#stay silly and whimsical y’all
lenacopperleaf · 4 months
Proud of you lb-we really could have let the oh we’re down 3-1 narrative take over tonight but we stayed silly and lighthearted and cheering on our team. And they played so good!!! And maybe it’s silly (heh heh) to think that out silliness had anything to do with it but at the very least it made watching the game so much more fun tonight and it definitely did me good to have something positive happening. I’ll stay silly with you all any day!
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isafms · 4 years
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tag dump is coming soon and all that, just wanted to churn this out before i go out for the day FDLGJSD
hey y’all, i’m lia and i’m excited to be here ! ngl i only found the group yesterday but i Had to join since i’ve got a slight obsession with obx, not to mention i’ve been boring myself with bold, no nonsense muses and isabella seemed like the ideal switch-up. i’ll get straight to the point and give y’all a brief summary of isa since.. i haven’t fully fleshed her bg out and i typically let musing posts explain the little things i can’t put into words sdflgkjds so without further ado:
[ jang yeeun , cis female , she/her ] do you hear [ EVEN IF IT HURTS BY TEI SHI AND BLOOD ORANGE ] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ ISABELLA “ISA” KWON ] . they are a [ TWENTY-THREE ] year old [ COLLEGE STUDENT ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [ EIGHT YEARS ] . they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ KOOK ] , but really , i heard it’s because they can be [ CONFORMIST & INSECURE ] . if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [ BENEVOLENT & FAITHFUL ] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [ COLLECTION OF WHITE BLOUSES, EASY SMILES ON GLOSSY LIPS, HER TREASURE TROVE OF VINTAGE ACCESSORIES ] . ooc – lia, 23, ast, she/her.
tw: alcohol and drug mentions
the basics
isa’s the only child of first ( papa kwon ) and second ( mama fka kwon, mama nka greene ) gen korean-american citizens and spent her early years in charlotte, where her dad worked as an orthopedic surgeon and her mom an event planner
she didn’t have to ask for much between her mom naturally spoiling her only daughter and her dad’s income, though she was pretty content with the little things like a dainty necklace or the newest, inexpensive fashion fad that swept through her grade
anyone else remember silly bandz being a big thing ?? bc yeah, she had TONS, i’d imagine GDSKFLJ
at fifteen, her parents decided to move to the outer banks after years of it solely being their vacation hub when family friends wanted to get together — well, her mom decided to move there while her dad dragged his feet at the prospect of leaving his practice, so a compromise was reached so he could stay in charlotte whenever an operation was taking place
though i think from their jobs alone y’all know where this is heading, and considering isa’s the step-sister of the greenes so i mean ??
they divorced when isa was seventeen and it was a hard pill to swallow for the poor thing; her dad stayed in charlotte while her mom stayed in obx and going back and forth while on the cusp of adulthood and college was a tiring but necessary endeavour for the daddy’s girl herself
not to mention she had a slight issue with assimilating to the more scrutinizing behaviours of kook territory, going with the flow that her friends had established before her arrival, but i’ll expand on that a little later lgfsdjk
let’s just flash forward to the present — isa’s got a step-family, she’s wrapped up her post-secondary and is just waiting to officially graduate ( honestly.. major is also tba fgsldkg ) and she’s among the newest cast members of outer banks.. suffice to say the poor girl’s overwhelmed !
tbh i’m losing steam bc it’s BOILING hot and it’s noon, i’ve gotta head out soon, so lemme insert what i put in my app to explain a few things that might have a gap or two in them
i view isabella as a bit of a sheep in the kook world based on the traits she’s been given; she has a good heart, however she follows many of the standards set by the longtime, affluent residents of the island. it makes her appear naive or held hostage by a feeling of inadequacy as her own person, something she’s sure that others have felt at times but believes she feels it far too often in comparison. that doesn’t mean that she hides facets of her personality so readily as she doesn’t feel nearly as confined when away from the island or with her trusted loved ones, rather it has to do with keeping up appearances for her parents’ sake — gossip among the country club boomers can cut DEEP, after all
i’m sure isa believes the rivalry is unnecessary as adults — not to mention that she doesn’t see someone’s socioeconomic standing as the most divisive factor one could consider — however she plays into it in her own way. whether it’s by dodging some pogues at parties because her kook friends are doing the same or because she doesn’t want to be caught in the brunt of the crossfire of tension, she keeps a distance and only hopes that it doesn’t come across as cold to everyone else
the show opens her up to the criticism she tries to avoid in her day-to-day life, being under the microscope ultimately making her anxious, however she tries to pull through; any publicity is good publicity, she supposes her friends would say, though that doesn’t keep her from dwelling on what certain subsets of people might think about the raw sides of herself. on the other hand, it’s an opportunity for her to branch out and eventually explore new avenues beyond what kildare county can offer her, let alone the outer banks. nonetheless, isa’s motivated to put her best foot forward and follow the script that she always has, albeit with slack on her leash as her televised coexistence with the pogues means leaving her past approach and her friends’ influence to the wayside
ok back to the current!me typing this intro, that last bit wasn’t to say she’d have no pogue pals, but more that she doesn’t branch out so easily and stays on the straight and narrow of what she’s done over the years. now onto her as a person GFDLK
personality and such
she’s baby
a given with yeeun as her fc especially, but i see her as a very tender and thoughtful person
y’know, ignoring her anxieties over public image and all
the type to pay it forward for purchases both big and small, is a shoulder to cry on for her friends and tries to be courteous with a smile per her dad’s advice when she was younger
sentimental and in some ways free-spirited, so again..... baby SLGJLKSDF
however, she’s a follower a lot of the time, doesn’t break rules or promises unless they’re totally out of line and even then, she either handles the matter gently or tries to shrug off her discomfort and go along with the rest
and with that, she doesn’t think her authentic self is all that special, hiding away certain traits or hobbies because they don’t reflect when she’s SUPPOSED to represent nor what those around her represent
she LOVES dressing up, opting for flowy or lightweight clothes during the summer months that are either crisp and white or whimsical and vibrant
she has vintage and thrifted pieces that she cherishes, locally made jewelry that she pairs with dainty gold bracelets and such that her parents have given her over the years.. she’s just a chill little fashionista jgfdlsk
isa isn’t the heaviest drinker, though that’s partially due to her being a lightweight as it is; doesn’t drink beer or straight liquor, one due to personal preference in taste and the other bc she can’t deal with much of the burning sensation GSDFJL
has had edibles a couple of times and doesn’t write them off as a one and done kind of thing, but she only touches them when offered in a social setting with her friends
so i mean.. she’s far from what some would consider a buzzkill for someone who’s as in her head as she can be
uhhhhh lemme jump to wcs bc i’m really pushing the time here but that comment about musing posts a while back ?? they’ll come into full effect later on so y’all have a better idea of her personality dgfslkg
plot ideas
people in her main friend group, but not necessarily a part of the kook conversations that mess with isa’s head that i’ve mentioned earlier. i’m sure there are a couple of people who she trusts most in that bunch and i’d love for her to have that kind of support and assurance that she needs for.. well, anything fsldgj
college friends/potentially a roommate ?? i’m gonna assume she attended college within nc, haven’t narrowed down where just yet so i’m flexible for this one unc to be specific ! they may or may not have been close before post-secondary started ( assuming they’re a long-time obx resident ) but they stuck together for the first week of their first semester and have been good friends since ! ( 1/? )
give her a pogue friend or two who tries to get her to get her head out of her ass and ignore the few things the rivalry’s instilled in her so she can ease up, and so they can hang out more
ex-friends, ex-fwbs, just give me some drama ! that’s all i ask !
crush(es) from years back or recently, pogue or kook, doesn’t matter bc this chick would hesitate on making a move on ANYONE 90% of the time so this is super flexible slfdkjgdf
also she’s bi, so have at it y’all !
maybe a secret relationship in the past ?? we love a good opposites attract love story with unresolved feelings, shove these two together in front of the cameras and watch them squirm to keep it all private SLGKFDJS
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pinkettepoet · 6 years
In Which She’s Sleeping Beauty
Summary: The Avengers come home to find you sleeping on the couch. However, they have a little debate as to who’s carrying you to your bedroom. An argument full of pointless dramatics ensues. After all, it’s the Avengers. What could go wrong?
Warnings: Avengers x Fem!Reader, Fluff, A Surprise.
Note: I hope you all enjoy this! I also would like to apologize that I haven’t really completed any of the requests. I am working on them. My excuse is that I was hired as a ghostwriter and I’ve just been putting all of my efforts into that right now. Thank you all for putting up with me.
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The ambient noise of the television show Y/N had been watching was left playing in the background. It was soon blurred by the cacophony of voices. More specifically, the voices, both soft and loud, of the Avengers.
The three-day mission did nothing to dissipate the adrenaline in their veins. From the Quinjet and all the way to the compound, they’ve been bickering about silly things.
Their discussion about putting magnets on Bucky’s metal arm came to a halt as they spotted a blanketed figure on the couch. Natasha was the first to notice that the person asleep was Y/N.
“Guys, shut up.” The Black Widow hissed to her colleagues. Unfortunately, Tony and Steve returned to debating about the proper management of the team. Natasha only sighed and gritted her teeth. “I swear to God, if you don’t zip your mouth, I’ll remove your tongue.”
That got everyone to stay silent, especially Tony. Mumbles of apologies bounced from one person to another. They froze as movement came from their sleeping ray of sunshine.
Natasha’s eyes darted between Y/N and the standing Avengers. “If you wake her up, I’ll strangle you.”
That earned a sarcastic laugh from Tony. He raised his arms in surrender. “This is ridiculous, I’ll have one of my suits carry her to her room. No need for the violence, Natasha.”
“Don’t use your suit, Stark.” Steve nudged Tony with his shoulder, bumping harder than intending to. “It might drop her. Or worse, wake her up.”
Wanda pushed past the prideful men, a proud grin forming on her face. “I’ll be the one to carry her upstairs. It’s so easy.”
This time was Pietro who intervened. He sped to Wanda’s side, sending her a harsh glare. “You’re careless. Your powers might backfire and end up dropping her down the stairs.”
“Then it’s settled,” Sam appeared, puffing his chest out like a determined caveman. “I’ll fly Y/N upstairs.”
“No!” Bucky immediately shoved Sam out of the way. A series of death glares came by his way but Bucky paid no attention to them as he continued. “Who in their right mind would trust someone with metal wings?”
Sam scoffed, poking his finger at the Winter Soldier’s chest, a very buff chest at that. “Who in their right mind would trust someone with a metal arm?”
Bucky winced slightly, whispering, “Touché”
“Might I suggest—” Loki suddenly appeared in front of all the debating men and women. He had only got two seconds of the sentence when he was interrupted by everyone.
“I am. . . offended.” Loki shrugged, sighing exasperatedly before vanishing completely.
“I think it’s best if I do this. I have more brains than all of you combined.” Tony sighed, stretching exaggeratedly.
“Smart is going to wake her up. She needs gentle.” Wanda pointed out.
“No offense, sister,” Pietro whizzed about. “But you’re not exactly gentle.”
Wanda’s mouth hung agape. She was more than offended. Powers at her ready, she glared at her brother. “I should bury you twenty feet in the ground.”
Pietro laughed as he shrugged casually — not before whizzing to Natasha’s side, he wasn’t a fool. “That’s not gentle.”
“This is childish, I’ll do it.” Steve interjected. He parted the crowd. But before he could reach you, all hell broke loose.
“No, don’t. Your weirdly shaped muscles will wake her up,” Tony exclaimed. He yelped a second after when Natasha pinched him for being so loud.
“You’re all being idiots. Let me do it. As the only royal here, I am the most perfect candidate for this.” Thor stood proudly, grinning like a madman.
“You have weirdly shaped muscles too.” Sam shrugged.
“Just let me do it!”
“No, you’ll hulk out. Let me do it. I’m more handsome than y’all.”
“You can’t be trusted, Wilson. I’ll do it. I’m a soldier, damn it.”
“Oh, please. Your eyeliner will wake her up the moment you touch her. I’ll do it, at least she’ll recognize a woman’s touch.”
“A woman’s touch, eh? This is news.”
“This has gone far too long.”
The Avengers all turn to the owner of the new voice. They were all surprised to see Stephen Strange casually lounging on the kitchen counter, posing like a French woman. He sat up straight, and before anyone could resist he moves his arms whimsically and before anyone knew, you disappeared.
“You’re welcome.”
Strange bowed down comically. His goofy smirk was still plastered on his face despite the glares of everyone in the room.
“She’s not in her room! Where is she, Strange?” Pietro was back and forth from the rooms to the lounge in a blink of an eye. He was livid.
“What do you mean she’s not there?” Natasha raised an eyebrow. If anything was going to get her angry, it was this.
“I mean, her room is completely empty. I even searched the whole compound and maybe stole Stark’s credit cards but she’s not there.”
Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Stephen waved everyone a goodbye. “See you when someone tries to destroy the earth. Bye!”
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“Hey, wake up.”
Your eyes fluttered open to their own accord. A headache was beginning to form, and your muscles were weirdly sore. You panicked to see that the people in front of you were complete strangers.
“Who are you? Where’s Bucky?” You asked, scurrying away from the weirdly looking bunch.
“Who the hell is Bucky?” A man replied. He was dressed in a red tight suit with a lightning flashed on it.
“I’m really freaking out here so could you please just tell me your names?” You pushed once more. You couldn’t believe that one minute you were enjoying binging on television shows and now you were with strangers.
“I’m Diana,” The woman replied. She was wearing some sort of armor. She did have nice black hair, plus she was really pretty.
“I’m Arthur, God of Fishes.” A bulkier man replied. He was large. Buffer than Steve, you dared to say.
“I’m Bruce. This is Victor, he doesn’t like talking much.” Another guy said. He had the deepest voice you ever heard.
“And where am I?” You asked as the world started to spin.
“Welcome to the Bat Cave.”
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(marvel tag list: @not-jk-rowling, @the-crime-fighting-spider, @thewhinersoldier, @saharzek, @hottrashformarvel, @peregrinestook, @smol-flower-kiddo, @sireennotsiren, @samiiicg, @regulusirius, @jitterbuck, @moose-on-the-l00se, @gracielou0518, @geeksareunique , @mikaelsontrash, @thegirlthatdoeseverything, @witchseer25607, @buckylaufeysonstuff, @knittedsweatersandleatherjackets, @shydinosaurcandy)
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timeforelfnonsense · 6 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
Hello! I’m busy as heck up I miss posting on here so I’m going to try to do this for all of girls! The original post is here and I would love to see y’all do this I love your ocs!! 
Day 1: Introduction
Describe your character in 140 characters. Now have your character describe themself in 140 characters. Also provide any of the basic biographical stats you wish: full name, age, pronouns, gender, class/specializations, etc.
Sylvas Mahariel: 
Headstrong, persuasive, fierce, proud, pragmatic,self-assured, noble  
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( art by @rennybu part of this amazing commission they did for me!)
Full name: Sylvas Siona Mahariel 
Age: 18 turning 19 during the blight, 28 at the time of Inquisition (making her 30 post trespasser) 
Height: 5″3 
Hair: Waist length lose black curls that she always keeps up in a bun
Eyes: Grey  
Class: Rouge archer 
Specialization: ranger, Assassin 
Pronouns: She series 
Sylvas was raised by Ashalle in Clan Sabre for the first 18 years of her life. She was always a very responsible and caring person who put the good of the clan and others before herself. She is a thinker and a problem solver, the kind of person who always has a plan. She loves her clan and feels deep pride in her dalish roots. She got her blood writing at 16 before most of the other elves her age. She was apprehensive about leaving the clan, having had almost no human contact her whole life. She is prideful and fierce and tends to put up a wall until she feels comfortable. She is very privet about her emotions and feels burdensome when she tells others about her troubles. She holds herself to a very high standard and can be very hard on herself. She has a silver tongue and can almost always get others to see reason (or at least what she thinks is reason). She is very straight forward and appreciates when people speak plainly with her. She always tries to do what’s right for the greater good but sees ends to a means as well. Even with her small size many people find her intimidating, she takes no shit and definitely gives out the vibe she isn’t one to be walked all over. She has a pretty dry wit herself but she loves people who can make her laugh. 
I am Warden commander Sylvas Mahariel of Clan Sabre. I find it hard to talk about myself as I feel there isn’t much to be said that would be of interest aside from what is already public knowledge. I would say I am a capable leader and someone my friends and charges can rely on. I am practical and pragmatic, I am the person you come to if you need a plan or a problem solved. I value dignity and honor. If you make a promise to me you best keep it, a person is only as good as their word. I can't stand the petty squabbles of nobility who refuse to see the needs of others before their own. I am the first to admit I am not quick to trust but I care deeply for those I do and would do anything for them if the called upon me.  
Ygritte Hawke:
Cocky, independent, charming, witty, rebellious, alluring, bold  
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Full name: Ygritte Hawke
Age: 22 during the blight, 23 act one 26 act two, 29 act three and start of Inquisition (Making her 31 post trespasser.)
Height: 5″8
Hair: Ginger hair she always keeps short with her signature Bettie page bangs. 
Eyes: Blue
Class: Mage
Specialization: Force Mage, Sprite healer 
Pronouns: She series
Ygritte was born and raised in Lothering. Being a mage she and her sister spent a lot of time with her father. They were very close and she gets her sarcastic, humorous nature from him. Her parents were strict about her using her magic and very protective. Ygritte is very rebellious though so that didn’t really stop her. She would also sneak out all the time.She was always very pretty and charming, turning the heads of many young men and ladies in her village. However due to her life as an apostate she never really allowed anything to become more than a fling for fear of being found out.She has always been a big flirt and very confident in herself. She’s super independent and very used to looking out for herself. In some ways this is a really good thing but it also tends to make her a little self-centered at times. She is headstrong and bold, never one to shy away from sharing her beliefs even when they are controversial. The Kirkwall gang was her first group of real close friends outside of her siblings and she really flourished with them around her. She is clever and thinks fast on her feet. Isabella says she could have been a rouge in another life! She’s the life of the party and wants to live her life to the fullest. As she has grown up she had become a little less selfish and a bit more thoughtful. She is very protective of her friends and family and would cross hell and high water to help them.
Well hello, 
You can call me Hawke. Before you ask yes it’s only Hawke  Miss Ygritte if you are nasty. I suppose I’m the champion of Kirkwall though I’m not sure if they let you keep the nice title after your boyfriend sticks it to the Chantry? How would I describe myself? I’m Clever and witty and down for any adventure. I know who I am and what I want and I’ve never been afraid to go after it. I’m not what you’d call discrete. I’m opinionated but I’m always ready to back up my arguments, I’m not all talk believe it or not! I’m a real looker and I know it. I think it’s a waste of time and energy to not see oneself in the best light. I just want to live a good life, make some memories and some changes. 
Ashalle Lavellan: 
Compassionate, persistent, clever, free-spirited, trusting, optimistic.
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Full name: Ashalle Fellenaste Lavellan 
Age:22 at the start of Inquisition, 24 by the end (making her 26 by the end of trespasser)
Height: 5″0
Hair: Silver hair that on a good days holds a soft, romantic curl but out in the field gets pretty wild.
Eyes: Green
Class: Duel Dagger Rouge 
Specialization:  Assassin
Pronouns: She series
Ashalle was raised by her mother, grandmother and aunt in her clan in the free marches.Her Grandmother was her clan’s keeper, her aunt the first and her mother the clan healer. She however is not a mage like her father. Her father died when she was a teenager, they were very close and the loss deeply affected her. Ashalle is a total hippie. She lives her life following her impulses and her gut. She hate’s feeling caged or held back in anyway. She has a huge heart and is quick to trust and let others in. However it would be unwise to break that trust. She has a pretty nasty taste for vengeance and her sweet demeanor can sour pretty quickly if she feels you have wronged her or those she cares for. She is working on being more even tempered but it doesn't always work out that way. She loves fiercely and with everything she has.She is an optimist and very persistent. She’d never give up on someone she cared about no matter what. She feels a sense of loyalty to all elves dalish or city. She  dreams of seeing her people thriving and living well once more. She wants to know everything and anything there is to know about elves. Even if she isn’t a mage she loves magic and respects mages and supports their freedom. She holds so much compassion and I think that’s why she stayed on as inquisitor after the breach was closed the first time. She saw so much hurt happening and she couldn’t stand by and watch others suffer when she knew she could help. She is whimsical and curious always ready to do something new and exciting. She is extremely emotional and this mixed with her impulsive nature gets her into trouble sometimes.
Andaran atish’an,
They call me Ashalle. Oh hallashit how would I describe myself? Ummm I would say I’m bright! I have a knack for elven history and legend! I love stories and songs and I am always ready to share them with anyone who will lend an ear! I know I am a good friend, I would do anything for my loved ones. I never give up on someone I care for. Not ever; no matter what. I do have a bit of a mean streak. Not a mean streak per say, I just I get so angry sometimes and sometimes I just do things and I don’t think and I make a mess of everything. I’m working on it and I’m lucky to surrounded with more even tempers to help me. I love pretty things and sweets. I know that sounds silly but growing up with my clan I didn’t get to have fancy things or sweets. Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t trade my upbringing for all the gowns and cake in the world! I’m pretty easy to get on with and I make friends quickly! I want to do right by the world and leave it better than I found it. I want to see my people thriving and safe once more. I want us to know what we have lost even if we don’t like everything we find. I know I am always growing and changing and I think that is probably the best adventure; growing strong and finding more of myself.
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h3llthing · 8 years
oc questions
tagged by @jaysie-mccree !
1. What OC do you wish you gave more attention to currently?
Hm.... probably the Witch’s Shop crew!! So Tekka, Liam, Chryssa, Felix, Daisy, and Hantu (plus all the minor and side characters). I used to draw and write for them all the time in high school, and I even had a timeline for the story written out somewhere? But I’ve ended up focusing on other characters recently.
2. What are some of your favourite OC relationships that you have developed for your characters? (Does not include relations with characters by other people.)
Ooooh..... definitely Chryssa and Hantu’s marriage, or Daisy’s relationship with Tekka and Chryssa, purely because it’s so contradictory.
3. What are some of your favourite OC interactions with OCs by other people? They can be whimsical and funny, or they can have a lot of meaning and growth – or both!
Oh my gosh! Defos all the rp @paintdoesart and I used to do with Liam and Mortimer, lol. We did some silly and serious stuff. 
Also, a lot of the early interaction between Akantha and Li (whose player isn’t on tumblr). A lot of it was really lighthearted bickering and occasional actual teamwork, and I kinda miss that dynamic a lot.
4. What inspired your favourite OCs and their creation?
Right now, all my rpg characters are my babies. So they were inspired by the various games I am/was in, lol.
5. What are some of your OCs’ more interesting quirks?
Akantha has a stutter, which I continually forget about. Jaeri doesn’t really understand wrestling, but when it happens she gets really into cheering. Roman always has a rose on him. Always. Where is it from? How’d he get that in the middle of a burning building? Who knows, but he sure does have one.
6. Do you have any favourite depictions of your OCs by other people?
Hm... besides art that Arthur drew of some of my oc’s, not really? Also, the doodles that one of my DnD group has done of Jaeri, haha.
7. What was something you were surprised to learn when pouring research and development into any of your OCs?
Reading up on the lore from various systems is always fun! Also, when I was doing research for Q, reading into the different kinds and causes of muteness was interesting.
8. Do you put a lot of thought into trivial OC information? Like their favourite colour, food, drink, if they prefer Mac over PC? :p Just as examples. If you can think of trivial things for your OCs that you put thought into, please write them in for this question.
Sometimes!!! It depends for each character, and some of it emerges in development or rp. For example, I know Akantha’s favorite sandwich meat is ham, and that Q’s favorite color is green. I don’t really have a place to collect all this info, so it just depends what I can remember.
9. Who is/are currently your favourite OC/s and why?
Honestly, my Exalted characters, who are currently Akantha, Pearl, an unnamed DragonBlooded, and Bells (who I haven’t gotten to play or make a character sheet for. Since abyssals/exigents are not out yet).
10. What character(s) do you have that started of as a joke, but then became more serious as time went on?
Pearl as a character wasn’t a joke, but the fact he gets seasick was a joke that evolved to actually be a part of his character.
Roman the Magnificent is entirely a joke character. He is ridiculous, over the top, and was originally named Ramen. I still love playing him though, and would like to play him in a more serious campaign someday.
And that’s it! Imma tag @blueblurry, @paintdoesart, @docthunderthrills, @jalapenocupcake, aaaand @moonlitseer, if y’all wanna do it !!
Questions under the cut :D
1) Which character would get a part time job at Starbucks both to learn how to make all the drinks and to get free coffee, then bail as soon as they got what they wanted?
2) Which character would stay up all night purely to see the sunrise?
3)  Which oc would read this website and not only believe it, but immediately go tell everyone they know about the plight of the tree octopus?
4) Which oc would do something extremely stupid just to spite someone?
5) What oc has the weirdest/most out there aesthetic?
6) Which ocs read creepypastas thinking they won’t be scared, and then get very, very scared?
7) What do you tend to do with your ocs? Do you primarily focus on rp, writing, art, etc? Do you keep a tidy list of them, or do you just kind of wing it and hope you don’t forget anyone?
8) Which of your ocs would be classified as chaotic neutral?
9) Which ocs cry over cute animal videos?
10) Which oc is the absolute worst roommate? And what makes them the absolute worst roommate? For example, do they play music loudly? Never do their dishes? Leave clothes lying around?
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bbabushkajusofonii · 8 years
Whimsical Gifts 4 piece #Jewelry Set #Giveaway . w/ @las930 y @SMGurusNetwork
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I would also like to say Thank You to all the promoting bloggers!
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11:59 PM (EST) 2/14
/17. The winners will have 48 hours to email their
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The sponsors are each responsible for shipping of the above prizes. No blog associated with this contests are responsible for prize fulfillment. If you would like to be a sponsor in a giveaway like this please email Laura Smith at las930 (at)gmail (dot) com. If you take an entry you must stay following for the entire contest or you will be disqualified.
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Enter below and Good Luck!
Buena Suerte Beautifuls!
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