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voxofthevoid · 6 months ago
Re: JJK 267.
Hard agree with you. I also liked the 1v1 with support element and I LOVED being proven right after constantly getting told I was huffing copium because I've always maintained that Nobara was still alive but outside of that (and my general happiness to have her back) I wasn't a huge fan of this chapter.
There were quite a few reasons I was certain Nobara was alive (a big one being that her death was never confirmed anywhere and one of the first rules of anime is if you don't see the body they aint dead) but as the story progressed from Shibuya it became clear to me that this was where the story was heading in regards to Nobara: her showing up last minute to help deliver the final blow…and that kind of annoyed me.
One of the things JJK got praised a lot for in the beginning was having a diverse group of female characters that actually had their own backstories and motivations and having the main female character NOT be a love interest. Except after Shibuya the women in the cast pretty much dwindled down to nothing and it became obvious to me, particularly after it was made clear Kenjaku was not going to be the Big Bad, that Nobara's "death" and her continued absence were all for the sake of plot convenience. Her technique can attack and damage the soul. That makes her technique a perfect counter to Sukuna especially since they want to save Megumi. And that all means she needed to be kept out of the way to drag the story out more. She basically got put up on the shelf to wait because Gege couldn't find a way to write around her in a manner that would allow for her technique to still be an ace in the hole and dangerous against Sukuna while still continually ramping him up as a threat.
Because of that I was HOPING I was soooo hoping that we would end up covering the merger and my girl would get some screen time and more development but nope. Instead the female lead of JJK has been gone for over half the story because Gege didn't know what to do with her (which after Gojo that's nothing new) and she was only brought back into the story at the last minute to serve as a plot device to help Yuji pull off the win.
I'm happy she's back but I wanted so much more for her as a character and so much more for her fans and we're not gonna get that.
United we stand in painland 🤝
So fair re the vindication and also the disappointment/disillusionment regardless of it. The reason I went from Nobara copium to the "nah she's dead" camp was that the space for her return came and went, especially after the timeskip. I still could've swallowed it if the merger was going to be a thing, but this? Bringing her back for a last-moment assist in the fifth-last chapter and having her wake up half an hour earlier—are you fucking kidding me?
I agree about the female character thing too. JJK got put on a pedestal for that early on, I think, and it ended up being unwarranted. I still like its female characters more than those in most shonen I've seen, but it's still... y'know, shonen and it shows. I got into JJK well after the CG arc, so my expectations in this regard weren't as high as those of people who got into it earlier. I came across this discourse afterward, mostly.
It's Nobara's treatment in particular that pisses me off. Her "death" was well crafted and executed. And walking it back could have been done well while retaining its impact and importance, but that's not what we got. You've put it best: it feels like Gege didn't know how to incorporate her into the story while keeping her as an ace up the sleeve against Sukuna's growing threat. And honestly, even that's not a particularly novel role? How many "secret weapons" have they already pulled out against Sukuna? The timing of her attack makes it special, but the role itself is a fucking revolving chair.
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bi-bi-buckleys · 10 days ago
I saw your tags on the do you know this song poll and I had to laugh because I totally feel that. I would have been so mad at myself if I didn’t recognize the voice lmao
I literally had to close my eyes and go “wooooow” I was disappointed in myself 😂😂
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musette22 · 7 days ago
Speaking of a “dead” fandom. Do you have a list of Stucky blogs to follow? I need to follow more and go through my followers list for fandoms I’m not in anymore but… also maybe that would help some people who are new to the fandom as well? 🎉
Mandy, my love! Great idea, thanks for asking! ❤️ It's been a really long time since I did a blog rec list, because I am genuinely terrified of missing anyone out and potentially making someone feel bad 🙈 That would never be my intention, obviously!
But I swear, from the bottom of my heart: if you're not on this list and you feel like you should have been, it was most likely just one of those brain = sieve things and nothing personal at ALL. Which is also why I want to wholeheartedly encourage anyone who also considers themselves a Stucky-centric blog and would like to be added to this list to let me know/drop a comment in the notes/reblog with a note etc. etc. The more of us the merrier!!
Also, if you're included in this list but you would rather not be, for whatever reason, let me know and I'll remove you! No hard feelings. I also think there are a couple of blogs that are no longer super active / mainly Stucky blogs, but I did check that they all posted at least in the last couple of weeks, so most of them should still be active!
The Tumblr tag limit per post is sadly 50, so not all @'s on the list will be clickable and not everyone will get a notification of this, so I'm going to try to tag the blogs that aren't tagged under the cut in the notes instead, in order to notify them (so those added there by me are the same ones as on the list below)
Stucky blog recs under the cut, in no particular order!
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dreadlockholiday · 5 months ago
Username Song Game
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Tagged by @stevebuckythyla, thank you for the tag!! ❤️😘 This is a lot of letters lmao
D - Dreadlockholiday by 10cc (obviously)
R - Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits
E - Everlong by Foo Fighters
A - Anyways by Arctic Monkeys
D - Desecration smile by RHCP
L - Lost by Robbie Williams
O - Owner of a lonely heart by Yes
C - Call me by Blondie
K - Kansas by Gorillaz
H - Holiday for strings by Voices of W. Schuman
O - Over the hills and far away by Led Zeppelin
L - Legs by ZZ Top
I - I say a little prayer by Aretha Franklin
D - Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
A - Aces High by Iron Maiden
Y - You can't take me by Bryan Adams
Tagging @basil--and--sage, @stuckydrewx, @corruptinnocent, @its-tortle, @metalbvcky, @martelldoran, @hazelthewolfo, @paper-violins, @sanguineterrain, @somanywords, @estrellami-1, @sparkagrace, @hot-multifandom-mess, @stucky-just-stucky, @donbeavers, @dontcallmebree, if you want, no pressure! ❤️
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frostbitebakery · 10 months ago
Username Song Game
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
I got tagged by the lovely, lovely @elismor 💜
F Flower by Moby
R Requins by Worakles
O Outsider (Apocalypse Remix) by a perfect circle
S Song 2 by Blur
T Teardrop by Massive Attack
B Breathe by The Prodigy
I In a spiral by Phantogram
T Toxic by 2WEI
E Empire by Hybrid
B Burn your village by Kiki Rockwell
A Angel by Massive Attack
K Kill your idols by Static-X
E Earthquake by Rachel K Collier
R Runnin by Debbie Friday
Y ????
Fifteen people?? Alright ok. Who’s got the longest usernames around here.
@slutaciouslestat @stevebuckythyla @other-peoples-coats @chiligerlofe @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @sleepingsun501 @wanderingjedihistorian @snowywinterevenings @jedi-enthusiast @hawthornsword @hawkeykirsah @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing @merlyn-bane @ominouspuff @lothcatthree
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submissivegayfrenchboy2 · 2 months ago
17 / 01 / 2025
Steve and Bucky - my drawing
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I've drawn another Stucky fanart here :
My drawing is mainly based on this iconic scene of the Stucky community, where James Barnes saves and comfort Steven Rogers after he have been beaten. We can see the size contrast between them :
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I wanted to explain my drawing to you a little. First of all, I haven't tried to copy other fanarts, but you will notice that my drawing resembles other drawings representing James Barnes and Steven Rogers before the Second World War.
In my drawing, we see James Barnes wearing his soldier's uniform. He places his muscular arm on the frail shoulder of little Steven Rogers.
In my drawing, I imagined that Bucky Barnes had invited Steven Rogers to the carnival, and is so strong that he won a teddy bear for his lover. I didn't even remember that we saw the teddy bear in a drawing, the first one you see below.
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@stevechoosesbucky @steverogersnotebook @stevebuckythyla @steveandbvcky @stevebuckybliss @stevebucky-art @stevebuckythor @stevebuckybrainrot @stuckyfanart @stuckybangs @stuckys-baby @stuckyedtogether @stuckybingo @stuckylibrary @stuckylibrary-blog @buckybarnesstan3 @stuckyasks-blog @stuckyanddandelions @stuckyaesthetic @steverogersdaily @steverogersxreader @steverogersx @buckystevelove @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @bucky-barnes-diaries @bucky-bucky-boo @bucky-bucky-bucky @captainamericass @preserumsteve @preserum-feral @preserumstevesuggestions @winterslove1917 @chrisevansbuddy @prewarstucky @buckybarnes @buckybarnesdaily @buckybarnesstar @buckybarnesgifs
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stuckydrewx · 7 months ago
Thanks for the tag @lavenderpanic 🫶
Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! Then tag Tumblr friends to keep the game going!
Tags (no pressure 💕]): @stevebuckythyla @gaybuckybarnesss @dispatchvampire @tessabennet @navybrat817 @bucky-boychik-barnes andanyone else who wants to do it :)
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voxofthevoid · 9 months ago
welp i read 261 and i don't even know what to say aside from "wtf?" and "why?" like can gege please just leave gojo alone. gojo is my fave character and i am just tired of what feels like constant disrespect to him. i hate this puppet thing and using yuta just feels like it's for the sake of shock value to me. a "bet you didn't see that coming!" kind of moment. like damn gege if you were gonna go this route i would have preferred kenjaku simply because his death was so anticlimactic for me. he was built up so much as a villain all to die like that?? but even with kenjaku i still would have hated it because adding him back into the fight would just be overkill even though i wish he'd had a true interaction with yuji. and why?? WHY can't yuji have the chance to fully shine?? i hate how he was quite literally tossed aside for yuta to appear and take over the fight. i hope i'm wrong although i doubt i am but next few chapters will probably barely have yuji in them again.
Well, we sure didn't see that coming!! Even the couple of people I saw posit this theory well before 261 seem to have done it as a jokey crack theory rather than a serious one.
And now...
I wasn't happy with Kenjaku's death either. Them pulling this would've raised a fuckton of questions too, like why Yuuta didn't take care of the brain properly, but at the narrative level, I'd have preferred Kenjaku taking Gojou over more than this. It's not only the puppetry itself, it's also the conversation prior to it and the way Gojou's perceived even by his own side. The dehumanization is off the fucking charts.
And underserved.
It's just fucking sad, man.
Agreed about how it's infuriating to see Yuuji being (literally!!!) tossed away yet again. That was one hell of a climatic moment. He had his claws in Sukuna's chest. And now it's yet another broken moment of tension. Even with domain expansion, there were ways to handle it without bringing in a new player.
I'm preparing for the next few chapters to be MS vs. UV Round 76884. I also have questions about how the whole "domain expansion is your innate domain laid on the world" explanation works with Yuuta casually pulling out Unlimited Void. Are we gonna see Sukuna use Megumi's Chimera Shadow Garden next then? Hell, is Yuuji gonna use Malevolent Shrine the same way he used Sukuna's CT? Will people please stop saying Womb Profusion was Getou's domain? Just. What the hell is the logic here?
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dreadlockholiday · 4 months ago
Thank you @stuckydrewx for the tag!! ❤️
9 people you want to get to know better
Three ships: Stucky, Bagginshield, Ineffable husbands
First ship: Stucky, I joined back in 2020
Last song: London Calling by the Clash
Last movie: I think it was The Hobbit AUJ, but it's been a month probably since I last watched a movie
Currently watching: nothing
Currently reading: a LOT of books about medieval history for my thesis, but I plan to reread To kill a mocking bird when I'm done with it
Currently eating: last thing I ate were some biscuits
Currently craving: a good burger
Tagging @basil--and--sage, @stevebuckythyla, @estrellami-1 and @lavenderbuckyy if you want!
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frostbitebakery · 1 year ago
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voxofthevoid · 1 year ago
@stevebuckythyla You know me well 😌
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voxofthevoid · 10 months ago
random ass question but i noticed for most of your other fandoms with the exception of jjk it seems like you're more of a monoshipper. just was curious if jjk did to you what it did to me. i've always been a pretty staunch monoshipper (both because i usually can't imagine my otps with other people and also even if i could i get DEEP into my otps and simply do not have the brain capacity to fit another ship from that fandom in there) but when i got into jjk i somehow came out of it shipping megumi with yuji, gojo, and sukuna. this is the very first time i've been a multishipper. all my friends are in shock lol.
You're right though! On the writing end at least, I've largely been a monoshipper until JJK. I've always had and still do have one ship I'm fixated on (stucky for MCU and goyuu for JJK). But in general, I have a pattern where I like my favourite character (Steve from MCU, Yuuji from JJK) in multiple ships but will avoid the other half of my OTP (Bucky and Gojou, respectively) in any other ship.
Usually though, the OTP is all I write for and most of what I read for. It takes up all the brain space, like you said. JJK, however, has got me piling on Yuuji ships like nobody's business. I can't even list them all anymore, but even the main ones number five (goyuu, nanaita, sukuita, chosoita, itafushi).
It's delightful to have company in this! High five on the overlapping itafushi 🖐️
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musette22 · 4 years ago
Seb really will take any opportunity to mention his man even when NO ONE has said anything about Chris...
Honestly though, that man just loves the feel of Chris’s name in his mouth... among other things. And of course, we all know what he was really saying was “In the words of my husband” but alas, can’t say that out loud (yet) 🤷🏻‍♀️ And Chris Evans does sound mighty good coming from Seb’s mouth, I have to say (I’d make another joke but I’m sure you all get the picture)
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spacebuck · 4 years ago
what things do you like most about yourself?
i like my hair and my calves, and how smart I am sometimes, and how I write, usually fghj
(steadily getting) drunk(er) ama!    
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incorrectstevebucky · 5 years ago
Thank you so much 💙💙💙!!! 
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voxofthevoid · 4 months ago
Username Song Game
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Tagged by @stevebuckythyla ❤️❤️
This...might get a lil long lmao. I've made sure not to repeat artists, as a treat.
V: Vivid Vice by Who-ya Extended
O: One Day The Only Butterflies Left Will Be In Your Chest As You March Towards Your Death by Bring Me the Horizon
X: X. U. by Sawano Hiroyuki
O: One More Night by Maroon 5
F: Fault Lines by IAMX
T: TOMBI by Kvi Baba
H: Higher by Sleep Token
E: Eat Your Young by Arankai (Hozier cover)
V: V. A. N. by Bad Omens and Poppy
O: Off the Edge by VOILA
I: If I Could by Project Vela
D: DEGENERATE by Starset
That's 12 total. Not bad!
Tagging (no pressure) @eusuntgratie @joeys-piano @m34gs @cursedvibes @olasketches @zyukan @eikosieiko @themanething @skystamp @ultraexhaust @stilllostinthedaydream @burntheupholstery
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