#stiles is a pi with his own firm
stereklyrics · 2 years
Okay but what about an au where Sterek is the same age and married and Derek has to go to Beacon Hills alone because Laura disappeared on them and Stiles has a job to do (he's kinda a supernatural PI and has a firm) and when Derek finds Laura's body he immediately calls Stiles and Stiles immediately leaves the job for one of his investigators and goes straight to Beacon Hills and when he gets there he finds his husband trying to train a werewolf puppy (Isaac) but having like zero success, so he's just like "Sourwolf, lemme handle this, okay?" and Isaac is so confused like "Who are you? Where did you come from? Who the fuck is Sourwolf?" and Stiles is like "I'm Derek's husband and also a supernatural PI, so I know what I'm doing here. And Sourwolf is how I call my husband." and Derek is just like "Seriously, babe? Did you really have to?" Stiles just shrugs and says "I'll handle the puppy training for you, you'll go and grief properly, OK? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you're just pretending to be fine. I promise you we'll find who did this to her, okay? I'm a PI, after all."
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udunie · 7 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Lydia Martin, Alan Deaton Additional Tags: Sex Magic, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Spark Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski Summary:
“Dad, I’m ready. Last time didn’t work out because the guy just wasn’t right, okay? Sure, I shouldn’t have let it go that far when I knew it wasn’t a good match, but… This is an opportunity I can’t pass up.”
Well, okay, he could pass it up. Being a regular Spark wasn’t a bad thing. He could get all kinds of specialized, high-demand jobs… He actually had his eyes on an internship at a supernatural PI firm, but well. Being an Emissary would take his abilities to the next level. If he managed to find the right pack. And more importantly, the right Alpha.
Someone he wouldn’t mind doing all the sex-magic and bonding with.
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fandom-madnessess · 7 years
could you maybe do a Malia/Kira/Lydia ot3 thing where Lydia runs a flower shop Malia owns a bakery and Kira owns a tattoo shop?
Lydia Martin/Malia Tate/Kira YukimuraRating: G, Word Count: 1950Tattoo Artist Kira, Baker Malia, Florist Lydia, Fluff, Pining, POV Kira, Polyamory, Established Lydia/Malia, Malia&Stiles Friendship♥Read on AO3
Kira is used to being stared it, and most of the time sheloves it. She loves people tracing the ink on her arms with their eyes,puzzling over what the pictures are, trying to read the words. Sometimes,little kids come up to her and ask her if she’s a fairy,or they ask their parents why they aren’t allowedto draw on themselves but she is. Not all stares are admiring, but she lovesevery line of ink on her body, and no amount of raised eyebrows is going tochange that.
Every once in a while though, when she’s in a bad mood, she just wants totell those people to fuck off. And today is one of those days. She didn’t sleep well, her neighbours had avery enthusiastic and loud—so very loud—sexathon, and then Stiles, her business partner, called insick. It’s not really a problem fortoday; they don’t do walk-ins on Mondays, andMason is great at handling disgruntled clients, so rescheduling theappointments is only a minor inconvenience, but she still needs an extra artistfor this week, and she’s notsure anyone’s available.
This is why, when she walks by the new florist andcatches the woman staring, it’s notentirely Kira’s fault that she gives in toher impulses, and flips the woman off.
‘Youokay?’ Mason asks, when she walksinto the shop. He hands her a cup of coffee with a look that is a mix ofcheerful and concerned.
‘Don’t have loud sex. Ever. Respect yourneighbours,’ Kira grumbles. She takes asip of the coffee and hums, already feeling a little better. ‘You’re anangel.’
‘I know,’ Mason grins, patting her shoulder incommiseration. ‘I put the stencil for yourfirst client by your station. Stiles said it was good to go, right?’
‘Yeah,’ Kira nods.
She was supposed to have the morning free of clients soshe could go over the inventory, but Stiles’ firstclient would’ve been busy the rest of theweek, and didn’t mind Kira tattooing herinstead. Mason will have to multi task for a little while, but without walk-ins,and if they keep the sign flipped to closed, they should be fine. As Mason goesoff to do inventory with a pout on his lips, Kira quickly sets up her stationfor the first appointment. She’salmost done when there’s aknock on the door. A woman with short brown hair is standing on the other side,and Kira quickly lets her in.
‘I’m Kira,’ sheintroduces herself. They shake hands, the woman’s hand iswarm and firm in Kira’s. ‘You must be Malia. Stiles said youalready knew he’s out sick today and are finewith me doing it instead?’
Malia nods. ‘Hetexted this morning when I was at work.’
‘What doyou do?’ Kira asks as she leads Maliafurther into the shop.
‘I’m a baker. Mostly pastries and pies,but I also make bread and cookies.’
‘Wellthat explains the tattoo.’ Kira gesturesfor Malia to sit down, then pulls out the stencil Stiles prepared. It’s a heart with a loaf of bread insideit, and “loaf” written in stylized letters inside the bread. It’s not very big, no bigger than herpalm.
‘It’s a pun,’ Malia explains. ‘Loafinstead of love. Stiles drew it when we went out last week. Said he’d do it in return for free pastriesfor a month if I still wanted it when sober.’
‘He toldme,’ Kira chuckles. ‘Left out the part where you’re the one making the pastries,though. I hope you set a limit on the number of pastries, because he’ll clean you out if you don’t.’ Sheholds up the stencil. ‘Wheredo you want it?’
‘Myshoulder,’ Malia says, pushing up thesleeve of her t-shirt. ‘It’s one pastry per employee everyweekday, and they’re non-transferrable.’
Kira laughs again. ‘Smart.’
The next half hour is filled with easy small talk and thebuzzing of the machine. Kira likes Malia, she’s alittle offbeat, catching Kira by surprise with some of her remarks in a verypleasant way. When she’s doneand Malia’s shoulder is cleaned andwrapped up, she finds herself reluctant to say goodbye.
‘Do youhave any favourites?’ Maliaasks. ‘So I’ll know if I have to save you anything.’
‘Notreally, but I do have a sweet tooth,’ Kiraadmits.
Malia nods. ‘See youat lunch.’
Kira smiles as she waves goodbye. She’s already looking forward to it.
The next day Kira goes to work with a skip in her step.Stiles is feeling better and thinks he’ll beback tomorrow. She managed to get Hayden to fill in for him today. She’s a great artist and working with heris always fun. Mason will be a little late, but that’s okay because he’s alsobringing her hot chocolate.
The skip in her step falters when she walks past theflower shop. She feels a little guilty about yesterday. The woman probably didn’t mean anything by it and became theundeserving target of her bad mood.
All through the morning, Kira tries to think of a way toapologize. Normally, she’d get flowers,but buying flowers at another shop for a florist seems a little rude. Theperfect apology hits her when she walks into Malia’s bakery that afternoon.
‘Whatkind of baked goods say “I’m sorry”?’ she asks Malia.
‘Cookies,’ Malia says firmly. ‘An assortment of cookies if it’s really bad. Unless it’s your partner, then I’d say a personalized cake.’
‘I’m single,’ Kira says, shaking her head. Was this Malia’s way of fishing for her relationshipstatus? She hopes so. ‘And it’s not really bad. I was kind of rudeto someone yesterday, and I figured I’d saysorry.’
Malia nods, places a couple different cookies in a box, andties it off with a neat bow. ‘Thisshould do it.’
‘Thankyou,’ Kira sighs in relief. ‘And can I get one of those glazedbuns for me?’
Ten minutes later, Kira pushes open the door to theflower shop.
‘Hello?’ she calls out.
‘I’ll be right there!’
Kira waits by the counter and looks around. There is somuch colour in here it’salmost blinding, and the air is thick and heady from the mixed scents offlowers.
‘How canI help you?’
Relieved, Kira sees it’s thesame woman she flipped off.
‘I cameby to apologize for yesterday,’ Kirasays, holding out the box of cookies. ‘I’m Kira, I own the tattoo shop downthe street.’
‘Lydia,’ the woman introduces herself. Shesmiles and holds out her hand. ‘Andthis is my flower shop.’
Kira shakes Lydia’s hands,that are rough from handling flowers all day. Lydia takes the box and pulls thebow, humming when she sees the cookies.
‘Do youwant one? I could make some tea,’ Lydiaoffers.
Kira shakes her head. ‘I’d loved to.’ And she really would. Lydia is pretty and she seems nice.‘But I should get back. Lunchbreak isalmost over.’
‘I hopeI’ll see you around,’ Lydia says.
‘Me too.’
For over a week, Kira tries to figure out if she shouldask out Malia or Lydia. Malia is blunt, caring, and Kira’s pretty sure she offered to beat up one of herex-boyfriends. Lydia is sharp, funny, and incredibly sweet once she’s decided she likes you. Both womenare gorgeous, creative, and passionate about their jobs. It’s a terrible choice that Kira doesn’t want to make, and she’s all but decided to flip a coin,when Malia makes the choice for her.
‘Theonly other person who loves these cookies as much as you is my girlfriend,’ Malia says, handing Kira a gianthazelnut cookie.
‘Youhave a girlfriend?’ Kira asks. She quicklyrearranges her disappointed face into something that, hopefully, resemblesinnocent curiosity.
‘Lydia,from the flower shop,’ Maliasays. ‘I thought you knew?’
‘No, Ididn’t. Well, I still have somethings to do, so I should go. Bye.’
Kira quickly walks out of the bakery and back to hershop, walking on the other side of the street to avoid seeing Lydia. Back inher shop, behind her desk in the office, Kira groans and slides down in thechair. Why? Now that she thinks aboutit, Malia and Lydia do seem perfect for each other. And she’s happy for them. Really. It just… kind of sucks for her, she’s really started falling for thesewomen.
Kira eats her cookie, but barely tastes it as sherealizes what she needs to do. She needs to cut down on the time she spendswith the women. No more lunches with Lydia or taking almost an hour to pick outfresh flowers for the shop. No more jokes with Malia over bread puns. She needssome distance to get over them, and then they’ll be justfriends. It’s not really the scenario she’d hoped for, but the thought nothaving the two women in her life at all is unbearable.
Kira sticks to her plan, she keeps her visits to thebakery and the flower shop short and to the point. Any concern from Malia andLydia she waves away with excuses about being busy or working on new ideas.
She thinks it might working. The thought of seeing Maliaor Lydia still makes her smile, but it doesn’t makeher chest feel too small for her heart anymore, or her skin tingly, or her legsrestless. Now it does all of that at the same time.
This isn’tworking at all.
Kira is wallowing in self-pity, doodling at her stationas she waits for closing time. It’sFriday, and they’re always open late. Withseveral bars close by, you’d thinkthey’d be pretty busy, but theyhave a firm policy against tattooing anyone under the influence; the late hoursare mostly for anyone who doesn’t havetime for a long session during the day.
The old-fashioned bell on the door goes off, and Kirajumps in surprise. When she sees it’s Maliaand Lydia entering the shop, she almost falls of her chair.
‘Hey,’ she manages to squeak. ‘What are you guys doing here?’
‘We’ve barely seen you all week, so wethought we’d stop by,’ Lydia says. ‘And I brought flowers.’
‘Thankyou.’ Kira can’t help but blush and smile. She triesto hide it by ducking her head and admiring the bouquet. It’s beautiful, mostly made up of rosesin different colours. She traces a delicately pink petal with her fingertip. ‘It’slovely.’
‘Ibrought you cookies,’ Maliasays. ‘I’ve been trying something new, I hope you like them.’
‘I knowI will,’ Kira grins.
She puts the cookies on the front desk, then goes to theback to hunt for a vase. When she comes back and sets the neatly arrangedflowers next to the cookies, Malia and Lydia are both looking at her expectantly.
‘Iseverything okay?’ Kira asks.
‘Youwant to go on a date?’ Maliaasks.
Kira’s handsare still around the vase and she almost knocks it to the floor. Did Malia really just ask her that? Shelooks from Malia to Lydia, hoping to find some answer there.
‘We bothreally like you,’ Lydia explains. ‘We  talked about it, and we’d love to take you out on a date.’
Kira’s brainis tripping over itself as it tries to process this. ‘You’reasking me out? Both of you? Together?’ shehas to ask. She has to be sure.
‘Yes,’ Malia says.
‘I’d love that,’ Kira says, nearly knocking over the flowers again in herexcitement.
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