#steak & kidney pie
okay-j-hannah · 5 years
The Cute One
Smosh : Fic
Damien x Reader
Word Count: 2496
Warnings: Lots of giggles... a try not to laugh challenge... and a possibly questionable white van joke?
A/N: Guest staring on Smosh Pit was every bit as fun as you hoped, maybe even a little romantic as a certain Damien Haas flirted during the entire game
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“Guys, welcome back to the Try Not to Laugh Challenge,” Keith addressed the camera as the rest of the cast cheered. “You guys wanted it, so we’re doing it again.”
Shayne clapped his hands together, “We’re doing it again, it’s going to be crazier. You know why it’s gonna be crazier?”
“Why?” Olivia perked up.
 “Cause we’ve got a guest this time.”
 Everyone gave their own round of applause as they amped up the soon to be revealed contestant.
 “And we’re not just talking about Damien because he ends up being here way too often.” Damien waved at the camera and avoided a well aimed smack from Courtney.
 Shayne continued, “Introducing (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”
 Out of the corner came (Y/N), waltzing on in a goofy dance, “Hey, friends!” She bounced to the chair Keith was gesturing to and found Noah already wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
 “We are hoping because you’re here this will go on trending,” Shayne confessed, throwing in a forced laugh afterwards. “For those of you who don’t know, (Y/N) has a YouTube channel and just so happens to not live in LA.”
 (Y/N) nodded and found herself slowly falling into a nervous tick, twisting around in her chair, “Yes, my online name is (Youtube Name). And it definitely took many hours to get here.”
 Noah grinned from beside her, “We are lucky enough to feature her on Smosh Pit while she stays in California for the week!”
 Everyone yells their approval and causes (Y/N) to blush ever so slightly. She wasn’t that popular of a YouTuber.
 After rules were explained, Olivia was left on the stool while the rest of the cast flew to behind the prop screen wall. Once there, (Y/N) found a hand on her shoulder.
 “Hi, I’m Damien.”
 Her throat immediately seized up, “Uh, h-hey! It’s really nice to meet you – all of you. Um… question: are you good at this game?” Her pent-up energy caused her weird quirks to shine through, talking with her hands and shuffling her feet.
Damien smiled wide, “How forward of you to assume I’m funny.”
That pulled a snicker from her, “Go easy on me, alright?” She smirked, adverting her eyes from his staring ones, “I’ve got to give my best show. My fans think I’m pretty funny.”
Damien continues to watch her movements, completely oblivious to the commotion behind him, “Oh, so now you’re saying that you think you’re funny? Such confidence for a first time Try to Not Laugher.”
She immediately blushed, slight panic in her limbs, “No, no, I’m saying my fans think I’m funny. I never said I thought I was.”
He snickered, admiring the wide look in her gaze, “You should. I’ve seen a few of your videos and I think you’re funny.”
“Woah, the great Damien Haas declaring me humorous to viewers,” she allowed a hint of a smile on her face, improv taking over her actions. “That’s got to mean something.”
It was Damien’s turn to get a bit embarrassed, turning his head away at the sudden realization that he’s been staring at her the entirety of their conversation. 
“Honestly, (Y/N), take it as a compliment. Your videos are pretty hilarious.”
She let her gaze rest on his subtle smile for a few extra moments before sighing, “Now I feel bad! I haven’t seen any Smosh videos and come to find out you already knew who I was and everything.”
“It’s not that big of a deal; you can watch them after today. Maybe I could show you some of…”
“Damien’s turn!” Courtney yelled, “If you don’t get out there in the next five seconds we’re gonna skip you.” She peered over at the corner Damien and (Y/N) were huddled in, talking - it took a swift pull on the arm from Shayne to get her to turn away.
“Hold that thought,” Damien smiled, holding up a finger.
And (Y/N) watched him practically fall on the stage in his attempt to make Olivia laugh. She realized that something was clicking in her brain, that maybe Damien was trying to be her friend.
She wandered as the rounds continued, one particularly good attempt she came up with for Noah went along the lines of:
“Hey, little boy,” she rounded the corner in a grungy button down and a steering wheel in her hand. “You wanna hear something good? I’ve got some free WiFi in the back of my van.”
Shayne started giggling as Noah pulled a grimace at the previous statement. (Y/N) exaggerated the creepy features on her face as she pursued him more.
“Come on, kid. I’ll show you all the stuff. I’ve got chargers galore in the back, free WiFi that’s actually good – not that crappy free McDonald’s WiFi that promises full access but disappoints you. This is the good stuff!” She took a shuttering breath, making intense eye contact with the freaked Noah, “Just get in the van… little boy.”
On the last syllable she flickered her tongue and Noah couldn’t take it anymore, spitting the water all over the place and sending everyone into a fit of laughter.
“Oh my God, please stop!” he cried, holding up a hand. “That was horrifying.”
Shayne couldn’t stop giggling, “Those white vans gotta offer what the kids want these days.”
“Candy just ain’t it anymore,” Damien added, poking his head out to watch (Y/N) come back with her props.
It wasn’t until Damien was sitting in the chair that (Y/N) felt the most invested. She found a different kind of determination to make him laugh compared to the others. And she was pretty sure she had the perfect strategy.
Trying to be as genuine as possible, (Y/N) skittishly walked out, playing with the end of her shirt and gazing towards the ground. When she did flicker her eyes to Damien, she saw his expectant expression and the subtle smile that was already creeping into view.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N),” she messed with her fingers, playing up a shy smile. Though she focused all her energy into being timid and cute, it wasn’t that hard to show – it was basically what she’d been feeling all day.
Damien waved towards her as she continued with a small voice, “I don’t usually do this. But – I just…” She scratched the back of her neck and gave a nervous laugh.
Courtney made funny noises from behind the prop screen, “This is adorable.”
“Come on, (Y/N),” Keith muttered, a hint of a giggle behind his words.
It was almost like Damien softened his reaction, like he was falling into a genuine feeling of worry for her.
“I just wanted to say…” (Y/N) let out an unexpected giggle, unable to contain a smile but still staring at the ground. “I think you’re really cute.” She finally looked at him and he seemed slightly surprised, bringing a hand over his chest as if asking if she was actually talking to him.
“Yes, you,” she laughed, fidgeting with her hands, “And I was hoping that maybe we could go out sometime. Like, maybe go to lunch, play some games, go see a movie. We – we could even just watch a movie at my place!” She became more animated as she held her monologue, her demeanor slowly developing from shy to persistent.
“We could make dinner! I have a very, very nice kitchen. I have a great array of… knives. Carving tools.” Her tone of voice became steady, almost menacing as her eyes remained pouring into his, unblinking, “And a very. Large. Freezer.”
Noah started laughing in a sense of horror, “Oh my God!”
“Have you ever had liver and onions? What about steak and kidney pie?” she was sizing him up now, looking him over with those same wide eyes. A finger was tapping her chin, “It’s absolutely delicious.”
Damien was increasingly shrinking in his seat, his before expression of flattery was replaced with a grimace. He was making muffled noises to her suggestions, shaking his head in confusion.
“I might bring a few friends along. I hope that’s okay. One of them works at Red Cross – we might as well donate blood while we’re at it.”
He couldn’t hold it in anymore and spluttered some water in surprise, “What the hell? What kind of Black Market ish was that?”
(Y/N) waved at the camera, marching off in a confident fashion, “Thank you, thank you!”
“(Y/N), you can actually be hella creepy,” Keith stated, straightening his sweatshirt, “I was not expecting that at all.”
Shayne laughed hard, “I guess we all know what (Y/N) does with her free time.”
Courtney joined in, giggling, “And I thought it was going to be some fluffy date proposal!”
And with an announcement from Shayne, it was (Y/N)’s turn to be on the stool. She quickly realized that Damien was going to approach her first.
“Great, instant revenge. I promise you’re still really cute, Damien, and not in just a ‘I-want-to-harvest-your-organs’ kind of way,” she stated away from him, sipping from her water bottle.
Little did she know that Shayne and Courtney were smacking Damien to make sure he noticed what was just said. After a little struggle, he was able to extract himself from his boisterous friends.
In complete silence he wandered around the stool and faced (Y/N) at an angle. She was almost afraid to keep eye contact with him, scared that a blush of some sort would course her cheeks.
Eventually Damien leaned over and kissed the top of her head, making (Y/N) scrunch her brows in confusion. Keith gave a classic muffled laugh as Courtney dramatically gasped.
Giving a short beat, Damien leaned over and kissed the top of her nose, making her flicker her eyes around asking silently where this was going. Shayne started his giggling again, peering over the screen.
Leaning over, Damien peered into (Y/N)’s eyes with raised eyebrows. And she could have sworn there were specks of pink flustering his cheeks. In an instant Damien wrapped his hands around (Y/N)’s face, placing his thumbs over her lips and kissing that exact spot.
Though he was essentially just kissing his own thumbs, (Y/N) made a muffled noise of surprise, practically gasping afterwards and leaning away on the stool. “I just swallowed my water!”
Everyone broke out in laughs as Damien clapped his hands in amusement at her reaction, “You should see your face.”
In complete shock, she grabbed her water bottle, secretly thankful that there were still five more people she needed to face before Damien again. But it didn’t take long for the game to be over, (Y/N) failing epically to not laugh every time. They filmed the outro and pumped the fans about following (Youtube Name) on social media, signing off with waving and cheers from the whole cast.
A few rounds of applause and hugs later, and (Y/N) found Shayne shoving his best friend over her way. How it didn’t dawn on them that they were in plain sight was beyond her, but Shayne gave a thumbs up towards Damien and motioned for him to keep walking over.
In response, Damien quietly shuffled towards (Y/N); she could almost see him trying to pull some confidence into his step, “Hey, (Y/N), you did really great out there.”
“So that means you still think I’m funny? I haven’t completely disappointed you?” she let her natural weird improv take over her speech – she knew if she tried to say something serious it would fall out jumbled and incoherent.
“Absolutely,” he practically muttered, playing with his hair immediately. “I had a lot of fun hanging with you today. Even if it was only for a couple hours at work.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “Make work fun and then it doesn’t really feel like work, right?”
“Yeah,” he agreed – his eyes crinkled when he giggled, she noticed. “Um… what – what are your plans for the rest of your time here?”
“Well,” she flickered her eyes around the hall, quickly noticing Shayne attempting to be casual in the doorway. “For today, I plan on going back to my hotel room and playing on my Playstation that I most definitely brought with me.” 
Damien snickered again, “I see nothing wrong with that. It’s perfectly normal to be attached to a gaming system.”
She laughed in response, “But I’ve got a few more collabs for the rest of my week here. Though during my free nights I was thinking of maybe exploring LA a little bit – see why people keep flocking over here… what all the hubba-ballue is about.”
“Well, maybe – just maybe,” he tried to add a bit of humor as always. “We can hang out sometime before you leave. I could show you the best parts of the city?”
“I suppose having an experienced LA person with me would help my quest of touring knowledge,” she averted her eyes for a few seconds, “Um… as long as you’re okay with spending at least one night playing Smash Bros. and Mario Party whilst snacking on sushi and Chinese food.”
That seemed to brighten his face to maximum proportions, “You know, I had a funny feeling we’d get along. Chinese food and games just so happens to be one of my favorite pastimes.”
She immediately pulled out her phone, “Then can I have your number? And you can text me when you’re free.”
He seemed practically overjoyed that she was the first to ask, “Of course, M’Lady.”
(Y/N) quietly snuck a glance back towards Shayne; he was leaning in close with a contorted brow. He was attempting to listen so intently to their conversation.
Giggling, she accepted her phone again, “Thank you. I’m really glad I’ve decided not to harvest your organs.”
He gave a breathy laugh, an immediate tickle in his throat, “Because I’m cute, right?”
“Do you need me to say it again?” She found herself hiding her fidgeting hands, a warm feeling spreading in her chest. “I’ll text you and you’ll have my number.” She was already typing on her screen.
“Awesome,” he pulled out his own phone and waited for the ding of a new message, “I see, ‘Hey there cutie.’ What a coincidence.”
“I think you need to talk to Shayne – he’s been worriedly watching our entire conversation.” She laughed at his scoff as he turned to glare at his best friend.
They muttered their goodbyes and shuffled away, (Y/N) almost immediately feeling her phone vibrate with a notification. It was a text message, and she quickly found out what Damien put himself as in her contacts:
||| AT&T LTE 2:15 PM 53%🔋
💬 Message from {The Cute One 💙}
“Going back to the whole Try Not to Laugh thing… just so you know, I also think you’re cute and not in a ‘I-only-want-to-kiss-you-with-my-thumbs-in-the-way’ kind of way.”
Before she was able to leave the office she turned to glance at the boys, seeing Shayne looking incredulously at Damien.
Buy Me a Coffee?
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matmamma · 4 years
Semestra i köket - laga maten från ditt favoritresmål!
Semestra i köket – laga maten från ditt favoritresmål!
Den här sommaren blir inte som vanliga somrar, det förstår var och en (och skulle förstå det även om politiker och journalister inte ständigt mässade samma sak). Själv hade jag planerat att besöka både Italien och England denna sommar, och New York till hösten, men av de planerna blir det nu intet.
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aussietaste · 7 years
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Steak & Kidney Pudding Recipe Steak and kidney pudding is a savoury pudding made by enclosing diced beef steak and lamb’s or pig’s kidney pieces in gravy in a suet pastry. #BeefDishes, #BestSteakKidneyPuddingRecipe, #BritishPuddings, #EnglishCuisine, #EnglishSteakAndKidneyPuddingRecipes, #EnglishSteakKidneyPudding, #FoodCombinations, #SavouryPuddings, #SteakKidneyPieOrPudding, #SteakKidneyPudding, #SteakKidneyPuddingRecipe, #SteakAndKidneyAlePudding, #SteakAndKidneyPudding, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingCookingInstructions, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingCookingTime, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingCrust, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingEasy, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingGravy, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingInTheOven, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingOnline, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingOrigin, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingOven, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingPastry, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingPie, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingWithCookedMeat, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingWithGuinness, #SteakAndKidneyPuddingWithSuetPastry, #SteakKidneyPuddingDefinition, #SteakKidneyPuddingIngredients, #SteakNKidneyPudding, #SteamedFoods, #SteamingASteakAndKidneyPudding, #UltimateSteakAndKidneyPudding
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matmamma · 7 years
Steak & Kidney pie
Steak & Kidney pie
Vad vore livet utan en steak & kidney pie då och då – eller kött-och njurpaj som det ju heter på svenska.
Steak & Kidney Pie
Vill du laga din egen steak & kidney pie – eller kött- och njurpaj som det borde heta på svenska (och som det faktiskt heter i äldre kokböcker)? Här är ett recept som jag fått av en bekant i London.
tsk salt 2 msk smör 1/2 dl vatten 1/2 tsk svartpeppar 2/3 dl vetemjöl 2…
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