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steve-brules-rules · 4 months ago
"I find less fulfillment granting wealth than in making a single flower bloom"
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So this was my first Extra Credits program submission :] The objective was to talk about an NPC you were thankful for, and it shouldnt be any surprise who i chose lolol
I thought it would be a good little challenge to make it look like a loading screen, so i gave it an interesting/funky angle
I made a little mockup with the W101 logo, just for fun :]
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adultswim2021 · 10 months ago
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job #47: “Stuntmen” | April 12, 2010 - 12:30AM | S05E07
Stuntmen features a fairly ambitious (by Tim & Eric standards) wraparound, in which Tim & Eric play dual roles: a pair of stuntmen and a pair of female talk show hosts. Do their efforts pay off? Stay tune to fine out. 
The cold open to this one features a strange sequence where two aliens pettily squabble and take turns jack hammering their small planets. It gives the impression of some kind of foreign art, with the incredibly simplistic insult of “mouse man” feeling like something is lost in translation. This one seems to be chasing a mood, but isn’t particularly inspired. It’s sorta neat that it transitions into the opening, though. 
The most infamous sketch on here is a pair of Mahanahan Child Clown outlet sketches. These ignited a firestorm of controversy when QAnon was popping off. For reasons that I’m not entirely sure of, I covered most of this in another episode’s write-up.
At the time of airing I sorta recall thinking these sketches went a little far with the creepiness. Steve Mahanahan saying he’s going to jail because he “touched a clown” felt like they were officially crossing the line that these sketches always sorta danced around. Steve hopes they’ll let him keep his beard in jail, punctuated by Eric doing a weird mugging while opening and closing his mouth. If this were an experiment in being as off-putting as possible, then I’d say the experiment was a success. It is simply too stupid.
Will Ferrell shows up as Donald Mahanahan, Steve’s father. Ferrell is fairly game, and he goes to some disgusting places. He scolds his son and says “Never touch the clowns. Let the clowns touch you”. Okay, so I don’t think that they’re trying to normalize child trafficking or whatever it is that the QAnon people allege. But this is a fairly tasteless bit of comedy, and it makes all the sense in the world that people who weren't used to Tim & Eric's sensibilities were put off by it.
I don’t mind it too much, and I’d rather watch smart, funny people feel free to indulge in stuff like that rather than be piled on by Trump-worshiping Barstool Sports morons. This also features an actual crying baby dressed as a child clown, yikes! My favorite bit from these is father Mahanahan bringing up the death of his other Son (played by Tim), including a tasteless photo-based animation of him being shot in the face. Could you imagine if a father expressed himself in this particular way while discussing the murder of his own son? Pretty rude, but that's the kind of nastiness that makes me laugh.
The second All Dolled Up appears in this episode, which is the one I actually remembered, because the one guy mentions being friends with Elliott Gould and then moans about there not being pizza at the shoot. Nice stuff, but it’s basically more of the same. There’s also one of those reflective Brule segments that as tepid as the other one they did earlier in the season. There’s also a thing called Amateur Pipes where a guy who has never played bagpipes tries to play bagpipes. There, that’s all the short ones. 
The wraparounds are pretty mid, and are sort of a mix of funny, committed acting and nonsensical horseplay. Eric goes to the well of female masturbation while dressed up as the talk show host. What is this, Stella? Tim is fairly funny as the stuntman. He does a convincing “guy who doesn’t like talking in front of a camera very much”. I like Tim’s takes to the camera as one of the female hosts. I don’t know. I wasn’t impressed, but I appreciate them *sorta* trying. This is one of the weaker episodes, overall.
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rachelordwayart · 2 years ago
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An inked upgrade to KevHalstead(Twitter)'s Dr. Steve Brule commission, with a few embellishments I was too timid to add to the sketch version 😆
Commission info
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dunyun-rings · 4 years ago
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my birthday’s tomorrow so if anyone wants to draw me a butt-out alien that’d be A-Okay 🌝
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skelkankaos · 2 years ago
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You know she's getting those Cinco life insurance payments
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squalamander · 4 years ago
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Space space space sps pssp sp ps sp (painting as fast as I can for practice)
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eljackinton · 5 years ago
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More black and white practice.
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feral-babe · 2 years ago
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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Be mine ya dingus
I’m a doctor too
Steve Brule Valentine ❤️
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steve-brules-rules · 3 months ago
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moxwoll · 6 years ago
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A friend gave me a coffee!!!!!!! (here)
any help is appreciated, trying to save up for a new tablet,,,
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adultswim2021 · 1 year ago
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job #40: “Presidents” | March 23, 2009 - 12:30AM | S04E07
Happy New Years. It is 2024, and you know what that means. It’s a dang election year. What better way to kick it off than with an episode of a sketch comedy program titled “Presidents”, which references one of the sketches that’s in it. 
The cold open is one of their most famous. It’s an ad intended for one person; Jim Boonie (whom they call back to in other sketches in the episode). The ad informs Jim that he’s to receive “Free Real Estate”, ending with a pretty funny line read for “It’s Free Real Estate” from Tim. This moment has been GIF’d into oblivion by net-crazy memesters, many of whom to this day will see Tim Heidecker in other projects and wonder aloud “Is that the guy from the Real Estate meme?”. This one advertises a website (freerealestateforjim.biz) but there ain’t nothing on there. 
This one has a fairly low-effort/minimal framing device where Ben Hur is hosting the show. He is one of the nastiest men to ever live. He sits next to a small collection of hummel figurines and has video shoot out of his face, expressed with beams of light radiating outward, as a means for transition into new sketches. There’s not much to this one, but at least it’s specific. 
Hey, it’s a Kid Break! They’ve yet to take this sketch to higher highs than the first installment, but you can’t blame them for trying. In this one, Tim’s character sings about having sensitive nipples that bleed when they rub up against his shirt. Eric is disgusted with him and plainly speaks his mind about it, suggesting that this is too specific of a problem to sing about. “This is a song about a woman’s problem and it’s disgusting”. This one has it’s moments and it's probably not the worst one of these, despite the in-universe objections being made about it.
Steve Brule gets an actual dang sketch and not just a Brules Rule or some kind of ass-slapping fest with the Married News Team. In this one Steve Brule is a Slim Goodbye type of figure, wearing layers of bodysuits that illustrate where bones, muscles, and organs are. There’s also a layer of disgusting man-skin. A small group of children look on, looking mildly disturbed. This one’s pretty okay, and also has some funny lines, like when he says the only part of your body that needs bones is the center part, and shows off a mysterious organ where teeth come from. Dang guy says “Muscles” wrong. 
The episode is named after Tim and Eric doing a horse-around at a podium, announcing their candidacy for president. They bicker back and forth over who’s going to be the president and who’s going to be the vice president. This one feels slight, but they do have a way with words and the ways they try to diminish each other is funny. We got a joke about Jokerman font, which was probably more original back in 2009. This is reminiscent of the sketch where they run competing price stores, but about 70% as funny. I do like when Eric calls Tim a “‘Tute Man”, meaning prostitutes, and shames Tim into bringing them to even his parents house.
White Boyz is a weird one where the only idea they seemed to go into it with was the costume and make-up. This is sort of just an art video where they musically announce themselves and do strange motions to one another that involve feeding each other beams of energy, as if they are otherworldly creatures. There actually was more to this one; the DVD contains a deleted scene where they get little talking head segments where they just talk about having normal guy hobbies, insisting that they are normal boys who like a ton of sun. I get why they went a different way, even though some of it is funny; it just doesn't feel very original.
I am just going to link to this playlist, which seems to contain every season 4 DVD extra. It’s in there, along with other things I forgot to link to in other write-ups. 
The next sketch is Michael Ian Black, playing himself (but in a wig), as the host of “focus on comedy”, a show where he interviews Tim and Eric and asks them leading questions about getting high to write comedy. Tim and Eric gleefully speak about doing “marijuanno” and they just go nuts. I don’t mind this one, but given how much respect I’ve lost for Michael Ian Black over the years, this one is at least repulsive on a shallow level. I do think the opening is a little funny, and I like the nonsensical “microscope” transition. 
This one also features The Best of Pusswhip Banggang, a Cajun swamp rock band that sings improvised-sounding songs about Jambalaya and whatnot. This one has a full performance of said song on the DVD (or that playlist, if you’d rather). Drag City released a picture disc single of Jambalaya in 2014. 
This one was a mixed bag, but so far this season matches my memory of being stronger than season three. Even episodes like this, which give plenty of breathing room to it’s imperfections, still feel like a marked improvement over all but the two great season three episodes (Chan/Jim and Derrck). 
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The Venture Bros. Season 3 DVD (March 24, 2009)
The Venture Bros. Season three DVD is a fairly typical Venture Bros. release, with audio commentaries on every episode and deleted scenes and stuff. But, there were two notable things about this release: 1) it was the first Adult Swim release that was also issued on blu-ray! I forget and also I don’t care enough to find out if the blu-ray came out on the same day. At the time this came out, I did not have a blu-ray player, so I initially bought the DVD. I eventually got the blu-ray. How cool is it, owning the Venture Bros. on blu? It’s one of the best things about being alive, practically. 
2) it was MISSING a PROMISED extra: the deleted, but fully-animated cold-open for two-part season finale, in which the Monarch seems to have broken into Venture compound and beheaded his enemies, but it turns out to be a holodeck-style battle simulation. This is just to set up the fact that the Monarch is on his way to ambush Dr. Venture. I think they released it online first, and said they’d put it on the DVD. THEY LIED! 
My guess as to why it was fully animated (unlike other deleted scenes), was that they were probably thinking the two-part episode was going to air a full-hour special, and that probably afforded them a little extra running time. This missing cold open was released as an extra on the season four set.
From KON, mouthing off about me wondering if the "honorary black man" episode of Delocated was pulled from streaming:
All of them were pulled from streaming!!!!!!! As well as several dozen unrelated shows across various networks and blocks. Oh and HAPPY FREAKING NEW YEAR!
The worst thing about this is that Steamboat William entered the public domain, and will HBOMax ever put that up? They truly hate animation, which is what Delocated probably also is.
you said "im not telling on them" in like 3 of your last seven articles. it's time to admit it: you're a tattle tale. you're woke and you're broke. No amount of racist guys in your header are gonna disabuse me of this notion. you're acab. you're spun in and there are no survivors.
You are a bitch and I am a guy who likes to speak my mind. We are not the same, except I'm also a bitch.
Did you know: the original script for that M*A*S*H scene you referenced read "he flipped out" but Gary Burghoff objected to using the word "flipped"
happy new year
Thank you for saying this NICELY and not in some caustic Denis Leary style tone. Happy new year to you my friend
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rachelordwayart · 2 years ago
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A sketch commission for KevHalstead on Twitter. I've never seen Dr. Steve Brule, but I love this quote and live-action Wreck-It Ralph, I mean, John C. Reilly.
Commission prices & info
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gltzgghln · 7 years ago
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30-day phyla challenge day 8: cycliophora i read “cycliophora”  and thought of cyclones which made me think of the weather which made me think of carol krabit
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art-of-manliness · 3 years ago
Just Go to Sleep
Have you ever noticed that you tend to feel more down at night? You’re more apt to think about embarrassing moments and regrets, and to feel that certain areas (or all areas) of your life aren’t going well. A sense of general hopelessness sometimes creeps in. There are biological reasons for this. Your circadian rhythm regulates your wakefulness/sleepiness, ramping up your cognitive activity and alertness during the day, and winding your brain down in preparation for sleep at night.  When you’re in this cognitive powering-down mode, your brain’s tuckered-out from the hubbub of the day and its executive function — its ability to regulate your mood and control impulses — is diminished; as one researcher put it, at night, “reason sleeps.” Studies show that people tend to give in to more maladaptive behaviors after dark: During the evening hours, cravings for alcohol and unhealthy foods (heavy on the carbs, fat, and processing) rise; substance abuse increases; attention to negative stimuli is heightened and its salience — how large it looms in your mind — is amplified; and the rate of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts goes up.  Basically, when you’re still awake when your brain wants to sleep, all your little psychic demons come out to play, and you’re a lot more vulnerable to them.  That’s why doing what your brain would like and simply going to bed is one of the most effective and underrated solutions to life’s (seeming) problems. Feeling depressed? Just go to sleep. Battling an itch to ditch your diet or end your sober streak? Just go to sleep. Getting caught up in a fruitless argument with your spouse? Forget the adage about never going to bed angry; just go to sleep. Don’t stay up thinking that if you simply ruminate on your problems a little longer, you’ll figure them out. Things will look a heck of a lot better when you wake up the next day, and you’ll have far more energy and wherewithal to tackle them.  As the wise psalmist wrote thousands of years ago: “Joy cometh in the morning.” Or as the modern sage Dr. Steve Brule put it: “Go to bed early, you doofus, because when you’re sleeping, there’s no lonely times, just dreams.”   The post Just Go to Sleep appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/SYPN7c
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bcrispin · 3 years ago
Sighting? The Monster in the Sea
\/ /\
The Days
\/ /\
[T]<>[h]<>[e]<>[ ]<>[B]<>[o]<>[d]<>[y]<>[...]
The Body
Mon, Skin: water, spirit, feeling Tue, Eyes: carrots, blueberries, vegetables, mirrors Wed, Ears: music, soul, metal Thr, Heart: art, cake, fire Fri, Tails: writing, language, trunks, snakes Sat, Jaws: air, wind, whistle, lion, roar, smoke Sun, Arms: swords, guns
O==D V
/\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Hands
Thumb. Ricks, leaders, influencers, actors, Oscars, bullies, Mortys, children, millions_dicks_EternalWorldPeace, emotion, feelings, left, freedom - Fri
Po. eQ, Dr. Steve Brule, Health, T7E - Tues
Mi. office.Paxos - Thur
Ri. Jack of all, master of none. Jack of none, master of One - Sun
Pi. international, AqTHF, R7M, IlymE - Wed
6: Mon, Chains, &lt;The Sun never Dies>, religions, cultures
7: Sat, Blocks, [Chain Paxos to the Sun], languages, stories, summaries, news
\/ /\
T. The family
Po. The other guy
Mi. The game
Ri. The Crown
Pi. The ghost
\/ /\
The Brain
Paint w/ Blood
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fvckfvckklvn · 6 years ago
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