#stay tuned if you want to know how my journey to feed myself ends like
syrupbitee · 8 days
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their dinamic is messy but caring but idfa about you all at same time it makes me want to explode i want to see more of them siu pls
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oswlld · 2 years
Reveal Your Watch and Rewatch List
tagged by @jemmo & @talays-portkey ♥♥♥ (tyyy, was tagged all the way back in august, this has been a long time coming) having done this in apr and in july; i told myself that if i was tagged again, i would do my next update in october so ta-daa
andor (eng, s1) — the only show i am currently keep up with week to week. it’s brilliant, utterly brilliant. the three-episode model keeps the writing/action/tension contained, keeping me in this welcoming chokehold until the very end of the season. that is how you keep your storyline moving, for a 12-ep season, without it feeling dragged out. and the story itself has a low, raging rumble against this very real world backdrop. i just want to exist in this world forever, peeling away all the layers of the rebellion and the empire. stripping all that we have known about the force and everything that the existing franchise builds on until all that’s left: empirical fascism and oppression. and we are being gifted this fantastic premise with a character that can’t narratively die. because we already know his fate. this description is in all lower case, but you best believe i am screaming this the whole way through.
somebody feed phil (eng, s4) — this and the below show are two that i have been watching slowly, splicing up all the episodes between when i started in the summer to the end of the year. i am tackling this show one season a month, which is always a breath of fresh air in between all the dramas i have scheduled. phil is an absolute delight to watch and the choice of locations are so well thought out. i already have a trip to plan for nyc in the near future due to this show. i dread the day i run out of episodes to watch…. oh no lol
guardian (cmn, s1) — as i said prev, this is also a show i have split up my time through the year, tackling this show 10 eps per month. I have seen 20/40 so far and it’s great so far! to me, its very reminiscent of shadowhunters (a prev jessi hyperfixation). if you give me mediocre vfx + found family trope, i will eat it all up i love it so. and the two leads go from 0 to work husbands by the second epsiode, i love that for them. they have such amazing chemistry and like somebody feed phil, i will mourn the day i finish this show.
planning to watch
glitch (kor, premiere) — as i write this, i will be starting this show in the evening. osmosis went HARD on my dash lol i mean, the premise and the vibes are all there. i am going into this blind, only with the knowledge of the two actresses having great chemistry together. the space/alien aesthetics are just a bonus. can’t wait to find out what it’s all about, stay tuned.
werewolf by night (eng, movie) — this is also a last min decision to do, esp for halloween night. when i heard about this show, i wasn’t sold on the concept until i saw that gael was the lead and directed by michael giacchino. the man who has gifted us with the ost for LOST and Up! directed a marvel movie????? i am all in. and this all before knowing anything about the plot.
sleep with me (fil, s1) — my first filipino show sched on my watchlist YAYYY!!! for me, it’s such a hard sell to make me watch a filipino series. but this one really peaked my interest, it also being the first gl for me to tackle this year. i know lovi from the one that got away, so im excited to see what she’s like here. hope there’s more filipino content on my radar in the future. the only other show i have on my deck is gaya sa pelikula but have not determined a date for it. maybe summer 2023??
after this show, i do not have any new bl/gl’s on the calendar for the rest of the year. I am waiting for osmosis to kick in for anything coming up. feel free to check out what i do have on deck, thru jan 2023.
bad buddy (thai, s1) — i originally planned for a rewatch by myself at the last week of the year, marking the one year anniversary when i started watching this show. it always marked the beginning of my bl/asian drama journey, so it felt right to get this on the calendar for me. sometime ago, i was informed that the fandom was planning a rewatch in october, so i immediately reshuffled my entire rest of the year to accommodate for it lol. what else is there to say, im returning home.
vice versa (thai, s1) — and in replacing my original plan, of rewatching bad buddy at the end of dec, i have now scheduled vice versa. its my birthday week, ofc i want to see my son and my solemn face moonchild. i miss them. SO. MUCH. ugh
tagging @pranink (nice to finally meet you!), @suppaloscurse (for the emotional turmoil she put me thru this past weekend), and @casualavocados (what are you up to over there?)
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tsukihimeyfan · 4 years
The Crossroads of Destiny Alt. Ending
I’ve been thinking about Zuko’s decision during The Crossroads of Destiny a lot and I had to write my thoughts down. Like many of you, I was heartbroken the first time I watched this episode and wished fervently that he’d made the opposite choice. In later years, I realized that it was absolutely necessary, from both a character and a narrative perspective, for Zuko to go back to the Fire Nation as it’s Prince in order for him to be able to realize how much he’d changed during his travels and how his father’s love and acceptance wasn’t something his current self needed. 
I told myself that during his “metamorphosis” Zuko had only realized that capturing the Avatar, besides being dangerous and impractical, wasn’t going to earn him his father’s love, and so he should learn to be happy with what he already had (namely Uncle Iroh and a peaceful uncomplicated life).
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I reckoned that Zuko hadn’t given up on his desire for his father’s regard, just on ever obtaining it, and so he had to make the wrong choice in order to be confronted with the truth: that he shouldn’t have had to try so hard to earn his father’s love, that having it wasn’t all that great in the first place, that what he thought would make him happy wasn’t necessarily what really would make him happy, that he wasn’t to blame for the Agni Kai incident, that he had a better father figure in Iroh, and that what the Fire Nation had been telling him all his life about the war was completely wrong.
Looking at it in that light, it made perfect sense for Zuko, who still wished for nothing more than to be accepted by his family, to decide to side with them against the Gaang.
However, the more I think about it, the more I realize that there’s something fundamentally wrong with Zuko’s choice even if you take all of the previous into account, coming down mainly to these 2 things:
1) Zuko shouldn’t have trusted Azula AT ALL, especially after what she did to him during The Avatar State. How did he ever trust that Azula would keep her word and not just dump him in a dungeon somewhere as soon as her objective was complete? She had literally given him no indication ever that she was trustworthy, and he trusted her anyway! C’mon Zuko you’re smarter than this! At least think about it for a moment!
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2) It goes against everything we know about Zuko up until this point for him to betray Uncle Iroh. After realizing how lost he was without him during Zuko Alone (and confirming it to the audience during The Serpent’s Pass), 
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after nearly losing him to Azula’s attack during The Chase (just look at the poor boy’s face jesus),
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after learning to chase his own happiness and cherish the bond he had with him during The Guru, 
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after all of that, you’re going to tell me that Zuko would leave Uncle behind?? And not even try to free him from the crystals?? I don’t buy it
So this is my proposal (it’s not perfect so be kind please I’m doing my best with what I’ve got because Zuko HAS to go back to the Fire Nation, AND it has to be as a Prince instead of a prisoner, AND he has to genuinely desire to go back so that we can watch his growth as a person, AND he has to not betray his Uncle). I think it should’ve gone something like this:
Let’s start by giving Zuko better motivation for his betrayal than just “I want dad to accept me”; Azula’s speech to lure Zuko to her side would stay much the same, except she’d place extra emphasis on how she knows he’d NEVER betray his father and his sister over the Avatar, their greatest enemy, and how she’s sure he’d never turn his back on their people, who are counting on them to end the war once and for all in order for their soldiers to return home.
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After she leaves them alone, Uncle Iroh would still plead with Zuko but instead of just a shot of his back we’d see how Zuko, full of regret, tells him that he’s sorry but he just can’t. Iroh would beg him to reconsider, to think for a moment, to remember that Azula had promised him love and greatness before and they both knew how that had gone down. Zuko would say that he knows, but even so he can’t bring himself to betray both his nation and his family, and that if there’s even the slimmest chance that his father would take him back and come to love him he has to try. 
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Zuko would then free Iroh from the crystals and, almost in tears, beg him to run, to go back to Pao’s tea shop in the Lower Ring and lay low for a while. Azula would have to leave Ba Sing Se soon to deliver her prisoner to the Fire Lord after all, and once she’s gone it’s unlikely they’d ever find him so he should be safe to resume his peaceful life in the city, even with it under Fire Nation control. Zuko would then push Iroh towards the exit of the catacombs, yelling at him to leave, please. He needs him to be safe. Iroh would be disappointed and agree on the surface, but of course he’d only hide himself to find the opportune moment to aid the Avatar. Once he’s out of sight Zuko would take a deep breath and follow Azula.
In this way, the “I have changed” line during his fight with Katara would actually mean something, since he is not only doing this for himself, but also for the Fire Nation as a whole, despite not really wanting to hurt this girl he empathized with mere minutes ago or this literal child that happens to be the Avatar. He’d be very conflicted about it, but ultimately decide his people HAD to come first.
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Of course, he’d be horrified when, instead of capturing the Avatar like he’d imagined they would, Azula strikes him down with lightning (and we’d actually get to SEE HIS FACE when it happens this time). 
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(maybe something like this; the only other time we see Zuko reacting to violence from the Fire Nation onto an innocent person, but more pronounced because he actually kinda knows this kid and his friends. Song was a stranger)
The rest would play out just like in canon, with Uncle coming in to save the Gaang and being captured, and Katara fleeing with Aang.
Azula’s later speech to “cheer up” Zuko would again stay quite similar, except maybe she’d add a few lines about how he’d brought glory to his nation, his people would be proud to call him their prince, etc.  Against all odds Azula keeps her word, which would make Zuko a bit wary, but of course it’s only because just in case the Avatar survived she now has a scapegoat ready to take the blame.
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Zuko would still feel like he betrayed Uncle since his choice got him captured and the Avatar “killed”, but still he would’ve understood that trying to free him would’ve only gotten them both caught and thrown in prison. He would’ve figured he could help him more from a position of power in the Fire Nation, but would’ve still felt guilty for not attempting it.
This Zuko would also lie to Azula about the Spirit Water unambiguously both because of his guilt over getting the kid hurt and his desire to keep his father’s regard. Unlike canon Zuko, whom some argue did it only for the latter reason.
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Once in the Fire Nation, we’d see the same journey of Zuko realizing that even if they win the war it’s doing nothing but twist his people by telling them lies, taking their resources and their family members, and feeding their hatred instead of their passions. I also feel like this would be more in tune with everything we saw of Zuko’s character during Book 2, with more taciturn reflection and regret and less yelling at Uncle for no reason other than take his frustrations out on him. Maybe he’d yell a bit about how he’d told Uncle to leave, why didn’t he?? Also maybe he’d try more seriously to convince Uncle (and himself) that he’d done what was best for their nation, and that Iroh should beg for forgiveness so that maybe they’ll let him out of prison, he’d talk to his father for him, he’d back him up, come on, “why aren’t you saying anything?? Uncle please talk to me!!!”. 
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For extra angst Uncle would stay the same as in canon, not talking to Zuko in hopes that he’d realize he’d lost his way on his own.
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anerdquemoraaolado · 3 years
Beyond a Chance
The great news
Over time, in her conflicting and somewhat unbalanced career, Yasmim learned to deal with anxiety and waiting. Sometimes it was easier, sometimes more difficult. As she came out of the audition, she felt her heart flutter and considered the possibility that she had passed, but she also thought that she might not get the part. In the present moment, taking a deep breath, he decided to focus on the relief she felt at having done her best and the worst being over. It was part of her job to be watched, but to be evaluated, it never felt good, knowing you had someone there in front of you judging you. She was part of the job, but still an uncomfortable part. Arriving home, she decided to rest, just wait for what would come next.
 Nervousness drove her to exhaustion, which made her take a nap, right there on her couch, curled up in her own arms, her mouth slightly open and covered in drool. What woke her up was her cell phone ringing, waking her up immediately, right after startling her.
 Hello? Hello? “ she answered while blinking several times, her attempt to be more awake.
 “Hi, Yasmim, it's me “ Howard introduced himself when he saw that it seemed that the client didn't recognize him “ I wanted to know how the test went and also give you some recommendations about it.
 “Oh yes, the test... “ she tuned back to the present, looking at her wristwatch to check how long she'd been home “ it's been about two hours since I arrived, I think I went well, Howie, just not I know if I have that much of a chance, from what I've seen, it's an audition for a role in Marvel, it's just... the biggest franchise today and they only hire real stars, I'd be lucky if I passed, being just an actress of theater.
 “Well, you need to trust your talents more “ Howard encouraged her “ but yes, you're right, I got confirmation today that yes, this is something from Marvel, so you can't tell anyone about it, got it?
 “Yes, of course, I know how discreet they are about new projects “ Yasmim understood.
 “And then? I thought you weren't into hero movies very much “ her agent pointed out.
 “I mean, more or less, they are my brother's favorites and he insists I watch so I know what we're talking about “ Yasmim said with some joy at the sudden memory “ I was even going to comment with him, but there was no time, I'm glad you warned me.
 “Yeah, that would be a big problem if it leaked “ replied Howard “ anyway, that's what I had to tell you, as to the result, they'll get in touch with me and I'll let you know as soon as possible.
 “Of course, thanks Howard “ she already understood the whole process.
 They ended the conversation and Yasmim felt hungry, sighed deeply, trying to feed her patience more and more, it wouldn't be today that she would know if she had passed or not. She decided to order a pizza, slowly eating the meal alone, something that accentuated the loneliness.
 Ever since she had turned thirty, living away from her family, she had been worried that she still didn't have a family of her own. It was an old dream she'd put off, career”focused, but now, she was beginning to doubt if she'd even find a nice guy she'd share a life with and raising children with.
 Looking for possible candidates, she was unsuccessful while in Brazil, she had already dated three times and none of them seemed to have wanted to stay. Alison was indecisive, and ended up seeing her only as a friend over time, Marcos was quite absent, not paying much attention to her, and Guilherme had certainly been the worst. She had made quite a fuss when Yasmim had decided to live abroad, not understanding her side at all. She tried to reconcile her will, tried to convince him that he could also grow up beside her, but as she argued more vehemently, he became violent, even slapping her across the face, which was the only one Yasmim took it. Without more to say, she severed ties with him, blocking his number and social networks. Since then, she has never had a relationship again.
 She tried to stop thinking about loneliness, focusing on her routine. She still had small parts contracts and so she worked to hold the ends together until, after three months, Howard called to bring up a different subject, demanding, with great excitement, that they meet in person.
 “So, Howie, to what do I owe so much joy? “ She said when meeting him in a small cafe in the city center.
 “Well, Yasmim, you passed the Marvel test! “ he told at once.
 “Me what? No, no kidding, what do you mean? Speak again, repeat, I... I'm dreaming! “ She lit up completely, feeling her eyes water with emotion.
 “No, you're not, my friend, the role is yours “ Howard confirmed.
 “Yes, of course, but the role, what role will I play? I need to know, I need to prepare myself and everything else... “ Yasmim continued excited.
 "You will be Sigyn, a master of the magical arts of Asgard," he described.
 “Wait, Asgard, it's  where Thor comes from, interesting, Norse mythology “ she reflected “ I'm going to study mythology and comics of course, my brother, I can ask my brother for help, Bruno will love to hear about it.
 "Unfortunately, as you remember, we have a nondisclosure agreement about to be signed and you can't tell anyone until Marvel announces your role," the agent advised.
 “Yes, okay, I know, but I'll be able to have someone, like an expert, to build the character, right? “ she wanted to know.
 "Surely you know how careful they are with this issue," he confirmed.
 “Very well then, Sigyn, here we go! “ Yasmim said determinedly, with all the excitement and willingness to work.
 The following days were marked by more contracts and a meeting with Kevin Feige, giving her the first instructions on the character. Thus, Yasmine began her journey to become the best Sigyn she could be.
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katdvs · 4 years
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When Riley Matthews was in high school her life changed, now as a professional dancer she’s got a new challenge when she’s paired with professional football player Lucas Friar on the latest season. Can they win the season, or will their past get in the way?
Cross Posted to FFN & AO3
Chapter One | 
Author Note: Hi, how is everyone? I’m glad to be back. I’m writing this as I go, I know where I want it to go, but let’s hope that’s where we end up. Thanks for all the reviews on the first chapter. XOXO
Chapter Two:
“Eyes on me.” Riley reminded Lucas as she paused the music that they would dance to on live television tomorrow night. This season the network had decided to keep everything secret, except with Pros were returning They figured it would keep people guessing and have them tune in to see who made it.
Lucas nodded, “Okay.” He got into the hold he needed to be in for the dance, following her lead, the cues she had taught him over the last couple of weeks.
Riley felt Lucas lead her around the dance floor, feeling like they were as ready as they could be for the live show. Whatever happened out on the dance floor tomorrow night, live in front of all of America, was what was meant to be.
“We’ve got this Riley.” Lucas told her with a smile as he broke away to grab his water bottle.
“I certainly hope so.” She couldn’t recall the last time she was this nervous before the dress rehearsal. She was just thankful she hadn’t had to do most of the pre-show press that they normally had,
Lucas watched her, amazed he could notice something so subtle, “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”
“Yeah I am.” She confessed, feeling the cameras zooming in on her. Never in all her years on the show had she admitted it, no one had called her out on it.
He took a few steps towards her, “We’re going to be fine.” He saw the shadow of something cross her eyes, and he realized what she was more nervous about, once the world knew that he was on the show, that they’re partners, it would take them from the bubble of this studio.
“I’m glad you have confidence.” She went to grab her water bottle.
Lucas stopped her, “I do have confidence because you have confidence. Don’t let it fade. We’re gonna win this.”
Riley cocked an eyebrow at him, “You realize this is more then one night right, we hopefully have weeks of this.”
“I know, and I know that next week we’ll crush it and we will each week, because you’re my teacher, my partner, and I believe in you.”
Damn they made great TV, Riley knew right now the executives watching the feeds and later the dailies would love this stuff. “Grab your stuff, we’ve got to get to the studio for the final dress rehearsal.”
“Whatever you say, you’re the boss.” He smirked.
Riley hated the costumes that had been picked for them this week. The song choice had been bad enough, but she was literally here in a cheerleader shirt and top, with fringe. Lucas was in a sparkly varsity jacket, and to make it even worse it just happened to be their high school colors.
She was on the stage right now, the lights out as they crew set up during what would’ve been a commercial break. She could hear the banter between the hosts and then the start of the package. She glanced at the monitor, their was for the whole world to see, her falling into his arms. Then of course clips of them dancing over the last few weeks, teaching him the moves, and what had to be a last-minute edit, the two of them just a few hours ago.
She shook it off as the music swelled and she made her moves towards Lucas as everything started to fall into place on the stage. He kept his eyes on her during the entire dance, though he lost his footing on the final move, and stumbled a little bit.
“It’s only a rehearsal, you got it out of the way.” Riley told him afterwards, as they pretended to get scores from Judges that weren’t present.
As they moved off stage Lucas leaned in close, “Did you suggest these costumes in these colors?”
“Nope, I don’t know why they decided on these, but I’m just going along with it until the waltz next week.” She stood tall as she stopped at the monitor to watch Zay and his partner dance. “That’s what we need to be worried about.”
Lucas watched as Zay danced with Connie Patrick, a sitcom star that Lucas had run into occasionally at charity events. She also came with a major social media following.
“They’re good.” Lucas admitted.
“Yeah, Zay has won several times, he could win again.”
“Not this season, we’re going to win.” He told her and he moved towards the dressing trailers.
“Riley, Lucas!” Sheryl was rushing towards them, “Tomorrow night you’re going on last.”
Riley froze, “What?”
“Yeah, you’ll be our final dancers of the night.” She smiled, “America is going to fall in love with the two of you tomorrow night.”
“Is that good or bad?” Lucas wondered.
Riley looked at her first love, “Well, you won’t be able to go off the grid until after the show ends.”
Riley sat on her bed, replaying everything that happened today. She knew the storyline that the show was going for. They saw the chemistry between Riley and Lucas. They would be fools not to play into it.
She would just have to get through the next night, and then at least the first week would be behind them. They would move on to the next dance, the next song. Another week of grueling rehearsals during the day, at night she was plotting the choreography for the next network musical, she had one more number to do and in a few weeks, rehearsals would start for that. When they did, she would be beyond busy if Lucas didn’t get eliminated.
Picking up her phone she began scrolling through social media. A lot of guesses about who her dance partner would be this season, none of them correct. A few of the names were on the show this season, but no one she saw was mentioning Lucas. Probably a good thing.
As she moved through her feed on Instagram she stopped when she saw a picture of Maya, her former best friend. She was showing off a ring. She realized it was a picture that Farkle had posted, and tagged Lucas in.
She felt her stomach sink as she read the caption, “#SheSaidYes to my good buddy @LucasFriar. She’s so excited for their journey together, she insisted I buy her champagne.”
If Lucas were involved with Maya, when did he propose, he’d been here in LA for the last few weeks in the bedroom next to hers.
“My only comment is that I am not engaged to Maya Hart.” Lucas’ voice carried from his balcony, “I’m not dating her. I didn’t propose. What picture are you talking about?”
Riley opened her door and saw him pacing as he spoke on the phone.
“Jerry, you know I’m in LA. The show is tomorrow night. I don’t know what game Maya is playing this time, maybe her sales are slow again, I don’t know.”
Riley attempted to wave to get his attention when he turned around in his pacing, she waved her cell phone at him and he leaned as close as the edge of the balcony would allow.
“I’m calling Farkle and finding out why this is happening, okay. I have no idea where she got that ring, but I didn’t give it to her. I have never dated Maya Hart. I will never date Maya Hart, she can keep trying to make it happen, but it hasn’t worked since middle school, it’s time for a new game.” Lucas growled before ending the call.
“I take it you’re not actually engaged to Maya.” Riley enlarged the photo, something about the ring was familiar, but how different were gaudy giant diamonds from one another?
“I would rather get trampled by a bull.” He sighed as he scrolled through his phone, “She keeps doing this, anytime she can she uses my name to get hers out there. Farkle keeps going along with her on this, I don’t know why, I’m not sure I want to know why.”
Riley pretended to understand, she wasn’t sure she understood the dynamic of her former friends. “I was confused when I saw the post, it’s the kind of thing you probably would’ve mentioned.”
“Yeah, if it were true.” He sighed looking out to the ocean, the moonlight reflecting on the waves. “You two were best friends at one point, but once you and Zay went on tour, she changed. It was like whatever anchored her was gone. But at the same time, no one could ever expect you to spend your entire life being the good angel on her shoulder.”
Riley hadn’t realized just how much she needed to hear that; years of guilt washed away from her. “I’ve always felt like I abandoned her, but Zay and me, we had to do this.” She smiled, “Do I wish somethings had worked out a little differently, maybe, but I love my life, I love my job, I could never really be Riley if I spent my life keeping Maya out of trouble. I lost part of myself doing that once, I couldn’t imagine still doing that now.”
“I’m glad you found something that makes you happy.” Lucas confessed, catching the moonlight reflecting off her messy bun as he looked over to her.
“Are you happy, playing football? I always thought you would be a baseball star.”
Lucas sighed, “Football paid for college, and then I got drafted. I’ve made good money; I get to do stuff for the community. Is it the path I expected to take, not at all? Did I ever expect to be dancing with my first love on national TV, no.”
“Goes for me as well.” She chuckled, “You know once it’s revealed that we’re partners, how long do you think before our past is revealed?”
“Depends on who tweets during the show. If someone who remembers us as together from high school, maybe ten minutes. If not, maybe a day, if we’re lucky.”
“Well hopefully we’re lucky.” Riley breathed in the ocean air one last time, “You, bed.”
“Oh Riley, I thought you’d never ask.” He teased, watching her roll her eyes, “I get it, I need to sleep. I should call Farkle and get the picture taken down.”
“Let it stay up. Maya is probably selling a story about how you proposed right, the date, the restaurant, all of that, when you and I dance together tomorrow night, she’ll be scrambling, and you can get the truth out.”
“You think?”
“Yeah.” Riley told him as she clutched her cell phone in her hand. “Good night Lucas. We’ve got a big day tomorrow. America is either going to love us or hate us.”
“How could America not love you Riley?”
She shrugged as she went back into her room, “sweet dreams.” She called out before looking at the picture again. She pinched it open to enlarge the ring, exactly as she suspected. She looked back to make sure her door was closed before she dialed the number, she’d saved for years but hadn’t used since high school.
“The number you’re calling using a screening service, please say who you are and why you’re calling.”
“Riley Matthews for Farkle Minkus, I was just wondering why Maya was wearing his mothers ring in the photo announcing her engagement to Lucas.” She felt her stomach knot as she waited to see if the call connected, it didn’t.
She turned her ringer off, putting her phone on the charger before she went to take a shower.
Farkle Minkus often wondered why he went along with Maya’s schemes, her little teasers to the press. Lucas rarely spoke to him anymore because of them, and he had a feeling he wouldn’t speak to him anytime soon after the latest one.
How had Maya even figured out his Instagram login? Farkle hadn’t used it for anything more then charity promotions in ages. For a genius, he sure could be a dum-dum at times.
He was sitting on the balcony of his New York penthouse, the city alive below him while an odd sense of serenity surrounded him. No stars visible in the night sky, but he knew exactly where certain constellations were at any moment.
He was waiting for Lucas to call, asking for him to take the picture down. At least then he could explain he hadn’t willingly posted it. This was Maya looking for attention.
Lucas had stopped giving into these whims in college, perhaps being across the country had mad it easier. Maybe Farkle gave in because Maya was the only friend, he really had left. Riley and Zay had long gone so many years ago, Lucas became a big football star, Maya held on to him, while Smackle found her way to a new Biodome project in the south west.
When his phone rang from an unknown number, he tapped the screen call option. As the message came in, he couldn’t believe it. He sat in shock, holding his bourbon close to his lips but not drinking it, frozen and missing a chance to take the call.
His eyes scanned the transcription. Riley called him. She reached out because she knew Maya was lying.
Maybe it was possible these games would end. If Riley could tell from an Instagram picture, then the world had to know that Maya and Lucas weren’t a couple. Perhaps there was a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.
He finally took a sip of his drink, starting to feel that perhaps a weight was being lifted off his shoulders he never intended to carry.
Lucas was oddly energized as he’d spent the last half an hour pacing in his trailer, waiting to be called to set to be ready to dance live on television. He’d ignored his phone all day after his morning call with his mother, it was the only way he could focus.
He stood backstage now, waiting for the cue, watching Zay dance on the monitor. His friend was amazing, he’d always known that. He had always had an idea that this might just be where Zay ended up, and he’d been right. Lucas had never anticipated Riley would be with him, not until the night he watched them dance at the talent show.
He shook away the memory as he watched Zay and Connie get their scores a six, seven, and another six. Not bad at all for the first night from what Zay had explained to him the other day. Lucas could only hope he and Riley did that well, but he believed they could.
The introduction package played as he and Riley took the stage, the lights down as the video showed their “first meeting” and the pep-talk he’d given her the day before.
“Lucas Friar and Riley!” The announcer declared before the music filled the soundstage, the lights went up and Lucas did every step Riley had taught him as best he could as they moved to the music. Each step she had drilled into him, his eyes on her as they danced to a song about love, while dressed in ridiculous high school themed costumes.
As the dance ended, he didn’t stumble this time, they twirled together before ending with a dip.
The audience applauded, at the very least they had impressed them. That was a good start. His heart was racing as they got feedback from the judges. Riley had told him to expect exactly what they were saying. She knew what his weakness was, and already zeroing in on it.
The scores came in, seven, seven, seven, the highest score of the night. Riley was hugging him as the hosts asked for viewers to cast their votes online.
“You did amazing Lucas, I’m proud of you. Tomorrow, we waltz!” She told him as they made their way off stage.
“Riley Matthews.” Sheryl was right behind them, her tone let Riley knew she had to stop.
“Yes, boss?”
“Why didn’t you tell me the two of you went to high school together?”
“We didn’t think it mattered to the show. We haven’t seen each other since Riley and Zay started touring.” Lucas answered.
“Besides, aren’t surprises more fun?” Riley chewed her lower lip.
Sheryl looked at the two of them, “And you didn’t want me to exploit that you were high school sweethearts, huh?”
“No comment.” Riley told her as they walked towards the dressing trailers, “Hey Sheryl, hope we’ve got good music next week.”
“I make no promises.” Sherly laughed as she watched them walk away, setting her eyes on Zay. If anyone knew the story, it would be him.
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alexazbofficial · 4 years
[INTERVIEW] An Interview With AleXa: Why This AI “Villain” Is Actually A Down-To-Earth Sweetheart
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What The Kpop recently had the opportunity to sit down with K-pop idol AleXa for an interview. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we held the interview via Zoom. However, even across the internet, AleXa’s warm personality shined through, charming our staff with her down-to-earth way of speaking and thoughtful answers.
The popular solo artist will soon be releasing a new track entitled “Rule The World” on September 4th. The song is a collaboration with gaming music star TheFatRat. In addition, she has confirmed her comeback for October, making fans excited for the news that her title track will be produced by famous hitmakers LDN Noise.
Before her new releases, however, get to know more about this talented artist by reading our interview below! From her tastes in anime to which female role models helped form her into such a strong woman today, read below for questions that she’s never been asked before.
WTK: Hi, AleXa! My name is Amy, and I’m from What The Kpop. First of all, I just thank you for meeting with us today. I know that you’ve got a busy schedule, so I’m glad that you were able to take a few minutes to speak with us.
AleXa: Oh, you’re very welcome.
WTK: Before you were actually a K-pop idol yourself, you did so many different things! You’ve done cosplay in the past, you’ve done voice acting, you’ve been on shows where you tried out for different things, you’ve taken part in long training, etc… all leading up to this point in your career. So, first of all, just to get things started, can I ask you what’s been your favorite part of the journey so far?
AleXa: Let’s see. I mean, from way back until now, I think the thing that I liked the most about my journey is not just one thing. Since it’s still ongoing, it’s just the fact that I get to see myself improve, that’s the thing. So, improvement for me is probably the thing that I really enjoy about this process.
WTK: Since your debut, you have had quite an unusual concept. For those that don’t know, it’s about a multiverse and you’ve had a trilogy of songs: “Bomb,” “Do or Die,” and “Villain.” You’re avatar or AI escapes into a physical body and then goes into the real world, right? We know this suits you really well since you’re a fan of dark concepts and horror and science fiction. So, if this were to ever happen to you in real life and you became an AI, whose body would you want to take over?
AleXa: Dwayne the Rock Johnson! (laughs) Because I just want to be the Rock! I mean, who doesn’t want to be the Rock? (laughs again) So, definitely Dwayne the Rock Johnson! Yeah!
WTK: When we watched the making video for your recent “Villain” MV, we saw you doing the Naruto run and already knew that you’re into anime. I know your schedule probably doesn’t allow you too much time anymore, but are there any animes that you’re into recently? Or are there ones that you’d like to recommend for your fans to watch?
AleXa: I haven’t watched anything recently. The most recent thing I watched was the anime adaptation of some of Junji Ito’s work. If you didn’t know, his collections were turned into an anime. If you like horror, I recommend that. But one of my all-time, go-to shows is always “Death Note” or “Full Metal Alchemist.” So, those are ones I wouldn’t mind re-watching again if I find time.
WTK: Your fans, or AI troopers as they’re called, refer to your music as a cultural reset when it comes to how you’ve changed the game. For you, which artist or even what genre was the cultural reset in your own life?
AleXa: I feel like without a doubt I do have to say K-pop was the cultural reset for me. Had I not stumbled into K-pop, I wouldn’t be doing what I am now. Then there was someone also like SHINee. They’ve been a pivotal group, a pivotal senior for me in my career. So, they were my cultural reset.
WTK: Apart from SHINee, I know that you also got into K-pop after hearing artists like Super Junior. Going from a K-pop fan to a K-pop idol yourself, what has the experience been like? Is is still kind of surreal for you or how would you describe the experience?
AleXa: Oh man, it’s definitely surreal! I never thought that in my wildest dreams I would find myself being an idol for my career. Being able to stand on the same stage in music shows as so many wonderful and talented seniors… like it’s incredible. It’s definitely been very surreal for me thus far.
WTK: Recently, you held your own virtual concert, and you also opened the show for IN2IT in India. How did the two experiences differ as far as opening for one group versus having your own concert? Did it affect you that your first solo concert was a virtual concert? If so, what were some of those challenges like?
AleXa: I mean, it definitely is very different having my own concert versus opening up for a senior group. I will say that being able to open up for their concert two times was a really good experience because I learned crowd management. Also, I learned how to feed off of people’s energy for the concert performance. Then when it comes to my own solo concert, even though it was digital, I could still feel everyone’s love and support through the comments because there was a live monitor where I could read all the comments in real time. So, even though there weren’t people there in person, I still felt the presence of them. I’m an extrovert and I’m someone that draws energy from other people. So, virtual concert or online concert, it’s just both a really fun experience for me.
WTK: So many people did tune into your concert, and I know that a lot of people were leaving comments also, so it was a great success! Do you feel like from here on out that online concerts are going to be more of a staple in K-pop, even once things like COVID-19 slows down and things are as back to normal as possible? Are virtual concerts here to stay?
AleXa: However fast the pandemic does come to an end, I do feel like online concerts, online fan meetings, and everything else that’s been happening in the industry during this time is something that is here to stay. Because you never know what could happen in the future. So, I believe everybody learning the ways of online concerts, the data, the statistics, the reactions, how fans work.. I think it’s something we’re going to wind up keeping in the future.
WTK: You exude this natural charm, charisma and confidence. So, what would you say to younger fans, especially those who are coming up and trying to find their own persona and sense of self confidence? How did you become who you are today and grow into this confident young woman that we know as the singer AleXa?
AleXa: Thank you for that. Let’s see. I don’t know. I would just say, don’t get lost in the crowd I guess. People will always find ways to try to belittle you for ways that you’re different, for ways that you stick out. But embrace those and make those your strong points. Don’t let anybody try to define you as a person. You alone can define yourself. So yeah, take comfort and joy and pride in your individuality.
WTK: Now, I don’t know if you’re familiar much with the Reddit sub-threads for K-pop, but ever since the music video for “Villain” dropped, your fans have been busy analyzing the trilogy and making all these theories about the Alexa universe. I don’t know if you’ve read any of these online, but there is a really popular thread on Reddit and also one on Twitter about the Alexa universe. The summary is that they believe there are different versions of AleXa and that she embodies the different human emotions that each AI version has discovered. What do you say to all of that? Can you give us any hints or have you been able to read any of these fan theories yourself?
AleXa: I mean, I’ve dabbled a bit here and there on Twitter. I’ve been looking at a lot of tweets, and I read the comments. There’s some interesting theories. I mean, when we go into these comebacks and pre-releases and stuff, we know the plot. We know what we’re trying to get into. But then whenever I’m with my staff, we read things in the comments. We’re like, “Oh, well, that’s an interesting take on why we thought of that.” But it’s really cool to see how how imaginative and smart and observant everyone is. Because they catch and piece things together. And I’m like, yes! Those are my smart, beautiful fans! Yes!
WTK: Coming from your label, which is a video production company, have there ever been things that your fans noticed about the videos that maybe you didn’t even notice yourself at the time?
AleXa: Oh, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some comments noting some things and seeing the background or like they’ll think a certain layer goes with a certain thing. I will say though, this is not something we intended for, but with the release of “Villain”— of course, we do have a small, kind of floating, pyramid-looking thing at the end, and I do this [thing] with my hands. But it’s kind of funny because some people thought we were alluding to the fact that we are a part of the Illuminati! But we are not. (laughs)
WTK: Yes, just to make that clarification! (laughs) So your music, like we said, features the image of this strong, independent woman where you are like cyborg, pop, diva (and we love it, by the way). When you were growing up, did you have many strong female role models? Who inspired you?
AleXa: If we’re talking about strong females, then of course, one pivotal character has been my mother. She is honestly one of the strongest women I know. If we’re talking in an artistry sense, since my parents raised me on older music, then people like Cyndi Lauper, Joan Jett, and Whitney Houston. Into the more modern age and as I was starting to grow up a bit, then Rhianna, Brittany, Christina. This is the kind of aura of artists and people that I really looked up to and enjoyed their work.
WTK: If you were ever able to branch out— maybe not on your main comebacks but for special songs or covers— are the genres of music from the artists you just mentioned something you would like to dabble in? Or is there any other type of music that you would like to try for something different?
AleXa: I mean any opportunity I would be given to branch out and just try something that I’ve never done before, I want to try of course. I would love to take the bull by the horns and just go at it! So, whatever and whenever those opportunities arise, yes definitely.
WTK: We know that you have like a “sad boi” playlist when you’re feeling down. When you’re feeling happy or pumped up, however, what do you like to listen to?
AleXa: If I’m having a good mood and I’m just going for a walk or something, I listen to lot of Queen, Fleetwood Mac, some Dolly Parton. Believe it or not, Dolly Parton is the only country artist I will make an excuse to listen to.
WTK: Well, she’s one of the ultimate divas herself so…
AleXa: She really is, she really is! But I don’t know… just kind of like older pop I guess, without all this like synth and heavy bass we have now. Just old style pop music, I guess, is kind of my music sphere.
WTK: I know also that you were a musical major in college, and I am a huge fan of musicals myself. So, I have to know something! Musicals are so popular in Korea, and it’s a big scene there. So, if you ever got the chance and you could work in a musical there, is there a specific musical that you would want to be cast in?
AleXa: A lot! But if I could be cast in any musical I wanted, I think it’d be fun to try Maureen from Rent or Veronica in Heathers. I feel like these both are fun roles [and I’d like] to give it a go.
WTK: One more question! Fans really enjoyed hearing the lyrics you wrote for your last song and are looking forward to hearing more of your work in the future. We know all songwriters have lyrics written in journals, so if you have any saved, do you mind sharing a previously unreleased lyrics with our readers? Just something that you haven’t yet shared with the world?
AleXa: Sure! I mean, I am one of those people that has journals upon journals upon journals of song lyrics. I keep them in my phone as well too actually. If I were to share something real quick, right off the bat, what would it be? What would it be? What would it be? (laughs while looking through phone) See! There’s a lot in here. Yes, yes, yes. Doot, doot, doot, doot. (laughs again) Oh, I don’t know. These are all just kind of… deep. Let’s see. Ok, I’m just going to read these two lines. It’s just something I wrote once. ‘Do I have to rearrange the stars and have them spell our names in the sky?’ That’s it. (smiles)
WTK: Thank you, AleXa! We look forward to hearing how you will use that in a song one day, and we look forward to hearing more from you in both your music and your lyrics too! Before we go, do you have any last words to people that might be reading about you for the first time, as well as to fans that have been with you since the beginning of the journey?
AleXa: Sure! Whether you’ve been with me for a day, an hour, or five minutes, or five years, thank you so much for staying by my side throughout this wild roller coaster journey that has been my career thus far! And I promise to keep working super hard to become a better artist and a better person that you can enjoy in the future. Thank you so much. I love you!
© WhatTheKpop
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maychildwriter333 · 4 years
New but not so new here....
I am not exactly new here. I used to have Tumblr in the past but deleted it due to being heartbroken by an ex (so mellow dramatic :D). i disconnected staying mainly on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. 
As life happened or should I say, 2020 happened....The noise and the chaos of social media was too much to see. At the time, I felt like the government or the media was just building this virus up for propaganda. My friend and I were on the way to hot yoga when we got the announcement that all schools were closed for the rest of the year. I remember telling her in frustration: “This is just fear! We shouldn’t feed into it....”  but the look on her face and the sudden urgency in her voice that she wanted to go home to her kids. I felt it on me too. I wanted to go home to my kiddo and force my girlfriend (my ever loving girlfriend) to go fight in the local stores to shop for whatever she can get her hands on. Fear had invaded my head even with myself knowing it was just a hype..... I still felt scared. 
Fear is funny like that. Almost like a little kid, screaming and hitting you to go backwards. 
You see, fear has always been apart of me as I’m sure it has been apart of everyone else’ life. We are fed it in heads when we get the concept of words or simply the emotion off our parents. 
This 2020 has been a whirlwind of emotions for everyone around me, my state, the nation and the whole WORLD. It’s been interesting sitting back and watch my friends or family experience these transformations. All these ideas people are coming up with, realizations with themselves. It makes me admire the human race, when in the past it was quite opposite.... 
With myself: I found myself on front lines. I was (and still am) in the healthcare industry. I was considered essential as I watched my friends, family and even my own girlfriend lose their jobs due to “not being essential”. Suddenly everyone was sitting at home, while I had to drag my booty to work. Instead of being sympathetic for everyone, I found myself envious yet prideful. Even rubbed it in my girlfriend’s face that she was the lucky one to have no job in that moment. 
Well, karma bit me in the butt. For the first time in my life, I was fired from a job. Not going into too much details but I was at the wrong place, wrong time. I was set up on accusations that had them terminate me. I LOVED this job. I felt safe and secure at this job. I gave a lot of my time and dedication to them. Even before this incident, I had never been a problem for the company. I was in shock when I had to hand over my badge and keys. I had to face the guilt of calling my unemployed girlfriend. I didn’t even really cry. I kept it calm. I let her know what happened and she told me: “Oh it’s okay baby, there are worse things....we will figure this out. It is their loss....”. 
But that didn’t stop me from coming home, tuning out and calling the women who were fired with me (plus another co worker) to come party away our sorrows. From there, my grieve of losing the job turned to alcohol and partying with my co workers. There was lots of tears, anger and laughter. It ended with me getting black out drunk, doing summersaults around the living room and then getting thrown by my girlfriend and friend into my room. I had even fell off the bed and hit the wall, falling asleep that way. I was a hot mess....
The next morning, my body was sore and my head was pounding. I woke up with the realization: I don’t have a job. Suddenly all the insecurities and worries came to me flooded my brain.  I had to do something....but where to start?
Meditation with spirituality has been connected to me for a few years now. I started meditating after a mental break down that left me forced to face myself and my demons. One of my close friends introduced me to meditation and what sold me on the practice was this friend was normally anxious. If I saw my friend in the past, she was always holding tension in her forehead and it left her with migraines often. Once she told me about meditation, I saw the change in her face and the power in her words. She was very certain about this practice and how it made her feel, convincing me to look into it. 
From there I went on the quest. Trying out different types of meditation. I made a commitment to meditate upon waking up each day. If I feel like I need to do another, there is always time for more as long as i made the time. It became second nature to me. 
After being fired, I had to go back to the drawing board. I needed to look at my reflection. I needed to face the perfectionist that was screaming at me inside my head: “You’re not good enough! You’re a failure! Everyone will see it!!”. 
That day, I had meditated in the house and then found myself traveling to the other side to meditate more. I came out of the last meditation refreshed and with this voice speaking in the back of my head: “It’s okay to surrender. Just trust God and let go of the wheel.....”.  From there, I went to journaling away about what was holding me back. What was truly bothering me about this situation. 
What it came down to: Fear of failing.
There is that word again: Fear. I had to come to face this disease. It was that same fear I get when driving downhill on a freeway. That same fear I got as a kid when the lights were completely off. That same fear I got the moment my mother was taking her last breath....
What I found? It was a story I was telling myself. A story I engrained in my brain to never fail. It was that story that I was going to be perfect in everyones’ eyes, I can go no wrong. When reality I was struggling. I was still grieving the losses of 2018-2019, I was struggling with drinking and I was shoving it all down into a box; hiding it from myself and the world. I covered up that box with the blanket of: I-am-spirituality-aligned-and-nothing-can-affect-me persona-I’m-OK. 
No....it doesn’t matter how much you know. It doesn’t matter about the person you are or all the money and material things you have. At the end of the day: life doesn’t exclude anyone from going through something. 2020 is living proof of that. That brick called life hits everyone in the head; we all have the bruises and scars to prove it. 
Once I came to those conclusions about myself. I cried, I cried very hard. That kind of cry that hits in your chest and you must let it all out. After the cry session, I let myself fall into another meditation. I felt at peace, secure and okay. No matter the situation, everything was going to be okay. I just had to have faith.  
From there I went inside my house and I went to work. I fixed my resume and applied for as many jobs as I could. I kept saying: “I REFUSE to be jobless during COVID. I want to be on the frontlines helping....” But after a while of applying, I put down the computer and took in my scenery: 
My home. The sun shining in, hitting the wooden floor as my child played with his toys on the floor; being in his own world. My girlfriend was on the couch, staying near by me during this uncertainty.  Gratitude came into my heart in that moment. I didn't have a job but was I certainly not alone. I still had a roof over my head, my kid was still eating and my girl was near me. What more could I ask for? No job could take that moment away. 
I want to share this story with who ever falls upon it and needs it. With every door that closes, there is another one that opens. Within less than a month, I ended up getting another job. A job that easier going, appreciative of their staff and at the same time challenging. I’ve been at that job for about seven months and they already offered me to stay on their team full time (I started out PRN). God, The Source, The Universe or whatever anyone believes is good. <3
I start this out as my first post. Have faith, surrender and by gosh, face you shadows. It is going to be painful but I promise it will feel better once you do. 
 What you should expect from this blog is a personal journey about myself. A journey where I will explore myself in my writing, meditation, reading, and even yoga and exercise. I am still a student in this thing we call life.  I hope to meet like minded, inspiring individuals who teach me some lessons. In the past, I had fear in tumblr that there were only bullies, never wanting to show myself fully on the “dark” web. 2020 is bringing a lot out of everyone. Life is too short to limit yourself. <3
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killervibe · 5 years
Written in Your Heart
A Killervibe & Frost/Ronnie Princess and the Pauper AU!
Summary: Once upon a time, in a village high on the mountaintop, two identical baby girls were born. One, into royalty and was named Princess Caitlin. The other, to a poor family working under a harsh dressmaker. They named her Frosteline. With lives so different, it wasn’t surprising that the Princess and the Pauper never met. But fate decreed they would.
Chapter One
Long ago, and far away, in a central village high on a mountaintop, something amazing happened. At the very same moment, two identical baby girls were born. One, a baby Princess. The King and Queen were overjoyed, for they had been longing for a child all their lives. Princess Caitlin would have only the finest. The second baby girl was named Frosteline. Her parents loved her every bit as much as the King and Queen loved Princess Caitlin. But they worried, fighting to make ends meet under the employment of a compassionless dressmaker.
 Many years passed and the Princess learned her royal duties, while Frosteline worked long and hard as a seamstress for the spiteful Miss Amunet. Frosteline's parents were long gone, resting in the cemetery under the grass. They had died in the same accident that took the life of King Thomas when Princess Caitlin and Frosteline were only twelve.
 With lives so different, it wasn’t surprising that the Princess and the Pauper never met. But fate decreed they would.
It all started at the Royal Mine, when the miners informed the Queen the gold had run out. The widowed Queen was shocked. The Kingdom would now surely go bankrupt. People would starve, find no work and will perish under these conditions. How was she going to take care of them with no more resources? If only she could call on her trusted advisor Hunter Zolomon, but he was away on a long journey to Star Kingdom. She needed to do something quickly to save the kingdom before they’d turn against the monarchy, or worse, each other.
 But what?
 And then it struck her. Nearby lived a rich young King who was seeking a wife.
 “Damn it,” Frosteline groaned, nursing her bleeding thumb at her hundredth prick of the day. “I just want a day to myself!”
 “I hear you, sister,” Ralph, her only friend chimed in from his own stitching across the room. After hours upon hours of labour in the dreary basement of Miss Amunet’s Dress Emporium, it often felt as though Ralph were the only other person on the planet. “You think the woman would hire more help.”
 “Hire more help?” Frosteline repeated incredulously. “We’re only here because we’re indentured servants, Ralph. Nobody in their right minds would willingly work here.”
 “Yeah, well. Nobody but our dear old dead parents, right?” Ralph stood up, cracking his back from lack of exercise. He walked across the room to inspect Frosteline’s injury. “Let me look at it. You’re bleeding.”
 Frosteline waved him off. “I’ll be fine.” She closed her eyes and hummed her mother’s old nursery rhyme as the cut stitched itself back together.
 Ralph didn’t like how her eyes glowed when she used her power. He made a noise of consternation, returning to his pile of fabric. “You’re lucky that Miss Amunet hasn’t yet accused you of witchcraft.”
 Frosteline froze over the wedding gown she had just crocheted. “Don’t call it that. I told you—I was born like this.”
 “It’s where you got your name, right, yes, I heard the story before. I just worry about your safety, Frost. Don’t think I don’t know you do magic shows in the village at noon.”
 “I make some snow for extra change. So what? The people like it.”
 Footsteps went thundering down the stairs. The two ran back to their workstations.
 “It’s not the people I’m scared of,” Ralph muttered under his breath.
 “I’m hearing whispers. What is this? A gossip club?”
 “I would’ve said a debtor’s prison,” Frosteline replied automatically. Ralph gaped at her from across the room. She too realized her mistake. She tended to talk before she used her brain. It was something she needed to work on.
 “Keep laughing, my lovely!” Amunet surveyed their work. She beamed, at the finished gown on Frosteline’s desk, showing all her teeth. “You’ll be working for me for another thirty-seven years!”
 “But I already paid off more than half!”
 Amunet hummed, undisturbed. “Oh, but haven’t you heard? The kingdom is going into a recession. So I’ve decided to remember....What was it again?" She drummed her fingertips against her face, pretending to ponder, then clapped her hands suddenly. " oh yes! There’s an interest, isn’t there? Your parents should’ve thought of that before they borrowed so much.”
 “They did it to feed her!” Ralph snapped. Amunet glared as he shrunk back in his wooden seat.  
  “Their mistake.”  She took the finished wedding gown and stuffed it in a box without so much of another word.
 Ralph mimed sticking a finger down his throat. Frosteline’s mouth twisted in disgust. She hated her too.
 Cisco turned the page of his leather-bound book. “That concludes your lesson in chemistry. Not that you needed it.”  
 The princess gave a reluctant sigh, looking up at him through her long eyelashes. “Already?”
 “Afraid so, Your Highness. Any questions?”
 All too well he knew Princess Caitlin mastered the subject. Still, the question posed became his favourite part of their scheduled time together, when the role of tutor and student bled into two best friends enjoying each other’s company.
 “Yes,” she said, poking at his tunic. “Do you believe it possible to discover more elements that would expand the periodic table?”
 ”Absolutely!” He nodded enthusiastically. “But not more likely than reaching the heavens, Caitlin.”
 The princess scooted her chair closer, leaning into her best friend’s side. Her cat, Bart, scratched his head against her leg. “You mean...” she lowered her voice before glancing aside, wary of her maidservants’ eavesdropping. “Extrapolating from the theories of Galileo and travelling to space?”
 Cisco grinned at her. “Precisely.” He laughed at her scandalized gasp. “Calm down, I’m jesting—”
  “Cisco! That’s not funny!”   
 Ah, his heart stuttered in his chest. He’d never tire of hearing his name from her lips. She placed her hand over his arm and urged him to share his latest study.
 A knock on the door interrupted their moment, and Caitlin immediately removed her touch, leaning away.
 Harrison Wells, or Harry, as the royal family has grown accustomed to calling him, marched in with a long list and adjusted his spectacles. “We’re late! Late, late, late!”
 “Good morning Harry,” Caitlin greeted, hiding her dismay. Cisco rolled his eyes. It wasn’t that they disliked him. He was always to the point with his messages, and delivered them rather gruffly, but not unkind. Their annoyance had more to do with the fact every time Harry came to interrupt Caitlin’s lesson with Cisco, it meant the tutor had to go.  
 “Yes, yes. Good day, Your Highness,” he nodded at Cisco. “Greetings Ramon. Enough with the pleasantries. It is now time for your royal fitting, Princess. The gown just arrived this morning.”
 Princess Caitlin’s joy soured immediately, but she did not let her emotions show. “Yes, of course.”  
 “—It must last twenty, maximum twenty-two minutes, and then you have to rush, and I mean rush to your horticultural society tea. Then—”
 Caitlin tuned Harry out as Cisco shot her an apologetic smile.
 He packed his books hastily, “I best be on my leave.”
 “Oh no, Cisco. Please stay.”
 He hesitated, fiddling with the strap of his worn satchel, but could not ever deny the Princess anything. He nodded, watching as two maidservants ushered Caitlin behind the dresser to make alterations for her gown. “Maybe a few minutes more.”
 When she stepped out in silks and white tulle, his eyes lingered only on her face.
 She turned around on the step stool where the seamstresses fussed over the ribbons and bows when he called her name.
 “You’ll make a lovely bride.” His fingers twisted deep in the leather of the strap across his chest. Caitlin felt tears well up in her eyes, so many complicated words stuck in her throat. She could only manage to nod as Cisco suddenly left.
 She couldn’t blame him for not wanting to stay, she thought, as she watched him through her window. He was smelling the roses to record in his field journal in her palace gardens. As if he could sense her, he lifted his eyes from the flower he had to his nose up to her wing of the palace. The corners of his mouth tugged into a gentle smile as his hair blew in the breeze. Cisco waved at Caitlin. Her fingertips pressed against the glass as her heart sighed.
 Harry came back with a large box, clearing his throat. Her mother, the Queen, strolled behind. “Look, another engagement gift!”
 The Princess didn’t reply. The Queen bit her lip as she caught her daughter watch the tutor make his way out the royal gates and into the village. “You know it is vital you marry King Ronald. It’s the only way to take care of the kingdom.”
 Caitlin didn’t reply for some time, drawing strength from within and distanced herself from the window. She shot Harry and her mother a shaky grin and exhaled. “I know, and I will. It’s my duty.”
 In the deep dark caves of the Royal Mine, Hunter Zolomon celebrated his homecoming. 
 “It’s great to see you back boss,” Eddie Slick told him, wiping the grime off his forehead. “But you’re...early.” His accomplice, Sterling Brooks, popped out of their cart holding up a small black nugget. 
 Hunter snatched it out of Sterling’s hand. “What idiot put this here!?” 
 Sterling grinned as Eddie smacked his forehead from second-hand embarrassment. “Uh. Me?” 
 “We’re stealing gold. This is coal.” He knocked the worthless rock against Sterling’s skull as if in an attempt to knock some wit into it. He turned to Eddie. “Where’s the rest?” 
 Eddie pointed to a bag in the dirt. “That’s the last of ‘em.” He watched eagerly as his boss inspected the bag of gold. “So, what’s our cut?” 
 Hunter laughed. “You think you’re getting any of this?” 
 Eddie frowned. “While you were off frolicking in Star Kingdom, we were here doing all your dirty work. You told us we’d get paid.” 
 Hunter glared. It was not frolicking. For over ten years Hunter had to play lapdog to the King and Queen as the royal advisor. Forced to do this, demanded to do that. It was hard, tedious work that never went appreciated. Nor should it be. The work given to him was insulting. Hunter Zolomon was not born to serve people or follow orders like cattle. No. Every minute spent under the directives of the Queen made his blood curdle ever since his plan ten years ago went awry and he only managed to kill a third of the Royal Family he needed out of his way to ascend the throne.
 “And you will.” He leaned against the cart and rattled it along the tracks, urging Sterling to climb out and pay attention. “When I become King.” 
 “Right, right,” said Sterling, but he was clearly lost. “And how exactly is that related to us getting all this gold again?” 
  “Because,” Hunter said through gritted teeth, regretting his hasty choice of picking two desperate miners to do work for him. He’d fire Sterling if he could, but he knew too much now and was simply not worth the effort to kill. “Now I have all the wealth in the kingdom and the Queen will have no choice but to wed her only daughter to me. How could she refuse?”  
 “Easily! Princess Caitlin treats you so coldly!” Sterling blurted. “She’d never agree to that.” 
 “Who said the nitwit had any agency to make that decision?” he shot back. “She has to follow her mother’s orders. And who’s her mother’s advisor? Me.” 
 Eddie and Sterling shared a look. 
 Hunter narrowed his eyes. “What?” 
 Eddie looked anywhere but his boss’ steely gaze. “It’s just that….The Queen had decided to marry off Princess Caitlin to the King of Dulcinea.” 
 In a fit of rage, Hunter knocked the cart over with Sterling in it. “She what?!” 
 “Yeah…” Eddie said, wringing his hands. “You were gone a long time. She didn’t know what to do.” 
 “I guess the gig’s up, huh boss?” said Sterling, crawling from the rocks.
 “Hardly.” Hunter yanked the bag of gold from Eddie’s arms. He needed to visit the Queen immediately to fix this. “And if you ruin this for me neither of you will be making it out of this mine alive.” 
 “Cisco!” Caitlin lit up as her favourite person walked into her bedroom. “Perfect timing." She lifted up her latest discovery from her walk behind the palace kitchens. "I classified this as iron pyrite. Pretty, but not considered valuable. Commonly known as ‘fool’s gold, as you taught me last Spring, isn’t that correct?”
 Cisco smiled. “Very good, Your Highness.”
 Caitlin frowned, brushing her hair back behind her ear. “Your Highness?  Why the sudden formality.” He only ever called her that in the presence of other palace workers. She looked around to see if they had company, but they were all alone. “It’s just me.”
 “Your mother sent me. Apparently, the Ambassador has arrived with a gift for you.”
 Caitlin felt lightheaded. The iron pyrite fell to the floor. “The Ambassador? He’s here already?”
 Cisco nodded and went to grab her tiara from the pillow next to her bed. He placed it carefully upon her head, smoothing down the stray curls around it. “There,” he said. “No fool’s gold here.”
 “No,” the Princess agreed faintly, distracted by the warmth of her tutor’s brown eyes. He looped her hand around his arm and escorted her to the throne room.
 The Ambassador was a lot younger than the Queen, Harry or The Advisor thought. Tall, dark and handsome, with a dashing smile, he bent low at the waist upon the royals’ arrival and introduced himself with his gift. His travelling companion was an old fellow with crow’s feet and stood several steps away.
 “On behalf of King Ronald, I present to you this engagement gift.”
 The Queen took it graciously, promising the Princess would love it. She glanced at the grandfather clock mounted by the wall. Surely the tutor would’ve brought the Princess in already. 
 "Harry," she said. "Didn't I send the tutor to go tell the Princess about the Ambassador?"
 "You did, Your Highness," Harry confirmed. He adjusted his spectacles and looked down at his parchments. "I don't see them taking much more time, but the schedule of the Princess is already packed enough, we better not delay." 
 "No," said the Advisor, agreeing with the Messenger even though he couldn't stand him either. "We better not." 
 The travelling companion cleared his throat. “May I enquire, your Excellency, if you’ve set a date for the wedding?”
 The Queen paused to mull it over. “Will two weeks from today do?”
 Hunter nearly fell out of his chair but recovered quickly. “Two weeks! Fast and diligent, what a wonderful decision, Your Majesty.”
 “Excellent!” said the companion, sharing a glance with the Ambassador. He nudged his shoulder when the Ambassador didn't say anything. “Excellent, isn't it, Ambassador Stein?”
 The Ambassador’s eyes widened as if he had just remembered his position. “I will…uh. I’ll send for King Ronald right away so that he may meet his new bride.” His gaze drifted to the portrait of Caitlin mounted next to the windowpane.
 "I apologize for my daughter's absence," The Queen said. "If you stay for tea, I'm sure she'll be here shortly."
 The Queen gestured at Harry to escort them to the tea rooms. "Come, Hunter. There's much we have to discuss." 
 Like clockwork, Frosteline slipped out the front door at noon. It was when Miss Amunet took her lunch break in the tea shop across the village, which meant she had a whole hour to herself to sneak out. Ralph followed closely behind. 
 “What Ralph?” 
 “You forgot your cape,” he said, waving the old blue thing in the doorway. It was the nicest piece of clothing she owned. Probably because she barely ever got to leave the Dress Emporium, so it never had the chance to soil. 
 “Thank you, mother,” she grumbled under her breath but accepted it as Ralph put it over her shoulders. She snapped her fingers at Iridescence to get her to come, the cat Ralph had found in the street a few months ago. They’ve been hiding her from Miss Amunet for a while. 
 “Be safe out there,” he called out. “And don’t do that scary voice thing in front of any children!” 
 Frosteline rolled her eyes. 
“Cisco.” Caitlin's hand tightened on his elbow. “I can’t go in.” Her eyes darted down the long corridor and her heart pounded up in her ears. “I’m not ready,” she panicked. “I can’t go in.”
 Cisco was about to reassure the princess that it’ll be alright, but one look at her was all he needed to realize how Caitlin was spiralling. 
 “Okay,” he soothed, running his hands up and down the sleeves of her gown. “It’s okay, my sweet. You’re here. I’m with you. You’re— shaking?”
 “This is all too fast! Five days ago I was being told I’d get married and now the Ambassador is here? Cisco, I can’t—”
 ”Then we won’t. We won’t go.” Her breath hitched, and he could tell her tight corset could not possibly be helping. Three halls down was the old library with a balcony window. It used to belong to the King. They’d sometimes study there when they needed a peaceful moment alone. Perhaps, she needed some fresh air. 
 Cisco brought her to the balcony, sitting against the ledge as the Princess paced, pressing her palms over her eyes. 
 “I do everything!” she wailed. “Everything for my mother and the memory of my father. Everything for Hunter and Harry but this…” she let out a weak huff, sliding her hands into her hair and digging her fingers into the combs of her tiara. 
  “I know.”
  Cisco, I’m scared, she almost said. But somehow she felt he already knew. Instead, she sucked in a deep breath and wiped the stray tear from her flushed cheek. She kicked off her shoes, padding barefoot until she sank to the floor in her pink dress, looking out the balcony. She turned to Cisco, who had been watching her with careful concern. 
 “What do you think King Ronald will be like?” 
 It took a while for him to say anything. “I’m sure he’ll be…suitable.”
 “I know I have to marry him, but sometimes I wish…Well.” Caitlin clasped her hands together behind her back and sighed.
 She thought about her panic in the palace hall. My sweet, he’d called her. Did Cisco really mean that? Caitlin’s heart picked up speed. It wasn’t the first time he’d slipped and given her an affectionate name either. She’d always chalked it up to his joyous personality, or that maybe he considered her as a sister, but what with the way he’d been talking to her lately, she wondered if there was something...more. 
 Cisco’s brown riding boots swung leisurely as he waited for her to say something. When she didn’t, he continued to awkwardly carry on the conversation. “I heard he’s a lover of flatbread and cheese!”
 Caitlin wrinkled her nose. “What’s that?”
 “A type of food, I’m sure.” Cisco looked out, following Caitlin’s wistful gaze out at the kids playing in the garden. 
 Reality settled back into Caitlin’s bones. The little treasure chest in her heart full of her love for Cisco would have to lock away. There was no use, wondering. Cisco’s pay for her tutoring barely covered his own expenses. The Princess had to look out for the entire kingdom. 
 “I know it’s selfish, but it feels like the beginning of the end of my life,” she admitted in a whisper.
 “Caitlin….” Cisco slid down from his seat on the ledge, kneeling in front of her. 
 He offered her his hand. She took it without hesitation. 
 “You’re going to need your cape.”
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
10/13/2020 DAB Transcripts
Jeremiah 22:1-23:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalms 83:1-18, Proverbs 25:11-14
Today is the 13th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it’s great to be here with you for another day has we step into the Scriptures and out of whatever else is going on and just, come into the oasis that we create for ourselves that we call the Global Campfire. We just, yeah, come in and let God speak and it's amazing what He does in transforming the way we’re looking at the day and the circumstances that are facing us and re-orients us to His…His guidance and His love and compassion and leadership in our lives. So, let's dive in. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Jeremiah chapter 22 verse 1 through 23 verse 20.
Introduction to second Thessalonians:
Okay. So, yesterday we concluded First Thessalonians, Paul's letter…first letter to the church in Thessalonica, also strongly believed by scholars to be the earliest Christian document in existence and the earliest of Paul's letters. But now we’ve turned the page and here we are at the threshold of another letter and this one is also to the church in Thessalonica called Second Thessalonians. And we can remember from the letter but also from talking about First Thessalonians that this is a church that was formed quickly and was continually pressed in upon by persecution and marginalization. And really the church was never like, was never not shoved to the side, was never not persecuted. So, these people are like early believers in Jesus young in their faith facing persecution, which brings up eventually a lot of questions like, does this ever get easier? Like, what's going on here? You said that Jesus was coming back. What do we do? And, so, Paul writes this second letter to the church in Thessalonica. And this is one of the letters that would be considered more…more disputed as far as did Paul write this or did someone write this in Paul's name. There’s some theological nuances that are more developed. There's just little things that get looked. But we could say many scholars also would say, no, Paul wrote this. Even the earliest church fathers quoted from second Thessalonians. So, likely if this is written by Paul it…it came…it came pretty quickly after the first letter. He is clarifying things that he wrote about before and broadening them and he's like correcting specific assumptions. Basically you have to know…I mean we’ve talked about this before, but these early letters that are being passed around at the churches are coming from the perspective that Jesus return, like this is an eminent, very, very, like immediate…there's no time to do anything else but focus upon this, that Jesus is coming back. That’s the kind of context that they’re in. So, in Thessalonica because the people are being marginalized and persecuted there are some that are like, “well, I'm quitin’ my job. Like…like Jesus is already on the white horse. He just hasn't got to earth yet. Like this is happening now and things are just heating up all around us. So, this is an imminent thing. We don't have time to think about getting married and stuff. So, I don't really have time to think about working either because it’s only like…it’s only bringing me persecution and…and hardship and trouble. So, I’m not gonna…I’m not gonna work. I’m just goona wait for Jesus.” And we’ve seen…I mean…that’s…this isn’t the only time this has ever happened. This kind of stuff has actually happened in our own lifetimes where people believe the return of Christ is imminent. It's…you know…everything has lined up and here we go. And, so, people quit their jobs, take extravagant vacations, sell their houses, do all kinds of stuff, wait for the day and then the day…the day comes and…and then they gotta figure it out and start over again. Paul's kind of addressing this because as people were waiting, they were just idle, and idleness usually doesn't lead to positivity. Like it usually leads to like meddling and getting in other people's business and having opinions that you don’t have any right to have and having running commentary on topics that have nothing to do with you. And, so, this is kinda getting in. And, so, Paul ends up telling the church family there that, “you know, if you’re not gonna work then just, you know, you’re not gonna just leech off everybody else who does. Like, you gotta…you gotta work if you…if you want to eat.” And there are other things that Paul wants to address. And it's not just like a corrective letter, like, “let me set the record straight on some of these things.” These people, this church happened so quickly and under such pressure, that they hold a special place in Paul's heart. And you can imagine that people who are waiting for Jesus and being faithful and loyal to the cause of Christ and to the message of the gospel but who are just getting pummeled by society, they need a voice of encouragement like continually because they’re…they’re under fire continually. And Paul's tells them, “I see you”, basically, “your endurance, you're not doing this is under a cover. Like, I see you. This isn’t being overlooked. Everybody sees this. Everybody sees what you're doing, that you're being faithful. And as you are faithful and endure, you’re being made worthy of the kingdom of God. And in the end, although you are experiencing injustice in the end, justice will prevail. And, so, we begin. Second Thessalonians chapter 1.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another day. This is a continual prayer. We’re always grateful for another day but we are grateful for the way that Your word comes into our lives and it becomes a part of the fabric of the days that we live and Your Holy Spirit brings to mind things when we need them. Sometimes we don't heed those things and then we have Your word to kind of show us where those pathways lead. And it’s not surprising. Yet, we have Your comfort that You always come for us wherever we are, that wisdom is always there leading us the way back. We are so grateful and as we continue to move forward through the letters of Paul, we ask Your Holy Spirit to ignite in us the joy of our salvation and the understanding of endurance. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that's where you find out what’s going on around here. That's where the Global Campfire burns. It's a virtual community friends. We’re all over the world in every time zone there is, on every continent that…that there is. And, so, we have to look…we have to look at what we are a little uniquely, which is so good, so good that we’ve been able to do what we've been able to do all these years and just kinda move through things like what has happened on the earth in 2020 with Covid and all this and we’ve been able to just keep moving forward because we live in this virtual world in community together no matter what's going on. So, knowing thar dailyaudiobible.com is home base and it’s where you find out what's going on around here is important to know. So, stay connected, stay tuned. Visit the Prayer Wall. Get connected on social media. Visit the Shop. Check out the Initiatives. And, yeah, let's continue our journey forward because it has been such a weird year, but such an adventure through the Scriptures this year. How often they’re just like, “wow! Did I need to hear that today!” And, so, what an adventure that we are on and let's stay connected to it.
Including if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If what's happening here, day by day step-by-step this rhythm of life that allows us to come together in community around the Global Campfire and just be here and to know we have a place, a place in every day that is an oasis, that is safe, that is a place where we can let our burdens go for a few minutes and allow the Bible to just speak to us. If that is life-giving to you, then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello DAB family this is Carma in Fort Wayne Indiana. On October 6th Joyful Jay in the Everglades called and talked about how hard it is to pick up the heavy hairy phone. I knew the Holy Spirit was indeed talking to me as God has been prompting me to call for quite some time. And yet the enemy has been feeding me lies that my problems are not that big of a deal. Besides I’m blessed with some great friends who faithfully pray for me. So, Satan led me to believe that I don’t need others to pray too. But I am part of this DAB family and have listened every single day since September 2017 after a tragedy in my life. And when one part of the body hurts, we all hurt. So, today I’m asking you to pray for my family and me. For 19 months we have been living in crisis mode. My sister’s family was completely torn apart by infidelity, lies, greed, drugs, and the list goes on. She had a beautiful family by all outward appearances, but it was completely destroyed. Now her four children live in four different places and my mom and I are blessed to have the youngest was 13 years old living with us. I’ve always longed to be a mom myself but it’s quite a challenge to suddenly become the parent of a teenager who has been through so much trauma. I need your prayers family. I feel like I take one step forward and two steps back and it is just so emotionally exhausting. In addition, I recently resigned my job which had become a poor fit for my skills. So, I’m job searching too which is also emotionally taxing. I want my life to exude joy in the midst of so much hard, but I need the Holy Spirit and the faithful prayers of others to do it. Thanks for praying. It is a joy to be on this journey together.
Hello, my name is Lydia and I like listening to the Daily Audio Bible Kid’s radio. I’m from Georgia and I would ask that…ask you would pray for me for my cold and for my daddy since he’s going to Louisiana to help build the hurricane and for mama and I in that we would be comforted. Thank you.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Jane Ruth from Nebraska. And, you know, I came face-to-face with reality today. I realized that the reason why I have been unwilling to talk and ask for prayer is because I am so proud. I don’t want to admit that I am 62 ½ years old and I’ve never been married, and I don’t have any children, and I want a partner. I want to be married. And the reason I don’t want to admit this, is because all of my history is based on that. Why are you not married? And why don’t you have children? And if I tell why it brings the whole story of where I’ve been and what’s happened and if I stay in the problem, I can’t live this way. If I live in the solution, I can’t live alone because I cannot support my story without a firm foundation in Christ. So, I need help.
Hello, my dear Daily Audio Bible family this is Maria the Missionary in Mexico. I want to give a shout out specifically to Cheryl from Ontario Canada. Thank you so much, what a blessing and an encouragement. I called in with an update about my coworker Barb and you said you were praying for her and for us as well. Well that just couldn’t come at a more timely moment. We are thriving in Jesus. We love Mexico, we love our ministry here. So much to love but I’d be dishonest to say that it’s just been a breeze and that lately we haven’t been having a bit of stress. Of course, Covid has added to it because my husband’s not only a missionary pilot down here, he’s also part of the contingency team which as you can imagine with Covid has a lot more to do. So, he’s very busy in that ministry. And then just because of random and unforeseen circumstances none of our other coworker pilots in all of the country are here at the moment or can fly. They have their medical things going on or medical that their spouse has, and they have to leave or paperwork stuff. So, it’s just kind of interesting and obviously my husband has had tons to do. Also, when he was on a trip, a commercial flight, he picked up what looks to be Covid now because the people that caught it from him on that trip, they tested positive Covid. He thankfully is getting over that fine. Our kids all started getting sick and they seem to be fine. I can feel some stuff in my lungs happening. So, I really appreciate your prayers. Barb our coworker, her tumor in behind her ear, in her air canal is too large for the Gamma knife so we’re just praying that God directs her to the right surgeon. Anyway, thank you all. I love you and I will update you as I know more. God bless.
Hey, my wonderful DAB fam this is Kingdom Seeker Daniel and fam I want to pray for just a couple DABbers. So, would you please be so kind to join me. Let’s look to the Lord. Father, we thank You and we praise You for who You are. You are the God of another chance. And Lord You…You designed marriage. And, so, God we pray that You would be the restorer of Dimitri from Oregon’s marriage Lord as his wife has filed for divorce. But he does not want to divorce. And, so, the court the court date is set for November 4th. God, we ask that You would manifest Your will in this situation. Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy but God, Jesus came that we might have life. And I pray that Dimitri and his wife would experience that life being given back to this marriage in the name of Jesus. Will You cause life to be revived through this marriage? Touch that wife’s heart and mind. You know where she is and what’s standing in the way. I plead Your precious blood over…over Dimitri and I pray God that You would turn this marriage around to the glory of Your great name. In Jesus’ name. And then remember Candace from Oregon’s sons, specifically Micah who’s going through a difficult time. Lord I pray that You would save all of the…the boys God but specifically do a work and Micha’s heart. I pray that You would comfort Candace’s heart and let her know that You are at work concerning her sons in the name of Jesus. We thank You and we praise You for the restoration, for the healing, for the deliverance and the breakthrough coming to Candace’s home and boys in Jesus’ name.
Hi there DAB family this is Sean Sean of the mountains calling in from Fayetteville Arkansas and I’m calling in response to Sonia from Austin Texas who called or I at least heard her on October 9th and she was talking about her father who had committed suicide and I just want to pray for her and for others who may have been dealing with the suicide of a family member. My brother, my only sibling took his life four years ago and it was just really a shock and really devastating and I mean I and my family members have walked through that in these past four years and we’re coming to some good places and the Lord has met us very sweetly. So, I’d like to pray. Dear Jesus we are so grateful and thank You that You have walked through suffering, that You are acquainted with deepest grief, that You…You put our tears in a bottle and You bring new life to us, You bring what’s needed. I pray for those who are walking through this, who may be walking through this thing recently. Lord would You just meet them in their deepest need. Help them to grieve well and to be able to remember their loved ones in good ways and not just the suicide. And we put all these things in Your hands in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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what-the-ship · 5 years
Tickling the Ivories: Chapter Four
We all know Dakota and Cavendish become time traveling pop stars. How they get their is the interesting part.
   For being over six feet tall Balthazar didn’t have much of a presence. For once in his life, he was grateful for this. When his boss took off at top speed the Brit trailed close behind. Thankfully no one made a move to stop him as they journeyed deep into the building. Bob Block called out for ‘his case’ when he entered what looked like the control room for NASA. Or at least what Balthazar had seen in old documentaries. 
   Clutching Dakota’s inhaler Balthazar watched a team of people furiously typing away at keyboards all talking over one another. From seemingly nowhere a man brought in a metal briefcase presenting it to Mr. Block on a bent knee. From around his neck, Mr. Block pulled out a key. The silver lid flung open to reveal a book nestled in custom foam. It was wrapped in a glossy black paper completely concealing the original cover.   
   Mr. Block lifted the book out and began flipping through the pages. He was muttering under his breath with a look of seriousness on his face. Not finding what he was looking for he closed the book loudly.
   “Sir we managed to contact the ship.” Called out a feminine voice.  
     “Put them on the screen.” The curly-haired man ordered. With a flicker, a tyrannosaurus looking alien’s face filled the screen.
   “Mr. Block. I thought our business transaction was complete.” A gem-like object blinked in time with the words the creature was supposed to be saying.  
   “Yes about that. Well, you see, Mr. Dakota was supposed to sing you a song as a way for you to sample Earth’s talents.” He wasn’t flat out saying it but Mr. Block was implying that Dakota wasn’t meant to be an offering.
   “Of course. I am convinced of your planet’s ability; however, my queen might need some more convincing.” The terrible lizard replied smiling wide enough for Cavendish to count teeth. A faint coughing fit dragged everyone’s attention away from the power struggle happening. “Besides I think this one is defective.”
   “He’s not defective he’s sick,” Cavendish spoke up receiving a look of utter horror from his boss. Utterly obvious to everything he held up Dakota’s inhaler to show the alien. “He just got out of the hospital not four hours ago and he needs this every six to remain healthy.”
   “Did you let him in here?” Block growled grabbing the nearest intern. While that was going on in the background the spaceship leader leaned forward to get a better look at the small object. He gave a snort that fogged the screen for a moment before conceding to come back.
   “Very well. I can’t have the queen bit off my head because you gave me a defective gift. Meet us at the stage in two hours or else. END TRANSMISSION.” The screen when black again.                                          ~ ~ ~ 
   At two hours on the dot, the spaceship materialized in the sky again. Mr. Block knew there was no way he could get the medicine away from Balthazar without risking injury so he allowed the taller man to deliver it to the aliens. Lo and behold the aliens did not return Vinnie like everyone was expecting. Instead, the tractor beam snatched up the medicine while Balthazar was still holding it. Back on the ground, all anyone could do is stare stupidly up at the sky again.
   “That wasn’t in the book either.” Was all Mr. Block could say.                                           ~ ~ ~
   Jettisoning towards the homeworld of the terrible lizard people Vinnie was slumped on the floor of his enclosure. If he was more cognizant he would’ve questioned the blue glowing amulet the aliens had put on him. Instead, he was lying flat on his back in his enclosure struggling for every breath. The lights above him were too bright even with his shades on. Soon he felt his eyes begin to lose focus. Somewhere beyond his blurred vision, there was a clatter and a shadow fell upon him. Figuring it was death he closed his eyes.
   Vinnie woke with a start to the sound of Cavendish’s phone going off. Sitting up with a start, he looked around trying to silence the annoyance.
   “Easy there,” Balthazar said placing a gentle hand on his back. Seeing the same glowing amulet around his partner’s neck he realized what was going on.
   “They got you too.” He chided himself for feeling happy he wasn’t alone now.
   “Yeah well. What are you going to do?” Balthazar shrugged scooting to sit next to Vinnie. “I don’t see how we’re going to get out of this one.” Feeling bold Vinnie rested his head on the taller man’s arm.
   “Did you like the song?”
   “About that-“
   “I meant it you know. Every word.” Vinnie continued to stare forward waiting for a response.
   “I didn’t hear it. Mr. Block was talking to me. Sorry.” Balthazar felt his face go flush.
   “None of it?” The curly-haired man asked pulling away.
   “Well, I managed to hear the chorus,” Balthazar confessed looking down through Vinnie’s shades into his eyes.
   “I know you would. Recently I found myself feeling the same way. Through time and now, even space, I’d do it all again for you.” Realizing the situation was becoming a little too intimate than they were ready they moved away from each other.
   Standing up quickly Balthazar struck a heroic pose. Internally Vinnie vowed when and if they got out of there they were going to sort this out. For now, they needed to focus on escaping.
~Four Earth hours later~
   Vinnie was inhaling his medicine as Balthazar scrapped his fingernails over every inch of their cell. As tough as his hands had become from manual labor they were still no match for the cage. “Surely there must be a vent or lose panel. There is always something like that.” He then cried out as his nail broke.
   There was no blood but it still hurt. Feeling defeated he sat back next to Vinnie.
   “We’ve seen your informative action/adventure documents, Earthling.” Both men gave a jump at the sound of one of the aliens speaking. The wall Balthazar was scratching at turned transparent revealing they were being kept on the bridge under observation the whole time. “There is no escape.”
   The alien talking to them reminded Vinnie of a chicken. It continued talking as Balthazar sat back down next to his partner. “We will be arriving at our homeworld soon enough. If you cooperate, you and your mate will be taken good care.”
   “Or what? The queen will eat us?” Vinnie asked feeling like his old self again. Balthazar grabbed his friend’s arm trying to shush him. The last time he popped off they got were banished to this time period.
   “Perish the thought. If you won’t sing you’ll still make an interesting addition to the zoo.”
   “There is some irony for you,” Vinnie muttered under his breath.
   “I suggest you behave.” It finished before walking away. The wall went opaque again and they felt like they were alone again. Neither man commented on the ‘mate’ remark. They were too concerned about their predicament to think about relationships.
   Feeling antsy Vinnie started rhythmically patting his knees while humming, ‘Going to the zoo’. Recognizing the tune Balthazar gave an exasperated,
   “Really! Now? Right now?”
   “What?” Vinnie asked holding up his hands in defeat.
   “It’s your music-making that got us into this mess in the first place.”
   “Well excuse me for having a song in my heart.” Vinnie placed a hand over his heart for emphasis. “You know for a person who loves music so much you sure don’t act like it.”
   “Of course I love it. Just because I can’t make up songs off the top of my head doesn’t mean I don’t.”
   “Anyone can make up songs. It’s not that hard. Here try it.” Vinnie began to tap on his knees again.                              “Anyone can sing a song,                            It doesn’t have to be too long.                                      Just that part                                  inside your heart                           that’s the safest place to start.                              Come on. Give it a try.”
    Figuring there was nothing left for him to lose (his pride was pretty much non-existent at this point) he tapped the same rhythm on the wall. Non-diegetic music began to fill their ears. For the first time, Balthazar felt the music seem to bubble up from within him like a well-known piece. It was like he knew the words and melody by heart and then his body began to carry him to his feet.
   They began to sing about expressing music through any means when the walls around them deactivated. Still singing they looked around to see the aliens on the bridge dancing around as well. Not sure if it was an accident or intentional the duo weren’t waiting around to find out. Splitting up they got several aliens to go along with the tapping and noise making as they scouted around for an exit.
   When Balthazar found it he grabbed Vinnie’s hand to make a break for it. As their song was reaching its crescendo they were mere feet from their salvation. During the holding note, a thick tail caught both of them around the middle launching the directly back over the cage area.
   The second they landed the walls manifested again but stayed transparent. The room was now silent as one of the aliens manning the panel spoke up.
   “What just happened?”
   “That,” the commander entered the bridge with a toothy smile on his face.
   “Was why we went to Earth. Ensign! Sent off the video feed to the Queen.”
   “SIR!” Replied the smaller lizard alien as several dials lit up in front of him.
   “I would rest now if I were you. When we land the Queen will surely want a performance as soon as possible.” The cage went opaque again.                                             ~ ~ ~
   Balthazar detangled himself from Vinnie to stare at the wall the alien had addressed them through. The look on his face was stony and his eyes were unfocused. Something about the taller man’s demeanor terrified Vinnie. In a flash, Balthazar was punching the walls of their enclosure screaming like a banshee.
   “One time. ALL I WANT IS FOR THINGS TO GO RIGHT JUST ONE TIME!” He screamed punching relentlessly. All fight left him causing him to slump against the solid wall.
   Vinnie wordlessly placed his hands on his friend’s shoulders.
   “How can you be so calm?” Balthazar asked not looking away from the wall.
   “We’ve been through worse.” Vinnie countered.
   “What can be worse than this?” Balthazar asked turning back to look at Vinnie’s expression.
   “Well even if we fail they said we’d still live in a zoo right? We can live like…like koalas.”
   “Yeah. All they do is eat, sleep, and look cute. I can handle the first two so it’s up to you for that last part.” Vinnie tried to laugh the last part off as a joke. Balthazar’s eyes narrowed before he opened his mouth.
   “What was that last part? ” Balthazar asked when the ship stopped suddenly. The two butted heads causing them to see stars. Still clutching their heads the walls around them disappeared. Standing a foot tall with enormous blue eyes was a pink and white alien. Where it’s nose would’ve been was a long thin black mustache that curled at the ends.
   “Think its friendly?” Dakota asked feeling the lump forming on his head.
   “Of course it is. Look at its glorious mustache.”  
   “Why thank you, friend. I was just admiring yours as well.” Smiled back the creature. Both men were stunned as it motioned for them to follow it. When they were dropped off Meep (yes that was its name) made an odd request before leaving.
   “May I ask what you two call yourselves.” Which was odd because a few light years ago they had already introduced themselves.
   “Dakota and Cavendish.” Vinnie reiterated pointing at the both of them. The aliens nodded taking note down on a tablet looking object with a glowing pen. Eventually, they were dropped off at the P.I.G without fanfare. It was the middle of the night with only their boss and few employees still working.
   “Good to see you boys back.” Mr. Block smiled his usual grin. Vinnie rested a hand on Balthazar’s arm for support as they walked down the ramp. Meep walked on ahead to speak directly to their boss. He held out the tablet for Block to sign with the glowing pen. As the two humans passed by he wished them the best of luck and he was looking forward to hearing from them again.
   “Again?” Mr. Block asked his smile fading just a hair.
   “On the broadcast.” Meep stated. When met with confusion he clarified, “Your new group ‘Dakota and Cavendish’. I am looking forward to hearing more songs from them. GOODBYE FOR NOW!” Exclaimed the alien trying to have a dramatic exit. Vinnie and Balthazar starred up where the space ship disappeared at pondering over the alien’s parting words.
   “How would you boys like to be pop stars?” Their boss asked with the same casual tone as if he was ordering lunch.
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heather1815 · 6 years
My little test subject: Chapter 15
Chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9, chapter 10, chapter 11, chapter 12, chapter 13, and chapter 14
Angsty Tomtord fic with slight Paultryk on the side.
Warning! This fic contains: Foul language, scenes of torture, use of medical tools, drug use, self-harm, suicidal tendencies, violence, self-neglect, blood, and a little bit of stockholm syndrome and force feeding. Viewer discretion is advised.
A cold bitter wind swept over the town like an icy wave. Patches of snow covered the streets and sidewalks, glittering under the sunlight. Cars roared up and down the roads spewing fumes into the air; visible by the contrast in temperatures.
Exiting the department store, Eduardo breathed out an exasperated sigh; releasing a puff of steam into the air.
He absolutely hates to be away from work for long periods of time, but Mark had insisted they go out shopping together today. Eduardo didn't mind too much at first, seeing as how he is running low on basic goods and needs to replenish his stock.
Loud chattering following close behind him elicited a tired groan from Eduardo, and he kept on moving.
"Wowie! I can't believe I never considered getting a membership here – this store has absolutely everything! And for such a cheap price too!" Matt exclaimed joyfully as he walked out of the store alongside Mark, carrying shopping bags on both hands.
Eduardo rolled his eyes and frowned. He couldn't understand Mark's logic of inviting the ginger doofus to tag along with them. Hadn't they agreed to only make peace with their neighbours? Why is Mark being so friendly towards the airhead?
If Eduardo had to make a hunch; he'd suspect Mark was just happy to find someone with shared interests to hang out and go shopping with. Now that they are no longer rivals, it seems that the two narcissists have found each other like in those lame soul mate romance novels and saw how much they got in common.
Of course, if Mark wants to go ahead and be pals with their neighbour, he is more than free to do so. Especially since Eduardo doesn't have to allow or forbid anything in his life. But does Mark have to try and involve him on it constantly?
He tuned out their voices as they continued on their way home.
Matt jovially laughed at their shenanigans. He'd been spending more time with the duo over the past week. Ever since they made peace, Matt looked forward to their next "self-care" session. Eduardo is still pretty terrifying and he doesn't stick around for very long for Matt to really interact with him; but Mark just naturally clicks with him. It's nice to have someone who understands you.
"Anyways, how is Edd doing?" Mark inquired Matt after their laughter died down. "I don't believe I've seen you two together once since we moved in."
At the question, Matt's stomach tightened and he avoided the blond's gaze; searching for something to say. "Edd is... fine, I guess." He mumbled. "He's been pretty busy lately, so I haven't seen him as much as I used to."
"Well, sounds an awful lot like a certain someone that I know." Mark shot a pointed glare at Eduardo, who walked a pace ahead of them and merely huffed in response to the comment.
Worry jabbed Matt's chest as he reflected back on his current predicament with Edd. His first and brief meeting with Reagan haunted him. He can't shake the notion that there is something deeper going on. He gave a lot of thought to this situation to find the best way to go about this without upsetting Edd, and in the end, Matt decided he'll talk to the brunet as soon as he can.
Doubt gnawed away at him. I just need to play it cool – act natural! Matt reasoned nervously the closer to home he got. Edd won't suspect anything if I'm laid back.
His thoughts came to a crashing stop when his feet suddenly slipped on the icy ground as they were crossing the street, and Matt fell forward. Letting out a startled yelp, he instinctively raised his arms out in front of his face as the ground neared. "Ah! Not the face!" However, a hard tug on the back of his coat quickly put an end to his fall.
Matt looked up wide-eyed as he was hauled back to his feet, and realized that it was Eduardo who saved him from a nasty fall.
"Watch your step, dumbass!" The burly brunet scolded.
Gratitude flooded through Matt and he nodded fervently. "Y-yes! Thank you, Eduardo!" He squeaked, shrinking back a little out of fear. Please don't punch me! He closed his eyes and begged silently.
But Eduardo simply released his hold on him and walked away. Matt blinked in surprise. He's amazed that he hadn't received a punch yet, not even once since he started hanging with the duo. Eduardo hasn't so much as raised a fist at him so far. That gave Matt comfort, though he's still pretty weary of him.
He continued to chat with Mark for the reminder of their journey home, talking about more beauty tips and things they could do together.
"I guess I should start getting dinner ready, huh?" Mark spoke up, looking down at his watch as they climbed the steps to the hallway of their home. "Since it's pretty cold today, how about we have a good ol' beef stew?" He suggested.
"Sounds good to me!" Eduardo agreed. Being so busy with his work and having no culinary skill whatsoever, it's times like this he really appreciates his companion's wonderful cooking ability.
"You are invited to join us if you want, Matt." Mark continued, turning to address the ginger next to him. Eduardo resisted the temptation to roll his eyes and groan in frustration.
"Oh! Thank you!" Matt sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "I'll just… I think I will check on Edd first, and see how he is doing."
Mark nodded in understanding. "No problem. It will be a while before dinner is ready, but I'll leave my door unlocked for you!"
"Good! Guess I can take this chance to get back to work while we wait-"
Eduardo was about to stalk off to his own apartment when his ear was grabbed and pulled back abruptly by none other than Mark.
"Oh no you don't!" The blond man admonished. "You're not getting away so easily this time, Eduardo! I already let you off the hook last time and I had to set everything up by myself. But today you're going to help me prepare dinner!"
"Ow! Are you mad?" Eduardo exclaimed indignantly, trying to pull away. "Do you want me to set the food on fire?"
Mark huffed as he dragged the protesting brunet by the ear to his apartment. "Don't be so dramatic! It's high time you learned how to cook anyway."
Matt giggled as he watched the pair argue. They seem angry at each other, but he knew this quarrel was entirely good-natured. Mark and Eduardo have the tendency to get into a lot of arguments with each other for the littlest things; but they never escalate to dangerous levels.
When they had gone, Matt quickly put away his shopping bags aside, and padded up to Edd's apartment door. "Edd?" He called out and knocked. "Are you there? I'd like to talk to you." He pressed his ear against the door.
"Come in!"
Hearing the muffled cheery greeting through the door gave Matt hope. He must be in a good mood today!
At the invitation, Matt walked right in. The room was bright, the curtains drawn back to let sunlight filter through. Seated in the dining table, Edd leisurely sipped a mug of coffee with a steaming plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast in front of him. Ringo weaved her way around the chair, tail held high as she rubbed against her owner's leg.
"Hey Matt!" Edd smiled and waved tiredly.
Mirroring her owner's voice, Ringo meowed a particularly loud greeting as well; melting Matt's heart. But he did not gush over her for long, as his gaze settled on the contents on the table.
"Hey! Uh, are you… having breakfast right now?" Matt couldn't help but ask, confusion evident in his voice. It's nearly four in the afternoon, for crying out loud!
Edd chuckled. "Yeah. I woke up a little while ago." He broke off into a yawn. "I came home later than usual last night."
The brunet seems so upbeat as he scarfed down his meal. Matt can't recall another moment as of late where Edd behaved like his old self. This was how he used to look, back when there were three of them; for a while, after Tom's death, Matt had been afraid that this Edd had vanished forever.
Upon closer look though, Matt realized there were dark bags under Edd's eyes. Sensing his stare, Edd blinked back at him. "What is it?" He asked, words muffled by a mouthful of food.
"Were you out with Reagan last night by any chance?" Matt asked.
"But I thought you only went out with Reagan on Wednesdays and Saturdays?" Matt inquired, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He is pretty sure yesterday was a Tuesday.
"I do. But apparently a client of Reagan's or something cancelled their plans together, and he invited me to hang out instead." Edd explained calmly, taking another bite out of his meal.
Pulling out a chair for himself, Matt sat down next to him; remembering his own advice of playing it cool. Since they're on the topic of Reagan, he might as well just go with the flow from here. Matt took a deep breath. "So… who exactly is this Reagan fellow anyway?"
He looked down at his hands nervously, bracing himself for Edd's humour to drop – thinking perhaps he overstepped his boundaries in asking. But when Matt looked up again, there was nothing in his friend's eyes except for intense interest.
"Reagan… well, he's an… interesting guy." Edd began coolly. "To be honest, I am not entirely sure what he does. But he is staying in town for a little while." He paused to take a sip of his coffee. "He doesn't know his way around the place, so he asked if I could be his guide during this period, and I said yes."
Matt thought over his words carefully. "Oh so… this isn't a permanent thing then?"
"Haha no." Then Edd's expression darkened as realization dawned on him. He had been having so much fun going out with Reagan, he hadn't considered that the Irishman isn't going to stick around town forever. What will he do when the time comes to say goodbye? "No I… I guess not." He muttered dejectedly, his posture sagging.
Sensing his sudden shift in humour, Matt panicked; desperately searching for a new topic to change to before things go downhill. But his mind was running so fast he couldn't think of anything appropriate to say or do. What do I do?
Coming to his rescue, Ringo hopped onto her owner's lap and peered at the food intently. Edd laughed, running his hands through her soft tabby fur. "Why you cheeky little thief! You've been eyeing my breakfast this whole time, haven't you?" He teased, blocking the food out of Ringo's sight. She mewed indignantly and tried pawing his hand aside. "Don't be so edgy! I just filled your food bowl. It's over there if you're hungry."
Matt laughed as the brunet placed the cat back on the ground. Thank you, Ringo!
"Anyway, what have you been up to?" Edd asked casually.
"Oh, nothing much honestly." Matt confessed, leaning back on his chair. "I haven't added anything new to my collection of trinkets in quite a while now. I've been hanging around Mark and Eduardo a lot lately. And there isn't anything new to watch on Webflick either-"
"Wait, what?"
Matt went rigid with alarm. Had he been too laidback? "What?" He echoed in confusion.
"You've been hanging with Mark and… Eduardo?" Edd spoke the last name with a mixture of venom and disbelief in his voice.
"Yeah?" Matt still wasn't sure what the big deal is. "I already told you they don't plan to bother us anymore."
Edd frowned. "And you believed them? I thought you knew better than that by now, Matt." His words caused a twinge of hurt within the orange-haired man, making him wince. "I mean, I can kinda understand you and Mark getting close; being vain and all that. But Eduardo? Really?"
Matt felt as if something massive got lodged in his throat. This wasn't how he had intended their talk to go. "They're not so bad." He began defensively, shifting around in his seat with clear discomfort. "I don't get to interact with Eduardo all that much, I will admit. But he hasn't done anything so far, and Mark is actually a really smart guy! They even invited me to have dinner with them – why don't you come join us for once? I think if you just try and give them a chance, you might find yourself warming up to them too."
But Edd wasn't so easily convinced. "Are you kidding? Eduardo and I in the same room? That's just asking for trouble!"
"It really isn't!" Matt insisted, frustration welling up inside of him. He so desperately wanted this arrangement to work. Maybe then Edd wouldn't need to keep going out with Reagan. "Eduardo won't even so much as glance at you; he's far too busy worrying about his mysterious job to say or do anything."
Sighing in defeat, Edd closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair. For a couple heartbeats, neither of them spoke. Then Edd turned to face him again. "Fine. I will... consider what you said."
Matt smiled, his heart fluttering with hope.
"But as for today, I think I will have to decline the invitation."
"What? Why?"
Edd stretched his arms. "I just woke up! I want to get some commissions done before I go out tonight."
"You mean… you're heading out with Reagan again?" Matt stared at him, huge eyed with dismay.
"Yup!" His friend drank the reminder of his coffee, none the wiser to the ginger's concerns. "I mean, I can't just say no now - Reagan is expecting me to meet him today. We'll probably eat junk food somewhere and get drunk-"
"I think you're making a big mistake, Edd!"
A voice suddenly exclaimed, and Matt realized with horror that it had been him. He slapped a hand over his mouth. His concern must have driven out all thoughts of being tactful, or of not upsetting Edd in the process. But it's too late to take it back now.
Edd stiffened and stared back at him through narrowed eyes. "What are you talking about?"
Matt took a deep breath. "About Reagan." He confessed, ducking his head nervously.
"And what makes you say that?" Edd sounded as calm as ever.
Gulping, Matt hesitated and shifted on his seat. It seemed clear that blurting out his suspicions the way he did hadn't been exactly the most sensible way to go about it. But I can't stop now. I have to tell him what I think!
Edd waited in silence. Matt couldn't tell what was running through his mind. "I am not… entirely sure. But when I met him I just didn't feel right about him." He went on, nervously aware that it was too late now to change his mind. He really regrets not having rehearsed this conversation prior this talk now. "There's something undeniably off about him – I can't exactly put a finger on it."
"So I'm supposed to take your word for it just because you have a bad feeling about him?" Edd asked, his voice still deceptively calm, contrasted with his rigid posture and glaring eyes. "No offence, Matt, but you only met Reagan for a total of two minutes. It's not exactly enough to judge a person's whole character off of."
"I know, I know! But I can't shake this impression that Reagan might be up to no good; and that you might have some part to play in it somehow." Matt continued. "Don't you think it's a tad strange to spend so much time around someone you hardly know? You don't even know what he does for a living! For all we know, he could be dangerous and involved in some shady business."
As he spoke, Edd began to look troubled, narrowing his eyes so that only the faintest sliver of brown showed in his eyes. He let out a long sigh. "I can see how in your point of view Reagan could be seen as suspicious." He murmured. "We haven't gone in any adventures for a while. Heck, I believe this might be the first time we've actually sat down and talked to one another. But there's no need for you to be jealous."
"Jealous?" Matt parroted incredulously.
"I see now that I have been ignoring you for a while, and I'm very sorry for that. I promise I'll make it up to you soon." Edd went on as if he'd never spoken. "But you don't need to hold it out against Reagan. He's a real swell guy!"
Matt blinked, incapable of believing what he was hearing. Could it be true his suspicions had been only conjured up by his envy towards Reagan? He literally has nothing else going against the Irishman but his first impression of him. Aside from that one time, he knows nothing about him. Who is he to judge? It is true that Matt misses spending time with Edd just like they used to. He supposed Edd did have a good reason to think he is jealous.
A twinge of apprehension flickered in Matt's belly as he remembered the look in Reagan's eyes when he and Edd had walked out the door. Those vibrant green eyes had glowed with mirth and something akin to triumph, Matt is sure of it. His gut was telling him that the Irishman should not be trusted, and he must somehow convince Edd of that, for the sake of his safety.
"You've… changed, Edd. I feel as if you're not the same person anymore. Truth be told, I'm having a hard time confiding you with anything because… I- I'm- I am always afraid of how you're going to react." He ventured. "We've only just started getting over our grief and get back on our feet when this guy shows up out of nowhere. Don't you think that's even a little bit odd?"
Edd looked up at that; his eyes trained forward with interest. For a heartbeat Matt hesitated to continue sharing his concerns about Reagan, but his determination to keep his friend safe gave him the courage to go on.
"I know I may not be the most reliable person you can count on. I forget things quite often, I'm clumsy, I mess up a lot – believe me, I get it. But we've been friends for a really long time now; so much so that we are practically family at this point." Matt didn't dare mention how short their already small family has become, and simply moved on. "We've been through adventures and hardships together, travelled through thick and thin and to hell and back again – literally! We trust, confide, and look out for each other no matter what! I don't have any definitive proof, but I just know for a fact there is something suspicious about Reagan. I… I don't want to lose you too! Please trust me, Edd; I really think you should stop seeing him. I sense something bad is going to happen if you don't." He gazed at him imploringly.
For a few heartbeats he thought Edd had not heard him, he was so still. Then he pushed his chair back and rose from his seat, staring at him with a stone cold expression. "And you fully expect me to stop meeting Reagan altogether just on the assumption that you have bad vibes about him?"
Matt blinked. "I just thought—"
"This isn't what I expect from you, Matt!" Edd growled. His usually warm eyes glittered like ice. "You would do better to mind your own business than to come here telling tales about Reagan." He studied him for a long moment. "Don't you trust me to take care of myself?"
"I—I'm sorry!" Matt stammered. "But I thought I should tell you the truth."
Edd let out a long breath. All the interest he had shown before had vanished, leaving his expression cold and remote. "Go." He ordered. "I'll talk to you later. And never—never— mention this to me again. Do you understand?"
Matt stood up wearily and began backing out of the room. "But what about Reagan? He—"
"Just go away!" Edd spat the command.
Wincing, Matt's feet scrambled against the wooden floor in his haste to obey. Once out of the apartment and closing the door behind him, Matt came to rest when he had put a good distance between himself and Edd. He felt utterly bewildered. At first Edd had seemed prepared to listen to him, but as soon as he suggested he should stop seeing Reagan, he had refused to hear any more.
A sudden chill swept through Matt. For a short time, Matt had let himself hope that he could make Edd understand how dangerous the Irishman could be.
God damn it! He thought. Now he won't hear another word against Reagan. I blew it!
Confused and unhappy, Matt made for Mark's apartment, almost unconsciously. Like the blond man had promised, he kept the door unlocked for him, and Matt walked in dejectedly. While Mark worked on the stove, Eduardo was busy cutting vegetables. There were several ingredients gathered in front of him.
"See how easy it is? I told you could manage!" Mark nudged his partner encouragingly, eying Eduardo's progress with approval as the brunet handed him a portion of sliced carrots to add to the stew. Mark wore a frilly white apron as he cooked. "Honestly, you were so stiff at first it was like you were genuinely expecting the vegetables to spontaneously combust or something!"
Eduardo grumbled under his breath and obediently continued slicing more vegetables.
Matt numbly stood there and watched them for a moment without speaking. He felt sad, drained after the quarrel with Edd. He couldn't help wishing it were Edd and Tom here cooking together instead of Mark and Eduardo.
Choking down his anguish, Matt offered to set up the table; hoping to take his mind off things and move on with his day.
Soft snores echoed faintly throughout the room as Tom peacefully dozed off, a book sprawled over his chest, Tomee bear clutched close in one arm, and a dribble of drool trickled from the corner of his mouth. The door to his quarters slides open with a hiss, and a shadow falls over Tom's unconscious form.
Nearing the bed where his test subject laid, Tord paused to study him. Look at this lazy ass motherf#cker. He snickered quietly, watching the steady rise and fall of Tom's chest. He'd come to escort Tom to his soldier training, only to find the eyeless man in the middle of a nap instead.
Any other day, Tord wouldn't think twice about jolting Tom awake to get on with their schedule for the day. Tord is a busy man, after all. However, looking down at Tom's relaxed expression as he slept, Tord's features softened and he couldn't bring himself to do it. He's so… cute!
Tord shook his head to clear away the intrusive thoughts. What am I saying? I am the Red Leader for goodness sake! I can't think like this.
Deciding to get this over and done with before his thoughts can betray him once more; Tord hastily adjusted the settings on his mechanical arm. The repulsor on the palm of his hand switched to a speaker, and Tord chose the 'air horn' setting.
Lifting his hand close to Tom's unsuspecting face, Tord grinned. Just like old times.
He braced himself and blasted the obnoxiously loud air horn noise through the speakers in his hand. Tom instantly shot up from his bed in alarm, falling off the side of the bed with wide eyes as he whipped his head around wildly.
"Wha- what?! What's happening?!" He asks panickedly, still bleary from sleep.
Tord couldn't help but burst into laughter at the Brit's dazed reaction. Tom's gaze finally fell on him, and putting the pieces together he glared at the Norsk.
"Rise and shine, soldier!" Tord grinned.
"What the f#ck, Commie?" Tom scrambled to his feet, clearly irritated by his rude awakening. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, especially not without the Dreamcatcher device, but this was still a pretty awful way to wake up to.
The Norsk stared at him in amusement and chuckled. "Somebody's cranky."
"And somebody needs to shut f#ck up." Tom fumed.
"Oh come now, Thomas; don't be so offended." Tord soothed, programing his arm back to the repulsor. "It if makes you feel any better, I play this exact same trick on Paul and Pat when they think they can sleep in!" Before they moved in to the same quarters, that is. "Now come, we have training to do."
Tom caught up with Tord as he headed for the long corridor and fell in step behind him. "Will Paul and Pat be joining us?"
Tord replied without looking back. "I've ordered them to help ensure that everything is top notch with the rest of the base. It's going to be just you and me."
Tom's heartbeat quickened and he gulped at the notion of being left alone with Tord. If something were to go wiry between them – and it very well could, given their relationship – there won't be anyone to help Tom if Tord decides he's had enough. Tom will just have to tread carefully from here on out. In theory, Tord won't hurt him unless he is provoked; so as long as Tom reframes from doing stupid sh#t he should be safe.
"What do you mean? Isn't that our end goal? ~" The voice pointed out with a scornful hiss, trailing a set of sharp fingertips teasingly along the side of his throat. Tom winced. "So what if it comes sooner? I say you mock him to your heart's content and just spill out everything you ever wanted to tell him right to his face before he pulls the trigger. ~"
Right, because that's not f#cking suspicious at all. Tom retorted dryly despite the fact that the voice's nails were digging into the flesh of his neck; drawing blood. He could feel the warm liquid tickling down onto his shirt but Tom elected to ignore it. This won't be the first time today that the voice will shed his blood. Even it isn't real. I have to play it cool. One wrong move and Tord could very well decide that any threat over my life won't be enough for my cooperation. Besides, not even Tord's anger management issues will be enough for him to lose all reason and kill me.
He heard the voice tsk in distaste. "Excuses, excuses… you'll run out of them sooner or later, but it will be far too late for you then. When that happens…I will be there to remind you of your place. ~" Tom could sense the voice grin against the back of his neck right before a set of claws scored down his back in a quick motion; from the base of his neck all the way down to his waist. Tom whimpered and the voice disappeared, its foreboding warning still ringing inside his head.
Returning to reality, Tom and Tord walked together along the large hallways of the lab level. Tom's mind raced as he shot quick glances in Tord's direction. This will be the second training session he's having with Tord; and if things weren't awkward enough before, they are definitely so now after their chat in the test room. What does he have in store for me this time? By the time they reached the training room, Tom's nerves were skyrocketing but he succeeded in maintaining his expression nulled.
They made their way across the immense gym toward the fighting ring that stood elevated just a meter above the ground. Tom followed Tord as he climbed the small steps leading into the ring and jumped over the railing into the cushioned arena.
"Now Tom, as a soldier it is important for you to be prepared for anything. Everything counts in the battlefield and you must be ready to face it." Tord explained as he strolled to the centre. "You can't be expected to rely solely on anything else aside from your own wits." He went on, turning to face him. "Depend too much on your gun, and when you find yourself without it you'll be done for. Like I said; anything can happen. Run out of ammo, get disarmed, captured, yatta yatta you get the idea." Tord raved on, twirling the fingers of his robotic hand in a dismissive gesture. "And sure, you'll be fighting alongside the rest of my army, but that's still no excuse to slack off. Teamwork may be key, but don't be surprised when you have to fend for yourself at some point."
Tom began to tune Tord out as his vision darkened once more. He whined as the all too familiar sensation of sharp digits grabbing hold of his shoulders made itself known to him.
"You hear that? Don't depend on anyone else. ~" The voice cooed mockingly into his head. "You are on your own. If you can't do things by yourself, don't bother asking help from others. You'll merely burden them more. ~"
"I want to concentrate on your fighting skills, and I want you to concentrate on them too—which means no distractions." Tord continued, pacing back and forth in front of Tom, emitting an air of authority to him.
"No one cares about you other than what you possess. ~" Whispered the voice, another set of phantom hands wrapping around Tom's waist while one sharp digit trailed his jawline and another pierced the flesh of his cheek. "If it weren't for the valuable serum currently running through your veins, believe me, people would not bat an eye if you were gone. As they should! ~"
Sudden movement flashed right in front of him. A blur of blue and red whirled past his nose, and Tom fell backwards as his feet were knocked lightly from underneath him. He landed flat on his back over the cushioned mats of the ring. Before Tom could get a chance to properly recover from the blow, the wind was knocked out of him by a heavy boot pinning him down over his ribcage. Gritting his teeth in irritation, Tom glared upwards to see Tord towering calmly over him. "Do I have your attention now?" He growled, although his one visible eye sparked with mirth.
Blinking, Tom realized what had just occurred and composed himself. "Yeah, you got me. Now let me up!"
Tord pursed his lips, as if genuinely considering the idea. "I'll let you up, if you address me properly." He smirked.
Rolling his non-existent eyes, Tom grumbled. Tord leaned downwards while simultaneously increasing the pressure of his boot over Tom's ribs. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Mind speaking up a little bit more?"
Clenching his eyes shut, Tom hissed at the building pain in his lower abdomen. At least the Commie managed to shut the voice up. He acknowledged, before sighing in defeat. "Sorry, Sir! It won't happen again, sir!" Tom growled hastily, glaring into his gray eye.
Satisfied with his answer, Tord lifted his boot off and stepped back. "That's better." The Norsk murmured, watching Tom stagger to his feet. "As I was saying; Thomas, you have been with us for many months now. Although you were never directly involved with any of the army's activities, you are no stranger to this type of environment." He commented, referring to their little adventure in the army countless years ago. Ah, the fond memories! "You have had some fighting experience; you are familiar with guns and… other weapons." Tord's voice slightly lowered, and Tom did not need to be a genius to know what he was implying with that remark. "Not to mention that you are quite clever and agile… when you want to be, that is."
Tom crossed his arms and stared at him deadpanned. "Are you going to keep on babbling or are you getting somewhere with all of this?"
He received a cuff to the back of his head for his snarky comment. It didn't really hurt, since Tord used his organic hand – it's more of a reminder to keep quiet and listen when the leader is talking. But Tom found himself rubbing the sore spot with a frown regardless.
Shaking his head, Tord tutted. "Patience is a virtue, Thomas. A virtue you unfortunately do not possess an abundance of." He went back to pacing. "Where was I? Oh yes! You are quite the formidable opponent when put in the right circumstances. But one day you will meet an opponent who is all of these things as well, and perhaps so much more – quick, fierce and clever." Tord noted, his voice lowered to an intense hiss. "And it is my duty as your leader and mentor to prepare you for that day."
Tom nodded, surprised to find himself so caught up on the Norsk's words. It's not in any way normal to hear Tord compliment him; and gathering from past experiences, Tom knows this doesn't usually end well for him. Tom's senses were fully alert, and on guard.
"Show me how well you fight." Tord ordered. "Attack me. Try to pin me down."
Tom blinked. Usually he would be static at the chance of punching Tord's stupid smirk and face in, just to payback for all the sh#t he pulled. But Tom couldn't help but hesitate, his fingers curling into fists in a repeating motion. There's something undeniably suspicious about this.
"Really? Just like that?" Tom raised an eyebrow sceptically.
"What else is there to it? A kiss on the cheek for good luck?" Tord argues, shrugging with indifference. He then smirks. "I didn't realize you would be so scared of going up against a half blind amputee, Thomas."
"Shouldn't you begin by teaching me some basic moves? Jumping straight to fighting seems really out of left field!" Tom tries to reason.
"I'm sorry, which one of us runs an army?" Tord remarked with a chuckle. "We both know you are not defenceless, Thomas. Before I can start teaching you I would like to see what level your skills are right now, so that I may pick up from there. No point wasting time teaching you things you already know." He explained coolly.
Seeing no other way out of this, Tom scoffed and rolled his non-existent eyes. He decided not to give Tord the benefit of seeing him flustered and just get this training session over with as soon as possible.
Narrowing his eyes and getting into focus, Tom analysed Tord's form, sizing him up and wondering the best way to go about this. Tord wasn't much bigger than himself; but what the Norsk lacks in height he makes up for it in muscle, surely. Nearly ten years leading an army – Tord can't possibly be weak.
Tom's mind flashed back to the incident when in a fit of rage he'd ripped out Tord's eye patch and invoked the Norsk's wrath. Perhaps because at the time Tom had been so weak and malnourished, but Tord definitely isn't someone he ought to mess with.
With that in mind, it would be a waste of effort to begin with mere punches and wrestling. The next best thing Tom could think of would be to aim for one side. But which one? Tord may be blind on his right side, but Tom isn't foolish enough to think that the Norwegian man would let himself be open to attacks with such a weak spot being exposed. Not to mention that his right has the deadly, metallic hand; currently flexing his fingers with anticipation and making faint whirring sounds.
"Today if possible, Thomas." Tord teased, taking notice of the Brit's clear discomfort and frustration as he could practically read his every move.
Grumbling a low growl, Tom shifted his attention to the Norsk's left side. Looks simple enough, aside from the aforementioned muscle strength. But here's the thing; would Tom rather be hit with a very probable painful punch to his face from a hand made out of flesh and bones, or from a robotic fist made out of hard metal and steel?
"What's this? ~" The voice returned to haunt him. "Afraid of a little pain? ~" Tom could practically feel it grin right up against his ear, and he suppressed a shudder.
Ignoring the voice's sharp claw-like nails grazing over his injured back, Tom focused his attention back to training. Perhaps if he could trick Tord into going a certain direction, while aiming for the other one, Tom could go behind his back and unbalance him with a powerful enough blow.
With a plan set in mind, Tom braced himself. Disturbingly enough, Tord hasn't taken his silver-gray eye off him for even an instant. Tom stared back at him and dashed forward.
He pretended to aim for Tord's right, and when the Norsk tries to block his blow, Tom would divert to his left on the last minute to land a punch on his side.
But Tord was more than ready for him.
Rather than blocking Tom's feint attack, like he had been hoping for, Tord lashed out with his robotic hand and tried to punch him square in the face.
"What the-?!"
Tom abruptly halted, blinking in confusion and barely managing to dodge the strike. He tried to retract his steps and go the other way around, still going along with his plan, only for Tord to block his path and grab a hold of him; easily flinging him away. Tom felt he had been knocked away like a bothersome brat. He hit the cushioned floor hard and lay winded for a moment, catching his breath, before scrambling to his feet.
"What the hell?!"
"Interesting strategy." Tord commented slyly. "But you'll have to try a lot harder than that. Again!"
Getting over his initial shock, this time Tom looked at his shoulders but aimed for his legs. When Tord attacks, Tom would knock the legs from underneath him as he ducks. Tom felt a surge of satisfaction as he charged, but it turned into confusion as Tord unexpectedly sidestepped out of the way and let him skid his leg into nothing where he had stood just a heartbeat before. Tord timed it perfectly – and before Tom could catch his bearings and formulate another plan of attack, Tord landed a kick with painful precision on Tom's stomach; knocking the wind out of him.
Panting, Tom staggered backwards with a wild look in his eyes. He spotted Tord coming his way, and in his haze, succeeded in blocking a couple of punches until Tord head-butted him, and pushed him backwards. Stunned, Tom fell on his back as Tord pinned him down, squashing the breath out of him.
"Now how about you try something I won't expect, hm?" Tord hissed into his ear, climbing off him and backing away with a challenging gleam in his one gray eye.
Tom scrambled up, panting, and shook himself crossly. He hissed and charged again. Tom was determined to win no matter at what cost. But Tord is just as equally determined to not go easy on him, or let him win at all.
Tord remained absolutely still, not moving a muscle as he watched Tom get nearer. Fuming, the test subject tackled him head on and tried to use his own weight to bring the Norsk down with him. However, Tord had endured the force of the impact with his legs digging into the floor. He watched with blatant amusement, as the other man tried in vain to overpower him. He is slowly, but surely succumbing to frustration. Tord mused. He almost felt bad for Tom at this point, seriously considering going a tad bit easier on him.
Well… Almost.
Keeping one of his legs tightly secured in the ground to keep his balance, Tord twisted his other one around Tom's, and used his hands to shove him away. Tom staggered backwards, tripping over Tord's leg in the process. He tried to regain his balance last minute, to stand up and keep fighting, but Tord kneed him in the gut and he flopped heavily onto his back.
Above the roaring rush of blood pulsating in his ears, Tom barely managed to hear Tord's soft voice above him. Blinking his eyes, Tom saw the Norsk extend his robotic hand out to him. Knowing he didn't have the strength to get up by himself at this point, Tom accepted the offer without complaint. Once the Brit's hand was in his mechanical one, Tord hauled him up until he was back on his legs. Still stunned and dizzy, Tom nearly fell again until Tord grasped his shoulders to keep him steady.
A hand gently grasped Tom's chin, and raised his head to make eye contact with the Red Leader. "Tom, listen to me. You're strong and quick, but you must learn to keep control of your speed and body weight so that it's not so easy for me to unbalance you."
Tom batted the hand holding his chin aside pathetically. "Isn't all this a bit too much?" He complained, still panting. "I mean, what are the chances we fight other soldiers like this? In a real war, everyone is going to be equipped with guns; at least I sincerely hope so. Also, even if we're unarmed, the other troops will surely have guns and they'll kill us way before we get the chance to get near them and do something. So, I don't know, this all seems kind of pointless to me."
Tord chuckled. "Trust me, you'll be plenty thankful to have this set of skills on you if the occasion ever arises." He continued. "It may sound silly and improbable at first, I know, but it is a training requirement for any army and I cannot just overlook it." Once he was sure Tom wasn't going to topple down if he lets go of him, Tord walked away to stand on the opposite side of the ring. "Whenever you are ready, try again."
Tom backed away; hot, sweaty, and out of breath, until he found himself leaning against the elastic ropes of the arena. Groaning in exasperation, frustration raged through him. He just wants to get this stupid training session over with, so he can go take a shower and return to his quarters for a quick nap before his dinner arrives. Now more than ever, Tom is determined to get the better of the Commie.
He took his time in recovering and made another quick observation of his opponent, searching for any weaknesses he could exploit to his advantage. Standing all the way over to the opposite side of the fighting ring, Tord was stretching his limbs, popping some of his joints in the process. Tom watched him with something akin to fascination. The Norsk looks so at ease, and confident in his abilities. Was there even a bead of sweat on his face? The long, cobalt blue coat really made Tord's overall form and shape stand out. It gave an empowering and dominating air to him, but also graceful and elegant too. Sure, Pat and Paul wear them too, but for an unknown reason Tom thought it looked a lot more appealing on Tord.
Feeling reinvigorated now, Tom snapped his mind back on track. "I'm ready now."
Tord shot him a brief glance. "Well? What you're waiting for, Thomas? An invitation?"
Narrowing his eyes at Tord's teasing comments, Tom rushed at him. The Red Leader smirked and positioned himself into a defensive stance. Once he was within proximity, Tom raised one fist and swung it towards the Norsk's left cheek. Tord ducked to avoid his strike and raised his robotic hand, ready to swipe down right onto Tom's head. Thinking quickly, Tom fell back to the ground to avoid the blow, and in one fast movement, struck his legs forward to kick Tord straight on the gut. Taken by surprise, Tord hissed as he felt all air be knocked out of him. He doubled over and staggered backwards. Tom took his chance now that the Norsk is momentarily winded, and he swiped his leg against Tord's own.
Tord was knocked down and fell back onto the cushioned floor with a grunt.
Tom flipped himself over and leaped to his feet. He felt jubilant. He observed Tord's form, lying down completely still with the exception of the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed in heavily. Tom approached him, his movements sluggish from fatigue, and yet for the first time in a long while he actually felt proud of himself.
Towering over him, Tom found Tord's one visible eye glinting proudly back at him.
"That... was much better." The Norsk puffed, out of breath. Tom smirked just a tiny bit, and lends him a hand, to which Tord gratefully took. Tom heaved him up, helping Tord to his feet as he adjusted his uniform and hair. "But you forgot to pin me down. That was a mistake."
Smirk wiped away instantly, Tom got no time to react as Tord pulled him forward hard, knocking him to the ground, then retreated and let Tom pick himself up before rushing at him again. Tom braced himself for impact, but Tord bowled over him easily.
"Look at my size, Thomas! Don't try to stand up against my attack. Use your wits!" Tord instructed, pinning him down with his boot. "If you are fast enough to avoid me, then avoid me!" He stepped off.
Tom scrambled to his feet again, preparing for Tord's next attack. This time he didn't dig his heels into the cushioned floor, but stood lightly, keeping his weight on his toes. As Tord advanced toward him, he hopped neatly out of his path, and struck out a punch against the side of Tord's face, sending him spiralling onward past him.
Tord regained his footing and whirled around to face him. A sly grin on his face as he rubbed his sore cheek. "Excellent! You learn quickly." He praised with glinting gaze. "But that was an easy move. Let's see how well you deal with this one!"
Tord sprang at him, slamming into Tom's side and knocking him off his feet. Tom writhed as he was firmly pinned down by the Norwegian man. Tord's silver-gray eye stared back at him when a mischievous expression crossed his features.
No harm in teasing him a little bit, right?
"Say, does this remind you of something?" Tord purred with mock contemplation. Tom stopped struggling to look up at him in confusion.
"No? Not really?-"
He cut off abruptly when Tord deeply inhaled, his nose scrunching up and his throat rumbling. Tom froze, his eyes widening. He knows exactly what the Commie has in mind. The snicker-snag!
Back when they were teens and started living together, it was common for Tom and Tord to get into lots of petty arguments and fights to breakout between them for the littlest things. Tord especially liked to tease Tom by pinning him down and subject him to a snicker-snag; a disgusting move where he would dangle a thread of saliva over his face until it eventually falls, and slobbers him. At the time, Edd would usually come to his rescue before such fate could happen. But Edd isn't here to save him now.
With that in mind, Tom's panic kicked-in and he started to trash around wildly, trying to escape but to no avail. His struggles only escalated when Tord began to droop the bead of drool, inching closer and closer to his face. "No! No! No!" Tom screeched, shaking his head frantically as his mind went haywire the closer the strand got until he couldn't take it anymore, and simply turned his head away. Eyes clenched shut as he waited for the humiliating defeat with one last desperate scream.
But it never came.
Tord slurped the thread back before it could reach Tom, and stared down at him as he laughed. "Jesus, Tom!" He wheezed. "With the way you're screaming it sounds like I'm subjecting you to some painful torture! Not a snicker-snag!"
Tom opened one of his eyes and gazed back up at him, annoyed that he's being made fun of, but at the same time relieved Tord wasn't going to go through with it. Or so he thought, before Tord's laughter died down and he let his saliva hang from his mouth once more.
"Oh c'mon!" Tom renewed his struggles, writhing beneath Tord from side to side to try and slip away. "Since when are snicker-snags included in soldier training, for f#cks sake?!" He hoped Tord would pull the disgusting slob back up again to give some witty remark, but unfortunately Tord merely chuckled and continued his insistent teasing.
In a last desperate effort to escape this awful humiliation, Tom thrust his legs up hard into Tord's belly, successfully throwing the Norsk off of him. He miraculously managed to dodge the droplet of spit at the last second, twisted and jumped to his feet before Tord could catch him off guard.
They continued training for hours in that gym. Without even feeling the presence of time pass between the two of them, they kept sparring for the reminder of the day. They laughed and bantered through the many punches and kicks being thrown at each other, but there was no sign of animosity between them. Only competitive playfulness.
All previous thoughts of suspicion, defiance and disdain have disappeared. There is only now; Tord and him, facing each other.
"That's enough for today." Tord stopped and gathered to his feet.
Tom couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief. He's completely spent after today's workout. Though he would personally never admit it out loud, he enjoyed the training session with Tord. Mostly because it was the only chance he got to pummel his fist in Tord's face without any repercussions after holding in his anger this whole time. But there was also this underlined pleasant sensation Tom couldn't possibly ignore that manifested sometime during training.
It felt weird.
He followed Tord out of the ring. The Norsk seemed a little tired; stiff and with a slight limp but he still walked with grace. Tom fell in step next to him, panting heavily and still a little exhilarated from their training.
"Good work, Tom. You did great today." Tord began as they walked into the hallway.
Tom glanced at him and scoffed. "Yeah right! I couldn't even manage to pin you down!"
Tord chuckled. "To be fair, no one can. Maybe Paul can, but he hasn't so far. When I set the challenge for you I knew you wouldn't succeed, but I wanted to see how you would try to anyway; and just as I expected, you did not disappoint." He went on. "You get frustrated very easily and that tends to cloud your judgment when it matters, but you are a quick learner and that'll be essential for the rest of your training."
Only half-listening at this point, Tom realized something strange. He wasn't feeling the least bit tired; in fact, Tom felt quite the opposite. He feels as if he could run laps around the track all day, his feet skimming the ground as the exhilaration of speed coursed through him, and Tom had a feeling he could stand up to anything. This sensation was new and refreshing to say the least. Tom wanted more.
"Hey Tord." Tom spoke up after a few brief minutes of silence. "Am I allowed to use the gym whenever I want?"
Tord glanced back at him questioningly and hummed. "I suppose."
"Then if it's all the same to you," Tom stopped walking and glanced over his shoulder. "I think I'll head back and train a little more by myself."
Tord stared at him in surprise, and then Tom glimpsed a flicker of disappointment in the Norsk's eyes before he settled for a calm demeanour and a lazy grin. "As you wish. But don't be surprised if you get a scolding from Patrick later for overworking yourself. I practically have to put up with it every day!"
Tom forced himself to chuckle casually before whirling around and going back the way he came. Something about Tord just then unsettled him. Why did he appear disappointed so suddenly? Tord had that exact same expression at the end of their talk in the test room. It had been brief, but it was still there.
Is Tord expecting something from me? Tom couldn't help but wonder. If so, what?
Reagan whistled a happy little tune as he led Edd toward their destination for the night. He couldn't stop thinking back to the ginger-haired man he encountered a few days ago. It was hilarious how awfully easy it was to unsettle him, and he can't wait to play more games with him in the future. Will he be brave enough to even try? Or will he stand back and watch as I steal his friend away? Reagan snickered quietly to himself. He surely can't wait to see.
"Hey Reagan, are you sure you know where we're going?" Edd's voice cut through his musings and he glanced back at him over his shoulder. "I must admit I've never been to this part of the town before, so I am kinda blind here."
Reagan clasped a hand on his shoulder dismissively. "Don't worry. I've been to this place a bunch of times over the past few weeks – I practically know this area like the back of my hand at this point."
Edd blinked in surprise. "Really? Why?"
The Irishman hummed pensively, grinning as he fished his pocket for a cigar. "Work related stuff, mostly."
They continued walking through the suspicious looking neighbourhood. Despite Reagan's reassurance, Edd remained on high alert; his brown eyes flicking all over the place.
The buildings they passed by were old and rundown, their windows cracked or barred with wooden planks. The streets they tread in were narrow and dark with barely any light posts to illuminate the way. The farther they went the fewer cars seem to drive by the area, leaving them in an eerie silence with nothing to take its place.
It was only when a bottle shattered ominously close by their location, startling Edd so badly he visibly jumped, did he finally voice his increasing worries.
"Reagan? Are you absolutely sure this place is safe? Because I got a really bad feeling…"
Expecting to hear another reassurance to calm his nerves, Edd was completely unprepared for Reagan's response.
"Well… I said that I know this place – didn't say anything about being safe."
"What?!" Edd exclaimed only to slap a hand over his own mouth in fear of attracting unwanted attention. He grabbed Reagan by the shoulders and started shaking him in desperation. "You mean to tell me we are currently walking through a danger zone and you are okay with this? Are you mad?"
Reagan stared at him wide eyed before smirking. "This is the fastest shortcut that I know of. Plus I thought you trusted me, Eddie. I would never lead you into danger on purpose unless we didn't have any other choice. But I promise you, as long as you stick close to me, we are safe." He brushed Edd's hands off his shoulders. "Trust me."
Edd stepped back hesitantly, still unnerved by the reality of the situation. "I do trust you, Reagan. It's your judgment that worries me a little." They resumed walking. "I mean, what if we get jumped on by a mugger? Or surrounded by a gang of bandits? Or worse?"
"Calm your tits, Eddie. I'm sure we'll get through this just fine."
"You know, there's been a lot of rumours and sightings of a beast wandering the area. Well, it's been a while since the last report, but in any case, I think we should be careful-"
"Beast? Seriously?" Reagan interrupted, rolling his eyes. "Where the f#ck are we? The eighteen-hundreds? Sh#t Eddie, I forgot my pitchfork and torch at home – guess we're f#cked!"
"I'm serious! People got killed by whatever it is, and it was a huge deal a while back. It kinda became this town's version of the Mothman or Bigfoot; everyone knows about it."
"As fascinating as it sounds, I'm still confident we got nothing to worry about." Reagan eyed him curiously. "You seem to know a great deal about this case though."
"It was all over the news when it first started occurring; it's kinda hard to not pay any attention to it when it's everywhere! Besides, it's quite an interesting case." Edd half-lied.
True, he had watched the news back when everything first happened, but Edd had never given the situation much thought. He was concerned for Tom and Matt's wellbeing at the time and often cautioned them to be careful. Then there were no more news about it and Edd thought everything was all good again.
Until Tom died that is.
When Edd finally snapped out of his denial, there was a stage in his period of grief where he tried to find the culprit behind his friend's murder. During his search, Edd had stumbled upon many articles surrounding the mysterious cryptid but Edd instantly brushed it off. Not that he doesn't believe in the supernatural in any way – his adventures have more than proven their existence. But it's highly unlikely this creature had anything to do with the situation, since Tom's death did not match the description of any of the other victims. Still, didn't stop Edd from doing his research on the matter.
"But I don't think we got to worry about anything. No one's going to jump us, and if they do, I'll make them regret it." Reagan's voice cut through his thoughts, jerking him back to reality.
"How can you be so sure?" Edd prompted.
Reagan gave a low chuckle. "I got… briefed before arriving in this town. Let's just say I know exactly what I am dealing with." He then paused, his tone taking a serious turn. "But I can't guarantee your safety if you decide to come here on your own for whatever reason. So I advise you to stay clear from this area when I'm not with you, or you're going to get beaten to pulp with an inch of your life left."
Before long they finally reached the end of the dreadful alley and left the horrid neighbourhood behind them. Edd released a sigh of relief when Reagan nudged him, prompting him to look up.
Their destination turned out to be a bowling alley. Reagan thought it would be fun if they played a few rounds and ate Chinese takeout together. Edd squinted as he took in his surroundings. The dim lighting combined with the harsh neon lights that bordered each one of the bowling tracks and walls hurt his eyes, and the obnoxiously loud pop music that blasted from the speakers didn't help matters. It genuinely feels as if they're on a rave rather than a bowling alley.
They sat in a booth on the far side, closer to the lanes and away from the other players in the establishment. While Edd busied himself on setting all their food down, Reagan went ahead and got the game started.
"And… strike!"
The blond flicked his hand forward and released the ball, flinging it across the smooth lane with such strength it thundered loudly above the blasting music. However, contrary to the Irishman's wishes, the ball dashed straight to the gutter and harmlessly passed by the pins.
Reagan frowned. "Boo! Game's rigged!"
"Tough luck." Edd chuckled, opening the last of the food wrappings.
"It's your turn now." Reagan turned to him, holding a bowling ball out for Edd to take. The brunet swallowed.
"I, uh, why don't you go ahead and play my round as well? I'm sure you can make a strike this time!" Edd suggested nervously.
The Irishman raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "That's not how this game works, Eddie." He shoved the ball into the Brit's hands. "C'mon! I'm the one paying for all this; the least you could do is try and enjoy yourself!"
Shoved closer to the lane, Edd staggered forward and approached wearily. He had never gone bowling before – In the past, Tom would forbid Edd and Matt from ever stepping foot into one of these establishments. It's not like he's here to complain now. Edd thought uneasily as he crouched into the address stance. Still feels wrong to be here playing though.
Pushing his nagging anxiety aside Edd held the ball up to his face, preparing to throw. However, as he peered at the dark holes of the ball, it appeared to shift – morphing into a face with empty eyes and spiky hair, glaring back at Edd as if scrutinizing his actions and a pang of guilt scorched through the brunet. Edd leaned closer to the apparition, yearning for the real thing to manifest out of it and change his reality from what it currently is.
"Hey Eddie, are you gonna throw the ball any time soon or are you planning on frenching it first?"
Reagan's teasing jab cut through Edd's thoughts, effectively erasing the illusion and jerking him back to reality. Blinking rapidly, Edd hastily threw the ball and watched as it went straight for the gutter.
"Yeah, sorry… I'm not very good at this game." Edd laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly as he tried to brush off his embarrassment. "I think I will just... sit down and eat instead. I'm really hungry. Maybe you should take a break too?"
Reagan stared at him intently for a couple of heartbeats before shrugging. "Whatevs, Eddie. I am gonna keep playing, if you don't mind."
However, not a minute later and Reagan called it quits when the ball went to the gutter again. They sat down on the booth and began to chow down their food and talk.
"So Reagan, what did you do before coming to this town?" Edd asked through a mouthful of food.
Reagan tsked. "You know I'm not allowed to answer that."
"Oh not work – I mean, like, life in general?" His earlier argument with Matt caused a bit of unease within Edd. He knows Reagan better than Matt does, that's for sure, but the Irishman is still as enigmatic as the day he first met him. The weight in his conscience would lessen considerably if Reagan were to shed some light into his background.
Humming deep in thought, Reagan tapped his chin repeatedly. "Not much, honestly." He took another forkful of his meal. "Just hopping from one place to another, looking for new thrills, hang around for a while before eventually moving on to the next best thing. Guess I was kind of a wanderer before settling for my job."
Edd contemplated his words. "Sounds nice, but also a bit lonely though." He stirred his food with one fork. "Don't you have a family to get back to? Or a home, or something?"
"What? And be tied down to only one place and having to depend on others all the time? Pass!" He scoffed, raising his chin. "I can't think of anything worse than being held back by others when you can accomplish so much more out of your life. I like to be free, thank you very much! I met a lot of people in my travels, and I can tell you, no one sticks around forever – and hey! Life is short! Can't afford to settle for a handful when there's a whole world ripe for the taking." He finished his speech with a wide grin on his face. "Why despair when there's a bar in every corner of the world?"
Edd opened his mouth to protest, but stopped short when Reagan reached for one of the fortune cookies. Rather than cracking one open to take the fortune from within, like you're supposed to, he simply tossed the full thing in his mouth and started chewing without a care in the world. Edd stared at him wide eyed.
"Reagan… you do know that's not how you eat fortune cookies, right?"
The Irishman stopped chewing, staring back at Edd in confusion. "What you mean?"
Flabbergasted he was actually going to have to teach such a basic concept to someone who claims to be so independent, Edd took the remaining fortune cookie and cracked it open; taking the slip of paper to demonstrate.
"Oh!" Reagan deadpanned in understanding. He stuffed his fingers inside his own mouth, poking around the mush of food inside. Edd nearly gagged in disgust and had to look away. Reagan finally pulled out the wet slip of paper from his mouth. "Blimey! You mean to tell me all these years I've been eating fortune cookies wrong? Well, this is embarrassing."
Edd chuckled half-heartedly, brushing the incident off. "So what does it say?"
Reagan unfolded his fortune to read, flicking away the bits of food clinging to it. "The greatest danger could be your stupidity." He deadpanned, earning a chortle out of Edd. "Aiight, sounds sensible enough. What about yours, Eddie?"
The brunet unwrapped the slip of paper eagerly. "All things are difficult before they are easy." His smile fell as he read the words out loud, the phrase resonating within him. It seems things are always difficult. He thought frustratedly. The image of a ginger-haired Brit smiling brightly back at him flashed in his mind, and Edd shifted in his seat uncomfortably. I shouldn't be here.
"I think I'm gonna head back home now." Edd stood up from his seat, ready to leave.
Reagan's head snapped up to look at him before he'd even finished his sentence, giving him a look; one that says he'd mistepped. Instantly, Reagan's hand shot up to grab Edd's elbow to stop him. "Whoa whoa whoa! Not so fast, Eddie." He spoke coolly. "Are you forgetting that I'm the one paying all expenses here tonight? After all the trouble of booking a place for us, you mean to tell me my money is going down the drain cuz you can't put up staying out a little bit later?
Silence descended between them like a thick fog, and stayed for a full minute as Edd contemplated his words.
"C'mon, Eddie!" Reagan grinned, tipping his head lazily to one side. "Where's your sense of adventure? Live a little!"
Edd bit his lip. He squirmed uncomfortably under that smile; it made him feel like a dull-witted child who still needs parents' permission to stay out late with his friends, and a tight knot of anxiety congealed in his stomach. Giving in with a small sigh, Edd shrank back into his seat and dropped his gaze, sipping his cola from time to time to relax.
"You know Eddie, I gotta be honest with you man, from one friend to another; but I think you might be just a little bit too uptight."
"I mean, just look at your lifestyle!" Reagan motioned to the Brit's entire being. "You are an artist, hoping to strike big someday, and maybe even find yourself a fancy lady to court – or dude; I don't judge! – And you are really open with people." The blond narrowed his eyes. "And that's dangerous."
Edd stared at him, perplexed by the Irishman's way of thinking. "What do you mean?"
"Well, how many other people out there do you reckon have the same goals as you do? It's gonna be a competition, regardless if you think you got talent. Someone out there could be even better, and what will you do then?" Reagan kept going, acting composed and laid back as he delivered some harsh truths to really knock some sense into Edd's reality. "Put it this way, Eddie; you keep letting people in, you are just asking to get yourself hurt. I speak from personal experience that they will leave you in the end – one way or another."
Contemplating his ominous words, Edd couldn't help but tilt his head to one side. "Why are you telling me this?" His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, watching Reagan tip back his head and take a massive gulp of his beer.
"Because we're friends! I thought that was obvious enough by now. I care about your wellbeing, especially since you lost a friend not too long ago, and I don't want to see you get hurt." Reagan responded as he slammed the tankard on the table, oozing confidence to back up his words. His tongue swiped around his lips briefly to clean away the foam the tasty beverage had left behind. "Those rose-tinted glasses you have on can only take you so far before it becomes too much for you to handle, so I advise you to start building some walls."
Edd drank his cola, unsure of how to respond and just letting Reagan's advice replay in his head. "Kinda bleak way of viewing the world, don't you think?" He speaks at last, a small faint smile on his face as he tries lightening the mood. "The world is pretty harsh, and life can be tough on us; but it's not all bad! There's so much more to it."
"Sometimes people die, sometimes they live, and sometimes they break apart." Reagan murmured coolly, slowly churning the beer in his glass. "In my line of work, you know, you learn the worst of humanity, and you sure don't see a lot of best to balance it out."
His sombre tone convinced Edd that he was speaking from personal experience. He felt a sharp prick of curiosity, wondering for the life of him what could Reagan's mysterious job be, but Reagan said no more, and Edd didn't feel that he could ask him about it.
Last time I asked you all on your update preference: long pause followed by weekly updates, or irregular updates like I've been doing so far. I read each and every one of your comments, but in the end the majority of you have decided on weekly updates. So after this chapter, I will take a long break and write up to 5 or 6 chapters and then start updating the story again at a later time. I will announce the return date in the next chapter! So please don't think this story is dead, cuz it's definitely not, k?
And with that, I ask you this; how much of what Reagan is saying do you believe is true? 
29 notes · View notes
Self-Love First, Manifest After
Science & Spirituality Series
Are you living intentionally or just going through the motions??? Do you think it's too late, you're too old to fulfill your purpose??! Did you quit day dreaming? You believe that you give up your dreams when you have children or get married or both? Are you overwhelmed, anxious, angry? Are your emotions leaning into the negative end of the vibe spectrum?
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If you answered yes to any of the questions above then my guess is that by now you have witnessed or been party to some not so positive happenings, events or situations recently? You have created some momentum of thought in the opposite direction of where you want to go.
So here is what I want you to understand about the law of attraction.
Everything is relative and connected via ENERGY and FREQUENCY & INTENTIONS; OUR THOUGHTS ARE POWERFUL. Do you want to utilize that power or is it a change you just can't or won't adapt to; positive from negative, optimism vs. pessimism??
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You surely have heard of Karma. Biblically, you may have studied that you reap what you sow. Both, the same concept and if you are breathing and living as an adult, you have experienced or witnessed this in action; we all know it is true, what goes around comes around, what you give out you will get back at some point. How much positivity do you have in your vibrational escrow? Are you creating good karmic ties for yourself or are you still on the negative end of the spectrum? It may be time for you to get a realignment; lean a more to the positive, optimistic side and see what happens? It costs you nothing and all you stand to lose is negativity.
I used to be an extremely negative, sarcastic, ungrateful, angry and rebellious individual. If you follow my blog on social media or know me personally then you already know the whole back story but here's what you I feel you should know because I'm feeling led to share this with you today....
I created some negative karmic ties for myself up until I was into my late 30's. At 39, I delved into a spiritual and personal growth journey that has helped me change many bad habits and also empowered me to begin healing all my hurts and practicing self- compassion; unconditional self-love. I am not talking about pride or the self-absorbed kind of self-love; I am not talking about being conceited or overly confident or cocky. Self-love is about accepting yourself for who you authentically are at your core, not hiding behind a facade or mask to hide ourselves from any light being shown on us; fearing that our faults will be highlighted, our failures made public or our problems laughed about or judged by others.
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Self-love must come before any and all other self-development steps or changes can be made. If you don't know who you really are; if you're not aligned, authentic and accepting of yourself.....WHY NOT LOVELY??
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You might be surprised at the changes just a couple new healthy habits and some intentional positive thoughts can bring about; the momentum that can be created with the mind. We can get complacent. We can easily become creatures of habit and routine. In addition, many of us have allowed ourselves and our passions to be put on the back burner because we think that's what unconditional love is. This is so wrong! We actually have to master self-love before we can unconditionally love others properly. It is about having self- love as a healthy boundary so you don't try to give what you don't have. Self-love helps you to be selfless with others without getting burned; allowing you to say NO if your best interest isn't considered or valued. Self-love is caring for yourself, taking care of you so you can be the best version of you possible. It's about listening to your intuition, wants and needs and giving yourself words of affirmation and encouragement. It's about resting when your tired and moving your body each day. It's about ditching negative self-talk and victim mentality for positive loving self-talk, healing and Joy.
Learn and Know Thyself
Leaning and knowing ourselves from a place of love brings about acceptance of self. This includes accepting the parts of us that we may not like so much; the stubborn ego, the shadow, our darker side. Also, those little things about us that are unique, that we think make us weird to others and that we try to keep hidden or suppressed. Carl Jung stated that "what we resist persists and grows bigger." This is so true because we get back more of what we are thinking about through the law of attraction. Even if we don't want it, if we are thinking of it then it is creating a vibration in the negative direction.
You see, the law of attraction is working all the time whether you practice it intentionally or just go with the flow. If you are pessimistic or easily angered this will continue, grow and continue in your life. You've met these people; the ones who are clearly bitter, angry or negative the majority of the time. They say " that's just the way it is or this is just me, I've always been this way..." Maybe this is you!? Becoming a bit more optimistic will do wonders if you decide to try another way; such as making the law of attraction work for you and not against you.
Once one realizes the power of the mind, thoughts and positivity one can also begin to understand, see and believe that everything is connected. Leave out the self- love and find yourself drained, hurt, broke or depressed; maybe all of the above? First, learn yourself; know thyself completely. Then, learn to love yourself and express it. Do it all again each day. Experience more Joy. Protect that kind of momentum and energy by making a habit of self-love and positive thought .
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Follow your bliss. Have more fun. Take more adventures. Show yourself some love. Express gratitude daily. Think positive. Feed your mind, body and soul nourishing content; thoughts, words, food and music. Align with your purpose and devise a plan to intentionally pursue it.
You cannot pour from an empty cup. It's your responsibility to make sure your soul is nourished enough to start giving pieces of it to anyone else.Whatever you gotta do to flip the script, do it. Replace negative with positive. This is how you create positive momentum of thought.
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All of these little changes can create positive changes for you in your life. If you are intentionally practicing the law of attraction to manifest what you want these basic steps into the optimistic side help you to be aligned with your vibration once you send one out. You see most people forget or leave out the last step in manifesting; the receiving. You have to be ready to receive what you requested and it requires that you stay tuned into that vibration you sent out; hence the importance of mentioning authenticity earlier.
The Bible says in Mark 11:24 ..."whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing you will receive them, you shall receive.
Ask. Believe. Receive.
This is where you begin manifesting what you want; where Joy resides waiting on you to align with it!
One Love
Karyn Dee #theintuitivewildflower
1 note · View note
thedivinefish · 3 years
TGIWednesday and a download for peaceful sibling energy
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TGIWednesday News
In keeping with the family theme for the month we’re going to address siblings, brother, sister, step family what have you.  Now whether your sibling is your best friend or sworn mortal enemy LOL, it is essential if you’re reading this for you to do the prayer work to maintain goodness or resolve disputes between one another.  My brother was gorgeous; think of Tom Cruise only taller, but as a flashy Capricorn to my laid back Leo we were oil and water and that’s putting it mildly!  Weeks before his passing it felt like we were at war with each other and it took me a good year after he crossed over to forgive myself for such stupidity.  So if you’re on good terms with your sibling, excellent, enjoy them all you can.  If not, utilize My Liquid Fish Change made simple to dissolve any grievances or misunderstandings because it’s just as important for you as it is for them to find common ground and to be at peace.  Join us for our monthly Zoom event tonight where we’ll be clearing any and all Family issues from your past or current situation!  If you can’t join us LIVE tonight, get it anyway and watch/listen/experience the replay which will be just as powerful as the original!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ PEACEFUL SIBLING ENERGY ~ I believe, think, know and feel what it’s like to be at peace with my siblings.  I am ready, willing and able to release any hurt or heartache I may have cause them or they me.  I know, when, where how and why to reach common ground even if it’s only through the ethers, mentally or spiritually.  I am asking for continued peace and on going understanding in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!
Final Days for MBW Destiny Discount 
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Buy Now - $44 (w/bonus)
MyBeliefWorks™ for Discovering Your Destiny & Fulfilling LIfe's Purpose  
Here are some samples of the over 150 clearings included in this 36 minute recording.
"I have absolute faith in my God’s plan for me, and I am allowing it to unfold to benefit me now."
"My life journey is aligned with the Creator’s path for me and even if I have gone off the path, Spirit illuminates the way to get me back on the best path."
"I must choose organized, productive thoughts now, and those turn into patterns and routines that benefit myself and others."
"My thoughts are powerful manifestations. I’m truly clear on what will suit me best."
"Magic flows into my life, I surrender and allow this life force into my soul."
"It is easy for me to fulfill my goals and desires. I have all it takes to accomplish them. My Angel team, Guides and Ascended Masters are 100% behind me."
Download the PDF today and the Audio MP3 link is INSIDE the PDF!  Includes BONUS Generative Questions for Choosing Your Destiny by Sandy Bidinger Get BOTH for $44  $30 in savings, price goes up to $57 on Saturday
TONIGHT'S MySwitchWorks Zoom Event
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TONIGHT - APRIL 28th LIVE @ 7:30pm ET 30 minute Live call includes Replay Submit Your Top 3 by 3pm ET Today REGISTER HERE for $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-switches-event
This month's theme will be FAMILY Sometimes can be an acronym for F’d up And Mainly Interested in Limiting You. 
What was growing up like for you? Were Mom, Dad, Siblings horrible then and nice now or vice- versa?  Have a great family but everyone’s gone and you're lonely, missing them?  Did you suffer abuse at the hands of any relatives? 
I don’t know who was worse, mom, dad or my siblings and I need to clear the lingering pain.
I feel stuck in the past and overwhelmed with family obligations
I will never get out of the shadow of my family and our family business.
I want to escape because I was the glue holding it all together!!!
You get the idea!  Let’s get you FREE of lingering FAMILY BS that’s keeping you circular and stuck in the past!!! We will clear all that and any family issues that may be limiting or blocking you.
REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS:  Click on the date circled in BLUE. Look for the event time shown in YOUR time zone. SELECT THAT TIME & then click on the BLUE CONFIRM BUTTON then follow through & complete your payment. 
Register Here - $22
From the Fish Box
"Listen & let "Destiny Purpose" words seep into you.  Soothing yet powerful. I feel lighter after listening. Looking forward to the changes to come. Jimmy Mack truly is a healer!!!" - CoCo Canada
"Just listening to this audio has made such a huge shift in me. It has help me find my joy in life again. I've been listening to it every day and sharing it with my friends and there's one thing we all agree on we love this program again thank you." - Bonnie /FL
Live Show Appearances
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New Energy, New You™! New Season Happening Now! It's the biggest energy healing event of the year - best of all it’s FREE from your home!
FREE TO REGISTER and Grab Your Gift ($67 Value)  The incredible new Soul Spa 2.0™ and 741 Hz download which works to cleanse your aura and release toxic stress, worry and old anchors. My LIVE Interview is Thurs. MAY 13th & we'll be taking LIVE callers!
As you know by now, I will not be returning to our weekly Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show in 2021. We will of course be guest or co-hosting on other shows on occasion.  So stay tuned to this section of TGIW as a variety of future show line ups will be posted! 
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Book A Session in Tampa
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions  The next opportunity to see Jimmy at Charla's Tampa office is:  FRIDAY MAY 21st from 10-4pm NOTE: previous April date was rescheduled and moved to May
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack APRIL 28th "Today I will ask of spirit what some may consider the impossible. I will rely on spirit and I will be open to the oddest possible outcomes that still achieve my goals. I will cast aside all doubts and trust that people, places and things can work out for my highest and best good."  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark  *NEW* Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms
Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past  Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Access the My Liquid Fish™ Starter Kit (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 3 years
TGIWednesday and a download for peaceful sibling energy
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TGIWednesday News
In keeping with the family theme for the month we’re going to address siblings, brother, sister, step family what have you.  Now whether your sibling is your best friend or sworn mortal enemy LOL, it is essential if you’re reading this for you to do the prayer work to maintain goodness or resolve disputes between one another.  My brother was gorgeous; think of Tom Cruise only taller, but as a flashy Capricorn to my laid back Leo we were oil and water and that’s putting it mildly!  Weeks before his passing it felt like we were at war with each other and it took me a good year after he crossed over to forgive myself for such stupidity.  So if you’re on good terms with your sibling, excellent, enjoy them all you can.  If not, utilize My Liquid Fish Change made simple to dissolve any grievances or misunderstandings because it’s just as important for you as it is for them to find common ground and to be at peace.  Join us for our monthly Zoom event tonight where we’ll be clearing any and all Family issues from your past or current situation!  If you can’t join us LIVE tonight, get it anyway and watch/listen/experience the replay which will be just as powerful as the original!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ PEACEFUL SIBLING ENERGY ~ I believe, think, know and feel what it’s like to be at peace with my siblings.  I am ready, willing and able to release any hurt or heartache I may have cause them or they me.  I know, when, where how and why to reach common ground even if it’s only through the ethers, mentally or spiritually.  I am asking for continued peace and on going understanding in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!
Final Days for MBW Destiny Discount 
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Buy Now - $44 (w/bonus)
MyBeliefWorks™ for Discovering Your Destiny & Fulfilling LIfe's Purpose  
Here are some samples of the over 150 clearings included in this 36 minute recording.
"I have absolute faith in my God’s plan for me, and I am allowing it to unfold to benefit me now."
"My life journey is aligned with the Creator’s path for me and even if I have gone off the path, Spirit illuminates the way to get me back on the best path."
"I must choose organized, productive thoughts now, and those turn into patterns and routines that benefit myself and others."
"My thoughts are powerful manifestations. I’m truly clear on what will suit me best."
"Magic flows into my life, I surrender and allow this life force into my soul."
"It is easy for me to fulfill my goals and desires. I have all it takes to accomplish them. My Angel team, Guides and Ascended Masters are 100% behind me."
Download the PDF today and the Audio MP3 link is INSIDE the PDF!  Includes BONUS Generative Questions for Choosing Your Destiny by Sandy Bidinger Get BOTH for $44  $30 in savings, price goes up to $57 on Saturday
TONIGHT'S MySwitchWorks Zoom Event
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TONIGHT - APRIL 28th LIVE @ 7:30pm ET 30 minute Live call includes Replay Submit Your Top 3 by 3pm ET Today REGISTER HERE for $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-switches-event
This month's theme will be FAMILY Sometimes can be an acronym for F’d up And Mainly Interested in Limiting You. 
What was growing up like for you? Were Mom, Dad, Siblings horrible then and nice now or vice- versa?  Have a great family but everyone’s gone and you're lonely, missing them?  Did you suffer abuse at the hands of any relatives? 
I don’t know who was worse, mom, dad or my siblings and I need to clear the lingering pain.
I feel stuck in the past and overwhelmed with family obligations
I will never get out of the shadow of my family and our family business.
I want to escape because I was the glue holding it all together!!!
You get the idea!  Let’s get you FREE of lingering FAMILY BS that’s keeping you circular and stuck in the past!!! We will clear all that and any family issues that may be limiting or blocking you.
REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS:  Click on the date circled in BLUE. Look for the event time shown in YOUR time zone. SELECT THAT TIME & then click on the BLUE CONFIRM BUTTON then follow through & complete your payment. 
Register Here - $22
From the Fish Box
"Listen & let "Destiny Purpose" words seep into you.  Soothing yet powerful. I feel lighter after listening. Looking forward to the changes to come. Jimmy Mack truly is a healer!!!" - CoCo Canada
"Just listening to this audio has made such a huge shift in me. It has help me find my joy in life again. I've been listening to it every day and sharing it with my friends and there's one thing we all agree on we love this program again thank you." - Bonnie /FL
Live Show Appearances
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New Energy, New You™! New Season Happening Now! It's the biggest energy healing event of the year - best of all it’s FREE from your home!
FREE TO REGISTER and Grab Your Gift ($67 Value)  The incredible new Soul Spa 2.0™ and 741 Hz download which works to cleanse your aura and release toxic stress, worry and old anchors. My LIVE Interview is Thurs. MAY 13th & we'll be taking LIVE callers!
As you know by now, I will not be returning to our weekly Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show in 2021. We will of course be guest or co-hosting on other shows on occasion.  So stay tuned to this section of TGIW as a variety of future show line ups will be posted! 
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Book A Session in Tampa
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions  The next opportunity to see Jimmy at Charla's Tampa office is:  FRIDAY MAY 21st from 10-4pm NOTE: previous April date was rescheduled and moved to May
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack APRIL 28th "Today I will ask of spirit what some may consider the impossible. I will rely on spirit and I will be open to the oddest possible outcomes that still achieve my goals. I will cast aside all doubts and trust that people, places and things can work out for my highest and best good."  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark  *NEW* Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms
Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past  Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Access the My Liquid Fish™ Starter Kit (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and a download for peaceful sibling energy
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TGIWednesday News
In keeping with the family theme for the month we’re going to address siblings, brother, sister, step family what have you.  Now whether your sibling is your best friend or sworn mortal enemy LOL, it is essential if you’re reading this for you to do the prayer work to maintain goodness or resolve disputes between one another.  My brother was gorgeous; think of Tom Cruise only taller, but as a flashy Capricorn to my laid back Leo we were oil and water and that’s putting it mildly!  Weeks before his passing it felt like we were at war with each other and it took me a good year after he crossed over to forgive myself for such stupidity.  So if you’re on good terms with your sibling, excellent, enjoy them all you can.  If not, utilize My Liquid Fish Change made simple to dissolve any grievances or misunderstandings because it’s just as important for you as it is for them to find common ground and to be at peace.  Join us for our monthly Zoom event tonight where we’ll be clearing any and all Family issues from your past or current situation!  If you can’t join us LIVE tonight, get it anyway and watch/listen/experience the replay which will be just as powerful as the original!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ PEACEFUL SIBLING ENERGY ~ I believe, think, know and feel what it’s like to be at peace with my siblings.  I am ready, willing and able to release any hurt or heartache I may have cause them or they me.  I know, when, where how and why to reach common ground even if it’s only through the ethers, mentally or spiritually.  I am asking for continued peace and on going understanding in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!
Final Days for MBW Destiny Discount 
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Buy Now - $44 (w/bonus)
MyBeliefWorks™ for Discovering Your Destiny & Fulfilling LIfe's Purpose  
Here are some samples of the over 150 clearings included in this 36 minute recording.
"I have absolute faith in my God’s plan for me, and I am allowing it to unfold to benefit me now."
"My life journey is aligned with the Creator’s path for me and even if I have gone off the path, Spirit illuminates the way to get me back on the best path."
"I must choose organized, productive thoughts now, and those turn into patterns and routines that benefit myself and others."
"My thoughts are powerful manifestations. I’m truly clear on what will suit me best."
"Magic flows into my life, I surrender and allow this life force into my soul."
"It is easy for me to fulfill my goals and desires. I have all it takes to accomplish them. My Angel team, Guides and Ascended Masters are 100% behind me."
Download the PDF today and the Audio MP3 link is INSIDE the PDF!  Includes BONUS Generative Questions for Choosing Your Destiny by Sandy Bidinger Get BOTH for $44  $30 in savings, price goes up to $57 on Saturday
TONIGHT'S MySwitchWorks Zoom Event
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TONIGHT - APRIL 28th LIVE @ 7:30pm ET 30 minute Live call includes Replay Submit Your Top 3 by 3pm ET Today REGISTER HERE for $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-switches-event
This month's theme will be FAMILY Sometimes can be an acronym for F’d up And Mainly Interested in Limiting You. 
What was growing up like for you? Were Mom, Dad, Siblings horrible then and nice now or vice- versa?  Have a great family but everyone’s gone and you're lonely, missing them?  Did you suffer abuse at the hands of any relatives? 
I don’t know who was worse, mom, dad or my siblings and I need to clear the lingering pain.
I feel stuck in the past and overwhelmed with family obligations
I will never get out of the shadow of my family and our family business.
I want to escape because I was the glue holding it all together!!!
You get the idea!  Let’s get you FREE of lingering FAMILY BS that’s keeping you circular and stuck in the past!!! We will clear all that and any family issues that may be limiting or blocking you.
REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS:  Click on the date circled in BLUE. Look for the event time shown in YOUR time zone. SELECT THAT TIME & then click on the BLUE CONFIRM BUTTON then follow through & complete your payment. 
Register Here - $22
From the Fish Box
"Listen & let "Destiny Purpose" words seep into you.  Soothing yet powerful. I feel lighter after listening. Looking forward to the changes to come. Jimmy Mack truly is a healer!!!" - CoCo Canada
"Just listening to this audio has made such a huge shift in me. It has help me find my joy in life again. I've been listening to it every day and sharing it with my friends and there's one thing we all agree on we love this program again thank you." - Bonnie /FL
Live Show Appearances
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New Energy, New You™! New Season Happening Now! It's the biggest energy healing event of the year - best of all it’s FREE from your home!
FREE TO REGISTER and Grab Your Gift ($67 Value)  The incredible new Soul Spa 2.0™ and 741 Hz download which works to cleanse your aura and release toxic stress, worry and old anchors. My LIVE Interview is Thurs. MAY 13th & we'll be taking LIVE callers!
As you know by now, I will not be returning to our weekly Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show in 2021. We will of course be guest or co-hosting on other shows on occasion.  So stay tuned to this section of TGIW as a variety of future show line ups will be posted! 
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Book A Session in Tampa
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions  The next opportunity to see Jimmy at Charla's Tampa office is:  FRIDAY MAY 21st from 10-4pm NOTE: previous April date was rescheduled and moved to May
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack APRIL 28th "Today I will ask of spirit what some may consider the impossible. I will rely on spirit and I will be open to the oddest possible outcomes that still achieve my goals. I will cast aside all doubts and trust that people, places and things can work out for my highest and best good."  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark  *NEW* Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms
Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past  Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Access the My Liquid Fish™ Starter Kit (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and a download for peaceful sibling energy
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TGIWednesday News
In keeping with the family theme for the month we’re going to address siblings, brother, sister, step family what have you.  Now whether your sibling is your best friend or sworn mortal enemy LOL, it is essential if you’re reading this for you to do the prayer work to maintain goodness or resolve disputes between one another.  My brother was gorgeous; think of Tom Cruise only taller, but as a flashy Capricorn to my laid back Leo we were oil and water and that’s putting it mildly!  Weeks before his passing it felt like we were at war with each other and it took me a good year after he crossed over to forgive myself for such stupidity.  So if you’re on good terms with your sibling, excellent, enjoy them all you can.  If not, utilize My Liquid Fish Change made simple to dissolve any grievances or misunderstandings because it’s just as important for you as it is for them to find common ground and to be at peace.  Join us for our monthly Zoom event tonight where we’ll be clearing any and all Family issues from your past or current situation!  If you can’t join us LIVE tonight, get it anyway and watch/listen/experience the replay which will be just as powerful as the original!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ PEACEFUL SIBLING ENERGY ~ I believe, think, know and feel what it’s like to be at peace with my siblings.  I am ready, willing and able to release any hurt or heartache I may have cause them or they me.  I know, when, where how and why to reach common ground even if it’s only through the ethers, mentally or spiritually.  I am asking for continued peace and on going understanding in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!
Final Days for MBW Destiny Discount 
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Buy Now - $44 (w/bonus)
MyBeliefWorks™ for Discovering Your Destiny & Fulfilling LIfe's Purpose  
Here are some samples of the over 150 clearings included in this 36 minute recording.
"I have absolute faith in my God’s plan for me, and I am allowing it to unfold to benefit me now."
"My life journey is aligned with the Creator’s path for me and even if I have gone off the path, Spirit illuminates the way to get me back on the best path."
"I must choose organized, productive thoughts now, and those turn into patterns and routines that benefit myself and others."
"My thoughts are powerful manifestations. I’m truly clear on what will suit me best."
"Magic flows into my life, I surrender and allow this life force into my soul."
"It is easy for me to fulfill my goals and desires. I have all it takes to accomplish them. My Angel team, Guides and Ascended Masters are 100% behind me."
Download the PDF today and the Audio MP3 link is INSIDE the PDF!  Includes BONUS Generative Questions for Choosing Your Destiny by Sandy Bidinger Get BOTH for $44  $30 in savings, price goes up to $57 on Saturday
TONIGHT'S MySwitchWorks Zoom Event
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TONIGHT - APRIL 28th LIVE @ 7:30pm ET 30 minute Live call includes Replay Submit Your Top 3 by 3pm ET Today REGISTER HERE for $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/april-switches-event
This month's theme will be FAMILY Sometimes can be an acronym for F’d up And Mainly Interested in Limiting You. 
What was growing up like for you? Were Mom, Dad, Siblings horrible then and nice now or vice- versa?  Have a great family but everyone’s gone and you're lonely, missing them?  Did you suffer abuse at the hands of any relatives? 
I don’t know who was worse, mom, dad or my siblings and I need to clear the lingering pain.
I feel stuck in the past and overwhelmed with family obligations
I will never get out of the shadow of my family and our family business.
I want to escape because I was the glue holding it all together!!!
You get the idea!  Let’s get you FREE of lingering FAMILY BS that’s keeping you circular and stuck in the past!!! We will clear all that and any family issues that may be limiting or blocking you.
REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS:  Click on the date circled in BLUE. Look for the event time shown in YOUR time zone. SELECT THAT TIME & then click on the BLUE CONFIRM BUTTON then follow through & complete your payment. 
Register Here - $22
From the Fish Box
"Listen & let "Destiny Purpose" words seep into you.  Soothing yet powerful. I feel lighter after listening. Looking forward to the changes to come. Jimmy Mack truly is a healer!!!" - CoCo Canada
"Just listening to this audio has made such a huge shift in me. It has help me find my joy in life again. I've been listening to it every day and sharing it with my friends and there's one thing we all agree on we love this program again thank you." - Bonnie /FL
Live Show Appearances
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New Energy, New You™! New Season Happening Now! It's the biggest energy healing event of the year - best of all it’s FREE from your home!
FREE TO REGISTER and Grab Your Gift ($67 Value)  The incredible new Soul Spa 2.0™ and 741 Hz download which works to cleanse your aura and release toxic stress, worry and old anchors. My LIVE Interview is Thurs. MAY 13th & we'll be taking LIVE callers!
As you know by now, I will not be returning to our weekly Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show in 2021. We will of course be guest or co-hosting on other shows on occasion.  So stay tuned to this section of TGIW as a variety of future show line ups will be posted! 
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Book A Session in Tampa
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions  The next opportunity to see Jimmy at Charla's Tampa office is:  FRIDAY MAY 21st from 10-4pm NOTE: previous April date was rescheduled and moved to May
403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack APRIL 28th "Today I will ask of spirit what some may consider the impossible. I will rely on spirit and I will be open to the oddest possible outcomes that still achieve my goals. I will cast aside all doubts and trust that people, places and things can work out for my highest and best good."  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark  *NEW* Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms
Healing Body Disorders Healing Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past  Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Access the My Liquid Fish™ Starter Kit (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes