” you rolled your eyes. 
“Alright then, on top of that, studying with Tzuyu? Practicing with Yeosang!” Yeri stressed the last point while San nodded. “They’re small changes to you, yes, but to an outsider, it looks like it is really helping you.” 
Helping you? Helping you for what? 
You narrow your eyes at Yeri, but she doesn’t shy away from you. She just kept staring at you as if she heard the question in your mind. As if she was urging you to think about what she meant. As if you had the answers. 
So you did. 
All the way back to how you befriended Yeri. 
Or more so, how she had befriended you. She had clambered onto the train, wide-eyed and loud, instantly recognising the name embossed on your suitcase. She hadn’t even asked to enter the cabin or if you were waiting on anyone else. Yeri asked a million questions, all of which you ignored until she called you out. On your passive expression, on your unfriendliness, and on how you stared out your window when your parents didn’t even wait to see you depart. When you finally deigned her with a response, she grinned, having struck gold. 
Later in the year, she revealed that you’d met her before. None of it rang a bell to you, but by that time, she’d grown to be someone quite important. You found yourself clinging on to her more than she did to you. Besides, it did help that whatever trouble you caused or didn’t, she was always the first to back you up. Very quickly, you found yourself doing the same—a loyalty so unwavering, that you didn’t really care for anyone else. 
That’s how it went with Yeri. That’s how it went with everyone else. Every single one of your close friends. 
How San introduced himself with a snack because he’d bought too many, (he had lied, he believed sharing snacks would help him make friends if his words failed). Or how Yeonjun had passed you notes because he was bored at the back of the first History lesson, (you both had been kicked out and never earned the professor’s trust ever again—not that either of you cared for it). How Eunbi made a singular comment on correcting your form when she’d caught your practising spells late at night, a throw-away note, she hadn’t even stopped to say it (and you never got to thank her after the Charms professor praised you).  
All of them had approached you first, regardless if their intention was to befriend you or not. They come to you, befriend you, and you just let them… Or more that they’d broken through. Seen you through your passiveness and unfriendliness as a young Yeri had put it. 
How many more were there? How many more interactions filtered through your mind as irrelevant much like how you’d met Yeri before and had no recollection of it? How many more friends had you lost because you were busy picking and choosing who to speak to and how to speak to them? Whether they deserved your response, being selective on whether they deserved to take up space in your mind? 
When put in words, it sounded awful. Even if it wasn’t your intention, it seemed so so awful. Almost like… your parents. 
“I hope they help you. Help you understand that the world doesn’t end when you make one wrong move. Help you understand that you’ll be fine if you fail from time to time,” Yeri paused to let out a deep sigh. You knew she was thinking about your parents too, but she didn’t feel like saying. Why, when you knew already? “I hope that they help you understand that you’re more than just some Quidditch player, or a decent Transfiguration student, or another L/N.” 
“That’s not her job,” the words escaped you before you could even recognise what you were saying. 
You’ve truly lost where this conversation was going. 
“That’s not their job,” you corrected. San and Yeri shared a look while you folded your arms. 
Weren’t there bigger problems to concern yourselves with than whatever you had going on with Tzuyu? Which wasn’t much. 
“That doesn’t matter! Focus on how I broke my broom—”
“We all saw that, don’t change—”
“Yeri, I’m just saying Tzuyu is not a concern—”
“Our next game is not a concern! It isn’t for weeks! Plus we have school brooms,” Yeri said.
“And spare brooms,” San added, knowing he could ask his parents to send some for you. 
“That still doesn’t guarantee a smooth game, I mean this game we barely—”
“I don’t understand why you won’t let anyone near you,” Yeri shuffled back, now kneeling on the couch. 
“And I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” you flashed San a look, hoping he’d help you in some way. Nothing. “Seriously, what are we even talking about now?”
“I forget how you can be so clueless,” Yeri shook her head and moved away from the couch. She gave you one last look before leaving. “That’s my bad.”
You watched her disappear into the crowd with a sour taste in your mouth. This fight was not a new one. Every year something along the same lines always came up, but truly this time there was no root to it. At least, not one you could pinpoint.
“You’re distracted,” San offered kindly. When you pursed your lips, he sighed. “Tzuyu has been distracting you.” 
“Is she helping me, or distracting me? Which is it?” you asked, and a passing look on San told you he didn’t appreciate the tone. You mumbled your apology before running your hand down your face. “I’ve been practising the best I can, studying the best I can, what are you saying—”
“It’s not a bad thing,” San stopped your words. “Anyone with eyes can see the two of you have been circling each other since the start of the year, though it's become so tense—”
“Yeah, well, I was injured because of her,” you emphasised the point as much as you could. Then you brought your hand up to unfurl a finger every time you made a point. “And then, she went and took the blame. And I don’t even know why she bothered to try to make a friend out of me—”
“Don’t you think these are things you should be talking to her about?” 
Then you froze. 
Whatever you’d said you didn’t feel at the start of the conversation had just poured out of you, out of nowhere—no, from somewhere deep in you. 
“That’s what Yeri means, though she put it less kindly,” San said, placing a hand on your knee. He furrowed his brows, debating if he should say the thing he was thinking, far too gentle to not mince his words, far too different from Yeri. “You can confront people without your fists connecting with their face.” 
You stared at the hand on your knee. “Does it matter?” 
“If you’re so wound up over it, I’d say it does,” and then San reached for your left hand. 
And with horror, you felt it flinch away.
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: i said two months but it was three guys im sorry im such a liar ;-; lol anygays have a good day/night everyone !
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taglist: @someone-who-likes-broccoli @tatliegilim @nanabongos
send an ask to be added !
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