EQ:What determines an effective career plan?
The individual has preconceived notions about career. These may have been formed by the people significant to him: parents, relatives, teachers, and friends. At other times they may been caused by certain desires, motives, or ambitions. These notions may all be true. They may also be false or irrelevant. 
Clarifying ideas about career can be done well ahead. The individual can and must be made to realize how he will fit into the real world of work with all the baggage of expectations and ambitions he brings with him. Much like the traveler who is off to a distant land, he must have realistic expectations of where he is going to be able to make necessary preparations for the trip and his stay there.
Sound decision in choosing a career can be made when the individual has adequate knowledge of the different aspects of the particular career path he is interested in. Necessary information because the career he chooses will determine his future life style. When it comes to navigating your career, each of you has a choice to make: settle for what comes your way and make the best of it or reach for the stars and tackle every obstacle that stands in your way. I know that sounds like a very “black and white” decision, but, when it comes to this particularly thorny question, I do believe you ultimately do have to choose. There simply is no “middle of the road” answer that works, in my experience.
While it’s clearly a tough and very personal decision that nobody should deprive you of, knowing what to expect from each of the two paths might make your decision and maybe even your journey a little easier and perhaps more successful. Since I decided long ago that the path of least resistance was not for me, I can’t tell you much about that. But I can tell you everything you want to know about the road less travelled – the one full of possibilities and pitfalls, opportunities and obstacles, and dreams that at least have the possibility of coming true.
Once you accept that competition is just life’s way of weeding out the weak, you eventually figure out that confronting challenges head on and with a can-do attitude will lead to positive results. And that in turn leads to the conclusion that you’re at your best because of life’s challenges, not in spite of them. From there it’s just a short step to the realization that you should constantly challenge yourself, so that’s what I’ve always done. I never settled for less than I thought I could achieve. That kept my professional growth and career trajectory moving up and to the right.
Lastly, it should come as no surprise that doing what genuinely interests and excites you will probably lead to the best outcome. Our lives are constantly in flux. Events change our perception and our perspective changes with experience. It’s only natural that our personal and professional goals and interests would also evolve over time.
So don’t feel pressured to find that “one thing” or do it until the end of time.Life is long and your career is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t hesitate to pivot and change direction as needed. It’s important to think about what you like to do, because work will eventually be a big part of your life. The whole purpose of thinking about careers is so that when you go to the workforce, you wake up in the morning and look forward to going to work. 
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lrk-spr-blog · 8 years
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(Note: Aileen’s spouse and child/children are interchange with Annabelle’s, since Aileen is the older on than Annabelle. Some of the boxes don’t have necessary information since my mom forgot info about them pips.)
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patrick-james · 8 years
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A true Christian Filipino is spirit-oriented. We Christian Filipinos believe in the spiritual things especially the miracles of Jesus when we thought the impossible is really impossible but Jesus changed that way because anything is possible with Jesus’ miracles especially the 5 loaves and 2 fishes to feed the 5000
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primpotato-blog · 8 years
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Emotional Management
               There are a lot of ways to handle one’s emotions, however not all of these ways are effective to all (or everyone) of us. Because each of these techniques’ effectiveness may vary on the given situation and how a certain person perceives each way. For me, these are the ways which are effective when I am handling with my own emotions.
1.       Try understanding yourself.
-          Because who else will, right? Firstly if you don’t recognize what you’re feeling then you will not be able to share it with other people who may understand you and can possibly help you. It is a great way in order for us to release the burden in our chest. It is also a great way to connect with other people who understand.
2.       Keep your cool
-          It is the best way in dealing with your emotion because how on earth are you going to solve what you are feeling if you don’t know how to calm yourself down. Instead of solving it, it may worsen the current situation since you are not able to completely control yourself. There are also tendencies that you make foolish decisions because you are swallowed by your own emotion. There’s also a saying that “don’t make any decision when you are angry or too happy because you’ll eventually regret it after” because I believe that when you are on top of your emotion, you don’t thoroughly think about your decisions anymore, you only tend to utter the words without proper comprehension. Whoa
3.       Talk to someone.
-          This way can be extremely difficult to do because you are not sure if you are to be judged by the person you are opening up. You really have to talk to the right person or else you will feel worse than before, because sometimes they can utter words that are extremely insensitive at some point. If you are able to find that one person, treasure them and never take them for granted.
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photo source(s):  Google Images
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pizzamentality-blog · 8 years
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thejosephjames-blog · 8 years
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“The Emotion Challenge”
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denisecaballo-blog · 8 years
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scpantillo-blog · 8 years
Dear Kuya Geyv,
I feel lost. I feel lost from my own self. I was once this motivated and happy kid. And now I feel tired. I just don’t care about anything anymore. In school, I no longer find happiness in doing work. I do it because I have to. I sometimes feel that everything that’s asked of me to do is suffocating. I’m sick of the same routine. I may have become uniterested as well on almost everything. I’m tired. I’m stressed out. Please help. ————————————— Dearest Geyv,
I know you and you’re right. You are happy and eager. I have seen you grow and also, I quite agree on what you expressed. Seeing you change also made me question what happened to you.
Let’s try to go back. Let’s retrospect. What kept you motivated before and did this motivation made you happy? Remember that we motivate ourselves from things that accompany us like our friends to help us achieve our goals. Maybe what you are after right now is the reward in the end. Stop focusing about rewards. Sometimes, the most rewarding things are not those that are found in the end, but along the way of the getting those targets. I am sensing you feel so pressured about getting those credits at the end of high school. It’s okay and there’s nothing wrong about it. But if this goal of yours disrupts your happiness and corrupts your character, then this isn’t healthy anymore. You might become separated or detached from the true you. We achieve our goals genuinely by struggling, but with sincere acceptance and compassion. I don’t know what it holds in the end to do and have something that was made out of force. Let things flow naturally and come in your way, and always take control.
You mentioned you’re stressed out right. Maybe because you have been trying to perfect everything. I know you always want perfection. But remember these lines from Seth Godin, “Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.” Nothing’s wrong with aiming for perfection becuase this only shows for your commitment or dedication on your work. However, too much of it is not also healthy as this causes you to think too much and leads to stress. Then you said you become uninterested. This is a negative side effect of stress. Because of your brain being drained and strained, you can no longer apprecaite things and deny its purpose.
Maybe what you’re experiencing is just part of you growing up. Your period is the most vulnerable I guess because of the several changes and challenges along the way. Just keep in mind that these challenges are not for you to be toppled but for you to be grounded in life. Later on the learnings you have will help you grow and become mature. I’m so glad you wrote me this letter. This only shows that you are aware of yourself and this is a sign of your development for you have tried to assess how you are as a person. I know you Geyv. I have faith in you. You can overcome this current conditions. Remember that life has more to offer so keep sailing. Thank you for trusting me as well. I hope this helps.
Love, Kuya Geyv
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Sharing it with friends Having a great and true friends are like gems because they are worth to be treasured and to be cared. This way is what we often use to manage emotion. Especially if there is a person that you treat as a ‘diary person’ or ‘walking diary’. You share every emotion that you feel.
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roeeendanieeel-blog · 8 years
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The Genogram 
Each of us have difficulties in life, that is absolutely true. But with a friend who can support you through your hardships in life, then you’ll make it.
A family is what makes you happy. It is the one who makes you look good, do good and eat good. 
Your family will support you no matter what. And in the future, you’ll be shifting roles. You’ll be the one to take good care of your family, the old family and the new. 
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EQ:What determines an effective career plan?
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life.  It's about so much more than deciding what you will do to make a living. To start with, think about the amount of time we spend at work. We are on the job approximately 71% of every year. Over our lifetimes, this comes to roughly 31½ years out of the 45 years most of us spend working, from the beginning of our careers until retirement.
The importance of selecting a career with which we are satisfied cannot be overemphasized. While some people are lucky enough to just know what they want to do and end up in satisfying careers without giving it much thought, most of us are not. Many people don't put enough effort into choosing occupations or pick them for the wrong reasons. Maybe they choose careers that seem secure or pay well. They then end up unhappy.
The best way to make sure that doesn't happen to you is to make a well-thought out decision- smart choices. And the worst thing you can do is choose a career to please someone else. Don’t pass-up opportunities to learn and experience new things. Many teachers offer or assign summer and supplemental reading lists — look at these as opportunities for growth rather than a drag on your summer. The more you read, the more you’ll know. It’s a cliche, but knowledge is power.
Bob Parsons - founder and CEO of GoDaddy.com. He had a blog posting one time where he spoke about what he overcame in the pursuit of his dreams. I learned he definitely wasn't an overnight success and experienced a lot of failure on the way. But, he kept his vision in his mind at all times and said, "I spent very little time looking back or feeling sorry for myself."
Another awesome quote from the blog posting was, "Quitting is easy. The easiest thing to do in the world is to quit and give up on your dreams (and quite frankly, that’s what all the non-risk takers want you to do)." Thus, among the goals an individual sets, he is bound to achieve only to those most important and meaningful to them.
High school is a real transition time for teens, as you move into adulthood and the more adult issues of work, careers, and college. It should be a time of growth as well as a time of challenge. Thus, making smart choices while you keep on moving forward will be your stamina whatever comes your way. Have fun, but get the best education you can so that you are positioned to take advantage of further educational opportunities… and no matter where you go after high school, never stop learning and growing.
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lrk-spr-blog · 8 years
Dear Kuya Man,
First impression was like maldito(HAHAHAHHA), then I realized that you were approachable and friendly. For the following days training with you, thank you for teaching what you have experienced because I knew that you played volleyball much longer than I have. It was explicit. Through time we manage to get close and personal(heh), shared our experiences, improve and hone our skills, and be joyful to each other’s presence. Laughing when with you. 
Just wanna say thank you for all time that nagkuyog tas padung training, sa recess time, ug uban pa. Bisan wa jd koi confidence atong panahon pero ni tabangan jd ko timo. Lamat jd kaau bai. Hope na sa mga kalisud nimo dira sa imong lyfe, ma kaya nimo kai kabalo man ko na ma kaya jd nimo, libero to starting setter makaya nimo, setting drills, gen.math ug uban pa. Ni kaya nimo ug ni tabangan pd ko nimo physically and mentally the moment nagkaila ta. Your a hardworking person as it seems and I admire your aspiration and passion in your craft. 
Ana lng dayun, hope that in life you will find a better meaning and chance to find yourself and what you do in life. Thank you and God Bless.
                                                                                            Your friend,
Salamat Lark, wa ko ga expect na in ana ka ka supportive sa ako a(heh), salamat sa imong message nimo para sa ako a ug I really appreciate it. Thanks for being there where I need your support, ‘cause sometimes I feel that I’m not good enough but you, you stayed and stand there, cheering for me that I could do it and that I should never give up. Showing me that I should not give up in what I love. The HARDER the STRUGGLE, the GREATER the TRIUMPH.
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loudlylazytale · 8 years
         I am a student , you know I got a bad habit/behavior such as being a lazy type of person, getting nervous always when doing some reporting task & it cause me some stress, and I m lack of confidence. This stuff always distract me doing some good stuff and it will not bring me a better future. I suffer a lot because of this bad habit/behavior of mine. would you mind can you give me some good advices?
                                                                                 From your friend:Alcor
Dear, Alcor
      I too have that kind of behavior but don’t mind it because you are still a student and its normal for you to feel or to behave like that, all us do that. Dont worry its part of our life and that’s our challenge we need to accomplish and try to gather some courage to overcome that and dont worry if you failed its normal and its also mean you have some space for you to grow stronger. Just take your time and overcome you challenges. :D 
                                                                             From your friend: Niño
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primpotato-blog · 8 years
Dear Kuya Jaja,                
               I honestly don’t know what I am going to do with myself. I was once a hyper and motivated kid, I procrastinate less and every work that I do feels like I am not working, because I am enjoying it. Today, it seems like I am not interested in doing serious works anymore, I procrastinate a lot and it is seriously affecting me, it stresses me out. Yes, I sometimes say that “I work best under pressure” but I know that I can’t do it again and again forever, I need to be responsible, but my motivation is not that high that gives me boost of energy that will help me do my work and be able to cope up with this sad reality. There are also nights that I question myself, “am I really enough?” because it feels like everything that I do is not enough and it needs improvement, I will never be as confident as I am before. I also feel like that everything that I do has no value and is not that important. I really don’t know what to do and how on earth am I going to get through this when I can’t control my mind from thinking this kind of stuff? How am I going to do this when the people around me is also a part(or an influence) of why I am like this right now. But I guess it’s just normal “not to be sad” in this adolescent, right? Because that’s how everybody thinks nowadays. If there’s anything that I can do to solve this torture, please tell me how. Thank you, Kuya jaja.
Sincerely, SJ
Dearest SJ, 
                People tell you not to be sad because there are also other people who are suffering worse than you and they are not even sad right? That’s foolishness my dear! Because that’s the most inconsiderate thing that I have ever heard. Telling people not to be sad because that’s normal and everybody else has deeper problem than you have. It’s like you are so insensitive to how that person feels, honestly when you tell that to a certain person, you are lowering their self esteem. 
You need to be re-focus your priorities since procrastination and losing your motivation is when you get your priorities mixed up. Perhaps, maybe you always had your motivation, but you haven't payed attention to it that much that causes you to think that way. I'm not blaming you nor pin the blame on you, you just have to go back to square one, and re-asses and evaluate yourself again, ask these questions: "when did it start?" It's not too late to change the ways that you have right now, instead this is the turning point. Never lose hope SJ, remember it's a long road ahead, but it's better when you're together with people that motivates you, there maybe people who keeps on bringing you down but don't mind them. Instead, prove it to the people that have trusted you  since day 1, instead of those people who haven't. Don't be too hard on yourself, do it step by step, dear. Most people have failed on an epic scale, but they reached a goal that they have least expected. These are the people who wanted to reach out their message, that the pain and suffering that you are experiencing right now is nothing compared to the success that you'll have if you just learn to accept your vulnerabilities rather than ignoring it. Accept it, and you may be able to know yourself more and deal with it more accordingly.
Love, Kuya Jaja
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thejosephjames-blog · 8 years
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“Lead and Follow”
What makes one a good leader? 
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denisecaballo-blog · 8 years
The first time I lay my eyes on you was the first time I had wished for something that I know is impossible to happen. But then.....it happened. 
The kind of love that I have been looking for ever since i was a kid. I thank the heavens that fate have tricked me so much and that is when I met you accidentally on the coffee shop. My wishes before became true the moment you flashed that smile on your face. It gave me that tingling feeling inside me that triggers me to fall more on you. 
I didn’t expect things to happen as I wished before. That you would hold my hand every time we’ll cross the street coz you’re scared I might get to an accident because I don’t know how to cross. You would play with my hand and thumb, not because you liked it, but because like what your mom said, it’s a mannerism of her showing her love to a person, that’s why you do that, because you’re showing me how you love me. 
A kind of love that I had been seeking before. Where you will always look after me even if we’re far from each other. Call me every morning and every night just so you could make sure that I am fine. When I am sad or when I am not in the mood to talk to everyone, you would just stay by my side and wait for me to call your name. You make me feel so important above every one.
You would always ask me to go to church and pray for the blessings that He gave to us. You never left me when I am in my darkest time, instead, you stayed and you keep on reminding me that everything will be alright so I better not do things that I will regret soon. When I lost my hope for everything, you were there to hold me tight and embrace me. 
We would fight on petty things but still, at the end of the day, we would both apologize to each other. You are there to hear my resentment. You are there watching me in my agony. You were there to calm me after the storm I had made and will brush my back while hugging me, saying sweet nothings. 
A kind of love that I grieve. A kind of love where I can no longer feel.... because I pushed you... and now the things that I had wished you did while you were still with me...you did it to another person. The person who I have known longer than you did. 
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