#sten fan comic
aaahple · 4 days
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I think the Warden, Sten, and Zevran would make for a very comedic shoujo love triangle but one of those fake filler arc ones where it’s Sten x Warden all the way and Zevran is just there to reap chaos. Based on the fact that my warden in game did in fact romance Zevran, but only because Sten was not emotionally available at the time
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secretsimpleness · 1 year
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Brought to you by @butter-and-too-much-bread, who shared to me this idea in... 2020... Warden Cousland, Allison, Sten, Darkspawn 1 and 2 / Dragon Age Origins (c) Bioware
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thatrandombystander · 17 days
Personal tier list of how likely I think past companions are to make a proper on screen appearance in Veilguard
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S tier: Morrigan, Varric and Solas are already confirmed.
A tier: We're going to Tevinter, Maevaris Tilani is confirmed to be making an appearance. Dorian has connections to both, is well-liked among fans, and there's story room to explore with him especially in relation to the Shadow Dragons faction and his mission to better Tevinter. If he doesn't appear I will be legitimately shocked.
B tier: All three are fan favourite and I would be surprised if none of these three appear, although I don't expect to see all three. - We're going to Antiva and the Crows are involved in the game, Zevran fits in perfectly. - We're going to Rivain and the Lords of Fortune faction sounds incredibly suited to Isabela. - We're going to Tevinter and Fenris provides perspective as a character directly impacted by slavery in the Magisterium and he has been well featured in comics.
C tier: I think these characters have a good chance but I would still be pleasantly surprised to see them. - I can see Leliana, Cassandra or Vivienne appearing in-game as the Divine, although they may just be referenced via a letter or dialogue. If the Divine doesn't make an appearance I doubt any one of them would appear at all. - Shale has been in Tevinter and I can see them making a brief cameo appearance. - Merrill I think could appear in Arlathan Forest with the Veil Jumpers, but at the same time I feel like the devs might want to avoid including her especially since they've hinted at our protag having good reason to dislike blood magic? Although would love her Dalish perspective on the awakened Elvhen gods - Cole I can see making an appearance (maybe with the Inquisitor) as one of the only characters sympathetic to Solas as a person at this point
D tier: I think these characters appearing is unlikely but could still happen - Alistair has too many possible current states that feel like they'd be difficult to incorporate at this point. King? Warden? Drunkard? Trapped in fade? - Maybe Sten could appear among Qunari but I don't see any particular reason for him as the current Arishok to appear. - I would LOVE for Velanna to make an appearance. She would be SO GOOD to appear in Arlathan Forest as a Dalish perspective with her respect for their stories and history. Unfortunately being an Awakening character lowers her chances. - Anders my beautiful favourite is just too controversial and risky to include, plus I'm not sure how much he relates to the new game. This bad boy needs to be deployed when The Themes are right. - Blackwall, Iron Bull and Josephine all could easily make an appearance depending on what sort of direction the devs go with plot and events, but at the moment I don't have a reason to believe they would
F tier: I would be shocked to see any of these characters in game. - Wynne? Canonically died in the novels. - Loghain? Already had pay-off for keeping him alive via Inquisition appearance. Too many current fates (Dead, Warden, trapped in Fade) to make the effort worth the result. - Oghren? Do I even need to explain. - Nathaniel and Sigrun as mere Awakening companions (thus not as popular or well known) with little connection to the Veilguard story makes me doubt they will appear (even though I love them both dearly.) - Aveline and Sebastian are busy with their respective jobs, have little to do with the Veilguard plot, and are not very popular. - Bethany and Carver have too many current fate options and feels kinda pointless to include them in game unless Hawke is somehow relevant - Cullen... lol only if they recast him but I think Greg Ellis dug the character's grave. - Sera isn't that well liked by the fandom as a whole compared to other characters and I feel like she'd be avoiding any of the current veil related nonsense
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bunabi · 3 months
10.Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game?
11.What's one thing you'd really like to see in this next game?
12.What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
13.What's one thing you've seen confirmed so far that you're a fan of?
16.What's one crack theory you subscribe to (yours or someone else's)?
19.Are you planning to replay any of the previous games, watch Dragon Age: Absolution, or read any of the books/comics/short stories, or are there other games you want to play in the meantime?
(10) Rivain. I didn't think we'd see it in this game. After DAV we will have explored all regions of Thedas. That fact worries me a little, but I'm excited to see it.
(11) Steamy and sweet Davrin romance scene. Sten cameo. And an expansion akin to Awakening to finish things off with a bang.
(12) If Varric dies I don't want to see Rook cry for him. My sister in Mythal you do not even know that man.
(13) The return of the mf king: the Duelist skill tree. I had so much fun with it in DAII and I hope it's just as good in DAV. Rogue players lost the battle (least favorite hero armor) but won the war (best specialization).
(16) That after-credits scene with Solas & Flemeth didn't actually happen. Dumat showed Solas that to convince him to drop the Veil. She's not really dead. 🤷🏿‍♀️
(19) I'm too busy to replay anything. I bought & read Dark Fortress last week, picked up World of Thedas vol. I, and that might be my limit. :')
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ghostwise · 3 months
10.Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game?
11.What's one thing you'd really like to see in this next game?
12.What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
13.What's one thing you've seen confirmed so far that you're a fan of?
16.What's one crack theory you subscribe to (yours or someone else's)?
19.Are you planning to replay any of the previous games, watch Dragon Age: Absolution, or read any of the books/comics/short stories, or are there other games you want to play in the meantime?
Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game?
I'd love to see Seheron. Want to see those cinnamon and nutmeg groves Sten told us about <3
What's one thing you'd really like to see in this next game?
Companion cut-scenes. Let's be honest, the combat and plot are second to these, especially on a first playthrough; getting attached to new characters and watching their arc unfold is going to be the best.
What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
More Dalish retcons. Just off the top of my head, the whole 'Dalish clans send their mages out into the forest alone' thing was so absurd and just really jarring. I'm kind of dreading it, though, since the whole plot is 'uh oh turns out the Dalish worship a bunch of villains; what will we do with these silly misguided elves?'
What's one thing you've seen confirmed so far that you're a fan of?
The variety of body types and pronouns sounds very promising. I want to see this CC!
What's one crack theory you subscribe to (yours or someone else's)?
I've seen some speculation that Lucanis might be carrying a spirit like Wynne or Anders, but I think it's a bit of a stretch. COMPELLING THOUGH. I'd love it.
Are you planning to replay any of the previous games, watch Dragon Age: Absolution, or read any of the books/comics/short stories, or are there other games you want to play in the meantime?
Nope, I work full-time unfortunately. I might need to um call off for a couple of days to get to play this game at all. (shh it's my PTO and I earned it and I get to decide how it's used okayyy)
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darkfeanix · 20 days
Feanix Reads Dragon Age Comics
#2: Those Who Speak
You can find my thoughts on the previous comic arc, The Silent Grove, here.
I'll be posting my thoughts on each series as a whole, rather then individual issues. Below the cut are all the thoughts I had while reading Those Who Speak.
Those Who Speak (I)
Did not realise that Those Who Speak and Until We Sleep are only three issues each; misremembered and thought they were six issues like The Silent Grove. I wonder what was behind that decision to treat The Silent Grove as a single arc, instead of breaking it up into two smaller arcs like the next two.
MAKER'S BLESSINGS, A NEW OUTFIT FOR ISABELA! I guess I wasn't the only one displeased by the fact she was stuck in her game outfit while the other two got upgrades. She even gets pants.
MAEVARIS TILANI! The magister herself, in the flesh. I really like that she was explicitly in a relationship with a dwarf, even if it was in the past. There aren't enough canon inter-species relationships.
(… may need to create a Rook in the future just to write a romance with her. I love her so much.)
I have no memory at all of this Lord Devon fellow. He probably isn't Claudio 2.0, but even so, I don't trust him. And Isabela certainly doesn't seem happy to be getting reacquainted with him.
I will say, I am much happier with Isabela's narration than I was with Alistair's.
Ah, that's why I don't remember Devon: Isabela knifed him when nobody else was looking. I do remember the secret he tried to hold over her head, and honestly I'm not surprised she handled it this way; we all know she doesn't take kindly to being threatened, plus she no doubt feels a lot of shame for what went down.
*le sigh* And we're back to the video game outfit. Damnit.
"I found the man who stole my father away. The man who – intentionally or not – started Ferelden on the path of civil war." Oh really Alistair? Titus was the one responsible for all that? Not anyone else? Not someone that you perhaps stabbed in the chest in the previous issue?!
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Ah, and here we have the introduction of Rasaan, who will soon be making Isabela relive some of her worst traumas.
Fuck the Qunari. I imagine I'll be saying that a decent amount over the next couple of issues. (Spoiler: It turns out that I didn't.)
Those Who Speak (II)
The Qunari may be terrible, but credit where credit's due, big fan of their fashion choices.
"Enlightenment requires submission to wisdom. You will submit."
*shudders* So I'm curious; Rasaan says here that her name "indications the circumstances of [her] birth, and [her] position within the Tamassran… and would be difficult for [Isabela] to pronounce". But on the Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 45, "Rasaan" (by way of the Qunlat page on the Dragon Age Wiki)
Rasaan means "emissary" or "chosen heir", and is the title of the Ariqun's successor. I'm curious if this is a retcon, or if Rasaan was always intended to be that, and that her telling Isabela to call her that is the same as if a real-world ambassador who is also a priest said to be addressed as "Ambassador [Name]" instead of "Father [Name]".
Varric says he's been trying to learn Qunlat while they've been waiting. With how resourceful he is (and considering Fenris is fluent), I'm surprised he never took the time to learn it while the Qunari were in Kirkwall, or even afterwards in case of situations just like this one.
Then again, this is Varric we're talking about. He probably convinced himself there never would be a situation like this, because why would he ever need to leave Kirkwall?
Okay, Sten is good in this art style. Sten in Arishok armour in this art style? Even better. It's a shame he's a true believer in the Qun, because he's such a cool character.
Lowkey very satisfying to see Sten backhand Alistair. I still have not forgiven what Alistair did to Yavana, in case that wasn't clear.
And now we come to Isabela's backstory. It's no surprise she hates the Qunari so much. She grew up surrounded by them, probably seeing people who she knew being brought under their sway, and then on top of that, her own mother basically sold her off as a child bride because she wouldn't convert to the Qun.
Also, I know I've been critical of the art before, but these two panels?
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Absolute fire. Especially Isabela's expression in the second panel. She's so determined, so defiant. Gosh, I love her.
And I guess she strikes a nerve because Rasaan absolutely loses it and throws her bodily at the Qamek. I'll admit, the first time I read this, I was worried that just being that close to it was going to be mindwipe Isabela.
Those Who Speak (III)
Sten cover art big muscle I just poor simple gay.
Isabela says, "Say no to Qamek, kids!" and then straight up brains Rasaan on the floor. Interestingly, the guard says "Tamass'ra!"; I wonder if that's another aspect of her title, or if maybe the "'ra" part is an exclamation of some kind specifically expression concern.
The whole escape sequence is so badass, I can almost forgive the fact that Isabela is being shown wearing even less than normal.
Isabela to the rescue, heck yeah! And she's going back for her crew, AND she says she's giving them the option of either staying and accepting the Qun, and fighting their way out with her. This woman has grown so much and I love that for her.
The parallels of Isabela's fight with Rasaan and Alistair's fight with Sten/Arishok are so well done! Isabela fighting to prove she has overcome her past, Alistair fighting to remind Sten of the past that they shared. And both of them coming out on top and proving their points.
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You thought you knew her, but you know nothing. Stick to Speaking, because you're obviously no good at Seeing.
Gosh, now I want to write Isabela fanfiction. Love her so much.
That "I'm not sure I'm Isabela any longer" feels kind of weird. I mean, I kind of see what they were going for, but it feels almost… contradictory? I don't quite know how to put it into words. And it doesn't amount to anything; she's still Isabela in the next arc, and she's still Isabela in Inquisition. Just feels like they wanted some cool line to wrap up the issue and they didn't stick the landing.
It ends with the following statement from Isabela's narrator voice:
"Once Varric got me alone, he asked if I wanted to go on -- if maybe this was more than I signed on for. I told him Alistair deserved a chance to kill Titus and find his father, and that I intended to see it through. After that? There are going to be some changes."
And this feels like the same thing as the name thing. Because the way Varric talks about her in Inquisition, and the way she's described in her Multiplayer write up, it really doesn't seem like she's changed much at all from who she is at this point in her life, except that she maybe has more people working under her.
Final Thoughts
Not many, to be honest. I feel like this was an improvement over The Silent Grove. Not perfect by any means, but an improvement. We got Mae, we got Isabela backstory, we got Isabela sticking it to the Qunari. A reasonably good time was had by me.
Since it was only three issues instead of six, I'll see if I can get through Until We Sleep tonight as well. We'll see, though.
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thehypertuna · 7 years
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alistair is both embarassed and terrified
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ishouldgay · 2 years
I most often pick the city elf origin when I play DA:O and while I am nice to like ninety percent of people I create problems on purpose with Alistair, And really anyone remotely in power.
She is full of anger and was dragged into being a Warden against her will. She likes Morrigan, Leliana, Wynne, and is wary around Sten.
She also named her Mabari, King Eater.
I don’t hate Alistair but I don’t really love him. He could have had a lot more development but after DAO he disappears a lot in the games, which is fair all things considered.
But like they added in though the comics and books that Alistair is half elf, as his mom is actually a elven mage woman (Fiona from DAI in fact) but that’s NO where in DAO and that sucks because I think that’s the most interesting thing about him. He is overall pretty generic :/
My Cousland isn’t a huge fan of him, that’s my ‘harden’ Play-through, because she thinks he is childish and doesn’t like that he keeps backing down from his duties.
My own favorite Dog name is from my Dwarf commoner, she named him ‘ Duster’ because she doesn’t understand what pets are. Everyone tried to explain that calling him that is like naming a person ‘fucker’ but by then she thought it was too funny to change
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Pikapeppa wears a tinfoil hat: The Arishok in post-Trespasser times
[Warning: this contains spoilers for Trespasser and for Tevinter Nights. Proceed with caution.]
For anyone who doesn’t know me, I’m a HUGE FAN of Sten from DA:O. While doing research for my current fic, I was reviewing Tevinter Nights and the Dragon Age Wiki, and I pulled together some threads regarding the qunari and their activities during the time of Tevinter Nights. 
Read more below the cut!
A quick refresher of qunari rulership
Just as a reminder, the qunari are ruled by three leaders:
The Arishok: the military leader. Leads the antaam, i.e. the army.
The Ariqun: the leader of the priesthood, who are also the scholarly branch of the qunari. 
The Arigena: the leader of the craftsmen and support workers of the qunari people.
Together, these three leaders are called the salasari. The salasari are supposed to make decisions jointly about how the qunari people proceed at advancing their own culture and bringing the uneducated bas into the wisdom of the Qun.
A summary of what we know 
Sten becomes the Arishok around 9:34-9:35 after Hawke kills the current Arishok in Kirkwall. By the time the Inquisition rolls around in 9:41, he is still the Arishok as confirmed by dialogue between Bull and Varric. 
In Trespasser, in the Darvaraad, we find a letter from the qunari to Josephine stating that the Viddasala was acting without the qunari leaders’ official sanction — an indication that their citizens are not as well-controlled and orderly as they would have the rest of the world believe. Of particular note, this letter indicates clearly that “military action has not been approved against the Inquisition. No one in Par Vollen has authorized actions of any kind involving the Exalted Council. Nor will they.” To me, this speaks of an Arishok who is being quite conservative in his actions. Similarly, in world states where Bull becomes a Tal-Vashoth, the qunari did not send military action against the Inquisition even when the Inquisition reneged on their hoped-for alliance.
All but one of the stories in Tevinter Nights take place post-Trespasser, and the qunari feature heavily in these stories. The book opens with Three Trees to Midnight, which tells of the qunari making a bold and unprecedented attack on the Tevinter city of Ventus. Importantly, it is mentioned that the antaam (i.e. the qunari army) are acting without the support of the priesthood or the workers:
Usually the other Qunari were there to support the Antaam—the workers crafting the gear and managing supplies, the Tamassran priests making sure the Antaam were healthy in mind as in body, the Ben-Hassrath spies scouting behind enemy lines and removing any Antaam who might forsake their training and abandon the Qun. This time, the Antaam had attacked the bas of the south without the blessing of the other Qunari, and little things were not working as well as they should. Supplies were late. Ships were not in good repair. 
When I read this, alarm bells immediately went off in my mind. It seems odd to me that the antaam would suddenly attack Tevinter on what feels like an impulsive move, without the support of the two other branches of the Qun. Importantly, the antaam is under the Arishok’s (i.e. Sten’s) rule, and I thought it was VERY out of character that he would do something so anti-qunari as to basically go rogue without the support of the Arigena or the Ariqun. 
Another relevant story is Brother Genitivi Dies At The End. In this story, Brother Genitivi, Philliam, a Bard!, and another lesser-known but infamous writer named Formerly Sister Laudine form a reluctant team to recover books from an elvhen library that, for some reason, has “fallen” underground in the Silent Plains in Tevinter. The mission is cut short by a qunari named Rasaan, and the three writers manage to snatch a small number of elvhen tomes before narrowly escaping from Rasaan and her soldiers. It very important to note that in this story, Rasaan refers to the army as being “my antaam”, and it is emphasized and pointed out that she called the antaam “hers”. 
I should say now that I haven’t read any of the DA comics. On a whim, I decided to look up Rasaan in the Dragon Age Wiki, and I discovered that Rasaan is a prominent character in the comic Dragon Age: Those Who Speak, and that she belonged not to the military branch of the Qun, but to the priesthood/scholarly branch, and that she was next in line to become the Ariqun. The wiki says the following: “Rasaan was stranded in the Qunari city of Qunandar, unable to perform her duties. Since a new Arishok was chosen in 9:34 Dragon, Rasaan has been at his side almost constantly.” It’s also interesting to note that Rasaan has a particular interest in people’s ‘true names’ and believes that a person’s many names or titles are indicative of their character, their triumphs, and their failings. 
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego Sten???? 
OKAY. To sum up, then, the qunari situation in the post-Trespasser Tevinter Nights era is as follows:
The antaam, usually governed by the Arishok, has gone rogue, and it would be very out of character for Sten-Arishok to sanction this without the okay of his co-leaders.
Rasaan, a higher-up of the priesthood, is in mainland Thedas chasing down information about Solas and referring to the antaam as hers. 
From this, I can only conclude that Arishok-Sten is not fully in charge of the antaam anymore, and that Rasaan plays a major role in this. Maybe Rasaan has pulled a coup and is trying to take over as the new Arishok, believing that ‘Arishok’ is supposed to be her true name. If this is the case, WHERE IS STEN? Is he a prisoner back in Par Vollen, perhaps? Stuck working in a labour camp? Or… Maker fucking forbid, is he dead?
Personally, I don’t think Arishok-Sten is dead, and this is not just my undying love for him that’s talking. There are indicators in Three Trees to Midnight that, even though the antaam has gone rogue and some of the qunari are acting extremely cruel, there other qunari who are still trying to maintain the integrity of the Qun. One example is the character named Saarbak, a Ben-Hassrath agent who has been tasked with removing threats to the Qun such as the overly cruel qunari. Characters like Saarbak make me think that the qunari are divided within themselves: there are those who have been impatient to move on Thedas, leading to the hasty attack on Ventus, and there are those who are trying to maintain the integrity and order of the Qun, such as Saarbak. And it’s my belief that Arishok-Sten is one of these honourable qunari, and that he is still alive and may play a significant role in DA4. 
Fen’Harel ma ghilana: Solas’s interference
There's one other piece of qunari involvement that should be mentioned. At the end of Trespasser, Solas says that “in stopping the Dragon’s Breath, you have prevented an invasion by qunari forces. With luck, they will return their focus to Tevinter. That should give you a few years of relative peace.” It does not seem coincidental to me that a year or so after Solas says this, this is exactly what happens — particularly in light of the story called Half Up Front. In this story, it is discovered that Fen’Harel’s agents are purposely trying to fan the flames of the war between the qunari and Tevinter. 
Why would Solas be trying to do this, though? Especially after telling the Inquisitor that he wants the people of the Inquisitor’s time to “die in comfort” free from the Qun? My conclusion is that Solas is trying to prevent the former Inquisitor from allying with Tevinter or the qunari. If they’re caught up in a war with each other, neither Tevinter nor the qunari will have the resources (or fucks to give) to invest in military efforts against an alleged elven god. I also think that Solas has no qualms about screwing Tevinter over by throwing them under the metaphorical bus of the qunari, given their longtime treatment of slaves and spirits. (Please note that I say all of this with great love, as I also have undying love for the Dread Egg.)
DA4 hopes: allying with the qunari 
Based on the above, it’s my hope that a big part of DA4 will involve stopping an all-out war between Tevinter and the qunari, and then gaining the cooperation of both groups to help The Group Formerly Known As The Inquisition™ to stop Solas’s plans. It’s my even greater hope that the qunari portion of this will involve finding Arishok-Sten, restoring him his place as the rightful Arishok, and thereby securing his alliance to stop Solas. It’s my even greater GREATER hope that the Hero of Ferelden will play a role in this and have some ACTUAL FACETIME in the game by helping us to broker an alliance with Sten. 
Of course, it’s a Bioware game so there has to be choice, so the choice here might be between helping Sten vs. helping Rasaan, but I’m sure you can all see where I would stand on this. (I just want Sten and his kadan to have a sweet sweet reunion, okay?? My tender heart is soft and weak for him.)
Okay, that’s it! Them’s my thoughts! Sorry if this has already been laid out before by somebody else – I just had to word-vomit my thoughts because of STEN FEELS. 
Feel free to comment or reblog, but please do not use this as a forum to discuss the pros or cons of the Qun. I am wholeheartedly middle-ground on the Qun and can see both sides, so please refrain from that rhetoric here.
Finally, a little self-promotion: I ship Sten with my Warden Yara Mahariel, and have written a relatively short fic about their romance, which takes place during the ship ride from Denerim to Par Vollen after the Fifth Blight is ended. It’s called Fall Into The Tide, and you can feel free to check it out on AO3!
- Love from your friendly neighbourhood Pikapeppa xoxo
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airmanisr · 3 years
German Comic Con 2016 Day 02 - 121
German Comic Con 2016 Day 02 - 121 by mchenryarts Via Flickr: German Comic Con || Day 02 - 04.12.2016 || Die German Comic Con ist eine Convention rund um das Thema Comic, Film & TV, Cosplay & Costume, Games und allgemeine Unterhaltung. || Vor Ort erwartet die Fans eine gigantische Erlebniswelt gefüllt mit nationalen und internationalen Stargästen und Zeichnern. Ebenso wie mit nationalen und internationalen Händlern und Ausstellern. Auf der German Comic Con können Comics & Romane, Manga & Anime, DVDs und Blu-rays, Games, Merchandise, Fan-Artikel und vieles mehr erworben werden. Die Fans werden bei Fotoshoots, Autogrammsessions, Panels, Lesungen, Workshops, Rollenspielen, Wettbewerben , Bühnenprogrammen und vielem mehr interaktiv eingebunden und unterhalten. Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für jeden Teilnehmer! || -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- || www.flickr.com/photos/mchenryarts || www.facebook.com/McHenryArts || People who are the main subject of the photo can use this for your personal use, for example, the use on Facebook, etc. The only requirement is a link to my Facebook or Flickr Page. || Personen, welche das Hauptmotiv eines Bildes sind, dürfen dieses Bild für ihre Persönlichen Zwecke nutzen, z.B. Einbindung bei Facebook, etc. Einzige Bedingung ist eine Verlinktung auf meine Facebook- oder Flickr-Page. || Nutzungsvereinbarung / Terms of Use : mchenryarts.wordpress.com/tou/
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red-wardens · 6 years
DA Questions
Tagged by: @goblin-deity and @gothkimmyschmidt -- thank you :)
Tagging: @jaffa-keksi @chillyrose @dickeybbqpit @mocha-writes @the-dread-doggo @heraldofwho @keeperscompanionsdai @space-vashoth (if you guys haven’t done it already. if you have, tag me so i can see!)
01) Favorite game of the series?
Dragon Age 2. I love the bisexual disaster companions and how they have friends/relationships/lives outside of you. And I love Hawke and their tragic story. I also like having years passing with the same protagonist/companions instead of “my new companions and I had one crazy year together”. Plus fighting mechanics were my favorite in this game. 
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
I saw gifs of Morrigan on tumblr years ago (back when DA2 was still new) and thought, “holy shit, she’s pretty I should play that”, and just never got around to it till a couple years later till when I saw a lot of gifs of default Marian Hawke and thought “she’s gorgeous and funny and I would die for her” (I still can’t believe I used to think I was straight...) and then found out she’s not till the second game so I hurried up and bought Origins to play first. Then got hooked, Origins has such a great story.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
I’m on my 4th and 5th (playing simultaneously) playthroughs of Origins, I’ve played DA2 either 6 or 7 times. Inquisition I’ve only played once and I skipped most of the side missions because that game is so long.
04) Favorite race to play as?
Elf. I love dwarves a lot though and if they could do magic they’d easily be the fave. 
05) Favorite class?
Mage. I like healing and not having to get close to enemies. 
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I try to play differently each time and role play hard (ex: certain mage OC’s are only allowed to have skills in certain fields of magic even if it’s inconvenient for me, my traumatized-by-Carver’s-death Hawke who is triggered by seeing ogres can only “hold position” when one appears and I can only fight as the companions because she’s having a panic attack). In Origins I like to put someone different on the throne each time, side with mages once and templars the next, and have companions love/hate me according to my OC’s personality (and not cheat by using the Feast Day gifts). In DA2 I have a different personality Hawke each time and they make varying choices but in the end I have never sided with templars. I think in my 2nd Inquisition playthrough I’ll side with templars though out of curiosity. 
07) Go-to adventuring group?
Always depends on who is the love interest and who are the closest friends of my protagonist. Even if the team comp is terrible. 
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Blue Surana was my first character ever so she’s had the longest time of me adding/subtracting/updating her and her story. That being said I like to think I’ve put a lot of thought into my Mahariel and Amell as well. Out of my Hawkes, Claira is the most developed. 
09) Favorite romance?
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
I've read all the comics and I’ve read “The Calling” and “The Last Flight” I plan to read the other books soon hopefully. 
11) If you read them, which was your favorite book?
I really recommend The Last Flight if you’re a die hard Grey Wardens fan like me. The main character inspired the name for my Mahariel. 
12) Favorite DLCs?
 I genuinely forgot Awakening is DLC since it came with my game but, yeah. I love all the companions in Awakening and I wish it were longer. “The Exiled Prince” is also another fave since I genuinely like Sebastian Vael and he’s a kickass squadmate. 
13) Things that annoy you.
The white-washing, what happened to Orsino, the way Inquisition doesn’t take into account Hawke could have been a blood mage, no healing as an Inquisition mage, the fucking Requisition Officer, the way you can’t be nicer to Sera, no dwarf romances, and how the Inquisitor can’t call Cullen out on certain things (Cassandra too, honestly, though I love her she can be really insensitive to other cultures). That’s just in the games, don’t even get me started on some of the fandom. 
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Frozen Dog Lovers > Snooty Elf Oppressors, any day 
15) Templars or mages?
Mages, no contest.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I have 3 worldstates that I have playthroughs for, and a Multi-Warden AU
Worldstate 1 - Arcane Warrior/Battlemage/Fire Mage, mutual-pining-for-Sten, grey-sexual Blue Surana + Spirit Healer/Ice Mage, Fenris Romance, gay Akono Hawke
Worldstate 2 - Ranger/Assasin Archer, Zevran Romance, straight Isseya Mahariel + Blood Mage/Earth Mage, Sebastian rivalmance, panromantic/ace Henley Hawke
Worldstate 3 - Blood Mage/Spirit Healer/Entropy Mage, Leliana Romance, bisexual Alyss Amell (dies) + Shadow/Dual-Blade Rogue, Anders Romance, bisexual Claira Hawke
Multi-Warden AU: Blue Surana is main warden and recruits the others after Ostagar forming what I call the “Warden Squad”. Most thought-out world, that I have the most writing for but will probably never get around to writing the actual fic. We will see. Also, I need to make some Inquisitors for all these worldstates....they’re planned out I just need to force myself to actually play them. 
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Mabari’s: Rabbit (Blue Surana), Dog (Isseya Mahariel), Teddy (Alyss Amell), Tor (Akono Hawke),  Better Carver “BC” (Henley Hawke), Bear (Claira Hawke). Isseya Mahariel numbers her wolf and bear summons A-# for wolves and B-# for bears. 
18) Have you installed any mods?
I play on xbox so nah, sadly. 
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Blue Surana didn’t want to leave the Circle and Isseya Mahariel didn’t want to give up searching for Tamlen so “no” for both of them, but they both were amazing at it. Alyss Amell, as much as it terrified her to leave to fight things, wanted to be free of Kinloch Hold. 
20) Hawke’s personality?
Akono is almost exclusively Purple though he has rare Blue moments when speaking to Carver or sometimes Fenris. 
Henley is solidly Red except maybe once or twice chose purple banter for talking to her only friend, Varric. 
Claira is the most varied in that she’s split 60-40 between Blue and Red, meaning well and wanting to be all good/peaceful, but having a wild, passionate temper when defending mages and her friends/family. I also headcanon she has the foulest mouth of my Hawkes though she actively tries to stop cursing it’s an unbreakable habit. She’s also a shameless flirt and hits that heart button almost every single time it comes up (I wouldn’t consider her Purple at all though since she isn’t sarcastic and is the type to laugh at jokes rather than make her own).  
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
I made Cole and I matching outfits because I love him ._.
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
This could get long if I listed everyone so, Blue Surana regrets not telling Sten how she felt sooner, though she doubts it would have changed anything. Isseya Mahariel wishes Tamlen could have been found sooner so the Joining could have saved him. 
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
My entire Multi-Warden AU is a big “fuck you” to canon because all those potential wardens deserve to live dammit.
24) Who did you leave in the Fade?
In this house we do not leave Hawkes in the Fade. So, sorry Loghain :(
25) Favorite mount?
I legit forgot I had a mount 90% of the time. At least I got to hear more dialogue I guess. 
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slothssassin · 6 years
Dragon Age Questions
Tagged by @starsandskies, thank you! ♥
Tagging @briarfox13, @liaorban, @katajanokka, @tessa1972 and @nerdierholler.
1. Favorite game of the series? It’s really hard to decide. Whenever I play one of them, I really enjoy it and think it must be my favourite. If I could play only one forever though I’d probably choose Inquisition.
2. How did you discover Dragon Age? I played Mass Effect and was active in the fandom here. So I discovered that a lot of people who loved ME also played (and loved) DA. I already had Origins in my library, so I thought why not give it a try.
3. How many times you’ve played the games? Well, I started DAO once but never finished it. A few months later I started a second time and then played all three games. So DAO (almost) twice, the other ones one time.
4. Favorite race to play as? (Dalish) Elves all the way!
5. Favorite class? Both my Warden and my Hawke are Rogues, but technically I always played the Mages in the team. That’s why I decided that my Inquisitor would be a Mage too, and in the end it’s honestly my favourite class to play.
6. Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time. I mostly make the same decisions again.
7. Go-to adventuring group? DAO: Alistair, Wynne, third one changed, but mostly Sten or Morrigan DA2: Fenris, Anders, Varric DAI: Blackwall, Dorian, Varric, often also Cassandra
8. Which of your characters did you put the most thought into? I’d say my Inquisitor Sellia Lavellan.
9. Favorite romance? Well, Alistair x Warden is really sweet and adorable, but I’m also a big fan of Cullen x Inquisitor. I have to say I enjoyed the cutscenes between them the most.
10. Have you read any of the comics/books? Nope
11. If you read them, which was your favorite book? -
12. Favorite DLCs? Trespasser I think? Or Jaws of Hakkon cause I really liked the Frostback Mountains.
13. Things that annoy you? Uhhhh the combat?? Especially in DAO. I mean I love the games but the combat can get really hard, repetitive and annoying. I was glad my Warden was able to sneak cause I sneaked past a lot of enemies, especially in the Deep Roads. DA2 started with great combat but got boring around Act 2. Inquisition had the best combat for me.
14. Orlais or Ferelden? Ferelden.
15. Templars or Mages? Mages.
16. If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? I only have one character in each game.
17. What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc.) Ashera’s mabari was called “Brutus”, Marlow’s “Atilla”, Sellia has a horse called “Shiral”.
18. Have you installed any mods? Yes quite a lot actually. Most are for the CC. But in DAO I also had the one to skip the Fade, a few to add more content with Alistair. Clothing mods too. I love mods a lot.
19. Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? She didn’t mind. She was up for the adventure, though she didn’t know how dangerous it would be.
20. Hawke’s personality? Between blue and purple.
21. Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition? No, they’re all unique.
22. If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? Ashera lost her father as a child. He tried to save her from a bear. She’d always go back to help him.
Quite similar for Marlow, she’d like to go back to save Carver. And her mother later on.
Sellia would turn back time to go back to the Fade to try and save both Stroud and Hawke.
23. Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? Yes, I headcanon that Alistair stayed a Grey Warden after the Blight, but Anora got assassinated. He was already married to Ashera at that point, but agreed to become the new King if he didn’t have to officially marry anyone else.
24. Are any of your character(s) based on someone? No.
25. Who did you leave in the Fade? I honestly hated that decision. And it was the reason why I made up the headcanon I mentioned earlier. I didn’t want to leave either Alistair or Hawke, so I chose Stroud but felt really bad about it. My Hawke didn’t feel like herself anymore, so I’m still thinking about leaving her instead, which means Alistair could stay a Warden.
26. Favorite mount? The Imperial Warmblood.
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wolgrahas · 6 years
tagged by: @falkreathh thank you!!  sorry for doing this so much later u_u’ tagging: whoever wants to!! (◡‿◡✿) 1. favourite game in the series ok... i don’t know if you already figured it out but my total fave is dao. why? maybe is the nostalgic feelings this game gives me or... i played it so many mcfucking times that i just get this hollow feeling inside my chest when i haven’t played it for weeks... idk. the trespasser dlc was spectacular too and gave my lavellan a lot of personality (what i thought the dai base game lacked, bc it made me feel like my inquisitor was an empty shell with no personality, solas’ romance save the dai base game to me tbqh). but... you can create such complex personalities in dao for your warden, and the relationships are so so realistic. i think (dao) is neat lmao. 
2. how did you discover dragon age? before being a dragon age fan i was a dark souls fan; i breath dark souls, i read dark souls, i ate dark souls, i was quite obsessed with dark souls, and before dark souls i was an obsessed skyrim fan (oNLY SKYRIM, not the previous games ashdgjasdgh) and with skyrim that was the first time i made video game oc's, like... they had such complex personalities and i cannot make complex character now... aNYWAY i'm getting carried away: i knew dragon age bc dai was being lunched and ALL the people i followed reblogged stuff about dai, and then i bought dao and loved it!! 
3. how many times have you played the games? hfgsdjfhsjfshd fffUCKKKK SHITT... alright... many mANY TIMES, but how many times i haven't finished my game?? countless times!! i think i finished fINISHED dao maybe... pls don't laugh at me... 10+ times. yes they are so so so many times, shame on me! shame on my cow! blah blah, but i lOVE dao. da2 maybe.... 3-4 times? and dai 6 times?? it's funny bc i played dao and da2 in many different ways but dai... m8, always the same, fuck you solas sdhfjdshjsdf 4. favourite race to play? qUNARIIIII!!! i lOVE tieflings so.. i obviously love the qunari too, but in the dai the first race i chose was qunari but then i talked to solas and i was like... bITCHHHHH i'm gonna create an elf to romance this egg, and then... my canon inky became an elf lol. and last favourite race are humans... ok don't hate me, it's not bc they are """boring""" or shit like that, it's bc they are the upper-class of thedas and i LOVE the "from zero to hero" trope... so... yeah agfshsdfhj 5. favourite class? mages!! bc i love the lore behind this class, it's fantastic, precisely blood magic. but if i didn't care about this, i would choose archer, tho in the first games it sucked but in dai is pretty cool :^) 6. do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? as i've said before i have made many different decisions in dao and da2 but in dai are always the same lol 7. go-to adventuring group? origins: alistair/sten, morrigan, zev/leliana da2: aveline, anders, isabela/varric dai: solas, cassandra, cole/sera 8. which of your characters did you put the most thought into? i think prim/anika??(they're the same but one is a human and the other an elf lmaoo), she was my first da oc, and obviously the one i put most thought into bc i uSED to have a lot of creativity some years ago, what a pity my brain is useless now lmao 9. favourite romance? pfffff... solas, alistair, leli and cass!! i think?? idk i gotta play again dai bc i'm not sure :/ 10. have you read any of the comics/books? i've read aLL the books but not the comics :/, i want to read the comics but idk where i could read them online and free (sorry i'm poor lol), so... mi gozo en un pozo lmao 11. if you read them, which was your favourite book? my fav book was "the masked empire"!! patrick weekes is a good writer and i loved the orlesian politics, and i adored seeing these characters in dai! (tho briala was whitewashed lmao) 12. favourite DLCs? obviously: awakening and trespasser. these two dlc's were mcfUCKING AMAZING. i mean, with dao i expected the same quality of the base game, but trespasser was such an excelent and good experience, it gave a lot of insight to our inquisitors and also: sOOULASSSSS, so yep! i mainly lOVED trespasser and i hope weekes guides the team to make a game at least as good as this dlc! (tho, if ea is a greedy bintch this time [as always lol] it doesn't matter how many times the bioware time tries, ea will force them to do a shitty game :/) 13. things that annoy you how viv, anders and sera are written, i mean, i loved anders the first time i played da2 but his personality is obviously written to annoy the fuck outta you, tho i loved how he expressed his ideals freely (tho sometimes he even seemed too traidtional to me about topics like blood magic :/), but sera and viv were a lil harder to befriend and like, and i still don't like much viv, but i love her as a character, y'kno 14. orlais or ferelden? tbh, if i gotta live in one of those two places i would choose ferelden by fAR. but, now, if we're talking about which is more interesting; orlais. 15. templars or mages? like @/blckwall said: all templars are bastards :). i would love if thedas had independent magic schools, that there were no higher representatives or charges, that every village or city had its own magic school, and the crown would be the responsable of manage its needs. i haven't thought much about this so my thoughts are quite vague :/ 16. if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? they're from different universes, tho i'd love the idea of all of them being in the same universe, but some worlds states are incompatible with others. 17. what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc) in dao: barkspawn (i'm extremelly predictable, sorry u_u') 18. have you installed any mods? all my dragon age games are modded as fUCK. i mean, i think dao is the most heavy modded game i have?? (mainly bc i cannot install many mods in skyrim lol) but when i have my gaming computer again i will mod the shit out of dai >:) 19. did your warden want to become a grey warden? prim had been working in the circle her entire live to be in the higher ranks, and then she saw how all her work was lost made her really conflicted: she didn't wanted to leave bc she yearned to be more powerful and make the circle a better place for mages (yep, she's deeply anti-circle bc of her traumatic past), and she was going to die if she refused duncan's offer. even so, she was never sorry for supporting jowan. and, she became the king of ferelden's mistress; she loved him obv, but she could also take some advantage of his power to make the mages and marginalize people's situation better, and gain fortune by that; alistair was well aware about her plans by prim's words herself, but he never objected. altho the main cause prim made alistair king is bc she wanted him to have a good life and not waste it as a grey warden, so... anyway, i got acrried away... this is long af ghdjsdgf 20. hawke’s personality? red mostly, tho he used to be purple/red in the first and begining of the second act :/ 21. did you make matching armor for your companions in inquisition? yes i did!! i lOVED to be fashionable in dragon age instyle!! 22. if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? prim : she would have tried to convince jowan and wait some months until she could convince him. also: sometimes she wishes she didn't make alistair king, mostly bc of her daughter (her daughter is the only heir to the throne of ferelden, and basically she doesn't even know that prim is her real mother, mostly bc anora adopted her bc alistair and she couldn't have children), sometimes, in her alone saddest times, thinks how things would have been if alistair was still a grey warden, they would have a happy family and wouldn't even had to hide inofensive stuff like a cheek kiss. but anyway, her duties as a grey warden are more important and doesn't have time to think about it. garrett hawke: he regrets not defending carver, he would have prefered to sacrifice himself instead of any of his siblings. he also regrets going to the deep roads with bethany, letting the grey wardens make her one of them (obv he doesn't know that if he didn't she would have joined the circle lmao). and obv her mother's death... if he had been there, with her mother, he could have done something... :'/ maia: she regrets not being strong enough when that shem tried to hurt her when she was a litte girl, that made her mother kill him to save her bc she was too defenseless, she should have been stronger, that caused her mother and she part ways, because now maia's mother was a criminal and she had more proabilities of getting caught, so maia should go on her way and find the next village, but she found the lavellan clan. she deeply regrets not going after her mother. she also think she was too stupid to not found out the true identity of solas and try to convince him that this world has meaning :'/ 23. do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? mmmm... no? :/, i like my decisions to have consequences?? 24. are any of your characters based on someone? sahgdashsd pls don't make fun of me but in the first stage of prim's/anika's 'personality creation' was inspired by mother gothel, then she was inspired by...... mikasa ackerman dsfgdjsdf, i'm still inspired by that character tHO i know that shingeki no kyojin is nazi propaganda and i no longer watch that anime lmao. maia is inspired by... a mix of me and rapunzel (from tangled)?? she's basically a shy rapunzel :') 25. who did you leave in the fade? some of you will hate me bc i had to choose between hawke and stroud but i still chose hawke dsfgsdf. m8, hawke is just a 'figure' who isn't widely recognized in thedas, while the grey warden are 394789x more useful, idk i always put myself in the shoes of my characters even if their decisions hurt me (tho, tbqh, i'm not tHAT attached to hawke so this choice was easy lol) 26. favourite mount? royal sixteen!! she's so pretty!! ♡♡♡ thanks for tagging me!! ♡♡
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orgroarts · 6 years
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Woop woop Wynne is a granny and everyone loves her (even Sten)  -The original idea is from an Undertale-fan-comic I unfortunately can’t trace back, just so you know. I couldn’t get this out of my head. Kudos to the original creator though-  Also Sten has a cookie on the O’s of his sweater
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An Adoribull Addict's Story (Dragon Age Comic)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PUbjg0
by Nessa_T
Dorian and Bull's friendship told in comic format. You can expect to see cameos from other DA characters / babies as well. :3
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age II
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Arishok, Dragon, Sten, Cullen, Iron Bull, Dorian Pavus
Relationships: Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus
Additional Tags: Fan Comics, Fanart, Dragon Age Fan Comic, Dragon Age Art, Adoribull - Freeform, Comic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PUbjg0
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simonjadis · 7 years
those of you who know me know that Dragon Age is my #1 hyperfixation
I’m aware of the DA4 “leaks” which may be real-yet-outdated but may also be someone’s ploy for attention by describing a plausible-sounding guess
unrelated to that, I’ve been wanting to do a “will this person show up” list and just talk about how likely certain companions and other popular characters are to make an appearance in DA4 and future games
I’m not going to try to guess what writers have planned, here; just which characters are and are not available
Alistair Theirin: can be dead, can be king, can have been stranded in the Fade; with this number of variables, I doubt that we will see Alistair in DA4 unless the Hawke/Alistair/Stroud/Loghain character appears and you have Alistair in that slot. you can likely expect for codexes or even dialogue to mention him if he’s king or died a hero. it’s likely that Alistair’s story has been told, so to speak [tl;dr probably not]
Morrigan: Morrigan is always alive and is a free agent and has possibly even been empowered with some portion of Flemeth’s power and perhaps even some of what Flemeth removed from Kieran, though that is speculation on my part; whether or not she drank from the Well, Morrigan could easily appear [tl;dr available]
Zevran: in worldstates where the Warden killed him instead of recruiting him or in worldstates where he betrayed the Warden to Taliesen in Denerim, Zevran is dead. iirc, Hawke has the option of turning Zevran over to the Crows in Kirkwall, though Zev could escape that. I would say that he will probably not appear in DA4, though there is a chance that popular demand (and the fact that he’s the only Origins romance who didn’t show up in Inquisition) could give him an appearance. He’s been tearing down the Crows. [tl;dr probably not, barring popular demand]
Leliana: she’s alive and an important fixture in canon, but since probably more than half of all worldstates (that’s a guess) have her as Divine Victoria, I wouldn’t expect to see her unless we meet the Divine. In fact, I’d say that chances are reasonably good that all three candidates for Divine are now retired from the game, though since Cassandra might lead the Seekers and Vivienne might lead the new Circle, they could show up. still, I feel like Leliana’s story has been told. [tl;dr probably not]
Wynne: she’s dead, jim [tl;dr not available]
Shale: Shale is wonderful, though a DLC companion and also potentially having been slain if brought to face Caridin by a Warden who sided with Bronca . . . but otherwise very likely still alive and active and, in the default worldstate of the novels, Shale was part of the initial Mage Rebellion at the White Spire. Shale’s one avenue for death could easily be written out [tl;dr available]
Sten: Sten could be dead (left to rot or if he tries to kill your Warden) but, if he didn’t die, he’s no longer Sten but now the Arishok. His chances of appearing in a future game are fairly high, though some worldstates might have a Stroud-like substitute as Arishok. [lt;dr available]
Oghren: the yosemite sam of Thedas is probably alive but I don’t expect to see him again and honestly I was shocked that he had enough fans that he came back in Awakening [tl;dr probably not]
Dog: the Warden’s mabari (whom my Surana named “Jowan”) is . . . well, old. We might see a descendant of the Warden’s dog, as it is canon that your mabari was personally involved in replenishing the Fereldan mabari population
Anders: an extremely well loved and also extremely reviled character; quite possibly the most controversial figure in the Dragon Age franchise (yes, more so than Loghain or Solas or Morrigan) who could potentially be dead in half of the playthroughs . . . no. we’re not seeing blondie again. [tl;dr not available]
Isabela: worst case scenario, Isabela was given to the Qunari at the end of Act II of DA2, presumably by the Worst Possible Hawke. that horrible fate could easily be written away, such as with an escape. they even put her in the DAI multiplayer. it would be hard to picture a game featuring naval forces or pirates where she isn’t at least a questgiver or something [tl;dr available]
Fenris: could be dead (if he sides with Meredith against Hawke and won’t switch back), could be traded away to Danarius by an absolute monster of a Hawke. though all signs point to Tevinter for the next location in the game, writers may feel like Fenris’ story has been told or that there are too many versions of him. [tl;dr maybe but probably not]
Merrill: sweet and beautiful and clever, Merrill seems like she’ll be getting increasingly relevant thanks to certain events shown in Trespasser, though I doubt that she’d be on board. That said, because she’s a potential romance for Hawke, and because she tends to not be pro-Annulment and thus can die fighting to protect mages from the slaughter, she’s not always alive or available. [tl;dr available but not likely]
Aveline: Aveline is busy being the main character on Law & Order: Kirkwall, thanks [tl;dr probably not]
Varric: spoiler alert but he’s the Viscount of Kirkwall so he’s very unlikely to show up as more than a cameo [ tl;dr probably not]
Carver/Bethany: the fact that I am writing about them both at once, because they are mutually exclusive characters, should tell you -- too many variables. either can be alive. either can be a Warden or a Circle Mage/Templar. [ tl;dr probably not]
Sebastian: hot but probably the least popular DA2 companion; he’s the Prince of Starkhaven and shows up in the comics but as a DLC companion, plenty of people never even met him also, he has a city to run. [ tl;dr probably not]
Dragon Age Inquisition
Cassandra: as I mentioned about Leliana, Cassandra may be Divine and therefore I feel that it’s unlikely that we’ll see her unless we happen to see the Divine or maybe unless we encounter the Seekers. [ tl;dr probably not]
Varric: as I said, he’s busy Viscounting in Kirkwall and can’t come to the phone right now [tl;dr probably not]
Solas: well he’s sure as frick not gonna be a companion again but I 100% expect to see him again [tl;dr available]
Iron Bull: he’s wonderful but potentially killable if your Inquisitor makes bad choices, so between that and the fact that his story feels like it’s been told -- despite his storytelling potential in Northern Thedas -- I’m gonna lean towards “no” [tl;dr probably not]
Krem: not a companion but relevant: Krem is killable if your Inquisitor makes the same bad choice that cost Bull his life; that said, Krem is overwhelmingly popular. the devs would have to balance out the popularity of letting us see our precious son again vs the uproar over retconning his death. considering that they refuse to let us see the Warden again because some people give Morrigan the finger instead of doing the sensible thing in Origins, I sadly don’t think that we’ll get to see our handsome boy [tl;dr probably not]
Sera: unless I’m totally missing something, the worst that you can do for Sera is not recuit her or kick her out of the Inquisition, which would be a shame because she’s a (chaotic) treasure. honestly if you avoid talking politics with her she’s darling, and perhaps the most enjoyable romance in the franchise (even if you’re not into women!), so while I don’t really expect to see her again, she’s definitely around, right? [ tl;dr available]
Vivienne: again, she could potentially be busy being the Fantasy Pope and, if not, she’s leading the new Circle [ tl;dr probably not]
Blackwall: his story is told and he’s already old af and some versions of him didn’t exactly get their happy ending, so I would be shocked if we saw him again [ tl;dr probably not]
Cole: our precious ghost son! this sweet, good boy has too many variables and may have even returned to the Fade, so [ tl;dr probably not]
Dorian Pavus: there is a very strong chance, in my estimation, that we’ll see Dorian again. not only was he a popular character (even with the Hets) and a beloved romance for many, but his story is tied to Tevinter. his variables, like his relationship with his father and whether or not he’s in love with the Inquisitor, can be handled via a few dialogue items and and are unlikely to make his character burdensome for the writers or the people doing cutscenes. [tl;dr available]
Cullen: he’s been in three games despite starting off as a one-off NPC and he was a romance in Inquisition; we are unlikely to see him again in game except perhaps to deliver a quick cameo line where appropriate somewhere in Southern Thedas [ tl;dr probably not]
Josephine: despite being only an advisor, I feel like Josephine’s odds of returning aren’t low. she’s young and she’s a master of the Game and she’s supposed to take over House Montilyet, an Antivan House. unlike Leliana and Cassandra, she’s not part of the Chantry. her only real variable is whether or not she’s hooking up with the Inquisitor, which is no obstacle (as with Dorian, dealt with in a few lines about a long-distance relationship). [tl;dr available]
anyway, those are my guesses
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