#stella ss
If your WIP characters had to go through a super intense (but fake!) haunted house, how would they react? Would they go back in?
Doing this for my newest WIP, Stellarsoul! Going from oldest to youngest.
Harper - Finds the whole thing funny, and laughs at his friends' reactions. Allows them to cling to and hide behind him. Would go back to point out how fake everything is to help everyone else get over their fear.
Addison - Not scared at all, rolls his eyes at the others' fear. Wouldn't bother going back just because it was boring and he finds it stupid.
Caroline - Not scared for the most part, but would jump at little things she wasn't expecting and would definitely get startled by a scare actor and end up instinctively decking them. She'd go back in to prove she wasn't actually scared, and that she was just caught off guard (true but still funny).
Jazz - Extremely tense going through, and nothing ends up being scarier than the suspense she caused herself by expecting something terrifying everywhere she looked. Swears she won't do it again, her nerves are too shot, but then allows herself to be convinced to go back not an hour later. Ends up enjoying herself more every time as she gets less and less on edge.
Stephan - Laughs hysterically at the others until they all gang up and scare him themselves. Laughs along/insists he was pretending, but he's secretly salty lmao. He won't go back in, unwilling to risk getting tricked again (but what he tells them is he just doesn't feel like it. They've already seen it, why do they need to see it again?).
Cody - Hides behind everyone else, expecting the worst, but ends up being completely fine. Thinks the decorations are silly. Refuses to go back in even though he wants to, because he didn't like the scare actors.
Stella - Yells at the scare actors to stop being mean and scaring her friends. Harper has to carry her out. Once outside, he decides that Stella is now banned from the haunted house. Adi takes her back when he's not watching though, both to spite Harper and to make Stella happy. And because it's really funny to watch her harshly reprimanding people three times her age, and the actors' reactions are gold.
Thanks for the ask! Sorry it took a minute, the ask came in like half an hour before the Booping started lmao
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newestcool · 11 months
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Ann Demeulemeester s/s 2000 rtw Creative Director Ann Demeulemeester Model Stella Tennant Newest Cool
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iamnewyorkcity · 6 months
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Eagle makes the Runway Chloé by Stella McCartney SS99
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Anime Romances + Proposal
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nofuckingbody · 3 months
37 points for surprise songs 😁
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a10ttion · 1 year
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fashionfoodcocktails · 3 months
Trend report SS-24| Bijoux bags
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View On WordPress
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archiveoffashion · 1 year
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Stella Tennant & Cindy Crawford
Chanel Spring 1996
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starz222 · 1 year
whattt i love it when people spam me i like listening to ppl ramble as a professional rambler myself noo 😭 and im just nosy pleek 😔
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envelopandkissme · 1 year
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chloé ss 1998 by stella mccartney
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modelsstreetfashion · 2 years
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Stella Maxwell
PFW Spring 2023
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newestcool · 1 year
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Ann Demeulemeester s/s 1997 rtw Creative Director Ann Demeulemeester Model Stella Tennant Newest Cool on Instagram
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modelsof-color · 10 months
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Nyawurth Chuol at Stella McCartney SS 24 Backstage
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lady-charinette · 9 months
Breached containment out of discord but-
I HAVE TO SCREAM ABOUT IT NOW: what if Eden isn't as innocent a school as it tries to present itself? What if, by becoming the top imperial scholars in Eden with the most stellas, instead of going to other schools and colleges and furthering their education, Eden Academy sends those students to a facility far removed from civilization.
It's a facility where Project Apple breaks in their new test subjects. It's for the older kids. For the imperial scholars who showed most promise and potential.
Other theory tied into this:
What if, since Donovan used to be an imperial scholar, he got involved with Project Apple at some point in his past? Hence the surgical scars around his head? What if they experimented on him more extensively due to his high achievements in Eden?
If Melinda was somehow connected to Project Apple, either her father being a benefactor or even a scientist, she could've met Donovan there. Or their marriage was not only a political marriage but one of convenience for Melinda: as a woman in that time period, she possessed immense diplomatic and political skills to impact Ostania and Westalis on a greater scale, but not the same opportunities as a man.
So they use Donovan, their number 1 test subject. They combine both of their abilities and in their marriage to control the political climate in the country.
What if the reason why we don't see Demetrius is because he's currently being experimented on by Project Apple after he became an imperial scholar? What if the reason why a couple stuck in a loveless marriage like Melinda and Donovan had two children to see if their talents would naturally merge in them, as a social experiment for Project Apple? To create a "Übermensch"?
Ostania and Westalis remind of communist Germany during the cold war era. The SS is obviously the Stasi, the Stasi and the Gestapo of Nazi Germany often used much of the same intimidation tactics as the other, who's to say they also didn't adopt the Nazi ideology of creating a "super human" aka "Übermensch"?
In Spy x Family, wouldn't a possible goal of Project Apple be creating super humans? Or at least humans with supernatural powers that could turn the tides of the war in either country's favor?
Am I tripping?
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voguesplum · 1 year
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Kate Moss, Chloé SS 1998 by Stella McCartney
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occhietti · 8 months
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Ad Auschwitz superai la selezione per tre volte. Quando ci chiamavano sapevamo che era per decidere se eravamo ancora utili e potevamo andare avanti, o se eravamo vecchi pezzi irrecuperabili. Da buttare. Era un momento terribile.
Bastava un cenno ed eri salvo, un altro ti condannava. Dovevamo metterci in fila, nude, passare davanti a due SS e a un medico nazista. Ci aprivano la bocca, ci esaminavano in ogni angolo del corpo per vedere se potevamo ancora lavorare. Chi era troppo stanca o troppo magra, o ferita, veniva eliminata.
Bastavano pochi secondi agli aguzzini per capire se era meglio farci morire o farci vivere. Io vedevo le altre, orrendi scheletri impauriti, e sapevo di essere come loro. Gli ufficiali e i medici erano sempre eleganti, impeccabili e tirati a lucido, in pace con la loro coscienza.
Era sufficiente un cenno del capo degli aguzzini, che voleva dire “avanti”, ed eri salva. Io pensavo solo a questo quando ero lì, a quel cenno. Ero felice quando arrivava, perché avevo tredici anni, poi quattordici. Volevo vivere.
Ricordo la prima selezione. Dopo avermi analizzata il medico notò una cicatrice. «Forse mi manderà a morte per questa…» pensai e mi venne il panico. Lui mi chiese di dove fossi e io con un filo di voce ma, cercando di restare calma, risposi che ero italiana.
Trattenevo il respiro. Dopo aver riso, insieme agli altri, del medico italiano che mi aveva fatto quella orrenda cicatrice, il dottore nazista mi fece cenno di andare avanti. Significava che avevo passato la selezione! Ero viva, viva, viva! Ero così felice di poter tornare nel campo che tutto mi sembrava più facile.
Poi vidi Janine. Era una ragazza francese, erano mesi che lavoravamo una accanto all’altra nella fabbrica di munizioni. Janine era addetta alla macchina che tagliava l’acciaio. Qualche giorno prima quella maledetta macchina le aveva tranciato le prime falangi di due dita. Lei andò davanti agli aguzzini, nuda, cercando di nascondere la sua mutilazione. Ma quelli le videro subito le dita ferite e presero il suo numero tatuato sul corpo nudo. Voleva dire che la mandavano a morire.
Janine non sarebbe tornata nel campo. Janine non era un’estranea per me, la vedevo tutti i giorni, avevamo scambiato qualche frase, ci sorridevamo per salutarci. Eppure non le dissi niente. Non mi voltai quando la portarono via. Non le dissi addio. Avevo paura di uscire dall’invisibilità nella quale mi nascondevo, feci finta di niente e ricominciai a mettere una gamba dietro l’altra e camminare, pur di vivere.
Racconto sempre la storia di Janine. È un rimorso che mi porto dentro. Il rimorso di non aver avuto il coraggio di dirle addio. Di farle sentire, in quel momento che Janine stava andando a morire, che la sua vita era importante per me. Che noi non eravamo come gli aguzzini ma ci sentivamo, ancora e nonostante tutto, capaci di amare. Invece non lo feci.
Il rimorso non mi diede pace per tanto, tanto tempo. Sapevo che nel momento in cui non avevo avuto il coraggio di dire addio a Janine, avevano vinto loro, i nostri aguzzini, perché ci avevano privati della nostra umanità e della pietà verso un altro essere umano. Era questa la loro vittoria, era questo il loro obiettivo: annientare la nostra umanità...
- Liliana Segre - Fino a quando la mia stella brillerà
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