#sterile peptides
hollyhomburg · 1 year
👉🏻👈🏻 Can you go into your skin care routine a little bit as in what order you apply things and how long in between applying products (like is it immediately or do you wait 5 mins to let the first stuff dry/sink in before the next product)?
I get so lost with skin care that I get discouraged and then dont so anything.
oh god this is probably gonna be really long but,
so for the pm- Basically with most of the humectant (moisturizing stuff) you wanna apply that as soon as you get out of the shower and in quick succession so that any water and moisture can get absorbed into the skin and not just evaporate. assuming you shower at night like a sane person this should be your first step when you get out of the shower, you can not wipe off your face with your towl to keep your face damp for longer, i usually don't even wait to put on my pj's before i sit infront of my little skincare stack and start to slap stuff on my face.
the first batch is stuff like the cosrx snail mucin, cosrx glactanomicies ferment filtrate and hyaluronic acid (you'll see a lot of people tell you that 'the ordinary' one is bad but tbh it's fine and cheap, but a good option is also the one from good molecules, neither of them are more than 10$).
if you do not shower at night or wait to long and your skin gets dry, then you want to preface all of your skincare with some sort of toner; the lineage cream skin is absolutely amazing- especially if you have redness and inflamed skin- it is a little bit pricey but tbh most toners run in the 15-30 per 60oz range. these can last you up to 6 months. my leniege one was actually a gift from a follower for my last birthday and i've been using it very sparingly. i immediately follow it up with snail mucin, hyaluronic acid, or something light and hydrating, this is the first barrier of skincare that kind of cushions your skin if you plan on using an actives.
You want to sandwich all of the stuff that dries out your skin from acne, takes care of your fine lines and wrinkles, or chemically exfoliates your skin between your serum and cream. now is when you get into the waiting- when you start to apply your actives.
Actives are stuff like retinols/retinoids, aha's or lactic acids, bha's or glycolic acids, salicylic acids, and niacinamide. these are things that can damage your skin if improperly used. for me- aha's feel a little less damaging than glycolic acids. aha's and bha's are generally a once a week thing especially if you're just starting out. niacinamide help with sebum and clogged pores as well as pigmentation issues, salicilic acid is also something that kinda helps keep your skin sterile from acne causing bacteria, if you have sensitive skin introduce these very very slowly, start with niacinamide and work your way up. i apply niacinimide almost every day and everything else as needed.
next you have your eye cream- it can change based on what you want to solve, if you have fat loss around your eye (ie deep set eyebags like mine) you want to use stuff thats going to thicken the skin faster- staying away from stuff that decreases blood flow like caffeine, if you have dark circles- you want stuff that has brightening agents. if you have fine lines- then eye patches (mini eye face masks basically) and a super hydrating undereye cream will help. i tend to lean for the hydrating stuff. because i have dry under eyes, fine lines, and fat loss.
the ones ive tried are the cosrx snail peptide eye cream, the beauty of jeoseon ginsent and retinal eye cream, the mizon snail repair eye cream, the purito green level eye cream, the haru haru wonder cream the inky list retinol and caffine eye creams, the good molecules, yerba mate wake up eye gel, and the milky dress wrinkle and whitening eye cream. the ONLY ONES that i saw ANY difference with are the good molecules, milky dress, and haruharu, but the one from good molecules is adequate under makeup and the best by far and cheapest.
fat loss is one of the main reasons why you want to stay away from things like lash growth serums, there are some that claim to not cause fat loss, but tbh, seeing as the only way to fix it is via invasive cosmetic surgery- i wouldn't risk it. it's not worth it.
Next i go in with a cream. and then acne gel over top and then you're done!
So basically
hyaluronic acid/serum/hydrator
wait until skincare has absorbed,
Apply actives if you desire actives to fix issues, wait inbetween each application so that the skincare has time to sit and soak in,
You can apply your eye cream at the same time as these steps, because usually actives should not go around the eye area.
Cream, no need to wait
Acne treatment
hope that helps! i have to start my workout now~~~ good luck!
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hanskinlavina · 3 months
Secret beauty products for glowing skin like an influencer
Ever envied the glowing skin of influencers? Here's how to get the same glow without the influencer envy 🤫
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Today's product is called REJUVERO from the Bijunel Series, which uses Alaskan PDRN with collagen and vitamins to maximise the product's stability and effectiveness.
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What is a PDRN?
PDRN is derived from and is a fragment of DNA extracted from Salmon milt. When this is injected into the skin, it works in the dermal layer helping the skin to regenerate. It increases its elasticity and reverses skin damage.
✦ 01. Acne/scarring improvement
Skin regeneration
Pigmentation reduction
Pore size reduction
✦ 02. Reduce inflammation
Fills existing wrinkles
Activates cell regeneration
Boosts dermal collagen production
Improve in depth the hydration of the skin
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Features of Rejuvero
✦ 01. Hydrolyzed Collagen - Highest absorption and bioavailability
Hydrolyzed Collagen contained in REJUVERO is the highest quality collagen raw material that was hydrolyzed using 'protein hydrolase' without adding heat or acidity to medical grade pig collagen.
✦ 02. 6 kinds of peptides & 7 kinds of vitamins
REJUVERO contains 7 vitamins and 6 peptides made of medical-grade sterilized high-quality raw materials.
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Who is suitable for getting Rejuvero?
For those with dry skin
For those with thinned or sensitive skin
For those with problem skin
For those who want to make their skin naturally healthy
Treatment areas
Eye area
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Procedure guide & policy
Cleanse the area
Apply numbing cream
Treatment process
Apply recovery cream
Treatment cycle
Recommended at least 3-4 times with 2-4 week intervals.
Procedure time
30-60 minutes
Result lasting
You can see noticeable results after just one treatment. For best results, we recommend 2-3 treatments spaced one month apart. Typically, the results last for more than 6 months.
Age effects
Treating acne scars and getting a clearer, firmer skin tone, are two of the biggest concerns for teens.
Regenerate acne scars, shrink pores, and increase elasticity.
Wrinkle reduction and lifting for aging skin.
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Rejuvero Side Effects
After undergoing several skin tests, PDRN has been proven to be gentle to the skin with a low risk of complications or adverse reactions.
After the treatment, there may be minimal marks and slight redness which typically disappear within a day.
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Recommendations after the procedure
Immediately after tissue stimulating injections the treatment area may be red, tender, or swollen. There may be red raised bumps in the injection sites, these effects will usually be resolved in two days.
For significant swelling contact your doctor for advice. Swelling may be reduced by regular cold compress, anti-inflammatory medicines such as Ibuprofen (after 24 hours, if safe for you to take), antihistamines, and sleeping with your head propped up on 3 pillows to help drainage of fluid overnight.
Bruising may occur following treatment, bruising will resolve naturally but may take up to 2 weeks to settle.
Avoid any makeup for 24 hours after treatment as this will reduce the risk of infection or ache.
Drink plenty of water after treatment to keep well hydrated.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine for 24 hours after treatment.
Avoid any excess sun exposure, extremes of hot/cold, saunas, swimming, or strenuous exercise until the redness and swelling has settled.
Do you have more questions about Rejuvero or want to buy it? Contact us Han's kin 🤩 We look forward to introducing you to more derma products in the future :)
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
For Diamond Dove: Thyrondi, first time, awkward.
Dove is not on Tumblr, so this is also on Ao3.
Pyrondi has slipped out of the cockpit and is hunched over her datapad, clutching it to her chest when Thrawn comes looking for her. Then she hunches over it, the bill of her kepi low over her eyes.
"Sir?" Her voice is a little higher, strained. Her infrared signature is dulled, as Humans exhibit when shocked or stressed. A semi-powered landing on an interdicted planet would do it.
"Is there an antidote?"
"No, sir. The protocol is two ship's days in quarantine then a full vacuum decontamination to sterilize the pollen." Pyrondi hands him her datapad with a small tremor in her gloved hand. "The pollen bomb loses effect after thirty-six hours and is inert after that."
"I see." Thrawn takes the device and scrolls. No antidote. Outside the air is yellow with Sinner's Tree pollen. "I understand Humans are... reticent to resort to sexual activity outside of their species-"
Pyrondi's cheeks turn an alarming shade, likewise her ears, and she makes a frantic sound as if everything she wants to say just had a multi-word collision. It's a struggle to keep his mind in its proper lane. He can smell her - warm and sweet, her musk unfurling as the pollen takes hold. What might Human skin feel like against his own - they're so warm.
"Perhaps you prefer your own gender, but that would be ineffective as the neurotoxins are only vulnerable to the hormones and peptides-"
Frantic hand waving and head shaking.
"Breathe. Breathe. Speak." Pyrondi is cocky at times, but a lot of that seems to be a mask. Hammerly said that she could be seemingly unsocialized and termed her a 'high grade geek' - no insult as that's what she called herself. "One word at a time."
It comes out as mumbles.
Been. Busy?
"Well, yes, it's been an active deployment and-" Wait. Does she mean? She can't possibly mean. Pyrondi is a senior lieutenant in the navy. Didn't Humans have... no. "Pyrondi. Do you mean to say that you... haven't? As in ever engaged in sex with a male? Female? Anyone? No, yourself and your hand does not count."
That is not a healthy color for a human. Chiss turn purple because they have red blood under blue skin. Humans look about to die.
"Pyrondi. Breathe."
Nah'csol. Untouched is what Humans would call it. A senior lieutenant in the Imperial navy. Should he offer her for medical study? To a museum? Humans as a rule do not have a tradition of en'rcsou'ibi ch'acevi - a friend who's older and more experienced to guide and instruct. It's a role Thrawn has no experience in filling.
Now he needs to breathe.
They sit for some minutes and then Pyrondi speaks. "Um. Home team or away team? Or not into Humans?"
"Explain 'team,' please."
"Um. Home team means you desire or 'play for' the same gender. Away team means desire for the other gender. A switch-player means desire for both." At least Humans had that! "I... I'm pretty sure I desire both. I just haven't done anything about it."
"Did... our cultures are different... was there nobody you trusted enough to try?" In that, he feels tremendous pity for her, and a rage against a culture so warped. "I am sorry to have your... we call it 'first voyage' to be not one of your choosing."
"Sir? I could have chosen a hell of a lot worse. I trust you."
What? Pyrondi, the teabksit'i'csenei - shin kicker - trusts him. So, he must do his best to be most worthy of that trust. Ar'alani would strangle him if he didn't do this well, and if he damages Pyrondi in any way he'll go home and volunteer for it. They have moved close to each other, and hip to hip her can feel her Human warmth through her uniform.
"Faro is covering for us. Your reputation will not be harmed, but the saboteur's life will." He doesn't want Pyrondi besmirched. She is, when not shooting her mouth off, an exemplary weapons officer. "He's confessed and turned his cell."
Pyrondi moves, taking off her kepi. Her red-brown hair is kept in a disciplined bun and her eyes are grey. Her expression, aside from the pink patches on her cheeks, is meditative. "I'd like to use him for target practice. When we were crashing, I've never been more scared in my life."
"You did well. You've had pilot training and it kicked in."
The saboteur knew Pyrondi would be piloting, but not that Thrawn would be in the second chair. He'd taken the opportunity to assess his weapons officer's secondary skill set. They made it down alive, with their engines barely holding on as they deorbited. Pyrondi made a yoke-and-eyeball landing on emergency power.
"Flying TaggeCo cargo donks surface to station and station to station is the same equipment under a different name. A real pilot wouldn't have barfed after, either."
Thrawn removes his own kepi, following suit as Pyrondi removes her belt and lays both aside. Her 'first' name is Maile, so her Chiss core name would be Dimai. He really is avoiding thinking about what they're going to do, and perhaps that's because he is fond of her. The brashness and cockiness that's all surface tension, her loyalty to Faro and her shipmates, a wicked wit and dark sense of humor. He calls these things up and cherishes them.
Moving with her, Thrawn unfastens his tunic when she does, revealing a three-quarter sleeve naval issue undershirt where he is sleeveless. Poor Humans are thin-skinned and feel the cold terribly despite being deliciously warm. The undershirt hides something like a breast supporter, but flattening them down more than anything else.
"I do not know how to ask this," Thrawn says as he takes off his undershirt, noting sideways glances and pinker cheeks from Pyrondi, "Or if I should ask this, but-"
"It's a binder. Most female officers wear them. The uniform fits better and male officers don't... well... talk to your tits instead of your face."
"Nobody's tried in on the Chimaera. Not with Faro in command."
"I expect that is so. She'd also space him before I'd have a chance to convene a court martial."
For the first time, he hears Pyrondi laugh - a rich, warm sound. Thrawn opens his mouth and inhales, letting her scent in. He knows Eli Vanto's scent, and now adds Pyrondi's. When not muffled in their layered uniforms, Imperial Humans happily shed pheromones everywhere. A profligate species, but one he delights in. They sit, bare arms touching, both of them figuring out how to proceed. He would prefer not to brutalize her in mindless lust.
"The information in the official files says that a state of arousal can hold the harshest effects back." Pyrondi glances at the datapad, then at him. "It doesn't define that at all."
Thrawn picks it up and scrolls, reading and occasionally asking Pyrondi for clarification. Basic is an annoying language; inexact and vague when it needs to be precise and defined. Cheunh is much better on all levels. Pyrondi resorts to her own childhood dialect of Coru, translates to Basic, and understanding is achieved. If anything, understanding the process and mechanism removes much of her tension. The boots are next to come off and Thrawn's lips twitch. Lacking pockets, officers often keep surprising things in their boots. Pyrondi has a knife, a holdout miniblaster, a small multitool, and a tube of caff lozenges. The socks, however-
"Lieutenant Pyrondi, those socks are not naval issue." While they are made for standing long watches at her station, they are purple and covered in printed skulls and crossbones. Then again, people wear stranger things under their uniforms. "As you were."
Once the pants come off, it's a commitment.
It feels sordid.
"There's a foldout bed in the aft compartment. I'd want you to be comfortable." Not on the floor. Absolutely not. They'd found the surveillance devices when they went looking for the problem with the engines. Scorch marks delineate their former locations. "You should be as comfortable as possible."
A faint nod. "I feel a little weird, sir."
Thrawn picks up the datapad and scrolles. "LIghtheaded, racing heartbeat, nausea, dizzy?"
He leaves out the next symptoms - of which convulsions are the most innocuous - when Maile wobbles in her seat. He feels the onset, a sharpening desire and at the same time an unpleasant weakness, lightheadedness, and sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. They loop arms around each other, pull themselves up and stumble sockfooted to the rear of the shuttle. The compartment separates from the rest of the shuttle with a folding wall and a fold-down bed. At the end of deploying the bed, they both collapse on it.
"I think we need to examine the state of arousal, sir, or we're dusted." Her hand finds his, skin to skin, and squeezes. When he looks over at her, her eyes are tearing up and fearful. Death from the pollen's toxins is excruciating, as the medical entry makes clear. "I think we need to hurry."
"Agreed," he answers softly, reaching to brush the tears away. "I wish it could be different."
"I said it before, sir. I could choose much worse and I do trust you."
Maile takes his hand, cradles it against her cheek, then presses a kiss into his palm. It's warm, sweet, even kind - granting him absolution. When she cradles it against her cheek again, he draws her in. Humans kiss - her lips are hot and soft, parking for him and she teases him tentatively with her tongue. Behind his genital slit, his vez'kun is unfurling slickly and pushing with its head - wanting out.
He mimics the exploration of his mouth and she wriggles closer, letting him nuzzle her neck, to find spots that make her moan soft and low. Ne bites gently, suckles as his hands unpin her hair and let the surprising length of it loose. It's soft and fine and his fingers card through it - Pyrondi is a tooka when he rubs her scalp, nuzzles her ears and then returns to her neck. The scent of her desire is intoxicating.
Her fingers boldly insinuate into the waist of his trousers, and he pulls back a little. "There are differences. We evolved away from Humans tens of thousands of years ago as we adapted to a different climate and circumstances."
Her hands and fingers are warm against his cooler, thicker skin and she waits as his fingers slip into the waistband of her trousers. In this, he must let her lead. He unfastens hers as she unfastens his, then they both shuck them down and off. Thrawn moves slowly to take off that awful breast-binder and Maile sighs in relief. The thing leaves cruel red marks on her shoulders and around her ribs. Then she is warm against him, the heat between her legs pressed against his strained pouch as she seeks another kiss.
Sustained arousal is what the medical advice says and he insinuates his thigh between her legs, holding onto his control when he finds her soaking wet. Thrawn is aware of his touch, his mouth becoming more insistent with her, but also aware of Maile's response as he brings pressure to bear against her sex. A tremble goes through her, a ragged and hitching breath as her hips move, bearing down on his thigh.
"Grind me." He reaches down, slipping a finger into her shorts, finding coarse curls, heat, wetness, and a tight little bud that wrings a desperate sound when he strokes it firmly. "You're close, Maile. I want to feel you climax. Show me how you please yourself."
She does and Thrawn would not let her go to save himself from being shot in the head. It doesn't take long, before she's crying out with eyes shut and scarlet cheeks, heat and even more wet pulsing against his thigh. His vez'kun is pushing out of his pouch, slick and dripping as desire claws his belly, Pyrondi soft against him and breathing hard, her sweat fragrant with her desire. He eases her onto her back, red-brown hair mussed and skin glowing with warmth. Thrawn catalogs his symptoms, and finds he feels much better.
"Better?" he asks.
"Mm." A rather dreamy nod with her shoulders relaxed into the bed. "S'working, sir."
Her navy-issue blacks are drenched, and he tugs gently at the waistband. After a moment's consideration, Maile tugs them down and Thrawn takes them off. Red brown curls in a triangle-shaped patch give off an intoxicating perfume. It's like being punched in the scent glands with a greenhouse of flowers, being drowned in candy. Humans smell good for the most part, but this is new. There's no genital slit, and he knew that, but the clinical figures don't show the flower-shape that presents itself to his explorations.
He takes her hand, bringing it down. "Show me."
Her index finger makes slow circles of the external bud, dipping to the wetness at her entrance to smooth her progress. Thrawn adds a firm stroke down the shaft, then bends and licks her inner petals open. The response is so engaging that he does it again, watching her arch, her thighs loosen, hearing a deep sound of delight. The sweet-salt taste brings him in for another lick, then taste, then a soft suck as he puts her legs over his shoulders. It's everything he can do to keep himself in his pouch, pressing it down against the mattress.
Chiss women carry the physical structures of sexual pleasure within, and while no detailed instruction has been provided on the subject, Chiss are descended from Humans. Waiting until Maile is fully engaged with his mouth, Thrawn carefully tests her with a finger - finding minimal obstruction relieves his mind immensely. He does know from random overheard conversations that unlike Chiss women, Humans experience monthly cycles, and use devices. Curving his finger, he finds the soft complex on the anterior and couples the movements of his finger to those of his mouth.
It's even harder to think as she responds. His lust is fully engaged, and he wants her to writhe like that, to make her say his name like that. Blind need makes him grind against the mattress, and he adds a second finger into her, feeling her flutter and squeeze. Thrawn wants that around his sex, needs to be in her to the hilt of himself, to give her such delight and satiation that she will return to him-
Release. Her thighs squeeze around his head and the slow rolling pulses of her climax send a sharp jolt of heat into his vez'kun. He lets Maile come down, moving lit lie beside her and kiss his mouth to taste herself. Perhaps Humans had some vestigial ability to sense pheromones as she nuzzles where his scent glands are located, drawing deep breaths and nestling close. Orgasm has driven back the outward symptoms of Sinner's Tree poisoning in both of them. and as Maile recovers, she grows more curious about what's in his blacks.
"May I see?"
"I remind you, there are differences." The Empire segregated by genital sex, but one saw nakedness nonetheless.
Pyrondi's cocky fearlessness resurfaces and with a last nuzzle at his neck, she moves downward. It's not a fast or direct journey as she pays attention to his flecking, finds his nipples to her taste, and discovers that his navel is ticklish even at his age. A finger in the waistband of his blacks discovers the top of his straining slit, and then her warm breath melts over it. Thrawn is about to say something she licks!
Whatever was in his head never makes it to his tongue and his speech center glitches, shuts down, and then reboots. Then it's him flat on his back. In all of his years, none of his partners have ever done that. Thrawn lifts his head, looking down his body to find the face of Human mischief looking back at him. No revulsion, no judgement, just 'now what can I do with this' - the most dangerous of Human expressions.
"Maile." Long lick. A delicate stroke with fingertips. Human mouths are hot, her tongue broadly licking top to bottom, and going to a point where his sex is pushing out. "Maile." Stubborn one. "Mai-"
The head pushes out, and into the heat of her mouth and he arches off the bed, hand groping for her head. A tentative suck, tasting and testing at the same time. Does she like this? Yes. Does he? Five hells yes. Do they have time for this? No. Will they have time for this later? Thrawn hopes that they will. Lacing his fingers in her hair, he tugs her loose, the head of him leaving her mouth with a pop.
"As much as I want to see that through, as much as you delight me-"
Maile does have a beautiful smile and humans are so expressive. He'll never get used to Hummans showing their teeth, however. "There's time."
The biochemical composition of Human, or near-Human ejaculate is the key. The male can only negate the toxin with ejaculation, the female can only survive by orgasm and taking in the biochemical 'package' delivered by the male. More of him slips from his pouch, slick and glistening until he's fully erect, testicles out, and Maile's eyes are wide.
"I promise that it will. I refuse to take a course of action that will bring you pain." He aches with need, but not enough to brutalize her for his own release. He is civilized, Ar'alani taught him well. "Come lie with me."
The feel of Human hair is so soft. Maile lies facing him and the output of his scent glands seems to calm her. 'Cuddling' is the term Humans use, and it's a cozy-sounding word. Kisses, he finds, are gentle persuasion and Maile for all her lack of practicum has a sound grasp of theory.
Thrawn smiles against her lips, dipping his tongue into her mouth. She's on her back, hair across the pillow, nipples tight from his touch and his mouth. Desire must be answered for its own sake, and he is more than ready. A nudge parts her thighs and he moves between them letting his vez'kun rest on her curls. Under his hands, his caresses, Maile's relaxed and open. Even when he presses inside her, she's slick breathing a little faster now and he bites his lip. Oh, he wants.
"I won't break. I'm tougher than that."
"You don't need to be."
Thrawn enters her slowly, carefully. The heat around him, the silken wetness, the flutters that tease his vez-kun need all his attention and control. He is her en'rcsou'ibi ch'acevi and he will not shirk that honor for his own pleasure. Maile's hips move with his, a soft gasp and moan letting him know her desire and pleasure. When he's inside her to the hilt of himself, there's no indication of pain or discomfort, and he draws back. The head of his sex starts to flare, the rings on his shaft rubbing against her inside, and his thumb resting on the hard bud at the apex of her petals. The move together, they move in counterpoint, and he can't be silent not when she's burning under him and around him.
Fluttering. Tightening. Arching. Her hands on him as he cradles her under him. Her climax comes and he takes her then, pushing her to another peak around him before he tries to pull back. Maile's legs lock around the back of his thighs, pulling him in hard and his hips jerk and he releases, flooding her. Strong legs, strong arms hold him as he holds her and he needs to tell her-
Panting, he rests his forehead on her sweat-damp hair. The head of his sex flaring, locking them together and a soft aftershock from her urges him on. "Maile-"
"Shhh." She tugs him down on top of her, the warmth of her body, the scent of her one that he can't identify. "It's fine. I'm better than fine. We're all good."
Why is she the one reassuring him? Maile's face is buried in his neck, but he can feel her smile and her heartbeat. When he can draw out, Maile is wide awake, well and healthy, and cradles his head on her chest. Thrawn, for the first time in a decade, falls asleep in someone's arms.
Karyn has them for debrief. The whole thing's classified. Pyrondi's as happy and healthy as tooka kits in the clean laundry. Thrawn is his inscrutable self. The cell on her ship... Thrawn's ship has been squeezed productively dry, and Yularen spoke with them both. Faro had a longer, private talk with Pyrondi and is relieved not to have to space her commanding officer. Thrawn returns to the bridge and it's as if nothing happened. Vanto seems to be unaffected, but he and Pyro are gaming buddies. Something tells Karyn that this is not over.
A small smile curves her lips.
It's another fine day on the ISD Chimaera.
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The microneedling with syringe inset
Micro needle pen widely applying on pores shrink, wrinkle remove and scar removal. According to needle cartridge different part of pen could work for eyebrow tattoo etc. Derma roller also same series products but with shorter needle so that won't cause deeper skin damage. On the other hand, hand control without such high frequency speed and accurate control.
Micro needle with cosmetics filling
Micro needle deliver liquid serum by high frequency vibration and needle open skin channel. This machine with syringe and tube connect with needle. All products do not have to apply on skin first and then moving machine to do treatment. Only setting speed and install right needle could starting operation. Which means no more dosage waste and accurate control whole capacity for one time treatment.
Comparing with this item, most microneedling pen without syringe connection on machine. which means doctors apply cream or serum into skin first. And then using machine to rolling it. If on dry environment, the products easy dry and cause waste.
Needle consumables
The needle is consumable, and this needle type not same as other screw type because have connection with the pipe and syringe. Each needle packing into single sterilized pocket and for one client one time use only. And coming with plastic tube already. Syringe could repeat use because the pen without vacuum and syringe do not touch skin.
9pin and 12 pin needle with smaller forced area, more easy coming to deeper skin. 24 and 36 pin needle with width application on facial. And 42pin needle usually for body use. Besides, the nano needle suitable for clients who doesn't want any skin damage or bleeding. specialicon.com both provide machine and needle cartridge.
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Comparing with traditional dermaroller or other pen. Syringe type could filling serum inside and following operation slowly applying on skin. The serum do not touch air or getting pollution before enter deeper skin layer. Also making all treatment more average. Besides, using this type of pen save serum because do not touch other hands or gingers during operation. On working, beauticians one hand hold machine and another hand smooth skin so that needle better coming into deeper.
Application on scalp
Part of clients also use it on hair scalp for over oily and hair lose treatment. Needle setting 0.8mm-1.0mm could deliver serum into deeper layer and active hair follicle. Most hair growth serum more suitable for microneedle and nano needle use instead of vital injector. For small budget would be perfect options.
Specialicon.com provide more machine special for hair scalp treatment. Need serum and machine both contact us.
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Best cosmetics work with micro needle
TDA peptides - one syringe fill marine extra ( Peptide Polypeptides ),another syringe fill hyaluronic acid. As clients feedback it is perfect wrinkle remove and hydrating serum with micro needle.
Hyaluronic aicd mask - it is for hydrating and skin clam down. patent ingredient making it become effective but unique in the market. No matter micro needle or mesogun. Even for laser beauty treatment after care still get perfect calm down and skin rejuvenation.
5D sculpture mask - medical plaster soon solid after touching liquid. Applying cloth with powder piece by piece then wait for 20 minutes, whole mask could be remove. Also effective on wound treatment, whitening and face firming.
Repair gel - non invasive and invasive cure allow, could be moistening treatment as well.
One year warranty, if receive not in good condition could replace within one week since received. Still searching distributors now, welcome customized.
Follow Facebook @gzspecialicon get more machine information update.
New microneedling on 2024
Coming to late 2022, there are some new version coming out. In order to working better with distributors. We make a lot pens in different appearance. All of them without label on it. But could make customized logo.
LED microneedling is one of best selling. Machine coming with 7 color LED light.  Each color point to different wavelength. Such as red color for skin rejuvenation, blue color for skin clam down. Both nano needle and actual pin needle all coming with LED light. It is from micro needle pen body, but not needle.
General crew type needle could be fitting. Needle length range 0.2mm to 2.0mm. Stainless steel material making the pen a little heavy, looks luxury, not the cheap one. It is wireless machine, also support always connect power use.
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Also have simple function and classic dermapen, also max 2.0mm depth with 7200 rolls. 5 power level, fitting 9/12/24/36/42 pin and nano needle. Until now it is 100% good review pen. Basic on 30pcs could both make customized on machine body and box.
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Above pen could using same type needle
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This article reprinted from: https://specialicon.com/micro-needle/
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biovital-peptides · 2 months
How to Safely Inject Peptides: A Step-by-Step Guide
Welcome to our latest video on BioVital Peptides! In this video, we’ll guide you through the process of safely injecting peptides, a crucial step in ensuring you get the most out of your peptide therapy. Whether you're new to peptide injections or looking to refine your technique, this video provides all the essential tips and best practices you need to know.
Why Proper Injection Technique is Important
Injecting peptides correctly is vital for several reasons:
Effectiveness: Proper injection ensures that the peptide is delivered to the right area, allowing it to work effectively in your body.
Safety: Correct technique reduces the risk of infections, bruising, and other injection-related complications.
Comfort: Knowing how to inject properly can make the process smoother and less painful.
What You’ll Need
Before you start, gather the following supplies:
Peptide vial: Ensure it’s the correct peptide and dosage prescribed.
Insulin syringe or injection pen: Depending on your peptide therapy.
Alcohol swabs: For sterilizing the injection site and vial.
Sterile water or bacteriostatic water: If you need to reconstitute the peptide.
Sharps disposal container: For safely disposing of used needles.
Step-by-Step Injection Process
Prepare the Peptide:
If your peptide is in powdered form, you’ll need to reconstitute it. Use a sterile syringe to draw up the appropriate amount of sterile or bacteriostatic water. Inject the water into the peptide vial and gently swirl until the powder is fully dissolved.
Draw the Peptide Solution:
Clean the top of the peptide vial with an alcohol swab. Insert the syringe needle into the vial and draw the prescribed dose into the syringe, ensuring no air bubbles are present.
Choose Your Injection Site:
Common injection sites include the abdomen, thigh, or upper arm. Rotate your injection sites to avoid irritation or scar tissue buildup. Clean the selected area with an alcohol swab.
Inject the Peptide:
Hold the syringe like a pencil, pinch the skin around the injection site, and insert the needle at a 45-90 degree angle. Push the plunger down slowly and steadily to inject the peptide.
Post-Injection Care:
Once the peptide is fully injected, remove the needle and apply slight pressure to the site with a clean cotton ball or gauze. Dispose of the used syringe and needle in your sharps container.
Monitor for Reactions:
After the injection, monitor the site for any signs of redness, swelling, or discomfort. Mild reactions are normal, but if you experience any severe symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
Additional Tips
Practice Good Hygiene: Always wash your hands before handling injection materials and ensure that your work area is clean.
Be Gentle: Avoid aggressive rubbing of the injection site after administering the peptide, as this can cause irritation.
Stay Consistent: Stick to your injection schedule as prescribed by your healthcare provider to maintain consistent peptide levels in your body.
Final Thoughts
Learning how to inject peptides properly is key to getting the most out of your therapy while ensuring your safety and comfort. At BioVital Peptides, we’re committed to providing you with not only the highest quality peptides but also the knowledge you need to use them effectively. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Thank you for watching, and we hope this guide helps you feel confident in administering your peptide injections!
This article is designed to complement a video tutorial on how to inject peptides, emphasizing safety, technique, and the importance of following proper procedures for effective and safe peptide therapy.
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peptidewarehouse · 2 months
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When it comes to preparing medications for injections, the choice of diluent can significantly impact the effectiveness and safety of the treatment. One such option, gaining popularity for its numerous advantages, is bacteriostatic water. This sterile, preservative-containing water is used to dilute or dissolve medications, ensuring they remain free from bacterial contamination. Read More!
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healthlineonline · 2 months
Buy Ultima HCG 10000 IU to Burn Fat Cells Faster than Ever
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Ultima HCG 10000 IU is a premium formulation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to restore hormonal balance and fertility. This potent formulation is perfect for those people who are going through hormone replacement therapy or trying to conceive and it comes with concentrated dosage to make things easier. It helps keep the testicles working properly so that they continue releasing sperm; it also assists ovaries to release eggs and produce hormone. Reliable delivery and efficient results can be expected when you buy Ultima HCG 10000 IU online through the portal of PMRoids. It provides hormone regulation as well as fertility promotion among the many other benefits. Change your conception of hormone replacement treatment or desire for getting pregnant with Ultima Peptides online, a hormone critical in maintaining reproductive health. The product comes in a vial of 10,000 international units and it is an injectable solution. Users should use sterilized syringes when taking it and cycle injection sites for repeated intake.
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aminoasylums · 3 months
Amino Asylum Bac Water
Amino Asylum Bac Water
What is Amino Asylum Bac Water?
Bacteriostatic water serves as a fundamental component in various fields, from scientific research to medical applications, owing to its unique properties and indispensable role. This sterile water solution, enriched with a bacteriostatic agent, plays a vital role in preserving the integrity of delicate substances and facilitating numerous essential processes.
Key Features and Benefits:
Sterility Assurance: Bacteriostatic water undergoes rigorous sterilization processes, ensuring it remains free from microbial contamination. This sterile environment safeguards sensitive materials and prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria, making it indispensable in laboratory settings and medical procedures.
Bacteriostatic Agent: Infused with a bacteriostatic agent, typically benzyl alcohol, bacteriostatic water inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria without causing cell death. This ensures the long-term stability of solutions reconstituted with bacteriostatic water, prolonging their shelf life and usability.
Versatility in Reconstitution: Bacteriostatic water serves as a universal solvent for reconstituting lyophilized (freeze-dried) medications and powdered substances, such as peptides, proteins, and certain medications. Its compatibility with a wide range of compounds makes it a versatile and indispensable tool in pharmaceutical compounding and research.
Multi-Purpose Applications: From medication administration to laboratory experiments, bacteriostatic water finds application in diverse settings. It serves as a diluent for injections, a vehicle for medication delivery via intramuscular or subcutaneous routes, and a medium for preparing culture media in microbiology.
Extended Stability: The addition of a bacteriostatic agent enhances the stability of bacteriostatic water, allowing for prolonged storage without compromising its sterility or efficacy. This extended shelf life ensures the reliability and convenience of having a readily available solvent for various applications.
Reduced Risk of Contamination: Unlike non-bacteriostatic water, which lacks microbial inhibitors, bacteriostatic water offers an added layer of protection against bacterial contamination. This mitigates the risk of infections and ensures the safety of both experimental samples and patients receiving medications reconstituted with bacteriostatic water.
Convenience and Accessibility: Widely available and easy to procure, bacteriostatic water offers convenience and accessibility to researchers, healthcare professionals, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Its ubiquity and affordability make it an indispensable resource in medical and scientific settings worldwide.
Bacteriostatic water stands as a cornerstone solution in research, medicine, and pharmaceutical compounding, offering sterility, versatility, and reliability essential for various applications. Its role as a universal solvent and microbial inhibitor underscores its significance in maintaining the integrity of substances and promoting safe and effective outcomes in diverse settings. Disclaimer: Not For Human Consumption.
Visit Amino Asylum Bacteriostatic Water
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Innovative Solutions for Effective Gum Disease Treatment
Innovative Solutions for Effective Gum Disease Treatment
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Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a common yet serious condition that affects the gums and can lead to tooth loss if untreated. Traditional treatments often involve deep cleaning, medication, and sometimes surgery. However, recent advancements have introduced innovative solutions for more effective gum disease treatment.
One such innovation is the use of laser therapy. Laser treatment targets and removes infected gum tissue with precision, promoting faster healing and reducing discomfort compared to conventional methods. It also sterilizes the area, minimizing the risk of further infection.
Another breakthrough is the development of antimicrobial peptides. These naturally occurring molecules can be applied directly to the gums to fight off harmful bacteria. They offer a targeted approach, reducing the bacterial load without disrupting the beneficial bacteria essential for oral health.
Probiotics are also gaining attention as a preventive measure. By promoting the growth of good bacteria, probiotics help maintain a balanced oral microbiome, which can prevent the onset of gum disease.
Additionally, advancements in regenerative medicine, such as the use of growth factors and stem cells, are showing promise in regenerating lost gum tissue and bone, offering hope for more effective and long-lasting treatment outcomes.
These innovative solutions are paving the way for more efficient and comfortable gum disease , ensuring better oral health for patients.
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Hormonal Therapy in Pune - Dr.Pratik Patil
Hormonal therapy is a comprehensive term applied to the use of hormones in treating many medical conditions. The most familiar types are oncologic hormone therapy for cancer patients and hormone replacement therapy. Which treats conditions caused by a shortcoming or the lack of a particular hormone in the body.
Hormones are molecules or substances that maintain chemical messages to different parts of the body via the bloodstream.
They are produced by various glands and are responsible for numerous physiological functions and processes. Which includes growth, metabolism of food, reproduction, sexual function, etc. Among the most typical hormones are amino acids, polypeptides, proteins, peptides, and steroids.
Depending on the disorder being treated, hormonal therapy uses several means of action. Some hormones are used to block other hormones from binding to their receptors, restricting their effects on certain processes. Other hormones repress the generation of distinct hormones while others eradicate or modify the structure of receptors to prevent them from binding to a targeted hormone. During hormone replacement therapy, the body receives the hormone it lacks to make sure its physiologic functions should not get disturbed.
Who Should Undergo and Expected Results?
Dr. Pratik Patil recommend Hormonal therapy to :
Some cancer patients, specifically those whose cancer tissues are responsive to hormones. These include the breast, prostate, adrenal cortex, and endometrium. In some patients, hormonal therapy is done in conjunction with other types of pharmacotherapy modalities like chemotherapy and biotherapeutics.
Those with Klinefelter syndrome, a disorder afflicting males and is defined by sterility, grown breast, and muscle defect
Those with Turner syndrome – Female patients diagnosed with Turner syndrome may also be prescribed to undergo this therapy. These patients typically exhibit short and webbed necks with puffy hands and feet.
Those with Addison’s disease, in which there is a shortage of steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Symptoms of this disorder include low BP, an unusual craving for salt, hyperpigmentation or darkening of the skin, weight loss, and abdominal pain
Children with growth hormone deficiency – These patients are normally put on hormone replacement therapy to avoid growth failure, less bone density, and hypoglycemia
 Menopausal women – The therapy can be recommended for women experiencing the damaging effects of menopause to manage signs such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
Males with low levels of testosterone
Those who undergo sex or gender reassignment – Sex or gender reassignment procedures also involve hormonal therapy to facilitate the articulation of desired sexual characteristics.
Looking for Hormonal Therapy in Pune?
Dr. Pratik Patil is the best Cancer Specialist in Pune with experience of more than 10 years.He has special interests in hormonal therapy treatment. For more information about cancer and  treatment options, or to book an appointment with the best oncologist in pune call +91 9637439163 or Click on Book Appointment 
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arfathbaig112 · 3 months
Airless Jars
The Revolutionary Benefits of Airless Jars from EnkiPacking
In the ever-evolving world of skincare and cosmetics, packaging plays a crucial role in preserving product integrity and enhancing user experience. One of the most innovative solutions in this space is the airless jar. At EnkiPacking, we pride ourselves on offering top-quality airless jars that are designed to keep your products fresh, potent, and safe from contamination. Let’s delve into the myriad benefits of airless jars and why they are becoming a preferred choice for many brands.
1. Preserving Product Freshness and Potency
Airless jars are specifically designed to protect skincare and cosmetic products from air exposure. Traditional jars allow air to enter every time they are opened, which can lead to oxidation and degradation of the product. Oxidation can significantly reduce the effectiveness of active ingredients, such as retinol, vitamin C, and peptides.
EnkiPacking’s airless jars create a vacuum effect, preventing air from entering the container. This ensures that your products remain fresh and effective for a longer period. Whether it's a luxurious moisturizer or a potent serum, the integrity of your product is maintained from the first use to the last.
2. Enhanced Hygiene and Reduced Contamination
One of the primary concerns with traditional jars is the potential for contamination. Every time a user dips their fingers into a jar, there is a risk of introducing bacteria and other contaminants into the product. This not only affects the product’s longevity but also poses a risk to the user’s skin health.
Airless jars from EnkiPacking offer a solution to this problem by eliminating the need to dip fingers into the product. Instead, the product is dispensed through a pump mechanism, which ensures that the remaining product stays untouched and uncontaminated. This is particularly beneficial for formulations that need to remain sterile or are used on sensitive skin.
3. Precision and Controlled Dispensing
Another significant advantage of airless jars is the precision and control they offer in product dispensing. Traditional jars can make it difficult to control the amount of product being used, often leading to wastage. With airless jars, users can dispense a consistent amount of product with each pump. This not only reduces waste but also ensures that users get the right amount of product every time, enhancing the overall user experience.
EnkiPacking’s airless jars are designed with precision in mind, allowing for smooth and controlled dispensing that makes skincare routines more efficient and enjoyable.
4. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable
In today’s world, sustainability is a key consideration for both brands and consumers. EnkiPacking is committed to providing eco-friendly packaging solutions, and our airless jars are no exception. These jars are often made from recyclable materials and are designed to reduce product waste.
By ensuring that every last drop of the product can be used, airless jars help minimize the amount of residual product left in the container. This not only benefits consumers by providing full value for their money but also contributes to reducing overall waste in the beauty industry.
5. Versatile and Aesthetic Appeal
Airless jars are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. They offer a sleek and modern look that can enhance the appeal of any product line. EnkiPacking provides a wide range of customizable airless jars that can be tailored to fit the branding and design preferences of any company.
Whether you’re looking for a minimalist design or something more elaborate, our airless jars can be customized to reflect your brand’s unique identity. The versatility in design options makes airless jars an attractive choice for high-end skincare and cosmetic brands.
Airless jars from EnkiPacking represent a significant advancement in skincare and cosmetic packaging. By preserving product freshness, enhancing hygiene, offering precision in dispensing, promoting sustainability, and providing aesthetic versatility, these jars are an excellent choice for any brand looking to elevate their packaging solutions. At EnkiPacking, we are dedicated to delivering innovative and high-quality packaging solutions that meet the evolving needs of the beauty industry. Explore our range of airless jars and discover how they can benefit your brand and your customers. With airless jars, you can ensure that your products remain as fresh and effective as the day they were made, providing an unparalleled experience for your customers
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sudheervanguri · 5 months
career opportunities in Regulatory Affairs at Acme Generics, Ahmedabad. This article provides details about vacancies for Executive, Assistant Manager, and Deputy Manager roles in the Regulatory Affairs department. Learn more about qualifications, responsibilities, and how to apply. Job Title: Executive/Assistant Manager/Deputy Manager Department: Regulatory Affairs - Injectable (US/Europe) Experience: 5 to 12 Years Qualification: M.Pharma Location: Ahmedabad Role and Responsibilities The position holder will be responsible for: Compilation of ANDAs and 505(b)(2) applications (pIND meetings, IND submissions, Brand Name submissions) with USFDA· Experience in submission of pre-ANDA meetings for complex products with USFDA Review of DMFs of complex peptide drug substances Ensure timely response submission for ANDA deficiencies i.e., IR, CRL and DRL Ensure Labeling compilation, including SPL and side by side comparison against RLD labels with highlighted annotation of changes QBR compilation for drug substance and drug product; Sterility assurance QBR Experienced with handling drug device combination regulations and understand the requirements for submission of Threshold Analysis report and Human Factor Engineering studies protocols and reports. Review and approve of Design History File Controlled correspondence submission with the regulatory authorities for bioequivalence recommendations & inactive ingredient levels and Q1 and Q2 sameness evaluation which are essential during the product development stage before the submission of an application  Supplements filling for addition of alternate facility and CMC related changes, e.g., PAS, CBE-30 and CBE-0  Life cycle management of products & approving the change controls and ensure product continuity through filing and timely approvals of supplements. Support the continuity activities through co-ordination with various stakeholders Approval package compilation and provide support for lunching of the approved ANDA product Ensure product compliance with respect to approvals and regulatory requirements Tracker management-Maintenance of ANDA filing status, deficiency, approval, labelling and new launch status How to Apply Interested candidates can share their updated resume via email at [email protected] or WhatsApp on 9418155173.
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peptidehgh · 6 months
Fast Delivery Peptide Thymosin alpha 1 99.0% CAS NO.62304-98-7 Thymosin α1
Appearance/Colour:White powder  Boiling Point:2899.7±65.0 °C(Predicted)  PSA:1456.35000  Density:1.360±0.06 g/cm3(Predicted)  LogP:-3.64450  Storage Temp.:−20°C  Solubility.:It is recommended to reconstitute the lyophilized Thymosin a1 in sterile 18MΩ-cm H2O not less than 100 μg/ml, which can then be further diluted to other aqueous solutions.  Advantages: Samples are provided for…
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tmmediapharma · 9 months
Introduction to Soybean Casein Digest Agar
Soybean Casein Digest Agar (SCDA) is a general-purpose media mainly used for the isolation and culturing of fastidious or non-fastidious bacteria or sustaining their stock culture. It can be used to serve both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
SCDA is one of the most widely used mediums for culturing because of its simple composition and great effectiveness. Basically, it is a combination of the pancreatic digest of casein and the papaic digest of soybean meal.
The mechanism by which SCDA works involves the breakdown of protein into peptides and amino acids, controlled by the naturally present enzyme trypsin in the soybean meal while preparing the medium before solidifying, thus allowing a richer environment for microbial growth.
The wide nutrient variety of the SCDA Media allows it to culture such a great range of microorganisms. The scope of use of this medium varies from extracting samples from the environment or clinical extracts to running regular testing in the pharmaceutical industry.
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Composition of SCDA 
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Versatility of the SCDA Medium 
The combination of casein enzymic hydrolysate and papaic digest of soybean meal makes the agar medium nutritious by providing amino acids, vitamins, and long-chain peptides for the growth of microorganisms. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic pressure.
SCDA can also be added with the blood to provide a highly valuable medium for fastidious growth and can be used for the preparation of chocolate agar. 
Since this medium does not contain any carbohydrate, X (Hemin), or V (DPN) growth factors, it can be used to determine the requirements of growth factors by Haemophilus. It can also be supplied with blood to determine haemolytic reactions (5%v/v blood).
Preparation of SCDA Agar
Add 45.52 grams to 1000 ml of purified water.
Heat until boiling to dissolve the medium completely.
Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 psi at 121°C for 15 min.
Cool to 45-50°C.
Mix well and pour into sterile Petri plates.
TM Media SCDA Culture Media 
TM Media is a world-wide producer and supplier of cultural media. They provide a vivid range of Culture Media in both Dehydrated and Ready-to-Use forms. TM Media also provides a range of microbial laboratory products, from Antibiotic Sensitivity Discs to Consumables such as Nichrome Loops, Disposable Swabs, Petri Plates, and many more.
The Ready-to-Use SCDA Media of TM Media is the best choice due to its quick access and highly specific composition. They fulfil all the demands of microbiologists, from regular cultivation to intense pharmaceutical microbial testing, as they provide all the variants of SCDA Media, e.g., Hemin Yeast Extract, Tween 80, Gamma irradiated, β-Lactamase etc., in 90 as well as 55 mm sizes.
Source URL - https://wakelet.com/wake/E2_xKwpy_vYoR0j_WWuSE
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tmmediaindia · 11 months
TM Media's Soybean Casein Digest Medium: The Gold Standard in Pharma Industries
Testing a product for being sterile and free from microbes is an essential part of quality testing. Soybean Casein Digest Medium (TMH102), from TM Media, is your key to this. It's a versatile medium that nurtures fastidious and non-fastidious microorganisms, helping detect unwanted fungi and bacteria from samples. Let's dive into the magic of this medium.
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The principle
Soybean Casein Digest Medium is a general-purpose medium that stands out due to its carefully balanced composition, tailor-made for the isolation and cultivation of fastidious and non-fastidious microorganisms in laboratories, making it fit to see even the smallest contamination in a sample. The foundation is the papaic digest of soybean meal and the pancreatic digest of casein. These ingredients not only make the medium nutrient-rich but also ensure a steady supply of amino acids and long-chain peptides, essential for microbial growth. Additionally, natural soybean sugars are added, which are like a treat for fastidious organisms. The dipotassium hydrogen phosphate serves as a reliable buffer, ensuring the pH remains stable, while sodium chloride upholds the osmotic balance. And of course, glucose is there, acting as the primary source of carbon that's fermentable.
Soybean Casein Digest Medium Roles:
TM Media’s Soybean Casein Digest Medium (TMH102) follows USP/EP/JP/BP/IP standards, making it extraordinary. It's widely used in the pharma industry as it's an unbeatable choice for microbial growth and sterility testing.
It is also used for sensitivity testing of antimicrobial agents, aids in diagnostic microbiology research, and is a sample diluent and suspending agent.
Composition of Soybean Casein Digest MediumSSS
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Using Soybean Casein Digest Medium:
It is as simple as it gets!
Dissolve 30.00 grams in 1000 ml of distilled water.
Gently heat to dissolve the medium completely.
Pour into tubes or flasks as desired.
Autoclave at 15 psi (121°C) for 15 minutes. Filter if any fibres are observed in the solution.
Quality Control and Appearance:
The media is consistent, with a powdered form resembling creamy dessert or soft yellow snow. Once mixed, it turns a gentle light yellow with a consistent pH around 7.3.
Packaging and Storage:
TM Media makes this available in 100 and 500 g packs. Store in a cool, dry place, marked with the opening date. Seal tightly after use.
For more info check https://www.tmmedia.in/
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christ2525 · 1 year
Who is the discovery of yeast?
Yeast is a solitary cell organic entity, called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which needs food, warmth, and dampness to flourish. It changes over its food ��� sugar and starch — through maturation, into carbon dioxide and liquor. The carbon dioxide makes prepared products rise.
What Is Yeast? Yeast is an egg-molded single-cell parasite that is just noticeable with a magnifying lens. It takes 20,000,000,000 (twenty billion) yeast cells to weigh one gram. To develop, yeast cells digest food and this permits them to get energy.
While baking yeast-raised bread, the yeast ages the sugars in the flour and deliveries carbon dioxide. Since the batter is flexible and stretchable, the carbon dioxide can't get away. The extending gas makes the mixture swell or rise. Yeast is additionally a fundamental fixing in blending lager. The yeast eats the sugar in brew and creates carbon dioxide and liquor.
The industrial uses of yeast can be divided into six categories: Potable ethanol – beer, cider, wine and spirits (whisky, gin, vodka, brandy, rum, liquors, etc.) Industrial ethanol – fuel, pharmaceuticals, sterilants and solvents Baker’s yeast, biomass (human and animal feeds), flavouring and carbon dioxide Yeast extracts – cell walls, membranes, mannans, glucans, vitamins and food flavourings Heterologous proteins and peptides (for example, lipase, thermo-stable proteinases, phenol oxidase, cellobiase and thaumatin) A plethora of medicinal applications (for example, insulin, interferon, vitamin supplements).
Assortments There are two kinds of yeast accessible: Brewer's yeast, a wet yeast utilized principally in lager making and pastry specialist's yeast, which is utilized as a raising specialist. There are then two kinds of pastry specialist's yeast — new yeast and dynamic dry yeast.
Delineation With Realities About Yeast The Tidy/Bailey Sailor New yeast, additionally called wet, cake, and packed yeast comes in little square cakes that are made of new yeast cells. These blocks of new yeast, frequently utilized by proficient cooks, are involved 70% dampness, and thusly are very short-lived.
There are two sorts of dry yeast: Dynamic dry yeast and moment yeast. The main contrast between the two is the size of the granules; dynamic yeast has bigger granules while moment has been ground into a better surface. Moment is named as such on the grounds that it tends to be added straightforwardly to different fixings; it needn't bother with to be broken down in water prior to utilizing as dynamic dry yeast does. Dynamic dry yeast is lethargic until sealed, which happens when it is broken up in a modest quantity of tepid water (around 110 degrees Fahrenheit).
Moment yeast is additionally accessible as fast or speedy rising. This sort of yeast incorporates compounds and added substances to assist the batter with rising quicker. While utilizing quick ascent yeast, it will require half of the investment to make bread rise, or on the other hand assuming the recipe calls for two arrangements of rising times, you can skirt one of them and continue to working and molding the portions.
Yeast Utilizations Yeast is utilized in baking bread. There are a couple of treat recipes that call for yeast, for example, Christmas bread, sweet rolls, and honey bee sting cake. It's likewise fundamental for brew creation.
Disclosure of maturation
Who is the discovery of yeast?
Louis Pasteur found the maturation cycle related with yeast in bread.
In 1859, Louis Pasteur found the aging system related with the yeast in bread : by benefiting from the sugars got from the starch that is in the flour, this microorganism produces carbon dioxide. This gas grows the gluten proteins contained in the flour, making the batter extend.
General qualities of Yeast
Yeast is fundamentally chemorganotrophs as they can involve the inorganic synthetic as a wellspring of energy. Generally yeast disconnected from the surfaces of products of the soil like apple, peaches and exudates from plants, for example, plants saps or desert flora. Yeast can be available in the stomach greenery of warm blooded animals and a few bugs and, surprisingly, in the remote ocean climate. Yeast generally develops at a temperature going between 20 to 28 degree Celsius at an acidic pH of 3.5 to 4. For support and conservation of yeast culture incline with 2%, caco3 can be utilized. Order of yeast should be possible utilizing its morphological attributes, social qualities and sexual qualities and physiological attributes. Morphological qualities:-
The qualities of vegetative multiplication and a vegetative cell can be utilized to characterize yeast. Vegetative proliferation is done either by splitting or by growing or by the development of conidia. Generation by splitting is a commonplace trait of endomycetacea. Morphology of the vegetative cells developed in fluid and strong media is established on whether the cells are round, ovoid, tube shaped and so on.
Highlights of Yeast Cell Despite the fact that Saccharomyces cerevisiae is once in a while utilized as an equivalent for "yeast," the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota are two particular phyla that exhibit the variety of yeasts with regards to the phylogeny. Contingent upon the climate they are filling in, and their age, yeast cells can take on different shapes because of their elevated degree of polymorphism. Every yeast cell has an unmistakable cell wall encompassing granular cytoplasm, a monster vacuole, and a core. Contingent upon the movement inside the cell, the vacuole's size changes fundamentally. Chitin is joined with different synthetic compounds to shape a sensitive, slender wall. The cytoplasm contains save supplies as volutin, glycogen, and oil globules. Volutin content and yeast cell digestion are intently related processes. Protein, lipid and something like two polysaccharides are available in the cell wall (a mannan and a glucan). The cytoplasmic film is found straightforwardly underneath the cell wall. The film contains particles pervaded by fibrils that most probable connect with the glucan fibrils found in the cell wall. The endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and stores of fat and glycogen are totally tracked down inside the cytoplasm. Strands and granules of thick material are sporadically associated into an organization inside a major vacuole encompassed by a solitary unit layer. A twofold unit film (atomic layer) surrounds the core and is punctured by openings. The axle is intra-atomic, for what it's worth in all parasites, and the atomic film is flawless all through mitosis.
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