#stefan martinsson
foxandcatlibrary · 5 years
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32nd book I read in 2019
Title: Så Fungerar Kommunens Ekonomi
Author: Jan-Inge Hansson & Stefan Martinsson
Notes: Sååååå tråkig. Dock tack o lov väldigt lättläst och inte så lång. Kan inte säga att jag lärde mig mycket tyvärr för det mesta bara föll ur hjärnan direkt när jag vände till en ny sida. Skulle behöva en bättre motivation om jag skulle kunna ta in något av det här.
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Savage Garden  #2
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just-the-hiddles · 5 years
Weekend Reading | October 4, 2019
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Hello my little pumpkins!  It’s fall y’all!  At least it is supposedly, someone tell the weather!  Anyways. A new set of stories coming at you for the weekend.  We got a bit of everything this week, including a new segment called Bonus Stories!  For those regularly recc’d fandoms as well as just more stories.  This week I added some Dr. Strange fics.  
My Love Awaits by @hopelessromanticspoonie  Loki x Reader-  Okay this gave me all the feels.  It is fluff and angst wrapped up in a yummy package. Yes Hopeless is a good friend of mine but this story is too good not to include.
Something Stronger by @yespolkadotkitty Jonathan Pine x Reader-  Another friend recommendation!  A smutty romp with our favorite spy, Jonathan Pine.  That last chapter will kill you. I linked to Part 1.
Date Night by @capchrisevaans Chris Evans x Reader-  A nice sweet fluffy bit of Chris.  I love this with the rain and the steaminess at the end. Lovely.  
The Wall by @mrs-ella-laufeyson Tom Hiddleston x Reader-  Pure Smut but how delicious!  I am a sucker for wall sex.  So hot!
My Queen by @toomanystoriessolittletime Tom Hiddleston x Reader-  Halloween, costumes, smut, Tom, in the words of Stefan from SNL this story has everything.  Delicious.  
Much Better by @nuggsmum Magnus Martinsson x OFC-  Holy hell!  This is hot!  Like knock my breath out hot!  This is the only Magnus I want from now on!  Now I need a shower.  
Bonus Stories:
So I am going to from time to time include bonus stories.  This may be just other stories I read or maybe something from a fandom I don’t usually rec.  But anyways, here we go.
Can You Help Me With My Tie? by @whirlybirbs Dr. Stephen Strange x Reader-  The cutest piece of fluff ever!  I love it!  Makes Stephen feel human, which he is but you know what I mean.  A bit of romance.  So cute!  Nice and short too!
Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows by @after-avenging-hours Dr. Stephen Strange x Reader- More Stephen fluff!  And it is winter, with snow and hot chocolate!  With Marshmallows!!!  I love it!  Nice and cozy.  
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kwebtv · 4 years
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Wallender  - BBC One  -  November 30, 2008 - June 5, 2016
Crime Drama (12 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Kenneth Branagh as Kurt Wallander
Sarah Smart as Ann-Britt Hoglund (Series 1-3)
Tom Hiddleston as Magnus Martinsson (Series 1-2)
Richard McCabe as Sven Nyberg
Tom Beard as Kalle Svedberg (Series 1)
Sadie Shimmin as Lisa Holgersson (Series 1-2)
Jeany Spark as Linda Wallander, Kurt's daughter
David Warner as Povel Wallander, Kurt's father (Series 1-2, 4)
Polly Hemingway as Gertrude, Kurt's step-mother (Series 1-2)
Saskia Reeves as Vanja Andersson (Series 2-3)
Rebekah Staton as Kristyna (Series 3)
Mark Hadfield as Stefan Lindeman (Series 3)
Barnaby Kay as Lennart Mattson (Series 3-4)
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ingebjorg9 · 7 years
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The power trio of Martinsson, Stefan and Kurt
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plusorminuscongress · 5 years
New story in Politics from Time: Why the Swedish Prime Minister Can’t Release A$AP Rocky on Bail – No Matter What President Trump Says
The arrest of A$AP Rocky in Sweden has led many high-profile Americans––including President Donald Trump––to call on the Swedish prime minister to release the New York-born rapper on bail while he awaits trial. But the political pressure to #FreeRocky will never work on Prime Minister Stefan Löfven––for two reasons.
First, unlike the United States, Sweden has no system of bail. As a foreigner, Swedish authorities view A$AP Rocky as a flight risk and will not release him pending trial. This is standard for any visitor arrested in Sweden, Swedish legal experts say.
Second, Sweden’s constitution bans the prime minister from interfering with any pending legal case.
A$AP Rocky has been in custody since July 3. He was charged with assault on Thursday for the fight broke out on a street in Stockholm. A$AP Rocky posted a video that showed him and his team being following by two men. He says he acted in self-defense. Prosecutors say they have additional evidence that isn’t available online.
The case has sparked an international incident, with Trump promising to use the power of his office to get A$AP Rock released.
After A$AP Rocky was first detained, Trump called Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and said he would “personally vouch for his bail.” Following the prosecutor’s decision to charge the rapper, Trump tweeted that he was “very disappointed” in the Prime Minister for “being unable to act.”
Just had a very good call with @SwedishPM Stefan Löfven who assured me that American citizen A$AP Rocky will be treated fairly. Likewise, I assured him that A$AP was not a flight risk and offered to personally vouch for his bail, or an alternative….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 20, 2019
Very disappointed in Prime Minister Stefan Löfven for being unable to act. Sweden has let our African American Community down in the United States. I watched the tapes of A$AP Rocky, and he was being followed and harassed by troublemakers. Treat Americans fairly! #FreeRocky
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2019
Give A$AP Rocky his FREEDOM. We do so much for Sweden but it doesn’t seem to work the other way around. Sweden should focus on its real crime problem! #FreeRocky
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2019
Whereas in the United States, A$AP Rocky would likely be released after posting substantial bail as collateral to make sure he showed up to court to face charges, Sweden has no system of bail. Anne Ramberg, secretary-general of the Swedish Bar Association, tells TIME that the bar association does not support a bail system because it would give wealthier people an advantage. “We believe it has to be the same rules for everyone,” Ramberg says.
As for the prime minister intervening? That would be completely “out of line,” Ramberg says. She adds that she “cannot recall any time when the government has interfered in a trial.”
Sweden’s constitution also forbids government ministers—even the prime minister—from commenting or stating anything about an individual case, Dennis Martinsson, a senior law lecturer at Stockholm University, who has frequently spoken about the case in Swedish media, tells TIME.
Martinsson says he considers Trump’s tweets on the situation “misinformation and misunderstanding” and believes a big reason for the disconnect between how Swedes and Americans have interpreted the A$AP Rocky case is that politicians in the U.S. may assume that their Swedish counterparts can influence the case.
“They can’t. They’re strictly forbidden,” Martinsson says. “The constitution clearly states that.”
Sweden’s prime minister emphasized the independence of the country’s judiciary in response to Trump’s requests and comments, both before and after the rapper was charged.
Mikael Lindstrom, a spokesman for the Löfven, reiterated after Trump’s comments on Thursday that “in Sweden everyone is equal before the law” and “the government is not allowed, and will not attempt, to influence the legal proceedings, which are now ongoing,” the Associated Press reported.
The U.S. State Department said Thursday that it was “following the case closely.”
The government could technically pardon anyone who is convicted but that kind of power is “very, very rarely used,” Ramberg says.
The pardoning powers lie with the government, not the prime minister, Martinsson explains, adding that a pardon can “only be granted in exceptional cases.” It does “not contradict” the constitution’s limits on ministers because any pardon is “usually decided a long time after the person was convicted” and “cannot be seen as a way for the government to take a different stand on whether or not the person is guilty of the convicted crime.”
By Sanya Mansoor on July 26, 2019 at 02:38PM
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pettzon67 · 7 years
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Djurgårdens Legendar Jultradition på @taverna_brillo är Magisk Super Bosse är ett unikum av allra högsta grad med sin side kick historieberättaren @pelle_kotschack Vilken bedrift Kotschak har 36 år i styrelsen Här samlas alla från Lill Lappen med SM Guld från 56 o Massa Guldhjältar från 60 talet till de yngsta Guldgubbarna med Rasken i täten med 6 titlar där var flera legendarer såsom Chefen Stefan Rehn Dansande Jeppe Blomqvist Modell Abgar Barsom Järnkamminen Mackan Karlsson Elias Storm Vito Knezovic Advokat Ahlen o Svesse mfl var generationen innan den lite busigare med Martinez vilken lirare som flyger hem från Afrika Mille Berka Martinsson Dann Lukas Nilsson Den sistnämnda generationen förde lite mer liv än de andra Alla Fina Grabbar med stora Djurgårdshjärtan o mef många minnen Det är en sjukt rolig afton #diffen #pellekotschak #djurgården #dif #tavernabrillo #heroes #diffotboll #lillappen #smguld (at Taverna Brillo)
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rp-kat · 6 years
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Morbid Noizz  #3
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plusorminuscongress · 5 years
New story in Politics from Time: What’s Next for Rapper A$AP Rocky Now That Swedish Prosecutors Charged Him With Assault?
Swedish authorities formally charged A$AP Rocky with assault on Thursday, meaning the American rapper now awaits trial for a crime that could land him in prison for up to two years. The charge comes despite efforts by President Donald Trump to “#FreeRocky,” which included calling Sweden’s Prime Minister to intervene on the musician’s behalf.
Trump quickly signaled his disappointment in a tweet Thursday, saying that “Sweden has let our African American Community down in the United States.”
Very disappointed in Prime Minister Stefan Löfven for being unable to act. Sweden has let our African American Community down in the United States. I watched the tapes of A$AP Rocky, and he was being followed and harassed by troublemakers. Treat Americans fairly! #FreeRocky
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2019
Give A$AP Rocky his FREEDOM. We do so much for Sweden but it doesn’t seem to work the other way around. Sweden should focus on its real crime problem! #FreeRocky
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2019
The U.S. State Department said Thursday that it was “following the case closely.”
The rapper, whose real name is Rakim Mayers, was first detained about three weeks ago, and was charged alongside two other individuals after a fight broke out in Stockholm. The two other people were described as part of his entourage, the Associated Press reported. The Grammy-nominated artist was in Sweden to perform at a music festival. An alleged victim in the case was also charged initially, but an investigation into him has since been dropped. Prosecutors had originally listed two individuals as victims, but later said they only had sufficient evidence to pursue charges for one victim.
Snippets of the incident were captured on camera and posted online.
A video clip published by a Swedish newspaper appears to show the rapper violently throwing a man to the ground. Another video posted on celebrity news site TMZ shows A$AP Rocky and others punching a man on the floor.
A defense attorney representing A$AP Rocky has said the incident was an act of self-defense, the Associated Press reported. The rapper also posted a video on his Instagram that appears to show two men trailing him and one of them hitting his security person with his headphones.
A$AP Rocky had told the two men in the video: “We don’t want to fight you all, we’re not trying to go to jail.” He later addressed the camera, saying, “We don’t want no problems with these boys. They keep following us.”
Prosecutors say there is more to the story.
“It is worth noting that I have had access to a greater amount of material than that which has previously been available on the internet,” Daniel Suneson, a public prosecutor working on the A$AP Rocky case, said in an online statement Thursday. “In addition to video material, the injured party’s statements have been supported by witness statements.”
Suneson added that he would press charges “despite claims of self-defense and provocation.”
A$AP Rocky is expected to be in court next Tuesday for what is scheduled to be a three-day hearing ending on Friday.
If convicted, the rapper will likely face a prison sentence that lasts closer to three to five months, Dennis Martinsson, a senior law lecturer at Stockholm University who has frequently spoken about the case for Swedish media, tells TIME. “That’s what would be in line with other similar cases,” he also says, adding that he would be shocked if the prison terms were anywhere close to or more than a year.
Rocky’s punishment could also include a fine based on his daily earnings if he does not receive a prison sentence, a spokeswoman for the Swedish Prosecution Authority told The New York Times.
It is highly unlikely that the judge would deliver a final verdict by the end of next week. The court has within three weeks from the last day of the hearing to weigh in on a defendant’s guilt, Martinsson explains.
During this time, the rapper will probably remain in a detention center.
But even before a formal judgment is made, the court may choose to release Rocky. That usually only happens in cases in which the court is already leaning toward a not guilty verdict or the charge is minor in nature, according to Martinsson.
Sweden does not have a bail system, which is why the rapper was detained with no way to get out even before he was formally charged. However, Sweden does have a parole system. Prisoners typically get parole after completing two-thirds of their sentence, Martinsson says.
Last week, Trump tweeted that “he would personally vouch for his bail,” despite Sweden having no bail system. Martinsson also says he considers Trump’s tweets on the situation “misinformation and misunderstanding.”
Just had a very good call with @SwedishPM Stefan Löfven who assured me that American citizen A$AP Rocky will be treated fairly. Likewise, I assured him that A$AP was not a flight risk and offered to personally vouch for his bail, or an alternative….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 20, 2019
“For one, we don’t have a bail system. Secondly, it seems from the tweet that he wanted to try and convince the Swedish Prime Minister to intervene with the case. But according to our constitution, all of our ministers — even the Prime Minister — cannot even comment or state anything about an individual case,” Martinsson says. “If they would do so, it would be grounds for impeachment.”
Martinsson says he believes a big reason for the disconnect between how Swedes and Americans have interpreted the A$AP Rocky case is that politicians in the U.S. assume that their Swedish counterparts can intervene.
“They can’t. They’re strictly forbidden,” Martinsson says. “The constitution clearly states that.”
That may explain why Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven was quick to resist Trump’s earlier pleas. Löfven said through a spokesperson after speaking with Trump that “everyone is equal before the law and that the government cannot and will not attempt to influence the legal proceedings,” the Associated Press previously reported.
Even Anne Ramberg, secretary-general of the Swedish Bar Association, tells TIME it would be completely “out of line” for the Prime Minister to interfere.
Ramberg adds that when Swedish prosecutors decide to prosecute, about 90 to 95 percent of those cases end in a conviction.
“That’s because even the prosecutors have to be not only independent but objective before they go to court,” Ramberg says. “They have to take into account all the circumstances, even those in favor of the accused.”
The A$AP Rocky case has sparked a broader discussion in Sweden about the detention system. The Swedish Bar Association has been “very critical” in the past against detaining prisoners for long periods of time — sometimes years — without any formal charge. Sweden has also been criticized by the U.N. and the European Union for its policy.
Still, both Ramberg and Martinsson say this is a legitimate but separate issue to the A$AP Rocky case. They say he received “standard” treatment for a person who does not live in Sweden, and could therefore be considered a flight risk. They also dismiss any notion that this was about racism.
The scuffle in Stockholm had quickly turned into an international incident, drawing the attention of high-level politicians and celebrities, including Kim Kardashian West, who indicated that she lobbied the White House to secure the musician’s release.
Thank you @realDonaldTrump , @SecPompeo, Jared Kushner & everyone involved with the efforts to Free ASAP Rocky & his two friends. Your commitment to justice reform is so appreciated 🙏🏼🤞🏼 https://t.co/Ym1Rzo5Z6c
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) July 18, 2019
Even Justin Bieber made his voice heard with a bold tweet, commenting on both A$AP Rocky and the border crisis.
I want my friend out.. I appreciate you trying to help him. But while your at it @realDonaldTrump can you also let those kids out of cages?
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) July 20, 2019
By Time on July 25, 2019 at 07:28PM
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