#stellar firma anniversary prompt month
gronkelart · 2 years
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Eight month old clone who has no idea what they’re doing proceeds to fuck your shit up.
This New Blood is Warm is the fourth installment of the Stellar Firma gritty reboot. See the previous installment here.
Shoutouts to metal songs for having good lines in them. Change one word, and you’ve got a title baybee.
Drawn for the Stellar Firma Anniversary Prompt Month.
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Hello and welcome to the inaugural Stellar Firma Anniversary Prompt Month!
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Remember the finale? Remember how it was almost a year ago? Well, we do! And we’re here to run a prompt event to celebrate the ending of our favourite show. Over the month leading up to the anniversary of episode 76, we’ll be posting prompts relating to various aspects of Stellar Firma, with each week’s prompts grouped around a specific theme (which you can find below).
You can create a work for all prompts, or whichever individual ones take your fancy! There are no mandatory requirements for this event, or even a requirement to sign up at all. This is entirely on your own terms: you can create whatever you want, whenever you want. You don’t even have to post your works during the week that it’s related to! So long as it’s inspired by a prompt for this event (and tagged using the guidelines outlined below!), we’ll reblog it on our official tumblr @stellarfirmafanevents and include it in the AO3 Collection if you choose to publish there.
Please read more for the rest of the guidelines!
Every week, starting from 25/4/22 until 23/5/22 (the finale anniversary), we’ll post a group of prompts in the following format, which will be inspired by a specific theme featuring in Stellar Firma. Here’s an example:
     Pre-Canon — Clones / Home and Schooldays / Earth
So! What does this mean? Well, we’re looking at several prompts surrounding the theme ‘what was’. To help with this very broad theme, we’ve included several starting points: the slightly less-broad ‘pre-canon’, and then three specific prompts branching from that.
Well, what could I create from this? I could make a work (fic, art, audio cut, etc. The medium is your choice!) focusing on the fall of Earth, I could make something about Trexel and Bathin’s relationship at school! More widely (focusing on the ‘pre-canon’ prompt), I could create a work looking at Hartro’s fight to become Line Manager. Zooming even further out, I could even examine the nature of impermanence and capitalism when looked at through the lens of Stellar Firma using a 5k essay.
Or I could doodle some clones.
It’s up to you!
There isn’t even a requirement to make this work during Week 1! You could wait until the anniversary itself to post this work, or create Week 5 works in Week 2. If it’s in some way related to Stellar Firma and these prompts, it’s great.
WEEK 1: WHAT WAS (25/4/22)
   Pre-Canon — Clones / Home and Schooldays / Earth 
WEEK 2: WHAT'S GIVEN (2/5/22)
   Season 1 — Allies and Enemies / Planet Design / Stellar Firma Inc. 
WEEK 3: WHAT'S TAKEN (9/5/22)
   Season 2 — Clients and Complainers / Sales and Expediting / The Vents 
WEEK 4: WHAT'S WANTED (16/5/22)
   Season 3 — Resistance and the Board / Management Consultation / David's Place 
WEEK 5: WHAT'S CHOSEN (23/5/22)
   Post-Canon — Humanity / The Escape Pod / Galactonium
There is an AO3 collection! If you upload your work(s) to AO3, you can add it to the collection and one of our delightful mods will approve the work to be included. Please include the tag SFAPM22 in your AO3 tags!
We have an official Tumblr! Surprise, you’re looking at it! If you tag your work with SFAPM22 and/or give @stellarfirmafanevents a mention when posting to Tumblr, we’ll reblog it to the Stellar Firma Fan Events account. 
At the end of the challenge (allowing a few days for late entries), we’ll be posting a link to the AO3 collection on Twitter, and tagging the official Rusty Quill account so that they know exactly how much this podcast means to us. If you don’t want your works to be seen by the cast and crew of Rusty Quill, please tag it with ‘Do Not Archive’, and they will know to avoid them.
Given this is an open event without signing up, where people are free to interpret the provided prompts as they see fit, NSFW and NSFA content is allowed and welcome. 
The mods do not have the capacity, nor the desire, to check everyone's age, but we ask all participants below the age of 18 to only create SFW works (and stick to AO3's Terms of Use regarding consumption) and urge all participants above the age of 18 to ensure their works are reasonably marked as such: tag all posts appropriately on all platforms, rate them as E (Explicit) on AO3, and share links to your works only in the NSFW and NSFA categories of the event’s Discord server. If we discover that a NSFW or NSFA contribution was created by a minor, we will be removing it from the official AO3 collection. Repeated concerns can lead to the individual minor being excluded from the official server, and potentially from future events.
In the words of Rusty Quill itself, ‘all headcanons are valid’. You can create whatever ship, smut, etc you want, so long as all NSFW and NSFA content is kept to adults. Fandom wank has no place in this event — or any organised by this team of mods — and while we will not be performing background checks, any harassment and/or bullying of participants will not be tolerated. 
We will give you as many warnings as we believe necessary, but should this kind of behaviour continue after such warnings (amount depending on severity of behaviour), you will be excluded from the mod team’s events for the next two years (including this one). Obviously, we can’t stop you from creating and posting works inspired by the public prompts list, but we will not include your works in the official AO3 collection, exclude you from the Discord server, and not reblog your works to this Tumblr blog.
If you wish to understand why you have been excluded from the event, or why you have been given a warning, we will be happy to discuss it with you, but please note that harassment of mods is likewise untolerated.
We have an official Discord server! That’s right! It is not currently open, but we’ll be publishing the link a few weeks before prompts start. Primarily, this server should be a place for brainstorming your ideas for this event, as well as cheerleading others on. 
Don’t worry! You do not have to be participating in this event as a creator or in any other capacity than as a consumer to be on the server. Therefore, if you originally join with the intentions of creating something, and then realise you have no inspiration… that’s absolutely fine! You could beta another participant’s work, you could even just hype others up from the sidelines. So long as you’re nice, you’re allowed to be there. Participation in this event is as much about celebrating and bringing together fans, as it is about celebrating the end of our podcast.
Here’s to what’s next, and to all the lucky bastards with the coordinates to Galactonium…
Graphic by @ulyssesthescribe​. Please click for higher quality!
[ID: A prompts list containing the same prompts detailed in this post, written in a sci fi font, with ‘WHAT WAS’, ‘WHAT’S GIVEN’, ‘WHAT’S TAKEN’, ‘WHAT’S WANTED’ and ‘WHAT’S CHOSEN’ in neon colours. There is a heading reading ‘SFAPM 2022′ in the same font. In the top left corner is part of the Stellar Firma logo, stylised to have a chromatic aberration effect].
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rcbirdy · 2 years
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I’m back on my tarot bullshit yet again! Can’t stop won’t stop. >:D
This was created for Stellar Firma Anniversary Prompt Month 2022; week 1′s theme is What Was. I picked the evacuation of Earth to represent XIII Death.
[ID: Two copies of a black and white tarot card. The main image shows a crowd of people carrying bags and walking towards a rocket, while heavy clouds and exhaust cover the scene. The rocket has a logo of a spaceship circling a planet, and the text “Terra Firma Ltd.” underneath. One figure in the crowd, a woman with medium dark skin wearing a headscarf and puffy jacket, is turning back to look at something behind the viewer. She has a worried expression.
Text on the first card reads “0b1101″ and “Former Earth.” Text on the second card reads “XIII” and “Death.” End ID.]
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gronkelart · 2 years
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Fond memories of Season 1.
Solitary Derangement is the second poster for the Entirely Necessary Gritty Reboot. Since Stellar Firma is already a horror podcast, it does not need to be pushed very far. See the previous installment here (body horror cw). See the next installment here.
Drawn for the Stellar Firma Anniversary Prompt Month.
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gronkelart · 2 years
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TFW you are born to babysit an evil overgrown manchild in space hell.
The Exultant Exposition Expedition, with Excessive Exercise and Executive Expectation is the third installment of something. See the previous installment here. See the following installment here.
This image is only complete if you imagine Trexel’s head rotating like a lighthouse.
Drawn for the Stellar Firma Anniversary Prompt Month.
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gronkelart · 2 years
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I can’t believe it’s the Stellar Firma finale’s 35th anniversary already! Time sure does fly when everything hates you.
As we have all grown and changed so much in the interim, it is time the hole in our old souls is filled with the long-anticipated Stellar Firma GRITTY REBOOT. We’re adults now, after all.
Cycles is the first installment of posters for these new... films? Books? It’s not important. A mess of old ghosts and clones for the Stellar Firma Anniversary Month.
See the second instalment here. 
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WEEK 2: WHAT’S GIVEN (2/5/22)
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Howdy! It’s Week 2 of our Stellar Firma Anniversary Month, and do you know what that means? We’re focusing on this set of prompts for this week:
Until the finale itself, there’s no real time pressure to work on or publish your creations for these prompts, so feel free to post whenever! For more information on this event, please check out this post- we’d love to have you on Board :)
Link to Discord.
Link to Ao3 collection.
[ID: Graphic by @ulyssesthescribe​ of the above prompts on a space background. The chromatic aberration version of the Stellar Firma logo is in the top left corner, and the prompts are in green and white. They read: ‘WEEK 2: WHAT’S GIVEN (2/5/22). Season 1 / Allies and Enemies / Planet Design / Stellar Firma Inc.’. ID ends]
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What’s this? A link to a Discord server that’s out of this world?!
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Sure is! Below is the invite link to the Stellar Firma Fan Events official server, where you can chat about and share your ongoing works, as well as cheerlead other fans on!
You don’t have to be taking part in this event to be part of this server and you don’t have to be part of the server in order to take part in the Anniversary Prompt Month. But other events (such as the Stellar Firma Holiday Exchange 2022), will only be open to participants who have signed up and joined the server. This space is intended for the discussion and (hopefully) enjoyment of our events, and while we do welcome general chatter in the intended channels, this server is not a general server. If you (participant or otherwise) would like to find servers where you can engage with other Stellar Firma fans outside of these events, we would be happy to help you, just send us a message! :)
While on this server, you will be expected to abide by the server rules (which, rather helpfully, can be found in the #rules channel!). This link will only be published for the duration of the Anniversary Prompt Month, and for future (sign-up only) events, the link will be sent out privately.
That’s all for now, folks! I know this post is a little legalesey, but please don’t let that prevent you from taking part! We are all here to celebrate Stellar Firma, we’re pretty chill (if I do say so myself [Comment by Mod Franzi: Actually I’m an ADHD riddled mess, I don’t know what Tako’s talking about]), and anyone who is not friendly will go the way of Trexel in any review… (for legal purposes this is a joke).
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Stellar Firma Holiday Exchange 2021 Masterpost
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This year, we ran our inaugural Stellar Firma Holiday Exchange (a festive event where fans create fanworks for each other- for more information, check out this post here: https://theallknowingowl.tumblr.com/post/662952532751056896/hello-and-welcome-to-the-inaugural-stellar-firma). We genuinely didn’t expect as many people to sign up as did, as this was the first year of an event for a relatively small fandom. Still, somehow, 16 of you signed up and produced 18 fanworks of fanfic and fanart alike, all to spread the love of our little podcast in our lovely fandom.
Today we’re going to take a moment to list all the marvellous works created for this exchange so we can give them the love they deserve! Click here for the link to the Ao3 collection (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/SFHE21), or read below for individual links to each one :)
However, before we begin, I’d like to take a moment to say thank you. At the start of this event, it was just me (Mod Tako) and my laptop. Of course, I couldn’t have done all of this without coding help from Mod Franzi (@franzis-frantic thoughts whose first event with the team is coming up soon!), and the beautiful art above from Coot (@ulyssesthescribe , otherwise unaffiliated with the mod team), but otherwise it was just me, my spreadsheets, and my burning need to see more engagement and content for and from the Stellar Firma fandom.
And my goodness, you delivered.
I couldn’t have possibly done this without everyone involved being as wonderful as they were to work with, so a sincerely-felt thank you from the heart, from your loving Tako. Now, only a few months later, our mod team has expanded to four people (and hopefully more soon!), and we’re working on a Discord server dedicated to our events (next up: Stellar Firma Anniversary Prompt Month!). Thank you, everyone who has taken part.
And now on to the fanworks! Enjoy, and may the Board preserve and keep you :)
The Trial of... by HavenJunde (@havenjunde) for general_body_pain (G)
So, you want to know the story of how I, Trexel Geistman, worked things out with Bathin? Well, let me set the stage: I.M.O.G.E.N. as judge, Harry from IT as the bailiff, I (Trexel Geistman) representing myself as prosecuting lawyer, and David 7 representing Bathin as the defending lawyer...
David's Place First Annual Holiday Hangout by KiroAngel (@kiroangelica) for arazmis (G)
David 7 spends their first Stellar Firma Holiday running and defending their Holiday Hangout Party from their hapless boss.
I.M.O.G.E.N's holiday by general_body_pain for TheAllKnowingOwl (G)
After the fall of Stellar Firmer I.M.O.G.E.N finally had time for that well deserved holiday
Disregard (Album Cover) by rcbirdy (@rcbirdy) for Almu_de_Nada (T)
IMOGEN is turning security footage of Trexel into album covers again...    
An Entirely Uneventful Trip to Space Costco That Definitely Didn't End In Someone Almost Losing Their Cool Sunglasses, Bro by thetasteofsunshine (@thetasteofsunshineonyourtongue) for KiroAngel (G)
David 7 and Trexel’s awkward accidental awful family/ex-coworkers reunion post-series, right in the middle of getting groceries
David's Fact Corner - ep 8: Catenaries by Almu_de_Nada (@disclaimer-perfomatico) for ocean_of_ink (G)
David 7 records an audio blog about the most efficient kind of free-standing structure
A look at Hartro's crafting by Almu_de_Nada for ocean_of_ink (G)
Hartro paints a chicken figurine.
David's Place nouveau poster by Almu_de_Nada for ocean_of_ink (G)
little profits by darklingundersky for angelbloggerwithabox (T)
LOCATION: David's Place [formerly Office #8945123125] REVIEWER: Trexel Geistman (Citizen Employee #362884; Department Unknown) COMMENTS: It's awful! Possibly the worst place I have ever been, and I'm Trexel Geistman, so I've been a lot of places. They don't even serve alcohol. I mean, really?
A Meet-Cute at David's Place by arazmis for thetasteofsunshine (G)
Holiday gift exchange for thetasteofsunshine! I hope you like it and have a wonderful holiday season <3
we find many simple beauties by TheAllKnowingOwl (@theallknowingowlagain) for Franzis_Frantic_Thoughts (G)
Hello and welcome to- Daaaavid’s Fact Coooorner! Where I, David, give you the facts! The only audio blog run by a clone- but not for long! Um. Hopefully.
IMOGEN and I are very grateful for the submissions everyone sent us, and we’re definitely glad we took your advice. This month’s planet we visited on the- well, a lot of you suggested it to us, so here’s today’s episode on Mossvook!
Best of Frenemies by Pezzythecat (@pezilla) for SchmokSchmok (T)
Trexel found something in the archives called 'They Pipes' David 7 doesn't know what he expected... about as much plot as a standard episode of stellar firma really. with just as much spelling mistakes as you would normally expect ... but now with pictures.
SQUID DATE DETECTED. PEGGING INITIATED. by Franzis_Frantic_Thoughts (@franzis-frantic-thoughts) for Pezzythecat (T)
Trexel attempts to tell David about a date he's had with a squid in the Cosmic Lounge. He then proceeds to peg David. Except this is Stellar Firma so not the way you expect. 
I'm a little drunk on you and high on summertime by angelbloggerwithabox (@angelbloggerwithabox) for darklingundersky (G)
Bathin plans a perfect beach day for David 7, giving them all the love and appreciation they deserve. 
Time Bots by ocean_of_ink (@scienceandstarlight) for HummelArt (G)
Request from Velorina Bloodgood, from Internal Affairs, Second Vice President of the Entertainment As An Opiate For The Masses division. She wants us to write a pilot for a holovid show. 
Art! In space! by Eituoe (@eituoe) for rcbirdy (G)
All across the known universe, travelers. And planets.
Also Trexel somewhere but nobody wants to think about that.
New World, Old Ghosts by HummelArt (@HummelArt) for Eituoe (G)
David 7 and I.M.O.G.E.N. arrive on Galactonium to start a new life, but they carry their memories with them.
purely therapeutic steps taken (no underlying intention) by timstokerlovebot (SchmokSchmok) for HavenJunde (G)
Trexel is in a state (probably excited, possibly agitated, David-7's not sure), David-7 takes matters* into David-7's own hands.
*Trexel, Trexel is the matter
Image description: a redrawn version of the Cardinal Fang emoji from the RQO Discord. It now has a blue Santa hat, and there is light blue text in the left corner reading ‘2021 SFHE’.
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Citizen Employees of Stellar Firma, this is a Board-issued announcement:
We, the Board (hail us), would like to let you know that we’ve prepared a space for you to get in contact with other Stellar Firma fan-creatives. We are, of course, talking about a Discord Server!
There is no obligation to join the Discord in order to take part in the Anniversary Prompt Month (check out the prompt list here), but it is still a great way to get to know the amazing community of Stellar Firma fan-creatives.
Future events may be sign-up-based and will use the Discord for administrative purposes.
We will be publishing the Discord link on this tumblr, as well as other discord servers us mods are members of, early next week! More on the server below the cut for those interested.
Until then, we, the Board (hail us), will preserve and keep you.
~Mod Franzi
Like any good Discord Server, there will be certain rules for you to follow, to ensure that everyone can have a save and happy time on the server. As it is open to anyone, regardless of age, so we ask that especially the rules concerning NSFW and NSFA content being restricted to the correct channels are followed.
Once we publish the invitation link to the Discord Server, you will have restricted access to the Welcome and Rules channel. Read the rules carefully and then you will be able to accept them via a reaction-role and be granted access to the rest of the server.
If you have any questions prior to joining, you can always contact us via tumblr.
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WEEK 5: WHAT’S CHOSEN (23/5/22)
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Howdy! It’s Week 5 of our Stellar Firma Anniversary Month, and do you know what that means? We’re focusing on this set of prompts for this week:
Until the finale itself, there’s no real time pressure to work on or publish your creations for these prompts, so feel free to post whenever! For more information on this event, please check out this post- we’d love to have you on Board :)
Link to Discord.
Link to Ao3 collection.
[ID: Graphic by @ulyssesthescribe​ of the above prompts on a space background. The chromatic aberration of the Stellar Firma logo is in the top left corner, with prompts in white and blue, reading: ‘WEEK 5: WHAT’S CHOSEN (23/5/22). Post-canon / Humanity / The Escape Pod / Galactonium’. ID ends].
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WEEK 3: WHAT’S TAKEN (9/5/22)
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Howdy! It’s Week 3 of our Stellar Firma Anniversary Month, and do you know what that means? We’re focusing on this set of prompts for this week.
Until the finale itself, there’s no real time pressure to work on or publish your creations for these prompts, so feel free to post whenever! For more information on this event, please check out this post- we’d love to have you on Board :)
Link to Discord.
Link to Ao3 collection.
[ID: Graphic by @ulyssesthescribe​ of the chromatic aberration version of the Stellar Firma logo (as used for SFFE) on a space background, with text in yellow and white, reading ‘WEEK 3: WHAT’S TAKEN (9/5/22). Season 2 / Clients and Complainers / Sales and Expediting / The Vents’. Image description ends]
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WEEK 1: WHAT WAS (25/4/22)
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Howdy! It’s Week 1 of our Stellar Firma Anniversary Month, and do you know what that means? We’re focusing on the above set of prompts for this week!
Until the finale itself, there’s no real time pressure to work on or publish your creations for these prompts, so feel free to post whenever! For more information on this event, please check out this post- we’d love to have you on Board :)
Link to Discord.
Link to Ao3 collection.
[ID: Graphic by @ulyssesthescribe​ of the prompts on a space background, with the chromatic aberration version of the Stellar Firma logo in the corner. The prompts are in blue and white, reading: ‘WEEK 1: WHAT WAS (25/4/22). Pre-Canon / Clones / Home and Schooldays / Earth’. End ID]
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