#stefan morre
euphoriabyjk2 · 11 months
Eu nao quero mais assistir a série, n importa que só falta alguns episódios, o Dean morre no final, não vale a pena terminar
N é como the vampire diaries, eu nunca amei o Stefan como eu amo o Castiel e o Dean, eu chorei muito quando ele morreu mas nunca vai ser a mesma coisa, eu não consigo mais
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tvdiariesbr · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qakm3GyUZs)
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morethanboomtschk · 3 years
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The story of each re-release begins with the original. In the late 90s, Uwe Zahn (Arovane), along with Robert Henke (Monolake) and Stefan Betke (Pole), began releasing music on Torsten Pröfrock’s (Dynamo) newly launched DIN label. This was a very inconspicuous undertaking, but fans of the flourishing IDM, glitch, and constantly evolving abstract techno genres quickly picked up on the quality of sound coming out of Germany. After a few successful EPs, Zahn began working on his debut full-length, Atol Scrap. The release was a success, at least in the underground circles, where followers of the melodic harmonies, stuttering off-beat rhythms, and, most importantly, advanced sound design feverishly consumed the imprint’s output. There was only one thing missing – the album was never pressed on vinyl, and for decades remained in the digital domain. The fans, of course, inquired. There were multiple offers on the table, but Zahn retained control until he was assured that it was properly attained. “I thought of taking everything into my own hands and releasing the record myself, but at the end of last year, Matthias from Keplar asked me to re-release Atol Scrap on vinyl.” says Zahn. The label and its owner revolve in the Morr Music universe, and so it made sense for Zahn to trust the platform to treat the record right.
Listening to Atol Scrap over twenty years later it is inane not to admit how well it has held up. Where other genres clearly aged, becoming stale, bland, and dull, the music on eleven tasty tracks still keeps the neurons tickled with each note. More than an echo of the past, the bottled sound truly has matured. Many of the newly evolving techniques are recognizable on the album. “I created the digital artifacts with a digital multi-track recorder, the Fostex D80,” recalls Zahn. “The thing had a scrub wheel with which I could achieve wonderful glitch effects by winding through the audio data. I have sampled and further processed these artifacts.” And this approach is still embedded in Zahn’s sound design. “I still use my 24-track analog desk from Tascam to mix my audio. I love to use hardware synths and samplers. I’ve definitely built upon my studio experience in the 90s.” From this debut to the most recent output, Arovane’s sound has evolved to become more intricate, detailed, and pronounced.
“My music has become much quieter and much slower. But that’s probably also due to the noise in the world.” And just as Atol Scrap reminds Zahn of the past, retaining charm preserved in a container traveling through time, it also jitters memories of long ago, when we were twenty years younger, less experienced, and bold. For me, among the many records of the time, this album held a special place in life, my heart, and many CD boxes moved across the world. And now I’m only happy to restock the vinyl space, where Atol Scrap belongs among the beloved records. Welcome home.
- Mike Lazarev
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shield-o-futuro · 4 years
Povo da SHIELD, vcs tb entregam seus relatórios como a Scarlly?
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Stefan: Ah não, a gente não faz isso não. Só a Scar tem coragem de fazer isso com a Hill. O resto de nós morre de medo dela e prefere não arriscar, então fazemos nossos relatórios certinhos.
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legendasamarelas · 6 years
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Esse filme me lembrou tvd, fiz um paralelo entre o Conde Drácula e o Stefan/Damon que a crush deles morre (um deles acha) e séculos depois aparece alguém idêntica a ela. Provavelmente até tenha outras coisas no livro Drácula de Bram Stoker que dê pra fazer um paralelo, um dia quero pegar ele, e todos os filmes relevantes a respeito, e maratonar tudo, parece interessante. Ele também tem, em algumas cenas, um jogo de imagens que lembra as aberturas da série American Horror Story. Essa aí é outra que, aparentemente, ainda vou notar muuuitas outras referências de forma reversa, pelo menos em filmes de terror - esses dias notei uma enquanto assistia O Silêncio dos Inocentes. 💛 #Filme: Drácula de Bram Stoker (1992) #Direção: Francis Ford Coppola #Gênero: Romance/Terror . #Sinopse: No século XV, um líder e guerreiro dos Cárpatos renega a Igreja quando esta se recusa a enterrar em solo sagrado a mulher que amava, pois ela se matou acreditando que ele estava morto. Assim, perambula através dos séculos como um morto-vivo e, ao contratar um advogado, descobre que a noiva deste é a reencarnação da sua amada. Deste modo, o deixa preso com suas "noivas" e vai para Londres da Inglaterra vitoriana, no intuito de encontrar a mulher que sempre amou através dos séculos. (fonte: adorocinema) #🌟anos1990 | #draculadebramstoker
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noticiasdecolnizamt · 3 years
Advogado que perdeu transplantes de pâncreas e rim devido a temporal morre em Cuiabá
Advogado que perdeu transplantes de pâncreas e rim devido a temporal morre em Cuiabá
Em outubro deste ano, o advogado recebeu a tão esperada ligação avisando que a cirurgia poderia ser realizada em Curitiba (PR). No entanto, uma forte tempestade interrompeu a viagem. Advogado de MT perdeu transplante por causa de temporal — Foto: Reprodução O advogado Antônio Rogério Assunção da Costa Stefan, de 43 anos, que perdeu a chance de realizar transplantes de pâncreas e rim em outubro…
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osborgs · 4 years
Ian Somerhalder fala sobre possibilidade de retorno de The Vampire Diaries
Nós sentimos muita falta de acompanhar as aventuras de Mystic Falls e dos irmãos Salvatore, né? Afinal, The Vampire Diaries chegou ao fim em 2017, após 8 temporadas no ar.
Em entrevista para o programa de rádio de Andy Cohen, Ian Somerhalder, que interpretou Damon na trama, foi questionado sobre o que ele achava de mais alguns episódios do seriado.
EntretenimentoAtores de The Vampire Diaries trocam farpas no Twitter: “Ele está pirado”9 out 2020 – 11h10
EntretenimentoThe Vampire Diaries: Nina Dobrev explica por que não faria reboot da série17 out 2019 – 18h10
EntretenimentoThe Vampire Diaries: Testes para quem é fã de verdade da série responder!2 ago 2020 – 10h08
O apresentador até levou em consideração o boato de que havia a possibilidade de ser feita uma nona temporada de TVD, que só faltava a aprovação de Ian e de Nina Dobrev, que fez Elena. O ator explicou que a história não é verdadeira e que ele nem acha que faria sentido ter um retorno desse enredo. Uma vez que a série acaba com Damon e Elena bebendo a cura para o vampirismo. Além de que Paul Wesley não poderia retornar como Stefan, já que ele morre no fim da oitava temporada.
“Damon teria, tipo, cabelos grisalhos e eles teriam bengalas. Tipo, ‘eu tenho que alimentar o nosso bebê’”, brincou Somerhalder sobre como seria o retorno, se existisse.
Pelo visto, esse nosso sonho não será realizado, viu?
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fabioferreiraroc · 4 years
Ganhadores do Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro disponíveis na Netflix e no Amazon Prime Video
O Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional é um prêmio entregue pela Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas dos Estados Unidos aos longas produzidos em outros países. Para os cinéfilos que gostam de acompanhar a premiação, a Bula reuniu em uma lista os vencedores da categoria
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O Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional é um prêmio entregue pela Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas dos Estados Unidos aos longas produzidos em outros países, com diálogos predominantemente em uma língua que não seja o inglês. Em 2020, foi a primeira vez que um filme estrangeiro alcançou tamanho reconhecimento que também levou o Oscar de Melhor Filme, no caso “Parasita” (2019), de Bong Joon-ho. Para os cinéfilos que gostam de acompanhar a premiação, a Bula reuniu em uma lista os vencedores da categoria que estão disponíveis na Netflix e no Amazon Prime Video. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com o ano de lançamento.
Imagens: Divulgação / Reprodução Netflix e Amazon Prime Video
Amazon Prime Video
O Segredo de Seus Olhos (2010), Juan José Campanella
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Benjamin Esposito se aposenta do cargo de oficial de justiça e decide escrever um livro. Sua inspiração é uma história trágica, da qual foi testemunha em 1974. Na época, o departamento onde ele trabalhava foi designado para investigar o estupro e o consequente assassinato de uma jovem. Em sua jornada, Benjamin conhece o marido da vítima e promete ajudá-lo a encontrar o culpado.
Os Falsários (2009), Stefan Ruzowitzky
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Salomon Sorowitsch, um judeu, é preso e levado para um campo de concentração na Alemanha nazista. Devido à sua inteligência incomum, ele é convidado a liderar um esquema de falsificação de dinheiro estrangeiro. Como Hitler sabe que a guerra está próxima do fim, deseja minar a economia dos países inimigos. Em troca, Salomon ganha alguns benefícios e privilégios entre os outros judeus.
A Vida dos Outros (2007), Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
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Nos anos 1980, em Berlim Oriental, o escritor Georg Dreyman e a atriz Christa-Maria são suspeitos de infidelidade ao comunismo. Gerd Wiesler, agente da Stasi, a polícia política, é encarregado de implantar um serviço de escutas clandestinas na casa do casal e vigiar tudo que eles fazem ao longo do dia. Com o passar do tempo, Gerd fica obcecado por Georg e Christa, e começa a envolver-se na vida dos artistas.
Tsotsi (2006), Gavin Hood
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Tsotsi é um rapaz de 19 anos que vive em Soweto, um assentamento em Joanesburgo. Ele lidera uma gangue e, junto com outros amigos, pratica assaltos e outros crimes para viver. Fugindo de uma briga, ele rouba um carro e atira na mulher que reage. Ele não percebe que ela estava apenas tentando salvar o filho, no banco de trás. Depois de andar alguns quilômetros, Tsotsi percebe a presença da criança e decide levá-la consigo, ainda que não tenha condições de criá-la.
Todo Sobre Mi Madre (1999), Pedro Almodóvar
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No dia de seu aniversário, Esteban ganha de presente um ingresso para a peça “Um Bonde Chamado Desejo”, estrelada pela atriz Huma Rojo. Na saída, ao tentar pegar um autógrafo de Huma, ele é atropelado e morre. A mãe de Esteban, Manuela, decide ir à Barcelona dar a notícia ao pai do garoto, uma travesti chamada Lola, que não sabe que tem um filho. Nessa jornada, ela conhece várias pessoas, incluindo a própria Huma Rojo, atriz que Esteban admirava.
Roma (2018), Alfonso Cuarón
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O filme foi inspirado na infância de Cuarón e conta a história de Cleo, uma jovem que trabalha como babá e doméstica de uma família de classe média, moradora do bairro Roma, na Cidade do México. Em um ano, acontecimentos inesperados afetam a rotina da família. Enquanto sua patroa, Sofia, sofre com o afastamento do marido, Cleo engravida do namorado, Fermín, que não quer assumir a criança.
A História Oficial (1985), Luís Puenzo
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O filme se passa na década de 1980, durante a ditadura na Argentina. Alicia é uma professora de história casada com Roberto e mãe adotiva da pequena Gaby. Com uma vida confortável e completamente alheia à realidade argentina, ela começa a se interessar pelos acontecimentos à sua volta quando reencontra Ana, uma amiga que acaba de voltar do exílio e lhe conta sobre horrores praticados contra os opositores do governo.
Ganhadores do Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro disponíveis na Netflix e no Amazon Prime Video Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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kevinscottgardens · 4 years
15-28 June 2020
It’s been a busy two weeks. Ann, Kitty and Chipette drove to France and Ann and Chipette will be staying until autumn. Kitty will be back for work in early July. The night they left I also had the absolute most excruciating bout of food poisoning of my life. I wanted to die. It was a bean salad I was finishing off after eating it twice earlier in the week, and it tasted perfect; however, by the time I finished washing the dishes, the pain started and only worsened over the next eight hours until I was able to vomit it all up and start to feel better. It wiped me out Friday, when, thankfully, I was working from home. I also worked that weekend, 20/21 June, which meant I had a short working week and a four-day birthday weekend! Saturday night I went to see Maarten, Mark and Mike in Kingston for dinner, the first meal I’d eaten since Thursday night, and it was delicious.
We’re making good headway in the garden and things are being brought back into order. I finally had my week in the glasshouses with Jess. I worked all week in the tropical corridor. I did a lot of planting, pruning, and pest eradication (mostly mealy bugs and aphids). We’ve been enjoying perfect summer weather too.
This week, I spent Monday and Tuesday cutting hedges which resulted in my back screaming and threatening to cramp. I cut the Elaeagnus × submacrophylla hedge with electric hedge cutters. It was the 400mm high Buxus sempervirens hedges that I cut back with sheers that hurt my back.
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Thursday night I went to Elizabeth and Rob’s and we had a very nice evening which of course included some time in the jacuzzi. Dinner was duck with a sauce of grilled cherries and nectarines - delicious. I was still there at midnight so my first birthday toast! Friday evening I headed to Denis and André’s and we ate a succulent pot-roasted chicken and enjoyed a bottle of Jacquesson, my favourite Champagne. I blew out the candles with a hair-drier in light of the current precautions not to blow on food.
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Saturday I made my way across London to visit Alexander and Stefan for our first catch up this year. Alexander made a delicious fish pie, one of my favourite meals. Sunday Susie and Louis came over and we enjoyed Negroni fizz and a leisurely afternoon of eating and drinking. Susie made one of her infamous risottos and a roast chicken. She also made Negroni cupcakes!
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I’m very excited because I also received my invitation to Bruno et Stéphane’s wedding in December. I’m going to be Stéphane’s witness. I almost died laughing when I saw the photo...
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Plant of the week 21 June
Verbenaceae Petrea volubilis L.
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common name(s) - purple wreath, queen's wreath, sandpaper vine, sand paper synonym(s) - Petrea amazonica Moldenke; P. arborea Kunth; P. arborea f. albiflora Standl.; P. arborea var. broadwayi Moldenke; P. arborea f. broadwayi (Moldenke) Moldenke; P. arborescens Archer ex Moldenke [Invalid]; P. aspera Turcz.; P. aspera f. albiflora Moldenke; P. atrocoerulea Moldenke; P. colombiana Moldenke; P. erecta Lodd. [Invalid]; P. fragrantissima Rusby; P. kohautiana C.Presl; P. kohautiana f. alba (G.F.Freeman & W.G.Freeman) Moldenke; P. kohautiana var. anomala Moldenke; P. kohautiana var. pilosula Moldenke; P. mexicana Willd. ex Cham.; P. nitidula Moldenke; P. ovata M.Martens & Galeottip; P. racemosa Nees; P. racemosa f. alba (Kuhlm. ex Moldenke) Moldenke; P. racemosa var. alba Kuhlm. ex Moldenke; P. retusa C.Presl; P. riparia Moldenke; P. rivularis Moldenke; P. serrata C.Presl; P. stapeliae Paxton; P. subserrata Bárcena; P. subserrata Cham.; P. swallenii Moldenke; P. vincentina Turcz.; P. volubilis var. alba G.F.Freeman & W.G.Freeman; P. volubilis var. albiflora (Standl.) Moldenke; P. volubilis f. albiflora (Standl.) Standl.; P. volubilis var. mexicana Cham.; P. volubilis f. pubescens (Moldenke) Moldenke; P. volubilis var. pubescens Moldenke conservation rating - none native to - Mexico to Brazil location - tropical corridor, accession 1985-0696 leaves - rough, elliptic, dark green, paler beneath flowers - from spring into summer, sometimes again in autumn, erect or arching panicles of small, salver-form, purple flowers with prominent, lilac calyxes; tubular blue flowers only last a few days but the larger and more showy bluish purple calyces (see photo) remain, fading first to blue and finally to a pale grey colour habit - tender, vigorous, twining, semi-evergreen climber to height of 12m and a spread of 6m habitat - seasonal evergreen forest along streams, roadsides, steep limestone walls in dry forest, limestone outcrops, pastures on clay and rocky soil, and on rock pests - glasshouse red spider mite , red spider mite (box and other), scale insects disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -5ºC (H3) soil - fertile, moist but well-drained soil in a sheltered position sun - full sun propagation - layering, semi-hardwood cuttings pruning - late winter or early spring nomenclature - Verbenaceae - verbena - sacred-bough, from the Latin name, verbena, verbenae, for the leafy twigs carried by priests, used in wreaths for Druidic ritual and in medicine, used by Virgil and Pliny for vervain, Verbena officinalis, Celtic, ferfain; Petrea - honours Lord Robert James Petre (1713-1743), of Ingatestone Hall in Essex, English patron of botany and horticulture; volubilis - twining NB - harvested from the wild for local medicinal use: flowers are combined with those of Chiococca alba to make an abortifacient tea, combined with Xanthosoma sp., Myrcia citrifolia and Capraria biflora to make an infusion that is used to treat diarrhoea; leaves are used in the treatment of diabetes; a methanol extract of the leaves (tincture) has shown hypoglycaemic activity; the crude sap obtained from the grated or macerated stem is used as a resolutive to soothe wounds and burns.
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [30 Jun 20]
Missouri Botanical Garden [online] http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=a539#AllImages [30 Jun 20]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-150919 [30 Jun 20]
Plants of the World [online] http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:330591-2 [30 Jun 20]
San Marcos Growers [online] https://www.smgrowers.com/products/plants/plantdisplay.asp?plant_id=1221 [30 Jun 20]
Shoot Gardening [online] https://www.shootgardening.co.uk/plant/petrea-volubilis [30 Jun 20]
Useful Tropical Plants [online] http://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Petrea+volubilis [30 Jun 20]
Plant of the week 28 June
Asteraceae Urospermum dalechampii (L.) Scop. ex F.W.Schmidt
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common name(s) - smooth golden fleece, sheep's beard; français : chicorée amère, morre de porc, groin de porc, grimace synonym(s) - Arnopogon dalechampii (L.) Willd.; Tragopogon bicolor Moench [Illegitimate]; Tragopogon dalechampii L.; Tragopogon laetus Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Tragopogon verticillatus Lam. [Illegitimate]; Urospermum grandiflorum St.-Lag. conservation rating - not on IUCN list native to - west and central Mediterranean location - dicotyledon order beds, accession 2010-0428 leaves - neat rosette of wavy-edged leaves with a ruff of hairy leaves half way up the flower stems flowers - black-eyed, soft lemon-yellow habit - perennial to 450mm tall, slowly spreading into clumps, with a single or branched stem habitat - roadsides, dry grasslands or wastelands to 1,200m pests - no information found disease - no information found hardiness - to -20ºC (H6) soil - well-drained sun - full sun propagation - seeds best sown in winter or early spring to benefit from a cold spell in the wet compost to break their dormancy; may still take many months to appear, so never discard pruning - none nomenclature - Asteraceae - aster - star; Urospermum - tailed-seed, the beaked achenes; dalechampii - for James Dalechamp (Jacques d’Alechamps), 1513-88, French physician and botanist, author of Historia generalis planatarum 1587. NB - a very bitter almond taste, rosettes and young shoots are eaten in salads; cooking: rosette or young leaves in salad; harvest: rosettes from September to April.
References, bibliography:
Garrigue Association Gourmande [online] http://garrigue-gourmande.fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1121&Itemid=102 [1 Jul 20]
Génial Végétal [online] https://www.genialvegetal.net/-Urosperme-de-Dalechamps- [1 Jul 20]
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
Hardy Plant Society [online] https://www.hardy-plant.org.uk/about-plants/seed/seed-list/simple-seed-list?id=1846 [1 Jul 20]
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [1 Jul 20]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/gcc-97599 [1 Jul 20]
Plant World Seeds [online] https://www.plant-world-seeds.com/store/view_seed_item/4461 [1 Jul 20]
Plants of the World [online] http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:257064-1 [1 Jul 20]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urospermum_dalechampii [1 Jul 20]
SARS-CoVid-2 update
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Aufnahmen von der Berlin Fashion Week, den European Fashion Awards, Traces, der Panorama, der Premium, den Schauen von Laurèl und Marc Cain, P&Cs Designer for Tomorrow, der GQ Mension, der Panorama-Party, Fashion Tech, dem Vogue Salon, dem Berliner Modesalon und der Vogue Soiree.
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  Fotos u.a. von Gerrit Voss (Drykorn), Andre Maeder (KadeWe), Valentin von Arnim (Iris von Arnim), Thomas Hayo, William Fan, Tobias Viehoff, Julia Malisch, Kristine Logemann (P&C),  Tobias Gröber (Ispo), Victoria und Paulina Swarovski,  Katja Flint, Natalia Wörner, Daniel Terberger (Katag), Elisabeth in Bayern, Christiane Arp (Vogue), Franziska Knuppe, Johanna Klum, Franziska von Becker (More & More), Nadine Lohner, Lena Gercke, Iris Berben, Lena Meyer-Landrut, Julian Daynov (Saks Off Fifth), Norbert Lock (Marc Cain), Sebastian Bennewitz, Andreas Ragsch, Ole Schartl (h+p), Claus Peymann, Thomas Ganter (L&T), Jacob Bjerregaard, Inga Empt (SUITS.), Eric Sperber (Bree), Verena Czaja und Gregor Gemmer (P&C Hamburg), Luca Strehle, Daniela Drabert (Hagemeyer), Lena Urzendowsky, Nama Traore, Elisabeth Schwaiger (Laurel), Dirk Reichert (Laurel), Zac Posen, Lara Krude, Jan Kruse (Conde Nast), Gabriele Frantzen, Nico Hoffmeister, Jeanne de Kroon (Zazi Vintage), Fabian Engelhorn, Ilona Sauerbier (Schuhmarkt), Annette Gilles, Sabine Spieler, Frank Rheinboldt und Barbara Moers (AppelrathCüpper), Brigitte Zypries, Loulou Berg, Markus Kurz, Anita Tillmann, Sami Slimani, Kerstin Pooth (Jack Wolfskin), Ralph Böhm (Carl Gross), Andre Pollmann (Conde Nast), Thorsten Mindermann (H&M), Otto Drögsler (Odeeh), Annette Pringle-Kölsch, Oliver Beuthien und Heike Fritz (Engelhorn), Marina Hoermanseder, Edda Gimnes, Angelica Blechschmidt, Dorothee Schumacher, Kevin und Marc Willy (Nile), Marina von Morr, Jörg Wichmann (Panorama), Daniel Gottesdiener (Oui), Leyla Piedayesh, Karen Jessen, Elyas M’barek, Annette Weber, Arne Friedrich, Adriano Sack, Oliver Fischer, Andrea Latten, Antonia Weichs, Saskia Dietz, Isabel Vollrath, Daniela Pörner, Isabella Hierl, Ursula Karven, Viktoria Lauterbach, Judith Milberg, Alec Voelkel, Johanna Voelkel, Jana Julie Kilka, Thore Schoelermann, Marius Müller Westernhagen, Alexander Passigatti (Passigatti), Motsi Mabuse, Emilia Schuele, Rebecca Mir, Massimo Sinato, Wolfgang Altmann, Karin Veith (Marc Cain), Jan Hammer (Casamoda), Jan Schoper (Nightingale), Godo Kraemer, Joerg Ehrlich (Odeeh), Nobieh Talaei, Ann-Kathrin Brömmel, Mario Eimuth (Stylebop), Arik Tremmel und Veronica-Pohle (The Multilabel Store), Fares Hadid (Panorama), Jo Groebel, Jürgen Gessler (Strenesse), Marc Freyberg (Brax), Torsten Poschardt (Ralph Lauren), Sebastian Klinder (Munich Fabric Start), Jan Ten Brinke (Lerros), Michael Röther (Modepark Röther), Holger Blecker (Breuninger), Matthias Külter (TW), Tom Junkersdorf (GQ), Alina Süggeler und Andreas Weizel, Gisa Golpira,  Andreas Murkudis, Minh-Khai Phan-Ti, Hien Le, Lea van Acken, John Cloppenburg (P&C Düsseldorf), Stella McCartney, Sara Nuru, Markus Wahl und Caroline Nolte (Longchamp), Thomas Steinbrück (Reebok), Jürgen Wolf (Homeboy),  Joseph Voelk  und Emmanuel de Bayser (The Corner), Nina Kuhn, Rianna Kounou, Torsten Link (Strellson), Sarah Effenberger.
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Julia Malik attendsthe Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Julia Malik
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: Designer Edda Gimnes acknowledges the applause of the audience at the Edda Gimnes show (DfT winner 2016), ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID, during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stefan Knauer/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** Edda Gimnes
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designs by Hugo Boss on display at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Anita Tillmann poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Anita Tillmann
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: Lara Krude, winner of the fashion talent award ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID hosted by Stella McCartney, is seen during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** Lara Krude
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Lena Gercke, Iris Berben and Lena Meyer-Landrut during the Marc Cain Fashion Show after show party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Victoria Swarovski and Lena Gercke during the Marc Cain Fashion Show after show party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Gisa Golpira and Andreas Murkudis seen at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Gisa Golpira;Andreas Murkudis
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Alec Voelkel, member of the band The BossHoss, his wife Johanna Voelkel, Jana Julie Kilka and Thore Schoelermann attend the Marc Cain Fashion Show Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Angelica Blechschmidt and Dorothee Schumacher pose at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Angelica Blechschmidt;Dorothee Schumacher
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: John Cloppenburg, Johanna Klum and Stella McCartney speak at the fashion talent award show ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID hosted by Stella McCartney during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** John Cloppenburg;Johanna Klum;Stella McCartney
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Franziska Knuppe and Johanna Klum attend the Laurel show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Laurel) *** Local Caption *** Franziska Knuppe;Johanna Klum
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: Arne Friedrich attends the ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** Arne Friedrich
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designers Nina Kuhn and Rianna Kounou of Nina + Rianna pose at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Nina Kuhn;Rianna Kounou
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Victoria Swarovski (R) and guest attend the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Victoria Swarovski
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Lena Gercke and Alec Voelkel (The BossHoss) attend the Marc Cain Fashion Show After Party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designers pose ahead of the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Julian Daynov attends the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Julian Daynov
A model poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Saskia Diez at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Saskia Diez
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Leyla Piedayesh of Lala Berlin poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Lena Urzendowsky (L) and Nama Traore attend the Laurel show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Brian Dowling/Getty Images for Laurel) *** Local Caption *** Lena Urzendowsky;Nama Traore
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Karen Jessen of ‘Benu-Berlin’ poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Designs by Karen Jessen
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Valentin von Arnim of ‘Iris von Arnim’ poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Valentin von Arnim
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Sascha Vollmer, member of ‘The Boss Hoss’, and his wife Jenny Vollmer during the Marc Cain Fashion Show after show party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designers Otto Droegsler and Joerg Ehrlich of Odeeh pose at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Otto Droegsler;Joerg Ehrlich
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Katja Flint and Natalia Woerner attend the Laurel show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Laurel) *** Local Caption *** Katja Flint;Natalia Woerner
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Claus Peymann poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Claus Peymann
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: A model walks the runway for the designer Fatima Danielson at the fashion talent award ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID hosted by Stella McCartney during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stefan Knauer/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: A model walks the runway for the designer Lara Krude at the fashion talent award ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ by Peek & Cloppenburg and Fashion ID hosted by Stella McCartney during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Mario Eimuth poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON) *** Local Caption *** Mario Eimuth
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: A general view at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designer Gabriele Frantzen poses at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON) *** Local Caption *** Gabriele Frantzen
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Ursula Karven, Viktoria Lauterbach and Judith Milberg attend the Laurel show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Laurel) *** Local Caption *** Ursula Karven;Viktoria Lauterbach;Judith Milberg
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 06: Victoria Swarovski (L) and her sister Paulina Swarovski (R) attend the ‘Designer for Tomorrow’ show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin Spring/Summer 2018 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on July 6, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for P&C and Fashion ID) *** Local Caption *** Victoria Swarovski;Paulina Swarovski
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: A general view at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Zacharie Scheurer/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODESALON)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 04: Emilia Schuele wearing a red suit by Marc Cain during the Marc Cain Fashion Show after show party Spring/Summer 2018 at ewerk on July 4, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marc Cain)
BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 07: Designs by Hermione Flynn on display at the Group Presentation during ‘Der Berliner Mode Salon’ Spring/Summer 2018 at Kronprinzenpalais on July 7, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for DER BERLINER MODE SALON)
  @Berlin Aufnahmen von der Berlin Fashion Week, den European Fashion Awards, Traces, der Panorama, der Premium, den Schauen von Laurèl und Marc Cain, P&Cs Designer for Tomorrow, der GQ Mension, der Panorama-Party, Fashion Tech, dem Vogue Salon, dem Berliner Modesalon und der Vogue Soiree.
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inovaniteroi · 6 years
Ator da série infantil ‘LazyTown’ morre aos 43 anos
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O ator islandês Stefan Karl Stefansson morreu aos 43 anos, segundo informou o site da BBC. O artista, conhecido por interpretar o vilão Robbie Rotten na série de TV infantil LazyTown, lutava contra um câncer de pâncreas desde 2016.
De acordo com a revista ‘Veja’, o ator compartilhava momentos da sua luta contra a doença nas redes sociais.
“Não é até que eles te digam que você vai morrer logo que você percebe quão curta é a vida”, escreveu Stefan no Twitter. “O tempo é a coisa mais valiosa da vida porque ele nunca volta. E se você o gasta nos braços de uma pessoa querida ou sozinho na cadeia, a vida é o que você faz dela. Sonhe alto”, completou.
Leia também: Atriz Barbara Harris morre aos 83 anos
Fonte: Noticias ao Minuto
O post Ator da série infantil ‘LazyTown’ morre aos 43 anos apareceu primeiro em Portal Niterói.
from Portal Niterói https://ift.tt/2nWcv1R
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2BwCExX
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beaconfallshqs-blog · 7 years
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Herdeira de um dos sobrenomes fundadores de Beacon Falls, Elena já foi popular na escola, mas tudo mudou apos a morte de seus pais em um acidente de carro no qual ela estava tambem, mas sobreviveu ao ser salva por Stefan Salvatore. Desde o acidente, vivia com sua tia Jenna e com seu irmão Jeremy. Ela se esforça muito para se recuperar da morte de seus pais e mantem um diário no qual relata sobre sua vida e seus sentimentos.
A vida de Elena mudou completamente com a chegada dos irmãos a cidade. Filha biológica de Isobel, ex mulher de seu professor Alaric Saltzman e seu “tio” John Gilbert. Foi sacrificada por Klaus, mas trazida de volta com um feitiço que Bonnie fez, unindo sua alma com a de John, morrendo em seu lugar. Bonnie era considerada sua melhor amiga, mas apos a transformação de Caroline tanto para o vampirismo quanto sua mudança de personalidade, as fez ficarem mais unidas.
Depois do acordo que Stefan concordou em fazer com Klaus para salvar a vida de Damon, houve uma enorme aproximação entre ela e Damon fazendo-a duvidar de seus sentimentos pelos irmãos. Elena morre em um acidente na mesma ponte em que seus pais morreram, junto de Matt, causado por Rebekah, mas ela acaba por morrer com sangue de vampiro no organismo, trazendo-a de volta. Na mesma noite em que Elena morreu, Alaric acabou morrendo por sua alma estar ligada na de Elena que apos o acidente entrou em transição  o que deixou todos arrasados principalmente Elena já que ele tinha se tornado seu guardião indo morar junto com ela e Jeremy.
Depois de muito pensar e tentar encontrar alguma solução que poderia livra-la desse pesadelo e nada adiantar, Elena é obrigada a se transformar, ao quase morrer em uma cela do celeiro do pastor Young que assumiu o conselho ao descobrir a aliança entre sobrenaturais e os atuis fundadores.
Damon estava a ajudando-a passar por essa nova fase já que vem estando em conflitos com Stefan. Foi quase morta pelo seu irmão Jeremy que apos matar Connor - um dos Cinco - se tornou o sucessor. Mesmo que Jeremy quase tenha conseguido mata-la ela o perdoou mesmo se sentindo insegura de morar com ele na mesma casa.
Apos suas brigas com Stefan, Elena decidiu terminar seu relacionamento com o jovem Salvatore, já que ela se sentida como algo que tivesse ser consertado, por ter mudado bastante apos a transformação. Depois de seu término, se envolveu com Damon, que descobre-se logo depois que ela estava ligada a ele, e ele influenciado pelo seu amor por ela e as apelações de Stefan, tentou liberta-la, mas a ligação não interfere em seus sentimentos apenas no modo como age, assim, ela convenceu Damon que seus sentimentos por ele são reais, assumindo o relacionamento entre os dois.
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Damon Salvatore: Elena, sendo uma das unicas amigas de Damon, acaba se apaixonando pelo garoto mas não sabe controlar seus sentimentos em relação a isso, igual a Damon. Jeremy Gilbert: Primo/Irmão Adotivo. Alaric Saltzman: Padrasto/Tio/Guardião. Ric cuida de Elena junto com Jenna, que é casada com Alaric. Caroline Forbes: Melhor amiga. Depois que Caroline se tornou vampira, as duas ficaram bastante próximas. Bonnie Bennett: Melhor amiga, mesmo que estejam um pouco afastadas agora. Margaret Gilbert: irmã mais nova de Elena, a relação das duas é de amor e ódio, mesmo Elena protegendo-a sempre de tudo e de todos. Dianna Salvatore: Dianna sempre odiou Elena, fazendo com que Elena a odiasse em retribuição.
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joaquimblog · 7 years
Parsifal producció de Uwe Eric Laufenberg Bayreuth Fotografia de Enrico Nawrath gentilesa del Festival
Ryan McKinny (Amfortas) Parsifal producció de Uwe Eric Laufenberg Bayreuth Fotografia de Enrico Nawrath gentilesa del Festival
Parsifal producció de Uwe Eric Laufenberg Bayreuth Fotografia de Enrico Nawrath gentilesa del Festival de Bayreuth
Elena Pankratova, Andreas Schager i Georg Zeppenfeld Fotografia Enrico Narwath gentilesa del Festival de Bayreuth
Derek Welton (Klingsor) Parsifal Bayreuth 2017 Fotografia d’Enrico Nawrath gentilesa del Festival de Bayreuth
En la segona edició de la producció ecumènica de Parsifal, deguda a Uwe Eric Laufenberg, el rol titular ha passat de Klaus Florian Vogt a Andreas Schager, que molts desitgen encimbellar a l’Olimp dels heldentenors, en una ànsia desesperada per trobar el tenor que pugui ostentar el títol amb honestedat, credibilitat i continuïtat.
Teníem totes les esperances posades en Schager, el tenor austríac d’edat ignota que va debutar l’any passat al Festival cantant l’Erik i també un Parsifal substituint a Vogt, però en aquesta ocasió i ja com titular previst i absolut m’ha deixat desencisat perquè la veu semblava més d’un cantant que s’acomiada que no pas un amb qui s’han posat totes les esperances del futur.
Per ràdio la veu sonava oscil·lant i encara que ja sabem que en el teatre moltes vegades aquest defecte d’emissió queda esmorteït, no deixa de ser una evidència o de desgast prematur o d’esgotament vocal.
Andreas Schager canta un repertori molt exigent: Siegfried, Tristan, Parsifal, Tannhäuser, Rienzi, Apollo (a la Daphne de Strauss), Menelas (Die ägyptische Helena), Max, Florestan, Tamino (no sé pas com li deu sortir), no es prodigava gaire i ara comencen a solicityar-lo tots els teatres, una mica com a Vinke, ja que amb Kaufmann no es pot conptar gaire i Vogt acaba sent el que és i malgrat cantar-ho tot, no dóna la talla de heldentenor que demanem.
Schager és un cantant que sense tenir una veu especialment seductora fraseja bé i té variat expressiva, però l’emissió és massa inestable i per ràdio perd seducció vocal. Espero que sigui una cosa passatgera que se solucioni amb descans.
Ryan McKinny repetia el seu bon Amfortas de l’any passat, però aquest any m’ha agradat més perquè també m’ha agradat més la direcció de Hartmut Haenchen, i aquest era un dels factors que l’any passat em van refredar una mica. La veu del baríton és lírica i dóna el punt de sofriment lacerant inherent al rol.
El primer dia i potser per dotar a la representació de més pedigrí, el rol de Titurel el va cantar Günther Groissböck, que juntament amb Georg Zeppenfeld representen amb el permís de Papé, que mai s’acaba de posar les piles, el bo i millor de la corda de baix en el repertori alemany. Comptar amb els dos en el mateix repartiment es rememora amb nostàlgia als millors anys del Bayreuth feliç en el que es comptava amb els millors i més idonis cantants per fer front a cadascun dels personatges. Groissböck per a l’important però brevíssim rol de Titurel va ser una cirereta a un pastis de categoria.
Jo crec que ja puc dir sense perill d’equivocar-me que el millor Gurnemanz de l’actualitat és Georg Zeppenfeld. És la veu, el cant, l’expressió, el color, tot plegat configura una interpretació rodona de categoria i referència. En el seu cant hi ha la distinció que separa la correcció de l’excel·lència.
Derek Welton ha assumit el rol de Klingsor substituint a Gerd Grochowski que va cantar el rol en el 2016. M’ha agradat aquest baix-baríton australià. La veu és dramàtica i ferma, no es decolora en cap de les zones del seu ampli registre, si bé el greu és més feble que el centre i l’agut, però noi canvia de color, l’emissió no oscil·la, ni fixa les notes o utilitza el recurs del portamento per ajudar-se. Un malèfic, dramàtic i imponent Kingsor que està destinat a fer-nos reviure en altres rols wagnerians bons moments.Gran debut a Bayreuth!
També la Kundry de Elena Pankratova m’ha agradat més en aquesta edició que en el seu debut bayreuthià en l’edició del 2016. No té encara la fascinació de les grans intèrprets wagnerianes, però la veu hi és i és adient. Després d’escoltar a l’anèmica Eva de la inauguració i la crispació de la Isolde, Pankratova és un bàlsam i una satisfacció, demanar més, que sempre ho hem de fer, en aquest cas semblaria fins i tot immoral.
Les noies flor esplèndides i tot plegat em va agradar perquè Hartmut Haenchen va traspassar la correcció i aquella certa timidesa de l’any passat per dotar a tota l’obra de l’atmosfera adequada, i això en aquesta drama sacra sempre és particularment delicat, perquè no es pot oblidar la sensualitat del segon acte que ens ha de fer oblidar, com a Parsifal, les cerimònies ungides d’espiritualitat per endinsar-nos en l’ardent tenmptació de Kundry & Cia, i en aquesta edició, ja rodada, tot va lliscar amb més naturalitat i passió. Haenchen no és Kna, ni Gatti, ja ho vaig dir l’any passat, el director milanès encerta de ple en aquesta obra, però va aconseguir que en molts moments de l’obra i en cadascun dels actes, els calfreds fossin espontanis.
Orquestra i cor no cal dir que en aquella dimensió fora del bé i del mal que fa de Bayreuth, encara que només sigui per això, el referent de l’essència wagneriana.
Richard Wagner PARSIFAL
Amfortas Ryan McKinny Titurel Günther Groissböck Gurnemanz Georg Zeppenfeld Parsifal Andreas Schager Klingsor Derek Welton Kundry Elena Pankratova 1. Gralsritter Tansel Akzeybek 2. Gralsritter Timo Riihonen 1. Knappe Alexandra Steiner 2. Knappe Mareike Morr 3. Knappe Paul Kaufmann 4. Knappe Stefan Heibach Klingsors Zaubermädchen Netta Or Klingsors Zaubermädchen Katharina Persicke Klingsors Zaubermädchen Mareike Morr Klingsors Zaubermädchen Alexandra Steiner Klingsors Zaubermädchen Bele Kumberger Klingsors Zaubermädchen Sophie Rennert Altsolo Wiebke Lehmkuhl
Chor und Orchester Bayreuther Festspiele Chorleitung Eberhard Friedrich Musikalische Leitung Hartmut Haenchen
Després del descans reparador d’avui, que em permetrà un respir, demà iniciarem l’aventura del Ring, en la darrera edició (ja era hora) de la producció de Kastorf i de la que aquí ja m’he despatxat a gust.
BAYREUTH 2017: PARSIFAL (SCHAGER-McKINNY-ZEPPENFELD-WELTON_PANKRATOVA;HAENCHEN) En la segona edició de la producció ecumènica de Parsifal, deguda a Uwe Eric Laufenberg, el rol titular ha passat de Klaus Florian Vogt a…
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astridexner · 4 years
Die 100 wichtigsten österreichischen Popsongs
2. Bilderbuch »Maschin« (2013)
Frühsommer 2019: Vor dem Schloss Schönbrunn ist die Hölle los, denn Bilderbuch haben zur Audienz geladen. Es ist der bisherige Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere. An zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Abenden wohnen knapp 30.000 Menschen dem Open-Air-Spektakel bei; der Triumph ist komplett. Was für Gitarristen Michael Krammer das Solo ist, bei dem er sein Instrument verkehrt herum schultert und blind spielt, ist für Sänger Maurice Ernst der knallgelbe Rennfahrerhandschuh. Er hält ihn demonstrativ ins Scheinwerferlicht – und alle wissen, was jetzt kommt. »Maschiiiiin«. Was Bilderbuch in ihrer Frühphase in den Äther schickten, war natürlich auch nicht schlecht. Quirliger FM4-Indie führte zu Achtungserfolgen der ehemaligen Klosterschüler aus Kremsmünster, die Teil einer lebendigen oberösterreichischen Szene waren. Diese versammelte sich, zum Studieren nach Wien gezogen, rund um die Agentur Ink Music und bei langen Nächten im B72. An Slow Jams wie »Venezianischer Spiegel« lässt sich schon erahnen, welches Potenzial in der Band steckt. Dann färbt die Oma dem Frontmann Maurice die Haare blond und – vroom vroom – Bilderbuch steigen aufs Gaspedal. Von Kanye West lässt sich die Band nicht nur musikalisch inspirieren, sie schneidet sich auch eine gesunde Portion Größenwahn ab. Ein gelber Lamborghini Diablo ist der fetischisierte Star des Musikvideos. Das dazugehörige Album »Schick Schock« erreicht Platin. An »Maschin« führt seither kein Weg vorbei. Ja: Ohne »Maschin« gäbe es diese Liste nicht.
5. Ja, Panik »DMD KIU LIDT« (2011)
Das Flex des Burgenländers ist einerseits die Cselley Mühle in Oslip und andererseits das Bergwerk in Neusiedl. Beide sind auch wichtige Stationen für die 2001 gegründete Band Flashbax, aus der Ja, Panik hervorgehen sollte. »Und ja, Panik treibt mich, whatever gets you through the night, it’s alright.« Durch die Nacht kommen Andreas Spechtl und seine Mitstreiter im Bergwerk und später im Flex an der Garderobe, ehe sie aus dem Land der Sonne mit einer Zwischenstation im Taschenmesser Wien in die noch größere Stadt auswandern, um in der Berliner Stralauer Allee eine WG zu gründen. Dort schmeckt das Heroin auch nicht anders als am Schottentor. Sie werden in Deutschland mit Fanfaren empfangen – die Spex bezeichnet das noch in Wien entstandene »The Taste And The Money« als die wichtigste deutschsprachige Platte seit Blumfeld und hat damit völlig recht. Wobei das mit der Deutschsprachigkeit so eine Sache ist, denn das Markenzeichen von Spechtl ist die wilde Mischung von deutschen und englischen Textfragmenten. Frankfurter Schule und Hamburger Schule finden hier zusammen, der abgenudelte Begriff Diskurspop bietet sich dafür an. Der Hedonismus im Frühwerk weicht bald allumfassender Melancholie. 2009 spielen Ja, Panik ein Konzert vor der besetzten Uni Wien, ein Jahr später spielen sie am Donaufestival eben kein Konzert, sondern performen den Auf- und Abbau ihres Equipments. Die konzeptionelle Entwicklung kulminiert im epochalen, 14-minütigen, diese Band definierenden Titelstück des gleichnamigen Albums »DMD KIU LIDT«: »Die Manifestation des Kapitalismus in unserem Leben ist die Traurigkeit.«
9. Wanda »Bologna« (2014)
Der Legende nach werden Wanda von Laura Landergott entdeckt, die mit Voodoo Jürgens bei den Eternias und in Berlin bei Ja, Panik aktiv ist. Sie stellt die Band dem Nino-aus-Wien-Manager Stefan Redelsteiner vor. Aus denen wird was! Auf die immense Strahlkraft von »Bologna« ist trotzdem niemand vorbereitet. Die Venue-BookerInnen kleinerer Hallen freuen sich einen Haxen aus. Wanda müssen um lächerliche, vor Monaten fixierte 200 Euro Gage restlos ausverkaufte Gigs spielen, obwohl ihr Marktwert ins Unermessliche gestiegen ist. Die Band pflegt das Strizzi-Image so gut wie die Velourslederjacke. Das Publikum dankt es mit verschwitzten Amore-Bekundungen. Fürs zweite Album wechselt das Quintett zum Majorlabel Universal und denkt sich einen total lustigen Marketingplan aus, der einen Musikvideo-Auftritt vom deutschen Postergirl des Antifeminismus, Ronja von Rönne, vorsieht. Enttäuschte HörerInnen wenden sich ab, dafür kommt Fan-Nachschub aus dem Bierzelt. Dort hat ein bisschen Objektifizierung von Frauen noch nie geschadet. »Bologna« hat 13,5 Millionen Youtube-Views.
15. Anton Karas »Harry-Lime-Thema / Der dritte Mann« (1949)
Wer schon einmal am Karlsplatz war, hat die fetten roten Buchstaben gesehen, die auf die »3. Mann Tour« hinweisen. Die stets ausgebuchte Exkursion in die Wiener Kanalisation gäbe es nicht, hätte nicht der britische Regisseur Carol Reed nach einem Drehbuch von Graham Greene das besetzte Wien der Nachkriegszeit in einem Schwarzweiß-Krimi festgehalten – Verfolgungsjagd im Untergrund inklusive. »Der dritte Mann« ist neben »The Sound Of Music« das wohl prägendste filmische Produkt für die Außenwahrnehmung dieses Landes. So prägend, dass das Burg Kino den Film noch immer mehrmals wöchentlich zeigt. Was ihm das besondere Flair gibt, ist allerdings nicht die schauspielerische Leistung Orson Welles’ oder die hochgelobten schrägen Kameraeinstellungen, sondern die von Anton Karas gespielte Zither. Reed entdeckte den Heurigenmusiker, nahm ihn mit nach London und ließ ihn dort die nun ikonische Filmmusik komponieren. Lange vor Falco war Karas damit der erste Österreicher auf Platz 1 der US-Charts. Und zwar ganze elf Wochen lang.
25. DJ DSL »Happy Bear« (2002)
Von der legendären Auflegekunst des Stefan Biedermann erzählt man sich noch heute. Nicht umsonst kürte ihn die Spex 1995 zum besten DJ – weltweit. Der notorisch bescheidene Nationalheld der Hip-Hop-Szene Mitte der 90er ließ sich lange Zeit für eine Albumveröffentlichung als DJ DJ Super Leiwand. Es kam schließlich 2002 beim Kruder-&-Dorfmeister-Label G-Stone Recordings heraus. Davor gestaltete er mit »Tribe Vibes« eine der ersten Hip-Hop-Radiosendungen, war bei den Moreaus (Platz 82) aktiv und lieferte Scratches für Edelweiss (Platz 28) und Falco (Plätze 1 und 16).
29. Francis International Airport »Amnesiacs« (2010)
Sie bespielten den internationalen Festivalzirkus von Eurosonic bis Primavera und kündigten dort als Vorreiter das österreichische Popwunder der 10er-Jahre an. Der große Erfolg blieb den nach einem fiktiven Videospiel-Flughafen benannten Francis International Airport selbst jedoch verwehrt. Dabei ist das euphorische »Amnesiacs« das perfekte Abbild der damaligen Aufbruchsstimmung: »It’s gonna be a great, great deal for all of us!« Diese Band darf nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Auf ihren Schultern stehen GigantInnen.
33. Hans Orsolics »Mei potschertes Leb’n« (1986)
Die Kulthymne für alle vom Leben Gestraften passt zu Hans Orsolics wie die Faust aufs Auge. Der ehemalige Profiboxer war Weltranglisten-Erster und hat dann – ja, valuan, wie nur einer verlieren kann. Niederlage folgt auf Niederlage, Schulden häufen sich an, er sitzt wiederholt im Gefängnis, der Alkohol tut ein Übriges. Nach einer ORF-Doku stellt ihm der Liedermacher Charly Kriechbaum die nun legendäre Nummer zur Verfügung, die sich sieben Wochen an der Spitze der Charts hält. Hier Platz 33, aber in Wahrheit der Sieger der Herzen.
40. Wolfgang Ambros »Zwickt’s mi« (1975)
»Wo samma daham?«, das ist hier die Frage. Lange, bevor sich Ambros 2018 in der Süddeutschen Zeitung kritisch gegenüber der FPÖ und ÖVP äußerte und sich einen rechten Shitstorm einfing, zeichnete er mit »Zwickt’s mi« ein launiges Sittenbild der österreichischen Verhältnisse. Viel hat sich nicht verändert: Korrupte Schmiergeldempfänger und stinkende Straßenbahnen gibt es noch immer, doch der beschwingte Pfeifrefrain macht es irgendwie besser. Bloß, was das Singlecover damit zu tun hat, ist nicht ganz klar.
47. Schmieds Puls »Superior (Fuck You)« (2018)
»Superior (Fuck You)« ist die Ausnahme im Werk von Mira Lu Kovacs und gleichzeitig auch ihre Bestätigung. Ausnahme, weil Schmieds Puls sonst eher behutsam und höflich klingen. Bestätigung, weil alles, was davor war, hierhin führt. Die Powerchords mit den fetten Verzerrern sind ein Befreiungsschlag, die bisher unterdrückte Wut war berechtigt, die Lyrics stellen klar: Hier wird sich nicht mehr entschuldigt. Abseits von Schmieds Puls hat Kovacs ihre Hände auch bei den Supergroups 5K HD (siehe auch Platz 75) und My Ugly Clementine im Spiel.
52. B. Fleischmann »Slope« (1999)
1997 entdeckt Bernhard Fleischmann die Roland Groovebox 505 für sich. Davor als Schlagzeuger in Hardcore-Bands tätig, hinterlegt er die damit aufgenommenen Tracks im Rhiz, wo er schließlich auch sein erstes Konzert als B. Fleischmann spielt. Als Elektronik entweder sperrig oder tanzbar ist, besetzt er die klaffende Lücke mit poppigen Melodien. »Pop Loops For Breakfast« mit dem Opener »Slope« ist der erste Release auf dem Berliner Label Morr Music. Manche munkeln, das Label wäre extra für ihn gegründet worden.
53. Garish »Noch auf See« (2004)
Was für Leonardo DiCaprio der Oscar war, ist für Garish der Amadeus. Acht Mal nominiert, acht Mal ist nichts passiert. Dabei waren die seit 1997 aktiven Burgenländer 2003 die erste österreichische und deutschsprachige Band beim meinungsbildenden Showcase-Festival Eurosonic. »Noch auf See« markiert ein Jahr später ihren Durchbruch. Es folgt ein kurzlebiger Majorlabel-Vertrag und danach eine von den Ketten der Industrie befreite Schaffensphase, in der die Band endgültig ihren ureigenen, luftig-akkordeonlastigen Sound findet.
57. Clara Luzia »Morning Light« (2007)
»This is a sad, sad song«: Mit ihrem zweiten Soloalbum gibt Clara Luzia die von Grundtraurigkeit geprägte Richtung vor. Dass sich die Musikerin in jungen Bühnenjahren das Publikum einfach wegdachte, passt zum introvertierten Bild der Anti-Rampensau, die die Zügel selbst in der Hand halten will. Der stets persönliche Zugang macht Clara Luzia zu einer zwangsläufig politischen Singer-Songwriterin, die als queere Frau in einer von Bubenbands dominierten Zeit eine neue Perspektive einbrachte und beim Schwanzvergleich nach wie vor einfach nicht mitmacht.
61. Marque »One To Make Her Happy« (2000)
Daisy und ihre drei Boyfriends waren ihrer Zeit voraus. Als der Feldkircher Marque um die Jahrtausendwende den deutschsprachigen Raum eroberte, war Polyamorie nämlich noch lange nicht massentauglich. Dass hier nicht der klassische österreichische Haushalt beschrieben wird, ist aber eh zweitrangig. Der Erfolg beruht auf der professionellen Nachahmung eines internationalen Mainstream-Pop-Sounds – damals eine Ausnahmeerscheinung. Einzig das holprige Englisch verrät die Herkunft, aber das hat ja Max Martin auch noch nie davon abgehalten, Welthits zu schreiben.
73. Peter Cornelius »Du entschuldige – i kenn di« (1981)
»Kumm, wir streichen 15 Joar, hol’n jetzt ollas nach, als ob dazwischen afoch nix woar« – Wörter, die die Welt bedeuten. Der beim ORF-Talentwettbewerb »Showchance« entdeckte Peter Cornelius ist nicht nur Gitarrist mit Grammy-Nominierung, der »Reif für die Insel« zu einem geflügelten Wort machte. Er beherrscht die Klaviatur der Nostalgie wie kein anderer. Die verpassten Chancen im Leben stattet er mit Hoffnung aus: Es ist nie zu spät! Ein starker Trost für alle, die sich zur Sperrstunde mit glasigen Augen in den Armen liegen.
75. Koenigleopold »Kohlhauser« (2012)
Als der echte Fleischhauer Kohlhauser aus dem steirischen Mönichwald mit einer Klage drohte, ging der Youtube-Hit endgültig viral – das Dada-Gesamtkunstwerk von Koenigleopold war vom ORF bis zur Krone Thema. Zum im steirischen Gebell vorgetragenen Wirtshauspalaver gesellt sich ein Video mit Untertiteln in Gaga-Englisch, das Lukas König und Leo Riegler im Bikini beim Waldbaden zeigt, ehe es zum psychedelischen Egoshooter wird. Ersterer begleitete auch Bilderbuch (Platz 2) auf Tour, spielte mit Mira Lu Kovacs (Platz 47) bei 5K HD und ist mit Clemens Wenger (Platz 94) in der Jazzwerkstatt aktiv.
76. Yasmo & die Klangkantine »Girls Wanna Have Fun« (2017)
Es war ein iconic moment beim Amadeus 2018, als die auf Poetry-Slams sozialisierte Rapperin Yasmo von ihrem Sitzplatz aus der männerdominierten Branche und den Gabaliers dieser Welt die Leviten las. »Bitte lies ein bisschen Butler, sie schreibt nicht kompliziert«, reimte sich die erste jemals in der Kategorie Hip-Hop nominierte Frau eloquent und gnadenlos durch den Saal auf die Bühne. Wie zum Beweis wartete dort bereits ein 20-köpfiger Musikerinnenchor zur Unterstützung ihrer feministischen Predigt. Gab Standing Ovations. (ae)
94. 5/8erl in Ehr’n »Siasse Tschik« (2011)
Die Wiener Soul-Formation 5/8erl in Ehr’n ist den Genussmitteln nicht abgeneigt, das macht sie schon im schlauen Bandnamen klar. Mit sehr viel Schmäh, politischem Bewusstsein und satten vier Jazz-Amadeus-Trophäen grooven sich die Achterl seit über einem Jahrzehnt durch ihr eigenes Genre. Ein Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere: »Siasse Tschik«, die regionale Kifferhymne abseits von Reggae-Klischees. Als hätten sie die heurige Maxime des Social Distancing geahnt, feiern sie hier das Zuhausebleiben und Zustelldienste – freilich aus ganz anderen Gründen.
Gemeinsam mit Manuel Fronhofer, Stefan Niederwieser, Dominik Oswald und Theresa Ziegler. Zuerst erschienen am 14. April 2020 auf thegap.at und in The Gap 180.
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westernmanews · 5 years
NORTHAMPTON — The Valley District Dental Society will hold its winter membership meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at Hotel Northampton, 36 King St., Northampton. The event will begin with cocktails at 5 p.m., followed by dinner and a business meeting from 6 to 7 p.m., and a seminar, “Transitioning: Planning Your Future,” from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Practice owners and doctor associates will learn about how owners prepare for transition and how associates evaluate a practice for associateship or purchase. Doctors will hear from the professionals who position private practices for transition and advise associates on how to choose a practice that will help them grow and thrive.
Presenters include Carolyn Carpenter, CPA, Rosen & Associates; Stefan Green, Bank of America Practice Solutions; Matt Kolcum, CARR Health Care Realty; Maria Melone, MORR Dental Transitions; and Patricia Sweitzer, Sweitzer Construction (facilitator).
The cost to attend is $55. To register and select a meal option, visit www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4475373.
The post Valley District Dental Society to Hold Winter Membership Meeting on Jan. 22 appeared first on BusinessWest.
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Diários de um Vampiro: 5ª Temporada
Diários de um Vampiro: 5ª Temporada
Depois de tomar a cura, Katherine luta para sobreviver. Elena e Damon iniciam um relacionamento. Silas quer a cura, e pra isso, terá que beber o sangue de Katherine. Tessa (Qetsiyah), uma bruxa que no passado foi traída por Silas e quer vingança, salva Stefan do cofre. Bonnie volta à vida como âncora para o Outro Lado depois que Amara, a duplicata original, morre. Tessa se mata após ver Silas ser…
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