#stickin' around fr fr
shepscapades · 2 months
I can't believe it took me this long to realize
Nor did I realize it's been this long???
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well hey there, darlin! s'pose I should introduce myself, I'm the state of Georgia official tumblr page! (For legal reasons, this is a joke)
i hope to see y'all stickin' around, and if there's anythin on your mind, just ask away, darlin, alright?
lemme know if I can get y'all anything to eat or drink and I'll see ya around!!
oh yeah also I'll edit for tags as I make em, but so far I think
• #ask georgia for asks
• #georgia speaks for just regular text posts
• #it's alright‚ flor‚ honey‚ i'm just teasin for teasing Florida
• #favorite siblings for my favorite siblings (so far, Virginia/@virginia-state-official, Florida/@state-of-florida-official, Indiana/@definitely-indiana, and Illinois/@unofficial-illinois)
• #siblings say things for reblogs from other US states (and the US Navy I think)
• #reblogs from dad are things I reblog from my dad, @official-the-united-states
• #children of georgia for reblogs from my children (currently just @atlanta-unofficial and @atlanta-official as far as I know)
• #new friend? for befriending other blogs and gimmick blogs
• #but not really cuz it's just the mod ooc tag for when the mod speaks
• #friends of georgia for other blogs and gimmick blogs I'm friends with (Ireland/ @definitelytherepublicofireland, Sanrio/ @its-sanrio-official, @pigeonlikesbread, Cape Breton/ @cape-breton-island-itself, BJs/ @def-bjs-guys,
KFC/ @k-f-c-official, @i-bless-your-heart, Australia/ @true-blue-straya, Russia/ @russia-totallyofficial, @onceinalifetimexperiencebuttwice,
the actual Catholic church [/silly]/ @the-real-catholic-church, the British Antarctic Territories/ @real-britishantarcticterritories, Gmail/ @the-real-gmail, and Kroger/ @kroger-fr)
• #speaking about siblings for when other blogs or gimmick blogs mention my siblings
• #family of georgia not siblings, not dad, but a secret third thing (other family members in our family tree like @non-tyrannical-usa/my aunt and @100percent-shell-oil/my stepdad)
• #and georgia says bing sucks‚ use duckduckgo instead for the war against Bing because L Bing...and also just in general for reblogging stuff from Bing
• #and georgia says FUCK THE TRANSPHOBES for tagging things about bigots of any kind. Transphobes, homophobes, ableists, terfs, aphobes, etc. Fuck bigots, all my homies hate bigots.
• #a house divided against itself cannot stand‚ but somehow this one is managing- for tagging state feuds (I'm looking at you, @maryland-officially and @ohio-thestate /lhsilly)
• #fellow Georgian 🫵 /lhsillyy is for when I meet/find fellow Georgians...just came up with that today (8/16) tho, so sorry if you're a Georgian and I haven't tagged your previous asks or posts as such...I'll do that next time though ^^
• #georgia polls the people of tumblr for the rare occasion I decide to post a poll
• #I love you a bushel‚ and a peck‚ and a hug around the neck for reblogs from my in character twin, @washington-offical
• #unhinged posts wheel for asks to add to a wheel to spin when I'm bored for unhinged things to post on this blog
• #uwu owo so siwwayy for that time I got uwuified
...wait, now I gotta uwuify all my usual tags- *sigh* hold on...
• #ask geowgia an uwuified version of my usual ask tag
• #but n-n-nyot weawwy cuz is jus da mod x3 an uwuified version of my usual ooc tag
• #geowgia speaks OwO an uwuified version of my usual regular text post tag
• #speaking abyout sibwings ÚwÚ an uwuified version of my usual tag for when other blogs or gimmick blogs mention my siblings (other state blogs and also the US Navy I think...usually for in character stuff)
• #f-fwiens of geowgia uwu an uwuified version of my usual tag for other blogs and gimmick blogs I'm friends with
• #sibwings say fings an uwuified version of my usual tag for reblogging things from other state blogs (and the US Navy)
• #new fwend? OwO an uwuified version of my usual tag for befriending other blogs and gimmick blogs
• #famiwy of geowgia ^w^ an uwuified version of my usual family tag
• #fuck‚ it's memory loss time... for that time @anonymous-thief-of-memories deleted my memories...look, I'm sORRY FOR TURNING YOU INTO A GECKO, BRUH, OK- TT TT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT-
• #nature is healing~ for any posts related to the aftermath of the memory wipe incident
• #what in the freaky friday is going on here /sillyj for that one time an anon turned me into my six year old self...no I'm not kidding and YES I know that's not what freaky friday is about, but I couldn't think of a better analogy
Also my playlist in case it gets lost in the reblogs:
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astronomic727 · 2 months
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Fortnite Mains
So uhhhh I may have gotten into Fortnite lately -v-;
I'll be so fr, I was never thaaaat interested in it mainly cause I'm not great at shooters, especially if online, but the character designs/crossovers always looked cool… and then I was informed by a friend that Lethal Company was added as a skin and I decided "fine time to lock tf in" LOL
But yeah I gotta be honest it's actually been pretty fun, I like all the quests that you can do to unlock stuff, so I guess I'll be stickin' around! And here we are, decided to draw my three mains together as a trio :)
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leo-kinnie · 1 year
Hey! Dystopia Crew here bearing gifts for you! We may not have gotten past the prelims, but we're sure as heck stickin around!
Here are some Turtle stuffies to get you through the next leg of the competition! (They're weighted and have a neet lil pocket for ice packs if needed :3)
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(PS: pay no mind to the stuffatello, there are no evil schemes here :3c)
HEY HI HO!! Thank you so much!!!! Your art is so cute omg?! (Stanning shadowtello fr)
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daringdraconicdeity · 8 months
happy valentines day!! here's a little candygram 🍭🍬🍫
thanks for being my mutual! what i appreciate about you is your art and reblogs! so vibrant! so full of color! so full of LIFE! i need to commission you sometime fr when i have money, i love your work. and also!! i love the various critters you reblog from time to time, and how you expose me to new artists and art!! it's all lovely, and i appreciate what you bring to my dash. anyway, hope you have a lovely day~!
Thank you so much, you are so kind 💖 I’m very happy to hear you enjoy my work so passionately and it means a lot to hear too! I love all kinds of art and I’m glad you are able to find enjoyment in similar work :)
I’m glad to have found you on the great wasteland that is this wretched webbed site and I will be stickin around for a while to come 🫡 even if I’m not the most talkative or ready to interact I hope u know I often think of u as well!
Happy Valentine’s Day :) I hope it’s been a good one for you!
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blatherson · 4 months
Japierdole. Ale mnie wkurwia jak wchodzę na anatwt/3dtwt i pierwsze co widzę to fatshaming wyzywanie siebie ciągle sh bez wgl trigger warning co chwilę ludzie wstawiają jakieś ss jakiś dziadów z bebechem i piszą jakie to obrzydliwe. Jakieś posty typu “eating a burger SAY THE THING” jakby co do sigmy 🫡 plus dodawanie osób jako spo kiedy one nie życzą tego sobie albo są recovering a ludzie wyciągają ich traumatyczne przejścia…. Znaczy nie mówię że każda osoba na “naszej” społeczności na twt jest taka tylko chodzi mi że głównie ja takie widzę więc ja wolę stickin around na tumblr fr
A i nie wspomnę o kidoskach które rozprzestrzeniają naszą społeczność na twt/tik tok
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cherrytastiq · 8 months
no but fr i just discovered your blog and your art style is genuinely the best thing ive seen woo boy. im stickin around boss
AW GEEZ THANK YOU that is so sweet.... <:^) what a wonderful thing to say.. peace and love on planet earth ^_^ feel free to stick around for as long as you like!
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kaptainandy · 8 months
happy happy birthday andy !!! i hope you’re having a good one 💕💖 you don’t know me but you’ve fr been one of my favorite blogs for the longest time. ty for stickin around on this hellsite and hbd :]
yoooo thank you so much!!! i appreciate the kind words 💖💖💖💖 we are warriors bound by the hellsite
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beastie-anon · 2 years
Yall need to watch Stickin Around fr fr it's on youtube
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I've only been following you for a couple months but holy shit, the stuff that happens on your blog is so chaotic and entertaining. Also, I love your art, kh looks so pretty already but then your style just makes it *chef's kiss* Absolutely top tier from the kh artists/blogs I follow.
my blog’s a trojan horse: i offer adequate art at first, but then you get posts about dicks every other day once you follow
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niceandbluept2 · 6 years
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chriskreider · 3 years
this past week was my 6th year anniversary for this blog And i just hit 800 followers.. wild times! i love this blog tho i have so much fun posting here fr so thanks everybody for stickin around
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I'm with the other anon, I don't follow you for TLOU content so I thought that she was an actual character and at this point she never won't be.
GUYS 😭 welk thank you for stickin around since i post so much tlou. BUT FR IT MEANS A LOT. shes my emotional support oc
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Whumptober #15: Scars
This is late for the same reason some babies are born late: they just don’t wanna come out of there.
It took me a while to get to where I was happy with this, and it helps to explain a good bit about Carlos. Content includes: descriptions of blood and slight gore, implied torture, dehumanization, mentions of gang violence, hurt/comfort, emotional whump
“Did that uh…” Ben gestured in towards his own neck with a waggling finger. Carlos was a few feet away, on his back with his feet kicked up casually against the wall as if they weren’t both chained to it. “Did that thing on your neck hurt…?”
His friend was tossed back in the cell after being gone long enough for Ben to have actually fallen asleep despite his worry. The sound of flesh smacking the floor and a pained groan woke him up with a start, and he scrambled over immediately. What was the damage, he thought frantically. Was it permanent this time? Did Carlos still look human shaped???
Carlos craned his head back so that he could stare in Ben’s direction. “You mean the big old fucking tattoo on my neck? That you get by stickin’ a million needles into your skin for like three fuckin’ hours? THAT thing?”
Ben shook his head and sighed. “I really don’t have time to navigate your Disneyland of sarcasm today. I just don’t.”
Carlos scoffed and went back to staring at the ceiling of their cell. “See, that’s where you’re wrong! You got all the time in the world.” He arched his back up off the ground in a cat-like stretch, held the pose for a moment that made Ben stare, then settled back in with his hands laced behind his head. “We BOTH got all the time in the world, Benny boy.”
Green eyes fluttered open as Ben lifted Carlos up in his arms. Long fingers were firmly clapped over the left side of his neck, and Ben could see those fingers were bloody, but he was still breathing. If he had enough air in his lungs to groan he’d be okay. It couldn’t be that bad.
The other man had more muscle on him but it was all lean and wiry, and he fit against Ben’s chest despite his broader shoulders and longer arms. He always did. All of him was still human shaped anyway, at the very least, and Ben silently thanked the impassive nothingness around them.
“Hey, bud. You okay?”
Stupid questions usually got stupid answers, but this time it was vital. Neither of them were ever really “okay” but what Ben meant was “Are you still here with me?” and “Do you think this one is fatal?” and “Am I going to be alone soon?”
Carlos knew this and shook his head. “Nah, I’m alright man. Just…just b-burns.” His hands were shaking just a little but other than that he was relaxed. Almost limp. Despite whatever had happened to him his eyes were almost… calm. Unnaturally glassy as they darted around like manic green fireflies, unable to focus.
Ben gently took the man’s hand away from his neck to see the damage–and felt like he’d choke on his own breath. The entire left side of Carlos’ throat was one huge open wound.
“M'ok Benny-boy. D-don’t worry…”
“Please don’t call me Benny boy. I’m not a boy.”
“Sure thing Benny-Man.”
“Oh shut up. I’ll never understand how you can crack jokes while we’re basically waiting for our torturer to be done… Jacking off and ordering pizza! Or whatever it is he’s doing out there…” Ben said with a hateful glance toward the bolted metal door.
“Well what do you expect me to do? Cry about it?” Carlos said back, suddenly snappy. Edging on a defensiveness that Ben knew from experience not to test.
He sighed. “Well, why don’t you tell me why you decided to get a NECK tattoo. Of all things. I mean no shade or anything, you do you, but I’m kinda surprised you landed an internship at all with that thing. It’s hardly professional, is all.”
His answer was two big middle fingers. Then Carlos was pressing a soft touch to the praying hands, rosary clasped between them, on the left side of his throat. The design was big. Unmistakeable and loud in bold black ink, unable to be hidden away with even a high shirt collar. There were words in flowing, dramatic script beside it. Lest We Forget.
“I uh… I got it to… cover something up.” That was a response Ben hadn’t even dreamed of hearing, and he perked up. Interested in an anxious way.
“…A scar?”
Carlos fingered the tattoo again for a moment, then let his hand fall back to the ground with a sigh. “Yeah. A scar.”
“Jesus fuck, Jesus fuck.” The skin on Carlos’ neck had been peeled away. Looked like that anyway, red and raw under the sprinkling of blue mystery powder the scientist used as his own weird blood clotting and disinfecting agent. That powder was often the reason either of them stayed alive to have more fun the next day, so their relationship with it was very love/hate.
“That’s b-blasphemous. Jesus d-doesn’t wanna fuck you.” Carlos’ skin felt cold against Ben’s hands even though he was sweating, and Carlos could feel a fear settle in his stomach like ice. Carlos was going into shock. Was already in it.
“Oh sorry, are you saying he wants to fuck YOU?” Ben offered a breathless chuckle, trying to add brave words to the improv play they were putting on, but knowing someone could very easily die from the kind of state Carlos was in. There had been just enough blood loss and pain and in fear in the removal of Carlos’ tattoo, that his body no longer knew what to do with itself. The bleeding may have been stopped but Ben knew if they didn’t do something Carlos’ organs might decide to quit the whole production and exit stage right.
“Okay. Okay, just relax. It’s okay. M'gonna take care of you. I got you, buddy.” He tapped into his own medical training and went about reciting his ABC’s.
“It was stupid. Back when…” Carlos started reluctantly, but heaved a sigh and finally got the words out. “Back when I was still in a gang. Sixteen, seventeen. Got in a nasty fight and then the guy pulled a knife and it wasn’t a fight no more. You feel me?”
Ben was quiet. He’d scooted over as far as the chain on his ankle would allow, which put him just in touching distance of his friend. He took advantage of it since, while Carlos would deny it up and down for days, physical touch always seemed to calm him. Ground him. He reached out and laid a hand on Carlos’ wrist. A comforting gesture.
“I don’t… Judge you for being sucked into a gang. You were young. You were…”
“Stupid. I know.” Carlos finished for him and looked away. That wrist stayed soft and accepting of Ben’s touch though. “Anyway I got rushed to the hospital. Bunch of stitches. They had to call my parents and I had to talk to the police and… It was a big fuckin’ thing.”
“Did you decide to get out then?”
“Nah. In fact I saw it as a trophy. I lied to my mom and I lied to the police and I went right back out there. Kept doing my thing, and now I had a battle scar to show off.”
Ben’s head tilted. “So if getting sliced across the neck didn’t scare you out of it… What did?”
Carlos didn’t look at him.
“C'mon buddy, look at me. Keep looking right at me, okay? I’m right here.” Ben had laid Carlos back down on the floor, stripping off his shirt and draping it over the prone man’s chest as the only form of blanket they had. His pants were stripped off too and rolled up, propped up under Carlos’ ankles so his feet were elevated a little.
It wasn’t nearly enough to keep Carlos warm, and Ben had finally laid down on the cold floor next to his friend. Draped part of his own body over him as well, arm over his chest and finding a hand to hold tight. “You’re gonna be okay. I got you.”
“He took it. That was my new…life. Away fr-from all that street shit. It was m-my new beginning. He cut it out because he said– he said–”
“Shhh, it’s okay. It’s over now.” Ben squeezed the hand in his a little tighter, heart breaking as he realized the magnitude of what had really happened. He hoped Carlos didn’t say what he knew was coming, but there was no stopping it. The words came stuttering out of his friend’s clammy, quivering lips in hollow notes.
“He said he wa-was the only one th-that got to put marks on m-my body. He said I was his rat now. Nothin’ more…”
“No.” Ben pressed his forehead to Carlos’ cheek, feeling his chest ache with grief and fury at the same time. He’d been called a “lab rat” before but he’d managed to keep himself from believing it. He’d managed to keep his head above water and remember who he was.
He wasn’t sure if Carlos could.
“No way. You don’t belong to him. You understand me? Look. Look at me.”
After a minute or two Carlos turned those brilliant green eyes over to Ben. They were serious. A little wet. More than a little haunted. “Don’t ever let anyone ever tell you there’s such a thing as a knife fight. Or a gun fight. You don’t ‘fight’ with weapons like that. You hurt the other person before they hurt you. It’s over in less than half a minute, and nine times outta ten you don’t know they mean to kill you till you’re on the ground. Any stupid bastard that tries to brag about his skills with a deadly weapon? That’s when you know he’s never had to really hurt anyone. He’s never watched anyone die.”
Ben heard the way Carlos’ voice cracked a little at the end there, and put two and two together. His own life might not have meant much to him as a dumb, misguided teenager, but it was another thing entirely when you lose a friend.
Carlos took a ragged sigh. “Anyway. I made the decision to get the fuck out. Joined one of those online schools for medical assisting that you see on the commercials. ‘Cuz my mom was a nurse, you know? And yeah. Heh. I got an internship. Was gonna work through it and then earn my BA at a real brick and mortar. Real legit. Turn my whole fuckin’ life around, yanno?”
Ben couldn’t help the smile that crept onto his face. “You did good, man. I’m proud of you.”
The blush that bloomed over Carlos’ nose was immediate and beet red. “Fuck you.”
Ben’s smile didn’t leave his lips. “Fuck you too.”
“Fuck the scientist. Okay? He doesn’t know anything.” Ben whispered fervently against Carlos’ skin. Like a prayer. Or an admonition. “He doesn’t know how hard you worked to get off the streets. He doesn’t know what Lest We Forget you were trying to remember. And he doesn’t know that the scar you’re gonna have now? It won’t be his either.” He didn’t know what possessed him to do it, but Ben pressed a short, quick kiss to Carlos’ jaw. Something about praying still, maybe.
“It won’t be his because you’re gonna survive. You’re gonna show his ass how strong you are. And this mark on your neck? It’s gonna remind him every time he looks at it: you didn’t kill me, motherfucker. You didn’t kill me and you didn’t erase anything. You can’t get in my brain, no matter what you do to my body.”
Carlos was quiet through all that. Too quiet. Ben lifted his head and pressed two fingers to the side of Carlos’ neck that still had skin. His pulse was... okay. Better than before even. His eyes were a little clearer, even if they looked exhausted as they gazed up at Ben.
“Man. You’re really gay. I ever tell you that?”
Ben broke out into an almost hysterical giggle. Yeah. Carlos was strong. He would be okay. “I mean???? You’re not wrong! Literally!”
Ben kept him talking for long enough that he felt it was safe to let the man sleep. Kept wrapped around him the whole time, and neither of them minded in the least. The blue powder worked it’s magic (or science, if you will) well enough that Carlos’ neck would scar over in a matter of days. Fresh pink skin where a tattoo used to be. Where a declaration used to be.
Ben resolved to do his best to keep reminding Carlos’ that it was still there. Just not skin deep.
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skunkes · 5 years
you and your art are so perfect and Don’t say you’re not!! bc i mean it!! and its been great to see your art improve over the years and im excited for where it’s going bc you still want to improve and thats so awesome!!! ily :3 :D
;_; thank you! i so desperately still wanna improve nd i hope my art gets to the point where i like it soon! T_T ty fr stickin around ;_;
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hi i only recently followed u cause i have insane rvb brainrot but i love ur art style and also u seem very nice YIPPEE!!!
YEAHHH you 🤝 me -> unhealthy rvb obsession
but fr tyy for stickin around ‘nonnie so happy to have youu <3
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