#stereotypical single man apartment daisy is so important to me
eeveeights · 1 year
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sorry my dasira headcanons are not cute and silly theyre all like this
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Even though I was used to the melodramatic soap opera that is the Marguerite show my jaw dropped when they showed billy fully drinking in the finale lmao they truly missed the mark on almost every aspect of the book it’s almost impressive
I was... blown away by how rough those final episodes were. Biggest complaints, though I have many:
--The way Camila was just shuffled out of importance in the narrative is... staggering. And sad. This really was just Daisy and Billy Fanservice: The Show. Camila dies two decades earlier than she should, she has two fewer kids than she should, she's treated worse by Daisy and Billy yet tells them to get together, basically, and she loses one of her most powerful moments in the book. The moment where SHE tells Daisy that Billy is in love with her, and it doesn't matter, because nothing will tear Billy and Camila apart. Her ownership of that moment is given to Daisy, a woman who has been a piece of shit to her through the entire show, despite the fact that Camila has been nothing but kind and gracious to her. She's given one moment to tell Daisy what's up, and even that is muted (though I liked how Camila Morrone played it; she's one of the cast standouts for me).
The thing is that if you read interviews, they say they made these changes to give Daisy power, as if they're striking out on this feminist creed lmao, but in doing so they deprive Camila of all the power and agency she had in the book. And Daisy has power. She's single, she's independently wealthy, she's successful, she's adored, she's talented. Her biggest enemy is herself. Camila's power is meant to be this internal strength--despite on the surface seeming like a stereotypical housewife financially dependent on her man, she's got a willpower and a determination to not give up control of her life, and to not let Daisy and Billy and their bullshit wreck the life she wants. They absolutely took that away from her. I fucking hate it.
--By girlbossifying Daisy you basically undermine exactly how much of a mess she was. The show already portrays addiction in an extremely fluffy way. It's so dumb lmao. Have Riley Keough hop around in circles a lot, that is THE FACE OF ADDICTION. Have Sam Claflin be basically obnoxious, that is WHAT ADDICTION LOOKS LIKE. Give me a break. The fact that Daisy had to be shaken into recognizing how bad shit got by other people was... honestly? Kinda real in the book. Like, yeah, she made her final decision to leave, and that was the first step of her claiming power. But she basically had to be slapped into reality by Camila because she was unable to see clearly through this cloud of drugs, and also frankly a life in which, though she worked hard, she did often stumble into success and was born into money.
--Billy falling off the wagon... and not because Teddy died? Lmao? Was HILARIOUS. In the book Teddy dies and Billy I think like, sips a drink; he almost totally relapses, and then he doesn't, and it's very intense. Here, for some reason Teddy lives... The tension of which they totally undermined by showing that he was alive in the 80s, by the way, great writing choice there... and Billy falls off the wagon because his baby, who he previously seemed to give zero fucks about, left his ass. And then we see Sam Claflin give a truly... interesting... off the wagon performance. I say this as someone who thinks Sam CAN act--if I wanted to see a man demonstrate "I'm off the wagon and you can tell because I'm doing crazy eyes on stage", I would've watched Walk The Line.
Fuck, if I wanted to watch "two performers make eyes at each other while the wife glares in the audience", I would've watched Walk the Line. I have issues with Walk The Line, but for real, JUST WATCH WALK THE LINE. The music is much better and it won Reese Witherspoon an Oscar. (REESE. GIRL. WHAT EVEN WAS THIS SHOW. PUT THE NFTS DOWN SLOWLY.) Reese going "YOU CAN'T WALK NO DAMN LINE" in Walk The Line was 10000% more subtle and engaging than anything this show gave me, ever.
--Warren remains great. The standout of this show.
--Karen being all sads face about Graham I... Lol, the point in the book is that Karen looked back on that shit with some fond wistfulness but lived a banger of a life because she ultimately loved herself and her career more than she loved Graham, and she was mature enough to realize that and to realize that she and Graham could not POSSIBLY make each other happy. I just wish we could have a story about a woman who had an abortion and went "no regrets". Camila supporting her was lovely, but that was a blink and you miss it abortion story in a time where we need good abortion stories onscreen.
Maybe they would've had more time for it if we hadn't had as many shots of Daisy hopping around like an energizer bunny. DON'T DO DRUGS KIDS, YOU BECOME A POGO STICK.
"Let's be broken together" and then she realizes it's a bad relationship so she sloughs him back to his wife. Lol I can't.
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