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portraitsofsaints · 5 months ago
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Our Lady, Star of the Sea (Stella Maris)
Feast day: September 27
Patroness of the Catholic missions to seafarers
Our Lady, Star of the Sea is an ancient title for the Virgin Mary. The words Star of the Sea are a translation of the Latin title Stella Maris. The title was used to emphasize Mary's role as a sign of hope and as a guiding star for Christians, especially gentiles, whom the Old Testament Israelites metaphorically referred to as the sea, meaning anyone beyond the "coasts", or, that is to say, sociopolitical, and religious (Mosaic law), borders of Israelite territory. Under this title, the Virgin Mary is believed to intercede as a guide and protector of those who travel or seek their livelihoods on the sea.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (website)
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omegaremix · 4 months ago
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Omega Radio for October 7, 2017; #147.
Lilys “Collider”
Heavently “Shallow”
Hibou “Valium”
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever “French Press”
Daysleepers, The “Mesmerize”
Astrobrite “Overdriver”
A.R. Kane “Haunting”
Deerhunter “VHS Dream”
Jackal Onasis “Runty Little Puppy”
Stellamaris “Digital Emotion”
There Is No Teenage Love “There Is Only Teenage Love”
Grouper “I’m Clean Now”
Horse Jumper Of Love “Nature” (demo)
Trementina “Child”
XO “Sweet”
Sadfields “Falling Apart”
Loveliescrushing “Valerian (Her Voice Honeyed)”
Soda Lilies “The Bees In My Stomach Are Dead And Getting Used To It”
Cosmicdust “Bird Cries”
Stargazer Lilies “Bathed In Blue”
Seasurfer “Fireworks”, “Tricolore”
Jesu “Sun Day”
Deluxe shoegaze, dreampop, and lilies.
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todademariablog · 1 month ago
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"A virgem Maria
É aquela estrela resplandecente
Que se levanta sobre a imensidão do mar;
Brilhando por seus méritos,
Iluminando por seus exemplos.
Ó tu que te encontras longe da terra firme,
A mercê dos vagalhões desse mundo,
Não desvies o olhar da luz deste astro,
Se não quiseres naufragar.
Se os ventos das tentações se levantarem,
Se te chocares contra os rochedos das tribulações,
Olha para a Estrela, Invoca Maria.
Se te sentires arrastado pelas ondas do Orgulho,
Da ambição, da traição, do ciúme,
Olha para a Estrela, Invoca Maria.
Se a raiva, a avareza ou os desejos impuros,
Sacudirem o pequeno barco da tua alma,
Olha para Maria.
Se frustrado pela enormidade de teus crimes,
Confuso, diante de tua consciência manchada,
Gelado de pavor, ao pensar no juízo;
Se te sentes submerso no abismo de desespero,
Pensa em Maria.
Nos perigos, nas angustias, na dúvida,
Pensa em Maria, invoca Maria.
Que Ela não se afaste de tua boca.
Que Ela não se afaste de teu coração
E, para obter o socorro de sua intercessão,
Não esqueças de meditar o exemplo de sua vida.
Se seguires,não te desviarás.
Se a suplicares, não te desesperarás.
Se a consultares, não errarás o caminho.
Se Ela te proteger, nada temerás.
Se Ela te for favorável, alcançarás a meta.
E, assim, compreenderás, pessoalmente,
Quão justas são as palavras da Sagrada Escritura
'E o nome da Virgem era Maria'"
(São Bernardo de Claraval)
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creamiicle · 11 months ago
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posting lots of old art for a little, because why not :3
an OC I made just a year ago! Stellamaris, my beloved…I’ll draw more of you soon
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lightupheart · 12 days ago
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madonnacelestiale · 6 months ago
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Stella Maris
— presso Cattolica
31 agosto 2024
Ricordo gentilmente offerto da Max Botticelli
Luigi Cambrini fonte di documentazione
#madonnacelestiale #madonnadelmare #cattolica #emiliaromagna #agosto #2024 #maxbotticelli
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stellamarielu · 8 days ago
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summary: cock warming with joel late at night when you’re both craving each other, all tired and cozy underneath the sheets.
author’s note: not entirely sure what this is but i wrote it because joel miller lives rent free inside my brain
beware smut ahead! mdni!
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it would start with your body all cuddled into his, your back against his chest with his arm draped over your waist.
you were slowly coaxed out of your peaceful slumber by the feeling of joel's thumb rubbing small circles into the skin of your stomach. your shirt had bunched up exposing your midriff and allowing him to slide his hand underneath the material.
you’d scoot back just an inch so that your bodies were pressed even closer together, your backside making contact with the bulge in his pants. you made it a point to grind against him, savoring the sounds of his shallow breath and the way his body melted even further into yours.
in a lazy sleep induced haze the two of you would be shedding clothes and relishing in the warmth of each other; flesh pressing against flesh as joel lined himself up with your center. no words were spoken yet you both understood the shared desperation in your actions, needing to be close, enveloped in one another.
the only sound coming from either of you was the groan slipping past joel’s lips as he felt the slick warm invitation of your walls while he stretched you with just his tip. he was slow and deliberate, filling you inch by inch with his hand cradled around your body holding you gently against him.
you let out a blissful hum when he filled you completely, the sound of your satisfaction muffled by your pillow.
he stayed there– pushed into you to the hilt and holding you tightly, your body fitting snuggly into his.
he took a minute to soak in the tenderness of the moment; how soft you felt pressed against him. the intimacy of being wrapped up in each other. all of it was so comforting it had him pushing himself deeper into you, hungry to be closer.
"what happened to a good night's rest?" your voice was groggy, filled with sleep and pleasure.
you were reminiscing on joel’s words spoken just hours ago when the two of you were winding down for the night. both of you exhausted, seeking the comfort of your shared bed and full night of sleep.
"you can go back to sleep sweetheart." he was leaning further into you as he whispered the words, placing a soft kiss behind your ear.
"just wanted to be close that's all." his voice vibrated into the crook of your neck with his face buried in your shoulder.
"don't think i’m gonna be able to sleep now." you were confessing as your hand slid up to find his hair, running your fingers through it and causing a sigh to escape from his lips.
it was as if you were half asleep but unable to deny the solace of connection. you were completely devoted to one another, wholly seized by the comfort and desire constantly shared between you.
"that right?" his voice had a tired rasp to it, the low gravely sound causing you to involuntarily clench around him.
the way you were hugging his cock had his grip on your waist tightening just enough to pull you back further, sinking himself even deeper into you. the sensation had a whimper bubbling in your throat and your fingers curling into his hair.
"need somethin' to help you sleep?" another rhetorical question rolled off his tongue as he finally moved inside of you. the slow gratification of his thrusts more fulfilling than any amount of sleep.
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uspiria · 10 months ago
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Mary Pickford in Stella Maris (1918) dir. Marshall Neilan
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renmayonaka · 4 months ago
Wistoria: Wand and Sword incorrect quotes
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wistoriasideblog · 3 months ago
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Got better shots of Iris's and Finn's bios! 😂 Finn's in particular cracks me up.
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cupcakeruth · 5 months ago
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Deep from the depths of Azurite City emerges an enemy spy: Neri Stellamaris (They/Them).
Sir Chandler accidentally happened upon Neri during one of his scout outings on the coast near enemy territory (after hearing reports of spies in the area). Not wanting to immediately die by the very one holding the legendary Flaming Sword of Heroes, Neri had to talk their way through the encounter. Luckily for both of them, as it turns out, they both want the same thing; The downfall of the Kingdom of Fyre and the death of its king. Neri agrees to pose as Sir Chandler’s prisoner so they can continue to play their roles as they attempt to get closer and closer to their ultimate goal each day. If Neri survives this, they come home a hero and reap the benefits without having to do ANY work, which is absolutely perfectly for them.
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starryskiesahead · 5 months ago
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comedicpotato · 9 months ago
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Some assorted doodles of Felix and co, a character I play on The Valence SMP. I love this little dude
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animemakeblog · 9 months ago
“Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria” The Theme Songs, First Promo
The official website revealed the main promotional video, and theme music for the television anime Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria (Wistoria's Wand and Sword). The anime will debut on TBS and its 28 affiliated stations on July 7 at 4:30 p.m.
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revuetraversees · 1 year ago
Gérard Le Goff, Croquemouflet, conte, illustrations de Sandrine Besnard, 83 pages, éditions Stellamaris, ISBN : 978-2-36868-833-5
Une chronique de Claude Luezior Gérard Le Goff, Croquemouflet, conte, illustrations de Sandrine Besnard, 83 pages, éditions Stellamaris, ISBN : 978-2-36868-833-5 Délicieux ! Gérard Le Goff, qui est aussi à l’aise en prose qu’en poésie, nous propose ici un conte pour enfants qui ravit tout autant les adultes que nous sommes. Les dessins signés par Sandrine Besnard sont parfaits et suscitent à la…
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v4porwaveee · 7 months ago
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Bonus Pressure OC, Eryl Stellamaris Prescott! Lore and shit under the cut
She was a marine biologist interning with Urbanshade. She was moved to the Blacksite to conduct more research on the effects of the experiments and then hired, though in her contract to be hired it included a "medical study". She assumed it was related to the pressure when she couldn't get answers and relented. Now she's a sea monster mixed with leafy sea dragon, great seahorse, oceanic white-tip shark, lionfish and firefly squid DNA. Due to her size, resilience and prehensile tail she's been forced to become a maintenence tech at the site. Even after its lockdown and fall into disrepair she does her job nearly desperately, knowing she can't ever go back.
She dislikes Wall Dwellers because they mess up her walls, she doesn't mind the Good People but doesn't like that they mess with the doors and she has to fix them, she's neutral with Sebastian but they're both on shaky ground and try not to interact because she worked for Urbanshade and he's hard to read whether or not his sass is mean or teasing. She loves the Eyefestation though, and it often hangs around her when she does outside repairs, making sure she doesn't drift too far away in the currents if there's no debris to grab. She doesn't really mind the anglers, but Pandemonium and the Searchlights are her close seconds to favorites right behind Eyefestation. She hates the Trenchbleeders because she used to have to fix them constantly, but she hates them for the work and them killing Searchlights, not just because they exist.
Due to her DNA mix ahes bioluminescent and swims closer to a sea snake or shark. If she was in game she'd be a rare occurrence, close to the same rate as regular pandemonium, appearing in rooms with glitching doors or landslides above water (less than a quarter of the time) or hallways with the missing walls underwater. Her only dialogues would be to herself about how she doesn't get paid enough- or at all- for this or how she doesn't get it. During the Ridge she's just as rare, with a 1/100 chance to appear. She works like an Angler, on a node system, and just rushes through. The warning dialog is more mumbles about how this will be too much to fix or why she didn't kill the player earlier to avoid this mess. She's about 13'5 when standing (compared to a 5'2 Little Fucker for reference) but closer to 25'8 when fully stretched out. Due to her tail being formed with two parts seahorse DNA its stronger and able to hold her upright despite being relatively short compared to her full length.
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