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camgarciadominguez · 2 years ago
Síndrome de Stendhal: Enfermar de belleza
La belleza es una característica que siempre se ha admirado y deseado en todos los tiempo y sociedades, a pesar de su carácter cambiante y subjetivo.
La belleza está relacionadoa con la bondad y con otras cualidades como la paz, sin embargo, es conocido que la belleza no siempre ha generado el bien, sino todo lo contrario. Se han librado guerras en pro de la belleza (como la de Troya, si bien el rescate de Helena de Esparta fue una excusa), pero también puede generar problemas indivisuales, un ejemplo es el síndrome de Stendhal.
¿Qué es el síndrome de Stendhal y por qué se llama así?
Este síndrome o conjunto de síntomas es también conocido como síndrome del viajero o síndrome de Florencia. Se trata de un fenómeno psicosomático (es decir, no físico) que se caracteriza por una fuerte respuesta emocional ante la contemplación de obras de arte, especialmente cuando se está expuesto a una gran cantidad de ellas en un corto período de tiempo. Fue nombrado en honor al escritor francés del siglo XIX, Marie-Henri Beyle, conocido como Stendhal, quien describió su experiencia personal en Florencia, Italia, en un ejemplo fascinante de cómo el arte puede afectar profundamente a nuestra salud mental y emocional.
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El término cómo tal fue acuñado por primera vez por la psiquiatra italiana Graziella Magherini en la década de 1980. Magherini, quien trabajaba en el Hospital de Santa María Nuova en Florencia, notó que algunos turistas presentaban varios síntomas psicológicos y físicos después de visitar las numerosas galerías de arte de la ciudad. Inspirada por los relatos de Stendhal, acuñó el término para describir esta experiencia.
Causas del síndrome de Stendhal
Las causas exactas del síndrome de Stendhal aún no se comprenden por completo. Se cree que la combinación de factores emocionales, psicológicos y fisiológicos contribuye a la aparición del síndrome. Algunos de los factores que pueden desencadenar esta reacción incluyen:
Sobrecarga emocional: La intensa belleza y el poder expresivo de las obras de arte pueden desencadenar una respuesta emocional abrumadora en algunas personas.
Sensibilidad artística: Aquellos con una profunda apreciación por el arte y una mayor sensibilidad pueden ser más propensos a experimentar el síndrome de Stendhal.
Contexto cultural: La inmersión en una nueva cultura y el encuentro con una gran cantidad de obras de arte desconocidas pueden contribuir al síndrome.
¿Qué síntomas produce el síndrome de Stendhal?
Los síntomas del síndrome de Stendhal pueden variar en intensidad y duración. Algunos de los síntomas comunes incluyen:
Taquicardia y palpitaciones.
Mareos y desmayos.
Sensación de debilidad y desorientación.
Sudoración excesiva.
Ansiedad o pánico.
Alucinaciones visuales.
Emociones intensas e inexplicables, como lloro.
Es importante destacar que estos síntomas son temporales y suelen desaparecer por sí solos sin necesidad de tratamiento médico.
Y a vosotros, ¿Os ha pasado alguna vez?
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artjoseanespi · 4 years ago
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Interrumpe el tratamiento al síndrome Stendhal y serás más feliz. Técnica: Rotuladores ejercicio #figurativeart #ilustracion #rotulador #stendhalsyndrome #stendhal #libros #lapiz #libertadcreativa🎨 #eskechbook #cuadernodeartista #arte #artjoseanespi #dobleimagen #divertimento #rojoynegro #hojaderoble https://www.instagram.com/p/COyfacoAP7J/?igshid=8n1vm12y76w5
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birkchs · 6 years ago
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The Stendhal Syndrome - Dario Argento, April 1996
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habituallychic · 6 years ago
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I’ve never seen @tefaf_art_fair as packed as it was today for the VIP preview. That means in addition to seeing amazing art, furniture, and objects, I also ran into people I know like @philipmitchelldesign and @madelinedstuart. Philip liked this room by @nilufargallery and I did too! See my full tour of the entire show in my Stories. It runs through Tuesday at the @parkavearmory. #tefaf #tefaf2019 #uppereastside #art #stendhalsyndrome (at Park Avenue Armory) https://www.instagram.com/habituallychic/p/Bw-0pRRH0Mg/?igshid=i7hy970ky28f
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ivabellini · 2 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @lecercledeslecteurs #instagram #foto Décoiffée mais heureuse. Après avoir parcouru Florence accompagnée de la plume de Stendhal, je n’avais qu’une envie : poursuivre le livre. Pour cela, il me fallait me rendre à Naples. Je me prends à nouveau au jeu de refaire ses pérégrinations, deux siècles plus tard. Grâce à lui, j’ai vu des endroits que je n’aurai sûrement pas vus, j’ai vécu des moments que je n’aurai sûrement pas vécus. Ce qui est certain, c’est que lire son journal de voyage devant chaque monument qu’il décrit change complètement mon voyage ainsi que sa tournure. Il est avec moi, m’accompagne, me révèle le plus beau et parfois l’invisible. C’est dans ce livre, dans le chapitre sur Florence, qu’on lit le passage sur le syndrome de Stendhal, c’est grâce à lui que j’ai supplié plusieurs vigiles pour aller dans une chapelle fermée au public dans l’église Santa Croce, afin de pouvoir lire le passage à genoux devant les sibylles du Volterrano, qui lui ont donné, je cite «  le plus vif plaisir que la peinture m’ait jamais fait » Il parle si bien de l’Italie, des villes, des monuments, des musiques, des instants de vie... Il m’a appris sur l’histoire de ce pays, de ces villes, sur les italiens et moi je pourrai lui décrire les différences deux siècles plus tard. #stendhal #stendhalsyndrome #voyage #litterature #bibliophile #bibliophilie #livre #livrestagram #livreaddict #livres #bookstagram #book #books #lire #lecture #lecturedumoment #lectura #napoli #florence #firenze #instabook #read #reading https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4_dRZtYln/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stendhalsc · 2 years ago
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🎬 Blade Runner 2049 - Denis Villeneuve (2017)
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artallandco · 3 years ago
Stendhal Syndrome - Exclusive Article
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vulgariumfragmenta · 4 years ago
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Sitting on a terrace and enjoying the view of Florence and the surrounding hills at sunset. This is what happens at @hotelpalazzoguadagni , in the Oltrarno district. The palace was built in 1505 by the Dei family, then powerful merchants of textiles, who used the loggia to lay out their freshly woven cloth. The loggia, the first of its kind built in Florence, is still covered by curtains that flutter in the wind. In the middle of the 17th century, when the Dei family had died out, the property was bought by the Guadagni family, who lived there until 1865. Today the palazzo is a historic hotel with 15 rooms with frescoed ceilings, antique fireplaces and unparalleled views of the square and Florence's main monuments. The loggia is open both to hotel guests and to anyone wishing to enjoy an aperitif with this view. #florenceinaday #firenzegram #firenzecentrostorico #cameraconvista #roomwithaview #igersfirenze #loggia #stendhalsyndrome #hotelpalazzoguadagni #palazzoguadagni #italianlifestyle #italytravel #italysegreta #rocailleblog #rocailleguide #elegantitalianadventures (presso Hotel Palazzo Guadagni) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRURnNLILPq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ofgraveconcern · 4 years ago
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23rd March 1842, death of French author and pioneer of literary realism, Marie-Henri Beyle, better known by his pen name Stendhal. During the Napoleonic wars, Stendhal was with Napoleon in Italy, and also part of the disastrous 1812 invasion of Russia. These experiences gave him a realistic style, to his writing with an acute analysis of the characters' psychology, dedicating his work "the Happy Few". These pioneering literary styles would not be fully appreciated until the 20th century. In his final years, Stendhal was suffering the effects of using potassium and quicksilver to treat his syphilis, eventually these treatments led to him collapsing on a Paris street on this day, and he died a few hours later. The psychosomatic response to being overwhelmed by artworks of great beauty by suffering increased heartbeat, hallucinations, confusion and fits of fainting, is named Stendhal syndrome, after he experienced these symptoms during his 1817 visit to Florence, and being overwhelmed with the art he saw there. 26th March 1827, death of German composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven. One of the greatest European composers, and a crucial figure in the transition between the classical and romantic eras in classical music. For the last few months of his life, Beethoven was bedridden, on this day as reported by his friend Anselm Hüttenbrenner, Beethoven passed at the very stroke of a pearl of thunder, from a storm outside. As he lay dying Beethoven was reported to have said ‘Plaudite, amici, comedia finita est. (Applaud, my friends, the comedy is over). Continued in the comments. #gothichistory #gothicfiction #darkhistory #victoriangothicstyle #historylesson #darkacademia #regencyera #regencygothic #victoriangothic #gothicvictorian #vintagelooking #historicscene #historicscenes #victoriangothic #victoriangothicstyle #napoleonicwars #napoleonbonaparte #18thcenturyhistory #19thcenturyhistory #stendhal #stendhalsyndrome #classicliterature #19thcenturyliterature #ludwigvanbeethoven #beethovensonata #19thcenturymusic #romanticism #darkromanticism #classicalcomposer #classicalmusicians https://www.instagram.com/p/CM43pQsHcY_/?igshid=jdc69g272xc
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mwilhelmnart · 4 years ago
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"Bellezza è una promessa di felicità" Marie-Henry Beyle . Mixed on cardboard 2021 . . . . . #mariehenrybeyle #stendhal #stendhalsyndrome #síndromedestendhal #sindromedistendhal #bellezzapura #bellezza #felicità #promessa #france #francia🇫🇷 #grenoble #parigi #parís #montmartre #psicology #artcollages #portraitfrance #florence #firenze #italy #bellezzaitaliana #mwilhelmnartist #mwart (presso Montmartre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKJGzgClSYl/?igshid=1i1fjyeeu4hxp
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suiicidalniightmare · 7 years ago
Stendhal’s Syndrome
It happens when there is a great quantity of artistic beauty in short periods of time and they are all concentrated in the same place.
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way5577 · 5 years ago
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驚豔 · 掉一地 · 就在司湯達綜合徵的發源處 · #StendhalSyndrome (at Galleria Dell ' Academia Di Firenze) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_GtGbpVZf/?igshid=ojm0f4z2qhzf
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kevincardani · 6 years ago
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I just finished watching @PostcardsFromLondon about a #rentboy #raconteur with #StendhalSyndrome The #productiondesign #artdirection #writing #dialog #costumedesign were all just great. For some reason it totally reminded me of @absolutebeginnersofficial (at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1U6v21JvVL/?igshid=16oza7p0o7vxl
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habituallychic · 6 years ago
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Today was entirely filled with beauty. First, I stopped by the @hermes fall preview, then I walked to @davidzwirner to see the new Joan Mitchell show. Afterward, I headed over to @plainenglishuk to see the new collection @francespalmer designed for @1882ltd. Not only does @francespalmer make all the pottery but she also grows all the flowers she arranges in them and takes all her own photos. If that’s not enough, she made all the cakes, cookies, and tea sandwiches for the party! I’m tired just thinking about all she does! See more of my day in my Stories. #stendhalsyndrome #flowers #francespalmerpottery (at Plain English Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxgNVHZHyZS/?igshid=1vcas2fdi8f4o
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auste-lt · 6 years ago
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#stendhalsyndrome 🖤 #florence #italy #medici #botticelli #dolitashoes @dolitashoes (at Firenze, Tuscany, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-Wqe4IZ2RqrZ9tBRczRXJN5gRNEyjD95iphE0/?igshid=60h8ucnzcz4r
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johnbailly · 6 years ago
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@daniellemrodriguez of @fiuhonors at @parcocolosseo 💪🇮🇹🙏 📷 by @alilykat #fiuhonorsabroad2019 #fiuhonors #colosseo #colosseum #stendhalsyndrome (at Colosseo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPmAenlDZA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6fwec9kzf7ja
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