#stayin slayin
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murderyourscene · 8 months ago
Hot n fresh outta the kitchen at Just Saying Productions !!! All for sale and made by yours truly!!!!
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justsayingproductions · 11 months ago
JSP is at it again with my Metal Menagerie!!!!!! Get your own custom animal, creature, anything really! You'll see and be sorry you didnt get one of these (you pick anything, i'll copperize it and throw in some moon and sunstones, malachite, selenite, spectralite, labradorite, all types of obsidian, jasper, citrine, agates, etc. You could, feasibly, get a praying mantis or a lionfish or manticore, griffen, dragon! ANYTHING YOU AND CONCIEVE I CAN ACTUALIZE!
consider the gauntlet thrown... just saying... ;)
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ittybittybumblebee · 2 years ago
my head canon is that NEWGUY is a bit of a sleepy fellow. ^_^ becausei amd a slepey fellow at the moment ............ i like the new guy I like that the new guy is very very goodfy and doesn't take living too seriously but still faces the Existential Dread of "ohhhmy goodness what if I fall into a monotnous life cycle and become just another normal suburban-living normal guy what if this happens. what if one day I wake and found that I have lived a boring and pointless life." But xey stay silly :3
*shaking u by the shoulder* YYOU GET IS SOOOOO MUCH YOU GET IT SO FUCKING MUCH !!!!!! YEAHGH thats exactly whar im sayinnn!!!!!
and yeah yeah sleepyheadpilled from being all GOGOGOGO CRAZY GOGOGOGO all day, like you know when you get overtired and are on the brink of delerium but youre still like laughing ur ass off n chugging mountain dew ro keep urself awake so you can keep running aorunf and around the house bc yoh dont want to Stop lime ur Tired but ur still acting sillay, j think thats them.
Ans i am also a sleepy fellow at thee momence, sleepy head hand in sleepy head hand 🤝
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ceecee320 · 2 years ago
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Slayin’ & stayin’ happy 😌💁🏻‍♀️
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vampyre-on-thursdays · 2 years ago
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Stayin Alive? Or Slayin Dead? The answer is both.
Wow whaaaaaat a surprise I did another zombie inspired piece *pure shock* like that’s insane whaaaaaat?!?! Tried working with all green and I’m not mad at the outcome.
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tristikovart · 3 years ago
First time playing The Shape and this is all I could think of... (Sound on)
[Edit: Improved widescreen version with lyrics here]
Proposed lyrics for The Merkins’ parody song:
Not Stayin’ Alive
Well, you can tell by the way I use my stalk, I'm a slashin' man, and I don't talk Music chilling, blood is warm, I've been slayin' teens since I was born.
And now it's all right. It's OK. And you may run the other way. We can try to understand My kitchen knife's effect on man.
Whether you're a Nea Or whether you're Zarina You ain't stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Feel the pallets breakin' And everybody achin', You ain't stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin' alive.
Well, now, I stalk low and I stalk high, And if I can't get line ‘o sight, I really try. Got Evil Within in my shoes. I'm a slashin' man and I just can't lose.
You know it's all right. It's OK. You won't live to see another day. We can try to understand My kitchen knife's effect on man.
Whether you're an Elodie Or whether you're a Laurie You ain't stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Feel the pallets breakin' And everybody achin', You ain't stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin' alive.
You're goin' nowhere. No-one can help you. No-one can help you, yeah. You're goin' nowhere. No-one can help you. Not stayin' alive.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my stalk, I'm a slashin' man, and I don't talk Music chilling, blood is warm, I've been slayin' teens since I was born.
And now it's all right. It's OK. And you may run the other way. We can try to understand My kitchen knife's effect on man.
Whether you're a Quentin Or whether you're an Adam You ain't stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Feel the pallets breakin' And everybody achin', You ain't stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin' alive.
You're goin' nowhere. No-one can help you. No-one can help you, yeah. You're goin' nowhere. No-one can help you. Not stayin' alive.
You're goin' nowhere. No-one can help you. No-one can help you, yeah. You're goin' nowhere. No-one can help you. Not stayin' alive.
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flightofaqrow · 4 years ago
qrow + James ( @caeloservare​​ ) spinoff from shenanigans
“you have no proof,” says one perfectly human person sipping a mug of coffee and staring at footage filled with nothing but a flock of blackbirds vandalizing atlas drones and… 
flirting[x] with[x] Robyn Hill[x]? huh. how about that.
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He’s so done with the murder, he’s going to take on more paperwork and send you all invoices for few thousand lien to pay for destroying Atlas property or at least make up for it in community service.
Drones aren’t this cheap to make, you know-
​ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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“you have no proof,” says one perfectly human person sipping a mug of coffee and staring at footage filled with nothing but a flock of blackbirds vandalizing atlas drones and… flirting with Robyn Hill? huh. how about that.
“‘sides. i already do th’ community a service by stayin’ away and slayin’ grimm all day.”
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“No actual birds are capable of this level of organized attack, because it doesn’t count as vandalism anymore. This is enough of a proof and please note that I consider myself generous, given the damage you have caused for your own amusement.”
“And no, that doesn’t count. Don’t make me lock all the tasks for you.”
“you really think? you shoulda seen some’a the flocks in southern anima. brought down a whole waterfall. just so they could have some calmer waters for th’ nestin’ grounds!”
he takes another sip, and tilts his head towards the man with something akin to concern.
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“an’ i get my missions straight form the source. or what i find on my own out there. haven’t used assignment boards in decades! Brothers, Jim, get with th’ picture.”
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“This isn’t Southern Anima.”
“This isn’t community work and this is not going to help you avoid responsibility for your actions. Grow up for once.”
“it sure ain’t. they’d be throwin’ a parade over some busted drones.”
good for parts. qrow snatched some of the smaller bits for his own stash.
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but after a sigh, he does happen to get very serious. “y’know that sounds more like your responsibility. if y’actually did your job, the community shoul’n’t need volunteers.”
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“It is my responsibility to clean your mess. However, I assumed you know there’s always deficit on huntsmen and way more lowbrow duties to perform. Perfect for you to take care of, while I see through restoring the drones.”
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“well,” qrow says with a groan as he stands, video finished, coffee cup emptied, and finally his first statement is something they can agree on, “an order’s an order.”
he turns, obediently, like he’s about to head off to get some work done. …but what work?
“…good thing y’still can’t prove multiple birds has anythin’ t’do with me, and i’m still not one’a your men.” he tosses a piss poor attempt at an atlesian salute over his shoulder on the way out the door, the barest shred of respect given to his friend, but none for the authority he tries to hold over qrow. orders, pssh.
“see ya later.”
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James just stares after Qrow. He’s done, he can’t keep pointlessly arguing like that, when he has work waiting. He looks at the invoice painfully aware it’s all left on his head again, without any help nor consequences to culprits. Crushes paper into a small ball and throws it at Qrow’s head. 
He’s done and tired.​
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it misses.
Misfortune in his favor, for once.
his own actions on the other hand… well, he and James have always had differing opinions on what’s fair.
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ask-the-real-susie-dbd · 6 years ago
The entity has brought me home!
I am back for stayin and slayin at the beach, and will resume answering asks tomorrow after I get a full day of naps in!
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fuckboymitherz · 6 years ago
Slayin' statt stayin'
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venktastic · 5 years ago
The Master
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The master knows the rules of the game. In an intent to rise above the plane, Forgets the fact that he is only sane, Goes all out like he be the Bane. Careful for all that’s been done, Never again goes in vain; Forgets everyone he’s been layin’, Wonders if it’s still worth stayin’. Even in the curfew, you see him slayin’, As he the man your girl is eyein’. He doesn’t show, no he won’t show the…
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murderyourscene · 11 months ago
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Dragonfly, Scorpion, and Sea Turtle!
I make these!!!! They are all out there in the world playing! The rest are pretty much commissioned. Someone says "I want a two headed Rat or a Praying Mantis and Im on it!. Making a LionFish next!
All copper, and I'll work with you on pricing! Im gonna make stoof anyway, might as well get an Original, Awesome, Unique item for your life!!!!
Wallace D., Sole-Proprietor, Just Saying Productions, 2024
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justsayingproductions · 11 months ago
MWUAHAHAHAHAH !!! FAWKYEAH!!!!! Hey whats really good?! Wifey And I are LIVE now on only fans! Nothhing too freaky!....yet, we're going to podcast on spotify (anchor) whilst partying (hoppy 420 to you either way! 🙂 drinking, blah blah, playing the hardest songs i can think of, taking requests, talking shit, and basically STAYIN' SLAYIN'! Want to have some fun (probably r rated tops ( 😉 ? Tell a Friend tell a Friend, what else are you doing if you're not smoking all day!?!?!? .... Just Saying... 😉
https://onlyfans.com/wolfman_and_queenlynn69 FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS!!!!! WERE JUST GETTING STARTED SO HOOOOLLLLLLLLEEERRRRRRRR!!!!! *COUGH GAG* *WEEZE* *COUGH*....just saying... 😉
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The Supergirl fandom has been SuperGAY from the start, and I've honestly never been prouder... From the very beginning, the fanart, fanfiction, and fanwork in general has been 95% about our favorite gay ships, and that percentage seems to be holding steady in spite of recent problems *cough* personifications of misogyny and abusive relationships *cough* that the fandom has been introduced to this season. Keep stayin' gay and slayin', Supergays... ;)
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ethugs · 6 years ago
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poemsbyastra-blog · 6 years ago
(sassy, upbeat, deep beat, snappy harmonies/chorus)
used ta love how ya made me feel so good
we were slayin issa mood (woo!)
u were were dreamy like phew!
countin all em stars like who’s it?
prayin for a sign so i can stop choosin
then it hit me like ohhhhhh
she’s playing you
she’s stayin there
she’s lying uh!!!
had me rollin like a sidekick
got me played like a side bitch
said u love him like amigos
guess u can’t get enough of trios
you whisper ‘i love u’
now ur obsessed wit everytime i move
every friend i lose 
everything i choose
u fix yaself to my instagram 
stalk around like i’m ur man 
act like i don’t know the plan 
you’re forgetting who i am 
cause i’m thinkin like ohhhhhhh
i know you’re playing me! and 
i know you’re staying there! and 
i know you’re lying (woo)
put ur hands on my waist 
sneak me into your basement 
but u hop in his whip
sit in his lap 
break up wit me 
then text me you’re sorry
live life like a movie 
pretend that u hate me 
issa nightmare n a daydream
tell ur friends errything bout me 
so issa reboundddddd 
won’t be seeing me aroundddd.
i am worth more thaaaaan this upppp and downnnn game u playyy. so i.......
ignore all ur texts 
jus think bout what’s next 
10 rocks on my necklace 
eat karats for breakfast (skrt skrt)
buy a house for my mama 
get in clubs like its dramaaaaa
spend time wit my friends 
fuck boys in the the benz (yee)
live erry dream i dreamed 
it’s all about me 
ain’t worried about ya 
got hit songs to think of
we drink wine til midnight 
then i sleep jus fine 
(imma be jus fineeeee jus fineeeeeee imma be fine fine fine fine)
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tristikovart · 3 years ago
First time playing The Shape and this is all I could think of…
[Dedicated tumblr version here]
I had to make a lyrics video for a proposed The Merkins’-style parody song:
Not Stayin’ Alive
Well, you can tell by the way I use my stalk, I’m a slashin’ man, and I don’t talk Music chilling, blood is warm, I’ve been slayin’ teens since I was born.
And now it’s all right. It’s OK. And you may run the other way. We can try to understand My kitchen knife’s effect on man.
Whether you’re a Nea Or whether you’re Zarina You ain’t stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Feel the pallets breakin’ And everybody achin’, You ain’t stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin’ alive.
Well, now, I stalk low and I stalk high, And if I can’t get line ‘o sight, I really try. Got Evil Within in my shoes. I’m a slashin’ man and I just can’t lose.
You know it’s all right. It’s OK. You won’t live to see another day. We can try to understand My kitchen knife’s effect on man.
Whether you’re an Elodie Or whether you’re a Laurie You ain’t stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Feel the pallets breakin’ And everybody achin’, You ain’t stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin’ alive.
You’re goin’ nowhere. No-one can help you. No-one can help you, yeah. You’re goin’ nowhere. No-one can help you. Not stayin’ alive.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my stalk, I’m a slashin’ man, and I don’t talk Music chilling, blood is warm, I’ve been slayin’ teens since I was born.
And now it’s all right. It’s OK. And you may run the other way. We can try to understand My kitchen knife’s effect on man.
Whether you’re a Quentin Or whether you’re an Adam You ain’t stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Feel the pallets breakin’ And everybody achin’, You ain’t stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Na, na, na, not, stayin’ alive.
You’re goin’ nowhere. No-one can help you. No-one can help you, yeah. You’re goin’ nowhere. No-one can help you. Not stayin’ alive.
You’re goin’ nowhere. No-one can help you. No-one can help you, yeah. You’re goin’ nowhere. No-one can help you. Not stayin’ alive.
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