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Mononoke 物怪/怪化猫, a Japanese animated series, a continuation of last episode of Ayakashi, following a medicine vendor encountering supernatural spirits. (
Watched last autumn, stumbled onto this screenshot while cleaning my files. Love the visual style of contrast in graphical lines and texture, unconventional colours, fluid perspectives, these drawn me in.
The theme also so intriguing - “妖怪的形成,是由人类的种种因缘引起的;要想拔出退魔之剑,就必须要凑齐“形、真、理”。“形”即由人的因缘所引起的妖怪的形态;“真”即事件的真相;“理”即当事人心里真实的想法。” The mononoke affecting the human were formed due to interactions among things and karma sowed from human. To naturalize the energy’s negative affect, the sword must be unsheathed with all three conditions: finding out and learn about the spirit's shape (Katachi), truth (Makoto) and reasoning (Kotowari).
On the surface it is human centred, some characters were deeply troubled by the spirit and sought help from the medicine vendor who carries the sword. However, the medicine vendor understands that the negative energy isn’t born out of nowhere, the trouble always started with hidden story, an assemblage of interactions that entangled to form the spirit. The troubled characters thought they were central, and kept being chased by evil spirit; to me in the eye of medicine vendor, the spirits aren’t evil in the first place, but born out of forces of what happened among a network of people, objects, and places. I found it an excellent visual example to think about Bruno Latour’s Actor Network Theory.
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Performing with projection and participants...May 2018, CSM Art Degree Show
The artist asked visitors to hold green sheets to catch some projection.
The images changed, so did the soundscape; the artist performed between participants and his networked sound system on the floor. Once in a while he comes back to instruct the participants to hold the sheets differently.
In simple action of holding the sheets, the participants become more active in a cluster of small group - wondering the meaning of the action, perhaps in relation to the work, they looked at each other and smiled...
A belated reflection, I forgot to note the artist’s name, it was in room C303.
Installation & performance by BA Fine Art XD pathway graduate
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Heidi Bucher at Parasol Unit
[place holder to come back & write]
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Didn’t get to go, but love the feel of the painting in the banner.
[place holder: find out artist]
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Vanita Series, Michael Porter.
I still like this series of paintings, with larger areas of watery marks and small bits of detailed, delicate and figurative honing in.
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In Doig’s paintings I sense the liveliness of non-human agents. In this cover image for example, the yellow fire hydrants remind me of the photos of different fire hydrants I took pictures of and collected. Earlier in the year, in an idea of performance I was also thinking of fire hydrants within scenes of performance.
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Preparing ink drawing on long scroll for Cosmic Perspective exhibition.
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Based on an TrailCatcher image, I started an A3 size hard ground etching piece...
I intended to be ambitious with the scale. The image fascinated me with the complexity, together with how the intricate marks land and cover the whole surface. Initially I wondered why many etching pieces were small...but as I begun I realized it’s both costly for the metal and effort to make detailed marks on the piece. It will take long to finish, just as the process it took to obtain the image, taking time, slowly, for the marks to accumulate.
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helium balloon / kite / inflatable route?
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