#stefan could n e v e r be that malicious because its not fair on a little girl trying to navigate her existence
heartfullyferal · 2 years
At what age did Lizzy find out Katehrine Pierce was her mother? How did that affect her view of herself and the world around her? How did that view change again later when she found out she'd been spoon fed lies about her mother her whole life?
My human flaw is that I fucking don't trust my own memory of events I literally paced out step by fucking step.
I think Lizzy had turned seventeen that January, and Klaus found the paperwork with her in M a r c h. She and Jeremy had not yet done The Fuck I remember checking that recently, apparently they knew everything about her and still went AHEAD.
I could be wrong but I'm holding onto that one, that's what feels r i g h t to me.
By the time Lizzy saw the names on the document, this girl was DEEP in this story about how Katherine was such an evil force, and Damon was this toxic hateful being that shouldn't be allowed near women and children: She literally grew up with Klaus Mikaelson and was still more concerned by these stories of Katherine and Damon because they highlighted these terrifying truths about everything they'd done w r o n g.
Two people who can do nothing BUT wrong and create horrors and mistakes: and their child stood in the middle.
Lizzy didn't come out of her room for three days. It's like hating her body but w o r s e. Her body, her thoughts, her voice, the air she breathes- she wanted to get out of her skin and she was trapped in a body created by the t w o people MOST rejected in her entire tiny w o r l d.
It doesn't matter how much you tell her she's not responsible for the sins of her parents. You associate Damon's eyes with violence, and Katherine's hair with manipulation, you're suffocating their child.
There is nothing worse than criticizing their parent in front of them. It is the e n d of the world, they can't handle that until they're older. You h a v e to be gentle.
It's still not entirely gone, you know.
She can lay in bed all day and feel sick to her head remembering how hard Stefan can fall out with people. How much Elena can stand on her self righteous soapbox and renounce people on the spot.
And how fast Jeremy can criticize someone without thinking about who he's saying it to.
And girls just l e t her go through that. Hardly anybody considered for a single second that maybe the ONLY person who could benefit from hearing some of the good about her own mother and how she was once capable of bring people happiness, was Elizabeth herself. Damon might have been the ONLY ONE to tell Lizzy it would be w o r t h getting Katherine out of that tomb for her l o v e because she would make the world o k a y again.
Elijah probably didn't want to get a little girl's hopes up in case her mama had to run again.
Less selfish. More compassionate! Like Stefan.
After a few months of torment and self judgement, confusion loathing- Katherine dropped in to really do what was at the time an urgent rescue operation to save a girl from a clock tower swan dive. We don't like to admit it here, but Lizzy has touched on that thought more than t w i c e.
Camille really should check in.
I guess subconsciously, Lizzy knew the views of her mother would be biased to the people who felt wronged by her? And in essence she could understand that it came from the intention to protect her from heartache or disappointment. Stefan, she gets what you were trying to do. And you weren't taught how to do it. You were doing what you thought was right in the moment, with her best interests at heart.
Or maybe you couldn't stand the thought of Katherine having this one nice thing because you had hold of her f i r s t.
But when Katherine sits you down and tells you she's clinging into survival and hating every step of it, you've lost all leverage in that emotional war.
Going against her mother will never be fair.
It will never make any sense.
This woman who loves her daughter more than words and murder could ever express, could never be as evil as all t h a t. Not when she tells you that she gave you up to protect you against every will in her not to.
These days it's hard? Everyone talks about Katherine the same way, as if Lizzy doesn't know the other side of the story now. The people she saw as holy have since fallen from grace Elena, and she's starting to slowly become accustomed to the idea that maybe evil in the eyes of the virtuous isn't so bad after all.
At least it keeps you a l i v e.
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