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joypawz · 3 months ago
Day 3: Honeydew / Favorite OST Track
Day 3: Honeydew
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Been working on my story ideas for an Undertale Green and an Undertale Orange (idk if I'll ever do anything with the story ideas ._. I can't code and I do not have the motivation to make a comic but who knows)
Anyways I thought I'd draw Dalv with my characters Lala (Pronounced like when you sing la la la not some weird spelling of Layla. She's from my Undertale Green idea :D) And the flower cat is Wallflower! Y'all have seen her before lol (She's from my Undertale Orange idea) she gets a new outfit cause it's been years since her first outfit.
Anyways I think they'd get along. Wallflower does babysitting so she'd probably enjoy Dalv's book ideas :) Lala is a bit more talkative though... She might scare Dalv... Sorry bud!!
Day 3: Favorite OST Track
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My favorite background music of the whole game probably! I have so many tracks I love in the game but I thought drawing art for Meltdown would be fun!! NOT my best work by any means but the color pallet was fun to work with at least!!!
Hehe :')
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iamdoru1 · 8 months ago
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Undertale Yellow Portraits - STEAMWORKS [Part 5]
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papier-ciseaux · 11 months ago
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Guardener was my favorite boss
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utytimeline · 11 months ago
Some favorite moments from the end credits:
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Star reassures Ceroba that it's all right. Clover sacrificed themself for a reason, and they must follow through.
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Dalv got his organ concert.
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Doing well for himself.
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New life in the Dunes.
A few changes to the town, and some of its inhabitants.
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They do make a lovely couple.
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She hasn't forgotten him.
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rangarlamamicado · 1 year ago
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I'm not even done with Undertale Yellow yet, but the Steamworks is easily my favorite zone so far.
I HAD to do this redraw. I HAD to.
This game is actually crazy. Check it out!!!!!!
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desertsanctuary-blog · 3 days ago
Who wants to see the Genocide Run human rampage through the Steamworks?
Check out the new chapter if you do.
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faceimploded · 9 months ago
Smash that like Yeah! button!
According to a recent survey, humans are known to "smash that Yeah! button"... so says Axis.
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yall-its-soclover · 3 months ago
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Utyversary day 4! Favorite location
Im gonna be honest, i have mixed feelings about this one lmao. I do not draw backgrounds often (ever). I think its good enough tho.
I also had to draw Flowey AT LEAST once. Cmon. Its Flowey.
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deltaswap2442 · 6 months ago
Underswap Stuff
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lutik-asiatskii · 5 months ago
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Почему я обожаю Паропром/Стимворкс
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j3tlagg3d · 1 year ago
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ok i actually used my mouse this time. compared to last time when i used my arrow keys because i had no idea you could. use. ur mouse
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underdustyellow-au · 6 months ago
What does Axis think of Clover? You mentioned that Clover repaired the Steamworks robots. Does that include Axis? -🦋
The Steamworks in this AU are an interesting case. Due to the fact they have been out of commission, no news was sent there about the genocide, therefore none of the robots within the Steamworks are aware about what happened in the Underground.
So Axis's opinion on Clover is likely neutral, perhaps even friendly due to Clover assisting in keeping the Steamworks up and running.
Also, yes, Clover does keep Axis up to code. They usually use Chujin's old notes, and the notes of any other past workers they can find to help them out. They also do other sorts of experiments in the Steamworks, mainly to try and "fix" the amalgamates.
Clover actually started doing maintenance in the Steamworks about a month after they started staying in the Underground, using Chujin's old notes and blueprints to help them through the process and get started!
I hope this answers your question! Hope you all have a wonderful day or night
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sillygoofyboii · 8 months ago
Played uty again with my siblings and we did the jennifer coolidge voice on a frog until the final froggit appeared and everyone looked like that one meme photo of sonic. Anyways, we finally beat axis, made metal clanking noises when axis met plan b, and then L O R E hit. I was decently confused for a bit on why the tapes didn’t mention the integrity soul, so that’s….cool.
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utytimeline · 1 year ago
Clover calms Ceroba down right here. And look at her reaction:
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She's stunned. Clover's HUMAN. She didn't want them touching her in the first place. But... they have this weird calming effect on her. They're so... gentle, and kind. Nothing like the human that attacked that poor boy in Snowdin. Nothing like the human that drove Chujin to literally work himself to death.
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tristarnova · 1 month ago
Underground layout: underneath, the volcano known mount ebbot, the underground can be spilt into three main parts, snowdin, waterfall, and the dunes, as well as the ruins, and hotland deep below the surface. This is quite long.
The ruins is a closed off section of the major snowdin region, all the way to the left, a hole penetrates the surface where humans can fall into them. The ruins aka old home is not seen as a true part of the underground, due to being closed off, but is spilt into two sections, the main ruins, and the dark ruins below. The ruins is the main part, and is the main entrance of the underground for all humans, while the dark ruins was once the catacombs of the ruins, but soon, monsters started to live in it cause it was the least populated place in the underground. Not many monsters live here all the time, compared to the rest of the underground with the last time it was open was before the death of chara and asriel with it ending up shut tight after that piont.
Next is snowdin, the leftmost major region of the main underground, a snowy place, which is effected by a massive glacierstone in the center of the region, creating snow and ice, and a permanent blizzard around it. At the leftmost part of snowdin is the door to the ruins, which has been barely used or opened at all, with the wintery snowdin forest, taking a good chunk of the western part of snowdin. Snowdin town itself is rather high up off the floor of the underground, where the dunes, lower waterfall, and the steamworks reside, with monsters living both above and below it. Snowdin town itself is spilt into two many parts, eastern snowdin, and western snowdin, and is one of the biggest towns in the underground, not counting new home aka the capital, and the waterfall town at the base of monster mountain. A lot of cold loving monsters live here, with a giant Christmas in the center of snowdin, with asgore visiting, dressed up as Santa, every year for gfytmas to give presents and coal, which is nice of him since snowdin can get chilly, to the children of the underground.
Next surrounding monster mountain is waterfall, a temprate region thanks to the giant glacier stone and swelterstone canceling each other out, and the biggest major region in the underground. An underground water reservoir connected to the surface flows all throughout waterfall and its connected regions, which causes trash to ends up in the trash heap at the lower level of waterfall, which monsters use. In waterfall are multiple town, and its most populated region of the underground, with the capital of the monster, new home, and the king’s castle, being located in the major waterfall region. It’s also where the primary entrance and exit of the underground is located, behind the king’s castle, and where you can get the best look at the barrier, it also contains what is known as monster mountain in the center, but we will Talk about that later.
The dunes is the rightmost region of the greater underground found to the east of waterfall, but it’s also the most difficult to get to with multiple paths to take, you could fly there, take a boat to the outskirts of the dunes, go through the steamworks, which is accessible through taking one of the r elevators down to it, or take one of the Minecarts that run through the caves of monster mountain. The dunes were originally similar to waterfall, but after the discovery of the giant swelterstone, it has since dryed up, becoming almost like a desert, with the oasises being the few sources of water, and sandstorms being common in the dunes. The main town is oasis valley, where one of the oasis occurs, which can be found by following the fences placed in the dunes, a part of it was turned recently into a tourist attraction known as the wild east by the F.I.E.S.T.Y.J five, connected to a family farm. Not many of the seven humans actually visited the dunes, as the main exit of the underground is in the waterfall region past monster mountain, with clover being the only one how is confirmed to go through the dunes so far.
Finally there is hotland, the lowest piont of the underground, hotland is underneath all the regions, and the closest to the magma of mount ebbot, which makes it the prefect place for the main source of power for the underground. Hotland is more advanced than the original regions of the underground and often blocks the path of humans, trying to reach new home as hotland gets in their way, as the lowest piont. The steamworks itself is the lowest piont of the underground being right on top of the magma, only accessible through the dunes, or using one of the R Elevators, using water, it creates steam to power the underground, making it less efficient than the core, which uses the pure geothermal energy of the magma itself, needing to be cooled down through ice to make sure it doesn’t overheat, but it is still used to power steam vents in hotland. The elevators in hotland were made by some of the steamwork scientists, after the pulley system originally used to traverse the levels of hotland and get to new home was proven to be inefficient and not that good. Hotland is also home to the mines, a set of cave systems, which runs throughout monster mountain, an underground mountain inside mount ebbot, where the majority of hotland is.
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desertsanctuary-blog · 10 months ago
Is the Steamworks just a no-mans zone or who is it aligned with
The Seamworks provides the Sanctuary with power and resources. Renovating it was one of Ceroba's first decrees as mayor.
I recommend read the Guidebook (link in pinned post) for more info.
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