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rezagoodary · 2 years ago
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Australia trip (State Library of Victoria) 🇦🇺 ✈️
#travel #australia #melbourne #statelibraryofvictoria #venumfightwear #rezagoodary
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crissgeithner · 2 years ago
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Un recorrido por @library_vic "State Library Victoria " Mellbourne Australia, inagurada en 1856, estilo neoclasico, bóveda central espectacular, más de 2 millones de libros... ✨️ Bendiciones a todos 🌹 #aura #auracristinageithner #statelibraryofvictoria #mellbourne #australia #casualstyle #outfitoftheday #beauty #amazing #pictures #pic #picoftheday #happy 🌄🌄
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beantherejourney · 4 years ago
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I wish my city had such a beautiful library📚 #throwback #australia #victoria #brisbane #roadtrip #traveltheworld #scenery #beautifulview #travelblog #travelphotography #landscapephotography #instatravel #citytrip #melbourne #library #architecture #design #beantherejourney #statelibraryofvictoria (hier: State Library Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQFo-6BgzYN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eduvoyager · 4 years ago
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STATE LIBRARY VICTORIA #library_vic#librarylove#statelibraryofvictoria#outsidestatelibrary#readmorebooks#fictionlover#melbourne#melbournelife#studyinaustralia#studymotivation#melbournestudents#melbournecity#melbournesummer#educationaustralia#visitmelbourne#visitvictoria#visitaustralia#insidevideocomingsoon#staytuned (at State Library Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKWaMuzJz7Q/?igshid=5038fn1spk9o
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formsyofficial · 5 years ago
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Neale Cousland; The ‘La Trobe’ reading room in the State Library of Victoria (2014)
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stephaniesjx · 5 years ago
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Study for dream
What is your dream ?
Are you loving what are you study right now?
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jhernandez1507 · 5 years ago
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State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺
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troublemagazine · 5 years ago
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More Joy! This lovely photograph of Joy Hester, taken by Albert Tucker, featured on our Feb-March cover. Albert TUCKER, ‘Joy Hester, Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne’ 1942, gelatin silver contact print. Albert Tucker Photographic Collection Heide Museum of Modern Art and State Library Victoria. Gift of Barbara Tucker 2008. ‘Joy Hester: Rembember Me’, @heidemoma - temporarily closed until 13 April, this exhibit on until 14 June 2020. #photography #joyhester #alberttucker #heidemuseumofmodernart #silvergelatin #statelibraryofvictoria #fitzroy #melbourne (at Heide Museum of Modern Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-BK3gYAIF7/?igshid=1obex2r0xfgm4
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themelbournesupremacy · 5 years ago
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The State Library of Victoria has some serious grille game #architecturaldetails #grille #statelibraryofvictoria #littlelonsdalestreet #melbourne #melbmoment #latergram (at State Library of Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8s5prDJTQH/?igshid=1mzablzjmq804
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chrismbr · 5 years ago
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The best dioramas in town (since the the turtles left Geronimo & the #MelbourneMuseum left the #StateLibraryOfVictoria) are in a mailbox in #GeorgeSt #Fitzroy. For reflection-free photos (see 3rd picture) follow the penguins, wolves etc at @fitzroyalmail (at George Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZeIpwnbFU/?igshid=1fa6wdmr9929
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xiintxiintxiint · 5 years ago
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coahtr quotes finished
tennessee williams unit finished :)
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ecl310skas91-blog · 6 years ago
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As children my brother and I were constantly surrounded by books and for as long as I can remember I have always loved reading. When we would stay at my grandparents’ house they would always read in bed, instead of watching television after supper. This was such a novelty to my brother and I and we would always fight over who would read what books from the bookshelf. Majority of their collection was the Cocky’s Circle Little Books, which my grandfather collected all 67 of them through a promotion in The Sunday Mail newspaper. These were our favourites because of the rhyming and bright pictures and colours, the books were easy to remember, so we would have races to see who could read them the fastest. These books are still something very special to me today, as I still have a portion of my grandparents collection, which I frequently read with my one year old and he claps along as I read them to him.
I believe that it is important for us as future teachers and for me personally because I am a parent, to make sure that reading is still fun for children. From what I have seen on my placement rounds so far, when the teacher has asked the students to do some individual reading, the younger year levels (prep-2) were very excited to get their books out and read them. Whereas, the older grades (3-6) acted like reading was a chore for them and a lot of them would sit at their desks and look around the room instead of reading. Reading needs to be fun and engaging for the children so they actually want and enjoy doing it. There is currently a Victorian Public Libraries program called 1000 Books Before School, which I currently have my son signed up to. There is no cost to join and the programs aim is to help develop children’s literacy skills, so they are prepared when they start school. We went down to our local library and signed our son up for the program and they supplied us with a book bag, counting sheet and sticker sheet.  Each time we read him a story and he is actively listening or participating, he receives a sticker on his sheet and once he fills his sheet (reads 100 books), we have to take the completed sheet back to our library where he receives a gift and a new sheet. Whilst this particular program is for children before they attend school, I think it is a great idea that could easily be turned into an activity for primary school students of all ages, creating individual goals and class goals. By allowing the students to choose their own books, creating individual and whole class goals and it is a creative way to get students excited about reading. My primary school did a similar program when I was a student, where they would keep track (through our library card) of how many different books we borrowed and read throughout the year. We would get a summary at the end of each term and from seeing this summary we would push ourselves to read more books in the next term. The incentive was that the 2 students from each year level that read the most books would get an award presented to them in front of the whole school at the end of year assembly.
I still have such a love for reading and sadly don’t get to read as many books (to myself) that I would like, but the joy on my son’s face when I read to him, makes me remember why I love books and reading so much.
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nikidyla · 2 years ago
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fangirlshandbag · 2 years ago
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#Random #Melbourne #Photodump Number Two #flindersstation #streetart #mural #melbournefringe #statelibraryofvictoria #hosierlanestreetart (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjsTpdkJGfZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crissgeithner · 2 years ago
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Un recorrido por @library_vic "State Library Victoria " Mellbourne Australia, inagurada en 1856, estilo neoclasico, bóveda central espectacular, más de 2 millones de libros... ✨️ Bendiciones a todos 🌹 #aura #auracristinageithner #statelibraryofvictoria #mellbourne #australia #casualstyle #outfitoftheday #beauty #amazing #pictures #pic #picoftheday #happy 🌄🌄
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#維多利亞州立圖書館 #StateLibraryOfVictoria 📍#墨爾本 #melbourne #澳洲 #australia 。 🚩歡迎推薦#墨爾本景點 #澳洲景點 給 @foodtravel_flymouse ❤️。 #飛鼠玩墨爾本 #飛鼠玩澳洲 #travel_flymouse_melbourne #travel_flymouse_australia 。 👁 ⬛️ 維多利亞圖書館是1854年由瑞德蒙巴瑞爵士(Sir Redmond Barry)等人所建立。 ��️門口正中央的瑞德蒙巴瑞爵士雕像及草坪北邊的拉籌伯副省長雕像,就是為了感念他們推動墨爾本城市文化發展而建。 ⬛️當初的立意是將 其視為「人民大學」,是個可以將社會訊息及知識提供給每位公民。100多年來這個中心思想一直引領著圖書館的改革與變遷,在進入21世紀時圖書館對於此中 心思想有了嶄新的詮釋—「將訊息、創意、靈感帶給每個人」! ⬜️ 館內有眾多的展覽室、畫廊及閱覽室,而其中最為著名的閱覽室為#拉籌伯閱覽室(La Trobe Reading Room)及#瑞德蒙巴瑞閱覽室(Redmond Barry Reading Room)。 ⬛️拉籌伯閱覽室的特色為大型的閱讀區及挑高的圓頂建築,所以也被稱之為圓頂閱覽室。 ⬜️圓頂閱覽室建於1913年,共有六層樓高,可容納3萬2千本書籍和320位閱覽者,為當時世界最大的鋼筋混凝土結構建築。 🗣 ⬛️就在舊墨爾本監獄的不遠處,兩個景點幾乎是可以花上一整天的時間來欣賞。 ⬜️圖書館門口的棋盤,既chill又展現著城市風格! ⬛️圖書館內的閱讀廳,藏著一波又一波的特色,推薦一定要進來走走,感受其風氣與風情! 🔆2020.1.27 🔖Google評論:4.7/5(1840篇) 💕心滿意足10心的話:9❤️ 🏠位置:328 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia 🈺️營業時間:Temporarily Closed (2021.9) #墨爾本自由行 #墨爾本市區 #澳洲自由行 #澳洲自駕遊 #澳洲生活 #墨爾本街頭 #wantogo #wowtoplay #poptour #poptour澳洲 #triptogo #travelyam #melbournelife #melbournecity #australiagram #eztravel (at State Library Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTcUwP4B7LL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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