#stealth games my beloved
fluffypichu876 · 9 months
Alright, I have finished Dishonored! Such an great game, and I loved my time with it! Everything about it felt extremely polished (wonderful atmosphere, tight controls, diverse stealth gameplay, interesting lore), but the level design in particular stood out to me. The levels are full of alternative paths and open many possibilities for the players to experiment around. The secrets and optional tasks are actually fun to find and complete, since they have actual impact on the mission as a whole. Every mission is filled to the brim with subtle enviromental storytelling, and you can find an insane amount of detail pretty much everywhere you go. You can discover so much about this world if you explore the game well-enough. It's honestly amazing.
I'm glad there's still DLC and a sequel for me to enjoy, otherwise I'd be feeling really empty right now xD
"Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?"
"Indeed. I believe so."
(that shit was driving me insane lol)
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300iqprower · 10 months
Aragami is 4$ on ps4 please get it thank you
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @vodka-glrl request: UMMMM GA MING GA MING GA MING!!! CAN WE GET A GA MING X READER OUT HERE!? So the whole thing is the reader comes from a rich family who kinda doesn't approve of her (yup fem! Reader if you're comfortable) and ga ming dating so they don't allow her to go watch gaming perform during lantern rite so gaming is just so sad during the whole performance but the reader sneaks out of the house so she could go watch him!! :3
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ HIIII!! Omg yes!! I really hope I got Ga ming somehow right because gosh I adore this boy but then again, I dorn have experience with writing for him yet.
Fem!reader wasn't really any problem so hope you like it! Also one-shot format because I felt like it's better like that!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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It was finally day if the Lantern Rite and Ga ming was bouncing from excitement when he thought of tonight's performance! Not only because he loves pe forming but also and mostly because his beloved will come to watch him!
You said yesterday that you'll do your best to come, in fact you promised you wouldn't miss it for the world! He knows how your parents are and he knows he should probably not have this much hope... but somehow he just couldn't. It's like your presence was sure already and he wanted to make it the best performance of his life yet so you'll be only proud of him! Who knows? Maybe he'll even steal a kiss or two for his good work?
But when he finally entered the area and jumped high above the audience, looking for you. He didn't saw your eyes, your hair, your clothes, nothing! You didn't come after all... Big smile on his face was washed away for a second. But it was quickly replaced with sadder smile, he may be disappointed but he won't make this moment sad to others because of his own feelings!
"(Did her parents really were this forcing? It's just one performance... and on Lantern Rite... I made sure to practice this play thousands of not millions of times too!)"
You on the other hand, had your stealth mission! You could see in distance lights of Lantern Rite and hear loud music, accompanied with cheering of the people. You knew you were running late.
With even more motivation, you finally jumped from the window onto the tree nearby and carefully for down with it's help. And when you did, you ran towards the event like you never did before. You honestly didn't care if your hair will get messy or if you get sweaty, all you wanted right now is to see your boyfriend's performance and not make him feel like you abandoned him on this special day!
"(Oh please let it be a long show... so I can come at least for the ending..!)"
Performance kept going, Ga ming had many glimpses at crowd, hoping he just didn't notice you and you're actually there somewhere! During one of these peeks... at the very end of performance when he almost lost his hope, he noticed you in the crowd! He noticed how you were panting from tiredness but also smiled brightly upon hearing him perform, leading to bright and honest smile return to his face.
It was a big part now... and he made sure to catch up for precious part of the performance and make it the best part yet! He didn't thought much of it at the moment but he probably wanted to help you see what you missed too! And maybe get some praise after the show~
When it was over, he carelessly took his costume off and ran towards the crowd, looking for you.
"Y/N! You came in the end!"
He immidietly hugged you upon seeing your face. His embrace contained all emotions he felt, being both happiness and expressing how much he missed you.
"Of course! My parents tried stopping me but there was no way I'd miss your performance! It was just so great! I felt the shivers on my body... in a good way of course!"
You then leaned to give his cheek a little congratulations kiss. He deserved it and you wanted to show a bit of affection after being so late too.
He for one squeezed you tighter in response for a short while before letting go to not hurt you accidentally. And this night is not over yet so he wanted to get out of this as much as possible!
"Alright~ Why won't we go get some dim sum since we're together now? My treat!"
"Oh absolutely! You know I can never say no to that!"
Both of you were eager to spend time with each other and probably a bit hungry so you arrived in no time! Of course holding hands on your way, as well as inside of the restaurant~
@bleachtheidiot @vodka-glrl - come get your dim sum lover!
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cellbitupdates · 3 months
CellbitEng on Twitter did a translation of Cellbit's preface from Sobrevivendo ao horror! Below is the image of the original and then the English translation from them with some minor edits from me.
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The Paranormal does not come to our reality easily.
That's how things should be, at least, but Reality is a terrifying, merciless and brutal world. Even the most trained agents, who dedicate their lives to learning special techniques, rituals and combat skills, often cannot face the horrors of the Other Side.
But that doesn't mean we can't connect and have fun because of it. Actually, I would say that Paranormal Order is what it is today thanks to the suffering of many characters that had the misfortune of being born within Reality. They suffer, we suffer alongside them… and for some reason, we love it.
Order started in 2020, with just a horror story I wanted to create with my friends, and today it has become one of the most played RPGs in Brazil. As someone who played RPGs with my brothers even before I started playing video games, even before I learned how to read and write properly, I couldn't feel more proud and grateful of everyone who is part of this story. Both the team that made all of this happen and the friends who lived it all with me, but, specially, to you, who make this world truly come alive.
Sometimes I think about what my 8 year old self, whose punishment meant my parents hiding my RPGs dice instead of a Super Nintendo, would think if he knew about all this. Actually… he would probably be terrified that I saw the future.
And here we are, once again adding a new chapter to this journey. I always see everything we produce for Paranormal Order RPG as a door opening, an opportunity that answers the question: what's the next step that I, as a creator, would love to have as a tool to tell my stories? And "Surviving the Horror", a name that pays homage to the classic video game genre "Survival Horror," emerged with this exact purpose: a way to make stories even more tense, immersive, diverse, and fun. But above all, a way to make the characters I love suffer even more!
We added new origins to the game (including some created by the community itself. Thank you for being so creative!), new subclasses, class powers, paranormal powers, new mechanics, creatures, rituals, and even an entire new class, the survivor. Additionally, I was able to write more narrative details about parts of this universe that I always wanted to delve into, like details of conjuring Rituals and the way the Entities change people.
Besides all this content for the players, to those who prefer to GM (like me!), there are a lot of newer features for chasing and stealth scenes, more depth to the existing investigation mechanics, with also being able to delve into exploring your characters' fears. After all, what could be more Paranormal Order than solving enigmas and facing Fear?
Now, gather your friends, prepare your character sheets and have fun while being scared and moved by your beloved characters surviving (or dying brutally!). After all, the stories are fictional, but the feelings are real.
Rafael "Cellbit" Lange June, 2024
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crystallizedtwilight · 8 months
Do the names LSBs parents gave them have any significance or meaning/reason they chosen those in particular?
ohhh !! One of my friends just asked me this !! (copies and pastes)
Lock -  Eli (ee · lai)
Lock’s parents named him Eli because they were stealth hunters in the deep forests that stalked wild game, often by using trees to climb or hide. They valued things like swiftness, accuracy, and skill. Eli (meaning “elevated” or “high”) was a favorable name because, if one has the higher ground during a fight or hunt, they are at a favorable advantage. Fittingly, Lock has a natural tendency to climb to high perches—trees, roofs, anything elevated that helps him feel safe, hidden, and like he has the upper hand. He lives up to his name.
Shock - Amaranth; also called Amara or Amy by coven (a · mur · anth)
Shock’s coven bestowed her the most prosperous name they could think of. As witches, her coven saw the immense value in herbs and flowers as they were able to make powerful potions from them. They named her Amaranth (meaning “the unfading flower”). They hoped, with such a powerful name, she would grow up strong and resilient. Additionally, the nicknames they occasionally shortened Amaranth to— Amara (“everlasting”) and Amy (“beloved”)—also expressed their hope that Shock would live a full life always knowing she was loved.
Barrel - Brayden (bray · den)
Barrel was named Brayden (meaning “broad" or "broad valley”) because it is a name that references the Earth. Since ghouls make their life by digging into the earth, burrowing into grave soil, descending into tombs and re-making small "valleys" of their own, they thought it was fitting for Barrel to have a sturdy name that connected him to the earth somehow. To dig a "broad valley" meant he would would prosper as a hearty, nourished ghoul.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
I've always wanted to do a stealth game/campaign, but all my attempts to hack it into DnD have failed. Do you have any suggestions for a stealthy system? Not something as abstract as Knives in the Dark (tbh, I just have never been able to get into it) but something that hits the Assassin's Creed feeling of watching the target, making a plan, and then sneaking through the base taking out guards and hiding their bodies and such. Preferably on a grid map or similar, s we're terrible at theatre of the mind.
THEME: Stealthy Games.
Hello there, so I did some digging and I found plenty of stealth games, although none of them seem to really require a map in order to play. That being said, I don’t think that should stop you from providing maps to your players, even if they’re abstract! Some of these games might ask you to sketch out a rough map of the town or building that you’re in, which may help you provide your players with some visual references as they sneak around, trying not to get caught. When it comes to stealth, I think of three things: horror, heists, and spies.
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Delta Green, by Arc Dream Publishing.
Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor but without glory. Delta Green agents fight to save humanity from unnatural horrors—often at a shattering personal cost.
Delta Green comes highly recommended as a great way to play an X-Files type rpg, mixed in with the Cthulhu mythos. It uses a d100 system and is based in the modern day, casting your characters as former members of government agencies, recruited into a super-secret bureau that investigates supernatural things - and keeps those things hidden from the common public. The stealth of this game is mostly about covering up the eldritch and unnatural, even if it means framing someone else or condemning a beloved building.
Your characters in this game have some familiar pieces to them, such as six stats with the same titles as you’ll see in games like D&D. However, you’ll also have pieces like Bonds, which represent relationships that keep your character grounded, and a Sanity system that I’m personally not crazy about (I do not recommend this game for a group that doesn’t like trite mechanization of mental health disorders), but that gives you a way to incur penalties that aren’t just physical damage.
This looks to be the closest to a traditional rpg on this list, and with all the elements to keep track of, I can see how a physical map would be helpful. However, keep in mind that there isn’t a pace or speed stat attached to these characters, so things like line of sight or distance probably won’t be super granular - if you are shooting things you may have broad range bands to determine how difficult something is, but the final decision will be a GM decision, not something necessarily determined in the rulebook. Because the setting is a modern one, I think finding visual references for locations in this game would be very very easy.
If you want a taste of the game before you put your money down, you can check out the Free Starter Rulebook!
Minutes to Midnight, by Oliver S.
Minutes to Midnight is a game powered by Blades in the Dark about a crew of spies, trying to disrupt the balance of power in a modern cold war. They will have to stand strong in the face of their vicious opposition and handle a fragile web of untrustworthy informants, devious intrigues and deadly lies.
We play to find out if our agents can thrive in the cutthroat world of espionage. While the public may never know about their impact, their actions shape the political landscape and outcome of conflict. Will the players prevent the outbreak of a global disaster and use their influence to create a better future? Will they attempt to send the opposing bloc into a turmoil and establish a lasting hegemony? Or will their actions lead the world down a path of war and nuclear destruction?
The Forged in the Dark system uses a cycle in between missions and downtime, sinking your characters into the heart of the action as they pursue clandestine missions in locations built by the group in a session 0. Since the game takes place in the real world, using maps of real cities might be a great way to keep they players visually engaged, and using a city that the group has been to or is familiar with might also make it easier for the group to visualize the kinds of buildings and streets where their spies may be sneaking, scheming, and sleuthing.
Madstones, by xiombarg.
Those who know magic exists at all are the rich and teams of breakers like yourself that go into the jartowns for the Archons. Jartowns are created by burning folk alive in a wicker man, in a ritual known only to the oldest jet-setting Archons.
A jartown is an isolated area of spacetime that was cut out of our reality. Most jartowns consist of a small amount of space (enough for a suburb or town) and a loop of several years. Jartowns become more magickal and horrific with each loop, creating madstones. 
Madstones are small things, from actual stones to human organs, infused with concentrated, distilled magic. They're secretly coveted by the wealthy.
In this tiny 24XX-based tabletop RPG, players are breakers, desperate folk from the occult underground who find a way into the jartowns, hothouses for magick, to perform errands for the ultrarich Archons.
Play as a variety of roles, from sawbones to sinner to spook, and choose to hail from one of four origins, including jartown native.
24XX games are another toolbox that you can pick up and play around with to help you get started with creating your own experiences. Your character consists of a few skills and gear packaged together in a character class. In Madstones, these classes are various specialists, trained to deal with different elements that might pop up when you go delving into eldritch pockets of reality. There is both a stealth and a combat specialist in this game, but there’s also classes for things like a getaway driver, a hacker, and an occult specialist.
24XX games also exist because of their OSR predecessors, meaning that combat is risky, and often deadly - and therefore finding other ways to solve the problem is implicitly encouraged. However, the openness of the system means that your players don’t necessarily need to resort to stealth - they might prepare an elaborate ritual, create a unique piece of technology, or just decide to run away as fast as they can. In regards to maps, I think you could probably use a typical dungeon framework: leading the characters through various rooms or sections of the pocket dimension, and throwing horrors and weird environments their way.
Night’s Black Agents, by Pelgrane Press.
The Cold War is over. Bush’s War is winding down. You were a shadowy soldier in those fights, trained to move through the secret world: deniable and deadly.
Then you got out, or you got shut out, or you got burned out. You didn’t come in from the cold. Instead, you found your own entrances into Europe’s clandestine networks of power and crime. You did a few ops, and you asked even fewer questions. Who gave you that job in Prague? Who paid for your silence in that Swiss account? You told yourself it didn’t matter. It turned out to matter a lot. Because it turned out you were working for vampires.
Vampires exist. What can they do? Who do they own? Where is safe? You don’t know those answers yet. So you’d better start asking questions. You have to trace the bloodsuckers’ operations, penetrate their networks, follow their trail, and target their weak points. Because if you don’t hunt them, they will hunt you. And they will kill you.
A combination of modern spy fiction and vampire intrigue, Night’s Black Agents uses the GUMSHOE system, which is an investigative roleplaying system that provides your characters with resources they can spend to get into secret locations, compete against vampiric agents, and pick up information to help you put together the details of a conspiracy. In Night’s Black Agents, finding clues isn’t left up to chance - you will always get information as long as you tell the GM that you’re using a relevant skill. The obstacles in this game are more likely going to involve getting in and out of sticky situations - and if your opponents are vampires, well, stealth is likely going to be a more appealing than trying to slit their throats.
GUMSHOE games don’t need grid maps either, but a rough map of the city or country is probably very helpful, and it might be fun to draw the floor plans of various buildings that your players investigate in order to help them determine what areas may be the most interesting places to search for clues.
The Breathing, by Fistful of Crits.
You reside in The Archive, an unending and depthless structure spiralling deep into the dark and misty depths, devoid of life and presided over by a being known only to you as The Archivist.
The Archive is made up of windowless rooms and halls that vary greatly in their height, size and danger. All these spaces house numerous shelves containing the collected knowledge of the world outside of The Archive; a place you have been told you must earn your access to. The price of your freedom comes from the discovery of new or forgotten knowledge that can be found in the deepest parts of the structure. 
You, and a few others, are known as The Breathing, in a place full of creatures who were once like you but ultimately failed in their bid for freedom; now known as The Breathless. 
The Breathing is just an example of a broader style of game, using a system called Breathless. Breathless games use a series of polyhedral dice that deteriorate as you use them, with different dice attached to different skills. Throughout the game you pause to “take a breath”, and re-set your skills, bringing your dice back to their threshold. However, pausing to take a breath also gives the GM a chance to introduce a new trouble or complication, creating a cycle of mission, rest, mission, rest, etc.
As a game system, Breathless is pretty light and is fairly easy to hack. But the lightness of the rules also allows for creativity and add-ons, which could include rules for movement or placement. Since the game rewards finding ways to solve problems without having to resort to direct conflict, I can see games like this encouraging characters to think carefully about when to use their resources and when to just… sneak around the problem. If you want to include maps and a grid, you could provide a blueprint of a room inside The Archive and watch the players try to navigate it using their limited resources, with designated “rest areas” that they would have to get to in order to take a Breath.
This certainly isn’t a solution in a box, but it might provide some interesting tools to help you build the experience you’re looking for.
Night Reign, by Sinister Beard Games.
Night Reign is a roleplaying game of stealth, guile, violence and devilry for a GM and one or more players, set in a quasi-Edwardian metropolis perched on an inhospitable peninsula beset by toxic black rain and ruled by a corrupt cabal of Noble Houses.
You take the role of members of The Red Right Hand, a conspiracy loyal to the recently deposed royal family, using your talents in assassination, infiltration and dark sorcery to strike out at your oppressors.
A game all about the things you do in the shadows, Night Reign uses cards to resolve conflict, rather than dice. It also uses a token system to help you overcome obstacles without having to resort to violence - loud, messy, dangerous violence. The Ruled by Night system (which has an SRD that you can download for free) is about balancing the suspicion you’ve already raised against an increasing cost to being stealthy. You spend Shadow tokens in order to be able to attempt to do something, and try to get a hand as close as possible to 21, or at least higher than whatever the GM draws. Your characters will also have powers that can be very effective, but are likely to draw a lot of attention, so using them is risky.
Because of how this game runs, things like movement and speed are not likely to be tracked. However, I don’t think mapping out a location so that the players can understand where things are or what kind of space they’re in is going to hurt the experience. The SRD describes something called City Conditions, which appear to be elements of the fiction that might result from the characters’ choices, or provide obstacles to the players. If you have a map of the city in front of you, you could draw symbols on the map to indicate what’s happening as the story progresses, and even cross out places that have been destroyed.
Heist, by Hark Forsooth Games.
HEIST: Get the Crew Together is a cooperative RPG where you and a group of suave, savvy and slick fellow crooks plan and execute capers, grabbing the fanciest loot from the world's wealthy elite.
Heist is great for fans of shows like Leverage or movies like Ocean’s 11: you’re going to steal something shiny from someone who certainly doesn’t deserve it, and you’re going to do it with style. While combat is an option, your characters will also have to deal with suspicious marks, security systems, laser grids and bank vaults. The characters are composed of special talents and personal flaws, and the GM has the task of designing something the game calls Murphy’s Gun - a major twist that will reveal itself midway through the heist.
It can be tricky to determine what to prep for a game like this, but one thing that you can for sure prep is the location. Design the building, draw the floor plan, and come up with obstacles for the different areas - there’s not really movement tracking in this game but having the layout will certainly help your players come up with ideas about how to get in, get out, and get rich.
Another thing to consider…
Mothership doesn’t have any stealth skills, but what it does have is the incentive to be sneaky. If an alien horror is moving through the ship, you’re more likely to try and stay out of it’s way - and having no stealth skills means that the players have to describe what they’re doing to stay hidden; climb into vents, squeeze yourself into cupboards, and try to wriggle into the space suit. However, this doesn’t mean that you’re not rolling - you might roll to clamber over something or to fit yourself into something, or you might roll to scope out a location to find an exit or suitable hiding place. It’s also excellent in terms of maps - plenty of adventures will provide at least a blueprint of the space station or ship that you’re exploring, which you can use to spook your players with fresh horrors.
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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Neon Glow
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart Word Count: ~ 600 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings
Synopsis: Bryce and Olivia enjoy some fun during laser tag with their friends.
This absolutely gorgeous art of my beloved Bryce and Olivia is by the incredible and lovely @callmebeem. I've been holding onto it for a bit so I'm glad I could finally share it! 💙💖🩵
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Olivia took care with every step, analyzing the chaos surrounding her to inform her next move. She wasn't one to take big risks that resulted in glorious eliminations. No, Olivia's game was more subtle than that: stealth and strategy. It was her only chance to survive this. 
His silhouette illuminated by the pulsing lights pulled her from her thoughts. Olivia clasped her hands over her mouth to stifle her laughter as she turned a corner to find Bryce dramatically flipping over blocks and obstacles in the maze for no purpose other than his own enjoyment. Her heart swelled at the sight. Yet, she didn't have time to dwell on him as footsteps padded closer behind her. She tucked down an alley, hiding behind a pillar, narrowly avoiding Jackie who was on the hunt for her next victim. 
Olivia peeked around the structure once she heard Jackie pass by. Lifting the plastic gun in her arms, she pulled the trigger, sending a light beam straight at the back of her vest. 
"What the — Lahela, was that you?! I'm going to get you for this," Jackie hollered, turning back to see who had tagged her, but Olivia had already slipped quietly away, already settled on where to go next.
Bryce's eyes widened as an arm shot out of the darkness, tugging him into the shadows. "What're you doing?" The words tumbled from his lips.
Before he could finish the thought, Olivia backed him into a corner, hidden from view from those dashing past, looking for a new target. Her body pressed against his, her arms snaking around his neck, pulling his lips toward hers, kissing him hungrily.
His brow quirked up at the sudden public affection. It's not what he expected, but he'd never turn down the taste of her lips.
Neon laser beams cut through the dimly lit, fog-filled room. The flashes of light illuminated the indoor maze surrounding them. Their friends' laughter and assured taunts bounced off the barriers and partitions as they dashed through the space, no wiser to the couple hidden in the recesses. 
"Not that I mind," Bryce breathed between kisses, not wanting to part. "What's gotten into you?"
"What can I say?" Olivia tipped her head back, letting the blue glow of a light passing by illuminate her face. She chewed the corner of her lower lip, her fingers dancing over the vest across his chest. "This look is working for you." 
"I couldn't agree more." Bryce tossed his head to the side, flipping his hair back. "Do you think they'll let me wear it in the O.R. after I become Edenbrook's Laser Tag Champion?"
"I don't think that's a thing..."
"If you say so... now, where were we?" Olivia grabbed his collar, guiding him once more back to her lips. The pair hummed in satisfaction as the brilliant glow of the neon world around them faded into the background. 
His hands settled on her waist before drifting lower, squeezing her curves as the kiss became more heated. 
Olivia raked her hands down Bryce's chest. Her eyes flickered open, checking to confirm she had him where she wanted him. With a swift movement, she pressed her gun against the target on his vest. "Gotcha," she breathed against his parted lips as she pulled the trigger. 
His vest vibrated, signaling a fatal hit. "I can't believe you used me like that!" His mouth fell agape before pulling into a widened grin. "I'm so proud of you!" He lifted her into his arms, kissing her again as he spun her around before lowering her back down again. 
Her face warmed as she tried to recompose herself. 
"Now, go get 'em, tiger!" He playfully tapped her butt. 
Olivia turned back, stealing one last look. She blew him a kiss and snuck back into the shadows, waiting for her next opportunity. 
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A/N: Not edited...This has been a WIP for over 2 years. 🙈 There really is no reason or excuse for it, but here we are... I'm hoping if I can get through a few old wip my brain will let me create something new again.
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lemonmaid · 22 days
Lose everything
(Loosely based on the fact Mufasa is adopted and Teka or Scar is technically heir to the throne)
A/N: it's been like two years since I've written for TWST, I just haven't been interested in the game that much but I still hold a special place in my heart. Just a small snippet
Leona remembers the sad stares the wet maids gave him when he was younger. The stares would get worse as he grew up.
Leona used to look up to his brother, that was before he heard the many whispers in the court.
"What will happen when he is older?".
"Do you think-".
"Oh shush you too!  It is forbidden!".
As the nosey child he was, he would practice his stealth skills by eavesdropping on the servants.
"Whatcha doing Leo-"
Leona ignored Falena, his eyes watching the servants from below.
"Hmm, Mama said it is rude to spy-".
"Hush! You'll give up our hiding spot!".
The two boys huddle close, watching from above as the servants work in the garden, idly speaking with each other.
"Why are we watching?"
"Not watching brother, learning".
Leona got quiet, before pointing at one of them, "She is having an affair with the cook-"
Falena gasped,  "leo!".
Leona moved his hand, pointing at another, "He is from the queendom of roses, on the run from his family. He ran away here with his beloved".
Falena raised his eyebrow, "...how do you know all of this?".
"I like to listen to people talk". Leona looked at his older brother, "I also learned that people talk more when "You're sleeping".
Falena giggled, "Is that why you "sleep" in the garden?".
Leona held up his finger to his mouth, "Shh". Before giggling.
The two boys were very close, but as they aged they grew closer apart. Leona quickly learned that those hushed gossip that was juicy most of the time, if you listen to the right people, that gossip can be about you.
When Leona realizes he will never have his own throne, he is devastated at first he understands the reasoning but one night he walks past his parent's room, hearing familiar hushed whispers.
"It's becoming that time dea-"
"We are not discussing this-"
"My love- he deserves to know-"
"... it's been brought to the church's attention... we must do-"
"Falena is our son. End of discussion".
"But he is not the firstborn-".
Leona's heart stopped.  He couldn't breathe, it's like the world stopped all movement.  He couldn't hear anything anymore, he didn't even register Falena's hand on his shoulder.
Falena spun Leona around to face him.
Leona slapped Falena's hand off him, "Don't touch me-".
Falena gave Leona a look, "Leona what is going on".
Leona glared at Falena, "Did you know?".
"Did I know what-". Falena's face fell, "Oh... oh no no Leo- we-".
Leona felt his chest close, "you knew?". His sense of control shattered, he felt something in him, something heavy, like black ooze.
Falena grasped Leona's shoulders, "Hey, listen to me. We were going to tell you one day- we were".
Leona grasped Falena's wrist, "Don't. Touch. Me".
Slowly sand started to form from Leona's wrist, and a painful scream echoed the hall.
Leona snapped out of his daze, his father pulling him away from his- From Falena.
His mother screamed at him, ordering servants to grab clerics for Falena and then ordering Leona to be taken away.
The whole night was a daze, Leona remembers being locked away in his room for several days. Not even Kifaji visted him... Leona started to miss his boring lessons. Leona craved his father's love and after the attack, the only person who ever defended him... didn't even look at him anymore.
The whispers weren't so sad anymore, they sounded like they were terrified.
"Did you hear what he did?"
"Unquie magic like that? How is that a blessing?"
"Once considered the kingdom's blessing now the kingdom's curse".
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
Secretary Questions and Answers Part 1
What's the answer to life, the universe and everything?
Being nice to people you don't know. nd also large amount of cocaine
Why did you make the reading comprehension section in the last module?
I'm a librarian! Teaching literacy is half the fun of my job! The rates of functional illiteracy are quite high (up to 50% in some areas of North America). I believe that literacy is one of the few ways to better one's situation, and it starts with asking questions about what you are reading and trying to read in-between the lines. I like teaching people :)
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Did you do 9/11?
When I was a wee young lass,
What are some other interactive novels you would recommend?
Secretary Answer: The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante!
Author Answer: For choice of games/hosted games, I like Night Road, the creme de la creme series, fallen hero (which is probably the most predictable recc ever), lies under ice was a really cool recent sci fi release, slammed! is old but pretty great. Separate to choicescript, Our Life Beginnings and Always has a special spot in my heart, it's very much a comfort game for me. I played Digimon Survive this year and although it's kind of a hybrid (it has a lot of turn-based strategy) it's a cool spooky VN. I like the zero escape series too, but also heavily criticise them the way that only somebody who likes something a lot can.
Secretary Answer: show off
What are the characters opinions about peeing in the shower?
nobody pisses in the shower excepts:
Vantage (time efficient)
Hypothesis (he also poops in the shower)
Beth (she's incontinent)
how do author and secretary come together to work on DYVJ? what's the synergy and system like (if there is a system)?
The author writes and does the creative management of the story. She chooses what is inputted in the story and all.
The secretary, me!, deals with a lot of the behind the scene stuff, and with participates in the character design and scene compositions. Create plot points, keep track of things, etc.
essentially, she writes and i am her HR manager. the blog was my idea :)
you guys gay?
i ate her pussy, yes
why is she named surpass
iirc it's because I wanted to evoke a sort of - I don't want to say "Superman" vibe, but I wanted to have a name that evokes power and force. It also feeds a bit into her personality. She's kind of cocky, I'm sure you've noticed, and 'Surpass' has a kind of 'come at me bro' feel to it, making it more the kind of name she'd pick.
Can we smooch Surpass?
Surpass is presently unsmoochable.
Very serious and important question that is totally serious and not at all not serious. At all. Ever. So. Would CG let MC pamper her and feed her sweets via hand? I want to hand feed my handler a Cannoli
CG would be unbelievably tsundere about anyone trying to pamper her.
How did you play Baldur's Gate 3?
my wife says i play games like a maniac. in stealth games (hitman, my beloved), i just run around with guns and kill everything and then finish the missions. allegedly im not supposed to play the game like that! bg3 was a similar experience: what do you mean im not supposed to kill story npcs for their loot? aradin, eat your heart out
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dr-spectre · 3 months
Octo Expansion is now over 6 years old... dang...
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I know I missed the anniversary by a few days but who cares. It's really weird to think about just how much time has passed since this DLC came out...
I remember asking my parents badly for this DLC because I didn't have my own money at the time and I remember speedrunning this because I wanted to play as an Octoling in multiplayer before I had to go to sleep for school the next morning. And uh... I really wish I took my time with this instead of worrying about being able to finish it in time before I had to go to bed.
This DLC's atmosphere stands above all the other entries in the series, it's weirdly nostalgic atmosphere and beautiful music makes this such a unique experience to play. Even though I didn't grow up in the 80s, I still feel nostalgic for the environments. It's like this DLC teleported my brain back to when I was a kid playing games on the Wii. It's a weird feeling but... I love it.
Also, getting to learn more about Off the Hook as well was incredible. Octo Expansion really fleshed them out and they became incredibly beloved characters in the series because of Octo Expansion.
The final boss too.. actually just the whole finale in general is still probably my favourite out of the entire series. It takes such a drastic turn in tone and it becomes a stealth game for a bit, it's fucking awesome. Battling against Agent 3 and hearing Splattack?!?! OH. MY. GOD. AND SEEING A HUMAN ON SCREEN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE SERIES THAT ISNT A SKELETON?!?! AND ITS A GIANT FUCKING STATUE HEAD THATS GONNA DESTORY THE WORLD?!?! HOLY. FUCK. THATS INCREDIBLE!!! FLY OCTO FLY AS WELL OH MY GODODODODODOD!!!!
Whoever on the team thought of that idea needs the biggest sloppy toppy ever man I swear to go-
Um... Anyways, to cap it off, I also remember beating Inner Agent 3 and let me tell you. It was the most satisfying feeling I've ever felt in a video game. Period. It took me months to beat them but once I did. I stood up and screamed as loud as I could while my heart was about to combust into flames.
Octo Expansion is one of the best DLCs in gaming, ever in my opinion. Sure some aspects might be overrated but, I don't care, this DLC rules. I love it.
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kanerallels · 1 year
Okay here are my many, many thoughts on Jedi Survivor. I'll keep the spoilers beneath the cut, so all who venture forward have been warned!
The way the game started out was so fun!! The stealth heist! The crew members Cal was teaming up with! Being on CORUSCANT of all places!
I really, really love the gameplay over all. It felt like they took the last game and just improved these tiny little details that I remember from the first one. Tiny things that would seem stupid but also made the game play that much smoother!
Also I don't know who decided we should get Fast Travel but I would die for them
I'll probably make a separate post about this, but Cal introduced BD-1 to almost everyone he met-- ALMOST. Not Dagan, and not a couple other people that it was clear he didn't trust. And I for one LOVE that detail
Jedha was so fun other than the fact that I almost died every fifteen seconds
The Merrical was *chef's kiss* absolutely amazing. They are so April and Andy from Parks and Rec I love them
As a fan of the High Republic books, I thought the Nihil references, along with Dagan Gera and Santari Khri, were pretty neat! He was a fun villain to fight
I really really loved... pretty much all the Greez content? How happy he was to see Cal, and the fact that he had a room set aside for him, and the fact that he ventured back out into the fight just to keep Cal safe. I was mostly neutral on him during JFO, but Battle Scars made me really, really love him, and this game definitely built on that! Also I love that he named his saloon after his grandma (I think?)
Rayvis was an interesting villain! I liked him a lot, especially the final battle with him. They did a good job developing his character
Speaking of villains... I do be feeling some emotions about Cal's fight with Masana Tide. I'm a redemption arc girlie at heart, what can I say? But I see why they did what they did
That one scene where the whole crew was at the campfire together and for like five minutes it felt like everything was going to be okay warmed my heart so much
Yeah I don't remember what happened after that (obvious lie)
I like the new open world features, and the bounties you get to hunt, and the customization and stuff! And those Force tear things are terrifying, but I've completed two of them, and plan to do more as time goes on!
Kriff. Okay I gotta talk about the Horrors at some point. Thanks to my lack of self control, I'd seen some spoilers and knew that Bode was gonna betray us. I didn't know about Cordova (sad) and I didn't know about Bode's secret (SO MUCH SHOCK THAT WAS AN AMAZING PLOT TWIST)
I will say, Cere's final battle against Vader was SO FREAKING COOL IT WAS AWESOME PLAYING AS HER
I also love the fact she set Vader on fire. It's ironic
Uhhh the Tanalorr plot line was pretty cool! I like the idea of there being somewhere safe from the Empire, to prevent Cal from being killed for plot convinience
Bode's betrayal... yeah I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not ready, and honestly I have an objectively awful take on the whole situation that no one will like
The part where BD-1 was going to scan the trontoshell, and Cal called him BD and THEN BD-1 like he was his mom, full naming him into safety. I love it so much
(can you tell I love BD-1?)
I also really, really loved Merrin's entrance. Ten out of ten, the only thing I would change is that Cal should have immediately proposed
Oh! And Merrin and Kata's relationship is so fun I really really like it
Ummm yeah I think I've addressed everything there is to talk about (the most obvious lie yet) so yeah! The brainrot is still strong with me so I might end up posting some screenshots and more thoughts later on!
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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Ghost trick!!!! Loved this game it was exactly what I expected from a Shu Takumi game. I do hope they plan to make a sequel or crossover, I really loved the mechanics of this game.
Writing typed below! (plus some extra commentary)
Rating: 9.3 Played: Su 2023 Port: Nintendo Switch Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
LOVE missile
really fun premise - you died and don't know who you are
not the PM erotica T-T
LMAO Payne and Wright
the kazuma pose (skull)
I'm in love with Cabanela
Lynne not again T-T
Sissel in the painting...
omg the security camera murder and the meory are different. I know your tricks Mr. Takumi (I didn't realize Yomiel shot the gun twice here LMFAOO)
mmm... chicken kitchen
is everyone in love with Lynne?
I'm actually so obsessed with the Ghost Trick art style
ALL of your medicine????
he's already dead... and they used an electric chair.....
chicken kitchen and execution fates were really fun
man I really want an AAxGT crossover
love how oversized all the objects are
MISSILE IS BACK AHHH and he has different ghost tricks omg... then how did the lamp know about mine
so many mysteries omg I love it
how was I supposed to get sissel to the top (skull) (I was genuinely stuck and when I restarted the level it spawned me at a different place LMAO)
but his name wasn't sissel... who is the lamp....
love this crazy arm contraption
red suit man had radiation in his body... so I/Sissel died near it... but who am I... (I forgot about the cat LMFAOO)
Temsik... kismet... mmmm kismet (kismet is the name of my favorite restaurant)
STOP looking at the screen
little Lynne T-T
Sissel has temsik...
Game Dev Notes
really fun animations and character design
unique gamplay - I love moving thru objects
love the character dialogue - great humor and timing
extra puzzles and challenges similar to professor layton
characters have tons of personality in design and posture
LOVE the cool toned shadows on the sprites
great music
fun and sweet ending credits
Shu Takumi has done it again (even though this is a remaster lol). What and incredible mystery game with really fun mechanics. There were definitely a couple times I was stumped on what to do or was stuck bc I missed my window of opportunity, but I think it worked well since the puzzles were difficulty and you couldn't just immediately breeze past them all. I also really enjoyed gaining missile's abilities later and having to think of the puzzles in different ways. The characters and animations/sprites were really fun. There's so much personality in them without even saying a word. The game also reveals character information in a really good way as you slowly learn more about the mystery of the game yet also feels like you're getting farther from learning who you are. I also just love how this game is just made with so much love for Takumi's real pets and how Sissel ended up being Yomiel's beloved cat... what a sweet ending oh my god. Each level had such a fun and unique design while also adding a twist to the puzzle, like the stealth level or submarine sinking level. The game also has many unlockable achievements to encourage replayability as well as concept art and other illustrations to unlock. There's so much added to this game and you can really feel the love and care the team put into this game, I hope there are more Ghost Trick games in the future or hopefully even a Ghost trick x Ace Attorney crossover -- I wonder how that would play out esp with Maya's spirit abilities. All in all, such a sweet and fun game. Not too long either. Can't wait to replay it to get all the achievements and make fanart!
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Hello! I think I've got a good one. First off, for the sake of this request, let's pretend that Rook was somehow able to attend Camp Vargas (We're reaching SO far, but it's fine) and he has a male s/o who was also attending the camp (whether he's Yuu or not, I'll leave up to you), but he has serious trauma from being kidnapped by a serial killer when he was younger. And so, when Vargas captures and ties him up, the reader starts losing it and having a panic attack, thinking he's going to die. How would Rook react to this?
Hey, Anon! Thanks for sharing your brain rot ideas regarding Rook, because we love our ridiculous and theatrical hunter. Truly a wild set of circumstances I've been presented, but I love it!
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw Rook attending Camp Vargas purely because the man is so athletic. He wields a huge bow with great accuracy and is proficient in stealth. He would easily be able to sneak in and just lay in wait, taking pictures secretly in the trees. The reason he would be there in the first place would absolutely be to take photographs.
Honestly, even without the extremeness of "got kidnapped by a serial killer," I can see someone having a panic attack just in general by getting kidnapped. I mean certain traumas can trigger people's fight, flight, or freeze response and it's a big mood.
What will come next is just me free writing my ideas for this, so here's y'all's present I guess lol. Also, note that I have not actually read the Vargas Camp event, but have a vague idea of what kinda went down during the event lol.
Oh my god, wait, to elaborate on this idea or whatever. I could totally see Rook in the trees, watching the whole kidnapping thing go down. Then, when Vargas would leave to claim his next unsuspecting victim, Rook would drop down next to you. Cooing in your ear that you were safe and are going to be ok, he would cut the ropes off you. Probably holding you close and just rocking you back in forth lovingly while you calm down from your panic attack. You would probably be clinging onto him and his big muscles like a koala. He would be whispering sweet words of affirmations in your ear, as he moves you to somewhere safer. Aka away from the pile of other victims lol...
You know, he would probably cut the other victims free just to cause some more fun chaos and trouble for Ashton. He probably knows that the person behind the kidnappings was Ashton anyway, because Rook is so perceptive... I could totally imagine him deciding to exact a "friendly" revenge on him for messing and actually traumatizing his beloved by telling the other victims that the culprit was Ashton and maybe some other important information to help them successfully get back at their teacher lol. Rook wouldn't have time in the moment to personally get back at him, because he would be too busy taking care of you!! Ahhh, so sweet! We love our hunter boy. Taking care of us and making sure that we feel ok and safe (in his arms lol). I can imagine that there would be cuddles as you hear the sounds of absolute chaos and screaming in the distance perhaps watching the whole fight go down from afar. The kids rebelling and enacting a revolution to overthrow Vargas. Sounds about right. I wouldn't be surprised if that would happen in game low key lol.
Ohhhh, and you know what would be the cherry on the cake? Having the reader specifically thinking and praying (maybe whimpering lol) while they're getting kidnapped that Rook would save them even though he wasn't at camp or whatever. And then having Rook actually show up?!!! *throws myself on the floor and dies* It's such a good idea. Good job, anon, you've successfully murdered me.
You also surprisingly got me to vaguely write/elaborate on your request low key, and that my dude is a feat within itself. Like I'm truly impressed. *applauds you from the floor*
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purgetrooperfox · 5 months
Hewwo 👉👈 Do you have any roach hcs or info to share? I don't think I know him
well he's only in mw09 and cod mobile so 😅 there's like. basically nothing to his personality in canon
he's British in mw09 and American in codm iirc but they're two separate canons and it's all very silly
in mw09 he's one of the primary player characters, faceless and voiceless per tradition. he was a sergeant in 141 under Soap, worked a bunch of ops with him and a few with Ghost and a couple with Price. you can find a list on the wiki
I don't know jack about codm but here are some comic panels a friend of mine showed me dkdjdjfjjf only the bottom four are sequential, he's in the mask and goggles
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I think he's just an operator skin in the codm game? and it's just a copy-pasted milsim skin that they called Roach? but whatever lmao
I don't know if you care about plot or spoilers so I won't uh. put the big one here
and that's it, that's canon Roach :)
but Roach in my brain,,, ⬇️
I personally am very fond of American Roach. southern Roach my beloved. I think he deserves to be yeehaw. giving him a small town upbringing and no one can stop me
I also think he deserves to be a weapons expert for two reasons. 1) southerner, 2) as the pc he's equally competent with every weapon he gets his hands on. good for him
honestly a lot of how I think about him is influenced by how I play mw09. scrappy in a fight, plenty willing to smack a mf with his gun, deeply sarcastic commentary, aversion to stealth missions, etc etc
more ⬇️
bolt action enthusiast but not much for sniping, etc etc
I also tend to think of him as kind of an asshole! abrasive! not all the time but his tolerance for bullshit is low. he won't throw hands but he'll tear you a new one so thoroughly that thrown hands might be preferable
blunt might be the word I'm looking for. blunt in general, abrasive and snappy on occasion
what else. uhhhh
heavy smoker
the most stubborn bastard on the planet. this is beneficial in wearing Ghost down enough to [redacted]
cough. ghostroach go brr. they rile each other The Fuck Up. Ghost is a proven hardass but what I like about 09 Ghost is that it's fully plausible that he's also got a sense of humor, no one traipses around in that mask with those glasses without a sense of humor
and that combination resonates at the same frequency as Roach from my brain. insults as flirting but they both know it's flirting. refusal to cede an inch of ground when Ghost is in hardass mode. frantic desperation and also quiet, fragile intimacy. so much trust
do you see my vision?
Roach from my brain also has immense, bottomless respect for Soap. that's his captain that's his buddy he'd follow him into hell. blind trust that gets reinforced every time Soap doesn't get them all killed
more wary of Price! Price is a little unhinged! no lack of respect, he's just MonkaHmm squinting a bit. morbid curiosity about just how far he'd go
there's no proof that Roach wasn't around when Gaz was so I'll run with it. Gaz was an inspiration to him. his unhingedness was fine by Roach because crucially, Gaz wasn't a captain. I miss Gaz
anyway I feel like I could ramble on but this is like. the core of him. always happy to chat though!
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elsmaster · 3 months
The last time I completed DA:O was with my beloved dwarven rogue Hilde (may she rest in heroic peace) back in 2016. She gave no shits, basically considered everyone an idiot and romanced absolutely no one. She was the first "original" character I've ever made in a game that actually developed a personality and the tiniest bit of backstory in my head, so she's still extra special to me.
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(Why she's in heavy armour here, I have no idea. It was 2016, and I had no idea how RPG builds work. It took me like ten hours to realise that OH YEAH, she's a rogue and can use stealth.)
Anyway! I'm replaying the game again, with another rogue (which is honestly a little hilarious, because I suck at playing rogues, and generally default to mages), and with a plan to a. have Leliana teach him to be a bard, and b. romance Zevran. I wanted to name him something very posh, so he's Augustus. His mabari is called Ruffus.
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I have never played Cousland before, so I was delighted to discover he could hook up with a random NPC dude before the game had even properly begun, and I feel like that defined his entire personality for me.
This stupid bimbo rogue has completely developed a life of his own, and I'm honestly just tagging along at this point. I don't think he's going to be a bard (look at him), and he'd probably be better off as being besties and absolutely horrifying menaces with Zevran, rather than romancing him.
He looks like he's 19, a complete idiot (I've had him ask what The Maker is, and what qunari are, and I'm living), and together with Alistair they have about 1.6 brain cells, combined (I'm sure Duncan is very proud to have recruited them both, RIP).
He looks like the type of person who always has at least five people buying drinks for him when he goes out, but he just thinks they're being really friendly.
Morrigan hates him.
I love him.
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renaultphile · 6 months
TC tag game
Thank you for the questions and for tagging me @spudodell.
Rules: Answer the questions and tag other TC fans!
1. "He would not fucking say that" only they did and it's canon. When/who?
Ralph to Laurie in the ‘break-up’ scene, as soon as Laurie starts asserting himself:
"Don't waste time, Spud. It's childish to start an argument about whether we love each other, the moment I go and sit on the other side of the room”
What a horrible thing to say!  Run like the wind, Laurie!
2. Did they kiss in the study? Yes/no + why you are 100% correct about this.
First let’s take a moment to appreciate Spudodell's recent spot of a stealth kiss (can you re-blog that one too, I couldn't find it!) at the beginning of the ‘break-up’ scene when Laurie comes through the door, which to me is absolutely definitive and ground-breaking (not in a good way for me, but still….brilliant detective work!)
On the kiss, I am in the ‘no kiss’ camp, but it is not possible to be definitive.  I feel that Mary plays a lot with echoes, parallels, and contrasts, and for me ultimately I feel the lack of a kiss is meant to be a contrast to other moments in the book, not an echo. 
But what has exercised me more recently is, kiss or no kiss (but especially if there was a kiss), this scene in chapter two really gives me the creeps.  I have been reading around the topic for some schoolboy Ralph fics and Alec/Ralph (watch this space on that one), and it has become ever more clear (Alec Waugh’s commentary ‘Public School Life’ being the best reference on this) that Prefects really were like Gods.  He points out that prefects had almost as much power as but even less accountability than teachers due to the ‘no-snitch rule’.  You can see it in the discussion of Hazell and his confessions, and how contemptuous the schoolboys are of him for 'confessing' (or in modern terms, reporting an inappropriate relationship).
In some ways, a kiss could explain quite a lot about Laurie’s behaviour and attitudes to Ralph in the book.  But to be brutally honest, I’ve had enough of creepy behaviour in men being disguised as ‘romantic’ in heterosexual romances (Mr Rochester, anyone?) and the thought of encountering it in a gay context in such a beloved book is just too much to bear.
So, no kiss for me!  He was still behaving pretty weirdly but that’s understandable in the circumstances.
3. Mandatory question about Ralph's alleged tattoos.
I’m sold on the fic that has him get a tattoo of his sunken ship.  Love the co-ordinates of Dunkirk idea though!  But I think Lux’s one is more realistic.  My reading of that being that he got drunk and wanted to fit in so he got a load of random not-very-good-ones.
4. 53 vs 59 edition: quote a line or paragraph that is better in the edition you like the least.
I favour the ’59 edition, as I broadly feel the cuts make it read better.  But there is one exception.  When Laurie is daydreaming about swimming with Charles, Mary cuts this line:
“Take off your things and jump in."
Apparently skinny-dipping was a step too far for the US audience!  Scandalous!
5. Which TC character would feel right at home here on tumblr dot com?
Bunny but not in a good way.
6. Tag yourself at Alec's birthday party.
I’m Laurie as in sitting in the corner checking out the books.  Not as in going on a rescue mission with some drunken guy.
7. Post a TC meme.
Sorry I couldn’t find the source of this – not exactly a meme but it made me laugh!
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8. Easy to talk about who deserved better. Who deserved worse?
Not that I know what happened to them, but Andrew’s relatives who tried as hard as they could to ruin his life, as if his parents dying wasn't bad enough.
9. You can break the fourth wall (at any point in the novel) and say a single sentence to our protagonist, Laurie Odell. What do you say?
I would tell him not to let Dave bully him into leaving Andrew without seeing him.  Because he knows with every fibre of his being that Andrew would not want that.
10. What's a question you have about TC? One you haven't found an answer for yet.
Too many to say.  It’s the unknown unknowns that really get me.
Tagging @gayskogul @telltaleangelina @jeork @alovelywaytospendanevening @black-bentley and anyone else who wants to play and would like to raise their head above the parapet!!
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