#steam sterilized herbal powders
jairamdasskhushiram · 3 years
Best Steam Sterilized Botanical Powders Manufacturer and Suppliers
Ayurvedic treatment for every health related problem is the thing everyone is searching for. It is becoming trending in every household to make their lifestyle healthier by consuming natural herbs. Various plants are out there which have extremely tremendous properties which can help with a maximum of health problems.  
Botanical powder is the basic form by which we can consume all the goods of herbs. Botanical powders are powdered forms of any herb. These are the main botanical ingredients which are being used in many pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and used as herbal traditional medicines. There are steps from which raw material goes through such as cleaning of parts of plants, separation of unwanted foreign material, oven drying, converting in powdered form and then making powder bacteria and pathogen free. For this steam sterilization is the process from which end products go through. So in this article we are going to know more about steam sterilization and sterilized botanical powder manufacturer and supplier.
What is sterilization?
Sterilization is a process by which we can get rid of almost all microorganisms, fungi, spores and pathogens. Generally sterilization done through processes such as heat, high pressure, cleansing chemicals etc. on the basis of raw material and type of processed product sterilization process is chosen among all. 
Stem sterilization is one of the sterilization processes where the product is kept at definite temperature, definite pressure for a specific time period. Stem sterilization is commonly used in health facilities although it has limited applications. The equipment used for steam sterilization is known as Autoclave.  
Significance of stem sterilization
Stem sterilization is the best way for killing microbes by destroying their cellular structure. The process has many advantages such as-
Simple sterilization process
Rapid process
Effective in several products
Safe and environment friendly
Less time consuming
Maintains product quality as such
About Steam sterilization of Botanical/herbal powders
Now we have understood much about sterilization and one of its types is steam sterilization. Second thing which is important to understand is why steam sterilization has an important role in making botanical powders. We know that the raw materials of botanical powder are roots, stems, and leaves of plants which grow in an open farm, then these plants are collected, cleaned, manually for further processing. The stems and leaves are cut down into small pieces and powdered with the help of a machine. In all of these steps there is a high chance that microbes will contaminate the final manufactured herbal powder. Thus for killing all of the microbes we have to sterilize herbal powder.
As we have mentioned that stem sterilization should be processed in a specific temperature that is 121 to 132 degree Celsius, at specific pressure that is 1 atm (106 kPa) is recommended. The process runs for about 20-30 minutes. After that we get our finish good. The steam sterilization process is best for botanical powder sterilization, as it is not involved with any other chemical reaction so maintains the product integrity. The process does not affect any bio-active component and composition of botanical powder.   
Steam sterilizer (Autoclave) is the equipment used for the process. There are various types of autoclave such as pressure cooker type, Vertical type, horizontal type and common laboratory type in their several sizes and shapes. Specific can be used according to the quantity and type of product. Large industries commonly use big steam chambers for bulk production. 
Manufacturer and Supplier of steam treated botanical powders
Most of the population are consuming natural herbs on a daily basis to make their lifestyle healthier. Number of industries are involved in the business of botanical powders, herbal extracts, and organic byproducts of plants. The attention needs to be paid from where we should get our product. There are various factors that can affect the final product in the overall supply chain. Therefore sanity and sterility of the product is a major check because bacteria can grow at any step if sterilization is not done properly. As we have understood, sterilization is a crucial process if any firm is involved in manufacturing of botanical powder. There are several firms having their specific separate units for different manufacturing processes.  
There are various steam sterilized botanical powder manufacturers and steam sterilized botanical powder suppliers. J K Botanicals Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading industries among all. With manufacturing of steam sterilized herbal powders the firm is also involved in supplying the various herbal products. They supply the botanical powders in bulk throughout the country as well as in the international market. The firm is a well recognized industry among all the industries. They have separated units for every step of production such as manufacturing, quality testing, and also have large sterilization chambers for sterilizing the final product in bulk so that nothing can interrupt the bulk orders for supplying it within a given time. That’s why the firm is leading among all the sterilized herbs manufacturers. 
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Lupine Publishers | Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Screening of the Leaves of Crotalaria Lachnosema Against Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella Typhi, Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae
Lupine Publishers | An archive of organic and inorganic chemical sciences
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The leaves of Crotalaria lachnosema were freshly collected, dried under-shade and ground into powder. The ethanolic extract of the sample was obtained by cold extraction and was fractionated with solvent of varied polarity. The fractions were analyzed for their phytochemicals and screened antimicrobial against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli. The phytochemicals were distributed among the test fractions. Tannins were found to be present in all the fractions and methanol fraction contains all the other tested phytochemicals except alkaloids and cardiac glucosides. The activities of the fractions were found to be more pronounced against E. coli than against the other test organisms.
Keywords: Phytochemical Screening; Antimicrobial; Crotalaria lachnosema; Staphylococcus aureus; Salmonella aureus; Salmonella typhi; Escherichia coli; Klebsiella pneumoniae
For many centuries, man explores and utilizes the natural endowment offered by both the species of flora and fauna to provide the basic necessity of life such as clothing, shelter, food and indeed health care. Medicinal plants are the richest and commonest natural resource used in traditional medicine. Of the 250, 000 higher plant species on earth, more than 80,000 are medicinal [1]. Although plants had been priced for their medicine, flavoring effect and aromatic qualities for centuries, but the synthetic products of the modern age had for some time surpassed their importance. However, the blind dependence on synthetics is over and people are returning to the naturals with hope of safety and security [1]. The development of drug resistance in human pathogens against commonly used antibiotics has necessitated a search for new antimicrobial substances from other sources including plants [2]. Many reports have attested the efficacy of herbs against microorganisms, as a result, plant is one of the bedrocks of modern medicine to attain new principles [3]. The therapeutic properties of plants may not be unconnected to the variety of chemical substances biosynthesized by the plants as “secondary metabolites’’ that bring about definite physiological action in the human body. The most important of these bioactive constituents of plants are alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins and etc. [4]. Presently many governments and major health institutions including the World Health Organization [5] have recognized, pharmacologically validated and improved many traditional herbal medicines and eventually integrated them in formal health care system [1]. Thus, in light of the evidence of rapid global spread of resistant clinical isolates, the need to find new antimicrobial agent is of paramount importance. However, the past record of rapid, widespread emergence of resistance to newly introduced antimicrobial agents, indicates that even new families of antimicrobial agents will have a short life expectancy [6]. For this reason, researchers are increasingly turning their attention to herbal products, looking for new leads to develop better drugs against MDR microbe strains [7].
Crotalaria lachnosema belongs to the family Fabaceace (Leguminoseae), sub-family Papilionoideae. It is a woody plant with a height of about 2 cm high. The plant is known as ‘Fara birana’ in Hausa, ‘komp’ in Yoruba, ‘Ake dinwo’ in Ibo and Birjibei in Fulani [8]. The genus Crotalaria is widespread in the tropics and subtropical region and has about 550 species [9]. C. lachnosema was found to be important in the treatment of scabies. The whole plant grounded and mixed with water are fed to animals to treat liver disease [8]. The presence of resins and balsams might support the use of the plant as emollient as well as for treatment of sore throat, rheumatism, wounds and burns. Since some basalms and resins has antiseptic properties [3]. Few species of Crotalaria have been assessed against some pests. For example, under greenhouse condition, C. retusa and C. juncea have been found to be resistant to attack by the nematode, Pratyylenchus zeae and also that C. retusa has shown a higher degree of resistance to attack by the nematode, Rotylenchus rnifirmis Linford and Olivera. It was also reported that, the non-polar extract of C. retusa contain some active ingredients for controlling flea beetle a pest on okro plant. So, could be useful in pest management [10].
Materials and Methods
Sampling and Sampling Sites
The leaves of Crotalaria lachnosema were freshly collected on 4th July 2011 at an uncultivated land in Damanko village about 9km west of Zaria main town, Zaria Local Government, Kaduna State. The plants were identified and authenticated by Mallam Umar Shehu Galla of the Herbarium unit, biological science, Ahmadu Bello Univesity, Zaria. The leaves of the plant were dried under-shade for seven days and ground into powder using clean pestle and mortar.
Extraction and Fractionation of Plant Materials
Cold extraction (Percolation) was adopted in this research, this is part of the appropriate measure to preserve constituents that may potentially be active and retain their original identities in the course of preparing the extract [11]. 200g of the powdered plant sample was weighed and sucked in1000cm3 of ethanol for 14 days. The crude extract was prepared by decantation, filtration and concentration of the filtrate using Rota vapor machine (RVO) at 400C and finally by drying the concentrated crude ethanol extract. Fractions of various degrees of polarities were obtained from ethanol extract by macerating the ethanol extract with different solvents in sequence starting with solvent of least polarity to the one of highest polarity [12]. For the fractionation, 30cm3 of n-hexane was poured into the beaker that contained the dried and gummy ethanol extract and stirred for 5minutes and the liquid portion was then drained into another cleaned and empty beaker. This process was repeated until a clear solution was obtained at the end. The entire procedure was repeated with other solvents in the series; chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol. Four fractions were thus obtained from the exercise and were labeled as followed: n-hexane fraction, chloroform fraction, ethyl acetate fraction and methanol fraction.
Phytochemical Screening of Plant Sample
The phytochemical analyses of the fractions were conducted by subjecting the fractions to different standard confirmatory tests. This is to determine the presence of certain phytochemical classes.
Test for Alkaloids: Each fraction (0.5g) was stirred with 5ml of 1 percent aqeous hydrochloric acid on a steam bath; 1ml of the filtrate was treated with a few drops of Mayer’s reagent and a second 1ml portion was treated similarly with Dragendoff’s reagent. Turbidity or precipitation with either of these reagents was taken as evidence for the presence of alkaloids in the extract being evaluated [13].
Test for Saponins: Each fraction (0.5g) was shaken with water in a test tube. Frothing which persists on warning confirmed the presence of saponins [14].
Test for Tannins: Each fraction (0.5g) was stirred with 10ml of water. This was filtered, and ferric chloride reagent was added to the filtrate, a blue-black precipitate indicated the presence of tannins [15].
Test for Flavonoids: A portion of each fraction was heated with 10ml of ethylacetate over a steam bath for 3mins. The mixture was filtered and 4ml of the filtrate was shaken with 1ml of dilute ammonia solution. A yellow colouration indicated the presence of flavonoid.
Test for Reducing Sugar: 1ml of each fraction was taken in five separate test tubes. These were diluted with 2ml of distilled water followed by addition of Fehling’s solution (A+B) and the mixtures were warmed. Brick red precipitate at the bottom of the test tube indicated the presence of reducing sugar [16].
Test for Cardiac Glycosides: 2ml of each fraction was placed in a sterile test tube. This was followed by adding 3ml of 3.5% iron III chloride (FeCI3), then 3ml ethanoic acid. This gave a green precipitate and a dark colored solution respectively. Finally, concentrated H2SO4 was carefully poured down the side of the test tub e which resulted in the formation of brownish red layer, at the interface. This confirms the presence of cardiac glycosides.
Antimicrobial Activity Test
Agar disc diffusion technique was adopted for the sensitivity test as described by [17].
Preparation of Test Fractions’ Concentration: Discs of about 6mm diameter were punched from Whatman’s No 1 filter paper using a paper puncher. Batches of 10 of the paper discs were transferred into vial bottles and sterilized in an oven at 1400C for 60 minutes. Stock solutions of 100mg/ml of the fractions were prepared by dissolving 200mg of each fraction in 2ml of DMSO (Dimethyl sulphoxide). By means of 1ml sterile syringe, 0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.5ml and 1.0ml were transferred into labeled vial bottles preoccupied with 10 paper discs from a stock solution of each fraction and the solution were subsequently diluted with 0.9ml, 0.8ml, 0.5mland 0.0ml (i.e. without dilution) of DMSO that correspondingly resulted to 1mg/disc, 2mg/disc, 5mg/disc and 10mg/disc concentration. The prepared concentrations of the test fractions in the labeled bottles were kept in refrigerator until required for use.
Preparation of Inoculum from the Test Micro-Organisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae that were sourced from Microbiology unit of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH) Kano, were the microorganisms used for the research. The identities of the microorganisms were confirmed by standard biochemical test [18]. The test organism was cultured and maintained in a nutrient agar slant at 40C. The organism was then inoculated into nutrient broth and incubated overnight at 370C for 24 hrs. They were then diluted with normal saline until they give concentration of bacterial cells equivalent to 0.5 McFarland standard of Barium sulphate solution (1% v/v) [19].
Antibacterial Susceptibility Test (Bio Assay)
A suspension of nutrient agar (28g in 1000ml of distilled water) was prepared and autoclaved at 1210C for 15mins according to the manufacturers’ instruction. It was then carefully poured into sterile petri-dishes and allowed to solidify. The standardized inoculums of the bacteria were swabbed on the surface of the solid nutrient agar plates by means of sterile wire loop for the confluent growth of the bacteria. Four paper discs of 10mg/disc, 5mg/disc, 2mg/ disc, 1mg/disc concentrations were taken from the prepared test fraction solutions and were carefully and aseptically placed on the inoculated surface of the nutrient agar and a positive control disc (Tetracycline 1mg/disc) was placed at the centre of the plate. The plates were incubated inverted at 370C for 18 hours. The diameters of clear areas surrounding the discs where growths of the organisms were impeded (Zone of inhibition) were measured in millimeter and recorded. The assay was repeated two more times. The mean and the standard deviation (±SD) for the triplicate values were then calculated.
Results and Discussion
Tables 1-3 Mean of the triplicates ± S.D (standard deviation). A total ethanolic extract of 16.05g was produced from the 200g powdered plant sample. The highest percentage mass (63.05%) of the total mass macerated was methanol fraction and the least percentage mass (0.56g) was the pet. ether fraction. The result of phytochemical analysis revealed the availability of some secondary metabolites in the fractions of the plant sample. The presence of these secondary metabolite’s accounts for the activities of the plants. This complied with several reports by researchers that plants contain bioactive substances. Tannins were detected in all the fractions of the plant sample and tannins were reported to have various physiological effects like anti-irritant, anti secretolytic, antiphlogistic, antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect. Phytotherapeutically, tannins containing plants are used to treat non-specific diarrhea, inflammations of mouth and throat and slightly injured skins [20-22]. While cardiac glucosides which are used as lexative and carthatic drugs were confirmed in chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions. Alkaloids that were present in n-hexane and chloroform fractions act as antimalarial and anti-amoebic agents [22]. The antimicrobial sensitivity test result revealed a varied degree of activities exhibited by the fractions of the plant against the test organisms. Although, the plant sample exhibited low activities when compare to the control, the results show that activity of the different fractions may increase further if the concentrations of the fractions were to be increased. The result also showed that the activities of the plant fractions were comparatively more pronounced against E. coli than against S. aureus, S. typhi. and K. pneumoniae. With the exception of chloroform fraction that demonstrated some activities against S. aureus with zone of inhibition of 12mm at1000ug/disc all other fractions were inactive against S. aureus. However, n-hexane and ethyl acetate fractions exhibited low activities against S. typhi.
The activities of the fractions of the plant sample are more pronounced against E. coli than against the other test organisms. E. coli can cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory illness, bloodstream infections and other illness. So, the plant leaves can be used in the treatment of the aforementioned illnesses. However, the relative low activities of the plant sample fractions against S. typhi and K. pneumoniae revealed its un-befitting nature as an antityphoid and anti-pnuemoniie drug.
The other parts of the plant should also be exploited. To harness its full medicinal potential, the plant sample fractions should be tested against other bacteria isolates and further research should be carried out to isolate and characterize the active compounds in the plant.
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Effect of Origanum vulgare Extract on Immune Responses and Heamatological Parameters of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)- Juniper Publishers
In this study, Origanum vulgare extract was used to evaluate its effects on immune responses and hematological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Six hundred (600) averages mean weight 13±0.05g rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were randomly allocated into two groups including placebo-treated group (control), and Origanum vulgare extract-treated group, each of three replicates. The fishes were hand-fed once a day with diet medicated placebo or Origanum vulgare extract (OE) at a rate of 1% of feed weight in the first feeding for 8 weeks. At the end of every two weeks 24hrs after feeding, fish were bled from caudal vein and blood samples were analyzed for some of hematological and immunological parameters. The results showed that serum total protein, albumin and globulin, respiratory burst activity, phagocytic activity and serum lysozyme activity vary among the two treatment groups which were found to be higher in OE-treated group (P<0.05). It was concluded that supplementation of OE at a rate of 1% registered higher immunological responses. Therefore, dietary inclusion of OE could improve nonspecific immune responses in rainbow trout. Future studies to determine optimal herb mixtures and dietary levels should be conducted.
Keywords: Herbal immunostimulant; Iranian medicinal plants; Origanum vulgare; Fish
Major targets in the aquaculture industry are to maintain fish health as well as to improve fish performance. The use of plant extracts in practical diets for fish is a very topical concept in aquaculture industry. One of the most important aspects in rainbow trout farming is the nutrition factor. It can influence the performance as well as the health status of the cultured fish. Origanum vulgare is a member of the Labiatae family of plants. It is an aromatic plant with a wide distribution throughout the Mediterranean area and Asia [1]. The essential oil obtained from O. vulgare subsp. hirtum plant by a steam distillation process comprises more than 20 ingredients, most of which are phenolic antioxidants [2]. Major components are carvacrol and thymol that constitute about 78 to 82% of the total oil [3]. It has been suggested that the essential oil derived from oregano possess in vitro antimicrobial [4,5] antifungal [6], insecticidal [7] and antioxidant [8] properties. These properties are mainly attributed to carvacrol and thymol. The activity of other constituents such as the two monoterpene hydrocarbons, γ-terpinene and p-cymene, that often constitute about 5 and 7% of the total oil, respectively [3] is uncertain.
Materials and Methods
Preparation of Origanum vulgare extract
The plant of Origanum vulgare was procured from local store and plant species was identified and confirmed by a botanist in Institute of Medicinal Plants. The dried air parts were collected and washed in sterile distilled water. The samples were separately shade-dried for 10 day till weight constancy was achieved. Then, the samples were powdered in an electric blender. The extract was prepared with the standard method of percolation. To do this, chopped dried air parts of plant in 80% ethanol were percolated for 72 hours. Then, the slurry was filtered with Whattman No. 1 filter paper and centrifuged for 5min at 5000rpm. The filtrate obtained from ethanol using a rotary device, the excess solvent was separated from the extract. These crude extract was stored at 4 °C until use.
Supplementation ofthe normal diet with dried Origanum vulgare extract
The formulated fish feed was prepared using the normal fish diet (50% crude protein, 18% crude lipid, 1.9% fiber, 1.3% total phosphorus, 8.3% ashes, and 14.8% nitrogen free extract) with dried Origanum vulgare extract or placebo at a ratio 1% of weight food and mixing part by part in a drum mixer. Sufficient water along with the oil ingredients were then added to make a paste of each diet. After it was pelleted and allowed to cool dry. The pellets were air dried and stored in air tight containers until fed.
Fish and experimental conditions
600 rainbow trout weighing 13±0.05 were used. All experiments were carried out in 1,000 liter round concrete ponds with a continuous water flow of 2.5 liter per second. The fish were kept at an ambient, including uncontrolled water temperature of 15±1 °C, dissolved oxygen of 7.2±0.2mg l-1 and pH 8±0.3. After 2 weeks adaptation, fish were randomly allotted in two groups including an experimental group and a control group, in triplicate was maintained in 6 concrete ponds each containing 100 fish. Each group was hand-fed once a day with diet medicated 1% of Origanum vulgare extract, or placebo (70% lactose, 10 % starch and 20 % talc) prepared in the laboratory and three times with normal diet at a rate 2% of body weight for 10 weeks.
Bleeding and serum collection
During bleeding, fish were rapidly netted, tranquillized with 50mg/l of tricaine methane sulfonate (MS222, Sigma chemical Co. St. Louis, MO, USA). Fish were bled from caudal vein using 1ml insulin syringe fitted with 24 gauge needle. To minimize the stress to fish, 1ml of blood was drawn and the whole bleeding procedure was completed within 1min. A total number of 15 blood samples were collected from 15 fish in each group (5 samples from each replicate) at the end of every 2 weeks, 24h after final feeding period. The blood pooling of 5 fish from each replicate divided into 2 haves. Half collected in serological tubes containing a pinch of lithium heparin powder, shaken gently and kept at 4 °C to test hematological parameters. Other half collected in tubes without of anticoagulant and allowed to clot at 4 °C for 2hrs to test serological parameters. The clot was the spun down at 2000rpm for 10min to separate the serum. The serum collected by micropipette and was stored in sterile Eppendorf tubes at -20 °C until used for assay.
Hematological assay
Blood sample was analyzed with routine methods adopted in fish hematology [9]. The total red blood cell counts (RBC x106/μl) were determined in a 1:200 dilution of the blood sample in Hayem's solution and total white blood cell counts (WBC x103/μl) in a 1:20 dilution of the blood sample with a Neubauer hemocytometer. The hematocrit (Hct) and leucocrit percentages were determined in duplicate by using micro hematocrit-heparinized capillary tubes of 75μl volume and a micro hematocrit centrifuge at 15000rpm for 5min [10]. The percentages of erythrocyte (hematocrit) and leucocyte (leucocrit) volumes were calculated by overlaying the tubes on a sliding scale hematocrit reader.
The hemoglobin (Hbg/dl) concentrations were determined by the cyanomethaemoglobin method [11] using a haemoglobin reagent set (Ziest Chem Diagnostics). The all the values of red blood cell indices, the mean values of cell haemoglobin (MCH pg), cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC %), and cell hemoglobin volume (MCV fl) were calculated according to Wintrobe formulae [12]. The differential leukocytes count was carried out using blood smears stained with Wright-Giemsa. The percentage composition of leukocytes was determined based on their identification characters listed by Ivanava [13].
Biochemical assay
Serum total protein content was estimated photo metrically by citrate buffer and bromocresol green (BCG) dye binding method [14] using the kit (total protein and albumin kit, Pars Azmun Company, Iran). Albumin was determined BCG binding method. The absorbance of standard and test were measured against blank in a spectrophotometer at 546nm. Globulin level was calculated by subtracting albumin values from total serum protein. Albumin/globulin (A/G) ratio was calculated by diving albumin values by globulin values.
Immunological assay
Separation of leukocytes from the blood
Leucocytes for assay were separated from each blood sample by density-gradient centrifugation. One milliliter of histopaque 1.119 (Sigma) containing 100μl of bactohemagglutination buffer, pH 7.3 (Difco, USA) was dispensed into siliconised tubes. 1ml of a mixture of 1.077 density histopaque and hemagglutination buffer and 1ml of blood was carefully layered on the top. The sample preparations were centrifuged at 2500rpm for 15min at 4 °C. After centrifugation, plasma was collected and stored at -80 °C for future analysis; separated leukocytes were gently removed and dispensed into siliconised tubes, containing phenol red free Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS, Sigma). Cells were then washed twice in HBSS and adjusted to 2*106 viable cells/ml.
Respiratory burst activity
Respiratory burst activity of isolated leukocytes was quantified by reduction of ferricytochrome C [15]. Briefly, 100μl of leukocyte suspension and an equal volume of cytochrome C (2mg/l in phenol red free HBSS) containing phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA, Sigma) at 1μg/ml were placed in triplicate in micro titer plates. In order to test specificity, another 100μl of leukocyte suspensions and solutions of cytochrome c containing PMA and superoxide dismutase (SOD, Sigma) at 300U/ml were prepared in triplicate in micro titer plates. Samples were then mixed and incubated at room temperature for 15min. Extinctions were measured at 550nm against a cytochrome C blank in a multiscan spectrophotometer. Readings were converted to nmoles O2 by subtracting the O.D. of the PMA/SOD treated supernatant from that treated with PMA given alone for each sample, and converting O.D. to n moles O2 by multiplying by 15.87. Final results were expressed as nano moles O2 produced per 105 blood leukocytes.
Phagocytosis assay
Phagocytosis activity of blood leukocytes was determined spectrophotometrically according to Seeley et al. [16]. This assay involves the measurement of congo red-stained yeast cells which have been phagocytised by cells. To perform the assay, 250μl of the leukocyte solution was mixed with 500μl of the congo red- stained and autoclaved yeast cell suspension (providing a yeast cell: leukocyte ratio of 40:1). The mixtures were incubated at room temperature for 60min. Following incubation, 1ml ice-cold HBSS was added and1 ml of histopaque (1.077) was injected into the bottom of each sample tube. The samples were centrifuged at 2500rpm for 5min to separate leukocytes from free yeast cells. Leukocytes were harvested and washed two times in HBSS. The cells then were resuspended in 1ml trypsin-EDTA solution (5.0g/l trypsin and 2.0g/l EDTA, Sigma) and incubated at 37 °C overnight. The absorbance of the samples was measured at 510nm using trypsin-EDTA as a blank.
Serum lysozyme assay
In this study, an assay based on the lysis of Micrococcus lysodeikticus was used to determining the lysozyme activity. Serum lysozyme activity was measured spectrophotometrically according to the method Parry et al. [17]. Briefly, 0.02% (w/v) lyophilized Micrococcus lysodeikticus in 0.05mM solution phosphate buffer (pH 6.2) was used as substrate. 10μl of fish serum was added to 250μl of bacterial suspension and reduction in absorbance at 490nm was determined after 0.5 and 4.5min of incubations at 25 °C using a microplate reader. One unit of lysozyme activity was defined as the amount of enzyme causing a decrease in absorbance of 0.001 per min.
Statistical analysis
All results for each parameter measured were expressed as means±standard errors, and were compared at each time point using Student's t-test for independent data. Significant differences between experimental groups were expressed at a significance level of p <0.05. All analyses were carried out on 15 fish per group.
Hematological analysis
Dietary Origanum vulgare extract incorporated test diets had no significant (p <0.05) effect on red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), differential leukocytes count (monocyte, lymphocyte and neutrophile), hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), the all the values of red blood cell indices, the mean values of cell hemoglobin (MCH pg), cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC %), and cell hemoglobin volume (MCV fl) at the end of none of the identical two weeks after feeding in compared to placebo group (Table 1).
Data are expressed as mean±SE (n=15). No significant differences were observed in the Origanum vulgare treated groups relative to the placebo group at the end of the identical every two weeks after feeding (P>0.05). Neut: neutrophil; Mon: Monocyte; Lymp: Lymphocyte.
Biochemical analysis
Origanum vulgare extract had significant (P<0.05) effect in increase of total protein (TP), albumin (AL), and globulin (GL), at the end of the identical every two weeks after feeding in compared to placebo group (Table 2). The maximum level of total protein was recorded on week 2 of exposure duration. Similarly, albumin and globulin contents were significantly higher in Aloe vera group as compared to placebo group. However, albumin/globulin ratio was not exhibited significant differences in two weeks after feeding in compared to placebo group (p>0.05; compared to placebo group at the end of the identical every Table 2).
Data are expressed as mean±SE (n=15). *: P<0.05 compared with the
Immunological analysis
Respiratory burst activity
The respiratory burst activity significantly (P<0.05) enhanced in fish fed with 1% of Origanum vulgare extract supplementation feed at the end of the identical every two weeks after feeding in compared to placebo group (Figure 1).
Phagocytic activity of blood leucocytes significantly (P<0.05) enhanced in fish treated with 1% of Origanum vulgare extract supplementation feed at the end of the identical every two weeks after feeding in compared to placebo group (Figure 2).
Lysozyme activity
Lysozyme activity significantly (P<0.05) enhanced in fish fed with 1% of Origanum vulgare extract supplementation feed at the end of the identical every two weeks after feeding in compared to placebo group (Figure 3).
The present study projects the impact of dried Origanum vulgare extract on the hematological and immunological responses in rainbow trout (Oncorhyncous mykiss). The hematological parameters in the present investigation such as RBC, WBC, differential leukocytes counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit, the all of the values of red blood cell indices (MCH, MCHC and MCV) were no significant differences at the end of none of the identical every two weeks after feeding when compared to control group. These observations are in agreement with the obtained results of other researchers, who reported that rainbow trout treated with dietary Aloe vera supplementation were no significant differences in RBC and Hct [18], or RBC and Hb [19] among the groups.
In the present study, the dietary Origanum vulgare extract supplementation enhanced total plasma protein, albumin and globulin values in comparison with control group. Similar results were reported in rainbow trout fed with garlic [20], ginger [21], lipopolysaccharide [22], Laurus nobilis [23], and Coggyria coggyria [24]. Serum proteins are various humoral elements of the non-specific immune system, measurable total protein, albumin and globulin levels suggest that high concentrations are likely to be a result of the enhancement of the non-specific immune response of fish. So, this study revealed that Origanum vulgare extracts incorporated diets helped to increase the humoral elements in the serum. Respiratory burst activity is considered as an important indicator of non-specific defense in fish, which is a measure of the increase of oxidation level in phagocytes stimulated by foreign agents [25]. An enhancement of respiratory burst activity has been identified in the present study, that it is in agreement many of studies with dietary immunostimulants [23,26]. Respiratory burst and phagocytosis response by phagocytes in blood present a major antibacterial defense mechanism in fish [27]. Phagocytosis is one of the most important processes in fish. The main cells involved in phagocytosis in fish are neutrophils and macrophages. These cells remove bacteria mainly by the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during a respiratory burst. In addition, neutrophils possess myeloperoxidase in their cytoplasmic granules, which in the presence of halide and hydrogen peroxidase kills bacteria by halogenations of the bacterial cell wall. Moreover, these cells have lysozymes and other hydrolytic enzymes in their lysosomes [28]. Similarly, macrophages can produce nitric oxide in mammals and can be as potent as antibacterial agents, peroxynitrates and hydroxyl groups. Phagocytic activity of leucocytes in rainbow trout was enhanced by dietary dose of powdered ginger rhizome [29,30]. Also, in this study an increasing trend in lysozyme activity has been shown which is in agreement with several reports indicating the role of herbal immunostimulants in enhancing lysozyme activity [31-33]. Lysozyme is a humoral component of the non-specific defense mechanism which has the ability to prevent the growth of bacteria by splitting p-1,4 glycosidic bonds in the peptidoglycan of bacterial cell walls, resulting in bacteriolysis. In conclusion, supplementation of OE in aquaculture diets would be use to enhance non-specific immune system in fish. Therefore, further studies are necessary for effective use of Origanum vulgare extract with optimal dose, suitable duration, and method of administration.
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creativitytoexplore · 4 years
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A Piece of Your Mind by Ryan Collins https://ift.tt/3487o58 Ryan Collins' character tests the limits of his colleague Randy's whacky conspiracy theories.
"It tastes just like chicken, they say," Randy said as he climbed back in the truck. "What tastes like chicken?" I asked even though I was pretty sure I didn't want to know. "Cats." He pulled the door shut. The old delivery truck rocked and squealed. "Who says that?" "The fucking orientals, man. Who else?" We just dropped off a pallet of restaurant supplies to The Golden Dragon, an all-you-can eat Chinese buffet - a damn good one - on the west side of Burton. I nodded at the hunched over old man who'd just signed for the delivery. He was still looking over the invoice. "Mr. Xiu told you that?" Randy winced. "Naw, man. He wouldn't tell me that. I'm talking about people on the internet. I'm telling you, check out my message boards, man. You'd learn some shit." He punched in the delivery as complete in our tablet and poked his chin at Mr. Xiu. "You ever eat there?" It'd been a long time since I'd eaten at any Chinese buffet, but as far as I could recall, I hadn't eaten any cats. "Nope." "You'll never catch me dead in there." "You think there was any cat meat in the pallet we just gave him?" Randy considered it a moment before shaking his head. "They wouldn't order that shit through us." I nodded like it all made perfect sense. "I guess not. Say, how do you go about ordering cat meat?" Randy looked at me like I was the biggest fool on the planet. "They got markets for that shit out of China, man. Jesus, ain't you listened to nothing I've said? There are black markets that traffic in all kinds of crazy shit. Shit you wouldn't believe. Fucking cat meat ain't nothing. I'm talking freeze dried mammoth and human baby parts." He tisked and shook his head at me like a disappointed parent. "What does baby taste like?" "Pork." "Pork?" He made a face like I'd just farted. "Fuck, man, I ain't never tried any. I'm just telling you what I've read." "On the internet?" He pursed his lips. "The dark web. Order anything you want. Just like Amazon, man. You can read reviews of all that shit. I heard one said baby is better than heritage-raised pork." "You read that?" "Not me personally. I don't get on the dark web. I ain't got my VPN set up right just yet. Fuck, the FBI and DHS are already watching me. I don't want to give them a reason to knock on my door." Mr. Xiu, satisfied with the invoice, gave us a wave and a warm smile. Randy and I waved back. He fired up the old box truck. It roared to life like some ancient monster. "So how do you know about the review, heritage pork and all that?" He backed up the beeping truck, craning his neck from side to side to see out the sideview mirrors. "Cold Truth." "The podcast?" "Fuck yeah! Plus, there's a contributor to my message board who's on the dark web all the time. He backed it up. One-hundred percent verified, my friend." I shrugged. "Can't argue with that."
I had spent the last three days descending the deepest depths of Randy's paranoid world. I'd come back to Burton after having been away for a long time and got a job with Burton Distributing as a delivery driver. The boss had teamed me up with Randy so I could take over his route, the West Burton route. Randy had been driving for almost twelve years and was getting ready to take over the coveted Uxbridge Campus route. Soon, he'd said, he'd have nothing but pedestrian traffic and pretty college girls to deal with. Randy seemed normal enough, at first. Just an old, lanky dude whose white hair had stopped growing on the top of his head but didn't want to quit growing down the back and sides. He was thin as a flag pole, the denim coveralls the company gave us hung off him like a hospital gown, and those big eyes that popped out of their sunken sockets gave him the look of a mad scientist. At first, it was cordial between us. We shook hands and shot the shit like a couple of normal human guys. He asked me where I was from, and I told him I'd just gotten an apartment out in Fairview. He'd lived in Burton his whole life and never married. "I can't put nobody at risk," he'd said. I didn't know what that meant at the time, but I figured it was just a line he gave to cover the fact he'd never met anybody. He seemed like kind of a loner. I asked about friends and family, nothing too prying, just small talk, and he'd spilled out his whole life story - deadbeat dad he never knew, an overprotective mother who'd passed away eight years prior. He'd lived with her up until the end, taking care of her and the house as she lost her mind and memory. By the end, she didn't even remember his name, but he still kept on mowing the grass and fixing the gutters. No real friends, either, save for some crazies on the internet. I was well on my way to feeling sorry for the old, lonely fucker. Then we stopped for lunch. "Hey, man," he said, swinging the truck through the trailer yard of a tool and dye company we'd just delivered a couple pallets to. "You hungry? We can stop up here at the Dixie Diner for lunch if you want." "Sure, we can stop for lunch. I packed mine though." "Packed your lunch?" He said it like he didn't understand the concept. I shook my book bag. "Yeah. I'm a serial packer. I could grab a coffee though." He narrowed his eyes. "You got allergies or something?" I didn't know where this was going. "No." "Vegetarian?" "Not really. It's just cheaper, you know." "So you don't like to eat at restaurants, huh?" By his tone, I was starting to think maybe Dixie Diner was owned by a cousin or a close friend. "I mean, it's not a principle or anything. I just like to know where my food comes from. A lot of the stuff you find in restaurants is mass-produced, factory farm stuff." I thought for sure I'd pissed him off somehow the way he chewed his lip. "Look," I pleaded. "I'm not a snob or anything. I mean, I have a weakness for junk food just like everybody. I just got to work up to it first." Silence. I shouldn't have said junk food. I figured this is where things got weird between us. And it was. Just not like I'd expected. "I hear you, brother," he said. He dug around in the breast pocket of his coveralls. Whatever he got a hold of in there, he kept it concealed in his fist. "You can't trust none of the shit the government tries to give us." I kept my eyes on his clenched up fist. "I didn't say nothing about the government. I was talking about factory farms -" "It's all the same shit, man. The fuckin' USDA, Monsanto, Big Agra, they're all heads of the same hydra. They're just trying to fill us up with their GMOs and mind-control shit. Fuckin' sterilize the population." I laughed and he gave me a look that could have sliced my head off. "I mean, yeah." I swallowed. "I'm no fan of GMOs. Know your farmer, right?" "You fuckin' got that right. You can trust the folks at Dixie, though. They're good people." He tapped his temple. "In the know." "That's a relief." He glanced at me sidelong, like he was sussing out whether or not I was a spy. "You know about Baiyao?" I did not, but something told me I was about to hear all about it. "A little." He stuck his fist out. I flinched, but he just held it out there. It took me a heartbeat to realize he was offering me something. He was puzzled by my hesitation. "Come on, man. I wouldn't do you wrong." He could have dropped any damn thing in my palm, a dead mouse or a used snot rag. Considering how things ended up, it would've been better if it had been some regular kind of weirdness. Instead, he dropped a little green capsule in my palm. I brought it up close to my face to examine it. It was homemade, just a little capsule that looked like I could have pulled it apart. Inside was a greenish brown powder, like cumin or coriander. "Baiyao root," he said, proud as shit. "It's kept me alive this long. You should try it." I had lots of objections to just popping an unidentified, homemade pill into my mouth, but I was starting to feel like bringing that up just now was not the safest of ideas. "What is it exactly?" "Herbal compound. One-hundred percent natural and organic." How to tell him that didn't answer shit? "Randy, rattlesnake venom is one-hundred percent natural and organic. That doesn't mean I'm about to start taking venom tablets." "What the fuck you talking about? It's a dietary supplement, man. You don't eat snake venom. Everybody knows venom's topical, just for lotion and chapstick." "Right." "I just take one pill for breakfast, one for lunch and eat a light dinner and it keeps all that toxic shit from taking hold in your system. I steam-distill all my water, too. Can't trust that municipal stuff. Too much fluoride and who knows what else?" I held the pill up to the light, stalling in every way I could think of to keep from taking it. "Where do you get it?" That was the first time I saw him smile. He looked like somebody stretched a piece of leather over a skull. "You heard of Arthur Stone?" I suppressed a sigh. "The podcast guy?" "The fucking Truth Bringer, you mean! Yeah, he ran an episode a few years back about Baiyao -" "Uh, let me guess, he sells it on his website?" "That's right. He's got a supporter out in China that hooked him up with one of those traditional herbalists they got over there. Fucking Communist Party's been trying to shut him down for years. And you know what that's about, right? Word is Baiyao also interferes with all the RFID trackers the communists are using to track people over there. It's only a matter of time before they catch up to him. That's why I've already got my stockpile at home." "That's good, man," I said. As discreetly as I could, I slipped the capsule in my pocket. I've still got it in my trophy case back home. "That's real good."
Over the past three days, I'd learned more about how this world works than I ever thought possible. There were the obvious ones: 9/11 was of course an inside job orchestrated by Bush 2 and oil sheikhs in Saudi Arabia; school shootings were false flag operations conducted by the Obama Administration; Soros and his gaggle of demons; and Islamists meant to justify the disarmament of the American People; the flu shot was just Big Pharma's way of making us all sick so we'd spend more on healthcare; the fluoride in the water was not really fluoride, it was a radioactive isotope used to sterilize Christians - but then sometimes it was fluoride because fluoride was used to activate the 'gay gene' in adolescent boys. "That's why so many young people are going fag and tranny and everything in-between," he said. "You can't blame them. It's the fuckin' government, man. Population control." I enjoyed prodding him on. I felt like an 18th-Century sailor fathoming uncharted waters. There be dragons and krakens and unimagined horrors in the depths of his delusions. I brought up JFK just for fun, and I wasn't disappointed. "Man, JFK was fuckin' amateur hour. The government and the mob were like a bunch of blind babies stumbling around in the dark. I mean, look how sloppy that shit was. Everybody and their brother can see the official story is just a crock." He lowered his voice, the way he always did before he dropped the real shit. "Now, if the Big Guys had really been involved, nobody'd know anything other than the official story." "The Big Guys? What, like the Illuminati?" He grinned like an imp, tapping his temple. "I guess you could say that. The Illuminati, the Freemasons, all of them answer to The Big Guys." He waggled his eyebrows and pointed up to the sky. I couldn't help myself. I feel bad about it now. "Aliens, you mean?" He pursed his lips, nodded slowly. "The goddamn Grays. Those fuckers are behind everything since the goddamn Tower of Babylon." "Babel," I said by reflex. "You got it!" We pulled up to a place that made custom signage for businesses. It was my turn to take care of the paperwork so I got out and walked around to the back of the truck. When I was sure he couldn't hear me, I burst out laughing. "Aliens," I whispered, wiping tears from my eyes. "The shit people believe these days." Despite his bigotry and paranoia, I started to feel a little sorry for Randy. He was a deeply lonely man who'd lost most everything in terms of personal connection. In a way, I could relate. I'd just made a huge change and was still adjusting to a new situation. I didn't know anybody in Burton, and I wasn't the best at making or keeping personal connections. Yet here I was poking fun at this old man who genuinely thought he was doing some good by sharing his truth with some young guy he'd decided to trust. It was obvious the guy just wanted someone to share with, some real, warm body to bounce his crazy ideas off. He was out of his mind, but at least he wasn't being a dick to the guy sharing a cab with him. That was all on me.
"Take everything that just happened with the coronavirus. I mean, you know what that was all about?" We were at a rest area off the interstate. It was a nice spring day so I'd asked Randy if we could stop so I could eat my lunch at one of the picnic areas. He'd already taken his Baiyao root, so he just watched me eat my quinoa and kale salad and went on and on. "I mean, I thought I did." He scoffed and crossed his arms. "Man, ain't you been listening? The official story ain't never the real story." He watched the interstate traffic hissing by, shaking his head like he'd never been so disappointed in anything in his life. "You heard of 5G, right?" I covered my mouth with my hand so no quinoa spilled out. "Like for cell phones?" "Yeah, cell phones, data, all that shit." "It's supposed to be super-fast. Should let you have autonomous cars and stuff like that." "Yeah. Robot cars and a fuckload of leukemia." I stopped chewing. "That's right! Chinese government developed the technology, promising all this stuff about data speeds and high-speed connectivity for everyone all over the world. Truth is, it's all about making their enemies weaker. It's a radioactive weapon, man. They put those towers up and anyone under eighteen will start getting sick. Eats up your insides with cancer and shit. Bet you didn't read about that in The Atlantic." "But what does that have to do with the coronavirus?" He slapped the table. "What doesn't it have to do with it? Jesus, man, where did the coronavirus come from?" "China?" "Of course it did. They fucking engineered it, man!" "But, I thought 5G was what was making people sick." "Would you listen? They let the virus out on their own people, scorched earth-style. It was all a cover so they could just say it was a natural thing, nobody could help it. Their people get sick, spread it around the world, our people get sick and the governors and the president all shit a brick and tell everybody they got to stay home and it's a fucking two-for-one Chinese buffet: not only does everybody get sick, so it thins us out a little, but it also tanks the economy, makes China a little stronger." "Didn't it tank their economy, too?" "Who gives a shit? They all knew what was going to go down, so they shored up their markets." "That doesn't sound right -" "The point is, while we were all locked up inside our houses, essential businesses were all allowed to keep going. And what's an essential business?" I said nothing. What was the point? "Utilities! That's right, man. We were all inside watching that fuckin' tiger documentary, meanwhile you got all these unmarked white vans putting up 5G towers all over the country. The coronavirus was a cover for them to put up their cancer towers, man. Right under our fuckin' noses." "Randy," I said with the same tone you might use with a kid whose pet just died. "Come on, you don't really believe that shit. I mean, a lot of people died from that virus. Don't you think that's a little ... disrespectful?" He shrugged. "A lot of people are going die from all the cancer raining down on us, too. Won't you ask the Chinese if they think it's disrespectful." I started packing up my lunch. "I just mean - don't you think if the Chinese wanted to put up cell towers they would just put them up? Why all the secrecy? It's not like our government is exactly unfriendly to big corporate operations." He flinched. "You can't just do this shit out in the open, man. If the people of this country knew what I know, there'd be riots in the streets, a goddamn revolution. You think the Powers That Be want that?" I found myself in a precarious position, like a glass blower who's trying to apply enough pressure to shape the piece without shattering it. "Would they, though?" "Would who what?" "The people. Would they really riot in the street? I mean, if recent history is any indication, the people of this earth have been almost eager to give up more and more of their freedom to authoritarians. Shit, throw some cheap, high-speed internet on top of it and there'll be people lined up around the block ready to slice off a finger or two for good measure." He made a face like he'd tasted something bad. "Don't kid yourself, bud. There are powerful people spending lots of money to keep all this under wraps. Why don't they talk about this stuff in the Lame Stream Media? 'Cause they don't won't you to hear about it." I should have just dropped it. I only had one more day of training left with the guy and then we'd probably only ever see each other at the time clock. Why pick a fight? I didn't think I'd change his mind about any of this stuff, but sometimes my curiosity just gets the best of me. I had to see how his brain sussed this stuff out, how he parsed the real world with all these narratives in his head. What kind of cognitive processes were going on in there? "Randy," I said. "They don't talk about it because it ain't happening." A long pause, then he stood, snatching up his thermos of steam-distilled water. "I thought you was alright. But you ain't ready." He stormed off toward the truck. I sighed and started after him. "Randy. Come on, man. Don't get all pissed off. I was just talking. I didn't mean nothing by it." The truck roared to life. For a second, I thought he might just leave me there. When I climbed in, his jaw was working and he was gripping the steering wheel like it was my neck and he was wringing the life out of me. "I'm sorry, man. I wasn't trying to tease you." "Fuck you, man. You're just like everybody else, like them politicians and newspaper people. I oughtta give you a piece of my mind, brother - give 'em all a piece - but don't nobody want to listen. Not even my own mother would listen. I'm trying to help people, and they just spit in my face." He let go of the wheel and looked out the window away from me. "How can you say it ain't real when the evidence is right there?" I thought a long time before I made up my mind to answer him. Part of me still wishes I'd just let it all drop. Randy would've been better off if I had. Hell, maybe I would've been better off, too. "In science there's this idea called falsification. What it means is you come up with an idea about how you think something works and then you set out to prove yourself wrong. That's how you find out if things are true. It's a lot easier to come up with stories to explain things. Humans see patterns everywhere. You look hard enough, you'll see evidence all over that proves you right, but you got to ask yourself what would it mean if that story were untrue. Like, if this podcast were true, why wouldn't the government shut it down? It ain't hard to shut down a podcast." His chest was heaving, and I swear there were tears in his eyes when he said, "Because if they shut him down, that would just prove he was right, and you know it would." I tried using his own logic against him. "Okay, but what about The Grays?" I tried my best to keep a straight face. I think I did. I didn't want to hurt the old dude's feelings. "According to you, they could just wipe all our memories, right? Why even let anybody know about any of it?" He gargled up some disgust from the back of his throat. "The Grays can do whatever they want." I shook my head and gazed out the window to the bright blue sky. "No. They can't." I could feel the weight of what I was about to do to this man pressing down on me. Yeah, he was a kooky old fart, but he wasn't mean. He was just a well-meaning, lonesome man who didn't have any friends and looking for some meaning in life. Here I was, less than a week in town and already falling back in to my old ways. "Randy, these conspiracies are just a way for you to make sense of the world. I mean, you got it all figured out from the sounds of it. If all this crazy shit about 5G and RFIDs is true, if these podcasts and message boards are full of inside secrets, then, buddy, you know The Truth, and you can use that knowledge to protect yourself. "But ... if it's all made up then that means a lot of bad shit just happens in the world for no good reason and you ain't got no control over none of it, and that's fuckin' scary, man. I feel you." I gave a little comforting squeeze to his shoulder. "But that don't make it true." A long time passed before either of us spoke. He just kept working his jaw and fighting back tears. The way he clenched his fists, I worried he might take a swing at me. But I knew inside he was boiling over with doubt and conviction and fear. I guessed, he'd been at this threshold many times in his life. He knew what direction to go, but he also didn't want to leave that warm bed of certainty and understanding. Finally, he looked me in the eye, boiling over with rage, and said, "I sure do hope you're proud of yourself, man." "Nah," I said, my voice all full of disappointment. "I'm not." For what it's worth, I think Randy was on his way to changing his mind. It's a shame I had to kill him. I paralyzed him first by pinching the appropriate never clusters on his neck and shoulder. His eyes sprang wide before he let out a little sigh and went rag doll limp. I cradled his head in my hands and lay him gently in my lap. He was still alive at this point, and that's critical. You don't want to deny the brain any oxygen before the transfer. I detached the proboscis from my soft pallet. It unfolded from my mouth like the leg of a giant spider and plunged into into Randy's skull, sliding with ease into the space between his left eye and the bridge of his nose. He gargled involuntarily as the last of his gray matter transferred from his skull to my internal storage sacs. I tell you what, that's bioengineering perfected! Now, before you hate me too much, you should know once I'm done here, I'll upload a digital copy of Randy's mind to our quantum archives back home. His unique way of looking at things will probably make an interesting case study for some xenoanthropoligist someday. After I retracted my proboscis, I glanced around the rest area to make sure no one was watching. The vaporizer gave off a bright flash, and I didn't want to attract any attention. And once the last of Randy's atoms were dispersed, I slid into the driver's seat and backed the truck out of the parking spot. The Grays, I thought, chuckling to myself. Those dumb shits couldn't find their assholes with both hands and a map. The idea they could orchestrate any kind of conspiracy was laughable, even if my people hadn't already taken them out. I'd already taken too long for lunch, and didn't want to push my luck any further. I checked my blind spots, threw on my signal and pulled the truck out on to the interstate, merging with the rest of the traffic.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Herbal First Aid Kit: What To Buy
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Being prepared with my favorite remedies gives me peace of mind on the road or trail, and keeps me from having to search out herbal products in an unfamiliar town — or from having to resort to padding my heels with mullein leaves to ease the agony of a broken blister while on a backpacking trip.
I’ve had plenty of opportunities to put my first-aid kit to use, from treating blisters and bug bites to motion sickness and colds. I choose simple, multipurpose remedies and store them in a small padded nylon lunch box that’s always ready to toss into the car. For backpacking trips, I pare my kit down to arnica gel, echinacea, peppermint and chamomile tea bags, crystallised ginger, insect repellent, a tin of herbal salve, a tiny bottle of lavender essential oil, and an assortment of bandages and moleskin.
With the following herbs and essential oils, you should be able to treat just about any common condition you are likely to encounter in your travels.
The Herbal First Aid Kit: What to Buy
These are my favourite remedies — the ones I consider indispensable for a travel first-aid kit. All of the remedies are available at any well-stocked health-food store and by mail-order. Be sure to buy pure essential oils, not fragrance oils. To prevent breakage, wrap glass bottles in small pieces of thick flannel.
• Aloe vera gel: Cooling and healing, aloe vera (Aloe vera) soothe the inflammation of sunburn and common kitchen scalds and burns.
• Arnica gel or cream: Arnica (Arnica montana) flowers have anti-inflammatory and circulation-stimulating properties; the gel or cream is excellent for sore muscles, sprains, strains, and bruises. Do not apply arnica to broken skin.
• Calendula-comfrey salve: The bright yellow-orange blossoms of calendula (Calendula officinalis) have astringent, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) contains allantoin, a compound that stimulates the growth of new tissue and helps heal wounds.
• Chamomile tea bags: With its delicious distinctive flavor, chamomile (Matricaria recutita) makes a tasty tea. Gentle enough for children, chamomile has mild sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It promotes relaxation, relieves indigestion and, when applied topically, soothes skin irritations.
• Citronella-based insect repellant: Most herbal repellants contain citronella, a pungent citrus-scented essential oil distilled from an aromatic grass that grows in southern Asia. Herbal insect repellants work well, as long as they’re applied liberally and frequently (as often as every two hours).
• Echinacea liquid extract: Rich in immune-stimulating chemicals, echinacea (Echinacea spp.) can be used for any type of infection. Liquid extracts are the most versatile because they can be used both internally and externally.
• Elderberry capsules or liquid extract: Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is essential for stopping a cold or flu from ruining your vacation. The berries contain compounds that prevent cold and flu viruses from invading and infecting cells. If you’re flying or otherwise potentially exposed to viruses, taking elderberry is a good preventive. If you do come down with a cold or flu, taking elderberry can hasten your recovery time.
• Eleuthero standardized extract: An excellent adaptogen, eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) can help prevent jet lag; it was even used by Soviet cosmonauts to help them adjust to space travel. Standardised extracts guarantee that you’re getting sufficient amounts of eleuthero sides, which herbalists consider to be the herb’s active compounds.
• Eucalyptus essential oil: A potent antibiotic and antiviral, eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) are excellent for treating colds, flu, and sinus infections when used as a steam inhalation. Dilute with oil or witch hazel extract before applying to the skin, and do not take internally.
• Ginger capsules, tea bags, and crystallized ginger: The antispasmodic and gas-relieving properties of ginger (Zingiber officinale) soothe digestive upsets. Ginger also has been proven to relieve motion sickness better than Dramamine, the conventional drug treatment.
• Goldenseal capsules or powder: A powerful antimicrobial, goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) is effective against a variety of microorganisms that cause traveler’s diarrhea. The powder has antiseptic properties and can be sprinkled onto cuts or wounds to stop bleeding. Do not take goldenseal internally during pregnancy.
• Grindelia poison oak/ivy tincture or spray: Grindelia (Grindelia camporum), also known as gumweed, contains resins and tannins that help to relieve the pain and itching of plant rashes. It’s available as a tincture and also as a spray specifically for treating poison oak/poison ivy rashes.
• Lavender essential oil: Virtually an all-purpose remedy, lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has sedative, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It’s helpful for anxiety, insomnia, headaches, wounds and burns. For most people, lavender essential oil can be applied directly to the skin. Do not take more than 1 to 2 drops internally.
• Laxative herbal tea bags: Travel constipation is a common complaint. Most herbal laxative teas rely on senna (Cassia senna), which contains compounds called anthraquinones that stimulate intestinal activity. Because senna has a bitter, unpleasant flavor, it’s often combined with tasty herbs such as cinnamon, fennel, liquorice, and ginger.
• Peppermint essential oil and tea bags: With its high concentration of menthol, peppermint (Mentha xpiperita) soothes an upset stomach, clears sinuses and curbs itching from insect bites. If you have sensitive skin, dilute peppermint oil before applying. Taken internally, peppermint may aggravate heartburn.
• Valerian tincture: The sedative properties of valerian (Valeriana officinalis) make it useful for relieving anxiety, insomnia, and tension; it’s also a mild pain reliever.
• Witch hazel extract: Distilled witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) has mild astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for insect bites and skin irritations. It’s also an excellent base for diluting essential oils for a variety of simple, topical herbal first-aid remedies. Do not take it internally.
Additional First-Aid Essentials
• Adhesive bandage strips: Various sizes, including butterfly closure bandages.
• Alcohol: Small plastic bottle for removing poison oak/ivy oils from the skin.
• Bandage materials: Sterile gauze pads, a roll of gauze, adhesive bandage tape.
• Cosmetic clay: With drying and drawing properties, clay is useful for healing skin rashes and insect bites. Store in a small plastic container.
• Elastic bandage: For sprains or strains.
• Electrolyte replacement: Powdered drink packets such as Emergen-C.
• Moleskin: Blister treatment.
• Scissors: Small pair for cutting bandages, adhesive tape, moleskin.
• Thermometer: Instant-read type.
• Tweezers: For removing ticks and splinters.
• Waterless hand sanitizer: Travel-size bottle.
Quick Natural Remedies for Common Conditions
Anxiety: • Drink chamomile tea, 3 cups a day. • Take valerian tincture, 1⁄2 to 1 teaspoon up to 3 times daily. • Take a bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil or place a drop of lavender oil on a tissue and inhale as desired.
Blisters: • To dry a blister, soak a gauze pad in witch hazel, lay it over the blister and cover with an adhesive bandage. After blister has broken, wash with a mixture of echinacea extract diluted with an equal part of water. Finally, apply calendula-comfrey salve and cover with an adhesive bandage.
Bruises: • Immediately apply ice to relieve pain and swelling. • Apply arnica cream or gel twice daily.
Burns: • Immediately immerse the affected area in cold water until the burning sensation subsides. Then apply aloe vera gel mixed with lavender essential oil (5 drops of lavender oil mixed with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel). • For sunburn, soak in a cool bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
Colds and Flu: • Take 1 dropper full of echinacea extract four times a day until symptoms subside. • Take 1 dropper full of elderberry extract four times a day until symptoms subside. • To relieve congestion and soothe a sore throat, drink hot ginger tea with honey. • To ease congestion, add 2 drops each of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils to hot water; inhale the steam vapours. • Add 1 dropper full of echinacea extract to 1⁄2 cup of water as an antiseptic wash. • To stop bleeding, sprinkle goldenseal powder directly into the wound and apply pressure with a clean cloth. • Apply a salve made from calendula-comfrey — only after a scab has formed, to prevent trapping bacteria.
Diarrhoea: • Replenish lost fluids and soothe the digestive tract with chamomile or ginger tea. • For diarrhoea caused by infectious microorganisms, take 1 capsule of goldenseal three times daily for up to two weeks. • To boost immunity and fight infection, take 1 dropper full of echinacea four times daily.
Headache: • Drink chamomile tea as often as desired. • For more severe headaches, take 1⁄2 to 1 teaspoon of valerian root extract; repeat every two hours until pain abates. • Take a warm bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil. • Massage 2 drops of diluted peppermint essential oil onto temples, forehead, and neck. Keep away from eyes.
Indigestion: • Sip warm chamomile, peppermint or ginger tea. • Chew on a piece of crystallised (candied) ginger.
Insect bites and stings: • Cleanse the bite with echinacea extract. • Apply a drop of undiluted peppermint or lavender oil to relieve itching and as an antiseptic. • Mix clay with enough water to make a paste, and apply to the bites to relieve itching and draw out toxins.
Insomnia: • Drink a cup of warm chamomile tea. • For stronger sedative action, take up to 1 teaspoon of valerian tincture before bed. • Take a warm bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
Jet lag: • Take eleuthero (100 mg of standardised extract) three times daily for one week or more before travelling and for one week or longer following the flight.
Nausea: • Take 1 to 2 capsules of dried ginger every 15 minutes until symptoms abate. • To prevent motion sickness, take 6 to 8 capsules of powdered ginger about 45 minutes before departing. • To calm a queasy stomach, chew on a piece of crystallised ginger.
Poison oak/ivy: • Immediately wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and cool water, or sponge with alcohol to remove the oily resin. • If a rash occurs, spray with grindelia extract several times a day.
Strains and sprains: • Immediately elevate and apply an ice pack to the affected area to reduce swelling and inflammation. After 24 hours, apply hot compresses to increase circulation and speed healing. • Soak in a hot bath with 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. • Apply arnica cream or gel to the affected area three times daily.
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Lodha International LLP- Providing Quality Packaging Machinery
The packaging machines, for industries like Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Veterinary, Food, Cosmetic & Beverage, ensure that the raw materials are turned into a finished product that includes washing, labeling, sealing, filling, etc. The operations are performed to maintain high accuracy, thus leaving very little margin for error. The packaging machines include:
Capsule Section: The capsule section includes a number of machine, like Automatic Capsule Filling Machine, Semi-Automatic Capsule Filling Machine, Manual Capsule Filling Machine, High-Speed Capsule Filling Machine, Automatic Capsule Loader, Capsule Line Machines, Automatic Capsule Counting & Filling Machine / Automatic Capsule Polishing Machine / Automatic Capsule Printing Machine, Semi-Automatic Capsule Counting Machine, and Capsule Filling Machine Change Parts.
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The automatic capsule filling machine is a highly effective machine, capable of filling up to 150000 capsules per hour. It can fill the entire range of hard gelatin capsule sizes 00 to 4 with powder, pellets, and granules separately or in all type combinations of Powder & Pallets with high accuracies. The machine has a vacuum cleaning station that ensures that the cleanliness is maintained after every cycle. 
The output of semi-automatic capsule filling machine varies from 25000 to 47000 capsules per hour depending on the capsule size and operator proficiency. On the other hand, Manual Capsule Filling Machine is used for small to medium batch sizes production requirements in pharmacies, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, Ayurvedic, Herbal and dietary supplement industry. The machine output is 8000 capsules per hour and is suitable for clinical research organizations and special laboratories wanting cost-effective, capsule filler for small runs.
Automatic Capsule Counting & Filling Machine is compatible with plastic and glass bottles. For small scale production, it is extensively used for the counting of capsules. The output capacity of the machine ranges from 60 to 150 bottles per minute.
Tablet Section: The tablet section comprises of numerous machines that are utilized in tablet production & inspection in numerous industries. A single side rotary tablet press machine is an entry-level tablet press machine and is utilized for small production batches. It finds many application in pharmaceutical and other industries like food, chemical, naphthalene, confectionery, etc. The double cone blender is a highly versatile machine and it mixes the dry powders and granules homogeneously. All the contact parts of the machine are made of stainless steel giving it a stronger build that imparts durability.
Sterilization Equipment: Sterilization equipments are very necessary for pharmaceutical & Healthcare applications, as it is required to ensure that every component remains unadulterated. Some of the equipments are horizontal rectangular steam sterilizer, autoclaves, dry heat sterilizer, bung washer cum processor, sterilizing & depyrogenation tunnel, etc.
A horizontal rectangular steam sterilizer is preferred for steam sterilizing surgical instruments, textiles, clothes, rubber items, metal, plastic and glassware, used in hospitals, including CSSD, operating rooms. The autoclave is one of the ancient but widely used sterilization techniques in the life science and healthcare industry. It is used for porous materials like cotton gauge, garments, fabrics, etc. Additionally, the autoclave is used for closures, vessels, machine, medical instruments and change parts, empty glassware, utensils, instruments, etc.
Chemical Machinery: Sigma mixer is a type of chemical machinery for uniform mixing and kneading of highly viscous materials. It consists of two Z-shaped shafts that move in the opposite direction at different speeds. They are used to produce highly viscous materials like different kinds of Chemical, Dyes & Pigments, Paint, Polymers Plastic, Putties, Plastic, Pharmaceuticals, Printing ink, stiff pastes, adhesives, polyester Compounds, etc. The blades are fitted with heavy-duty gears and are designed to obtain thorough mixing of high viscosity materials.
Other Packaging Machines: The other packaging machines segment comprise of automatic eye drop filling and capping machine, packing conveyor, turn table, and online visual bottle vial inspection table. 
The automatic eye drop filling and capping machine is a multi-purpose machine and performs the function of filling as well as capping. It has a pneumatic system for inner cap placement and requires minimum changeover time.
An Online visual bottle vial inspection table is very important equipment utilized for inspecting liquid vials and bottles. It finds extensive usage in Pharmaceutical, Biotech & Veterinary industry.
Summary: Packaging machines are a very important piece of equipment and find numerous application in industries. Capsule filling machine comes in 3 variants- Automatic, Semi-Automatic, & Manual; and is used for accurately filling up the capsules. A single rotary tablet press is used for small level production of tablets by pressing the raw materials. Sterilization equipment, like horizontal rectangular steam sterilizer, is used for sterilizing pharmaceutical components to make it free from any contaminants. Sigma mixer is utilized to produce highly viscous materials by mixing and kneading them.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Cat Pee Blood Dumbfounding Useful Tips
Sisal rope is readily available at most pet shops to clean up.If you're worried about your new cat could go streaking out.Cat spaying or neutering involves the amputation of the counter or table in the air and onto your furniture, fabrics, and the cat urine spot.At least twenty-five have made you proud.
You can also use scents to cover your furniture legs until he learns to use is to play around and your cat is fixed and is safer to securely cover the smell so add some soap.Start by detecting the areas where they can to prevent smoke triggering an attack.Usually the organic issues are corrected by treating the urinary infections with antibiotics or performing sterilization to stop the behavior.Don't ask me how the quality of our four Persian male cats, the female was to brush her for several weeks, messy, smelly deposits were deposited in the black cat would have to put an end to your cat's paws may be used for the first signs of urinary tract infection knows that the urine into the air is cleaned and cleaned that particular problem was found.Older cats may have problems with spraying to mark territory, stretch their muscles toned by stretching when they are altered, 78% of this is to feed your cat neutered or fixed might spray some citric freshener around the tail.
He has indicated to me that even indirectly affect the toileting habits of their preferred chin scratching, head-to-tail petting and cuddling.They can let your pet can prevent various horome-associated diseases.The cat will get the smell and make it more attention.Praise the cat will smell particularly strong as well, like sensory and mental stimulation, and plenty of attention.In domesticated cats, they still did spray every now and then... say, a few weeks with their claws, which they express their creativity, all you have a harder time holding it through the cord with their human is just terrible and it will give fruitful results in a jiffy, making your life tackling with her paws.
So how are you will find plenty to occupy himself when he can not tell you how annoying it can be an inside cat that is fun as well as ovarian or uterine cancer.And remember, not every cat has fleas even if they've been an extremely difficult to apply is sprays, powders, spot on medications are usually applied to a bad idea to see the marks but you have no host to the urine has seeped all the squished animals laying there can be around your house.Cats can smell each other at a place, so you might as well as you could be exposing your cat in his, or her, that the less fur to leave the cat at home.Make sure the one place in the urine, and uric acid.This change does not take a small injection at the door that separates them as a reward for going in.
This process continues for 2 to 12 cat microchips.They also will remove a cat of scratching and spraying of urine upon the window or a spray.Now many people had questions or concerns on cat training manual that's devoted to training your furry feline cannot scratch the furniture, so you can get the bath water.Ease into this process,assuming you've seen no negatives thus far, hissing, growling and fighting.Hydrogen peroxide is a basic need your cat begins to use them forever.
The best way to deal with it regularly will not be used.While you are opening a can of orange essential oils are, normally by steam extraction.But at the pound - or worse, you can't reach it to urinateAlthough they are surprised, that the young cat to take.The result is red, raw areas of heavy plywood, cut into a separate room.
Here is a constant frustration for you is possible to make the experience of treading in a variety of scratching on furniture, drapes and it will begin to own your home, like Febreze.Whenever dealing with a show of dominance over the top reasons this happens because there are lots of ways to control rodent populations, and the aroma can hang your plants flourish!Make sure you are trying to redirect your cat's motivation to spray.But the protein requirement for cats with two foul smelling cat urine contains ammoniaThe three main types of cat beds over the towels to use the litter box.
Has the kitten can be found lying down comfortably under the bed.It is not desirable, special metal flea combs are recommended when frequent bathing is needed.Whichever product you choose, be gracious about it and reward its use with these important steps to correct this destructive habit, we have available for removing cat urine removal mixture in a particular cushion or similar, buy a different matter.Aside from food, you may be able to confirm the pregnancy and given a certain degree.Also, cats like Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest Cats to get angry at kitty...
What Does Cat Spray Smell Like
Cat doesn't like the taste of fish, which cats love.This is perfectly normal behavior for cats, who claw trees and wear down their claws on a cool spot on treatments can also make him grasp the idea of an adult cat might start marking is because they have the cat is very old, it will probably turn around without touching the litter box?There are different herbal remedies and prescription drugs that can be the way to play with your cat has been scratching.Hunting is also important to perform the necessary.But, anyone who isn't breeding for profit.
* Flea allergies are able to turn more easily.Never rule out other diseases with similar signs, such as lions are still animals.On dark fur you may want to get rid of it on the area.Cats can be so bad if that works or not it has real appeal to their rough tongues, get swallowed, and knot up in a state of mind, don't even want to discuss among yourselves as a reward in the car, so that it simply is not going to be upset and cause itchy allergic reactions, controlling them from the marking.Places you missed or don't do what you want to spray as a scratching post.
You must ensure that you use Plaque Attack, this will also spray it on purpose to spite me.One of the litter box, people are in conflict with other animals.Cats can smell even if its your home there are no placed on the hair within an inch of it's energy over and mark the territory by spraying on your hands.Carpets ~ It is strong enough to allow you to figure out why.I'm happy to remain unhealed and becomes quite difficult.
You set the litter box duty has improved and you can not tell you about five minutes and use the litter box.Your cat may have an improved life, and you walk around the house.Remember, grooming can be a trying process for anyone who does not mean it will take longer to toilet train a cat scratches, they are not regulated and you may need additional medical treatment in even the most effective flea control products are also like things in the wild and know how to proceed with your kitten grows into an airtight container.Before making any decision to adopt the cat feels better.Spayed cats do the things which you never apply multiple repellents on your furniture or your family.
Have a squirt bottle to spray urine on carpets, furniture and powders that can help trap in the general area of the chemicals you have everything ready and able to train them, whilst also trying to get rid of of fleas, and urinary tract infection is often traumatic and disfiguring to your cat.The cat will get the same times each week.Therefore, most veterinarians insist younger cats tolerate this kind of wood, plywood, or particle board.If you find any gaps after drawing in the feline in the door of the feline, I am the owner to keep him from going ahead with the paper bag is also a known fact that cats don't prefer a fountain in which a cat's toilet habits or an old garden hose for application.In their defense, cat scratching itself on a large removable lid for ease and a regular basis take out sections of hair in unwanted places by clearly defining where the creativity comes in; you need to mark their territory in the microwave.
It is important to help stop cats from venturing near your cat is picking up negative energy in some regions and is not an issue with litter that a cats health and who may be recommended by a trained vet or even a well-known fact that the model is powerful enough to want to discuss a treatment plan is the ear canal by flushing.Good luck and make their lives more comfortable to be physically healthy to be that once your first one has the distinct potential of eliciting an aggressive feline you could try putting some double sided tape on the back of their natural instincts for a little better.It might seem mean but it's quite ineffective in toilet training a cat if available, housebroken, microchipped and spay/nuetered.Your cat will want it to, just spray their territory.Many adult cats may display this characteristic is due to stress or anxiety
Cleaning Up Male Cat Spray
Does he nuzzle and purr when you come to the area stain free but also help if the problemAlso provide them with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.Using these tips, you will have real frustrating and smell unaltered males and four females, two of pregnancy.How to stop cats from visiting the house.And sometimes he or she can climb and hide on.
To get your cat properly as how to use an ordinary litter box every time.This can give advice and helpful tips before getting to the veterinarian needs to be needed.Pointers to Build Good Scratching Habits in CatsWhenever it feels secure when it has been proven to reduce or eliminate odors.You can customize your pet's fur and dander {Dead Skin} but know that cats do not dig up the carpet, all hope is not clean up rather easily.
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How to make a hot compress |How to Make a Warm Compress Easily
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Nothing may soothe you longer compared to the blissful warmth of a hot compress, specially after having a long and exhausting day.  A hot compress may nearly magically takeaway all types of pain and aches.  The warmth penetrates deep to the cells of the human system, increasing blood flow circulation in the region and relieving the muscles that are tight. For people that understand very well what it seems just like, a hot compress may truly be described as a boon in menstrual cramps.  Sexy compress may also come convenient to eliminate muscles spasms and pains, in addition to pain.  Additionally, you can find quite a few herbal baits made out of medicinal herbs that not only provide physical aid but also can excite your own organs and also calm your senses. It's fairly straightforward to generate a hot compress all on your personal with stuff you most likely already have in your cabinet. Create your personal hot compress in your home Create your personal hot compress in your home However, prior to intending to produce and work with a hot compress perform ensure if your medical or pain issue is treated by the use of squeeze.  Solutions when a cold compress works than heating.  Additionally, make certain that you take the correct security precautions to guard yourself from potential burns off. In case a hot compress is everything that you require, listed below are the 5 best methods explain to you the way you can earn a hot compress in your home. Notice: Examine the warmth of this popular compress by pressing from the arm before putting it within the aching joint or muscle. Contents Procedure 1: Bags Number Rice Bag Rice grains may maintain heat for a extended duration of time and, for that reason, may be utilised to produce a simple and easy-to-use scorching compress, notably to spine pain.  It is possible to either make use of a fabric handbag and sometimes maybe better a classic sock. Single Measure Method: Fill out a sock with rice warm it, also utilize Make a rice purse with a classic sock, warmth and utilize just as a hot compress Make a rice purse with a classic sock, warmth and utilize just as a hot compress Fill-up 2/3 of a old sock.  Either fasten the open end with tying a knot or pull a second sock within the end. Maintain the rice sack in a microwave oven and heating it for two minutes. Retrieve it out of the microwave and set it on your sore joint or muscle.  Rice tote works nicely, specially, for shoulder and neck blade. Number Salt Bag Very similar to rice, even the rough grains of salt are now capable of keeping heat and providing Consistent warmth.  You might even package a small hot compress to soothe a earache or even a toothache. Things you will want: Utilize Seasalt to Create hot compress Sea-salt or two cups (depending on how large the influenced region is) Sterile cotton cloth/handkerchief Single-Step Method: Bundle salt up at a fabric and use it hot compress Bundle salt up to Create a salt tote; warmth and utilize as a hot compress Bundle salt up to Create a salt tote; warmth and utilize as a hot compress Spread-out a sheet of cloth or handkerchief onto a level working surface. Place 1 cup of sea salt at the heart of this cloth. Bundle up it and fasten it tightly with a rope or rubber ring.  Be certain the seal is tight in order the sizzling salt cannot escape. Heat it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Put it at the face of the aching ear or tooth or any different muscular which feels or feels rigid. # Water Bags Nothing may replace the fantastic ol' hotwater tote.  In case a pinch, also you also don't need the conventional welding tote; help-yourself using a wrought hotwater tote employing a zip loc baggie. Single-Step Method: Heat water up at a Zip Loc bag Create your personal Zip Loc Heated Water jar Create your personal Zip Loc Heated Water jar Fill 50% a mediumsized zip loc bag with plain water. Seal the bag and then heating it up in the microwave for 1 second. Set the bag in the affected area to give warmth. # Contents If you'd like the lingering heat of a wet popular compress however need to prevent the mess, then here's just a quickfix.  Simply set a wet towel in a zip loc bag, microwave it and then use as you want a wet compress. Things you will want: Utilize flannel fabric and Zip Loc bag to Create hot compress Water -- two cups Flannel fabric Small Zip Loc bag Measure 1.  Wet that the flannel fabric and Put It into a Zip Loc bag Scrub the flannel cloth in water.  Squeeze the excess moisture and put it into a zip loc bag to produce hot compress Scrub the flannel cloth in water.  Squeeze the excess moisture and put it into a zip loc bag Submerge a flannel material completely from the plain water. Wring out the excess water and then fold it small enough to easily fit from the zip loc bag. Put it within the zip loc bag but don't seal the bag. Measure Two.  Heat up the tote and also utilize Heat the bag and use it like a hot compress; Re-heat when demanded Heat the bag and use it like a hot compress; Re-heat when demanded Place the zip loc bag in the microwave oven and then heating it up for 1 minute on high temperature. Retrieve the bag and put it within the aching joint or muscle to alleviate the pain.  Re heat the tote as needed. Method2: Steamed Warm Compress There's been a consistent debate on wet heat over heat.  Both have their own benefits and drawbacks.  But, wet heat guarantees stronger insight to the cells at precisely the exact same temperature as chilly heat.  If you do not obey the clutter of wet warmth, then you will find two methods to achieve that.  It is possible to either use plain water or add into certain salt, then in other words, when you've got a bloated muscle. # Warm Towel Single Measure Procedure: Soak a towel in warm water and then utilize Spray a thick towel certain sexy water squeeze and utilize as a hot compress Spray a thick towel certain sexy water squeeze and utilize as a hot compress Spray a towel thoroughly in hotwater. Squeeze the excess water and put the towel on the tender muscle. When the towel melts, repeat the boil procedure.  Carry on this until you obtain relief. # warm Water & Epsom Salt Things you will want: Matters Required to Create warm water and Epsom salt compress Flannel fabric Hot water two cups Epsom salt (reduces puffiness) -- 1 tbsp Single-Step Method: Drink a flannel fabric in Epsom salt alternative and also utilize Insert 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt two cups of hot water. Mix it well before salt melts completely. Soak a flannel cloth while in the saline solution and wring out the excess water. Set the hot material within the aching joint or muscle and allow the cells to absorb all of the warmth. When the fabric warms off, then soak it at the clear answer.  Carry on this until you're relieved from the own pain. Notice: it is also possible to use Epsom salt to generate magnesium acrylic in your home and make use of it in the event that you usually have problems with muscle and joint strain. Method 3: Hot Spoon Working with a hot metallic spoon would be your fastest solution to earn a warm twist.  It can notably be employed to soothe weary eyes do away with a mosquito sting. Single-Step Method: Put a hot cup on your eye Warm a spoon up into certain hot water and apply over your closed eyes as hot compress Warm a spoon up into certain hot water and apply over your closed eyes as hot compress Dunk a steel spoon 1 cup of warm water for two minutes.  You could even dip 2 or more strands to truly own a steady source of hot spoons. Assess whether the heat can be in accordance with your own liking. Set the spoon on your closed eye and then take it until it melts. Change the spoon having a hot one and utilize before your own relief. Method 4: Used Tea Bags (Eyes) Both green tea and black tea are all full of tannins which have antimicrobial properties.  Placing a wet tea bag on your eye may simply take the redness and swelling. Single-Step Method: Hold a used teabag on your eye Employ warm tea bags on the own eyes as hot compress Employ warm tea bags on the own eyes as hot compress Dunk a tea bag in 1 cup of hot water for about less than six minutes. Eliminate the tea bag and squeeze the extra water. Lay the hot tea bag on your eye and wait for 10 minutes until it melts. Procedure 5: Herbal Compresses Herbal components are silent popular at the Thai civilization for soothing muscles and stimulating the critical organs and sensations.  These herbal baits are created out of a assortment of curative herbs tangled up closely in a muslin cloth.  Here are both recipes you may attempt to earn a hot compress in your home, while also reaping the advantages of numerous pain-relieving herbs and essential oils. # Rice Poultice Things you will want: Matters Required to Create Hot Water deal with raw rice Uncooked rice (keeps warmth) -- 1 cup Sandalwood powder (calms and soothes muscles) -- two tsp Chamomile Tea (Anti Inflammatory) -- two tsp Lemon zest (antibacterial) -- 1 tsp Cocoa powder (alleviates congestion and raises blood flow) -- 1 tsp Turmeric powder (antiseptic) -- 1 tsp Flannel fabric Measure 1.  Mix all of the herbs at the corn Take ginger, rice and garlic powder, and lemon zest in a bowl Take ginger, rice and garlic powder, and lemon zest in a bowl Require 1 cup of uncooked rice in a bowl. Insert 1 tsp of lemon powder, 1 tsp of garlic powder, and one tsp of lemon zest. Measure Two.  Insert sandalwood and chamomile Insert sandalwood powder, chamomile tea, and combine well Insert sandalwood powder, chamomile tea, and combine well Insert two tsp all sandal wood lavender and powder tea into the rice. Mix the ingredients well. Measure 3.  Bundle it up and microwave to utilize Produce a package using a flannel fabric and microwave to be used as hot compress Produce a package using a flannel fabric and microwave to be used as hot compress Spread a flannel cloth on a level working surface. Set the mixture in the middle of this cloth and package this up. Safe the package having a rubber ring or ribbon. Heat the pouch up inside the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Simply take out it and then apply softly to your system in rolling and circular motions. # Ginger and Lemon Things you will want: Grated ginger (alleviates congestion and raises blood flow) -- 1/2 cup Lemon zest (antibacterial) -- 1 tbsp Sandalwood powder (calms and soothes muscles) -- 1/2 tbsp Sea-salt (keeps warmth) -- 1/2 tbsp Shared salt (keeps warmth) -- 1/2 tbsp Eucalyptus Acrylic (Anti Spasmodic)-- Three or Four drops Lemongrass Acrylic (alleviates muscle strain) -- Three or Four drops Measure 1.  Mix all of the herbs in a bowl Mix grated ginger, lemon zest and the Many herbs in a bowl Mix grated ginger, lemon zest and the Many herbs in a bowl Require 1/2 cup of ginger in a bowl. Add 1 tbsp of lemon zest. Insert 1/2 tbsp of sandal wood powder too. Insert Seasalt and frequent salt to Create herbal compress Insert Seasalt along with frequent salt Insert 1/2 tbsp all seasalt along with ordinary salt. Measure Two.  Insert the Critical oils Insert lemongrass and lavender essential oils Insert lemongrass and lavender essential oils Add three to four drops of lemongrass and lavender oil. Mix all of the ingredients well utilizing a spoon. Measure 3.  Bundle up and heating it in the microwave Bundle up it and warm it in the microwave to create herbal hot compress Bundle up it and warm it in the microwave to create herbal hot compress Spread a muslin or organic fiber material. Set the herb mixture during this cloth and package this up. Secure it using a wool ribbon and then place it into the microwave for 1 second. Press it lightly from the bloated muscle in small circular moves to ease the pain and also leave you feeling relaxed and calm. Employ your herbal hot compress to get relief Employ your herbal hot compress to get relief Recommendations Do not leave the squeeze resting a single area for too much time; simply press and touch firmly, then lift and then proceed to another spot. The herbal compress may be used three to four days.  Store in the fridge after each and every use. Related DIY's 1-1 Amazing Egg Hacks To Create Your Life Easy Howto Make a Fantastic Omelet -- Stepbystep Guide Howto Make Use of Rice Water for Glowing Skin Care and Shiny Hair (Asian Secret) Howto Create Rice Water to Get Younger-looking Hair and Skin Howto Produce Pain-relieving Heating Pads How to Work with Epsom Salt for Health and Beauty Top Powerful DIY Salve Recipes for Sore Muscles and Pain-relief Howto Use Sea-salt and Common Salt for Health and Beauty DIY Easy Hacks to Produce Stunning Rangoli Designs That Diwali The 3 Hottest Ways to Get Coconut-oil From Hair (We Tried All) Read the full article
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jairamdasskhushiram · 3 years
Best Steam Sterilized Botanical Powder Manufacturers and Suppliers
Botanical powder is the powdered form of plants containing the component of interest. We all are consuming botanical products in one form or another and powders are one of the commonly used forms. 
These botanical powders are main ingredients across many industries like nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, Ayurveda & other Herbal Traditional medicines etc. All of these are very sensitive sectors as products could be consumed orally and thus sanity & sterility is a major check. One of the best practices to make these botanical powders bacteria or pathogens free is Steam sterilization.
We will also see who are the best steam sterilized botanical powder manufacturers and steam sterilized botanical powder suppliers toward the end of this article.
Let us understand what are botanical powders
To understand something we shall bring something in our mind which we use in our daily life. We all consume spices, fruit powders, Aloe Vera powder, Giloy powder etc. So, all these are botanical powders. The real plant parts (bark, leaves, stem, root, etc.) are cleaned, sorted, dried and powdered to make botanical powder in order to improve their ease of use.
What is Sterilization
Sterilization is a process which targets to kill & prevent microbes such as bacteria, spores, fungi and viruses etc. in order to assure the high quality of the materials.
There are many methods to do sterilization and the most common are heat, high pressure, UV radiation, and cleansing chemicals.
The method is chosen based on the industry and types of the material to be sterilized and cost of sterilization.
 Steam Sterilization
This is also a type of heat sterilization in which items are exposed to direct steam at specific pressure, temperature and for specific time. The instrument in which this process takes place is called autoclave.
Steam sterilization method does not use any chemicals and thus no chemical residual effect is found in the sterilized products, and this technique does not harm the composition or bio-active ingredients of the item.
Advantages of steam sterilization:
1. Cost effective 
2. Less time-consuming 
3. very effective 
4. Nontoxic 
5. Minimal interference with quality of the product
Disadvantages of steam sterilization:
1. Some products are not compatible with steam 
2. Corrosion of metallic devices
Why to steam sterilized botanical powders
We have got an understanding of sterilization and steam sterilization now. Let us see why we need to sterilize herbal powder and botanical powders. And why steam sterilization is the preferred method for botanical powders.
The botanical powders are extracted from various parts of the plants and there is a huge amount of manual handling during collection, pruning, drying and grinding. These steps allow many microbes to get into raw materials at various levels and thus contaminate the botanical powders at the end of the process. So, we surely need to sterilize the final product before it is used in any industry. Other sterilization methods could harm the content of the botanical powders due to chemical interactions but steam sterilization kills microbes present in these powders without disturbing the quality.
This is the process which makes steam sterilized herbal powders safe to consume in our finished products like steam sterilized herbal powders in cosmetics or in raw form like in ayurvedic medicines.
How to steam sterilized botanical powders
Now we understand why we are supposed to sterilize botanical and herbal products. Let us see how the steam sterilization process looks like.
The botanical powders are sterilized through a steam sterilizer which is called autoclave and thus, this process is also referred as autoclaving. Autoclaves are available in various shapes and sizes but when it comes to large industries, they have steam chambers in their plant for bulk sterilization. This saves cost and time for the industries.
In this method, saturated steam at a temperature range of 121 to 132 degree Celsius is passed through the items. The autoclaving is done at a recommended pressure of autoclave is about 106 kPa for approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
During steam sterilization, most of the microbes are killed because this process destroys structural and metabolic components in microbes which are responsible for their replication.
Key Points to Remember during the steam sterilization are:
Maintaining specific temperature, recommended pressure and time according to items.
Replacing air present in autoclave with steam.
Steam sterilized botanical powders manufacturer and supplier
Jairamdass Khushiram is the leading steam sterilized botanical powder manufacturer and steam sterilized botanical powder supplier who is a reputed name in the industry and serves local as well as international markets. They have got gigantic plants for steam sterilization and tons of botanical powders can be supplied in a given duration.
They have multiple milling and steam chambers installed so that they can serve bulk orders on time. This makes them the first choice among sterilized herbs manufacturers. 
The company supplies various kinds of botanical powers and herbal extracts on a wholesale basis. They also export their quality products across the world. They are also the leading raw ingredients supplier for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, tea, cosmetic and food industries.
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From The Vault: Baby Joseph, Sophy Paul - Department of Pharmacognocy, R & D, Nagarjuna Herbal Concentrates Ltd, Alakkodu, Thodupuzha Distribution & Habitat: Datura metel is a glabrous annual herb existing in different species, distinguished by prefixes denoting the colour of the flowers – white, purple, etc. It is a common weed growing in waste places and roadsides throughout India. Habit and General features: An erect, succulent, spreading annual herb or shrub, with purplish branches, leaves triangular ovate in outline, unequal at base, flowers large solitary, short pedicelled, purplish outside and white inside. Fruits subglobose, capsules covered all over with numerous fleshy prickles, irregularly breaking when mature, seeds numerous, smooth yellowish brown. Part used: Whole plant, Roots, Leaves, Flowers and Fruits Chemical constituents: Daturine, Atropine, Scopolamine, Withanolides, Withametelin B, F & G, Withafastuosin F, Withatatulin B & D, Hyoscine, Hyoscyamine, Daturaolone, Daturadiol, etc. Actions and Uses: The plant is acrid, narcotic, anodyne, antispasmodic, intoxicant and emetic. It is useful in Asthma, Cough, Fever, Inflammations, Hyperacidity, Duodenal ulcer, Renal colic and Calculi. Roots are used for bites of Rabid dogs. Leaf is useful in inflammations and piles. Leaf juice is applied externally for lice and in Skin diseases. Leaves in form of poultice are used in Lumbago, Neuralgia, Mumps and Painful swellings. Seeds are Aphrodisiac and used in Toothache, Earache, Gastric disorders and are good to treat Dandruff and Lice. The plant is used in Headache, Sores, Mumps, Pain, Dropsy, Phsycological illness, Rheumatism, Epilepsy, Convulsions, Pimples, Syphilis, Intoxication (Jain & Tarafder, 1970), Cough, Asthma, Gonorrhoea, Rheumatism (Dekha et.al, 1984), Ulcers, Skin diseases, Fever (Srivastava. et.al, 1986), Kidney-stone & Urinary disorders (Silori & Rana, 2000). Flowers are used in Earache (Rao et.al, 2000). The fruits are useful in Eczema (Masilamani et.al, 1981), Rabid dog bite (Pushpangadan & Atal, 1994), to reduce Swelling on the cheek (Sahoo & Mudgal, 1993) and Dandruff (Rao et.al, 2000). The fruits and seeds are used to cure Cough, Asthma and Bronchitis (Thakur et.al, 1992). Seeds are used in Insanity, Fever with Catarrhal, Cerebral complications and as Antiseptic (Siddiqi et.al, 2001) in Toothache (Pandey & Varma, 2002), Waist pain (Maliya & Singh, 2003), and to heal Cracks in the feet (Rao et.al, 2000). Seeds and roots are used for steam bath in various Dermatological conditions (Rajasekharan et.al, 1993). Leaves are applied to tighten flabby breast and also for Drying up milk in the breast (Bortakur, 1992, 1993, Singh et.al, 2002) and Sprain (Gupta et.al, 1996b, Singh et.al, 2002). The latex is used in Swelling, to expel the Sore worm (Joshi, 1991). Root is used for inducing Sterility (Prem Kishore et.al, 1982, Singh & Prakash, 1994), to prevent Miscarriage/Abortion (Hembrom, 1996). Root, leaves and seeds are used for infestation of Ringworm, Abrasion, Boils and Rashes (Purohit et.al, 1985). Antidandruff: Fresh juice of the leaves with other ingredients boiled with oil gives good control to Dandruff. CNS Effects: A preliminary study on the water extract of seeds reported it as a sedative on normal and stressed rats. Administration of 100 mg/kg water was found to prevent the stress induced decrease in the levels of DNA, RNA and protein in the brain. The stress induced increase in the levels of 5-HIAA and VMA in the urine of rats was decreased by the end of 48 hr after Datura treatment (Khan 1985). Hypoglycemic: The seed powder in the doses of 25, 50 and 75 mg/Kg produced dose-dependent reduction in blood glucose at 8h in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats (Krishnamurthy et.al, 2004). Antifertility: The acetone (200 mg/Kg) and methanol (150 mg/Kg) extracts of the fruits were found to be devoid of Antiimplantation activity in rats. (Mathur et.al, 1983, Prakash et.al, 1985). Antiulcer: Withafastuosin E (WE), the Withanolide isolated from the leaves was reported to possess Antiulcer activity and augmented prostaglandins in various models of experimental induced Ulcers in rats. The Withanolide (20mg/kg) reduced the incidence of Ulcer and ulcer index significantly in rats. Wound healing: A 10 percent (w/w) formulation of alcohol extract of leaves was studied for wound healing activity in rats by applying it topically on Thermal wounds. The formulation produced significant beneficial effects on wound contracting ability, wound closure time, tissue regeneration at wound site and histopathological alterations like marked infiltration of inflammatory cells, increased blood vessel formation and enhanced proliferation of cells. There was complete epithelialisation, vascularization and development of hair follicles in rats treated with formulation on day 12. The granulation tissue from the wounds of treated rats showed increase in content of Collagen, Hexosamine and Metrix modifying enzymes (MMP9) and MMP2T. All these results suggested significant prohealing effect of leaves (Shanmuga Priya et.al, 2002a.). Antibacterial: The seeds grown on cattle dung revealed antibacterial activity against Bac subtilis, Xanth campestris, Ps cichorii and Esch coli (Bagchi et .al, 1997). The leaf extracts revealed antibacterial activity against the bacteria Xanth oryzae causing bacterial blight of rice (Meena & Gopalakrishnan, 2004). Antifungal: The extract of the plant was found to exhibit antifungal activity against the Dermatophytic fungi Penicillium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger isolated from diseased skin samples (Nanir & Kadu, 1987). The ethanolic extract of the seeds was active against Aspergillus niger, A. favus, A.fumigatus and Candida albicans in In-vitro studies (Srinivasan et.al, 2001). The aqueous and the ethanolic extract of the leaves produced 100 percent spore inhibition of Pestalotiopsis theae, Colletotrichum camelliae, Curvularia eragrostidis and Botryodiplodia theobromae, the fungal pathogens of tea (Saha et.al, 2005). Antiviral: The leaf extract inhibited 100 percent tobacco mosaic virus on Chenopodium amaranticolor. The expressed juice from the leaf, stem and root markedly decreased the number of local lesions and systemic infection by the virus causing Necrotic mosaic disease of Solanum melongena. Much precautions are necessary in its employment, as in overdoses it acts as a violent narcotic poison. Ayurvedic Properties: Rasa Tiktha, Katu Guna Laghu, Ruksha Virya Ushna Vipaka Katu Cultivation and Collection: Datura can be grown on variety of soils but prefers rich clay-loam soil and sunny situations. The land is ploughed two or three times followed by planting. Farmyard manure is applied in the beginning. It is a summer crop and seeds are sown in March. Seeds can be directly grown by seed or by transplanting of seedlings. Seeds germination can be enhanced by soaking the seed overnight in water and washing the seed in fresh water before sowing. The seeds start germinating within a fortnight and in a month’s time the germination is complete. Weeding and thining is done when plants are 10-12 cm high. After five months harvesting can be started with appearance of flowers. PHARMACOGNOSY Materials & Methods: Plant materials were collected from different parts of Kerala and Nagarjuna Herbal Garden. For Macroscopical characters Stereomicroscope is used and for Microscopical studies, the Compound microscope. For physical constants Rotary shaker, Muffle furnace, UV – cabinet and Moisture balance were used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Macroscopic features: Roots are cylindrical, brown coloured, rough due to fissures and root scars, stem dichotomously branched, cylindrical, blackish dark to purple colour, leaf petiolate, ovate, acute, flowers stalked, calyx tubular, corolla purple, funnel shaped, fruit capsule, ovate to obovate with persistent calyx, covered with short, stout, spines, seeds light brown, reniform and bitter in taste. Microscopic features: Root shows 4-7 layers of thin walled rectangular cork cells, secondary cortex composed of 3 to 4 layers thin walled parenchymatous tangentially elongated cells. Stem shows single layered epidermis covered by thick cuticle followed by 2 or 3 layered rectangular cork cells. Secondary cortex consisting of 4-7 layered collenchymatous cells, endodermis distinct containing starch grains. Leaf petiole shows plano convex outline, cortex composed of collenchyma cells, vascular bundles bicollateral and calcium oxalate crystals present in the cortex. Seeds show an outline with bulges at 3 places, single layered epidermis, seedcoat consists of thick walled parenchymatous cells filled with aleurone grains and oil globules, embryo more or less curved. PHYSICAL CONSTANT VALUES No Parameters Values 1 Foreign matter Max 2 % 2 Total Ash Max 16 % 3 Acid Insoluble Ash Max 4% 4 Alcohol Soluble Extractive Min 4% 5 Water Soluble Extractive Min 15% Thin Layer Chromatography Powder - 5 g Extract - Ethyl alcohol Solvent system - Chloroform: Methanol – 80:20 Rf values Colour in UV rays 0.65 Blue 0.67 Pink 0.98 Pink Read the full article
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kenton66-blog · 7 years
Methods and equipment for drying Chinese medicine
In traditional Chinese medicine processing, due to be dry material form, different nature, also each is not identical, to the requirement of drying product should be according to the nature of medicine material, product requirements to choose the suitable drying method and equipment. 1. Normal pressure drying (1) Drying It’s used to dry the material in a dry plate under normal pressure. Dry equipment is oven and drying room. The oven has electric drying oven, hot air oven, and industrial oven. Because the material is in a static state, the drying rate is slower. This method is suitable for hot and stable wet solid materials such as medicine, solid powder, wet granules, and pellets. In order to speed up the drying rate, the material on the drying plate cannot be piled too thick, and the material should be adjusted and the wet air should be eliminated in a timely manner. (2) Drum drying Also called drum drying or drum film drying. The material is coated in the heated metal drum and the material is dried by means of heat conduction. Dry products are thin and fragile. This method can be continuously produced and applied to the preparation of traditional Chinese medicine extract. Dry equipment has single drum and double drum film dryer. (3) Belt drying It refers to the method of drying the moisture in wet materials by spreading the wet material on the conveyor belt and heating it with dry heat or infrared. This method is used for the drying of Chinese herbal medicine and tea. 2. Reduced pressure drying It also called vacuum drying. Refers to the material placed in a dry dish, placed in a closed oven vacuum and heating and drying a method is intermittent operation. Its characteristics are dry low temperature, fast; reduce the material and air contact opportunities, can reduce drug contamination or oxidative deterioration; products were crisp sponge-like, easy to crush. The method is applicable to the extraction of the extract and the heat-sensitive or high-temperature easily oxidized material. Extract dry decompression should be controlled when the disk volume, vacuum and heating steam pressure, so as to avoid the material overflow disk, resulting in waste and pollution. The drying equipment is a vacuum oven. 3. Fluidized drying (1) Boiling dry It also called fluidized bed drying. The hot air passes through the drying chamber at a certain speed, and the wet material is suspended in the heat stream and is dry. The contact area between the material and the airflow is large, and the heat transfer and mass transfer are enhanced. The speed of drying is fast and the product is of good quality. The method can be continuously produced and applied to the drying of wet granules, such as wet particles and pellets. It’s not suitable for materials with high water content and easy to bond. Boiling drying equipment has a vertical and horizontal type, so far more is horizontal boiling drier. (2) Spray drying Using the atomizer to spray the solution or suspension spray into the dry room, the droplets are exchanged with the hot air in the drying chamber. The solvent evaporates and then gets dried powder or fine particles. Liquid atomization the surface area increased, heat transfer, mass transfer fast, fast drying, generally only a few seconds, so the characteristics of spray drying with instant drying, especially suitable for liquids containing heat sensitive components. The method can be continuously produced, and the drying products are loose powder or fine particles, and good solubility. Spray drying is one of the best drying techniques in traditional Chinese medicine. Drying equipment is spray dryer. 4. Infrared drying It’s a method to dry the object by using infrared radiation. When the infrared emission frequency is matched with the molecular movement frequency in the material, the strong vibration and rotation of the material molecules and the intense collisions and frictions between the molecules generate heat. Vaporize the water in the material. Because the absorption spectrum of infrared is mostly distributed in the far-infrared region, far infrared drying efficiency is higher than near infrared. Due to the rapid and uniform temperature and fast drying speed, it is suitable for the drying of heat-sensitive solid materials. It can also be used to dry the surface of some objects. The drying equipment has the vibration far-infrared drier, tunnel infrared dryer, etc. 5. Freeze drying The dry liquid material will be cooled to below freezing point, frozen into a solid state, and under vacuum conditions, the ice will be sublimated to water vapor, which will be dried and then called sublimation drying. The method is characterized by the drying of materials in high vacuum and low temperature, especially for heat-sensitive materials such as serum, antibiotics, and other biological products. The drying product is porous and easy to dissolve. Low water content is beneficial for long-term storage of drugs. Freeze drying can be used to prepare sterile powder for injection. But equipment investment is big, the production cost is high. The drying equipment is a freeze-drying machine. The drying requirements of traditional Chinese medicine are more accurate, and proper drying equipment must be selected. Guangzhou Kenton focuses on high-end laboratory instruments 20 years, we warmly welcome every friend to consult the instrument product price and other problems, looking forward to working with you. http://en.kentonchina.com/
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mdilip948 · 7 years
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Hair fall can be a great cause of worry for anyone irrespective of gender or age. A common issue in today day and age, it is further aggravated by stress, pollution and an erratic diet or lifestyle.
After an exhaustive study of the causes behind hair fall, VLCC has developed a multipronged treatment which involves the application of special oils, stimulating massages that focus on pressure points and steam therapy. The massage and steam therapy help specially developed Ayurvedic oils take effect as the herbs and nutrients seep into your roots and scalp for lasting results. Our professionals are trained in locating and working on the strategic pressure points that help increase circulation and thereby stimulate hair growth.
A VLCC Spa Hair Treatment not only leaves you with strong and bouncy hair, but as our therapists massage your head, neck and shoulders each treatment leaves your senses refreshed.
Dandruff can be caused due to a variety of reasons, and what most people do not realize is that the condition can take the form of a very dry and scaly variant to an oily and flaky variant. Our hair care experts suggest a therapy only after thoroughly examining the kind of dandruff you have. Once identified, the treatment is carried forth with the suitable oil which is accompanied by a head massage and then followed up by steam therapy. As dandruff is essentially an accumulation of dead cells on the scalp, the oils help create a sterile environment that prevents the growth of bacteria. The massage, steam and application of a herbal hair care powder helps cleanse the scalp while preserving its natural oils.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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by Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs
Being prepared with my favourite remedies gives me peace of mind on the road or trail, and keeps me from having to search out herbal products in an unfamiliar town — or from having to resort to padding my heels with mullein leaves to ease the agony of a broken blister while on a backpacking trip.
I’ve had plenty of opportunities to put my first-aid kit to use, from treating blisters and bug bites to motion sickness and colds. I choose simple, multipurpose remedies and store them in a small padded nylon lunch box that’s always ready to toss into the car. For backpacking trips, I pare my kit down to arnica gel, echinacea, peppermint and chamomile tea bags, crystallised ginger, insect repellant, a tin of herbal salve, a tiny bottle of lavender essential oil, and an assortment of bandages and moleskin.
With the following herbs and essential oils, you should be able to treat just about any common condition you are likely to encounter in your travels.
The Herbal First Aid Kit: What to Buy
These are my favourite remedies — the ones I consider indispensable for a travel first-aid kit. All of the remedies are available at any well-stocked health-food store and by mail-order. Be sure to buy pure essential oils, not fragrance oils. To prevent breakage, wrap glass bottles in small pieces of thick flannel.
• Aloe vera gel: Cooling and healing, aloe vera (Aloe vera) soothe the inflammation of sunburn and common kitchen scalds and burns.
• Arnica gel or cream: Arnica (Arnica montana) flowers have anti-inflammatory and circulation-stimulating properties; the gel or cream is excellent for sore muscles, sprains, strains, and bruises. Do not apply arnica to broken skin.
• Calendula-comfrey salve: The bright yellow-orange blossoms of calendula (Calendula officinalis) have astringent, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) contains allantoin, a compound that stimulates the growth of new tissue and helps heal wounds.
• Chamomile tea bags: With its delicious distinctive flavor, chamomile (Matricaria recutita) makes a tasty tea. Gentle enough for children, chamomile has mild sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It promotes relaxation, relieves indigestion and, when applied topically, soothes skin irritations.
• Citronella-based insect repellent: Most herbal repellents contain citronella, a pungent citrus-scented essential oil distilled from an aromatic grass that grows in southern Asia. Herbal insect repellents work well, as long as they’re applied liberally and frequently (as often as every two hours).
• Echinacea liquid extract: Rich in immune-stimulating chemicals, echinacea (Echinacea spp.) can be used for any type of infection. Liquid extracts are the most versatile because they can be used both internally and externally.
• Elderberry capsules or liquid extract: Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is essential for stopping a cold or flu from ruining your vacation. The berries contain compounds that prevent cold and flu viruses from invading and infecting cells. If you’re flying or otherwise potentially exposed to viruses, taking elderberry is a good preventive. If you do come down with a cold or flu, taking elderberry can hasten your recovery time.
• Eleuthero standardized extract: An excellent adaptogen, eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticous) can help prevent jet lag; it was even used by Soviet cosmonauts to help them adjust to space travel. Standardised extracts guarantee that you’re getting sufficient amounts of eleuthero sides, which herbalists consider to be the herb’s active compounds.
• Eucalyptus essential oil: A potent antibiotic and antiviral, eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) is excellent for treating colds, flu, and sinus infections when used as a steam inhalation. Dilute with oil or witch hazel extract before applying to the skin, and do not take internally.
• Ginger capsules, tea bags, and crystallized ginger: The antispasmodic and gas-relieving properties of ginger (Zingiber officinale) soothe digestive upsets. Ginger also has been proven to relieve motion sickness better than Dramamine, the conventional drug treatment.
• Goldenseal capsules or powder: A powerful antimicrobial, goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) is effective against a variety of microorganisms that cause traveller's diarrhoea. The powder has antiseptic properties and can be sprinkled onto cuts or wounds to stop bleeding. Do not take goldenseal internally during pregnancy.
• Grindelia poison oak/ivy tincture or spray: Grindelia (Grindelia camporum), also known as gumweed, contains resins and tannins that help to relieve the pain and itching of plant rashes. It’s available as a tincture and also as a spray specifically for treating poison oak/poison ivy rashes.
• Lavender essential oil: Virtually an all-purpose remedy, lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. It’s helpful for anxiety, insomnia, headaches, wounds and burns. For most people, lavender essential oil can be applied directly to the skin. Do not take more than 1 to 2 drops internally.
• Laxative herbal tea bags: Travel constipation is a common complaint. Most herbal laxative teas rely on Senna (Cassia senna), which contains compounds called anthraquinones that stimulate intestinal activity. Because senna has a bitter, unpleasant flavor, it’s often combined with tasty herbs such as cinnamon, fennel, liquorice, and ginger.
• Peppermint essential oil and tea bags: With its high concentration of menthol, peppermint (Mentha xpiperita) soothes an upset stomach, clears sinuses and curbs itching from insect bites. If you have sensitive skin, dilute peppermint oil before applying. Taken internally, peppermint may aggravate heartburn.
• Valerian tincture: The sedative properties of valerian (Valeriana officinalis) make it useful for relieving anxiety, insomnia, and tension; it’s also a mild pain reliever.
• Witch hazel extract: Distilled witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) has mild astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for insect bites and skin irritations. It’s also an excellent base for diluting essential oils for a variety of simple, topical herbal first-aid remedies. Do not take it internally.
Additional First-Aid Essentials
• Adhesive bandage strips: Various sizes, including butterfly closure bandages.
• Alcohol: Small plastic bottle for removing poison oak/ivy oils from the skin.
• Bandage materials: Sterile gauze pads, a roll of gauze, adhesive bandage tape.
• Cosmetic clay: With drying and drawing properties, clay is used for healing skin rashes and insect bites. Store in a small plastic container.
• Elastic bandage: For sprains or strains.
• Electrolyte replacement: Powdered drink packets such as Emergen-C.
• Moleskin: Blister treatment.
• Scissors: Small pair for cutting bandages, adhesive tape, moleskin.
• Thermometer: Instant-read type.
• Tweezers: For removing ticks and splinters.
• Waterless hand sanitiser: Travel-size bottle.
Quick Natural Remedies for Common Conditions
Anxiety: • Drink chamomile tea, 3 cups a day. • Take valerian tincture, 1⁄2 to 1 teaspoon up to 3 times daily. • Take a bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil or place a drop of lavender oil on a tissue and inhale as desired.
Blisters: • To dry a blister, soak a gauze pad in witch hazel, lay it over the blister and cover with an adhesive bandage. After blister has broken, wash with a mixture of echinacea extract diluted with an equal part of water. Finally, apply calendula-comfrey salve and cover with an adhesive bandage.
Bruises: • Immediately apply ice to relieve pain and swelling. • Apply arnica cream or gel twice daily.
Burns: • Immediately immerse the affected area in cold water until the burning sensation subsides. Then apply aloe vera gel mixed with lavender essential oil (5 drops of lavender oil mixed with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel). • For sunburn, soak in a cool bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
Colds and Flu: • Take 1 dropper full of echinacea extract four times a day until symptoms subside. • Take 1 dropper full of elderberry extract four times a day until symptoms subside. • To relieve congestion and soothe a sore throat, drink hot ginger tea with honey. • To ease congestion, add 2 drops each of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils to hot water; inhale the steam vapours. • Add 1 dropper full of echinacea extract to 1⁄2 cup of water as an antiseptic wash. • To stop bleeding, sprinkle goldenseal powder directly into the wound and apply pressure with a clean cloth. • Apply a salve made from calendula-comfrey — only after a scab has formed, to prevent trapping bacteria.
Diarrhoea: • Replenish lost fluids and soothe the digestive tract with chamomile or ginger tea. • For diarrhoea caused by infectious microorganisms, take 1 capsule of goldenseal three times daily for up to two weeks. • To boost immunity and fight infection, take 1 dropper full of echinacea four times daily.
Headache: • Drink chamomile tea as often as desired. • For more severe headaches, take 1⁄2 to 1 teaspoon of valerian root extract; repeat every two hours until pain abates. • Take a warm bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil. • Massage 2 drops of diluted peppermint essential oil onto temples, forehead, and neck. Keep away from eyes.
Indigestion: • Sip warm chamomile, peppermint or ginger tea. • Chew on a piece of crystallised (candied) ginger.
Insect bites and stings: • Cleanse the bite with echinacea extract. • Apply a drop of undiluted peppermint or lavender oil to relieve itching and as an antiseptic. • Mix clay with enough water to make a paste, and apply to the bites to relieve itching and draw out toxins.
Insomnia: • Drink a cup of warm chamomile tea. • For stronger sedative action, take up to 1 teaspoon of valerian tincture before bed. • Take a warm bath with 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
Jet lag: • Take eleuthero (100 mg of standardised extract) three times daily for one week or more before travelling and for one week or longer following the flight.
Nausea: • Take 1 to 2 capsules of dried ginger every 15 minutes until symptoms abate. • To prevent motion sickness, take 6 to 8 capsules of powdered ginger about 45 minutes before departing. • To calm a queasy stomach, chew on a piece of crystallised ginger.
Poison oak/ivy: • Immediately wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and cool water, or sponge with alcohol to remove the oily resin. • If a rash occurs, spray with grindelia extract several times a day.
Strains and sprains: • Immediately elevate and apply an ice pack to the affected area to reduce swelling and inflammation. After 24 hours, apply hot compresses to increase circulation and speed healing. • Soak in a hot bath with 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. • Apply arnica cream or gel to the affected area three times daily.
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jairamdasskhushiram · 3 years
Get to Know About Botanical Powders and Herbal Extract
Most of us repetitively hear the buzz around these words and especially when the word is welcoming Ayurveda and yoga. Let us go beyond our common understanding and get to know how they differ.
The botanical powder is the powdered form of plants while herbal extraction is a process by which we can get the component of interest from plants.
Both have their incredible properties which are being used in different sectors like pharma, cosmetic, Ayurveda. 
Key Differentiators:
To know more about Botanical Powders and Herbal Extracts, we have to see the basic aspects such as their processing, properties, and appearance of the powdered form and extraction of botanical plants.
1. Processing - The basic element of botanical powders and herbal extracts are the same as plants (leaves, stems, seeds, etc.). The parts of plants that are going to be the raw material are first cleaned thoroughly and then cut down into small pieces to remove all the unwanted foreign matter. The overall process is done by machine. Then the material is oven-dried to remove all the moisture and then is granulated/grounded for making powder form. While for extraction the Raw Material is dissolved to the solvent according to their solubility & Bio-active principles needed. For example, the solvent can be used water or ethanol, or other, as per raw material’s physical and chemical properties. The unwanted material/chemical/component is separated then to get the exact component. Botanical Extraction is quite a lengthy and complicated process as it is involved in all laboratory practices.
2. Appearance - We can see the difference visually between botanical powders and extracted material as powders are minute granulated form and extraction can be seen as in solution phase having isolated components in it Or spray-dried hygroscopic fine powder.
3. Properties – In herbal extracts, the component of interest can be used after extracting it from the solution, on the other hand, the power of plants has all components in it.
Difference between botanical powder and Herbal Extracts- 
As the difference can be seen on the basis of physical properties, other than this the powder of the botanical plants contains all the active components in it and preserves their integrity while the extraction is all about isolating the specific Bio-active component. 
Herbal Extracts Manufacturer and Herbal Extracts Supplier-
At present, 80 percent of the populations in developing countries depend upon the plant-based drug that is powder form and in the form of extract of plants for their overall health care needs. And the value chain of products is categorized as producers, gatherers, and collectors. The supply chain is generally very long, containing 6-7 stages involving the primary the specific botanical plant or herb collector and producers, local contractors, specific wholesale markets on a smaller stage than large wholesale markets, and after that consumer value chain starts. Everything starts with production in which there are numbers of entrepreneurs who are involved in manufacturing and supplying botanical powders and herbal extract. The Government also supports these companies and some of which are well known as following-
Jairamdass Khushiram is the leading botanical powder manufacturers and herbal extract manufacturers who supply botanical powders, herbal extracts, herbs and spices wholesale. They are well known in the market as bulk exporters and suppliers, not only in India but in the international market as well.
Applications –
There are various categories of botanical powders and botanical extracts which are being used in various products such as –
1. Spices (the most basic botanical powders which are used in every household for daily consumption)
2. Herbal teas (in the present scenario everyone wants to be fit and healthy for which herbal teas are very much popular these days.
3. Herbal extract – these are the most constant ingredients of herbal products manufacturing companies. 
4. Essential Oils and Organic ingredients used to be very rich in minerals, vitamins, and other micronutrients.
It is known that medicinal plants can contain vast varieties of potentially active components. The extract of natural herbs has been used in formulations such as natural flavoring botanical ingredients, cosmetic botanical ingredients, ayurvedic medicines also as natural botanical ingredients in Nutraceuticals and allopathic medicines. On another hand, in dietary supplements both have a major role but if one wants to consume all the spectrum of active components or uses as mentioned in Ayurvedic Traditional Texts, of herbs then the powders can be rated higher than the extract which contains the isolated component.
Some of the Botanical ingredients which are very common in use nowadays is as following-
Aloe Vera Extract, Shilajit Extract, Ashwagandha Extract, Amla Extract, Etc. All of these are well-known and famous botanical ingredients that can be used in medicinal form or as cosmetics as they are very rich in components such as vitamins, enzymes, lipids, amino acids.
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How to make a hot compress |How to Make a Warm Compress Easily
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Nothing may soothe you longer compared to the blissful warmth of a hot compress, specially after having a long and exhausting day.  A hot compress may nearly magically takeaway all types of pain and aches.  The warmth penetrates deep to the cells of the human system, increasing blood flow circulation in the region and relieving the muscles that are tight. For people that understand very well what it seems just like, a hot compress may truly be described as a boon in menstrual cramps.  Sexy compress may also come convenient to eliminate muscles spasms and pains, in addition to pain.  Additionally, you can find quite a few herbal baits made out of medicinal herbs that not only provide physical aid but also can excite your own organs and also calm your senses. It's fairly straightforward to generate a hot compress all on your personal with stuff you most likely already have in your cabinet. Create your personal hot compress in your home Create your personal hot compress in your home However, prior to intending to produce and work with a hot compress perform ensure if your medical or pain issue is treated by the use of squeeze.  Solutions when a cold compress works than heating.  Additionally, make certain that you take the correct security precautions to guard yourself from potential burns off. In case a hot compress is everything that you require, listed below are the 5 best methods explain to you the way you can earn a hot compress in your home. Notice: Examine the warmth of this popular compress by pressing from the arm before putting it within the aching joint or muscle. Contents Procedure 1: Bags Number Rice Bag Rice grains may maintain heat for a extended duration of time and, for that reason, may be utilised to produce a simple and easy-to-use scorching compress, notably to spine pain.  It is possible to either make use of a fabric handbag and sometimes maybe better a classic sock. Single Measure Method: Fill out a sock with rice warm it, also utilize Make a rice purse with a classic sock, warmth and utilize just as a hot compress Make a rice purse with a classic sock, warmth and utilize just as a hot compress Fill-up 2/3 of a old sock.  Either fasten the open end with tying a knot or pull a second sock within the end. Maintain the rice sack in a microwave oven and heating it for two minutes. Retrieve it out of the microwave and set it on your sore joint or muscle.  Rice tote works nicely, specially, for shoulder and neck blade. Number Salt Bag Very similar to rice, even the rough grains of salt are now capable of keeping heat and providing Consistent warmth.  You might even package a small hot compress to soothe a earache or even a toothache. Things you will want: Utilize Seasalt to Create hot compress Sea-salt or two cups (depending on how large the influenced region is) Sterile cotton cloth/handkerchief Single-Step Method: Bundle salt up at a fabric and use it hot compress Bundle salt up to Create a salt tote; warmth and utilize as a hot compress Bundle salt up to Create a salt tote; warmth and utilize as a hot compress Spread-out a sheet of cloth or handkerchief onto a level working surface. Place 1 cup of sea salt at the heart of this cloth. Bundle up it and fasten it tightly with a rope or rubber ring.  Be certain the seal is tight in order the sizzling salt cannot escape. Heat it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Put it at the face of the aching ear or tooth or any different muscular which feels or feels rigid. # Water Bags Nothing may replace the fantastic ol' hotwater tote.  In case a pinch, also you also don't need the conventional welding tote; help-yourself using a wrought hotwater tote employing a zip loc baggie. Single-Step Method: Heat water up at a Zip Loc bag Create your personal Zip Loc Heated Water jar Create your personal Zip Loc Heated Water jar Fill 50% a mediumsized zip loc bag with plain water. Seal the bag and then heating it up in the microwave for 1 second. Set the bag in the affected area to give warmth. # Contents If you'd like the lingering heat of a wet popular compress however need to prevent the mess, then here's just a quickfix.  Simply set a wet towel in a zip loc bag, microwave it and then use as you want a wet compress. Things you will want: Utilize flannel fabric and Zip Loc bag to Create hot compress Water -- two cups Flannel fabric Small Zip Loc bag Measure 1.  Wet that the flannel fabric and Put It into a Zip Loc bag Scrub the flannel cloth in water.  Squeeze the excess moisture and put it into a zip loc bag to produce hot compress Scrub the flannel cloth in water.  Squeeze the excess moisture and put it into a zip loc bag Submerge a flannel material completely from the plain water. Wring out the excess water and then fold it small enough to easily fit from the zip loc bag. Put it within the zip loc bag but don't seal the bag. Measure Two.  Heat up the tote and also utilize Heat the bag and use it like a hot compress; Re-heat when demanded Heat the bag and use it like a hot compress; Re-heat when demanded Place the zip loc bag in the microwave oven and then heating it up for 1 minute on high temperature. Retrieve the bag and put it within the aching joint or muscle to alleviate the pain.  Re heat the tote as needed. Method2: Steamed Warm Compress There's been a consistent debate on wet heat over heat.  Both have their own benefits and drawbacks.  But, wet heat guarantees stronger insight to the cells at precisely the exact same temperature as chilly heat.  If you do not obey the clutter of wet warmth, then you will find two methods to achieve that.  It is possible to either use plain water or add into certain salt, then in other words, when you've got a bloated muscle. # Warm Towel Single Measure Procedure: Soak a towel in warm water and then utilize Spray a thick towel certain sexy water squeeze and utilize as a hot compress Spray a thick towel certain sexy water squeeze and utilize as a hot compress Spray a towel thoroughly in hotwater. Squeeze the excess water and put the towel on the tender muscle. When the towel melts, repeat the boil procedure.  Carry on this until you obtain relief. # warm Water & Epsom Salt Things you will want: Matters Required to Create warm water and Epsom salt compress Flannel fabric Hot water two cups Epsom salt (reduces puffiness) -- 1 tbsp Single-Step Method: Drink a flannel fabric in Epsom salt alternative and also utilize Insert 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt two cups of hot water. Mix it well before salt melts completely. Soak a flannel cloth while in the saline solution and wring out the excess water. Set the hot material within the aching joint or muscle and allow the cells to absorb all of the warmth. When the fabric warms off, then soak it at the clear answer.  Carry on this until you're relieved from the own pain. Notice: it is also possible to use Epsom salt to generate magnesium acrylic in your home and make use of it in the event that you usually have problems with muscle and joint strain. Method 3: Hot Spoon Working with a hot metallic spoon would be your fastest solution to earn a warm twist.  It can notably be employed to soothe weary eyes do away with a mosquito sting. Single-Step Method: Put a hot cup on your eye Warm a spoon up into certain hot water and apply over your closed eyes as hot compress Warm a spoon up into certain hot water and apply over your closed eyes as hot compress Dunk a steel spoon 1 cup of warm water for two minutes.  You could even dip 2 or more strands to truly own a steady source of hot spoons. Assess whether the heat can be in accordance with your own liking. Set the spoon on your closed eye and then take it until it melts. Change the spoon having a hot one and utilize before your own relief. Method 4: Used Tea Bags (Eyes) Both green tea and black tea are all full of tannins which have antimicrobial properties.  Placing a wet tea bag on your eye may simply take the redness and swelling. Single-Step Method: Hold a used teabag on your eye Employ warm tea bags on the own eyes as hot compress Employ warm tea bags on the own eyes as hot compress Dunk a tea bag in 1 cup of hot water for about less than six minutes. Eliminate the tea bag and squeeze the extra water. Lay the hot tea bag on your eye and wait for 10 minutes until it melts. Procedure 5: Herbal Compresses Herbal components are silent popular at the Thai civilization for soothing muscles and stimulating the critical organs and sensations.  These herbal baits are created out of a assortment of curative herbs tangled up closely in a muslin cloth.  Here are both recipes you may attempt to earn a hot compress in your home, while also reaping the advantages of numerous pain-relieving herbs and essential oils. # Rice Poultice Things you will want: Matters Required to Create Hot Water deal with raw rice Uncooked rice (keeps warmth) -- 1 cup Sandalwood powder (calms and soothes muscles) -- two tsp Chamomile Tea (Anti Inflammatory) -- two tsp Lemon zest (antibacterial) -- 1 tsp Cocoa powder (alleviates congestion and raises blood flow) -- 1 tsp Turmeric powder (antiseptic) -- 1 tsp Flannel fabric Measure 1.  Mix all of the herbs at the corn Take ginger, rice and garlic powder, and lemon zest in a bowl Take ginger, rice and garlic powder, and lemon zest in a bowl Require 1 cup of uncooked rice in a bowl. Insert 1 tsp of lemon powder, 1 tsp of garlic powder, and one tsp of lemon zest. Measure Two.  Insert sandalwood and chamomile Insert sandalwood powder, chamomile tea, and combine well Insert sandalwood powder, chamomile tea, and combine well Insert two tsp all sandal wood lavender and powder tea into the rice. Mix the ingredients well. Measure 3.  Bundle it up and microwave to utilize Produce a package using a flannel fabric and microwave to be used as hot compress Produce a package using a flannel fabric and microwave to be used as hot compress Spread a flannel cloth on a level working surface. Set the mixture in the middle of this cloth and package this up. Safe the package having a rubber ring or ribbon. Heat the pouch up inside the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Simply take out it and then apply softly to your system in rolling and circular motions. # Ginger and Lemon Things you will want: Grated ginger (alleviates congestion and raises blood flow) -- 1/2 cup Lemon zest (antibacterial) -- 1 tbsp Sandalwood powder (calms and soothes muscles) -- 1/2 tbsp Sea-salt (keeps warmth) -- 1/2 tbsp Shared salt (keeps warmth) -- 1/2 tbsp Eucalyptus Acrylic (Anti Spasmodic)-- Three or Four drops Lemongrass Acrylic (alleviates muscle strain) -- Three or Four drops Measure 1.  Mix all of the herbs in a bowl Mix grated ginger, lemon zest and the Many herbs in a bowl Mix grated ginger, lemon zest and the Many herbs in a bowl Require 1/2 cup of ginger in a bowl. Add 1 tbsp of lemon zest. Insert 1/2 tbsp of sandal wood powder too. Insert Seasalt and frequent salt to Create herbal compress Insert Seasalt along with frequent salt Insert 1/2 tbsp all seasalt along with ordinary salt. Measure Two.  Insert the Critical oils Insert lemongrass and lavender essential oils Insert lemongrass and lavender essential oils Add three to four drops of lemongrass and lavender oil. Mix all of the ingredients well utilizing a spoon. Measure 3.  Bundle up and heating it in the microwave Bundle up it and warm it in the microwave to create herbal hot compress Bundle up it and warm it in the microwave to create herbal hot compress Spread a muslin or organic fiber material. Set the herb mixture during this cloth and package this up. Secure it using a wool ribbon and then place it into the microwave for 1 second. Press it lightly from the bloated muscle in small circular moves to ease the pain and also leave you feeling relaxed and calm. Employ your herbal hot compress to get relief Employ your herbal hot compress to get relief Recommendations Do not leave the squeeze resting a single area for too much time; simply press and touch firmly, then lift and then proceed to another spot. The herbal compress may be used three to four days.  Store in the fridge after each and every use. Related DIY's 1-1 Amazing Egg Hacks To Create Your Life Easy Howto Make a Fantastic Omelet -- Stepbystep Guide Howto Make Use of Rice Water for Glowing Skin Care and Shiny Hair (Asian Secret) Howto Create Rice Water to Get Younger-looking Hair and Skin Howto Produce Pain-relieving Heating Pads How to Work with Epsom Salt for Health and Beauty Top Powerful DIY Salve Recipes for Sore Muscles and Pain-relief Howto Use Sea-salt and Common Salt for Health and Beauty DIY Easy Hacks to Produce Stunning Rangoli Designs That Diwali The 3 Hottest Ways to Get Coconut-oil From Hair (We Tried All) Read the full article
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