#starter * closed - tbt .
deathknel · 6 months
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❛  now  now,  no  need  to  look  so  dour.  ❜  it  was  cute  seeing  them  like  this,  and  they  were  always  like  this.  ❛  we’re  meant  to  have  drinks,  be  merry.  act  a  little  gay,  love.  ❜  he  gave  a  wink  to  them,  sliding  over  next  to  them  his  arm  around  them.  @hollowcaress [ 𝐦𝐡𝐢𝐧 ]
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musictheater · 6 months
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voidfangs · 11 months
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“secrecy flows through you, a different kind of blood.”
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secrecy by margaret atwood — @primalvessel ♜
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gatekepts-a · 1 year
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          discomfort in her own skin is inevitable after being convinced to sport a revealing top her lack of self confidence could never pull off. despite not a single person being sober enough to even care, anxiety weighs heavily on sophie’s mind as she retrieves into herself, even while trying to make conversation with the other. she only came for one reason, and she only let herself be convinced to wear this tight ass top for the same reason as well, actually. for him. but she finds herself sipping gingerly at the red solo cup in her hand, desperately hoping for liquid courage to eventually enter her veins and maybe not make her blush so hard after every single word that leaves her lips. ❛ so, um — do you go out often ? to parties ? ❜ what a stupid fucking question. she simply can’t be more embarrassed of herself right now, even if she tried. ❛ i just — i didn’t see you at the last one, so. ❜ it’s a roundabout way to admit she had been looking for him. and clearly the alcohol isn’t working, because her ears are tinting red as soon as she says the words. @luriddaze​
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hayleysmuses · 1 year
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(Closed starter for @tournesolette; for one Hubert Duck)
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"Well, this is a surprise!" Fenton said delightedly, statement followed up with a warm chuckle. "Or, actually—I guess with how frequently you visit the lab, it'd be inaccurate to label it as such!"
He waved that away. "But, well, you know what I mean! The point being that I didn't expect to see you here today. I know Dr. Gearloose wasn't expecting any visitors—"
And would probably object to Huey being here during business hours. But at the same time, Fenton wasn't about to simply kick the poor boy out, especially not when there was probably a good, and very scientific reason, for his visit. "—but in any case, did you need something?"
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survivoirs · 1 year
There were worse times for a human to wander into the Boiling Isles. Luz found her way there not long before Belos went off the deep-end and tried to destroy their entire way of life. Alador was still finishing recovering from some of that. Both physically and mentally with the messy divorce proceedings that soon followed after. It felt weird to be away from the kids this afternoon, after working so hard to be there for them through their mother and his split. But Amity was off with Willow and Hunter. The twins off with friends. And so, finally, Alador was taking a simple walk as a part of his mandated break (by Amity) from working on his sigils removing tech. It was hard to take breaks when he knew how important it was that he finishes his work. The walk had turned into getting distracted and following after a butterfly demon down some twisty woodland path. It didn't take much for him to lose his way and become lost when he lost focus like this.
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What soon surprised him was barking and the pattering sound of running feet through the brush. Alador expected to see a dog, and he did. Only it was the strangest looking dog he'd ever seen. The small black and white creature skidded to a halt in front of him as Alador lowered slowly. Curious to a fault, the witch started his hands on observations.
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"Four legs. Only two eyes." Fingers lifted up one the dogs lips. "Single rows of teeth is quite peculiar too," he observed to himself as he absent-mindedly started scratching the dog behind the ears with one hand and at his own jaw with the other.
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violetncee · 1 year
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* tags !
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collectitan · 1 year
@terribleweh liked for a starter!!
It watches King from afar, having not seen his friend in a while. It clutches Francois the rabbit plushie in its arms, then it lands on the windowsill. "...King? It's me." Collector says softly, feeling awkward that it hasn't visited in a while.
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isdeathlystill · 2 years
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      “Brom told you what?” Katrina questioned before an annoyed huff passes her lips. She takes a bold move and reaches for Ichabod’s hands. “I hope you know that I would never say such a thing about you. Ichabod, I-” She breathed out. “The only thing I discussed is not wanting him to take me to that stupid Halloween ball like my father wanted. That I was going to ask you to take me instead.” 
@ghostcdman​ || just because starter 👻
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babyboydbaby · 2 years
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(Starter for @askrossiel​)
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It took all of Boyd’s restraint not to leap into her arms. Restraint that was abandoned almost immediately as he went for a hug from her. “It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to see each other! How’ve you been?”
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gatekepts-a · 1 year
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          ❛ hey, what are you doing here ? ❜ the steady concentration on her work is easily diverted upon seeing the male at her bedroom door. her heart rate quickens, but a smile blooms on her face at the nice surprise. ❛ if you’re here to take your sweater back, i’m keeping it. ❜ @luriddaze​
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gaygxnslinger · 2 years
Closed starter for @eggsmuses
The hushed whisper comes from...somewhere in the room. A little bit of investigation reveals bright blue optics staring from the vent in the corner, which stare for a couple extra seconds before the screws magically become undone, the cover is pushed aside, and the problem Hunter drops down with a relatively quiet thud all things considered.
“Just had to check if Zavala or Ikora was in there with you. Hah, bets on how long I’d live if they were?” Cayde jokes before sauntering over to Pex’s desk as if he owns the place. Should he be here without an appointment? No. Does he have any reason for seeing Pex outside of boredom? Well-- just a little, tiny reason, the reason that pushes him to continue seeing her so often, but aside from that! No. Of course not.
He leans against the desk, inspecting his hand with casualness that should not be befitting of a man who just dropped from a ventilation shaft and could still get into serious trouble. “So...wanna go out somewhere?”
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hayleysmuses · 2 years
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(Closed starter for @not-bcring​​ ; for Makoto)
In hindsight, Sayaka’s note had said to meet up far later in the night. But with not much else to do for hours on end, and in the hopes of keeping himself awake long enough to follow up on their meeting, Leon had taken to pacing around the empty hallways.
Sure, they’d all agreed on sticking to their rooms in the evening out of safety. But like...the rule wasn’t set in stone, right? He wasn’t gonna end up at the mercy of that ugly little bear if he took a few late night laps around the hallways.
Besides, Sayaka had asked him to meet up much later anyway. If he didn’t break it now, he’d break it later. So, whatever.
He’d really only done about a lap or two around the hallways, stepping lightly and with purpose like they were the familiar diamond his old team had used for their practice games. As much as he griped about the sport now, there was something oddly nostalgic about letting his thoughts drift back to days where he knew every inch of that field like the back of his hands.
And it was upon completing his second lap around that he found himself among company. More specifically that Makoto kid.
Naturally, his instinct was to be on guard. They were in a killing game after all.
But at the same time, this was the very kid that had previously gotten his lights knocked out by Mondo. So, you know, probably not much of a threat and Leon could so easily overpower him if he really wanted to try anything stupid.
Kinda weird for someone like him to be walking around in the middle of the night, actually. What, was he trying to get himself killed that quickly?
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“Uh...hey, man,” Leon said, as he slowed to a stop before Makoto. “You’re out awful late, huh? Didn’t we all agree to stick to our rooms?”
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lycanstark · 2 years
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       ❛   don’t take this the wrong way, cos...   ❜   the wolf paused, trying to figure out the proper way to circle back to his original question, the spiraling of possible decisions having taken them further and further off course. logan knew, all too well, that he only had just so long before the window of opportunity closed.   ❛   ─   but i was asking what you wanted for dinner? there’s no right or wrong answer here... i just... kinda need to know something before we starve to death.   ❜
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      ↳   @khozmoh​​​   》   sc.
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who-is-muses · 2 months
@hopecerulean | 𝐡𝐢𝐭 ‘𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [ ACCEPTING ]
💙;; ❛ you’re the first friend i ever had. ❜ to bro'dee
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The words are so soft, so earnest that they alone are nearly enough to bring tears to the elder's eyes.
He feels that bite of loneliness deep inside himself, one of the many shadows clinging to him which he tries so hard to hide with light. Alone in one sense or another for so very long- some of which is self imposed, though he refuses to even realize it. Obvious though it may be, it is the miseries which he knows firsthand that hurt most to see in others.
His hands set gentle but firm upon his pupil's shoulders. "And I am honored to be considered your friend." He does not- will not- push his own emotions out to Blaize, but he lets them shine unhindered in his words.
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lifesliced · 4 months
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❝ hey, ❞ he says awkwardly, opening the door. he gives a strained smile. he's a seasoned actor, he prompts himself. you can do this. ❝ come in. ❞
quieter now than hannah and beth are gone. josh sometimes pretends they're at the mall or something, just out for a while, and that they'll come back in the evening to have dinner. when they don't show up, he makes a mental excuse that they're just running late. when it's time to go to bed, he tells himself that hannah is just at sam's for the night, that beth has decided to tag along, and that everything will be right in the morning. he steps back, allowing sam to come inside properly.
the lights are lower than usual, and the space is still expansive, though now hollow. he's alone. his father and mother are busy with work —— because life has to go on —— and the search is still going, but that's what he's called sam over here for. to talk about the investigation. just because it's still ongoing to the public doesn't mean that the family hasn't since privately declared the twins dead.
they're not coming back, his father told him. you have to accept that.
❝ ... you want somethin' to drink? ❞ he's asking because it's normal; it's the normal thing to do. ❝ er, how are you? ❞ stupid question. even he admits that aloud. stupid question. sorry. he sighs. this is important. he reminds himself he's doing this for a reason; for a bigger purpose. for the greater good — their good. ❝ why don't we go to the living room? my parents are out, so ... ❞ // * @actiongrrl liked for a starter !!
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