#steve rogers x black!ofc
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awesomerextyphoon · 1 year ago
Realm Discoveries While Hangry
Summary: Ife's not herself while hangry, especially on a mission. Luckily, this one worked out for the best.
Pairing: Slight Steve Rogers x Black!Alien Warrior Princess OFC Ifekerenma aka Ife
Characters: Natasha, Steve, Ifekerenma, Nick Fury, OFCs, mentions of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner
Rating: 18 + / Mature
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: Dark Comedy Bordering on Absurdity, Ife being a Badass Glutton, Some Violence, Some Fluff
A/N: This is the start of something a little different. I want to make some short stories that will tie back into the main series whenever I'm between chapters. I'm still working on the main series and the next chapter will be published before the end of 2023. Thanks to @firefly-graphics for the dividers!
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Series Masterlist
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What was with these supposed 'geniuses' always wanting to rule the world?
The amount of hubris one needed to go through with it never ceased to amaze Natasha. This week's version wanted revenge on the science community for calling him 'stupid' and 'crazy' over his theories on creating titan fauna and megaflora.
Someone, please shoot me.
If Nat had a dollar each time she heard some version of the 'Why I must hold the world hostage' speech, she'd be able to bribe Tony to let her control the music for mission trips.
Steve wished they would drop the speeches already. He just hoped Ife was almost done with the power cells so they could drop the charade and go home.
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"Now! Watch as I claim what's rightfully mine!" the mad scientist finally finished his speech by pressing the detonation button, but nothing happened.
" What's happening? Why isn't working?!"He pressed the button another three times to no effect, "Why aren't the missiles firing?!"
The mad scientist was about to radio his henchmen outside of the main chamber when he heard bullets pouring like rain outside the hangar followed by frantic shouts from his men.
"What on Earth is going on out there?" He wondered as he carefully made his way to the entrance, only for a downright beastly roar frightening nearly everyone into silence.
"What the" A soft knock at the hangar doors broke his concentration.
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Ife was pissed.
She FINALLY had some decent food after not getting a chance to refuel after expending her energy reserves from her last mission, but it was barely a morsel. It took no time to devour all of the titan fauna the henchmen unleashed on her, unaware those were inferior albeit still tasty versions of food from her homeworld. She even found some yummy megaflora.
It was a bummer Ife was famished. She would've prepared them better to bring out their flavors.
Another tank shell bounced off of her.
When will these fools learn that this is pointless? Conventional Earth weapons are nothing to her. Well, at least the energy from their artillery aided with digestion. Also, the power cells were tasty; they had a refreshing tropical fruity taste with notes of mint.
Now the scientist refused to open up, even after she knocked, "Guess I'll have to let myself in."
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The scientist tried his best to steel himself, only for the two-meter thick air hangar doors and part of the solid stone walls to rip off like cheap wrapping paper.
His eyes almost bugged out of their sockets at the intruder — a tall woman — casually lifting both doors in one hand and a 250-ton tank in the other. The woman turned to two tied-up Avengers, smiled, and threw both items 1500 meters away with a flick of her wrists.
"Hi, Captain, Black Widow. How's it going?"
"Can't complain," Steve answered.
"Why haven't you escaped yet? It would've taken you two seconds to get out," Ife queried rubbing her growling tummy. Her telltale sign of hunger.
"We were waiting for you," Nat retorted while raising an eyebrow.
This will be fun.
"What happened to your comms link?"
"Well…I was preoccupied."
"With what?"
The woman's eyes brightened, "I found some yummy food not unlike Avlenia, but they barely did anything for me. I ate everything the goons unleashed and then some, but I'm still hungry! Which sucks cuz I wasn't able to properly prepare them-"
That can't be right.
That chamber housed hundreds of exotic beasts and flora with a combined weight of 312.5 THOUSAND TONS!! There was no way a single person could eat one of those behemoths, let alone all of them.
"Huh?" Ife finally noticed the scientist and his remaining goons.
"Do you have any more? I'm STARVING!"
"No one should eat one of those beasts, let alone all of them!"
Ife raised an annoyed eyebrow. "Maybe not possible for humans, but, "she strolled towards the scientist and started unzipping her combat suit, "that was only a snack for me, and it left me hungry for more."
The scientist cried out in horror when a belly 3x the size of an exercise ball surged forth.
How is she moving?! His eyes darted over to her comrades but found them lightly chuckling with the spy sporting a smirk.
"So, do you have any more food? Don't leave me in suspense."
The monster rolled her eyes at the rude man's silence, "So you still don't believe me. Okay. Let's see. One of the beasts was this large six-legged alligator…"
She started listing the various beasts and megaflora that were now digesting in her rapidly shrinking belly.
Galala Gator: 90 tons each, Ox Chicken: 15 tons each, Giant Turkey: 75 tons each, Volcano Weathercock: 10 tons each, Five-Tailed Giant Eagle: 45 tons each, Demon Devil Serpent:100 tons each, Elephantsaurus: 125 tons each, and so on.
Every 'food item' this monster blithely listed horrified everyone besides her teammates who were trying not to laugh. Each of these specimens took elite teams to capture; several men died in the process.
Yet this Eldritch Being glutted all of their hard-won gains as a 'pitiful snack'!
"How? How is this possible?" The devastated scientist barely choked out a whisper as her enormous belly was nearly flat.
Unfortunately, the monster's sharp ears heard the whisper, "All of those delicious beasts, flora, and the energy from the power cells barely made a dent! Tell me where you got this bounty! I'm Starving!"
As if to make her point, the monster turned her head towards the hole she made and let out a near-deafening roar of a belch demolishing what was left of the wall and pushing back all of the remaining men and tanks outside.
What is this monstrosity?!
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"Shit!" Not only did the wimp not answer Ife's question, but now he's slumped on the floor.
"He's out cold, Ife."
"I can see that, Nat. All I wanted was some more food!"
"Fine. But you know he didn't make them from scratch. He had to have gotten from somewhere."
Some of the stronger-nerved goons were able to recover from Ife's Roar, "Damn, that woman's scary!"
"Nah, man. She's a monster in human skin."
"Which is a shame, too. She's fucking hot!"
"I know, right?! Wouldn't mind going a few rounds with her."
Steve scowled as he marched up to six of the trash-talking goons inside one of the still intact tanks, ripped off the tank's hatch, and yanked four of them by their collars."I'm only gonna say this once. Never, and I mean never, say that crap about my team. Especially the 'abomination', got it?" his voice never rising above a calm, measured tone.
Steve felt he needed to drive this home, "Yes, what?"
"Yes, Sir!"
Nat rolled her eyes at Ife's bashful body posture at Steve defending her. They weren't fooling anyone.
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Ife was able to pick up the scent of more delectable beasts and flew off to satisfy her voracious appetite. The scent came from a fortified bunker not far from the main base. She ripped off the building by the foundation in her haste to fill her hunger void.
It led her to a heavily fortified manmade cavern with a huge portal at the opposite end of the entrance and containment units housing even more of the delectable beasts lining the sides.
She licked her lips in excitement but stopped when she got a good look at the animals. That craven of a scientist is lucky she's too hungry to revisit him.
"I should probably tell Nat and Steve."
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Nat peered into the last unlocked containment unit. She found a giant garden snake-like creature that seemed to take a liking to her. Its scales were the color of twilight at its height. She wondered if-
"You should name her."
Nat nearly swiveled her head, "What?"
"She likes you. You should name her."
"How can you tell?"
"I just know," Ife shrugged.
"Hmm. How about сумерки (Sumerki: twilight)?"
The snake affectionately rubbed her head against the reinforced glass containment wall.
"See? She loves it!"
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Sumerki was the last beast on this side of the portal and was about to pass through but turned and playfully poked Ife's midsection.
"You want me to come with you?" The snake nodded.
Ife turned back to Steve and Nat, "Umm, can I-" her stomach roared asking the question for her.
"It's alright, Ife. You can go, but don't be long." Steve rubbed his hand behind his head. Neither of them wanted to deal with a hangry Ife.
Ife flew into his warm embrace, "Thank you so much!" She kissed both his cheeks, "I promise to document everything I see!"
When will those lovable dorks admit they love each other?
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It wasn't long before Ife and Sumerki came back smiling and sporting enormous food bellies. Ife sped off before she could say anything. The next thing they heard was a five-minute sonic roar of a belch causing mini-tremors and cracks forming on the ground.
Sounds of her epic belch were heard 15km away.
They were glad that the scientist was stationed in the middle of nowhere.
Ife flew back into Steve's arms, "Thanks again!" Ife smiled as Steve returned the hug.
Both Natasha and Sumerki shook their heads wearing the same expression.
Ife pulled out her tablet and personal interface, "Okay, so my hunch was right and this place is incredibly vast. I was only able to explore .25% of the place."
Even Natasha was taken aback by the amount of information Ife had, "Just how big is this place?"
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"So this new 'realm' is called Guloxity?"
Fury turned the last page of Ife's extensive report. He had a laugh at her devouring over 300K tons of food and was still famished.
The whole team had a laugh riot. Tony even joked about how much he'd save on grocery bills—even though she provides most of her food. It's the least he could do since he blackmailed her into joining the team.
Thanks to her, SHIELD has access to a new realm. Plus the snake she and Natasha befriended has been a delight. However, he did wonder how Ife and her friends were able to create a habitat and a size modulator so quickly.
"Do you find the terms agreeable?" Aliza looked back at Fury's desk. The deal stipulates that any findings and all findings SHIELD makes involving the new realm must be free and open to the public. This means that all patents and research can not be owned by any single nation or corporation including Stark Industries.
Banner had consoled Stark when he read out the terms.
No matter. Fury had his best people on this new venture. Even managed to rope in Banner and Dr. Cho. Ife was able to recreate the unique energy signature from the mad scientist's power cells as a source of renewable energy.
In the end, he was glad it worked out.
Now what's this about Ife showcasing new dishes based on what she found in Guloxity?
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Taglist: @jobean12-blog @lookiamtrying @angrythingstarlight @gotnofucks @saiyanprincessswanie @navybrat817 @plaid-shirtsandvibranium-arms @idorkish @sgt-seabass
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deexchanel · 7 months ago
Word Count: 2,995
Pairing: Chris Evans x BlackFem!OC
Warning: Swearing, Arguments, Angst, Fluff & Jealousy.
Summary: They meet for the planned lunch date. Chris still has a lot of things on his mind that he wants to speak about.
A/N: I’M BACKK FRIENDSS! Might not be for a long time but definitely for a good time. For the sake of my chapters Liv is 4 instead of 3, carry on. mwahhh 🫦
**I'm going to come back to edit later, cause right now its getting irritating**
<<<<BM, BM2, BM3 >>>>
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“Lively.” Ryelle sighed after the phone call ended. She is not caving into no more sweet sucker bullshit. He chose Minka when he decided to stay with her. You want Ry? You should’ve left with her. “We haven’t fully celebrated your birthday since they planned an event yesterday. Are you sure you want to hang out with your Dad today?"
Lively contemplated the proposition being proposed at hand. This weekend has been crazy but it is this supposedly hot girl summer her mom keeps calling it. Her answer remained the same. “Yes! I want pasta"
“Ugh okay! I don’t know why you are cool with your Dad, he and I are beefing right now.” Ryelle shook her head, getting up from the counter. Lively climbed down from the seat giggling at her momma. They began making their way down the hallway. “Beef? What does that mean?” 
“It means when I see your Dad, I’m gonna.” She turned around picked up Liv and started swirling her around. The 4-year-old lets out her beautiful giggle, latching on to her mother. “Mommy, put me downn!!”
“Neverr!” Ry yelled playfully as she ran towards Liv’s room so they could change out of exercise clothes and into something cute. She dropped her gently on the bed. “Do you want to stay in this outfit or change?”
“Change!” Liv screamed while rolling around so she could get up from the pile of stuffed animals. “Changee? What you changing for girl?” Ry joked as she looked through Liv’s closet. Liv finally got out of the struggle and followed her mom into the closet. “So I can look pretty for Daddy like you do!”
“Like I do? Liv I get pretty for myself baby. We don’t get pretty for a man.” Ryelle turned around holding up two different colored tights. Lively jumped pointing at the yellow tights she wanted to wear. “We get pretty for ourselves.” Ry smothers her face with kisses. 
“Mommy.” She giggled turning red from all the love given. They proceeded their morning routine like no other as R&B played lowly in the background. Ryelle enjoyed moments like this with her baby girl and she’ll forever cherish them. She loves the bond they have, appreciating that she’s able to give love that she didn’t receive. 
Chris eventually texted her the location of the restaurant he wanted them to meet at. After putting on perfume and lipgloss, the girl was out the door, into the beautiful city.
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Ryelle parked her Honda Accord near the entrance seeing the black suv’s, Chris’s security were most likely sitting in.
She turned down the music looking at Liv in her carseat. “Ready?”
“Ready!” Liv gave a big smile.
Ryelle shook her head not believing she’s actually here. It’s still fuck Chris.
It took them a minute but they walked into the restaurant, hand in hand. When walking in, Ryelle went towards the hostess stand but security stepped in the way.
“Ryelle right this way ma’am”
“O-Oh Okay!” She responded a bit confused and was taken off guard. The security guided them to this gorgeous private section where Chris sat there looking at the menu. Liv’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Daddy!!”
She let go of her mother’s hand running towards her father. Chris sat the menu down instantly sliding out of his seat, kneeling with his arms wide open. “ Lively!!”
She ran into his arms giving him the biggest hug. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too Princess.” He held her tightly, giving her the biggest kiss on her cheek. Ry checked out his outfit as she walked, starting to feel they were so under dressed as she got closer. He has a nice ass suit and they look like they’re going shopping at the mall what the hell.
By time Ryelle made it to the table, he stood up with Liv in his arms. He shifted her over to give Ry a hug but she waved him off.
That definitely made him raise an eyebrow but Liv captured his attention before he could speak on it. “Do I look pretty Daddy?”
Chris gave her a big smile, “You look beautiful my love. Your outfit is stunning.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead and she let out a giggle. Chris was sitting with Liv in lap as they sat down at the table. Ry rolled her eyes mumbling, picking up the menu.
“With that expensive ass suit on and them ugly ass shoes.”
Chris looked up from the menu. “What you say?”
“You heard what I said.”
“What’s with the petty comments?”
"I'm just saying, you look as if you're going to a movie premiere while we look like we're going to a football game or something."
He held his hand up in defense,"Well I had an important meeting after our lunch date so-"
"Whatever Chris.", She waved him off.
Chris smacks his lips out of irritation from being cut off, letting go of the conversation cause he didn't like the attitude coming from Ry.
“Mommy said yall are beefing. What that mean?” Liv interrupted the conversation being her innocent self. Chris made a face towards his baby’s mother, now fed up with the secret animosity.
“We got a problem now? Ryelle I haven’t done shit to you and now you have a problem with me? What the hell.”
“Chris are we going to ignore the fact that your fiance pulled up on us kissing last night and we’re meeting today like everything normal! That doesn’t bother you??"
“No it doesn’t bother me cause I told you from the jump Saturday morning that I want this. I want my family Ryelle, I want you. You make me feel comfortable, make me feel like I belong!”
“That’s flattering Chris but you’re going about this wrong! All of this is wrong!”
“Me wanting to love you is wrong-”
“No it's how certain you were on marrying Minka last week now you’re wanting to marry me like what?! Do you hear how crazy that sounds!!”
Chris voice started to raise, sensing that Ryelle wasn't taking him seriously,“I don’t give a fuck about what's crazy any more. I am determined to get what I want and thats you!” Liv clutched onto his arm not liking the tone of his voice.
"Lower your voice." Ry grit through her teeth, seeing how antsy Liv was getting in his lap. Before Chris could respond, the waitress came to their table.
"Hi, what can I start you guys off with today?"
"We'll do the crab claws for our appetizer." Chris then turn his attention towards his daughter in his arms. "Liv do you want that as well or would you like something else?"
Liv peeked up a moment, speaking gently, "Mozzy Sticks."
"Mozzy Sticks it is love, anything else?"
She shook her head, going back to her cuddle spot knowing that her parent were going to start arguing as soon as the lady left. The things they talk about genuinely confuses her and she wishes they would stop arguing. Mommy told her that it is disrespectful for her to interrupt adults conversation but she is tired of hearing her parents bicker. Why can't her parents be like Melanie parents? They never argue.
Liv glanced back and forth between her parents as their conversation sparked as soon as the lady left like she said. Ugh!
" Am I wasting my time? You know I've been showing you how I’m into you but I do not received the same energy back.”
"Shit Chris, I need to be asking the same thing! I don't trust the fact that you claim that you are in love with me. Truthfully I've been in love with you since the first day we met, I've never stopped." Ryelle confessed as she runs her hand through her hair. She instantly fumbles with fingers knowing the conversation was getting deeper.
“I’m just not going to blurt something out like that. You’ve been gone for months and summers, you thought I was going to hop in your arms like that. No, I need time and reassurance.”
Chris pinches the bridge of his nose, “I will Ry but you haven't been 100% with me either. ” It’s his turn now to do the grilling cause looking back, he doesn’t know much about Ry. “Are you dating or talking to another guy?”
Thank God, the waitress came over to the table with their appetizers. They gave the her their order of what they would like to eat. Liv sat up straight facing the table, she began eating along with her parents. After Ryelle took the first bite, she proceeded to give him the answer.
“I do talk to someone Chris…”
Chris looked up from his plate so fast, “What?? You’ve been having the men your dating around my daughter?!”
Ry looked at him in disbelief, “No! I don’t even play like that, plus that's not what you asked!!” irritation starts kicking back in. “Can’t believe you trying to play me!”
“I’m just stating facts. I need to know if you’re bringing her around them. Who is he? Matter fact, what’s his name??” Chris attitude kick in as he sat the fork down roughly. It clanked against the plate making Liv jump.
“Calm down with your aggressiveness, you’re scaring Liv!” Ryelle sat her fork down as well. Now she raised her voice, “PLUS, you can’t ask shit to me about who I’m dating. You just came back in the picture, slow your damn roll!”
“The fuck you mean I can't Ryelle, I’ve been expressing my love to you! I have every right to know!”
“Chris I will cuss you out if you don’t calm down.”
“Ryelle I’m just saying like be so real right now.”
“That don’t mean talk to me crazy!”
“You been talking to me crazy this whole time. Don’t fucking act stupid!”
“Chris do not make me knock your ass out! Just because I talk to someone doesn’t mean that I’m bringing random men around Liv. I wouldn’t do no crazy shit like that!” Now Ryelle stood up from the table slightly leaning over it, she pointed at him. “Stop fucking playing with me!”
“You knew you had another guy in the picture, letting me look stupid confessing my love to you. I feel like a complete fucking fool!” Chris abruptly stood up as well, tightly gripping onto Liv. The swift movement made her smear the marinara sauce against her face and drop the cheese stick she held. That was it for Liv.
Lively began sobbing which instantly grabbed the attention of both her parents. “What’s wrong?!”
She squirmed out of his arms, running to the nearest corner of the room. Ryelle tries to call her but Liv rejected it.
“Lively, baby…”
Ryelle is big on giving Liv her space when she starts crying. It took all her might not go over there and care for her baby. Both of them let out a sigh, knowing their conversation got way too heated between them. "Chris I'm sorry for having an attitude when we arrived and not keeping my cool. I shouldn't have been so caught up in us to realize this lunch date was meant for spending time with Liv, not arguing."
Chris grabbed her hand placing a kiss," Do not apologize Ryelle, I should've controlled my jealousy. I wanted to talk about us as much as you wanted to so this is both on us. I am truly sorry, please don't let this be a reason that I don't see her again." His face turned red a bit as tears welled into his eyes. Just thinking of his life without Liv's beautiful smile, crushes him.
"I wouldn't do that to you Chris, she deserves to be in your life." Ryelle pulled him into a hug. He gave her a squeeze as they hugged for a min. She pulled back from the hug hearing that Liv's cries have soften." We should go check on her now."
"Okay." Chris placed a kiss on her forehead and they held hands as they made way toward their daughter. Lively held her knees closes, while still wiping her tears. It broke their heart to see her like that, wanting to prevent situation like this in the future.
Both Chris and Ryelle squatted by their Princess. Ry spoke up softly,"Lively baby, Mommy and Daddy ruined your day with our problems. You're too young to be dealing with this and with that we are genuinely sorry Princess."
"Yes baby girl, we are genuinely sorry."
Lively looked up at them with glossy eyes. "Why you can't be like Melanie's parents?" She glanced between both her parents. "They don't yell, you always yell at each other. Is it about me? Is it s-something wrong with me?" Tears fell from her eyes. This broke Ryelle even more, she started crying while wiping the food from Liv's face.
"No! There isn't anything wrong with you Princess. Daddy and I were bumping heads that's all but no more of that."
" Lively Evans, you are perfect in every single way. Your mom and I will figure out this problem. I will make all of this up to you." Chris placed a kiss on her forehead, aw man his heart. "I love you and I love your mother to the fullest." He opened his arms, hoping that she would still come to him. Lively went back into his arms," I love you too."
They both let go of the breath they didn't know they were holding. A part of them hoped their daughter didn't hate them. During the interactions, the waitress brought their lunch but didn't want to interrupt. So they came back to the table to finish their lunch date.
Ryelle was quiet, so many things ran through her mind. She wants this, she wants Chris. There are just so many obstacles that come in the way. Do she just want keep her guard up or say fuck it and let him in? If she do, what are the consequences? Would she be happy? There are so many questions that Ryelle doesn't know if she wants to explore yet. She looked up from her plate of pasta seeing Chris and Lively in their own world sharing food plus jokes.
“Yeah, you get to meet my dog Dodger.”
“Yes sweetheart.”
She would love to see this sight for the rest of her life, man the love she has for this man is so strong. Ryelle didn't even know she had zoned out staring at the two loves of her life. "Mommy, what you looking at?"
That pulled Ry out of her trance to see them looking at her with confused expressions. "My bad guys, I was lost in my thoughts."
"She's not going to admit that she was staring at our beauty." Chris sassed to Liv's which made her giggle. Ryelle shook her head at their silliness, letting a smile creep unto her face "I wasn't."
"Oo Guess what!!"Lively spoke excitedly, looking up to her Dad. He gave her his full attention.
"What is it love bug?"
"I go to school tomorrow!"
Chris didn't understand why she mentioned school but he kept the conversation going," Are you excited? You get to hang out with your friends again."
Ryelle giggled at his confusion and spoke up in the conversation. "Chris you know she doesn't have a sense of time. She meant to say it's the first day of school tomorrow."
Now this had Chris excited, he get to experience a milestone. "First day of school Liv, that's great news! You’re a big girl now." Lively stood up in the chair, wrapping her arms around him. He wrapped one arm around her to secure that she won’t fall.
"Yes Daddy! Are you going to be there when I go?"
"Even better sweetheart, I'll be there in the morning to drop you off and pick you up."
"Yayyy!!! Mommy did you hear that?"”
Ryelle gave her daughter a smile, “Yess, I heard the great news. I’ll have you up and ready by time he gets there.” Chris began poking Lively all over sending her into a giggling fit. During this whole time neither one of them have checked their phone.
Ryelle reached for her phone to check the time. It was 3:26 p.m. They had been there for over 2 hours. That made her wonder about Chris’s meetings.
“Uh Chris, what happened to your meeting? We’ve been here for the past two hours.”
“Oh crap, I haven’t checked my phone since you guys got here.”Chris facepalmed as he grabbed his phone probably checking thousands of messages. “I’ll get James to cancel it. Now let’s get the check then go out for ice cream, yeah?”
He canceled his important plans for them. He canceled…plans… for them… Ryelle just sat there fighting a smile from growing. They stared into each other eyes for a second but Ry broke it with tension rising,“Liv is ice cream fine?”
“Ice creamm!”
Ryelle smiled at them, cleaning up around the table. Chris stood up letting go of Liv for a moment, he sat down a couple bills from his pocket. She leaped into his arms and Chris caught her in time.
“Liv be careful baby.” Ryelle cautioned as she grabbed her purse from the chair. Chris grabbed Ry hand as they began walking out of the restaurant.
“How about I spend the rest of the day with you guys?” Chris questioned once they stood in front of her car. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, “I’m not taking no for a answer.”
Ryelle looked away in shyness, he still makes her nervous. “That’s fine with me Chris.”
Yeah so all that stuff she was talking about earlier after the phone call,ignore that. Ryelle is weak in the knees, she can’t help but admit it. He cares about her and Liv, that's the part she loves the most. Maybe them taking things slow will help them blossom a beautiful relationship.
When Chris placed Lively in the carseat, Ry still stood outside of the car in a daze. He walked over to the driver side grabbing her waist,"You are so beautiful my love. I could admire your beauty all day everyday."
"Chrisss." A blush crept unto her face trying to push him away from her so he couldn't see.
Chris lets out a laugh knowing he have made her nervous, he placed a finger under her chin so she can look at him. "Come here." He convinced, placing his lips onto hers. Ryelle melted into the kiss, letting out a slight moan when his hand gripped her ass.
This man has her wrapped around his finger, oh god!
Heyy guys! It's been two years since I've posted and honestly I don't have any reason for that lol. Life be lifing and I just be needing to hop on the train of staying intune with myself. It's been a minute guys but thank you for still loving & supporting my page.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
You will see me very soon ;)
Stay Slutty My Friends <3
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ellethespaceunicorn · 2 years ago
Stretching my fanfic writing muscles.
I know there is a lot of overlap in the Henry Cavill and Chris Evans fandoms. I want to explore a bit and venture out.
The only way I'm writing Chris Evans fanfic is if it's dark. Now, bestow upon me your thots and I'll make some drabbles. Bonus points for murdery bits. Bonus bonus points for Andy or Ransom or Steve or Lloyd.
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See? I do like Chris. But mostly only if it's dark. No happy endings here kiddos. Also, been listening to this nonstop so I'm feeling in the mood.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 1 year ago
Ohhhhhhhhhh my goodness. I think I’ve just cum.
Summary: Steve wanted to surprise you after a long mission, but wasn’t expecting to walk into your bedroom to see you with your legs spread and a toy playing with what was his.
Pairings: Daddy!Steve x Black!Reader
Warnings: swearing, smut, unprotected sex, creampie, mean daddy, dom/sub dynamics, dirty talk, rough sex, plot? what plot? only porn.
Tagged: @titty-teetee, @harrysthiccthighss, @ozarkthedog, @night-of-the-living-shred​, @liquorlaughslove
(A/N: trying to knock out my WIPs because there’s just sooooo many.)
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Steve had been gone for way to long and you were missing him more than ever. You tried to keep yourself busy. So you didn’t think about it. It was hard, though,
You craved him. His touch. The way he kissed your body. Or how he’d make you cum over and over again until you couldn’t take anymore. You missed how good he held in your mouth. It seemed like he got off on getting you off.
Just thinking about it while laying in bed was enough to make you need him. As your hand went into your panties so you could play with yourself he was all you needed to think about. Your middle finger rubbing your clit in those little circles.
This is what you’d been doing to keep yourself satiated in the meantime. It wasn’t enough. Nothing could ever be compared to him, but at least it was something.
Well that was until it became not enough.
Keep reading
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loomiseater · 3 months ago
Can you give me a massage?
warnings: smut ofc! black!fem!reader, use of baby oil, slight breeding kink, intercourse, no protection, and, iw steve.
Criticism is appreciated! I would love to know how I can improve on my writing.
Steve Rogers x fem!reader
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Most recent fic
Written: November 5th, 2024-December 1st, 2024
Published: December 1st, 2024
Summary: Your massage turns into something else..
wc: 1,157
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I got out the shower and it felt relaxing but I still had all these knots I’m my back. As I came out of Steve’s and I’s shared bathroom, he was sitting on the bed with only grey sweatpants on…he looked so fucking sexy.
“Took you long enough.” He jokingly said to me. I tightened my towel around my body as I laid down on my side of the bed. I looked back over at Steve and he went back to reading some article on his iPad. He was focused and I didn’t want to interrupt him…but I really want a massage.
I grabbed a scrunchie from my nightstand and tied my braids into a high bun.
“Baby?” I softly said as he looked up at me. “Yes?” He answered with a little chuckle. He gave me all his undivided attention and I love when he does that.
“Can you give me a massage, please? It doesn’t have to take long but I’ve just really had these knots in my shoulders and lower back.”
His features softened as looked at me. “Of course I can baby, let me get the oil.” He replied before he went to the bathroom to get the baby oil. I started smiling like a little kid, I can’t wait to get rid of these knots!
I took my towel off and laid down on my stomach with my head propped on arms. Steve walked back into the room with the oil as he whistled at me. “Looking sexy as ever, Mrs. Rogers.” He said with a smirk before giving my ass a hard slap.
“Ounch! That hurt!” I whined. Steve has the super solider strength, so it hurts like hell.
He playfully rolled his eyes at me as he came over to the bed, hovering over my body. He started pouring oil on my legs first, then rubbing it in gently. I felt my leg muscles loosen up some as I closed my eyes. After he rubbed it into my legs, he poured some onto my back.
He began deeply massaging my lower back as moans flew out my mouth. “Yes! That feels so good! A little more harder, baby.” I said as Steve laughed at me. He’s rolling his thumbs into my back muscles and he really digs deep into that one knot down there.
I feel the pressure releasing, and it response I began to arch my back. Since Steve was hovering over me, I felt his cock harden at my response. “I’m supposed to be giving you a massage and you’re over here archin your back.” He grunted.
“I’m sorry baby, but it feels so good! Go a little higher please!” I moaned.
He begins to massage my shoulders and it almost feels like I’m about to cum to this.
The long days at work, the tiring workouts, and all the stress fading away. I started moaning loudly as he pressed deeply into one of the knots in my shoulders. “That feel good, princess?” He questioned as I nodded my head in response.
“So good.” I tiredly said. “Shit!” I said to myself.
Steve flipped me over and started pouring the baby oil all over my body. He poured a bunch of oil on my boobs and started groping them.
I could feel the wetness from my pussy start to seep into the sheets as Steve grabbed my legs and pushed them all the way down to my ears. I was definitely feeling the stretch.
I was holding my legs back while he pulled his sweats down and grabbed his cock. We’ve been married for years but I’ll never be able to get over how huge he is. He was hard and tip was a angry red color, and those veins on the side of his dick just make me wet overtime.
“You ready?” He asked as I quickly nodded my head.
He shoved himself inside of me and we both let out a moan at the same time. “Steve!” I moaned.
He stayed still for a bit before pulling back out and pushing himself inside me again. He started thrusting into me slowly. “You’re too big!” I whined as he chuckled. “You can take it.” He said softly into my ear.
I was starting to get shy from the sounds of my wettness, it was the only thing you could hear in the room right now. Steve did a powerful thrust as he sucked some air from how tight I was. I tried to close my leg but he popped my inner thigh. “Keep them open for me, I wanna see that pretty pussy.” He said. I pouted at his words. It was becoming too much and we just started.
He grabbed my face and started kissing me passionately while his thrusts became faster. “Look how good you take daddy’s dick, all wet tight for me.” He groaned against my lips as my eyes rolled back.
I was about to cum, I could feel it.
“I wanna cum all over your dick!” I breathlessly moaned as he laughed at the state of me right now. A mess under him, for him and him only. And looking so pretty with that oil covering your chocolate skin.
He couldn’t take his eyes off your pussy, especially since it was covered in baby oil and your juices.
He brought his thumb down to your clit and started rubbing it slowly. “Oh fuck!” Was all you could get out at the moment. Steve knew exactly what he was doing.
“Squirt for me, baby. I want my dick covered in the sweet juices of yours, okay?”
I nodded my moaned in response.
He started to rub my clit faster and thats when I felt my legs shake. Before I knew it, my pussy was squirting as Steve’s face was covered with a smirk. “Good girl! Good fucking girl!” He groaned as he slapped me across the face. I moaned from the sting, something about just felt so good.
“Fuck! Gonna put a baby in this tight little pussy!” He said to me as his thrusts got sloppier, I knew he was about to finish. “UGH!” Was all I heard before he came inside of me.
I wrapped my legs around his toned torso as his head fell into my oiled boobs.
“I gotta oil you up more often, baby. It just suits your skin so well.” He said as he looked up to get another look at me.
“I was supposed to be getting a massage.” I teasingly said as he chuckled. “You looked too good, I couldn’t resist.” Steve responded before he started sucking on my boob.
“Baby, I’m tired!” I whined. “Well I’m not.” He said as he looked me dead in my eyes while still sucking on my boob. I threw my head back into the mattress and let Steve do his magic.
Curse Steve and Super Soldier stamina.
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innorogers · 3 months ago
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Steve Rogers x Reader (You / OFC)
Summary: "Babe, please..." His neck was at your mercy, the blade was cutting a thin bloodline on his skin. 
Warning: Yeah Idk, big huge action scene?
Characters: OC, John Walker, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton.
Also: Thanks in advance for repost or any feedback ❤️ Let me know if you want to be included in the taglist (DM, comment, repost and tag, whatever works)❤️
1: Insomnia | 2: Lucid | 3: Reverie | 4: Nightmare | 5: Awakening | 6: Dusk | 7: Hypnagogia | 8: Lull | 9: Vigil | 10: Eclipse | 11: Veil
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Time stood still the moment Steve made eye contact with you—or whoever it was standing before him. An indescribable fear shot through his spine like a bucket of icy water, freezing him to his core. 
He could remember so vividly the night you met: the spark in your eyes when he first looked at you, your bright smile that could light up the whole sky, and the butterflies in his stomach as your gaze shone like the farthest northern star—quiet and endless as the ocean. But that light, that spark, wasn’t in the person holding the blade before him now. And he panicked. What if he never saw that light again? What if he never saw you again?
The battlefield continued as you and Steve stood face to face, a storm of chaos and destruction. Explosions echoed in the distance, shouts and commands lost beneath the crackle of energy weapons, the clang of metal against metal, sharp cracks of gunfire, and the low roars of the Hulk. Smoke billowed into the air, a thick, choking veil that obscured the figures moving within it.
"Circle formation around the Cap!" Commanded Natasha as she moved with precision through the swarm of attackers and spotted that both of you stood still. 
The unit moved swiftly and smoothly like changing pieces on a chessboard, forming a human shield that left you and Steve in the middle, unperturbed by the rage of the battlefield.
“We’ve got this. Get her back!” Black Widow shouted as her batons sparked with each strike. Above, Sam darted through the air, his wings slashing through enemies while his mounted guns provided cover fire for Clint, who rained down arrow after arrow to try to open a road through to the source point.
But nothing else existed for Steve. The rest of the world had been muted. Chaos blurred at the edges, sharpening the tension between the two of you. Each second felt like a lifetime as he hesitated, his shield trembling in his hand, and in front of him, it was just you, the blade, and the hollow shadow of who you used to be.
You made the first strike, so fast it happened in the blink of an eye. The next thing Steve knew, your blade clashed against his shield with such force that it echoed loudly, the sound so sharp and powerful that the agents and soldiers around you groaned in pain from the noise and impact.
Steve took a step forward, his shield raised defensively, but his movements were slower than usual, weighted down by hesitation. “Babe…” he said behind his shield, his voice trembling with both fear and hope. “I know you’re in there. You’ve got to fight this.”
But your response was nothing more than a sharp, deadly swing of your blade, aimed directly at him. He barely managed to block it again, the force of the impact reverberating up his arm. The sheer precision and strength in your strike stunned him. This wasn’t something you could do; he’d only known caresses and gentle pats from you. Yet this was you, fighting to kill.
“Fuck!” Steve groaned under his breath as he sidestepped your next attack, your blade slicing through the air with an elegant yet terrifying efficiency. 
He was still panicking, something that never happened to Captain America, not since his first day on the battlefield. He faltered as he caught glimpses of your face: those eyes he knew so well, now devoid of recognition, your expression cold and mechanical. Every strike you launched was calculated, every part of you he loved seemed to have been replaced by a weaponized ghost of yourself: fierce, deadly, and emotionless.
“Stand down!” He yelled, his voice thick with desperation. “This is not you!”
But you didn’t stop. You spun with lethal grace, your blade flashing toward his side. Steve dodged just in time, swinging his shield in a defensive arc to force you back.
“Fight it! Wake up!” Steve growled as he launched a counterattack, swinging his shield toward your blade in an attempt to disarm you. And your weapons clashed, sparks flying as his vibranium shield met the steel of your blade.
The impact sent both of you skidding back, but you recovered with terrifying speed, lunging forward without hesitation. Steve’s breath hitched. He couldn’t focus. His body moved to fight, but his heart couldn’t follow.
“Yeah, that’s not gonna do, Steve…” John shouted from the other side of the battlefield as he fought off attackers. “You keep doing that boyfriend thing of yours, and the next thing you know is a cut on your throat!”
“Maybe you wanna stop talking and actually reach the source point?” Tony said, his fingers moving with incredible speed across the keyboard, just as Robert Lin stumbled through the door in striped pajamas.
“I’m here, I’m here! Mr. Stark…” Dr. Lin said, adjusting his glasses and attempting to fix his disheveled hair. “W-what’s going on?!” His eyes widened as he took in the combat displayed across all the screens and the command room bustling with agents and the entire team in action.
“How are we, Sam?” asked Iron Man, while commanding the Iron Army drones that had just arrived at the scene. “Close enough? Need a hand?” His voice was calm, but his eyes flicked toward the screen showing Steve and you, worry etched into his expression.
“We’re pinned but holding!” Sam replied, his voice strained but steady. “But we’re outnumbered. If you’ve got a hand, Stark, now’s the time to lend it.”
“Copy that.” Tony’s tone sharpened. “Split formation: five in Sam's position, the rest sweep the perimeter. Let’s clear some breathing room.”
The Iron Army descended, metallic forms glowing as they fired precision blasts, forcing the attackers back. “Now we’re talking!” Sam said, his voice steadier. “Heading to the source point. Steve’s still engaged! It looks bad.” There was no way Steve was going to be able to make a move, hurt you, or hurt himself in the process of it.
Tony’s gaze flicked to the screen, where Steve was locked in combat with you, each clash of blade and shield sending shockwaves rippling through the area. His jaw tightened. “Not this time. Just go. I’ve got visuals. Sam, you focus on the source. I’ll keep an eye on Cap.”
“Got it!” Sam confirmed, taking to the air again, his wings cutting through the haze as he led his team closer to their objective.
Tony exhaled sharply, his fingers tightening on the controls as his focus shifted back to the battle raging between Steve and you. “Come on Cap…” He muttered under his breath. “Let’s bring her home.”
In the background, Dr. Lin fumbled with the equipment, his hands shaking as he tried to synchronize the frequency Stark had ordered. “I need more time!” Lin shouted, glancing nervously at the chaotic displays around him.
“We don’t have that! Work faster!” Tony snapped, his gaze never leaving the screen. “If this fails, we’re screwed.”
“The sound that commanded the neural waves is different from last time…” Robert muttered, feeling like he was working against a ticking time bomb. He was a lab scientist, for god’s sake—why did he always end up working under this kind of pressure? He wanted to cry, but instead, he kept typing furiously.
“Which makes sense because last time, the command brainwashed our people and not an army of freaking… Well, I don’t know what these things are! Their brains are configured on an entirely different level…”
“I just need to isolate the neuro-wave oscillation patterns and realign them with the inverse frequency modulation… ok, ok, OK! Got it! Got it! GOT IT! Mr. Stark! I’ve got it! We have the connection, and the file is transmitting right now!” Robert screamed, sounding like a fangirl in a frenetic state.
“Ok, Sam, everything’s ready. Just reach the source. Analyzing compound—run all the scans NOW, Jarvis. Open it up for the Falcon.” Stark ordered, and Hill followed his commands.
“Team Beta, assist the Falcon to get to the destination. Alpha, keep guarding the Cap!”
The team roared under the command, fighting harder, deadlier, to keep Steve and you enclosed within the formation.
This was the toughest, hardest, most difficult fight Steve had ever faced in his entire life. It was worse than fighting Tony in a freezing cave in Siberia, harder than fighting his younger self in the Avengers tower, and so much worse than fighting Thanos when the future of the planet depended on it. This was a battle against his will, his heart, and everything he loved.
“Stop it!” He shouted, more to himself than to you. He had to keep you down, but every swing, every block, every dodge tore at him like an open wound. He couldn’t bear to hurt you, but he couldn’t let you win—not over him, and not over anyone on the team.
In that moment, a flicker of emotion passed across your face—something brief, almost imperceptible. A hesitation. But he caught it. He knew you so well; he knew every cell of your body, every spark of life that made up your soul.
You were there. You were still there. 
“Babe, It's me. It’s Steve.” He said, his pleading voice breaking as he lowered his shield slightly, taking a dangerous gamble. “Come back to me, please.”
For a split second, your blade faltered mid-swing, but then the hollow look returned, and the fight resumed, even fiercer than before.
Steve clenched his teeth, his resolve hardening. He couldn’t give up—not on you. Not ever.
He needed to immobilize you, that’s all it takes, he needs to take you back home, you were still there, he needs you back. That's the only idea that’s on his mind right now. Steve clenched his teeth and moved, he lunged forward, as Captain America does with his enemies, and his shield blocked you so hard, it numbed your arm. 
But you didn’t care, because you didn’t feel anything. He swung his shield and its strength and speed even opened a break in the ground, the sound was mute when you stopped with your bare hands, threw it back to his face and when he blocked, the fight reached its breaking point, and then, at the height of the combat, it happened. 
You were there a blink after the shield, and you swung your arm with the cold blade.
“NO!!” John watched the whole scene unfold and he shouted.
But before he did, you halted mid-motion.
The cold blade in your hand hovering a hair’s breadth from Steve’s throat. 
The edge gleamed dangerously close to his skin, a thin barrier between life and death.
Steve froze, his chest heaving, the rhythm of his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He didn’t dare move, his shield limp at his side. His eyes locked onto yours, and for the briefest moment, he saw it: the flicker of the real you behind the cold, hollow exterior. 
There was a struggle, visible in your trembling hand, as if your true self was clawing its way through the darkness.
Your breathing grew ragged, and tears began to stream down your face, your lips parting as if to speak.
You were fighting.
You were fighting so hard. 
Just like back then when you closed everyone out and plunged a tranquilizer on your neck to avoid hurting anyone. You were struggling to break free. 
You were fighting, to come back to him.
Your soul, your heart, every glitter spark of your life thread, was fighting the hell out of you, to get back to him.
Tears welled in your eyes, trailing down your cheeks as the blade inched closer. 
Steve's voice caught in his throat. “Babe…It’s me…” 
His plea was raw, desperate, as if willing you back to him by sheer force of will.
“Fight this, you are stronger than this. Please …” His neck was at your mercy, the blade was cutting a thin bloodline on his skin. 
But he wasn’t going to move. 
He was gambling with his life, he bet his entire existence to yours, that you’d fight, you’d come back to him. 
“I know you are there…” He begged, looking at your eyes. He could see the tears falling down, the struggle within those unrecognizable eyes and the coldness of the machine that took power over you, but there was you, too. 
“You are not this.” He whispered: “Remember? You are not this.” You are not the monster Hydra tried to create, you are everything your siblings hoped and protected, you are his precious treasure, his midsummer night, and everything he dreamed, cherished and longed for in his life. 
“Come back to me…” He said in a soft voice, feeling already that the blade was burning in his skin.
And then for less than a second, he saw it. 
He saw you.
The blade faltered.
Your grip tightened.
The knife edged closer, brushing against his skin, and in one swift motion, you turned the blade, pointing it toward yourself, and anyone could react, you plunged it into your chest.
“NO!” Steve’s voice ripped through the air, raw and desperate. The sound of steel piercing flesh echoed in the silence, followed by a soft, strangled gasp escaping your lips.
Steve’s breath hitched as he watched, unable to process what was happening. 
Time slowed to an unbearable crawl. 
Steve’s gaze locked on yours, and in your eyes, he saw it—the flicker of the real you, breaking through the haze, fragile and fleeting.
You collapsed to the ground like a marionette with its strings cut.
Steve’s heart stopped. He should’ve moved, should’ve caught you, but his feet were rooted to the ground, frozen in a mix of panic and horror. His shield slipped from his grasp, clattering uselessly to the floor.
Everything around him blurred, the shouts of the team muted as if underwater.
He could see John diving forward, his arms outstretched in a desperate attempt to catch you. Natasha was already sprinting toward you, their faces etched with shock and urgency.
But Steve couldn’t move. His chest felt hollow, his legs like lead, as if the very life had been drained from him. He could only watch as your body hit the ground, limp, the blood from your chest spreading in a crimson pool beneath you.
“STEVE!” John’s voice pierced through the fog like a thunderclap, raw and commanding, cutting through the paralysis gripping him. 
The shout jolted him like a bolt of electricity, snapping him out of his frozen state. He stumbled forward and tripped over his own feet in his desperate haste to reach you, dropping to his knees beside you, but his hands were shaking so violently that he hesitated, unable to bring himself to touch you. His breaths came in short, shallow gasps, his heart hammering against his ribs as if it might break free.
This couldn’t be true. 
He must be dreaming. 
He must be so tired looking for you back in HQ that he passed out at his desk.
“No… no, no, no…please, please…” He whispered, his voice breaking as his eyes frantically scanned your face, your chest, the knife protruding from it. And it paralyzed him.
“This can’t… not you. Not now. Not like this…” His voice cracked, he could see it, the blade in your chest, blood blossomed around the wound, strength and life draining from you like water slipping through his fingers, 
Your head lolled slightly to the side, and Steve saw the faint rise and fall of your chest as you opened your eyes.
“Steve…?” Your voice was weak.
And shit… he started to sob. Cause it was you, it was you. 
“You okay…?” You frowned and as you spoke, and you started to cough, blood all over your mouth. “Did I…hurt you…?”
“No, no, no, no…” His voice was barely audible, his fingers trembling and caressing your face, so softly and so fearful, he was scared to death that you could disappear at his mere touch. 
“Babe…you didn’t…you didn’t hurt me…please don’t speak…you are ok, you are safe…”
“John…Is he ok…?” Your voice whispers, each word a struggle. Blood trickled from the corner of your mouth as you forced the words out. 
“Hey princess…” John smiled at Steve’s side: “You kicked my ass pretty hard…but stay still ok? Don’t move…” His face was pale but resolute. “Steve, she’s alive, but we need to move. Now.”
You closed your eyes, and lingered in Steve’s touch in your face. His fingers soaked with blood and dust, yet there was the warmth you missed so much, every cell in your existence missed him, and you could feel his pain, and you knew he missed you too, but you were safe now, you were with him, you were home.
“Shit!” Tony was pale as he drove the iron unit beside you and injected you with a cryogenic wound-sealing mist, the freezing fog hissing as it rapidly hardened over the gash, staunching the bleeding in seconds, but still he couldn’t see the injuries inflicted inside you. “Ok, get her back to the quinjet, now!”
“We gotta move…” John looked at Steve and shouted back to the rest of the still fighting team: “Open a way for us!”
“Go! We’ve got this!” Natasha’s sharp command finally cut through the storm of the battle, she pressed her comms: “Sam, are you in position?!”
“15 seconds!” Sam waved through the air scanning the source building: “Do we have everything ready!?”
“Robert!” With the gaze fixed on the screen but mainly focusing on your wounds, Tony didn’t even turn around: “You ready?!”
“Ready!” Dr. Lin was in between panicking and crying and ready in front of his computer. 
“Medics bay to be ready in the quinjet, beta team, open a way for Captain Rogers and Walker.” Commanded Hill seeing the map: “Jet 1, prepare to fly, as soon they arrive you take off and take’em home, alright?”
“Come on Steve, we gotta move…!” John and Natasha transferred you onto a portable medic bed, the  wound-sealing mist Tony had applied bought precious moments, but the blood loss was staggering. Your breaths were shallow, each one weaker than the last.
“Steve!” John’s voice was sharp, cutting through the haze clouding Steve’s mind. He grabbed Steve by the shoulders and gave him a rough shake. “We need to move! Now! She’s not gone! Do you hear me? We’re getting her out of here!”
Steve blinked, his breath hitching as reality crashed back in. His hands, still trembling, hovered over your bloodied form. “She… she—” he stammered, unable to finish the sentence.
“Focus, Cap!” John barked: “Wake the fuck up!”
With a firm grip on Steve’s arm, John pulled him to his feet. “Walk!” 
Steve’s body moved on autopilot, his mind screaming in anguish as he took his place. Together, they lifted you and began navigating through the chaos, the Beta team clearing a path back to the quinjet.
Steve’s eyes never left your face. 
“Stay with me.” He whispered, his voice cracking. “Babe, please, just stay with me. We’re almost there.”
Your head tilted slightly, and your lips moved as if you were trying to speak, but no sound came out. Steve leaned closer, his heart pounding. “I’m here. I’m right here. Don’t try to talk, just hold on.”
As they reached the quinjet ramp, the medics were already waiting, springing into action the moment the team arrived, hooking up monitors and stabilizing you as best they could. Steve refused to let go of your hand, his grip firm but gentle, his other hand brushing stray strands of hair from your face.
“Don’t close your eyes.” He begged, his voice barely above a whisper. “You’re going to be okay. You’re safe now. We’re going home. Babe…look at me, please.”
But your body trembled, a coldness spreading through you that even the advanced medtech couldn’t stop. “Steve…” Your voice was faint, broken. “I’m… so… cold…”
“No.” He pleaded, his throat tight, tears welling in his eyes. “No, no, no. Don’t do this. Don’t shut down. Keep your eyes on me, okay? Just stay with me!”
But your fingers twitched weakly in his hand, a fleeting response that tore at his heart, and your eyes grew heavier, your breathing slower, your body was giving out, slipping further away despite his desperate words. 
“NO!” Steve’s cry of anguish echoed through the quinjet, raw and piercing. “No, no…please…Don’t… don’t…”
The medics worked furiously, but the room felt still, silent save for the beep of monitors and the hum of the engines. Steve knelt by your side, his hands clutching yours, his forehead pressed to your cold fingers. Desperation consumed him, but he refused to let go.
“You’re coming back to me.”
He whispered, his voice hoarse. “I won’t lose you. Not like this. Not now.”
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OMG I'm so sorry I didn't post last friday and left you in such a cliff hanger, but life is kicking my ass in the worst possible way, I'm actually writing this to escape TT_TT But hey, I loved writing every word of this chapter, specially the interaction of the group (I love writing fight scenes!), Dr Lin is always so fun to write, and mwaah to my John! He has turned out to be SO FUN to write! So I hope you enjoyed it reading it as I did! 🥰
See you next week! (hopefully, I promise I'll do my best!)
Love., Moon.࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Tag list: @vioplay19 / @jamneuromain / @steviebbboi / @heletsmelovehim / @otterlycanadian / hisredheadedgoddess28
let me know if you want to be added! 🥰
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ohtoseni · 18 days ago
like real people do
chapter one
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Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x OFC
read it on ao3
the government forces soulmates to be together, no matter what it takes.
it just so happens that eve's soulmates are two bisexual super soldiers.
steve and bucky struggle with their eighteen-year-old soulmate who refuses to settle into her new life after being kidnapped by the government.
tags/warnings: soulmate mark au, forced throuple/poly relationship (f/m/m), extreme age gap, kidnapping, slow burn, dub con, mental health issues (ptsd, audhd, ocd, bipolar, ed), found family, emotional hurt/comfort, sensory overload and meltdowns, eventual smut, tooth-rotting fluff, power imbalance, domestic discipline (spanking as punishment), general teenage angst, daddy dom energy, oral fixation, praise kink, implied/referenced child abuse/csa, kink exploration, p in v sex, oral sex, non sexual age regression, lots of cuddles and snuggles and crying
Tick, tick, tick…
Eve stared blankly at the large vintage clock across the restaurant. It was a dumb impulse purchase by her boss, justified by the fact it vaguely fits the quasi-Italian feel of the restaurant. While the ticks and chimes weren’t as prominent during busy hours, the damned thing drove her nuts whenever it was just Eve closing up.
A glance out the front door revealed the same pouring rain from this afternoon, surely the sidewalks and streets were flooded by now. Groaning, Eve mentally cursed her boss for not letting her get off earlier as she rubbed her temples. The man religiously checked the security systems to ensure the doors were locked at exactly eleven o’clock, not a second earlier.
By now she synced up her nightly exit to the clock’s beat like a countdown. One, two, three ticks to get from the hostess station to the front door, and the loud chime indicating the new hour played the moment her keys entered the lock. It was normally a satisfying feeling when she wasn’t greeted by rain on the other side of the door. Thankfully, Eve only lived just down the road from the restaurant.
Power walking through the storm, she kept a tight hold on her sweatshirt to prevent the hood from flying off her head and to preserve what little body heat she had. Her legs were sore from a long shift, and she had to will them to carry her to her bed for the night. Cars flew down the street, with the occasional asshole splashing her with the water buildup on the street. As the rain kept pouring sideways, Eve gave up on keeping her glasses rain- and fog-free. Her apartment was a straight shot down the main road. Had it been clear out, she would’ve had eyes on the front door from the moment she left the restaurant.
The streetlights above her flickered, until they eventually gave out, shrouding her in darkness. Essentially walking blind, Eve didn’t even know where the sudden arm came from that grabbed and pulled her into the alley. A strong figure in black held Eve against his body, one arm easily wrapped around her torso to keep her arms down, and his calloused hand harshly gripping her mouth. The sudden pressure on her ribs made her gasp out the air in her lungs. She tried her hardest to scream and squirm out of his grip, but her attempts were futile against his strength. The rain only made her grip on the attacker slick. In an attempt to get him to let go, Eve knocked her head backward against his lower jaw, stunning him enough that he removed his hand from her mouth.
“Help! Help! I-“ Eve’s screams were easily muffled by the rain and thunder, but she tried your hardest to be heard by a potential passerby. A couple of screams left her mouth before a fist collided with the left side of her face. Pain radiated through her jaw like lightning before everything faded to black.
Everyone had a soulmate out there- a person made just for you. A small mark on your wrist slowly developed around puberty, uniquely yours and your soulmate’s. Young teenagers would compare marks with their crushes, desperately hoping it was a match. They would sit there and point out the smallest curve or dot that matched up, claiming that all the other differences were simply due to stretched skin or a bruise or cut. Eve wasn’t sure if they tried to make it work because they liked each other, or to avoid being put on the draft.
If by the age of eighteen, you hadn’t found your soulmate, you would be placed into a database full of other unmatched individuals. Young people nicknamed it ‘the draft’ due to how frequently the government stalked the website. Stories of people going missing after being put on the draft drifted around school campuses and online communities, not believing the kidnappings were just to unite far-away soulmates. A news headline or two would highlight missing young adults for a day before being expunged from the media.
For years Eve watched her friends and classmates find their soulmates, or innocently imagine what they would look like. As they gushed about love, she would look down at her wrist, empty of any markings. She’d laugh and put on a fake smile, trying to hide the pain of knowing she didn’t have a soulmate.
Eventually, her eighteenth birthday came around, and she was still soulmateless. Throughout the school day, she anxiously rubbed her wrist where the mark should be, wondering how she would be drafted without a mark. The drive to the Soulmate Commission building was long and somber, her hands shaking on the wheel the whole way. The time finally came when they needed to photograph Eve’s mark, and she pulled up her sleeve to reveal two little lines on her left wrist.
“Hmm,” the worker hummed, pulling the camera back ever so slightly. “We’ve never had two marks before.”
As she walked off to get a supervisor, Eve felt her entire body pale. At that moment, she didn’t know if having two soulmates was better or worse than having none. Her stomach dropped, and a twisting feeling in her gut told you to run. Before she could change her mind about registering today, the woman came back, a disgusted look on her face. She took the picture quickly and scoffed as she checked the quality of the photo.
Maybe the stigma of having two was worse.
Groaning, Eve lifted a hand to hold her throbbing head. The pain thumping in her skull woke her up after a who-knows-how-long nap, leaving her feeling like absolute crap. She could sense the blinding white light through closed eyes, making it harder to open them. In an attempt to make out where exactly she was, she tried to squint while sitting up.
The room was a blinding white, the natural light of the large windows clashed with the bright overhead lights to create a visual sensory nightmare that made her eyes sting. The more her eyes adjusted, the more the room started looking like some sort of sterile prison. Eve sat on a stiff bed with only a thin white sheet covering her naked body. The scent of antiseptic, the rough texture of her blanket, the sterile air making her throat dry, it was all too much for her senses.
Eve fully sat up, back resting against the cool white brick wall, and pulled the sheet tightly around her body. Maybe she was just dreaming, and this was some far away place from her nightmares. The chill air in the room made the naked girl shiver, reminding her this was very much reality. Her eyes fell onto a chair opposite of the bed- the thought of someone watching her sleep in only a bra and panties felt extremely violating. Footsteps creaked outside of the small room alongside voices hushed by the brick walls. Eve was just about ready to stand up when a door opened suddenly, making her jump back against the wall.
A man in a white coat walked in holding a familiar pink bag. Eve quickly recognized it as her own from her apartment. She tugged the sheet closer as the man greeted her with a smile.
“Eve, how are you feeling?” The man asked, pulling the chair around to the side of the bed before sitting in it. The girl didn’t respond, only suspiciously eyed up the stranger.
“I’m Dr. Kim, the head doctor for the New York Soulmate Commission.” The doctor reached a hand out towards Eve, intending on a handshake, but she only continued to stare him down relentlessly. “Ah, I see.
“I’d like to apologize on behalf of the Commission for how you were handled on your way here. Best believe me, that contractor has been fired.”
“Handled…?” Eve quietly wondered aloud. She had no memory of how she got here. One moment she was locking up the restaurant, the next she was in what she now assumed was a hospital room.
“Nevertheless,” the doctor quickly cut her off, not wanting to elaborate. He continued with his calm, monotonous voice. “I just need to check for some things. Can you follow the light?”
The doctor flashed a small pen light, moving it slowly for Eve to follow. She did as instructed, and replied with a quiet ‘no’ when asked if she had a headache or nausea. Both times she lied, but she didn’t want to remain here any longer.
The doctor finished the quick exam with a smile, and reached over to grab Eve’s bag off the floor. “You should have a pair of clothes and your personal items in here. I’ll give you a minute before sending your soulmates in.”
“My soulmates?”
This was not how she imagined meeting her soulmates would be. In a bland doctor’s office, naked, and not remembering how she even got to New York from Michigan. Eve didn’t even know what day it was. And now she was supposed to meet her lifelong partners? It felt more like being released into the care of kidnappers. In that moment, she felt jealous of her old classmates who easily found their soulmates from within their hometown. They were spared the shame and uncertainty of being left behind by a flawed system.
Once the doctor left the room, Eve opened her backpack and quickly put on the sweatshirt and sweatpants packed neatly in the bag. She rummaged around to find her phone, and noticed her laptop and tablet had been packed as well. As she stumbled upon her headphones and books, the thought of someone breaking into her home to get her belongings dawned on her. Just how much of her life did they go through while deciding on what to pack? Had they been watching her for a while? An unfamiliar sickness filled her as she grabbed her phone from the bottom of the bag before gently pushing the damned thing away.
The phone wouldn’t turn on, as expected. The battery was long dead, and whoever retrieved it must not have bothered to charge it or pack her charger in the bag. Eve threw it back into the backpack before standing up from the bed.
She walked towards the large windows to be met with a beautiful overview of New York City. Her fingers made their way to her mouth, chewing on her fingernails out of nerves and fear. Never once had she visited a city as big as this. Her hometown had a population of only 10,000 people, and her college town had a population a little under 5,000. This was way out of her normal, and Eve did not like it one bit.
A knock at the door made her jump and turn around. Low, muffled voices could be heard from the other side of the door. Her hands remained by her mouth, biting her nails and tugging on her bottom lip to soothe herself. Eve didn’t know what to expect, and felt so exposed even with her baggy clothes on. She felt like an animal ready to meet its slaughter.
“Eve?” A soft, yet strong voice rung out as the door creaked open. Eve’s brown eyes met an unknown pair of baby blues, and immediately she wanted to be anywhere but there. She felt like a deer in headlights, stuck in place and eyes wide in fear. Her gaze never left the two men as they entered the room together.
These two ginormous men were her soulmates.
“Hi, Eve.” The blonde said with a soft smile. He took a few cautious steps forward, stopping once he saw the tiniest flinch from Eve. “I’m Steve, and this is Bucky.”
Steve tried his best to be as non-intimidating as possible, but their size difference alone made him seem like a threat. The girl in front of him barely looked 100 pounds soaking wet, he probably looked like a predator approaching his prey.
“I-I’m Eve…” the girl introduced herself quietly, her hands making her voice mumbled. Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle- this kid managed to be adorable while afraid for her life.
“We know that, doll,” Bucky said, walking more naturally towards her than Steve had with his cautious steps. Eve’s eyes remained trained on Bucky as he leaned against the wall, staring out the window.
Steve, not wanting to further upset the girl who already was on the brink of tears, didn’t make any sudden movements. He cleared his throat so Eve’s eyes would dart back towards him before speaking.
“Are you the ones that took me?” Eve asked, her voice wavering and cracking near the end. Steve could tell she was not comfortable, not relieved, and not at ease. He could feel their bond yelling at him to comfort her, to hold her and tell her she was safe now. Steve could tell Eve was also fighting that battle- her anxiety heightened as her body told her to get closer, but her brain told her to run as far as she could.
“No, sweetheart. We’re the ones that found you,” Steve tried his best to explain the situation. “We’re going to take you home now.” The blonde super soldier took another step closer to Eve before reaching a hand out to her.
Eve panicked as Steve suddenly entered the bubble of safety she drew up in her mind. Now hyperventilating, she looked desperately around the room for an escape route. She absolutely would not be going anywhere with these men. While Steve and Bucky took a moment to exchange concerned glances, Eve saw that as her opportunity to run. She jumped over the bed and out the door, quickly running down the empty hallway.
The hospital was a maze, Eve kept taking turns in what felt like giant circles. Then again, she didn’t care where she went, as long as she didn’t end up with the strange men. She had to get away. The footsteps behind her were so loud and fast though, making her run quicker than she ever had before. She turned her head to see just how much distance was in between her and them, only to trip over a snag in the carpet and tumble to the ground. Lying there defeated, Eve let the tears flow and her cries loudly break through as she curled up into a ball. Her head grew dizzy as she tried to recover her breath through cries. Seconds later she felt strong hands lift her into the air with sheer ease, making her thrash hard.
Bucky had tried to cut her off on the other side of the hallway, only to watch her fall and eat shit in front of him. His heart skipped a beat, not wanting her to be hurt, especially with how loud her cries grew. Quickly he reached down and threw her over his shoulder, not risking her running off again.
“Let’s go home, troublemaker,” Buck said, securing her down with his metal arm as Eve squirmed and kicked. Steve simply shook his head at the scene, following the two of them out of the building.
Bystanders chuckled and pointed at the scene, it wasn’t every day you saw a grown woman throwing a tantrum over her soulmate’s shoulder. The stares and laughs were shut down by stern looks from Steve and Bucky, their threatening and protective aura immediately ceasing any teasing. The crowd quickly looked away, hurrying on with their tasks.
Eve’s squirms grew more frantic as they reached the exit, her screams raw with panic. “Let me go! I don’t want this! I don’t want you!”
Bucky winced at the words, not wanting to show just how much they hurt him. Steve continued to follow Bucky, his expression softening at just how much this hurt Eve. He spoke up with a quiet intensity, “Eve, we’re not going to hurt you. You’re not a prisoner. We’re here to help you, to get you out of this mess.”
Her chest heaved with each sob, her body exhausted from the panic and fear. Slowly, her resistance lessened as her exhaustion grew, and she stopped fighting Bucky’s hold. Her body continued to tremble and rack with sobs.
The evening autumn air hit them once outside, and the streetlights of New York City illuminated the bustling city. However, it all felt cold and isolating to Eve. Her eyes darted around from the passing cars to the towering buildings, feeling overwhelmed. Her wandering eyes landed back on Steve, who gave a reassuring smile that Eve did not return. This was the last place she wanted to be- out with these strangers in a world she didn’t quite understand.
A black SUV waited for them. Bucky moved towards the back, his arm still securely around Eve. Gently, he adjusted her enough to set her down in the backseat. Her resistance was depleted, and she only stared at the back of the passenger seat with bloodshot, teary eyes. Bucky closed and locked the doors before him and Steve quickly got in with her in the front. The three sat in silence for a moment, taking in the reality of the situation.
Eve fiddled with the door for a moment, tiredly trying to open it before coming to terms that she was locked in for good. Not wanting to be so close to her captors, she moved into the third row seats, creating as much space as she possibly could. She kept her gaze out the window, her arms crossed, closing herself off from any confrontation. She didn’t want to talk nor even think about the idea of letting them in. Every inch of her was screaming run.
Steve glanced back at her from the driver’s seat, speaking softly and more soothing than before. “I know this is a lot to take in, but we need you to trust us, okay?”
“No more running, no more fighting,” Bucky added to try and keep things light while still grounded in reality.
“No, thank you.” Eve didn’t even look at them, her eyes fixed on the passing city lights. She never saw such tall buildings or bright lights before. The car began to move through the streets, the hum of the engine filling the silence.
next ->
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eccentricallygothic · 6 months ago
Want this so bad right now.
|| Konnection ||
Pairing: Dragon Shifter!Ari | Drakaina Shifter!You.
Trope: You hate his guts and he loves it aka my favorite.
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Description: You are a bratty little Drakaina. And do you know what happens to them? They get disciplined. By their Dragons.
Warning(s): Dubcon (just to be safe), smut with plot, chase kink, shifter couple, you straight up hate Ari, power imbalance, age gap, he's a warlord, size kink (gone wild), infantilization, humiliation, ass play (not his dick), his cock is too big, degradation, spanking, manhandling, hair pulling, unprotected p-in-v, creampie, doggy style, allusions to exhibitionist stuff, angry Ari, Daddy kink, he treats you like a kid and calls you one, cum play, brat taming, boob play, minor overstimulation, fear kink-ish. MDNI.
Note: I had so much fun writing this lmfao. Pissing off scary men so they can fuck me up hell yeah! Unedited because it's late and I am tired but I want to see something. Let me know if you liked it, thank you <3 
. . .
You have always done whatever you please. Restraint and denial aren't— or rather, weren't concepts you were familiar with before you caught the eye of the tyrannical brute named Ari Levinson. It did not help that your stupid and treacherous spirit reached out to his when your eyes locked with his electric blue ones for the first time and konnected with him before you could stop it. As if Ari is not rich enough with his generational wealth and noble family, the fact that he leads the Military Legion of the Draconic Empire you belong to hence all the real power doesn't help your case. 
You hear a deep growl behind you and you angrily flap your shiny crimson scaled and gold streaked wings. They are miniature when compared to his colossal black ones that are scaled a dark teal and streaked silver. The sound of them cutting through the air as he chases your tiny form through the sky is so heavy that it puts strain on your eardrums, their enormous size causing actual turbulence in the air itself. 
Ari is a warlord and his Dragon form a battle hardened, much experienced arsenal full of tricks, infinite strength and agility and much training. You know you don't stand a chance against him, you didn't when you angrily transformed when he was about to put the band of his claim around your neck during your betrothal ceremony and you won't even if you by some miracle grow into his size all of a sudden. But his smug smile had been too much for you to handle, the lewd whistling and remarks of his filthy fellows only making it worse. You had confessed to him in a letter that you didn't want to marry him and you wished to revoke the konnection, you had always been clear about not mating in the Draconic way, and you did not want to marry anyone, least of all a filthy wardog covered in mane like some earthly animal. 
The thought makes you sick to your stomach. 
You hate your family for putting you through this. Not that you have any faith in Ari's decency to think that if your father had refused your hand to him he would have taken it as an answer, you still resent how your parents and other family members jumped upon the opportunity to serve you up on a gold platter just because a Levinson asked for your hand in marriage. 
You feel the sky tremble again. He is growling a warning to you. It is a prompt for you to stop and know better. To help yourself while you still can. Save yourself before things become irreversibly complicated. 
But you wouldn't be you if you weren't stupidly stubborn and childish. 
And so you spin midair and wheeze out angry smoke before you burst out the most scorching fire you can muster out right at Ari. Of course, the range and intensity is inadequate. The brute is too big and hard. You huff out and dash downwards and out of his grip because he reaches you at once, his already cunning Dragon features not looking too impressed with you. You chuckle as you go fly in the other direction, thinking you have fooled the assholic mass of scale, muscle and tyranny.
But alas! 
Your eyes widen and your mind doesn't comprehend it at first. It happens much too fast for both your perception and expectation to understand. And by the time you catch on, Ari's claw that easily holds you like a toy is tossing you on a mountaintop like you're nothing more serious than a doll before he deescalates himself on top of you and you gasp, your pearly beige wings darting to shield your eyes from what you suspect will be the crushing of your body under the brute's. 
“Shift.” You know not how he does it but the beast crash-lands against the ground with such force that the whole mountain shakes from the weight of his anger and yet he doesn't hit you. Dust clouds erupt all around you and you cough, squinting your eyes as you peek up at him from behind your wings to find he has surrounded you in the curtains of his own to shield you from the change in environment as your body lies between his claws and he glares down at you with his electric blue. 
You whimper and feel your jaw twitch as your lips tremble. Your forehead aches and you feel your eyebrows raising in an obtuse angle as a reaction to your condition. Ari— or rather, his form is titanous as he looks over you like the shadow of destruction, the air that his flared nostrils angrily exhale out fanning the entirety of your tiny form. You feel yourself beginning to break, anger giving way to regret and better sense scold your impulse. But then—
“Right now.” He emphasizes on his previous words and you hear an actual snap in your head before you feel your eyes blaze with anger. 
“Nu.” There is an unreadable shift in his harsh gaze for a few moments as he just watches you, wordless. Did you, a foolish little girl from a family of humble means, tell him; Ari Levinson, who has been nothing but generous to you despite your constant displays of dimwittedness, no? 
“I will not repeat myself.” To someone not belonging to your species, your conversation would seem like soundless mouthing for the pitch your kind uses in this form is inaudible to lower life forms. But you hear his threat loud and clear. 
“Yur nut the boss o' mee!” You owe the lisping and baby-like voice to your tiny form. Although it's normal for Drakainas to be smaller than Dragons, their smaller size comes with speed, a feminine cunning, sharper claws, short ranged but molten breath and expendability. But it seems in your case that when the sun was granting his children, your kind, their abilities, you were knocked out somewhere with a food induced coma. 
Though Ari has had enough encounters with you to know better, he still stops to stare at you; your unwavering foolishness. Are you, something so defenseless and vulnerable against him, seriously saying that to him when he is already so angry?
You stupidly gain confidence in the wake of his disbelieving silence. When you should be quiet, submissive and apologetic, you instead push yourself off the ground with the v-shaped mid joint of one of your wings and use the other one to wipe your eyes clean of their glaze. Your claws ball into tiny fists and you huff up at the mountain of a Dragon, pouting from how your nape hurts when you do. 
“Ugh, I tuld yu I din wan' marry yu, yu dumby brute!” You jump up with the use of your hind legs so you can bang your miniature fists on his firm chest protestingly. “Hate yu, hate yu, hate yu! Leamme!” You give him a smash with each word, glaring up at him like you're in any position to. “Dun wanna—!”
Ari is in actual disbelief of your sheer audacity as he stops his mouth from falling open simply because he is not used to this. If anything, he is a foreigner to this attitude being directed at him. Because do you even realize just how monumentally fucked you are?
“You either shift and make it somewhat easy for yourself,” you gasp and slip back onto your ass with a gulp when he lowers his great head to put emphasis on his words. “Or I rip your petulant little kiddy ass open as is.” Your eyes widen when you feel the tip of his monstrous form graze against your small leg. 
His Dragon cock alone is bigger than your whole Drakaina form.
There is something about the murderous glint in his electric blue eyes that finally makes you cease your race with reason and you let it infuse with you. 
Your body reacts before your mind can even form the intent of obeying him and you pout softly. Your traitorous little desperate soul and the damned konnection! 
“Oh, no…” Your speech returns to you as your body begins to shift and from the baby dragon form emerges a fully developed young woman. 
Exactly what he likes. 
“Oh, yes.” There is a deafening crack in the air before bright light hits your darkness accustomed eyes and you wince before bringing a hand to them for protection as you wince from the overflow of sensory data. 
“S- Stay back!” You warn and hop backwards as though you're still on your haunches. It'll take you a bit to readjust to your human form. It's not very common except for cases like weak Drakainas like yourself. 
Ari's cock is an angry red as it curves against his stomach. The sight makes you gulp and his not being bothered about it only makes it worse. Not that you mind being in your natural state too much, but right now you feel so exposed and vulnerable under his electric glare that you can't help but hug yourself. 
“You're only making it harder for yourself, kid.” 
“I am telling you, stay—” you quickly bend down to pick up a rock before you hurl it at him. “Stay back!” Ari turns sideways and his long hair flops along. When he turns to look at you, a crimson little cut glints in the sunlight for just a millisecond before his skin naturally comes together and closes on itself. 
Of course. 
“Ugh! I don't like you! Why don't you get it!” Your fists are balled at your sides as you huff and puff. 
The man only sighs as he closes in on you. 
“I swear— ah!” You scream as your foot slips off the edge and your body goes to tumble down, arms flailing about but before anything devastating can happen, a rough grip on your hair catches you and drags you back onto the ground. “Oh m- my—” he doesn't let you recover from your shock.
“Stupid and petulant girls like yourself never know what's good for them” you pout and whimper as your hair goes to cup over his that is holding your hair tight. “That is why they need someone to show them what's good for them” you jump like an animated character with a cartoon-like noise when his free hand swings through the air to crack against your ass. 
“Ow! Oh!” Ari doesn't stop. As he walks you back to the middle of the mountaintop with your feet barely touching the ground because of how he holds you, he cruelly warms your ass up until it's flushing a humiliating shade of red. “Stop! You brute!” You bounce on your toes as you try to dodge him by swinging yourself left and right but to no avail, Ari is too fast and his range is too great. 
“You don't say that when you fuck yourself stupid on my cock and cry like a little kid who is getting handled by their Daddy” your blood runs cold as the feeling of his words calling you out like a splash of ice cold water. 
Maybe your weakness got the best of you one or two times. 
Or a couple.
But that's not the point!
It's his fault, he's the manipulative tyrant! 
“I— ow!” You cry again because his assault on your ass is unceasing. “I— I've no idea what you mean, meanie!” He scoffs as he places you on your soles so he can bend you over to target your sitspots. 
“I am sure.” Your body rocks forward with his beastly hits. Your ass is stinging and you're sure he has blistered it with his stupid warlord hands. “Now get your tail out.” The humiliation makes you want to throw up. Cold sweat threatens to drown your body and your ears turn beet red. 
“What?! No!” You cry out when your words make him target your sore spots. “I- I dunno how to in this form!” He scoffs again. 
Your audacity is what keeps him going. 
“Do it how I taught you” okay, yes. But he's a bossy mean tyrant who doesn't back down if you deny him! And no one helps you because he's both your Konnection made and fiancee. 
As well as literally Ari fucking Levinson. 
You never really have a choice with him. These kinds of tricks aren't common for someone with your strength and state of underdevelopment most because you've never really cared about the Dragon stuff but one day the depraved dictator decided that he wasn't going to let you cum if you didn't grow out your Dragon tail while still in your human form. He went so far as to even threaten you with a spanking. And your readers can judge you all they want but if they had ever been stuck balls deep on Ari Levinson's monstrous cock with their pussy sore from the frustration and their hips so desperate that they throbbed with need, they'd understand why you laid weakly against his chest and surrendered yourself to his will before carrying out his messed up wish. To be fair, not that you would ever be fair with him, he had praised, kissed and spoiled you a lot after that. 
Not out of the goodness of his heart though.
The pervert loved to stroke your tail and play with its base when he made you sit on his massive lap. 
“Or what?!” You demand angrily. 
It's a thing. You always submit -under his evil coercion, you must add- and do what he says. But then you recover and you act like you don't know him. 
Ari loves it. He has seen it all and there isn't much that isn't mundane to him. But you, you keep him on his toes. 
His ferocious little fireball. 
Ari finally stops the spanking. You wince as you feel your cheeks seethe. He brings you closer to his hairy face by the grip he has on your head. There is a complex look on his face. He looks done and unwilling to do to you what he must if you keep this up. 
“You know you don't want to find out” you watch his face for a slip, trying to sway his heart with an expression or two of your own. But as always, it doesn't work with the brutish dictatorial tyrant of a giant. 
So you whimper and try to look away but his hold restricts you. Choosing to avert your eyes from him instead, you whimper as you focus on fulfilling his demand. As you go about it, you cannot help but wonder why Ari wants you to do this right now. Usually when he does this, it's when you're cuddling— you mean, when he's cuddling you, okay?! Ugh!
“Oh…” You groan as you feel the crimson and gold tail growing out just above your ass. It's not painful but it makes you uncomfortable. As well as humiliated. 
“Stay still, or so the Sun help me” you don't need to be told twice. Never when you're so tightly held in his grip. It's too late. 
You feel Ari grab your tail and you whimper from the sensitivity, gulping down the bile that forms in your throat when you feel his long and thick fingers grazing the soft scales -he likes to call you a kiddie Dragon because of how nonlethal you actually are- as he slowly strokes the length. His fingertips feel the hot base for a few moments and your knees nearly buckle shut. The firm hold on your head helps keep you remain in the inverted 90° angle he's made of your body.
Ari spits on your pucker and you almost jump from the sensation of his hot spit landing on your hole. Oh, yes. It becomes too exposed for comfort when he bends you over like this. And no, it does not mean that you know this because he does it often. Absolutely not. You uneasily try to shift away but he hooks one knee in the curve between your stomach and thighs to keep you upright as his fingers work the natural lubricant in and work it open a little. The next blob lands on your tail and something about the sensory overload and his attitude makes you angry but you're too caught and weak. 
But still, before you can try to hold your own, the warlord is pushing the tip of your tail in your pucker and your eyes widen in shock. You begin to struggle. He has never done that before. 
“W- What are you doin— ah!” Even though your Drakaina skin is soft, the sensation of the rigid dents and your own body being forced into your tiny hole causes an explosion of scorching blood in your face. “Oh—! What are you doing, you! Oh my— owie Dada!” You break and though you don't see it, a crooked smirk of satisfaction makes its way onto his face. “Pleasie!”
You talk big game, but a little bit of pain and you're the most compliant little thing alive. 
“You look so pretty, kid” your features scrunch in discomfort as you squint at the ground because there isn't much else you can do. “Stuffed full of your own bratty little tail” your ass is so full of yourself. The humiliating sensation makes you pout. He gives a firm pat on your plugged ass before moving on and you nearly retch from the embarrassment. “Get on your knees” he finally releases your hair and you land on your hands just in time. 
“Y- You…” And your mouth is trying to run again the moment he isn't holding you. Ari snorts under his breath as he gets on his knees behind you. “Y- You're so twisted and weird! Military men—”
“It takes some nerve to act like that when I can literally see you messing yourself up like it's your job” you feel like screaming. You hate it and you hate him. He always gets what he wants and your traitorous body only aids his pompousness. “Dripping yourself silly like a soppy little bride slut” you feel the rough skin of his hands stroke against the sides of your sore thighs before he pulls you back towards him. “It looks like you pissed yourself like the stupid little baby that you are” your wrists become jelly and your upper body collapsed on your elbows when his scarred fingers dip between your legs to collect your sweetness on them before he spreads your petals to both feel your warm cunt and coat as much of his digits in your slick as he can.
“D- Daddy…” You hate it. The twisted use of the word scalds your tongue. And yet you cannot help it. Your thighs only quiver more. 
Ari brings his fingers to his lips and puts them in his mouth before sucking at them. “Hmm” his bigger body rocks against your much smaller one to rub his own spilling cock on your spanked skin. “Tastes like a silly little kiddie brat slut” your sensitive and tender skin does well in pampering his stiff skin and Ari uses your ass like a plush little pillow to stroke his cock.
“D- Daddy— I mean, you brute!” Sparks go off in your mind when you feel him stroke the summit of his dick against your drenched pussy as one of his hands hold you to his while by the grip he has on the curve of your hip. “Stooop! Owie! No! It won't fit!” And true to your word, your small pussy rejects his cock with a bratty squelch. It's one part of your body that is just like you. And Ari has punished it on several occasions for his misbehavior exactly as he does you. “I- I am too small you giant! Not everyone can be a colossal like you- ouchie!” 
He raises an eyebrow, amused. “Too small now, are you?” He is breathless from the strength it's taking him to be patient with your opening's constant rejection of his cock whenever he tries to push in. “You weren't acting like it when you made a spectacle of our engagement like I am some lowborn pauper that you can just humiliate like a peasant wife who doesn't have a whole generation of noble wives to represent” he bites back a harsh curse when his cock slips away again. His fingers tighten on your side and he pushes you tighter against him before realigning his cock with your bratty hole and slowly forcing it in with slow rotatory movements where he penetrates you spec by spec. “You weren't too small when you challenged your future husband and tried to burn him with your pathetic little candle fire” the insult makes you angry but his cock has intruded you and his satisfied pat to your ass coupled with your pucker clenching around your scaled tail renders you speechless.
“O- Owie!” It feels good. But the strain his girth puts on your poor band is almost too much. You fear you will rip. “D- Daddy, please!” That always softens him up. Oftentimes just a little but beggars can't be choosers. 
“You will shut up and take it if you know what's good for you…” But he is far too angry today. His hairy chest drapes over your back and the coarse hairs make your tender skin tingle. “Even though we both know you're too dumb to understand that” you feel him pull out of you almost all the way out before he plunges himself back in, his length cruelly pushing your velvet walls apart and reaching your cervix already. But Ari doesn't hit it just yet. 
“Oh!” You squeak out when your body rocks with another thrust and then another. He is gaining pace. You don't notice it but your ass has managed to push your tail nearly halfway out and Ari stamps it back in at the same moment he snaps his hips against yours. “Daddyyyy, hnng!” Regardless of your dislike of the name, it is the one you find yourself calling him when he has you bent over like this. 
“Tell me you're sorry for what you did” he peers at the sun that is changing its colour and Ari decides he can thoroughly address this later. It is not like you are going anywhere. You are his and he will never allow it. “Tell me it's because you're a stupid little kiddie brat who hasn't had a day's discipline in her life and that is the reason you need a husband like me to keep you on a short leash” the sound of his cock moving in and out of your tight pussy is so loud that it is clear even in the heavy winds. Your pucker blinks around your tail. “Say it!” The harsh strike he gives to your ass has you crying and parroting out his words before your mind can catch on. 
“I- I am sorry for… for… ah!” His stiff tip touches your cervix and the bittersweet pleasure makes you choke him out. His baritone groan grinds its way into your ear from how his colossal form is bent over yours so he can reach your neck and hear your whimpers. “I am sorry for what I did today, Daddy!” 
“Keep going” he demands with a smack to one of your tits now. You jump up from the shock. Damn, you didn't even know he could reach you like this. He continues to fuck you like a hound taking his bitch. 
“I, uh…” You rake your mind for what he demanded of you, sighing in relief when you remember though his assault on your sensitive spot makes you arch your back. His beard digs into the skin of your jaw and shoulder when his mouth reaches for your carotid pulse. “I—” he takes a beastly sniff of your bubbling vein and you nearly give up but a pinch to your nipple brings you back to your task. “It's— oh, yes!” You finally remember his words and get to it, your sore ass cheeks clapping from how rapidly he is fucking into you. “It's because I've never seen a- a-” your eyebrows furrow and eyes flutter shut when his lips latch onto the skin of your neck in an unfriendly way. “Ah!” His fingers find their way to your throbbing cunt and you let out the most obscene moan you have ever heard. 
“Say it.” He growls before he begins to suck a mark of his ownership into your tender skin.
“It's because I've never seen a day's d- discipline in my life and— fuuuck!” The feeling of his rough finger pads is delectable against your soft folds and your head collapses between your shoulders. The vibration of Ari's hum against your skin along with the breathtaking jab he gives to your cervix makes your head spin and you give up. You are yet to build tolerance to his touch. Your high bubbles out of your loins like molten lava and your toes curl as your body tries to stretch to both react to and withstand the strong orgasm. “I am a stupid k- kiddie brat slut who needs a hubby Daddy to keep her in her place” you mumble out in one breath as you let yourself rock back and forth along to his thrusts, mind numb and pussy dumb. 
Or is it the other way around?
“And who is your hubby Daddy?” Ari lets your cunt go to grip both your hips so he can go into his incubus-like trance. 
“You” your words are nearly incoherent but he hears them just fine and with much satisfaction. “Only you are my hubby Daddy…” You are thankful for the temporary vertigo that has taken over your senses. It renders you deaf to the filth he makes you say.
“Here's what's going to happen now” he says once he has run his tongue over the very noticeable bruise he has made on your neck. “I am going to fuck all the funny little thoughts out of your rebellious little head until you're rightfully wearing my cum” the overstimulation makes you uncomfortable and both of your holes sensitively clench. “And then we are going to fly back to the venue and you are going to thank me and kiss my hand to show your gratitude after I put the band on you” you feel his speed increasing and you further lower yourself to hold your head; bracing yourself. “You are going to kneel as you do, so everyone can see you for the hypocritical little whore you are.”
And Ari Levinson always gets his way. 
. . .
I appreciate reblogs <333
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Chris Evans Masterlist
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Here you will find all of my Chris Evans works, arranged by character and type of work.
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Don’t Take My Sunshine Away (possibly on hiatus)
Bright Like The Moon (ongoing) - Lloyd is a minor character.
Pretty As A Picture - Explicit - Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader - What started as a hobby day in the park turns into Lloyd Hansen showing you why taking photos of strangers is a bad idea.
Power Play: After Hours - Explicit - Lloyd Hansen x Assistant!Black!Reader - What happens when Lloyd sees you, his assistant, in something other than what you usually wear? Well, you should be worried about what he does when he sees you.
A Duke and His Duchess - Explicit - Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Chubby!Black!Fem!Reader - The night takes a dark turn when you are harassed at the club, but Lloyd comes to your rescue.
Family, Quirks/Hobbies, Sleep
What happens when the reader starts dressing to match Lloyd?
Interesting quirk (an ask I submitted to stargazingfangirl18)
Daddy Dearest | Lloyd Hansen + Female Reader + Daddy kink + “Can you feel how much I want you?” + Darkfic (Sweet Treats Events 2024)
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Oxytocin - Explicit - Ransom Drysdale x Older!Black!Fem!OFC - At a New Year’s Eve party, Ransom Drysdale’s life is forever changed by a chance meeting with Ivy Kensington.
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Don’t Take Your Eyes Off It - Explicit - Sugar Daddy!Steve Rogers x Black!Fem!Reader - It’s Valentine’s Day, and you have a surprise for Steve!
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No Good Deeds - Explicit - Landlord!Ari Levinson x Reader - Moving out on your own is challenging, but your landlord, Mr. Levinson is kind and helpful. But he may want more from you than your tenancy.
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Do It For Daddy | Jake Jensen + Female Reader + Daddy kink + “I told you, you would eventually start begging.” + Smut (Sweet Treats Events 2024)
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Sweet Redemption - Explicit - Dennis Baker x Female!Reader - You move into the neighborhood and meet Dennis Baker, a man in the middle of a divorce. Trying to keep yourself honest, you keep him at a distance. But you’re drawn together after a mishap online. Will it end sweetly or on a sour note?
“Don’t run from me” Dennis x Wifey (facesitting)
Brunch with the family (slice of life)
Late night on the beach with Wifey
Ass worship
Nicknames and height
Panty sniffing?
Running into the ex-wife in the grocery store
Dennis comforting Wifey after a long, stressful day
how Dennis finds out that Wifey is pregnant
Dennis' zodiac sign
Does Dennis' wife like to be spanked during sex?
Is Dennis a horndog?
What are Dennis and Wifey's love languages?
Do Dennis and Wifey share nudes?
Dennis tells you about his and his ex-wife's fight on the day you met
Dennis comforts Wifey after her day doesn't go as planned (slice of life)
Dennis being the most capable father and husband (slice of life)
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Lloyd Hansen (The Gray Man)
Andy Barber (Defending Jacob)
Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out)
Steve Rogers (Avengers films)
Curtis Everett (Snowpiercer)
Ari Levinson (The Red Sea Diving Resort)
Nick Gant (PUSH)
Jake Jensen (The Losers)
Frank Adler (Gifted)
Dennis Baker (DENNIS)
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avengerscompound · 6 months ago
The Tower - Nyotaimori
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The Tower One Shot
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2253
Warnings:  smut (nyotaimori, bisexual orgy, oral sex, vaginal fingering)
Synopsis:   During the twins' first day of school, the Sex-Vengers decide to do something they can't do with the kids around, and Elly agrees to be the table while they eat sushi.
Author’s Note: Requested by mary_2824 on Wattpad.  You can send in your requests too
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Takes place during The Tower: Family immediately after chapter 16: Reminiscing.
I stepped out of the shower, aching in a pleasant post-sex way.  I’d just been put through my paces.  Today was the twins' first day of school and when we’d gotten home, we’d gone to the home cinema and fucked while we watched old videos of our past exploits.  I’d ended up with Tony, Thor, Bruce, and Clint all inside me at the same time, so I was feeling particularly fucked out.
I wasn’t done though.  Natasha had the idea that we have Nyotaimori for lunch and that I would act as the plate.
I was a little nervous about it.  Not because I was feeling insecure or anything like that.  It sounded sexy and I knew my husbands and wives all found me completely irresistible.  I didn’t doubt that they’d be turned on by me lying there while they ate sushi off my naked body.  After the wedding ceremony on Asgard, I didn’t even have any sign of scarring from my cesarean to feel self-conscious about.
I just knew what it was like having to lie completely still for a long time, and I worried that if I got bored it might spoil the experience.
I did want to try it though, and I knew I was safe with all of them.  If I was going to try it, I might as well do it properly.  I dried and fixed my hair, put on some makeup, and grabbed a black and silver filigree masquerade mask and a pair of black kitten heels from the walk-in.
Natasha came into the bedroom while I was slipping on a robe.  “Lunch is here.  Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” I said.
She laughed and took my hand.  “You can always say no, you know?”
“Of course, I do,” I said.  “But you look pretty when you do the puppy dog eyes.”
She laughed and nudged me.  “You’re one of two people I’d let get away with even hinting that I would ever do puppy dog eyes.”
“Speaking of puppy dogs…” I said.
She laughed.  “Don’t worry.  The dog walker came to take them out for a few hours.  You’re not gonna get any random dogs running in and trying to eat sushi off you.”
We went down to the dining area, the rest of the group was over in the living area and could see what was going on, but Natasha called out to them not to look so it would be a surprise.  I felt a little bad for Natasha that she didn’t get the surprise too.  Especially given that this was her idea.  I figured that the reason why it was her was just that she knew what needed to be done.
She’d already laid a cloth over the table with one of our nicer towels on top of that and a pillow.  I took off my robe, climbed up on the table, and lay down.  As I slipped the mask on, Natasha brought the bags of sushi over.
“Okay,” she said.  “Get as comfortable as you can.  Hands at your sides.”
I lay down as she instructed and Natasha started to lay out the sushi. She started by placing long green leaves over various parts of my body, down my stomach, over my groin, down my arms and legs, and two small leaves to cover each nipple.  She artfully placed each one down and placed orchid blossoms around some of them.  “Where did you even get those from?”
“Honey, you haven’t figured out that money can pretty much get you anything delivered in an hour?” she teased.  “FRIDAY contacted a place that does these kinds of parties and negotiated a price for them to be delivered as soon as they could.”
I laughed and shook my head. “I guess I’ll never get used to that.”
When the plants were in place, Natasha began setting up the sushi.  There were a lot of us, and with Bruce, Steve, Thor, and Bucky, a lot of food was needed, so there was far more sushi than could ever fit on me.  Natasha wasn’t concerned.  She placed the sushi in patterns so it worked, putting as much on me that fit without looking cluttered.  She then set the rest out around me in piles on plates along with the dipping sauces and accoutrements.
“Okay, she’s ready,” Natasha said, getting up on a chair so she could take a photo of me.
The rest of the group all made their way into the room.  “Damn,” Sam said.  “You look so hot, princess.”
Clint whistled. “And how.  God damn.”
They all took seats around the table.  Tony was the first one to take the leap and take a piece of sushi.  He picked up his chopsticks and took a piece from my stomach.  “Mm… presentation does affect the taste,” he said.  “This is good.”
Steve had taken a seat closer to my head.  “How are you doing there, sweetheart?” he asked. “Are you comfortable?”
“Mm-hmm,” I hummed.  “I’m all good.  Thank you, honey.”
“You tell me if that changes,” he said and picked up a piece of sushi from my shoulder with his chopsticks.
“I wonder how the kids are going?”  Wanda said.
“I am sure they’re having a wonderful time,” Thor said.  “Riley will be entertaining all her new friends with her powers!”
“Oh god, I hope not,” Sam said.  “It was hard enough for us to convince them she would be safe to go.”
“I’m sure if anything had happened, they’d have called,” Natasha said.
“I hope so,” Bucky agreed.  “I hope they’re settling in okay.  But if they’re having trouble, I hope the school calls.  I don’t want things to get out of control because we never find out about it.”
“I’m sure it will be fine, Buck,” Steve said.  “They know things are a little different for them.”
“Can you check, El?” Clint asked.
I looked down at the threads that connected me to my family and I wound my fingers around the sky-blue thread that joined me to Riley and the grass-green thread that connected to Pietro.  I closed my eyes and focused on them.  Warmth and joy traveled down into me from the children and a soft smile settled on my lips.  “They’re having fun.  It’s lunchtime there too.  They’re outside playing.”
“See, it’s all good,” Clint said.  “Now let’s stop worrying about them, and enjoy this feast in front of us.”  He ran the end of his chopstick up my side and I squealed and flinched away from him.
“Stop it, Clint!” I said.
“Don’t mess with her, Clint,” Steve said, his disappointed-dad tone in full effect.  “This has to be hard enough to do as it is.”
“Yeah, Clint,” I pouted.  “No one has even offered to feed me any yet.”
“I’m sorry princess,” Clint said.  “What do you want?  One of these tempura thingies?”
“Yes, please.”
He picked up a shrimp tempura nigiri with his chopsticks and held it to my mouth and I awkwardly took a bite.  We both started laughing when the Nigiri broke apart at my bite and showed rice on my face.
“Well that didn’t work,” Clint said, eating the other half of the piece.
I shook my head laughing, trying to shake the sticky rice off my skin.  Steve reached over and brushed the rice from my face.  I swallowed what was in my mouth and wrinkled my nose.  “On second thought, I might just wait to eat when the rest of you are done.”
“Are you sure, El?  You really don’t have to do this,” Steve said.
“I’m sure.  I like being the center of attention,” I assured him.
“I’ll set some aside for you,” Steve said and began to fill a plate with sushi that I could eat.
There was a small lull in conversation as everyone focused on eating for a moment.  There was getting to be less food on me, though the two pieces covering my nipples were still in place along with a scattering of others over my body.
“Do we think these babies will have powers?”   Bruce asked, breaking the silence.
He sounded worried.  I knew he was. The potential for powers was a big part of that.  His struggles with the Hulk had been so hard on him and so volatile that the idea of powers being good, even now that his two aspects had been merged, was difficult for him to understand.
“You have all been absorbed into the Asgardian Pantheon.  You are gods, minor deities granted, but still gods.  Our children will all be gods as well,” Thor said.  “So they will each have their own gifts.”
“Will they be like ours?” Clint asked.  “I mean, Riley has weather-related powers like you.  Will Natasha’s baby have some kind of camouflage power or animal-related power?”
Thor shook his head.  “It is difficult to say.  Stories shape our magic.  Powers can be revealed at opportune moments, be passed on from parent to child, and be passed from one to another to complete a quest.  My powers can be shared through Mjolnir for example.  The powers our children are blessed with will fit their story.”
“That sounds like such horse shit,” Tony scoffed.  “Just say you don’t know.”
“Tony,” Steve scolded.
Tony huffed.  “Fine.”  He paused for a moment then mumbled, “Sorry, Thor.”
“You do not have to believe, Anthony,” Thor said. “The magic exists whether you believe in it or not.”
I knew how hard it was for Tony to bite his tongue after that.  It was pretty funny how absolutely dedicated to his atheism he was after everything we've been through.  He always said just because he was old and did things we didn’t understand, didn’t make him a god.
Tony huffed.  “Fine,” he said.  “I’m gonna eat one of these nip pieces.”
He snatched one of the maki rolls from my breast and put it in his mouth.  The leaf remained in place, so as he chewed, he reached over and flicked it away.  My nipple had pebbled under the cool leaf, and Tony ran his thumb around it and began to massage my breast.
I let out a soft moan and Tony smirked at me, swallowing his sushi.  “You like that do you, honey?”
“Uh-huh,” I hummed.
Tony leaned over the table and began to suck on my breast.  I moaned louder and my toes curled.  “Fuck, Tony.”
I had no idea what Tony’s plans were here.  We’d just had some crazy sex.  I thought it would be at least an hour or two before anyone was ready for more.  He was more than happy to just tease me though.  It made it very hard to lay still, and I squirmed as he suckled on my breast.
Steve ate the other piece that had been on my breast and as soon as he’d picked it up, Clint was leaning over the table and latching onto my nipple.
I cried out and my legs trembled as I tried not to buck my hips and send food flying everywhere.  My eyes squeezed closed as I tried to focus, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.  I was already soaking wet.
There was movement around my legs, plates being moved out of the way, and then two hands gripped my ankles, one cool metal and the other warm flesh. 
Bucky dragged me down to the end of the table.  I squealed and broke into giggles.  What remaining sushi that was still on me was sent scattering, some still sticking to my skin, the rest rolling off onto the table.  My giggles were cut short as Bucky lunged in and began eating me out.  He didn’t hold back, his tongue lapped all around my folds and he plunged two fingers inside me.  Given how recently I’d had pretty full-on sex, I was already overworked and over-sensitive, and I arched up hard and cried out.
No one else seemed particularly interested in doing anything other than watch or help bring me over - and that was not going to take long.
Bucky suckled on my clit and thrust his fingers in and out at a frantic rate.  His fingers hit my g-spot again and again.  I was sent reeling, unable to focus on anything but the pleasure surging through me.  It was added to by Tony and Clint sucking and massaging my breasts, and the other touching and kissing me. 
It was too much.  I couldn’t hold on and my orgasm crashed down on me hard.  I cried out, bucking up and arching violently off the table as I gushed on Bucky.  Lights popped in my eyes and for a moment, I was aware of nothing except that intense endorphin rush.
I flopped back down, breathing heavily and Bucky pulled back. “God damn,” he said.
I moaned, breathing heavily, and waved my hand back and forth.
“You okay there, Mishka?” Natasha asked.
“Uh-huh,” I said.  “No one else gonna come?”
“That was for you,” Bucky said.
“Thank you,” I said in a slight sing-song voice.
Steve came and helped me up, and Bruce helped with my robe.  “Do you want to eat now?” Wanda asked.
“Yes, please,” I said.
“You do that, and we’ll clean up,” Steve said.
“And when you’re done, you can get dressed and we’ll go get the kids,” Sam said.
I beamed at him.  I thought today would be stressful and full of worry, but instead, thanks to my unique family, it had been completely amazing.
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~ END ~
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nerdieforpedro · 1 year ago
The Brave, the Bold, The Dirty - Fanfics that I adore
Volume 5
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All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. Read at your own risk.
Room 1918 by @megamindsecretlair (Nomad Steve Rogers x Black female plus size reader)
Sweet Treat - Part Two by @mrsmando (Frankie 'Catfish' Morales x plus size female reader) Follow up to 'Sweet Treat - part one.'
La Petit Mort @boliv-jenta (Joel Miller x reader and Dave York x reader) Dark Fic
Misfire @qveerthe0ry (Dieter Bravo x GN reader)
Fluffer by @proxima-writes (Dieter Bravo x PA female writer)
Hey Good Lookin’ - part one and Hey Good Lookin’ - part two by @gwendibleywrites (Chubby shy Frankie Morales x plus size reader)
Lemonade Sparkles by @frenchiereading (Frankie Morales x female reader)
Watta Man - A Marcus Pike Story by @atinylittlepain (Marcus Pike x female reader)
O’ Christmas Tree by @covetyou (Dieter Bravo x GN reader)
Lingerie by @604to647 (Din Djarin - modern AU x female reader)
Once in a Blue Moon by @whatsnewalycat (Dieter Bravo x female reader)
Hold Harder by @sin-djarin (Tim Rockford x female reader)
Christmas Indulgence by @movievillainess721 (Jack Daniels x plus size female reader)
Cowboy Hat Joel x Reader (an ask) by @theywhowriteandknowthings (Joel Miller x female reader)
Oh, The Wildflowers by @adora-but-ginger (Joel Miller x GN reader)
A Nanny for Christmas by @absurdthirst (Dave York x plus size female reader)
Baker Wonderland by @integra1127grimmreaper (Javier Guterrez x plus size female reader)
Consummating the Riduurok @beskarandblasters (Din Djarin x female reader)
Consent by @fuckyeahdindjarin (Dieter Bravo x female reader)
White Christmas by @absurdthirst (Joel Miller x female reader)
Symphony by @maggiemayhemnj (Joel Miller x Jersey - OFC)
What the Heart Wants by @artemiseamoon (Pero Tovar x female reader)
Javier Peña & His Sweetheart (Chubby Peña) by @beefrobeefcal (Chubby Javier Peña x female reader)
Please check out everyone's listed fics and master lists! Don't forget to reblog and comment, writers love interactions. 🥰
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writerscafehub · 8 months ago
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/) /)
( • ༝•)
c /づ づ 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 all the works made by the very talented members of the writer's café server in the month of JUNE. we ask, and highly encourage, that you reblog them in support. ♡
𖥔 indicates smut
✶ indicates dark elements
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By ☁︎☽ Cocoa ☁︎☽ @cocoamoonmalfoy @darksideofthecocoamoon
𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 | Novacane!Michelle Jones x black!Reader
You say space will make it better and time will make it heal.  I won't be lost forever and soon I wouldn't feel.  Like I'm haunted, woah, falling
𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 | Life’s Perfect Ache!Paul Atreides x Pharao Hekau (OFC)
Please call me your baby, baby, baby.  Look how long that you have kept me waiting.  I'm all in, look at all that I have given.  Ooh, I knew your love before I kissed you.  And now you’ve only made me miss you.  Come get me, come love me, baby, come love me.
𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄 | Paul Atreides x black!Reader
Are you with me?  Are you in or are you out?
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑 | Eivor Varinsdóttir x black!reader
you’re out on a date with Eivor and a guy sends you a drink thinking yall are just gal pals
𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 | Michelle Jones x Black Cat!Reader
MJ only knows you as Black Cat. When she doesn't hear from you for weeks and hears from Peter that he’s been with Black Cat a lot lately, she can only assume….
By ★ Jen ★ @jen-with-a-pen
𖥔 𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐍 | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
A chance encounter one night at a house party sparks the hottest hookup Bucky and Steve ever have.
By ☆ Stella ☆ @a-lumos-in-the-nox
✶𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐘 & 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 | Fred Weasley x black!fem reader
Villainous duo doing bad shit.
𖥔𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄’𝐒 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 | Neville Longbottom x black!female OC
The Morgan's take their kids to a family reunion in Louisiana to celebrate Mama Gene's Birthday, and Ruby and Neville have some fun themselves.
By 𓆺 Witch Aunt 𓆺 @moonlight-prose
By ✬ Astro ✬ @eulalielatibule
Original Character Bio
By ⎈ Navy ⎈ @navybrat817
✶𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐖𝐎 | Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Chapter Summary: You're anxious before your date.
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄 | Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Bucky doesn't think he's good enough for you, but still wishes he could be your guy.
✶𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 | Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Chapter Summary: The date is just beginning, but you're not sure if you can keep it together.
By ❥ Courtney ❥ @chasingmidnights
𖥔𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 | camp owner!Max Burnett x secretary!reader
Max comes to the camp to see how things are going, when he meets you, one of the newest secretaries to join the staff. Max is immediately smitten with you and wants to make you his. 
By ✾ Annie ✾ @nekoannie-chan
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 | Steve Rogers x reader
Steve broke your heart
By ✧Bella✧ @madwomansapologist
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌 - 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 | Thranduil x female!reader
Thranduil thought the recent attack of spiders on a periphery village was the only thing deserving of his attention. If he could've imagined what he would found there, who he would found there, the Elvenking would wait a millenia in front of that river so he could see her sooner. Or: how Gandalf managed to keep a secret for 14 months.
By ఌ Bam Bam ఌ @buzzkillers
✶𝐅𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐁 | Namor x fem!reader
namor comes to the call
By 𓆸 Rika 𓆸 @fushic0re
𖥔𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑!𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎 | Choso Kamo x fem!reader
what it is like to date the choso kamo.
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© all works belong to the respective writers of the writers café server.
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years ago
Yours Submissively ~ Innocence
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
A/N Taglist is open!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Control
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Isabella Davis was so close she could taste it. Graduation was weeks away.  Her internship at Stark Industries was almost done.  She was lucky to have gotten a spot even if she wasn’t in the engineering program.  But Tony Stark insisted on diversity. She was at her intern desk when the email came through.  
Unfortunately, we can no longer support as many interns as before.  However, we may have found a potential new sponsor for the program. Details will be released soon. 
Isabella’s heart sank. If she couldn’t finish the internship, her chances at landing a good position at a good school would be gone.  She put her head in her hands and just prayed that either she wouldn’t be cut or that the new sponsor would come through.  
“Hey Belle, are you alright?” 
Belle looked up to see her best friend Delilah Stevens looking at her with concern.  “Did you get the email Lila?” 
“Yeah, but I’m not worried about it.  I heard that it would be Grant that would take them over.”  
“Great, another company ran by a former Avenger. They don’t believe in supporting education.”  
“Are you serious Belle?  Steve Rogers has two scholarship programs dedicated to teachers.”  
“Too bad he wasn’t around when I needed those.”  Belle tossed her black hair into a ponytail. “Did you need something Lila?” 
“Yeah, actually, Mr. Stark needs some signatures from Grant and he asked me but I need to finish the project he asked for.  Could you go for me?” 
“Really Lila?” Belle rolled her eyes. “Fine I’ll go so at least I can prove how useful I am.” 
“Belle, c’mon. You’ll be fine.”  Delilah handed the folder with the papers. “There is a car waiting for you downstairs. Just tell reception that they are from Mr. Stark and they’ll direct you to where to go.”  
“Whatever.”  Belle trudged on her coat and headed to the car service waiting for her.  Belle thought back on Delilah’s comments.  Lila could afford to be optimistic on this turn of events.   She already had her position within her own family’s company so she really didn’t need this internship. She arrived at Grant and headed in.  At reception she was told to go to the 17th floor and Devon would assist her.  
Riding up the elevator took no time and Belle found herself in a beautiful waiting room.  “Miss Stevens?” A beautiful blonde approached her.  
“I apologize, Miss Stevens was indisposed.  I was sent in her place.  I’m Isabella Davis.”  
Devon smiled at the young woman.  “Give me just a moment. Cindy will take your coat.” 
Belle handed off her coat to a much younger looking girl and looked around the office.  The room was decorated with muted blues with paintings of America around.  The furniture was in rich mahogany.   Belle was impressed.  
“Miss Davis, if you could follow me.”  Devon smiled and gestured toward large double doors.  She opened the door and Belle moved to walk in.  She missed the ledge and tripped, tumbling to the ground.  
“Are you alright?” A strong male voice asked, reaching for her arm.  
“I’m fine.”  She looked up to see a set of ocean blue eyes looking at her.  Blonde hair, a trimmed beard set in a strong chin, Belle couldn’t help but stare.  
“Are you sure Miss Stevens?” 
That snapped Belle back.  She got up and looked the man dead on.  “Sorry, Miss Stevens couldn’t make it.  I’m Isabella Davis.” 
“Steve Rogers,” he said with an extension of his hand. Belle swallowed. She took his hand.  It was warm and strong. “You had some documents for me to sign?” 
“Oh, yes.”  She looked around and found them on the floor.  She bent over to reach for them and turned around to see Steve staring at her.  She cleared her throat.  “I’m so sorry.”  
“It’s fine.”  Steve took the papers from Belle and started to review them quickly.  Belle took the chance to look around.  She noted that the office was the same as reception but notably void of any references to the super soldier’s retired persona.  
“Miss Davis, was it?” Steve watched at the girl looked around his office. 
“Yes, sir.  Isabella or Belle, which ever you like.”  
At “sir” something inside Steve stirred.  But he concentrated on his duty.  Now was not the time. “Isabella, you’re an intern over at Stark?” 
“Yes, sir I am.  Although not sure for how much longer.” 
“Oh, why is that?” 
“I was just informed that they are either letting go or reassigning some of the interns.  Not sure what will happen to me.” 
“I’m sure you are a bright young woman, Isabella.”  
“Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Rogers but as you don’t know me it may not be warranted.”  
“I always see potential Miss Davis.” Steve grew angry at her dismissal of his assessment of her.  He took in her dark hair, those amazing eyes and perfect body. He knew his anger was irrational.  She knew nothing of him and she wasn’t his employee. Yet.  
He finished signing the papers and placed them back into the folder.  “Here you are Miss Davis.”  
Belle knew she had pissed him off by talking back but she couldn’t help it.  It was hard for her to accept an unwarranted compliment.  She took the documents back.  “Thank you, Mr. Rogers.  I’ll see myself out.”  She headed towards the door, taking care of her step this time.  
“Allow me.”  Steve opened the door for her and walked her to the elevator.  “Don’t want anything else to happen to you.  Stark would have my head.  Did you have a coat?” 
“Yes, umm…” she looked around and Cindy appeared with her coat.  “Thank you.”  
Steve took the coat and helped Belle into it. His fingers brushed the back of her neck, causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin.  The elevator arrived and Belle stepped in. Steve looked at her.  “Isabella.”  
“Steve.”  And the doors closed.  
Belle made it back to the town car without another incident and took a steadying breath. He was intense, she thought.  She closed her eyes but suddenly snapped them open.  In the darkness of her closed eyes, all she could see was his.  She shook her head and headed back to Stark Industries.  
She arrived back at her desk with a message for her to see Maria Hill as soon as possible.  Belle raced over to Maria’s office.  Before she knocked on the door, she straightened her skirt and blouse.  “Come in,” she heard after she knocked.  She walked in to the office and stood in front of a serious looking woman.  “You wanted to see me Ms. Hill.”  
“Hey Belle, yes.  We need to send an intern to sit with a guest of honor at tonight’s gala. This could be a wonderful opportunity for you to make a good first impression on a potential reference for your resume.”  
“I’m honored at the opportunity Ms. Hill.  But I don’t have a dress for something like a gala.”  
“I thought as much.  I’m sending you to the boutique on 3rd.  They will have a few options for a dress and it will be charged to the company since this would be a work event.” 
“Thank you, Ms. Hill.” 
“You leave in half an hour and then a prep team will get you ready at the boutique its self since you won’t have time. Maria stood up and headed out her door.  Thank you for being so amenable to this sudden invitation.”  She headed to the elevator leaving a stunned Belle in the office. She took the directions handed to her by Maria and made her way to close her desk.  
She noticed that Lila was already gone for the day so finished up and headed back to the town cars that would take her to the boutique. She arrived and the ladies hustled her into a dressing room. She tried on multiple gowns, finally settling on a strapless cream-colored dress. Her black hair was pulled into a French knot and her makeup was simple. Belle felt lucky that she had worn her diamond studs to work that day, a gift from her adopted father on her 16th birthday, mere days before he died. She headed back out to the town car, and it wished her to the Met for the gala.  
Once there, an escort walked her through the tables to one front and center. The other guests will be arriving shortly he told her. She sat in her designated seat and reviewed the menu in front of her. She then felt like she wasn’t alone.  
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@patzammit @texmexdarling @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @tinkerbelle67 @before-we-get-started @bunnyforhim @alexakeyloveloki
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saiilorstars · 4 months ago
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ch.24: When it's Broken...
Steve Rogers x OFC fic • squeeze your eyes for a Bucky Barnes x (2nd) OFC
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​ @arrthurpendragon​​​​​ ​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​​​ @gloryekaterina​​ @lenonizi​ @averyhotchner​​ @foxesandmagic @kmc1989 @caplanbuckybarnes​​​​​​​​​​​​
Story Masterlist • Seren’s Masterlist• Chloe’s Masterlist​​
Also available on Fanfic ○ Ao3 ○ Wattpad
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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When Steve found Seren in the morning, she was working on her new suit. It had become a little custom since they moved into the Tower. Seren either worked on the suit herself or sometimes had Tony around for consultation. Steve began to wonder if she was really working on it for the sake of working or if it was just to distract herself. He supposed it was the same as when he visited the training room.
"Did you even bother to sleep?" Steve asked despite already knowing the answer. They had laid together the previous night for some sleep but a couple hours later he woke up to find Seren gone.
"Course I did," Seren said much too quickly and she knew it. "I mean, for a bit…" She swiped left and right on the holographic plans of her suit. "No, actually, I didn't," she admitted a second later. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't. I was hoping Chloe would call or at least text me." But she hadn't done any of that.
"You just have to give her time," Steve said. He sounded like a broken record. Seren was just too kind to tell him that.
"At least if I get this suit finished, then I'll be able to start scouting areas for the scepter with Stark."
"I'm good Steve," Seren assured him. "All I need right now is a hug...or two...or three…"
A fair request. Steve took the necessary strides to get to Seren quickly and hugged her. Seren was tired but every problem they had prevented her from realizing it until now.
"You want to take a nap?" Steve offered.
"Maybe," Seren nodded. "I did get something through with my suit this morning. I've added a touch of color. I always hated the sheer black suits of S.H.I.E.L.D. I felt like they never suited me like it did for Maria and Natasha."
Steve let out a low laugh. He swayed Seren a bit. "I thought you looked amazing in them."
"I didn't take you to be that kind of man." Seren smirked as soon as she felt Steve's body stiffening. She had to laugh.
"That wasn't what I meant and you know it," he huffed.
"I know, lovey, I just like messing with you," Seren raised her head to meet his gaze. At least she was smiling now.
"How's about that nap?" Steve asked again, feeling like this time she would really end up falling asleep.
Seren nodded her head. Steve let her go and took her hand. He started leading her for the door when someone walked in, or rather sprinted in.
"Chloe…" Seren breathed at the sight of her best friend but not entirely over her mere presence but her appearance.
Steve did the same thing. "Chloe, what's wrong?"
Chloe's face was stained with tears, her eyes red and puffy from the tears still glistening around. "I did something bad…" She said and only barely for her voice was strained.
Seren pulled her hand from Steve and hurried up to Chloe. Chloe didn't give Seren an opportunity to ask anything else — she dove for a hug instead. Seren rocked back a couple steps but was able to claim some balance in the end. Chloe's body shook from her sobs. Seren had never seen Chloe like this, much less Steve.
"Chloe, what is it?" Seren insisted on an answer.
Chloe's eyes met Steve behind Seren. Steve felt a little out of place with such an intense gaze. It appeared like Chloe was frightened but it couldn't be of him, could it? That didn't make sense.
"Chloe—" Steve started when Chloe cut him off.
"I was with Bucky."
Silence fell over the room. The only noise was the constant beeps of the computers around them.
Seren froze. Steve's eyes widened.
Chloe's breathing became jagged. She wanted to explain everything — how she met Bucky, how it all got started and how it ended — but the words that came out of her mouth were a far cry from that detailed explanation. It was a garbled mess.
"I didn't plan on him sticking around and I definitely didn't think he would just get up and l-leave me!" Chloe's eyes fell shut as new tears rolled down her face. It was perhaps what hurt the most. Up until now, the arrangements, every deal she and Bucky had made were kept — whether it was something as small as 'I'll try to sleep' or something really important like him agreeing to stay with her until they figured something out. It didn't make sense why he would leave without her, but he did.
Seren's lack of sleeping made it a bit difficult to follow everything Chloe was saying. It sounded like she was saying that...she and…
"Are you actually saying that this whole time, Bucky's been with you?" Steve's question was sharp and demanding, nothing that Seren had ever heard from him. He had heard Chloe perfectly and followed as such.
The same went for Chloe which was why she retreated a step from the couple. "Y-yes," she swallowed hard.
Seren looked between the two, suddenly feeling a lot smaller than what she typically felt when she was around them.
"Chloe, I — why didn't you tell me that!?" Steve openly demanded for the answer, expecting it to be a damn good one which was quite impossible. There was nothing that would justify Chloe keeping Bucky a secret.
And Chloe saw it. It was all in his face. His eyes were narrowing on her. His lips had thinned and were soon to be forming a scowl. "Steve, I couldn't say anything. Bucky didn't want that."
Wrong answer.
Seren's eyes flickered at Steve. That answer was brutal. Bucky didn't want to be found.
"He needs help, Chloe," Steve snapped harshly, ignoring Chloe's flinch, "You were supposed to tell me!"
"It wasn't up to me!" Chloe reiterated. "I couldn't make decisions for Bucky! We could only make decisions for ourselves."
"But it sounded like you two came to the same decision…" Seren cut in quietly and quite cautious. She studied Chloe's expressions. "That's what you were saying, wasn't it?"
Chloe nodded slowly. "Yes, but Bucky left me. He betrayed me. I thought...I thought we were allies but…" Her eyes brought fresh tears to her face. Something hurt inside like it never had before and she didn't know how to handle it so it came out as tears.
Seren's face softened.
Steve's did not.
"We were going to run today in the morning," Chloe said. It didn't matter anymore if their plan came out. "I-I reached out to someone to get us to Europe without being spotted."
"You were going to take Bucky to Europe?" Steve's eyes widened again, although they quickly settled into a glare. He was outraged! "Chloe, what the hell!? You were seriously going to leave without telling any of us and with Bucky!?"
"Steve…" Seren motioned him to calm down or at least for him to try and calm down.
"Bucky was going to Europe regardless of whether or not I would!" Chloe exclaimed. "I just couldn't take all this Animinds stuff and—"
"You were going to run away," Steve spat.
Seren helplessly looked between Steve and Chloe. She tried getting a word in but they were both talking over her.
"I was scared, Steve!"
"We are all here for you, Chloe! And I wanted to be there for Bucky but you didn't let me!"
"He didn't want anyone to find him! Hydra's still out there and they're looking for him...and me!"
"Chloe, nobody's touching you again," Seren managed to cut in for a second. "Running away is nowhere near the answer. That's what you did the first time!"
Chloe nodded. "I know, but I did what I did and somehow I got burned by the person I never suspected."
"Walk me through it," Seren pleaded before Steve started snapping again, "What physically happened last night?"
Chloe swallowed hard, took a deep breath and began explaining the plan she and Bucky meticulously came up with. They were to meet Chloe's contact at the docks and travel under secret then take refuge somewhere in Europe. "But then I woke up, saw my old stuff from Malibu and a letter from my mom and Bucky. He left me."
Seren's eyebrows raised. "I brought that stuff over, Chloe."
Chloe did a double-take at Seren. "What? You met Bucky?"
"No," Seren shook her head, "I visited your mother, Chloe. I brought back a box full of your stuff so you could go through it. I...I guess I must have been talking to Bucky on the other side of the door. He must have grabbed the box and left it for you." It also sounded like Bucky realized she was right. Chloe did have hope to reclaim her old life and he wanted to make sure that she did. So, he left.
"Do you have any idea where Bucky can be right now?" Steve's question was no question at all but a demand instead. Chloe shook her head for half a second before Steve demanded to know the contact that was supposed to help them.
"Chloe, you need to tell us," Seren said gently. The secret was out anyways.
"It's Citlalli," Chloe answered quietly.
Steve's eyes fell on Seren who didn't appear to be surprised nor confused with the name. She knew who that woman was. "Seren, who is it?"
Seren let out a long sigh. "A CIA agent and our friend, more so Chloe's than mine."
"No one is more connected than her," Chloe said. "But I've been trying to call her and she's not answering."
"We need to talk to that agent," Steve muttered, taking a headset for the doors.
"No, wait!" Chloe panicked and rushed to catch up to him and blocked his way. "You can't out Citlalli — she'll be in huge trouble!"
"That's not my problem!" Steve said.
"Steve!" called Seren sharply, making him look back at her. "You don't understand. Citlalli's deep into this network stuff and not all of it is legal, persay. I don't even know how deep it is and personally, I don't feel like making an enemy out of her because we didn't think things through."
"We need to get in contact with her," Steve reiterated, and Seren nodded.
"And we will. But let me do it, please. You can trust me."
"Yes, I can," Steve nodded at her, giving Chloe a brief glance before storming out of the room.
Chloe sank down on the nearest stool. "He's so mad at me…"
"Well, Chloe, what did you expect, honestly?" Seren crossed her arms at Chloe. "That was his best friend you hid from him."
"Bucky really didn't want to be found," Chloe insisted. "You think I wouldn't have loved to bring him here? To call Sam or Steve—"
"Yeah, but would you have?" Seren cut her off. "You haven't taken any of our calls in ages."
Chloe's shoulders slumped down. "Okay, so I haven't been the best of friends…but you didn't talk to him, Seren. You didn't live with him. Steve has told me so much about Bucky Barnes, the charming sergeant, the confident, sweet man…but the man I met was not him. He's a shell, Seren. Forcing him — if I could miraculously match his strength — wasn't something I would've been able to do. And I understood him."
"Because you didn't want to be found either," Seren nodded. She lived through something similar in Hudson. Getting away from everything was essential to her healing. It just made things harder with Chloe, though. She wanted to be as mad as Steve but that was out of the question. In the end, Chloe was her best friend and she empathized with everything that had happened so far.
"You just need to give Steve some space," she told Chloe. "This is his best friend we're talking about. He's been devising plans with Sam about where to look. It's hurtful to know that all this time Bucky was right here and...that he didn't want to be found." Seren grabbed another stool and brought it over to sit in front of Chloe. "How did this get started? Tony's been working with you nonstop."
"Bucky surprised me," Chloe said, feeling like that was an understatement now. "He was in my apartment one night and I thought he was going to go all Winter Soldier on me but it turned out he was returning that second piece of the tech that, um, Tony's working on now."
"He brought it back to you?" Seren blinked. Of course now it made sense how Chloe managed to deliver Tony the second piece.
"Yeah, sort of," Chloe half smiled. "Scared the shit out of me that first night. He wanted to barter with it."
"What did he want?".
Chloe's smile widened a bit. "He wanted to know who he was. He wanted to know anything that I knew about him. Of course I told him everything without bartering. And I swear I told him that Steve was looking for him, that he had nothing to be guilty over. He was a victim like me, only far worse. He didn't want to be found and he still doesn't."
Seren could understand where Bucky was coming from. He had gone decades masking as someone Hydra created and now that it was all out there along with his real identity — someone reigned as a hero — it was hard to come back. For a lack of a better word, he needed space.
That was contradicting the story Chloe was telling Seren.
"And, so, he stayed with you? This whole time you guys were, what, roommates?" The redhead asked, tilting her head at Chloe. "Why?"
"We were passing each other information that we both wanted to hear. He wanted to know who he was and I wanted to know more about Hydra. There's a couple of things that I knew for a fact and I needed locations."
"Again, walk me through it," Seren motioned with wiggling fingers to gear the story.
"My time with Hydra taught me that they try not to make any mistakes and just in case that they do make mistakes, they always have a fail safe. It's like with Bucky, he was a Winter Soldier and their failsafe was a mind wipe and cryogenic stasis. If he ever fell out of line, they would just stick him back in there and start a mind wipe or something. Me being another pawn meant that Hydra had to have a failsafe for me. And I figured it out, or rather Bucky did."
Seren's eyebrows knitted together. "And what would that be?"
Chloe leaned forwards, holding her breath as if the secret she was about to reveal was her most guarded one yet. "Hydra has enhanced people all over the world. According to Bucky, some of them are active and others aren't. My guess is that those enhanced people, one of them, could be a fail safe for me."
"Oh God, and they have the scepter," Seren said, her expression all horrified.
Chloe nodded. "Yes. Bucky said they were particularly interested in unlocking the powers from that thing. They went through countless 'subjects' to help tap into those powers."
"Who would want to tap into those powers?" Just remembering what that scepter did to her head made Seren shudder with genuine fright. It was all dark and cold, hopeless.
Chloe shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."
"Well then we need to stop them," Seren declared. "This is what Tony brought Steve and I in for. I'm already trying to figure out how to get Thor to come back to Earth. I'm calling Jane Foster a lot these days. And then there's Natasha...and my suit. Did I tell you Tony made plans for my suit?"
Chloe nodded her head. Tony did talk about it a lot. "Yeah…"
"I'm working on it," Seren said proudly. "This is going to be my suit. It's going to be designed just by me."
"You deserve that, Seren," Chloe said. Her gaze began to lower again. "You deserve a lot more than what I've been giving you."
"Nu-uh," Seren snapped her fingers to get Chloe's full attention. "None of that. You're my best friend and I'm going to be here for you. It's why I went to Malibu and got you your stuff. Your family's waiting for you, Chloe. I'm waiting too. There's no reason for you to feel like you have to run away from us."
"I'm scared," Chloe confessed in a light whisper. "I'm scared of the Animinds taking full control of me after the surgery. I'm scared that I won't be anymore. I'll be a version of what Hydra wanted."
"That's not happening," Seren said in a matter of fact tone. "Because if you've been paying attention, these aliens are benign, first of all, and they've been trying to help. They're the ones who told Tony that we needed to help you connect with your family again. It's overwhelming, of course it is, but I think the key to really owning these powers of yours is to actually want to work with them. You can't go in there with, well, twinkle toes," Seren rolled her eyes. If Tony was listening through the comms, he was having a good laugh for sure. "You need to be assertive. It's something you've always done in the past."
"But it's different, Seren," Chloe sniffed. "I've been starting to see the future sometimes and I don't want that. There's so many things that I don't want and the Animinds don't precisely listen to me."
"With the surgery, that could become easier," Seren said, "But you'll never know if you don't try it. If you don't do the surgery then nothing will get easier. That's a fact. You won't have control at all."
"I understand that," Chloe said, sighing, "But the alternative is becoming one with the Animinds and that's scary enough. They're aliens."
"Well, I'm an alien too and we get along," Seren shrugged lightly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"
Seren raised a hand to stop Chloe. "I know what you meant. It's fair to be scared but these Animinds have been trying to work with you. If they had wanted to be against you, they would've done it by now."
"They've been quiet all day," Chloe remarked quietly.
"Well, have you wanted to talk to them?" Seren posed the question like a mother challenging her child.
Chloe shook her head. "Not really, no."
"Mm, the problem. You need to want it too. It's a Hivemind. You're connected, yes, but when it comes to accessing it...that has to be on you." Seren stood up from her stool, thinking it was best to give Chloe some time to think about things. "Don't you dare leave the Tower — Jarvis will tell us."
Chloe had no desire to go anywhere anymore. Her pain was enough to keep her sitting for hours. The only reason she made it to the tower was to find a way to reach Bucky. "I won't go anywhere," she promised.
She had nowhere to go, no more desire anyways. She felt like she was back where she started, only this time things just hurt too much. She had yet to figure out why that was.
"And listen, about the last time we saw each other…" Seren swallowed hard, her eyes falling over the scar on Chloe's palm. "I am so sorry…I would have never done that if—"
"I wasn't trying to kill you?" Chloe finished for her. Seren lowered her head guiltily. "I have nothing to forgive you for. You defended yourself and you made sure that I couldn't hurt anyone. I can always trust that Stardust will protect the innocent."
"But I don't want it to be at the cost of hurting someone who's like my sister. I never want that to happen."
Chloe nodded. "I feel the same. You have no idea how bad I felt knowing that I hurt you — that I continuously tried hurting you."
"But that wasn't you," Seren said. "You were brainwashed. I know a thing or two about that. And look at Steve and I right now."
Chloe smiled lightly. "I'm glad you two are going strong. I don't want to ruin it with my problems so…I'll go back to my apartment—"
"Nope!" Seren cut her off immediately. "I'm not letting you out of my sight! We have a lot of work to do and we need to start working like a team. SHIELD may be gone but the Avengers are on the brink of formal creation. I want you to be part of this new team, Chloe."
"I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Steve hates my guts right now. I didn't even think he could hate someone like that besides HYDRA."
"He's angry, there's a difference. Please, Chloe. Don't leave again," Seren stepped forwards, "I really missed you. SHIELD is gone, Natasha's off somewhere and who knows where the hell Clint is…you and I are all that's left of the only place I've known my whole life. Please don't leave."
Chloe's lips pulled into another smile. "I think we're pretty much glued to each other…ever since you pulled me out of that god awful building when I was a teenager. You had no idea what you were getting into."
"Pretty sure it's the other way around…" Seren said, sharing a small chuckle with her.
Chloe then hugged her tightly. How she had missed her best friend — her sister. Seren felt the same exact way because in the end, however different they were, life had given them similar challenges that led them down a more lonesome road.
~ 0 ~
It was like mayhem in the Tower after Chloe's revelation. Knowing what they knew about Bucky Barnes had Steve and Sam going through their plans and files to fit with what Chloe said. The enhanced subjects and the usage of the scepter had Tony and Seren working together. Tony, however, would split his time between the search for the scepter and the surgery Chloe was now opting for, if only to give herself one more chance. Dr. Helen Cho was arriving in New York shortly to finalize the surgery.
Meanwhile, Seren also worked fervently on her suit, intending on finishing it quicker than planned to be able to head out in the field in search of the remaining Hydra locations. Bearing that mission, Natasha was scheduled to return to New York sometime next week after she finished with her own side missions. They were in the middle of getting in contact with Banner as well, and Seren had finally gotten through to Jane Foster.
"According to Jane, Thor's gone off world but he's coming back in a couple of days," Seren walked alongside Maria Hill who, at the request of Tony, was taking charge of the details of the soon-to-be team's soon-to-be missions. They had various possible locations they would check out soon.
"That'll be interesting," Maria said after jotting it down on her tablet, "Seeing as the last time he was around, he wasn't too keen with S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Jane says he doesn't know what happened with S.H.I.E.L.D. yet," Seren shrugged. "She'll explain it and then he'll be right over."
"And he'll be staying here?" Maria asked.
"Well, it's not like the Tower isn't big enough," Seren gestured to the long hallway. It was one of many. "Even Natasha's contemplating on staying here as well. At least for the time being."
"Mm, and Steve?"
Seren came to a slow stop beside an open door. Her awkward smile told Maria enough. Seren thanked Maria for understanding and led the woman through the door.
Chloe and Tony were in the lab, the former bearing several sticky nods against her forehead.
"Ah, Twinkle Toes, great that you're here," Tony made a gesture for Seren to come to his side by the computers. Seren's glare as she walked over to him meant nothing to him. "Can you please tell Chloe that I'm not lying when I say that her signals are just fine? Better than they have been in recent times."
Seren wasn't one for dramatics, especially Tony Stark's, but when she saw the screens for herself and realized Tony was right, she did as he wanted. "They do look good, Chloe. Everything's pretty much in normal range."
"I've been meditating more," Chloe said quietly, not showing very much excitement at the news. One would say that she was also talking more, per say. She was saying more than she had been before. She didn't want to admit it but letting out everything that she'd been holding in was helping her far more than the meditations.
"Good, keep that going," Seren said with her encouraging smile quite present.
"Helen's going to be here in two days," Tony shared, "It'll be a couple more days before we do the surgery but no later than next week."
Chloe visibly gulped.
Seren left the computers and rushed to Chloe's side. "Everything will be fine," she promised. "You're in the best hands. And I'll be here. We all will be."
"Is Steve going to be around?" Chloe dared to ask. It wasn't very fair to put Seren in that place, Chloe knew that, but Seren was also the only person that Steve would be truly honest with.
Seren bit on her bottom lip. "Um, he's...he and Sam are building up their search so...he's not really here. Either of them, actually."
"Oh." Chloe's gaze fell. Seren was too nice to tell her that Steve was still beyond angry with her for keeping Bucky's presence a secret.
Seren didn't like seeing Chloe like that and she wished she could do something to help. It seemed like this time, even she couldn't convince Steve to come around.
"Hey Megamind," called Tony, if only to pull Chloe out of her trance and earn an emotion besides pity from her, "Why don't we go test those psionic blasts? Things might be getting stronger with these new advances."
Chloe nodded and with Seren's help, she got the nodules off her face. She followed Tony, and Maria, out the room but not before glancing back at Seren. She could've passed off as a frightened child the way she looked.
Seren kept her encouraging smile and nodded Chloe to go on. She always showed up a little into the training sessions.
As soon as Chloe was gone, Seren left the room and headed in the opposite direction. She headed for her — their — floor, more specifically to the small living room where Steve and Sam currently worked together. The two were huddled over papers sprawled over the table.
"How's it going?" she asked, not really startling either of them.
"Well enough." Sam looked up to greet Seren with a typical warm smile that she would return. He had not taken Chloe's secret as Steve had. He had talked privately to Seren previously and admitted that he saw Chloe as a young girl who'd made a mistake. He couldn't hold that against Chloe, so he didn't.
"That's good…" Seren stopped by Steve's side, hand coming to rest over his shoulder.
Steve stiffened very briefly and then went back to looking over the papers. "Did you get a hold of the CIA agent?" he asked without making any eye contact.
"Umm…" Seren felt like she should be more apt at answering the question that Steve had taken custom of asking every time he saw her. Apparently, she just wouldn't get it. "Not quite."
Steve's 'subtle' movement forced Seren's hand off his shoulder. She curled her hand and drew it back to her side. For sympathy, Sam acted like he hadn't seen that at all.
"If she's Chloe's friend, she should be answering, right?" Steve kept going as he switched papers. "What was her name again?"
"Citlalli," Seren said with a sigh. "She's a very busy woman."
"Oh, there's no denying that," Steve retorted.
Seren wasn't used to being on the receiving end of his snips. It was actually hurtful, more than a punch to be exact.
"Is there any idea where this woman would lead Bucky to?" Steve kept going as if he couldn't feel Seren's dejected gaze on him.
Seren tucked some of her short strands of hair behind her ear. "It's not that easy, Steve," she said, regretting her words as soon they left her mouth. It wasn't what Steve wanted to hear.
"Why not?" He demanded.
Once again, Seren had to give herself a moment to get over the sharpness of his voice. It genuinely felt like someone was stabbing her. "Citlalli's been in the CIA for a long time. Like Chloe, she's built networks for her personal reasons and she's not going to give it up just because we asked."
"Like a code amongst her and her network," Sam concluded. Half of his intentions to speak was to cut the palpable tension in the air.
Seren nodded at him. "Yes, exactly."
"She's technically hiding a fugitive," Steve spoke as if nothing had been said between Seren and Sam. "That would terminate her job and most likely put her under arrest."
"Well, that's exactly what would happen to you if you actually found Bucky," Seren pointed out and for that, she earned Steve's apprehensive gaze.
"What are you trying to say?" His accusation startled Seren.
Did he honestly think that she would—
Seren swallowed hard. "I think I'll just leave you two to work," she whispered and quickly turned to leave.
Steve went back to the papers, though he listened to Seren's footsteps getting farther. She wasn't coming back for a while, if she even decided to.
"You cannot keep doing that," came Sam's comment a few minutes later.
"Do what?" Steve was aware that he had read the same line on the paper three times now.
"You're being cold towards Seren and she hasn't done anything wrong." Sam pretended to over a mental checklist of the recent happenings then reiterated his stance. "Yeah, she's done nothing wrong."
"I'm not mad at her," Steve clarified, although it didn't really do much and they both knew it.
"Then why the hell are you acting like it? If you have a problem with Chloe, figure it out with her. Last time I checked, wasn't Seren your, I don't know what you used to call it—sweetheart?" Sam smirked at Steve's deadpanning response. "Well?"
Steve swallowed down his snap at the comment in favor of talking about the real point of the conversation. He put the papers down on the table, finishing the facade of reading them. "It's hard to ignore the fact Seren's coddling Chloe when she...she lied to us for a long time. Bucky was right here, Sam. He was here the whole time and Chloe didn't say anything. She made plans to run away with him and Seren's just acting like it's nothing."
"I'm pretty sure that's not the case but even then, go talk it out with Seren," Sam insisted. "The way you're acting is going to push her away for good. No woman likes the cold shoulder."
That was a truth that even Steve knew. With a sigh, he relented and agreed that he would have a word with Seren. But first, they really needed to sort through these papers.
~ 0 ~
Seren had taken to working on her suit through the nights. It was when Chloe slept — at least Seren hoped that Chloe slept — and it was also the only way she could technically avoid Steve without it being blatantly obvious. Their shared bedroom wasn't such an advantage during these days.
"Jarvis, is it possible to run a simulation testing whether or not the suit would withstand my strongest attack yet?" She managed to smirk for a few seconds just at how confident she was that her strongest attack would one day be second best.
"Of course, Miss Soul," answered the computerized voice.
"Thank you." Seren pulled herself out of her stool and decided it was best to take a stroll out of the lab. Truth be told, the all-nighters she pulled on stools were making her back hurt.
Not wanting to make small talk with anyone, she took the elevator up to the rooftop. She crossed the entire top until she was resting her arms on the rails overlooking the city. It would be raining soon. Seren felt the chill of the air and could hear the warning cracks of thunder in the sky — either that or Thor was making his grand entrance.
The sound of the elevator dinging wasn't enough to pull Seren's gaze off the city. It wouldn't be the first time Tony interrupted her quiet time, or Chloe came in search of her for support. Even Maria sometimes found her accidentally and took the opportunity to go over some details about their potential missions.
All three options were dismissed once Seren felt a jacket come rest over her shoulders. Her body instinctively froze but after a moment, she was able to turn her head slightly.
"I don't want you to get sick." Steve's voice was quiet and plainly filled with caution as he stepped up beside Seren.
"You know I don't really get sick," Seren mumbled, and yet she held the jacket a little closer to her body.
Silence stretched between them in the following seconds. Steve didn't really know what to say and he'd been thinking about things long before he got the courage to come find Seren. From her side, Seren wasn't sure where the conversation was going to go. The jacket on her shoulders gave her some hope that this wouldn't end with displeasure.
"I called Citlalli again," she said, and Steve once again looked at her albeit trying to put up a front that he wasn't urgent for the information. "I finally got through to her. She admits that Bucky met her where Chloe and she had agreed and that she helped him."
"She helped him?" A dozen questions swarmed Steve's head at that moment. "But she barely knows him. Why wouldn't she—?"
"Turn him in?" Seren half smiled. "Trust me, there's a reason Chloe called her out of everyone else she knew."
"Look, I guess I'm grateful that she didn't turn Bucky over but why would she help him escape? He needs help, not isolation."
"Neither of us know what conditions Bucky was in during these days," Seren said and felt awful for the look on Steve's face. As much as he loved his best friend, he had no idea what Bucky was thinking/going through at the moment. "I'm grateful Citlalli helped him."
"Well, where'd she send him to?"
"I don't' know," Seren said.
"What? Did she not tell you?"
"It's more complicated than that, Steve. Citlalli helped him escape, but by that she really only helped him get to the first stop of his journey. She doesn't know where he is after she dropped him off."
"I'm not understanding…"
"It's complicated and confusing, trust me I'm very much feeling that last one too. Citlalli doesn't know where he is."
Steve's knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the rail again. Seren watched him go through the many stages of fury all over again.
"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" he muttered with gritted teeth.
"I don't know…" Seren's faint voice is what broke Steve out of his ire-filled trance. He looked at her and found she had taken a step back from him.
Suddenly, Sam's words were running through his head again. The way you're acting is going to push her away for good.
Seren took his silence as her cue to leave. She would much rather the silence than the arguing but it didn't do anything good for her heart. She started to leave but halfway, she turned back around. "I know you're angry with Chloe and you have every right to be, but this wasn't just on her and you know it. Bucky was thinking lucid enough to know who to go to and honestly, with the way Chloe's talked about him, he sounded like a guarded man. He was never going to stick around."
"How long was he here?" Steve asked. Whether or not the answer would give him peace was left unclear but Steve still wanted to know.
"About two weeks."
"They got close," Seren said quietly. "They were both pawns for Hydra, each twisted and broken in their own ways for what Hydra required. They had things to be close about. I think by the end of it, Chloe didn't choose to run from us but more so to stick with the only other person who could understand some of the things she went through."
Steve thought well and hard about this. It was true that he had already considered how he would talk to Bucky if he had found him earlier, and the truth that Steve wasn't sure of how he would do it was disappointing. The Bucky he knew wasn't around. Steve didn't know what he would've done and the act of not knowing and the fact that Chloe had found a way to talk to Bucky was…
"He shouldn't have left," Steve said. Seren presumed it was still the same feelings of indignation and hurt that anyone else in Steve's place would feel...until Steve spoke again. "Chloe did something to make him think clearly after decades of thinking like the Winter Soldier he was programmed to be. He listened to you that night, he went through Chloe's old things and thought she had a better chance to fix things. That's not even what the Bucky I knew, before the war, would typically think about."
Seren's eyebrows raised, almost indignant on Chloe's behalf.
Steve pulled away from the balcony and faced Seren. "The Bucky I knew before the war was a gentleman, no one could argue against that, but to say that he actually took his time to talk and be around a woman the way he did with Chloe. It was different back then but even then…"
Seren afforded him a little smile once she understood the point he was trying to make. "I thought something along the same lines in regards to Chloe. But still, I'm sorry about everything and Chloe is too. You should know that we've managed to convince her to do the surgery she needs to finally stabilize her connection with the Animinds."
"So in the end you going to Malibu was the right decision," Steve said, and she smiled lightly. "Still saving lives outside of SHIELD."
Seren's faltered for a moment. "But it seems like I'm unable to save what's most important to me…"
Confusion settled on Steve's face until Seren gestured at him. "Me?"
"Miss Soul," Jarvis' suddenly cut in, "your simulation has finished. Would you like to hear the results?"
"Thank you, Jarvis, I'll go down to the lab myself," Seren said, dismissing the computer. She looked over at Steve. Awkwardness fell now that the conversation was pretty much done. It was the only thing they had talked about in days and about the only direct conversation they had that lasted for more than a few seconds.
"Seren, what did you mean by that?" Steve asked, seeing she had all the intentions of leaving the room.
"Seriously?" she raised a brow at him. "You hardly speak to me and when you do, you're angry at me. And it's not fair. We had such lovely moments together and it crashed down so easily."
"We haven't...crashed…" Steve said slowly. This was all his fault. Seren thought they were practically over because of one disagreement and it was all his fault.
"This is the first real conversation we've had in days," Seren said shortly. It was hard to act like she wasn't upset at all. She was…and rightfully so. "And it wasn't even about us."
"I know, I know…" Steve sighed, bringing a hand to the back of his neck, "And it's all my fault. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you." Sam was right. Out of everyone, Seren was the least at fault. "I'm really sorry, Seren."
"I get why you're upset…you have a right to be mad at Chloe, not talk to her, I guess. I can't do the same. I've known Chloe for so long, we've seen each other at our worst, that cutting her out of my life isn't even a question for me. You want to save Bucky — well, I want to save Chloe."
"I get that, I do, but I also think you shouldn't be coddling her. She's not a child, Seren. She's 25 years old. She needs to take some responsibility for what she did, almost did."
Seren nodded. "Yeah, I should work on that. Truth is, sometimes I'm just so used to thinking about Chloe as the teenager I found all those years ago. Scared, alone...but she's not anymore. I'm sorry about that."
Steve walked over to her and reached out to brush a ginger strand of hair from Seren's forehead. "I'm really sorry, sweetheart. I hate that I made you feel bad but I promise you that we have not crashed down."
"Well, it certainly feels like we have. Then again, I've never really been in a relationship where I am fully head over heels in love with someone. Maybe I'm being a tad dramatic."
Steve smiled at her softly. "You can feel however you want when I'm being the world's biggest jerk." His fingers dropped under Seren's chin, raising her head. "And you can expect that I will be putting all my efforts into making this up to you in every way possible."
"Every way possible?" Seren repeated, raising one skeptical brow at him.
Steve nodded fervently. "Every way possible." He gave her a preview of what he meant with a kiss.
Seren wrapped her arms around his neck, dropping his jacket around her shoulders in the process. She would gladly exchange the piece of clothing for the real thing any day.
It was bright and early when Chloe got started on her exams again. Tony wanted everything to go by smoothly for the upcoming surgery. Dr. Helen Cho was finally coming in today as well, hence the early start of today's exams. The last thing Chloe expected was for Steve to appear in the lab.
"It's only me in here," she said quietly, assuming he was searching for someone else. She turned for another table.
"I was looking for you, actually," Steve surprised her.
Chloe's head flipped back towards the entrance. "Me?" Steve nodded. "Me-me?"
"Yes, I think we need to talk."
"Right, but, if there's anyone you need to talk with it's Seren." And for her best friend whom she hadn't been the kindest to lately, Chloe hurried towards Steve. "All of this is my fault, not Seren's. She had no idea what I was doing. Please go talk to her."
Steve smiled down at Chloe. At least that was the same. Chloe would do as much for Seren as Seren would do for her. "We've, uh, already reconciled our differences…well, my differences. We're okay."
"Yes, so now I think we need to talk."
"Yeah, guess we do…" She knew that sooner or later Steve would move past his initial anger and could shoulder bit to get to the questionnaire, the more in depth one. She owed him that too.
"How did you and Bucky…? I mean, did he just...did he just drop in on you?" To this day, that first meeting still didn't make sense for Steve. The whole reason he started planning for Europe is because he assumed Bucky would leave the country as soon as he could.
Chloe shrugged meekly. "He sort of did, honestly. He was inside the apartment one night and I thought he was there to finish the job but it turned out he just wanted to know what I knew about him."
"About the Winter Soldier?"
"No, about Bucky Barnes."
That made less sense. And it hurt more. It showed on Steve's face. "I'm his best friend," he said, "Does he not remember me at all?"
"He does," Chloe said, "It's all in pieces but he knows who you are and what you were to him in the 40s. Steve, you can't take all of this so black and white. Bucky's head is as messed up as mine save for the aliens in my mind. He wanted to know who he was but he obviously can't go out in public that much and I don't think he's ready to see a familiar face. Don't take it personally."
"Believe me, I'm trying," Steve said with a long sigh to follow. "If you had known us back in the 40s — well, you probably wouldn't have talked to me so much as Bucky"— Chloe laughed softly, "—but you would see why I'm so upset. We were brothers."
"I get it, I do," Chloe assured Steve. "Because I just did the same thing to Seren. Not talking to her really messed me up. And I know Seren took it personally even when it wasn't her fault. It's exactly what's going on with you and Bucky now."
Steve smiled wryly. "Well, you certainly became like a little expert on us, huh?"
Chloe flushed slightly at the comment. Her head ducked on instinct. "Bucky and I talked, that's all."
Steve hummed. He was sure that definitely happened.
"Steve, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I know it really hurt you. It wasn't my intention but it happened and I'm sorry."
Chloe's sincerity is what had Steve making the effort to let it go. It would take time, but he could do it.
"Steve, when I get my stuff together," Chloe tapped the side of her head, "I would really like to join you and Sam to search for Bucky."
That was the most startling thing she had said to him so far. Steve did a double-take at her, this time the effort to be cool wasn't quite successful. "Um, are you...you want to?"
Chloe nodded. She knew what he was thinking. 'Why would you want to go looking for him when he left you?' It was a fair question that deserved to be answered, at least to make things clear. "Bucky promised me that we would look out for one another. We made plans and I had every intention of following through, but he left. He picked up his things and just...left."
Steve winced at the sharpness in that one word. For a second, he genuinely feared for Bucky's fate if Chloe found him. That almost made him reject her request to join them...almost. At the same time, Bucky owed Chloe that explanation. Plus, Steve got the feeling that whether or not he agreed to let her in, Chloe would still conduct her own search for Bucky. It was better to unify all efforts.
They were a team, after all. They were broken, perhaps heartbroken in their own ways, but at the end of the day their goals were the same. They were aligned.
Next is the epilogue which means this fic is technically all done! *sniffs, I think this is probably my favorite fic so far in the storylines but I'm also excited for the future ones like Civil War when I finally get to include all 3 OCs and just start the crossovers!
I'll probably post the epilogue of this story and the new fic this weekend!
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nekoannie-chan · 4 months ago
First concert
First concert
Title: First concert.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Steve Rogers X OFC.
Word count: 576 words.
Square: 7 “You loved it.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve’s first rock concert.
Major Tags: Rock concert.
Additional tags: This is my entry for the @fandom-free-bingo Valentine’s edition.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate my work myself) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. Please let me know if you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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It was an October afternoon, Jenna was more than excited; she had gotten tickets for one of the most awaited concerts of the year for her: Rammstein, one of her favorite bands, while Steve walked behind her trying to keep up with her, he never believed that she could walk even faster than him.
Steve had never had the opportunity to attend a concert. Jenna had insisted for weeks that he had to experience it. Steve couldn't say no to whatever Jenna asked of him.
“Steve, are you ready for this? “asked Jenna with a smile as they walked toward the stadium.
Steve looked at his outfit, he was sure he looked more like Brock than him, Jenna had convinced him to wear a black t-shirt and a black leather jacket
“I'm not sure I'm ready,” Steve replied with a nervous smile.
Jenna laughed, giving him a little push on the arm.
“You're going to love it, you'll see.”
Steve looked around, curiously observing the atmosphere, it was so different from anything he had ever experienced.
They entered the stadium, and Jenna quickly guided Steve to stand in front of the stage.
“This is going to be epic,” she said, raising her hand excitedly as the lights dimmed.
The stage erupted in a show of lights and fire as the band members appeared. Steve kept looking everywhere, not sure if that was normal.
Jenna watched him out of the corner of her eye, trying to decipher his reaction. After a while, Steve seemed stiff, as if he wasn't sure how to process what he was experiencing. But little by little, he began to relax and soon found himself swaying his head slightly to the rhythm of the songs.
Jenna couldn't help but smile; she knew it would take Steve a while, but eventually, he'd let himself get into the mood.
“Are you enjoying it? “Jenna shouted to him over the din of the music.
Steve nodded, Jenna laughed, leaning closer so he could hear her.
“I told you; you're loving it!”
“I'm not going to lie, it's... different, but not in a bad way,” Steve shouted back.
Steve was still curious about the spectacle, although he didn't quite understand what was going on. Jenna, for her part, was completely immersed, singing and jumping to the beat of each song.
“Come on, Rogers, move a little! “she provoked him, as she jumped up and down to the beat of the music.
Finally, the concert came to an end, Jenna, sweaty and with a huge smile on her face, looked at Steve, waiting for his final reaction.
“Well, Cap... what do you think? “she asked with a mischievous look.
“It was amazing,” he admitted, laughing as he ran a hand through his tousled hair. “I had no idea that something like that could be so...”
Steve couldn't find the words, so Jenna folded her arms, raising an eyebrow.
“You knew all along,” she said, smiling. “You loved it. I saw it in your face when the first song started.”
“Maybe you're right,” he replied.
Jenna laughed, nudging him lightly in the chest.
“You don't have to say it. I know you loved it. But I'm warning you, this is just the beginning. There are a lot more bands I want you to hear.”
“So, what's the next band? “he asked curiously.
“You'll know that when the time comes. But trust me, it will be as epic as today.”
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sarahowritesostucky · 9 months ago
Not sure if you take requests, but if you do can I request an old western story with Outlaw!Steve x POC!Reader?
kind of like that Bucky x ofc historical slave outline you did up a while back, except with Steve instead of Bucky, and Steve is dark!Steve, maybe some dub con (you are the master of dubcon, I swear)
It doesn't have to be anything super long or complicated, if you do decide to write it. I'm a black woman and It is so hard to find Steve Rogers writers who have an interest in writing explicitly black female reader insert characters. I saw you had ideas for a few and I'd really love to read them ---- your writing is some of the best I have ever read ----😌 including books!
Request accepted! I will write a lil' something tonight as I gear up to get back to the next thing in my WIP folder.
For reference, here is the imagine you mentioned, which I made for a future fic, called "Runnin' Roughshod."
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Mostly, I'm very interested in any dynamics in fic that create a power differential between love interests. So age gap, a/b/o, teacher x student -- that kind of thing. For me, writing an ofc POC in a historical context falls into this realm (because we all know how lovely the 1800s were for black people in America).
Can I just say the fact that you called me the "master of Dub Con" is like the nicest, sweetest thing!?!😌
I will try and write a short piece with:
Steve as a morally dubious brothel customer/bounty hunter
Steve x "her/she/the girl" format, with nickname/alias and descriptions
reader as a saloon girl/sex worker
Reader as formerly enslaved POC, on the run
they have a steamy time together 😉
There is power imbalance and dub con
Steve blackmails her into becoming his
Thanks so much, Nonnie. I will come back and edit this post with the link once it's written and posted, so that you can be sure to find it. I'd love to hear your thoughts, too, once you read it. Feel free to shoot me another anon if you're shy!
Update: here is the fic
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