#stay strong soldiers😔
machiavellli · 4 months
NO HEADPHONES?? They are already fighting the biggest battle
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mrghostrat · 1 month
Ao3 is down :(
I usually pick one of my bookmarks to read a few chapters of before sleep, like a bedtime story kinda
And the one I started last night was your vampire au (again)
My bedtime story noooo ;-;
(Silly goose didn't think to save any fics in case of this exact scenario)
(Woefully unprepared)
STAY STRONG AO3 SOLDIERS 😔 i haven't downloaded that one either, though it was the next one i was going to format 😭 OHH but at least i have the original file!
take this, friend 🫡
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lupunsus · 2 years
who’d u reckon would own a bunny hybrid? 👀
im not gonna sugarcoat it anon, but bunny hybrids are the common hybrid to get among perverted degenerates, and underneath all the complicated layers these yanderes have is just some horny perv who think they're doing a good thing by taking them in. We all know the truth, though.
im gonna ramble under the cut, but as always, be sure to check out @cinnamonest as their hybrid writings inspired this blog into existence
warning: nsfw. bottom reader. gorou forces himself on reader, but i try to avoid being specific. tighnari thinks about it but drugs you instead. overall horny canine boys who can't decide whether to eat or fuck bunny hybrid 😔
in the future, all works with nsfw will be tagged with #.luspicy
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God, just thinking about a bunny hybrid,, i know cinnamonest wrote about gorou having a cat hybrid, but like, I can't stop remembering Beastars and (I stopped watching it but I'll get back into it again) how fitting a floppy eared little bunny would be for him. Gorou. A war general in an environment where everything is peaceful, and there isn't much to do to let out all that excess energy.
I like to think that Gorou would meet his bunny darling while out on patrol. Of course, Watatsumi Island is peaceful now, but there's still some bandits and the like lurking about. When he sees them shivering in a cage, knees tucked to their chest and crying, it does something to him that he doesn't understand himself. You just look so...delicious.
You, seeing this dog towering over you with this crazed look in his eyes, makes you thankful that there's a cage separating the two of you. Even when he "kindly" asks if you know where the key is, you adamantly shake your head no. It's obvious he wants to eat you! He's even drooling! Staying in the cage is definitely safer than trusting this deranged predator looking as if he's finally found the prey of his dreams.
Gorou is strong anyway. He doesn't need something like a key to free you. It only helps in scaring you more when he rips the cage open with a smile on his face. Having you clinging onto the bars was a bit of a problem, though. Gorou just wants to help you out! Usually, bunny hybrids are grateful creatures from what he's heard, but it seems like you're the opposite of that. And stubborn to boot. Don't worry. He offers coming with him the easy way or the hard way.
The easy way is a much better option, as the other would be leaving you out here alone, cage open, for anyone to just kidnap. Of course, he'd warn the soldiers to keep an eye out for you. "They got injured because of my carelessness, so I want to make it up to them!" People would think a bandit or a monster got to you while he was distracted. There's no way someone as nice and dependable as Gorou would harm such an innocent creature like you!
Unfortunately, people forget that Gorou is a dog hybrid. And dogs are technically domesticated wolves no matter how you see them. If another hybrid like Sucrose (whatever animal she may be) were to witness this, she'd immediately find you herself and bring you back to the safety of her hometown. Well, it probably wouldn't be safe, but it's better than the possibility of being eaten, right? Too bad Albedo only visited Inazuma with Klee, and the two of them stayed on Narukami Island.
Thinking on it more, though, he feels like a run will do him some good. "You could always head back to where you came from. There's boats on the lower part of the island, I could take you there!" No thanks. Even with your limited vocabulary, your instincts were screaming at you to get away. To Gorou, it was a relief that you took the bait. Watching your little cotton tail bob behind you as you tried to escape was adorable. You probably thought you could get away from him and go back to your homeland, but what are the chances you even knew how to use a boat?
It didn't take long for him to find you, and even less time to pin you onto the sand below. You could cry out all you want, but nobody would be able to help you. "Don't cry... I'll make sure it won't hurt too badly~" Confused and scared, the thought of another hybrid, a predator to your kind, would even attempt to mate with you was worse than being eaten by one. And escaping was impossible. He was just so big and you so little! That doesn't stop Gorou. And despite what he promised, it hurt a lot because your body wasn't built to handle someone of his nature.
He did clean you up as best as he could, but seeing his love escape you so easily almost made him rearing to go again if you hadn't passed out from exhaustion. Poor thing, you must be so tired after allowing him to pour out all of his love into you. Don't worry, he doesn't mind carrying you to his home. Ah, but he should probably lock you up so you won't escape...
Maybe he'll tire you out with a couple more rounds in the morning, too. Just to be safe.
I think Tighnari wouldn't necessarily succumb to his instincts, but he's tempted to. How could he not? Seeing such a cute bunny make themselves at home in his territory, eating the vegetables and herbs that he grew,
It's like you thought that because he was chummy with the humans, he wouldn't possibly think of harming you.
And that's exactly what you thought. That fennec fox hybrid seems to eat plants just like you, so he must've been dropped as a child or raised by herbivores. If it were the latter, then that's great! Herbivores usually don't mind sharing food, so you made a nice little burrow right next to Tighnari's field. It was far away from the other humans, and there was a water source nearby, too, so it was absolutely perfect! Any hybrid would kill to be in your place. Having such a convenient food supply and water next to your den.
However, Tighnari was considering hunting you down because you were prey in his territory. Ah, he shouldn't succumb to his instincts. He should be the bigger person and try to scare you off. He grows dangerous things, too, and he would not like you eating (ruining) his research.
But the cute floppy ears... how would it feel between his teeth? How soft is your little tail? How delicious would you taste if he took a bite out of you? Just a little nibble. It won't hurt. Probably.
You, on the other hand, are starting to feel a bit nervous about your housing arrangement. Your neighbor seems to be staring at you from afar and breathing heavily. Sometimes, he looks at you with a dazed expression, and you can see the saliva creep from his mouth. It's impossible, you think. You've seen him eat mushrooms! On several occasions! It gets creepy when he looks in your den while you're out getting water. You hide from him, but he doesn't make an effort to even chase you. He smells you nearby, but he can smell something even sweeter in your home.
He knows you're going into heat soon.
It doesn't matter what you have between the legs, to Tighnari, you're something meant to be eaten. You're at the bottom of the food chain with the other small and weak animals. If he wanted to mate with you, you'd be taking his knot. Would you give birth to pups or kits? Would some be a mixture? Or maybe there's a possibility of a fennec being an herbivore or a bunny being a carnivore? The researcher part of him wants to know so bad...
But it depends if you could give birth at all. It'd be a shame if you didn't, but if you take his knot nicely, he may reconsider eating you.
Tighnari tries his best to control himself, but when he sees you obliviously eating an aphrodisiac flower, the string in him snaps. He'll chomp down on those floppy ears of yours before he starts his little "private research."
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babyjakes · 9 months
thinking about soft!steve being like a big brother to bucky's sisters (buck's the oldest and has three little sisters if i remember correctly?) what if one of them is so teeeeny tiny, maybe 2 or 3 when steve and buck go off to fight in the war? and steve leaves looking well you know, how pre-serum!steve looks. and then he comes back several months later and?? he's massive???? and baby is sooo alarmed, so scared, she runs runs runs and hides in the corner!! 🥺 "wh-where's my stevie? what did you do to my stevie??" having a big breakdown bc why is he so big and strong and scary looking now 😔😔 and he has to get down on his knees and talk real soft, trying to explain it in some way that she might understand, "oh little doll, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to scare you- come here, sweetheart. please, let me explain" "i wasn't big or strong enough to be a soldier, honey, so a special doctor had to help me. he put me in this giant machine- it was really silly looking! and they put a bunch of medicine in me, and there was a big zap, and then tada! they made me so big and strong!" "oh sweetie, please don't cry" 🥺 "you've gotten so big and strong too since the last time i saw you, look at you! you're such a big girl!" "i brought you back some candy from the train station, i thought we could have a sleepover and share. we can stay up way past your bedtime, bub- what do you think?" "did you get my letters, sweetheart? i made sure to write every few days. there were some pictures in there too, did you see them? me and your big brother tried to take as many as we could for you" "please don't be scared, baby doll, i'd never hurt you. it's me, sweetie. still your stevie. come here, come on. i've missed your cuddles"
quietly tagging @brandycranby bc we’ve talked about stevie and bucky’s baby sister before and i think she’d like this 😌🤲
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pandoraroid · 6 months
listening to vincent's playlist and it is an,,, experience,,,
take this all with a grain of salt pls dont come @ me
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to quote a comment from this video: the fact that we know what's coming makes this both terrifying and heartbreaking. couldnt have said it better than myself 😔😔😔😔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
i love him so much,,, he tries to distract the listener,,, he tries to comfort them so bad soshksjsks HE'S SO SWEET AND EVERYTHING
"do you wanna hold my hand?" HAND IN MARRIAGE SIR? SURE
he is an adrenaline junkie i need a man like him in my life he's just like me fr
"one last ride, right?" NO 👹 S T O P DONT BREAK MY HEART LIKE THIS
though how is he the only rider they never found??? what how did he get dislodged from his seat or something??? i must be dumb i dont get this all of a sudden 🧍‍♀️
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love the intro 😚 the messages on the cassette tapes are so heartwarming and reassuring djgdjdhd
okay that "boo" actually scared the shit out of me is it safe to assume that this is the same amusement park he was in in the previous video?
if that's the case, does he just,,, chill in here at random??? god that is so,,,
"demons(?) are very much real" BRO ARE WE SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT?
"oh i know i'm close. you're welcome" WHEWWWWWW JESUS FUCK LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH
"little one" okay fuck i'm melting YOUR VOICE SIR got me kicking my feet and blushing fr
lovely has an attitude 😁😁 stay strong soldier
he calls them beautiful AND DARLING? even if it was a bit of a throwaway JESUS 🫠
"your safety is paramount" "be safe, little one. good night." why does this make him so much hotter jesus what is wrong with me HE EVEN LEADS THEM BACK TO THEIR CAR (bareminimumenjoyer?!?! me?!?!? look away)
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"you're not looking for another paranormal hunk are you? that would break my heart :(" SIR
no seriously why is bro here
"foreplay takes two y'know" SIR
is he getting them to believe in the supernatural what what is his goal,,,
"should i strip down for easier access, doctor?" WRAP IT UP
his voice omfg immelting just imagining the scene,,, onlovely'sbedbeingclosewithhimohmyfuckinggod
he's so goofy for just tapping on his fangs like that lmao
"no one has had this effect on me" NO SHIT????
"you're safe with me. i won't lose control." thank you for that but if the next video's title is any clue, that will not age well ( i mean you on the other hand don't get to age at all so 🤷‍♀️ IM KIDDING)
"i'm not going to mess this up." you won't babes (at least i think you wont) i'd give anything to give him a hug or something
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oh the warnings 😃 mentally preparing myself now
lovely what the fuck are we doing here
"beautiful little bloodbag" oh hey a pale sleazy talking punchbag
"oh relax i'm just touching you" and if i may touch my fist to your face in a fast and strong way, you're gonna relax then bitch
i am well aware a human is no match for a vampire but that will not stop my audacity to try which dare i say levels up to his for touching me and talking shit about vincent
"all i had to do was wait for your human brain to make a decision this stupid." it seems that your expired vampiric brain has also made the stupid decision to breathe in my direction
to be fair on vincent, we have met each other exactly two times and neither of us (especially him) could have known how our previous meeting would end. i don't need to be near you for five minutes to know you're a little bitch
MY MAN IS HEREEEEE he's not gonna be mad lovely came here is he
HE PUNCHED HIM HAHAHAHA he did it for me fr
HIS VOICE GOD am so weak for him
lovely checking on him too ☹️☹️☹️ my goober fr
"i dont think you're gonna like what you found" oh dang you're like me for real
the way he says "little one" will never not get to me omg AND THEN HE SAID BABY IN THAT VOICE??? GOD
vamp eyes go black when theyre hungry(?) got it noted
so lovely got tranced and vincent is needs to feed on them right after???? did i get that right??? GOOD GOD GIVE EM A BREAK???
"i cant drink from your neck... no not yet not like this..." PROPS TO HIM FOR HAVING PROPRIETY LOVE MY MAN FR
"this will mark you as mine" GIVE IT HERE but at the same time ALREADY????
oh good lord he's feeding from our wrists now okay
hang in there lovely patpat u're gonna be okay (i hope they will be VINCENT)
aw those little kisses though
noooooo vincent 😭???
jfc these two put me on a ride (haha get it)
vincent is slowly becoming my new crush 🤭 but jfc lovely better get good u got this babes
will stop here for now bc i need a break 🧍‍♀️ when will i continue who knows
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thosewildcharms · 6 months
The dreaded echelon briefing 😔 What was your interpretation of Michonne keeping her gaze steady on Rick when Jadis was spouting her propaganda and trying to make him feel selfish? It seemed like after the emotional work she and Rick did last episode she wanted to makes sure he stayed strong. Not gonna lie I’m so worried about Rick in the last episode (I’m fairly certain Michonne’s safe); “this world is broken, YOU build it back up” “things usually go to shit when people try to save the world in their own way” “til my last breath I’m yours” and the correlation of Rick’s childhood story about the burning crops and possibly burning the CRM to the ground. I know if it were up to Andy and Danai, Rick and Michonne would make it home to their babies. So much death and tragedy in the apocalypse can they please just let us have this 🥲
the dreaded echelon briefing. i don't know what it could possibly be but i know it's gotta be BAD bad.
rewatching that scene with rick, michonne and jadis, i like your interpretation because i think michonne is quite frankly always steadying rick lol but i also think something else was going on there. to me, the hard work in 1x04, as you aptly put it, was forcing rick to admit that he knows that going back to the CRM to keep their family safe is bullshit and just a self defense mechanism for his own trauma. so i don't think michonne is particularly worried about rick wavering at this point - she knows he's fine with killing jadis and going home, they just need the file first. rather, i think hearing jadis mention the "true size and scope of what the CRM is going to do to bring this world back" made michonne in particular realize right then and there that escaping the CRM wasn't enough, that they would have to stop them from doing whatever it is the echelon briefing is outlining. when jadis is talking, they both seem to realize she's hoping they'll leave not just to protect their childrean and alexandria from the CRM, but to protect the CRM from them. michonne held rick's gaze because a) they were coming to the same conclusion at the same time and b) she was silently communicating with him that what she was about to say ("this can't end with us going home") had a different meaning so he needed to follow her lead and play along.
as for being worried about rick. well.
i'll be the first to say that i'm terrible at making plot predictions lol i'm literally just here to watch my favorite people make out. but! i think you are right, that the show is clearly setting up some sort of big sacrifice for the greater good. it's been a constant theme since episode one, and i think the obvious conclusion to that would to be for rick (or michonne) to make the difficult decision to sacrifice themselves or each other for the greater good - if we are to take this foreshadowing at face value. BUT. the show is also very insistently trying to get us to draw comparisons between okafor/thorne/jadis and rick and michonne and giving us the constant refrain that while separately rick and michonne are vulnerable, together they can do anything. i think we are supposed to connect that while okafor, thorne, and jadis gave up not only their loved ones but their own sense of self to commit to the mission (whatever that mission may be for each of them), rick and michonne by contrast are not going to do that. rick, as i've said previously, already metaphorically killed himself for okafor's mission only for michonne to bring him back to life. why retread that? so, when i'm in a hopeful mood, i like to think that all of these red flags we're seeing are going to lead so some sort of fake out only for rick and michonne to figure out how to survive this and get home, while also protecting the world from the CRM. it's just that they may have to make a morally questionable choice, or some other sort of sacrifice, to do so. my best guess is that they might need to mass-kill all of those soldiers at the summit that's happening.
but, i do get it. i'm worried in general, not necessarily because of what's actually happening onscreen but because i've been burned so many times before that The Anxiety will not let my brain do anything other than assume the worst as a self-defense mechanism lol. that's just me personally trying to temper my own expectations though. my fear is actually the complete opposite of yours - i think AMC would keep rick and michonne alive indefinitely as they are clearly some of the biggest cash cows they have. my worry is that i think if andy (or danai) felt very strongly that their character should die or just wanted to be done with the franchise once and for all, that choice would be respected and honored. on the other hand, they have clearly demonstrated with these first five episodes that they are dedicated to giving their fans exactly what they want. and while i suppose episodes 4 and 5 in particular could be seen as a swan song before a tragic end, i don't think either one of them is stupid enough to think fans would be satisfied with losing either of these characters at this point. if rick dying was always the endgame, why not just kill him on the bridge in the first place? what would be the point of all of this? it wouldn't make any sense and it would be incredibly awful writing. michonne dying is simply so inconceivable to me i can't even contemplate it. still, anything can happen and i try to be prepared for that so i'll just say that should either rick or michonne die i'm sure danai and andy would do it justice and make it meaningful and respectful. i'm saying this through gritted teeth btw.
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lynxfrost13 · 1 month
Some rough HOPR lore as promised, I really have been wanting to type something more proper up in the official style + I have to font but I don’t have a writing program on my computer to use it on 😭
I tried using online Microsoft word but that didn’t work with it so I might have to do the free app trial? We shall see
Here’s the bare bones HOPR lore it is very subject to change
- Gestalt was kitezh born (empire at the time, and as of Ariane’s rotfront memory in conflict but dominantly empire still) but moved to a nation planet and stayed in the military after her mandatory service with them. She spent the rest of her life serving out of a need to want to prove herself as truly loyal to the nation and eventually volunteered to donate her template to the neural archive. Rip HOPR gestalt 😔
- HOPRs stand at a solid 5’11! Taller than Elster and shorter than arar by one inch (they’re always gonna tell you they’re six foot. Lying little bastards trying to impress you.)
- they’re a multipurpose unit intended for war against the empire primarily, with a lot of them serving as soldiers (incredibly skilled spear fighters) and war propagandists
- they were commonly used for war recruitment and morale boosting, they’re not cheerful sweet personalities but they’re excellent at directing their groups and during their heyday were often looked to as the ideal nation soldier
- they’re older models (~gen 3 like Mynahs?) and once bioresonant combat units started being produced the HOPR line was rendered useless. Most of them are decommissioned now and the few remaining are most likely lost to Vineta and distant abandoned parts of the nation.
- for stabilization they need a space to call their own (THEIR room. No one else’s >:| ) even if it’s tiny!! They just need to have a couple things they feel like they can completely own (books, posters, etc it can vary). Every combat HOPR is equipped with a spear. If they don't have any fetish items they can become really protective over replikas/gestalts which can cause issues especially with degradation, so it's better to provide items.
- personality wise they’re very strong willed and eager to prove themselves in combat. Despite craving violence they also tend to be pretty laid back when left to their own devices. They’re not the most social of replikas outside of their work, but they want to impress and tend to come off as tryhards and ridiculous flirts. Don't be fooled by their calmer attitude during downtime though, they're still combat replikas first and foremost.
- degradation can happen if they hear any news/talk of Kitezh, lose their fetish objects, or lose their commander (they usually have to be decommissioned after a loss like that bc they just can’t bounce back from it). They shouldn't have their loyalty or authority questioned unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, it can lead to severe degradation.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Small twisted idea and plot for kid!Calvin and kid!Dick as Talon and Robin if the Coirt attack early in their lives:
Say Gotham at that point has a strong mortality rate for children, especially those living in the streets, orphanages and/or in Juvie. While its expected the bodies of the child victims would then be cremated or buried (probably moreso the former given the bulk of them have no prior identification, being no named John and Jane Does, not even birth certificates) after their time in the Bludhaven General morgue without anyone to claim them, instead the Court claim the bodies instead, granting them a whole new slew of future Talons via resurrecting these poor souls with electrum and their many methods of mind control over them
Basically Talon Child Soldiers vs Kid!Talon and Robin I
Your thoughts on this?
If the Court wanted to play mind games, then this would be… a horrifying way to do so. We know the Court doesn’t shy away from doing unspeakable things if it might score them the advantage, but from a logistical point of view the hassle would be too great. Too many resources wasted on conditioning children who will never get to grow up, and thus stay in a childish mindset without a fully developed brain for critical thinking and decision making. Still, a horrifying thought. Makes me think of that one scene I saw in a zombie movie where a little girl turned around and she ended up being one of the undead. It just— it just hits different when they’re kids. The tragedy is so much more acute 😔
I think Talon!Dick, who basically grew up with the Court, wouldn’t so much as blink an eye if they sent those Talons after them though. He’s used to this. Probably had to fight/kill them in some sick parody of training. Robin on the other hand… yeah, that would mess with him big time. He would insist on trying to help them of course. They managed to help Dick, why can’t they help the others? They’re kids. They don’t deserve this!
Sadly, none of them were made into a Talon the way Dick was. So… no happy ending there, I think. 😔
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theorphicangel · 6 months
on hiatus now stay strong soldiers ❤️😔
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catbirthdays · 1 year
Oh God. Todays episode is the one every SatoSugu (and Gojo) fan is dreading isnt it... Stay strong soldier 😔
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buggybambi · 9 months
I’m absolutely SHOOK, my little sister doesn’t think Jeremy/Carmy is cute at all😭😭😭😭 HOW?!
girl we're not alone. my brother thinks he just looks like every other white guy. my mom thinks he looks like gene wilder, which is fair.
i'm the only one here thinking he's the cutest little stringbean 😔 we're fighting battles out here, y'all. stay strong soldiers.
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mirohtron · 6 months
Hello! I'm the one who asked you about the straight crush, and I'm slightly glad I'm not alone in the trenches. 😢😭
And I DO want to date her, but she's straight and has a crush on another guy and... *sighs* It's complicated. We're also best friends, so it's super scary to consider this.
lets lock in for a second bestie 😔 she's straight ure not she also has a crush on another guy and she's ALSO ur best friend,,,, the odds r not in ur favour. we must be rational soldier. i had a crazy crush on my best friend also this is every sapphic's roman empire. we must stay strong brother
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flustersluts · 6 months
‘M at a month now… still Dunno how long I’m g’na last… really really tempted to give up now.. buuuttttt also- kinda wanna see how long I can go…
-bubblegum 💕
Congratulations on one month! 🎉🎉 you must feel sooooo pent up and needy now though you poor thing!!! I bet you wanna cum so so bad... but it'd be a shame to give up now!! there's only one thing for it 😔😔
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solradguy · 1 year
jack-o is from Florida <3 ~pumpkin anon
Pour one out for Jack-O's pale ass being from the Sunburn State 😔 Stay strong, silly soldier... stay strong...
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daz4i · 9 months
My vibrator just died 🫡
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damn. on the new year too 😔 stay strong soldier you will make it through this tragedy i believe in you 🫡
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bowlofsoob · 9 months
i forgot😔
also wjat do you do when you fall for one of your online friends but they live so far away but you dont think that they wiukd like you back but whenever you facetime and someone else is there they tell them that theyre your gf and always feed into your delusions.
don’t fall into the edating trap stay strong soldier 🫵 but also u cud confess and worse case scenario block them on all platforms cus calling u their gf is kinda implies they like u
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