#stay mad americans
I’ve been highly confused as to why Michael “deeply openly thirsting on Twitter about David Tennant for half a decade” Sheen is half-in half-out the closet but apparently Wales is absurdly homophobic lmao what the fuck how is a country the size of New Jersey that much of a hater bruh we out number the shit out of you
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juniemunie · 1 year
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Tumblr glitched out this and my other post idk why???
Lowkey upset that Alice Asylum got axed. BUTTTT ig it gives me a chance to make our own canon now
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dilfsisko · 5 months
‘No unaccompanied teenagers allowed in mall.’ ‘No unaccompanied teenagers allowed in movie theatre.’ Respectfully, where the fuck else are they supposed to go? You get mad at them if they’re outside or in public parks too
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lokisasylum · 7 months
ARMYs on stan twitter trying to devalue the 9 categories Jimin won through DABEME Awards, ALL because "PJMs" won "Best fandom" instead of just congratulating Jimin and being happy that he has such a solid group of fans supporting him all the step of the way. Is the EXACT same attitude and energy that Kpoppies and ex0-ls used to give BTS & ARMY whenever they won awards through... y'know, FAN-VOTES.
As if many of the big Daesangs BTS won in the past weren't mainly fan-voted.
But this fandom is full of hypocrites who love to gaslight others into forgetting their past and where they came from. Now ARMYs are the ex0-ls of the Kpop fandom, proud to be crowned "The Most Toxic Fandom" while celebrating everything they once bullied & hated other fandoms for doing.
But some of ya'll ain't ready for that conversation.
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LOL Awards don't just become illegitimate or fraudulent just because your fave didn't win any when you didn't even vote for him in the first place, Karen.
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stardust-sunset · 16 days
college history teacher told me he didn’t expect to see me come october and i said bet, fuck you sir.
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plethoraworldatlas · 1 year
American Climate Corps, this is BIG
The White House on Wednesday unveiled a new climate jobs training program that it says could put 20,000 people to work in its first year on projects like restoring land, improving communities' resilience to natural disasters and deploying clean energy.
The American Climate Corps is modeled after a program that put millions to work during the Great Depression. President Biden's climate policy adviser Ali Zaidi told reporters that the program has broader goals beyond addressing the climate crisis.
"We're opening up pathways to good-paying careers, lifetimes of being involved in the work of making our communities more fair, more sustainable, more resilient," Zaidi said
Biden first called for the government to find a way to establish a "civilian climate corps" in an executive order during his first week in office. The president said that he hoped the corps would "mobilize the next generation of conservation and resilience workers and maximize the creation of accessible training opportunities and good jobs."
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bespectacled-ghost · 6 months
do these americans coming to mexican beaches to spend their little dollars and then having the gall to complain about the loud regional music in the beach realize that's the same thing as going to las vegas and asking them to turn the all lights off at 10 pm bc you like to go to bed early
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
Every time deancrits get mad at me they show everybody their whole ignorant unwashed asses by turning to bizarre stereotypes they made up instead of the actual show. And also act like everyone else on this American website is a European who doesn’t know anything about US culture.
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shedontlovehuhself · 2 months
Funny how it's always white women screaming "Rich white men!!" When y'all enable and greatly benefit from white supremacy, too. No matter how much y'all want to distance yourselves from it.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
still alive💜 did my fail untagged queue make u not even notice I was gone... ngl being off tumblr for the last week made me feel very relaxed and i hate how being Online makes me feel on a brain chemistry level but on a higher more cerebral level i get genuine happiness from hanging out w the gay ppl on my phone and the films and books and music from all over the world I get to learn about on here... cant we all go back to the days of forums i hate you scrolling I hate you notifications 😭😭 or can they invent a bex that can do moderation... I want to just use tumblr less but I only seem capable of everything or nothing-_-
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oldcardigan · 7 months
just the reaction from people over taylor telling her supporters to vote in the primaries for who best represents them tells me everything i need to know about why she has not, and will likely never make a statement on palestine. people would just call her disingenuous, or pick apart her statement to find something they disagree with.
i do still want her to speak up about palestine and urge for a ceasefire, and i would love to see her speak about other issues too (abortion bills, anti-lgbtq, etc) but at the same time, i completely understand why she doesn’t.
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lilith-91 · 2 years
Being a Star Wars fan can get exhausting.
"You can't love Anakin Skywalker, he's evil, he killed children1!!11"
Oh, stfu :) I like far worse characters than Anakin Skywalker. Darth Sidious is one of them lol
I love every single asshole and villain in Game of Thrones and American Horror Story. I love Sauron, Morgoth, Hannibal, Michael Myers, Thanos, Green Goblin, Freddy Krueger, Ursula, Maleficent, Alex ("A Clockwork Orange"), Pennywise, Tom Riddle, Joker, Penguin etc
I love anime villains like Frieza, Orochimaru, Light Yagami, Shinobu Sensui, Griffith, Shou Tucker, The Major etc
I also think that the Sith are more interesting than the Jedi, especially during the Old Republic.
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In MCU fandom it is normal to like characters like Thanos, Loki or the Green Goblin, because they are cool FICTIONAL CHARACTERS.
In DC fandom it is normal to like the Joker, because he’s a cool FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
In DB fandom it is normal to like characters like Frieza or Majin Buu, because they are cool FICTIONAL CHARACTERS.
In Star Wars fandom the crybabies and fake moralists are acting as if Darth Vader is not the most iconic villain of all time
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Freddie what are you doing?? Vader is a fascist! :(
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se-hos · 9 months
“we just had a horrendous breakup and got back together and everything is good but i’m gonna go fuck off for a month and not tell you bc i gOtTa gO WoRk oN mySeLf” is becoming my most hated trope bc of these godawful romance books
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
europe: purposefully prevents african and middle eastern countries from being able to establish their own local economies, fuels violence in these countries, and just in general treats them like garbage
also europe when the people in these countries try to move to europe to make a living and escape poverty and violence:
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ezratheunready · 1 year
Im tired of the ABSOLUTE DISGRACE that is everybody forgetting the major impact of Jimmy Eat World on the emo scene. And I shan’t stand for it any longer. Im so incredibly jealous of the people at the Australian mcr tour dates that had Jimmy eat world open. I would have sold my soul to be there because NONE OF YALL are appreciating them enough. 
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ladysophiebeckett · 11 months
do think its funny she had to cancel her show in arg bc of the rain, meanwhile mexican swifties gave tlaloc a friendship bracelet offering in exchange for it not to rain and it didn't until she left.
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