#started w my bfs mom asking me what i wanted for my birthday <- didnt think i was that deep into the family to get gifts from them
binesetakeout · 1 year
i bring a kind of seeing love in everything vibe to the small things in life that pessimists dont really like
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pikapikabishes · 4 years
It's Okay Now(Kirishima x gn!Reader)
Disclaimer: all characters rightfully belong to their original creators, only thing that is mine is the plot. Also do not copy my writing. Thank you
Summary: Class 3A's Y/n was having a jolly day hanging out with the BakuSquad, including her amazing bf of over 6 months, Eijirou Kirishima, even with all the stress piling up, like a shaken soda bottle ready to burst, until said explosion finally happened. Triggered by the littlest, probably stupidest event
Warnings: anxiety (?), panic attacks, not eating for days, mentions death, suggestive themes, a bit of swearing
Mentions: mental breakdown, overworking oneself, starvation, hyperventilating, ugly crying, kiri being absolutely biggest sweetheart, daddy!Kiri breifly
A/n: this is my first fic on Tumblr so please be nice, and if you enjoyed it, like and comment
Everything hurt. My head, my eyes, my chest, my mind. I don't even know what happened. One minute I'm perfectly fine, having a good time with my friends, the next I'm in this situation.
Im sitting in the middle of my dorm on the floor, crying and sobbing over the smallest thing. I admit being stressed with everything going on in my life; with upcoming school exams , training every single day to improve my ultimate moves, and the biggest clicher... my dad's passing a couple months prior.
This whole time I've just been bottling it all up, trying my hardest to put up a brave front as to not worry my mom, who already has a lot on her plate, my friends and boyfriend, Kirishima. To be frank, I haven't even told my class or Kiri, keeping a bright smile as to not hint them in on my life crashing down around me. Some days are easy to keep up my smile, to let my mind focus on something else, and then there are harder days when everything reminds me of my dad.
I was real close to him, we did a lot of fun stuff together; going to amusement parks, going out to see movies we both were really excited to watch, going out to eat at our favorite restaurants.
It still doesnt feel real after all this time. It felt just like yesterday he was perfectly fine, we were celebrating my grandma's birthday, and literally the next day, I find him stiff and eerily still in his bed. And then everything crashing down on me as the paramedics regretfully tell me that my dad was no longer of this world, when I sob into the phone to my mom that my dad was gone, when I listened to my grandma's wails as my mom told her of her son's passing.
It all felt so surreal, like if I go over to see my grandma at her house, I'll see my dad sitting there in the living room, greeting me with his smile and warm hugs and kisses.
I sob harder as I remember all the times we watched Disney movies and me crying at some scenes as my dad happily comforts me. Buying me a toy from one of the movies I adored at the time. Him gifting me a puppy when he moved into a new neighborhood and I didnt have anyone to play with.
My head's pounding, a deep pressure in my brain, as I clutch tightly to the same doll he bought me all those years ago. My screams silent as I try to keep my classmates from finding me in such a pathetic state and worrying about me, my brain not processing that everyone was still at school. I fought to take control of my emotions again, wanting to be strong for my mom, grandma, and my friends. Unknowning of the pace of my breathing as I desperately tried to grasp my emotions.
My stress and anxiety climbing higher with each panicked breath. All those late nights I stayed up studying as much as I can for the midterm exams, catching up to me. I even forsaken eating as to study so I can at least get a passing grade. And the times I didnt spend studying was spent training to try and get my mind to focus on anything rather than fully face the reality that I no longer live in a world with my dad in it.
When was the last time I had a fulfilling meal? Three days?? And the time before that?? I dont even remember, the pounding in my head preventing me from thinking too much. All I can think about is what caused this stupid meltdown in the first place, my frustrations climbing higher with my stress and anxiety.
Today was one of those days where it was hard to keep up my smile for people. In an attempt to cheer myself up, I made myself the same lunch my dad and I used to make together for later, excited to eat as this was my first actual meal in days.
As I stroll down the hallways to meet up with Kiri and the rest of the BakuSquad, someone in a rush, bumps into me full force, causing me to fall and drop my lunch on the floor. I only had a moment to grieve as I see my precious lunch splattered all over the floor before the person that bumped into me uttered a measly, rushed "sorry" before hurrying on their way, stepping my lunch in the process.
I stayed there in my position on the floor, looking at my lunch with grief. I know it was stupid to start crying over something that can be replaced with something else that Lunch Rush made, but there the crocodile tears were. My heart and mind had wanted that lunch.
Without thinking I got up and ran out of school and towards the dormitories, deaf to the calls of my fellow 3A classmates and the incoming call on my phone.
I was brought back to the present by the sound of pounding coming from my dorm door. I was still fighting for control, not able to send a reply without my sobs mixing in with my voice.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" A familiar voice sounded through the door. Of course it would be Kiri to be checking up on me. "I tried calling you to see where you were, but you didn't answer. Tsuyu told me she saw you running off upset when I went to go looking for you."
For some reason I sobbed harder, barely able to keep quiet.
"Princess/Prince, please tell me what's wrong, I'm getting really worried."
He stayed quiet for a moment, anxiously waiting for my response. And of course my body betrays me when an ugly sob wracks through my very being, unable to quiet it down.
"Princess/Prince, are you crying?!" Kiri's voice carried his panic and worry. "I'm coming in!" He warned before slamming the door open.
I barely raised my head to meet his worried crimson eyes as his giant frame took up most of the doorway, frozen. His expression falls at the sight of the giant crocodile tears running down my face, distress written all over my expression.
Without saying anything, he rushed over to my side, his big, warm hand landing on my back, immediately rubbing gentle circles as to comfort me.
"Baby, what's wrong? Tell me," he asked, voice trying to soothe me. I shook my head, unable to say or utter a word and I dropped my head again, breathing erratic. "You're hyperventilating, baby. You need to try and calm down a bit."
More sobs was the only thing I responded with. Hearing some shuffling, a moment passed before a soft calming melody sounded through the storm in my mind, along with the sound of gentle falling rain. It was the same several hour music track that I would usually listen to when something was bothering me.
I've always loved the sound of falling rain and ocean waves.
Kiri dropped his phone to the floor, letting the music wrap us in its soothing melody. He brought his hand to my cheek to gently bring my face up and face him. His expression sad as he gets a better look at my distraught, of the crocodile tears streaming down my face, of the deep sadness in my eyes.
Letting his other hand to join my face, he gently wiped away my tears as I tried to control my breathing. "Baby, you have to calm down. It's okay now, I'm here," he said in a gentle voice, bringing me up onto his lap, and wrapping his strong arms around me.
I clutch onto his uniform jacket, burying my face into his chest as I sobbed away, ruining his uniform with my tears and snot.
He gently rocked the both of us, bringing one of his hands up to my head as he softly brushed his fingers through my hair. "Shhh, baby. It's okay. It's okay," he whispered in my ear.
I don't know how long we sat there, listening to falling rain, Kiri rocking us, whispering calming words into my ear before my breathing was back to normal and my sobs turning into sniffles. Even long after I've calmed down, Kiri still held onto me tightly, grounding me from the storm whirling in my mind.
Only when I lifted up my head from his chest to look up at him did he give me a soft smile, reaching up to brush away strands of hair from my face and eyes. Then, Kiri reached over to his phone, pausing the music before turning back to me.
"Feeling better?"
I slowly nodded my head, my voice hoarse as I finally managed to give a reply, "Yeah, a little bit."
"What happened back there?" Kiri asked, his brow furrowed in worry.
Tears were already welling up in my (e/c) eyes, my bottom trembling as I fought to hold back the tears. Kiri reached up one hand to hold my chin, his thumb softly brushing my bottom lip.
"Please baby, I hate seeing you so distraught," he told me, eyes full of concern as he continued to stroke my bottom lip, as if trying to coax the words to come out, to explain what was paining me so much so he can fix it.
"I-" I stuttered, sniffling back the tears. "I miss him."
"Miss who, baby?" Kiri asked, confused.
"M-my dad," I said, voice now shaky as the tears started falling again. "I m-miss him so much."
Kiri seemed to come to the conclusion that I might have only been extremely homesick. "Why dont you go visit him today then? It's Friday, so you can just stay with him for the weekend."
I violently shook my head. "I-I can't."
"Why not, baby?" He started stroking my back again to try and comfort me.
"H-he died! Two months ago!" I sobbed, pressing my face to his chest again.
"Oh fuck. Shit, I am soo sorry baby. Why didn't you tell me?" Kiri asked, hugging me tightly to him. "I would've been there for you."
"I-I didn't w-want to w-worry y-you," I cried.
Kirishima started rocking us both again, his grip on me tighter as if trying to hold me together. "Of course I'm going to be worried baby. I have been worried about you. I noticed you've been distancing yourself for a while now, but I didn't want to make you talk when you weren't ready. God, I'm so unmanly, not realizing that you were in so much pain all this time." He placed his hand on top of my head. "I am sooo sorry, baby."
I sniffled, shaking my head. "D-Don't be. I w-was the one who d-decided not to t-tell any of you g-guys. I-it's not your f-fault."
"But why didn't you tell us baby? You know we all would've been here for you."
I shrugged. "I-I just wanted to be s-strong for y-you guys. I d-didn't want to w-worry any of you."
"Oh, babe." He pulled back enough to look at me. "You are strong. But it's okay to lean on us, on mee. Just because you're crying, doesn't make you weak. You're mourning, and its okay to cry when you're mourning. It just shows how close you are with your dad and how much you're missing him."
"But... But it feels like my fault though," I cried.
"What do you mean?" His brows furrowed again in confusion.
"I... I was there that night. The night he passed." I wiped at the tears even though it was fruitless with how the tears continued to fall. "We were all happily celebrating my grandma's birthday. We were all laughing. And I went to sleep a bit late that night. I noticed how his was position in his bed when I got up to use the bathroom, but I didnt think any of it. My dad sits in that position sometimes, and I know that he goes to sleep way later than me. And when I woke up at 11 the next morning because of my grandma calling for me, I got up to see what she needed. You remember, that my grandma cant really move around that well anymore?" I asked him.
Kiri nodded his head, remembering that I helped my grandma when the two of us had dinner with my dad and grandma. "So when I got up and headed towards her room, I saw my dad in the same position. But figured he must've just fallen asleep... Then I went to use the bathroom after helping my grandma, and when I looked closer, I noticed how swollen his feet were. I... I knew my dad was always sick and his legs getting swollen all the time, but... I-I just didnt think I'd find him like that." I cried, covering my mouth as another sob wracked threw me. "Vomit... All over the blankets and his bierd... A blood clot hanging from his nose-"
"Shhh, its okay, baby" Kiri hushed me, rubbing my back, "If it's too much for you, you don't have to explain anymore."
After waiting for my breathing to stabilize again, I continued, "I... I just feel like if I had checked up on him before I went to bed... Maybe... Maybe the paramedics would've been able to save him..."
Kiri grabbed onto my shoulders to pull me away so as to look me dead in the eyes with a stern look. "Y/n, listen to me. It is not your fault," he said firmly. "Okay? It is not your fault. Sometimes these things happen."
"But-" I started, but he cut me off.
"No but's. Okay? I know I havent known him as long as you, but I could tell from the first time I met him that he was soo proud of you. And probably still is." His words made me cry harder, my bottom lip trembling again as I tried to pull myself together in front of this amazing man in front of me. "There's no need to beat yourself up over this," Kiri said, pressing a kiss to my forehead as I started bawling my eyes out again. Kiri started rocking us again, holding me tight as I let out all my sadness and anguish.
"Shhhh... It's okay... Everything's will be okay..." He mumbled in my ear. "Let it all out."
We stayed like that for the next hour as I let out all my suffering, the scent of his cologne, the comforting words, and the sound of the music track all lulling me to sleep, my mind and body too heavy to fight it off.
I woke up to a dark room, the sun long gone over the horizon. I blearily blinked my eyes open, feeling my tears dried over the skin of my cheeks. All of a sudden, a warm hand slides under my shirt, rubbing a thumb on my stomach. A face was then buried into the back of my neck, a soft pair of lips kissing at the skin.
"Morning beautiful/handsome," came Kiri's sleep filled voice
"Mmnn what time is it?" I mumbled.
Kiri pulled away for a moment, turning to reach behind him for presumably his phone on my nightstand. Squinting at the glare of the phone, Kiri gave me an answer, "7 o'clock at night, so its just about dinner time." Dropping his phone back onto the nightstand, he resumed his position of spooning me, completely dwarfing my body with his giant frame. "You haven't ate lunch right?"
I shook my head. "Or breakfast. Or dinner last night. Or any meals for the past few days."
"What?" Kiri shot up, glaring down at me. "And the time before that?"
I shrugged, my brain too drained to think of a solid answer. "Couple days."
"I know, I know. I shouldn't be skipping my meals everyday. I should eat at least once a day."
"Is that why you look thinner? Cause you've been skipping your meals??!"
I shrug at him. "I was busy studying for the midterms. Besides I never went 3 days without eating something."
"That's not the point!" Kiri rubbed his hand down his face before looking at me with worry. "You shouldn't be skipping any meals or overworking yourself like this." He reached over to brush a lock of hair away. "Babe, my heart hurts at the thought of you not taking care of yourself."
I place my hand on top of his, leaning into his touch. "I know... I'm sorry. I didnt mean to worry you like this. I just... couldn't come to terms with reality so I busied myself to make me forget the pain. On the bright side I came up with this new, awesome ultimate move I've been dying to show you," I said with some excitement, trying to cheer him up.
He scowled sternly at me for a moment before sighing, shaking his head, any trace of worry and frustration gone from his face as a small smile took over his lips. "Alright fine." But then the stern look came back as he firmly told me, "But I'm not letting you skip any meals anymore, even if I have to force you to eat. And you're not doing no studying or training this weekend."
"Wait, but-" I tried to counter, stopped when the stern look in his eyes intensified.
"No if's, and's or but's. Unless its yours up in the air as I fuck you so hard you wont be able to do anything this weekend but relax."
I blushed and swallowed loudly. "Good, now wait here while I go get you a plate. Bakugou's supposed to be cooking tonight." He leaned down to plant a kiss on my lips. Then another. Then another and another before pulling away only slightly to look into my eyes with that familiar dark look in his eyes, a smirk forming on his handsome face. "Maybe I should grab you two plates. You're going to need it for fuel for tonight."
My faced burned as I realized what he meant. He chuckled darkly before standing up and walking towards the door. "I'll be back in a few. And you better be stripped down to nothing by the time I get back." Turning back towards me with a seductive look. "Don't you worry about a thing, baby girl/boy. Daddy's going to take real good care of you this weekend." Then he opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind him.
I gulped loudly, already feeling that familiar heat down below.
It was going to a long weekend.
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xp-egg · 5 years
paranoia/mental illness/disturbing tw.. related to the post i made on my main blog
So im about to drive up to see my mama for hanukkah, alone as i do each yr. redacted THING happened a few summers ago but essentially bc of it she believes ppl from [Japanese automobile corporation] tried to m*rder her on the job nd now cant keep a job or a place to live so she lives w my baba . i havent talked to her in a year for reasons i will explain ...so we r texting abt my travel plan, cooking plan, talking for the first time all yr besides birthday wishes n stuff, shes talking normally, we say our goodbyes/cantwaittoseeyous. bht 12ish hours later she sends me, un-explained with no preface, a cryptic list of what i slowly figure out are license plate numbers out of nowhere n says ppl are trying to run her over n cackling (this is not new.. just i havent had to deal w it all year and i was hoping she could let it go for just a few days....), i ask if she has gotten to a safe place and ofc she says shit like 'well unfortunately natasha i will never be safe. they follow me at all moments and one day you will read abt ur mother having been killed, etc etc.' like omg i just cant talk to u. At all. Anymore. can i not have one day.. without this... please g*d... she cant be around ANYONE bc she thinks they are all working w [car company] conspiring to m*rder, slander, whatever her.. shes lost 12 jobs in the past 4 years. everytime we go out in public she screams at people for even glancing at her/smiling at her and claims they were [doing some weird threatening thing they certainly werent ? .. like sometimes ppl with certain names or wearing A CERTAIN COLOR is enough to be a SIGN and she loses it and starts telling them loudly to fuck off and stop looking at her.... my non-hallucinating brain as a witness] and im mildly concerned someone WILL kill her in retaliation for her being insane in their face.. (she had some guy start yelling back at her and she recorded it as 'proof'. He was clearly very annoyed at her saying terrible accusations at him when he was trying to mind his fucking business.....it was indescribably scary but like can i blame him? she was being highly inappropriate publically.. SHE was prob scaring HIM. she scares me lmao) like she has been so mild mannered and rational her whole life.. she has a degree in chemistry and a literal genius IQ. its like watching a loving animal slowly go violently rabid. It Sucks
last year she finally accused ME of also being paid off/threatened by [company] to conspire against her JUST bc i went to visit her older brothers family (my aunt n cousins who are the family members ive been closest to our whole lives aside from my mother nd baba) w my bf at the time bc i wanted him to meet my non-insane family members..... JUST FOR VISITING MY OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS BC THEY ARE EXPECTING ME TO VISIT N THEY LOVE ME ? Like they love my mom too but multiple years of being accused of being bought off, or [company] threatening to m*rder my cousins (she always says the most brutal and disturbingly specific details too) if they didnt do whatever thing would intimidate my mom, [in this case purchasing the most affordable reliable new family car they could from [company] ..it WAS right after she told them about her initial event but likethey needed a new car and her claims are literally delusional. i rly dont want to disown my other family for that but its a hard decision.. terrible situation], but being accused to conspire to m*rder her gets tiring so they gave up a while ago. when she accused ME even tho i have been the literal last person to stand by her for the past 4.5 years.. i never made her feel like her claims were impossible even when literally everyone else did bc i figured she needed a buoy.. i said fuck it i can't talk to you anymore. i will start going insane too . we have all tried to comfortingly reason w her (well i didnt for a while, i just wholly accepted her story without trying to reason with her INSANE JUMPS IN CORRELATION.. fully bizarre and delusional.. bc i wanted to support her), i spent so much more money getting a less reliable car just to avoid buying from [company], supported her contacting the authorities (obviously they can't help bc she is making insane claims), make her feel as safe n protected.. did as much as we possibly could but like... theres a limit. this is year 4.5 of this, every day, every hour. EVERY year she says well the dirt on [company] will get out this year.. youll see.. ill be validated (essentially). she went to inpatient treatment and she said they accused her of having barbituates in her system when she arrived (what) nd the only diagnosis they gave her was 'rule out paranoid delusion' (bro come on... she thinks EVERYONE is trying to k*ll her.. help) so she wont get any more help. i want to at least try and save my baba bc she is old and puts up w this every single day. but on top of having my own problems, by saving my baba id be damning my mother, or myself. i never know what to do....
but well anyways i love driving hours into a fucking hornets nest each year. at least there are latkes ig
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
Tumblr media
2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
33 notes · View notes
lifestyleofemily · 4 years
Why I ghosted you
It didn’t just happen out of nowhere but more like a lot of things added up to this. I still remember the moment we became friends. At that time I didn’t really have a good relationship with my family so friends were the most important people in my life. You included. You were one of the few friends back then who showered me with love, understanding and support. You were an easy-going person. You didn’t think much when you talked so everything you said was of no malice. I always had a lot of fun with you because you didn’t care what others thought of you. You never judged me for anything I did. You were always there for me. When I had a fight with my mom and refused to eat you would bring me food so that I wouldn’t go hungry. You would always tell me that I could move in with you if anything ever happened. I loved you for all that. It may sound childish but I always wanted you to see me as your best friend. I wanted to be most important person for you after your family. I wanted to be the person you could confide in if anything were to ever happen. I was obsessed over the title of a ‘best friend’ I mean I was only 13 at that time who can blame me right? It meant that I was of the same importance as you were to me. However, In all those years I could never become your best friend. Back then I couldn’t become your bf because you already had one when we first met. After you and your best friend drifted apart you chose someone else to fill that spot. I admit I acted like I didn’t care about who it’s gonna be but I was actually hurt when the person you chose wasn’t me but someone else. Someone you met after me. I know it doesn’t matter how long you know someone but how deep your relationship with the other is. The reason I was hurt was because I felt betrayed, you would always say that I was the most important person in your life and so on but you would never put an actual label on it. It’s just a title but it still hurts when you’re an insecure 13 year old teenager who needs confirmation about her importance in someone else’s life. I think that was the beginning when everything slowly changed.
I chose to pretend that everything is fine. Maybe it’s because you were the first person I held so dear to me. Whenever I met someone knew I would always introduce them to you because I wanted you to be part of my life. I wanted my friends to be your friends. I wanted us to be happy together and sad together. I was happy you always got along with all the People I introduced you to. I was also sad when every single one of them told me they enjoyed your company more than mine. I was scared they would take you away from me. If they did I would be alone again. I never told you to stop getting closer to them because I didn’t want to sound obsessive I also didn’t want to put too much pressure one you. That’s why I tried very hard to be a fun and outgoing person just like you. But it was never enough. Thinking about it now it sounds toxic. I sound toxic. I was way too obsessed with you I know that. It’s like when you start showing kindness to a child that was never loved. They will think of you as a hero. That was the same for me. My parents divorced when I was a still a toddler. I was raised by my uncle and his family till I was 5. I started living with my mom and her new husband when I was 6. At first I was over the moon I mean I could finally live with my mom who I havent seen since I was a toddler. You know my mom she’s not the kind of person to show affection or love. She’s strict to the core and has high expectations for her kids. Anyone who met my mom was afraid of her. My childhood was painful but because I had you who would always make me laugh I still enjoyed life. There were many times when I thought of taking my own life but I was too scared of the pain. More than the pain I was more scared of leaving my friends behind. Especially you. Not my family but you. Dying is easy for the one that’s dead because once they are dead they will no longer feel any pain. However, People who are left behind have to deal with the pain and aftermath. People always say people who commit suicide are weak. They are too weak to keep on living. But what if living on is more painful to them than dying. Why should they continue to suffer just to make others happy? It take courage to take your own life. I was in pain but I didn’t have the courage to take my own life.
Remember when you started Uni and started hanging out with all those new people and totally forgot about me? Rmb when I gave you my spare phone because you lost yours? Rmb when you were super active on Facebook but ignored my text for days? It wasn’t even texts but just one text one question. It wasn’t a big thing for you but it was for me. I was hurt. I felt like I’m gonna lose you. I even asked you if you wanted to end this friendship. Years went by and things kept happening. Things like you making promises and breaking them afterwards. You knew I take promises seriously but still made and didn’t keep them. I still acted like I didn’t care because I didn’t want you to feel bad about it I didn’t want you to force yourself to keep your promises because of me. I wanted you to keep them because you wanted to not because you had to. I’d rather you didn’t make those promises in the first place. That way I wouldn’t have gotten my hopes up just to have them crushed again. One of those promises was that you would always be there for me. That friendship to you is more important than love. I know what people say and do are two different matters but I was so sure that friendship was really more important to you than love. I guess I was wrong. Because as soon as you got your first boyfriend our friendship was no longer the same.
You liked him and you knew he also kinda liked you but you weren’t dating yet. I was rooting for you, happy for you because you were so incredibly happy just being with him. It was your birthday I had to work but we were planning on meeting afterwards. I was looking forward seeing you again because we haven’t seen each other in a long time because you were busy with Uni, dancing and life in general. You made me wait for an hour.... you didn’t text or call to tell me you would be coming late. And when you arrived you were with him. You told me he suddenly asked you out and bought you new shoes. I was mad. Not because you were late but because you didnt even call to tell me you were gonna be late and because you were out with him even though we had plans. If you would have called I would have Gone home and we could have met another time. You could have spend the day with him. Instead you came an hour late and with him in your back. I knew you wanted to spend more time together. I gave you your present and went home. That was when I realized that you’re gonna break another promise again. Love was more important than friendship to you. That’s why I stopped taking your promises serious. Whenever you would promise me sth I would just laugh it off because I knew you’re not gonna keep them. It’s not your fault. We were young and you were carefree to begin with. That’s what I liked about you. But because of your carelessness you never really realised the weight of your words or the impact they would have. I couldn’t even be mad anymore because that’s just who you were. That’s when I started distancing myself from you. It helped when you and him finally started dating and you didn’t have time for anything else anyway. Your world started revolving only around him. I mean I know it’s also because he was a control freak and you weren’t allowed to go anywhere w/o him or do anything w/o asking for permission. Still you let yourself be controlled. I started hanging out with others more and also worked a lot more because just being home was exhausting. Maybe that’s also one of the reasons why it was so much easier for me to leave everything behind and travel to Australia for a year. Nothing was really holding me back. We didn’t talk much when I was there. We started talking again when you broke things off with him and when you were in the US for an exchange. When I came back and you told me that you were pretending to be in the US for an exchange but weren’t actually there the whole time but instead hid somewhere else at some guys place because you couldn’t afford the exchange I was hurt again. You said you didn’t want to tell me because you didn’t want to disappoint me. But do you know what disappointed me more? Your fear of seeing me disappointed rather than the trust that I would or could have supported and helped you in your difficult time. Do you know how much of a useless friend I felt when you told me that? How much I blamed myself because I couldn’t help you in your time of need? It was a shitty feeling.
0 notes
Buying car insurance online
"Buying car insurance online
When you buy a car insurance policy online, will you be required to send copies of drivers licenses or car registration?  I've done it twice and once they did require and once they didnt.  Thanks for the help.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can I find car insurance for my situation?
I've been without insurance for almost a year now. I canceled my old policy because I do not drive my car anymore and I'm selling it. So I finally bought a new car, and I am currently looking for insurance. But I haven't had any insurance the past year. Where can I get insurance?""
Explanation for Insurance quote in Oregon?
Hi folks, I just moved to Oregon from CA. I got a quote from State Farm which suits my need. I just got a quote from an agent. She mentioned something like this in the quote. I have me and my wife as drivers. Automobile liability with W/P $25000 50/100/50. I mean to ask what does W/P $25000 mean? Is it mandatory to have PIP in Oregon? Thanks for your help.""
International medical insurance for US-medical trip?
I have a condition that might require surgery in the US, but I don't live there. Please can you recommend an international medical insurance that can cover the surgerical expenses when the need arises? Or anytime i should make a medical -trip to the US?""
How much does deep cleaning usually cost?
My pocket size was 2 or 3 and some of my molars were 4 or 5. So I know I do need deep cleaning. I did half of my mouth already which is $200 and I'm going to do the other side which also cost $200. So I'm paying $400 overall. I have good insurance through my dad so I didn't have insurance it would be Around $1800. It just seems so expensive
How Much Homeower Insurance Do I need?
How Much Homeower Insurance Do I need?
""Wiil insurance go up for a Non-Driving related, out of state, alcohol possesion citation?""
I am 20 years old and was cited for minor in possesion of alcohol in PA (Completely unrelated to driving). I plead guilty and paid a fine. However, PA law dictates a mandatory 90 day driver's license suspension (which only is in effect in PA). I don't live in PA, I live in NY. Will my insurance rate go up?""
Would claiming on insurance/suing cause this guy to lose his job?
Basically, Iive in NY and a while ago I was driving to work when a taxi in the next lane floored the gas, then came into my lane too early, and smacked into the side of my car. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs047.snc6/167708_1829137573885_1403718556_32066375_2647816_n.jpg the car was spun a few times before hitting the curb and i got severe whip lash, taking a few weeks off work which isn't good in my profession. I fully planned to make an insurance claim but my lawyer also suggested suing for dangerous driving. It has struck me however that this guy might lose his cab if I do so, and he is likely to have much money, while I could pay for the damages, or a new car. I don't want to make this guy lose his job, how would it play out?""
Will geico insurance rate go up from storm damage?
My car got hit from a piece of tree/brances and scratched and dent it a little, will insurace go up?""
What is the typical cost of motorcycle insurance in california?
What is the typical cost of motorcycle insurance in california?
What is the best type of renters insurance available in California?
I want to get renters insurance in California, any good affordable ones available? I noticed nationwide and statefarm are not available here. I am using Geico for car insurance. TIA!""
Will speed camera tickets effect my car insurance in Maryland?
I have gotten several speed camera tickets in the past few months.. these things have been unknowingly til after the flash, been popping up!! Will these effect my car insurance? I have progressive.""
How does car insurance work? my mom recently wrecked our car-it cost 2000. we have 25000/500 deductible.?
what part do we pay
Self Employed Health Insurance?
My father just quit his old job, he couldn't work there anymore (Too long commute and we lost a parent, so he had to stay closer home for the family) So now he is self employed. We are trying to find insurance that will cover him, 4 children, vision (we all wear glasses) + dental. Does anyone have any suggestions? (We live in PA)""
Can you report someone for driving without car insurance?
i know this person and i was just wondering if you could turn them in for not having car insurance without them knowing who turned them in. I want to prevent someone from getting hurt and not getting there part of the insurance claim or whatever.....anything will help..THANKS!!!!
How can I find my neighbors home insurance company?
My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover).
Motorcycle Insurance Question....?
I live in San Diego California. I was wondering how much do you think i would have to pay for insurance if im 20 and my brother is 25? He has an 08 Kawasaki 650R I have an 08 ZX6R
Penalty for driving without car insurance?
What would happen if i were to get caught driving without insurance in california? I'm 17 years old. and a month. Just got my license a few days ago. My car is registered. And i of course have a clean driving record and half never been pulled over. The tags don't expire until august 2009
Travelers -safeco insurance..need help?
Hi Everybody .. I am in CA and paying around $2K yearly for Auto Insurance only . I recently got a quote from Travelers and Safeco Insurance for about 1400 yearly (for Auto and Home) . That is a very good saving but I have not heard much about these insurance companies . Any Ideas on how good and reliable these companies are ? Is Travelers better than safeco or vice versa .. Any help is greatly appreciated
Where can i get individual health insurance for me and my daughter that also covers pregnancy in connecticut?
I need to get health insurance for me and my 1 year old daughter. I am planning on becoming, or possibly already am pregnant but need insurance for us. Any help? This is in CT, so it is a state that does not require individual policies to cover pregnancy.""
Does Amica raise your insurance rates after first speeding ticket?
I live and am licensed in MA but got a speeding ticket in NH. I believe NH and MA share information so it will be treated as if it happened in Massachusetts. I am on a family plan with Amica car insurance, does anyone know if they will raise my rates? It is my first traffic violation of any kind. Will I lose any discounts like safe driving discount? I heard Massachusetts has a law where the first speeding ticket does not add insurance points? Is this true? If it is true, can Amica still raise your rates if they want to? Thanks""
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old girl with a 2010 camaro ss?
okaii. so my birthday is coming up...and ill be getting my lisence and a car. i believe my parents are considering getting me a camaro ss. I promised that i will be paying for the insurance for my car. its the least i can do. I was wondering. how much it would cost? I live in Miami,Fl if that makes a difference...I live with my parents we have 3 cars in total. with the camaro it would be 4. my parents both have clean records etc. if any of that helps(discounts etc) i appreciate any help!""
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
Insurance on car?
My dad said insurance on the car I want will be $700 a month.(I'm 18 and its for full coverage) Is that the price I pay if the car is insured under my name? I know if my dad insured the car under his name the price for insurance would drastically drop. My question is would I still be able to drive the car if its insured under my dads name and still be part of the whole insurance thing. You guys, the reason I sold my old car is becouse I wanted this newer car I've wited 3 months so far and I'm planning to pay for the car myself. But insurance is going to kill me. If you can also tell me about some good insurance companies out there that are cheap(we have something century rite now). When I heared how much it would cost I almost cried.""
Car insurance question...?
-I'm 15 going on 16 and I have an insurance question. Should there be a need for my name to be on my parents insurance on our car if the car itself is already insured? -Is it ok for your car to be insured without you being insured? Because its kind of
Buying car insurance online
When you buy a car insurance policy online, will you be required to send copies of drivers licenses or car registration?  I've done it twice and once they did require and once they didnt.  Thanks for the help.
I will be 16 soon and I was looking at getting an 01-03 BMW M3. Any ideas on how much insurance would cost?
I live in Florida and I'm a new driver, also this will be my first car (if that helps with info about the insurance)""
Best SUV car for cost and insurance on teenage driver?
I've decided i must have a SUV for my first car, my budget is low since I'm a student I was wanting to pay no more than 1,500 for the actual car, i was thinking on something around year 1990-2005 that was fuel efficient, low insurance and low road tax :) Definite used and loads of miles on it, since it's cheaper lol thank you so much for the people who give me a good answer""
What are some of the cheapest cars to insure for a 16 year old boy?
I'll be getting my license in less than a year from now. I wanted to know what cars are cheap to insure. I don't want a crown vic, I don't want an unreliable car that constantly breaks, and I don't want an unsafe car such as a hyundai accent, chevy cavalier, etc. I want a sturdy car that can withstand an accident, no full size, preferably compact, but I'll settle for mid-size. I was thinking of a saturn because they're cheap and reliable. Or a Ford focus or ford contour. I also want to know if a ford escort is safe and reliable, cuz they seem like good starter cars. Out of these types of cars I've talked about, What makes and models are good? It doesn't have to be what I listed, and I'd like a list or a few cars that are cheap to insure.""
What are some cheap Car Insurance Companies for Full Coverage in Texas?
Lookin for some cheap Auto Insurance Companies in Texas for Full Coverage.Any ideas?
Car with cheap insurance and cheap to run.?
Can any one advise which car to look for that has cheap insurance , low tax and is economical to run .I dont need a powerful car .""
What is the best car insurance company for 1st time drivers UK?
Hi, I am 24 and I have had my lisence for about 6 months now! Insurance is soooooo high for this age range and not having much previos experience. What insureers would you suggest to first time drivers? Thanks""
I need help choosing a First car! Which would be best on insurance?
I'm getting my first car next year, and I have been talking with my parents about first cars. I've been searching online about some of the cars I like, insurance, and pricing. Here's some of the cars I like.- Which of these will be the best on insurance? If you could give me prices that would be awesome! ;] Scion tC (05) coupe. Dodge Charger (05) Acura TL (05) Honda Civic (05 coupe). Mitsubishi Eclipse 99-06 Nissan Murano 04 I like crossovers but I read somewhere that they are more expensive on insurance. My mom wants something safe, something thats not tiny, a Sedan, What are some other options that look good and aren't old. My budget is 8,000 - 10,000. All the cars I listed are in that price range. I like in Mississippi if that matters. Thanks to everyone that helps! ;]""
What happens if your driveing a car with no car insurance and someone hits you.?
We live in California. My seventeen year old was driving our car that was uninsured and was in a accident. The other driver admitted it was his fault and there insurance company has already claimed full responsibility. What I'm wondering is what will happen when they find out we have no insurance. I did yake my son to the doctors and they said he does have wip lash but will be fine
How much does it add to your insurance if you add a body kit to your car worth about 500 if your 18???
How much does it add to your insurance if you add a body kit to your car worth about 500 if your 18???
Cheap NY auto insurance ?
hi there, i plan on buying a car soon but im a new driver and i have no one else to help me insure a car so i have no choice but to insure it on my own. I've checked and looked around geico, state farm, all state, and they were all to expensive, anywhere from 5-6k to insure the car for a year (way to expensive). So do any of you guys know any NY auto insurance companies that are affordable? Thanks""
Speeding ticket in a rental car raises my insurance?
Hey forum, I got a 34mph-over speeding ticket in some tiny texas town in my rental. I didn't give the cop my insurance b/c the car was insured through my credit card. How will this affect my Texas Farmers insurance rate? Thanks heaps""
Goal to live without having to have life insurance in the future?
At 50 I would like to live without having life insurance. No dependents. What financial requirements in retirement accounts and cash should I have? Plan on having no mortgage. No loans of any kind. And retirment funds in check to get me $20,000 a year from age 70 to age 100. Roth Account equal to the above amount for incidentals like cars for cash and medical bills. Children or grandchildren will be beneficiaries to these accounts. Would anyone under these circumstances need to pay for life insurance?""
Health insurance questions...?
My health insurance is provided by and paid for by my employee. They are changing insurances effective Sept 1st; I'm scheduled for surgery on Sept 8th through the other company. How does this work? Do my deductibles that I've paid roll over?
Who can suggest an affordable Health Insurance Company in California???
Need to find afforadble health care and fast...
Do men drive better then women or women better then men or even steven?
Do men drive better then women or women better then men or even steven?
If I get a ford mustang (2000-2006) and get put on my grandmothers insurance would it be cheaper?
I heard it would be cheaper to have me on her insurance because she's older and has a clean record. And I'm pretty sure it varies by state. I live I'm SC
College Student transferring from VA to SC - do I have to get new car insurance?
I am a college student in Virginia and in August I will be transferring down south to South Carolina (USC). I have a great car insurance quote at the moment. Geico would give me around $155/month just like esurance, progressive and the like. Though, the local statefarm agency said they'd give me a quote for half that much. Is there a way that I can keep my Virginia Insurance in South Carolina? I doubt that I will ever get a quote like that again in a big college town. Thanks for the advice!""
Does car insurance tranfer to your new car?
I just traded in my car for a new one. I only had the car for five months and I took out a six month insurance policy on it. Will the insurance that I had on my old car transfer to the new car or will I have to take out a whole new coverage and pay a whole new down payment for a new policy? How does this work. I read that car insurance is supposed to temporarily transfer to the new car. Does this apply to every company and if it does, does this temporary transfer happen automatically or should this be done through my insurance company before I go pick up my new car? My insurance company won't be open until Monday for me to ask these questions. Im looking for answers/advice to prepare.""
Insurance for a subaru wrx?
what can be an estimate for a subaru wrx for insurance price? im 18 and i have had my license for 2 years without any tickets i live in california
""Car insurance, accident & medical bills?""
I was in a car accident a month and a half ago. I went through my insurance to get my car fixed. My insurance dealt with his insurance & they accepted full responsibility. I went to the hospital immediately after the accident because I was afraid I had a concussion. I had mentioned to my ins company that I went to the hospital & asked what to do with my ambulance bill. I was told that wasn't covered under my insurance & his insurance would need to contact me. The ambulance company asked for my car insurance info & I have not received a bill, so I'm assuming my insurance company took care of it. However, I now have copays for physical therapy for my neck & back. How does this work? Do I need to contact his insurance or will his insurance be contacting me? I assumed I would hear from them, so I'm a bit confused by the process.""
Allstate Auto insurance?
I tried to pay my mom's car insurance today and it said that the account was terminated. How do i get the policy reinstated?
How long does it take for an auto insurance company to investigate and claim liability?
My daughter was in a car accident on Feb. 25. She was traveling straight in the southbound lane, when a rushing man in the northbound lane turned left in front of her. The driver admitted that he was upset because he had been following a school bus for the last 20 minutes and his friend, whom he was trying to pick up, was late for work. He stated that when he saw the driveway that he cut from behind the bus to turn in then realized from the skidding that he turned in front of a car. His insurance company is still investigating and waiting for pics of the scene and his friends statement. I was told by his insurance company (USAA) that witnesses not listed on the police report could not be used, but his friend is not on the police report and they are waiting for her statement. NC State Highway Patrol responded to the scene and the driver was cited for failure to yield the right of way. The driver was apologetic and admitted several times around a number of people that he must have blanked out or was daydreaming from the frustration of the school bus. USAA is saying that they need to make sure that my daughter was not 1% at fault, meaning speeding perhaps. The officer estimated her speed at impact at around 40 mph and the speed limit is 55mph. She hit the drivers back tire of his Jeep Wrangler (small truck) causing him to rest in a small trench or ditch ion the side of the attempted driveway. The front passenger side above the front tire and the front by the headlight is damaged on her car. She tried to avoid him, protect her younger sister (13) and avoid veering to much left in fear of hitting the school bus. My girls were terrified when I arrived 15 minutes after the accident. USAA stated that she may have had time to instanly stop, but she tried everything that she could do. In my opinion, she should have never been put into that situation. USAA is saying that points of contact are off, but my insurance agent said that she hit the back tire because a Jeep Wrangler is only 5 ft long and he was not towing a boat or driving a common sized vehicle. Plus the driver admitted to pushing down on the accelerator when he realized what was happening. I just need to have someones advice on this matter before hiring a lawyer. Thank you.""
""I am self employed and shopping for an affordable health/dental insurance, any ideas?""
I need coverage without spending a fortune every month, no pre-existing conditions.""
Cheap car for a 18 year old in the UK?
Hi, I'm turning 18 in few months and I wanted to buy a car. What is the best car with the cheapest insurance? (the only thing that is important to me is for me to fit in the car, I'm 6ft 9!) What should I look at when choosing a car if I want to have affordable insurance? My first choice was a old, old Mini but the insurance on that was over 5000 pounds, any suggestions? (I was using confused.com) Many Thanks Barboro37""
Rover Mini insurance
Hi, im 16 years old and want to buy a rover mini pre 1997 as they have an airbag then, i wanted to know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 17/18 year old in a 1.3 litre rover mini. And im not a speed obsessed crazy teen, i would want to keep it nice and would not drive that fast anyway. Anyone know a figure?""
Buying car insurance online
When you buy a car insurance policy online, will you be required to send copies of drivers licenses or car registration?  I've done it twice and once they did require and once they didnt.  Thanks for the help.
""If i was to buy a car to give to my girlfriend, can she get her own insurance policy?
Trying to buy my girlfriend a cheap little car. If I buy it and all paper work can she call and get her own policy insurance? Some reason I developed the thought that insurance has match name on title.
How to get insurance to buy a car?
Im about to be 18, and have some saved money to buy a new, cheap car to get me to school/work, but Im a little confused. Ive never done this before and have to all alone now. I know I need insurance on the car to buy it legally, but I'm not sure how to get car insurance coverage first. Do I call my preferred future insurance provider and tell them I need insurance proof for a car Im about to buy? Im not really sure what to do, anybody understand that can help?""
What does liability mean with Auto Insurance?
Im in the military so I dont need any medical mine is fully paid but does this mean I dont have any coverage when it comes to damage to my own vehicle? I got quoted $544 for 6 months. ANy idea how much it would be if I got insurance on my vehicle too. Thank you
Insurance payout after lien paid?
My insurance recently sent my lien-holder, Chase Bank, the agreed amount for my totaled car. I owed about 3k less than what they paid out so am now left wondering when I will receive the difference. Chase received the payment a week ago.""
What would be a good insurance for a 19 year old new driver?
Ok so heres the deal, Im 19 and looking to get a car for school. I go to school in upstate ny and wanna move off campus so i need one for transportation. What would be a good insurance company to go to for cheap insurance for student drivers? Im going to buy a used car off of craigslist, my mom doesnt drive and theres no option for going on a family members insurance. Im doing this all on my own, getting a car, paying insurance and all. Im looking on getting a 2001-04 mitsubishi eclipse or lancer just for an idea. But i dont wanna be stuck paying like 400 bucks insurance at geico or like statefarm, student driver discount my ***. Suggestions would be helpful, not a rant about how i have to think about insurance and gas and maintenence im well aware of all that, i wouldnt be getting a car if that. Thanks.""
Cheapest saturn sky insurance for a 16 year old?
I am about to turn sixteen and i was wndering how much insurance would cost for a Saturn sky?
Does your insurance go up if you get a speeding ticket?
Im 18 but my car and insurance is still under my mom. I dont want her to find out... but will she? Lol. Is there anthing I can do so she wont find out?!? :))
I'm tired of being an agent assistant. What other jobs can i find in the insurance industry?
I have a bachelor in marketing and i've been working as a licensed assistant to an insurance agent. I plan on working here at least another year, but I am interested in learning about other jobs in the industry since our corporate office is nearby. What are some other jobs i can look into? Just looking for ideas, thanks.""
""If i was to buy a car to give to my girlfriend, can she get her own insurance policy?
Trying to buy my girlfriend a cheap little car. If I buy it and all paper work can she call and get her own policy insurance? Some reason I developed the thought that insurance has match name on title.
Will a B average my freshman year apply to an auto insurance discount?
I had a 3.2 last year (my freshman) year, and as of now I have about a 2.5. I'll be getting my car soon, so if I can't bring it up by then, will they accept last year's GPA so I can get a 10% discount?""
How much does car insurance cost for 17 years old driver?
My parents have their policy from travelers and i tried getting quote online. What it showed for 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA that i have to pay 600 for month and for liability insurance 450 I think thats wrong information because my friend is 16 and pay 186 for 2 full coverage insurance and one liability. Any one had experience or know some information about 17 year old insurance rates please help me. THANK YOU.
Insurance on a car that my mom owns and registers that I will be taking to college with me.?
I am taking my moms car to college with me(saab 9-5) I'm going to auburn and live in maryland, I drive this car every day insurance knows i am the only driver of this car, but i plan on taking the car with me to auburn AL, what will i have to do to do this. I also plan on changing my license to an alabama license when i get there, will this matter? will our rates go up, the car will be kept in the driveway there and only used for grocery shopping""
Where can I get Car Insurance for over 80 year olds?
Where can I get Car Insurance for over 80 year olds?
Can you get business insurance online?
I'm taking over my dads tree care business and need to get business insurance but would rather do it online than have to go in somewhere. Can I do this?
Pregnant teen with no insurance?
Okay, so I'm 16 and I have no insurance,and I'm pregnant. My mom makes way to much for me to even try to get free insurance, but she is saying she is to embarrassed and she doesnt want to take me to the docter and she doesnt want to pay. How do i get free insurance in memphis.?""
Which auto insurance do you recommend?
I had a Scion XA 2006 and I just got a MINI Cooper 2007. I was insured under my parents insurance at AAA but with the change of cars our insurance would increase twice as much. I'm going to leave their policy and open my own. I'm 22 and I'm a full time student (GPA 3.5), which insurance do you recommend? I have road side assistance with AAA.""
""If you finance a car in nh, can i cancel my car insurance?
Someone told me you don't have to have insurance. I don't want to pay for something if i don't have to. But i don't want to not pay and lose my car.
Pay as you go mobile insurance?
hi i am about to buy the new nokia 5800 for 250 any sugestions for insurance and how much will it cost?
How much more will my parents have to pay if I were to be added on their Insurance policy?
I am 19 and just got my G2. I want to take out the family car out on the weekends. How much more will the price go up by for my name to be included in their insurance account? And would I be able to drive without my name under their insurance account legally? I live in Toronto, Ontario.""
How long after not having sr22 insurance does your license gets suspended?
My boyfriend is required to have sr22 but the guy that he was getting insurance from hasnt been in his office for weeks and we cant get a hold of him. Its been like four or five days since he hasnt had it and im just wondering if his license would be suspended by now and what do we do about this? Because it wasnt even my boyfriends fault.
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for a 17 year old. (people with recent experience would be very help full) also what car would be cheapest to insure. (would an old car e.g 1980s early 90s be cheaper than a newer car) i am looking at third party insurance and not comprehensive
Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?
Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?
Do I need insurance on a 50cc scooter?
I'm getting one because I don't want to get a different license and it's convenient. I'll get tags on it, that's easy. Do I also need to get insurance for it to be street legal?""
""21,no job,no health insurance,need meds, what do i do?""
i live in california & i had Health insurance for 3 months (medical) but they cut me off when i turned 21 in december. during those 3 months i was taking fluoxotine for my depression/social anxiety & nexium for dyspepsia. The meds actually worked. it took 2 weeks for my mood to change. i felt happy,less anxious & more talkative! but unfortunately i have ran out. My insurance company said they only take care of youth up to age 21 & the elderly. Well what does everyone else do? do any of you over 21 have Health insurance? if so what company? I have no money to pay for the meds myself, My fam cant afford it, i have no help, i cant get a job (ive been trying for two years) i Have no idea what to do.""
Cheap young driver insurance?
im 17 and im looking for some cheap car insurance and on the price compare websites it is too expensive does anyone know of a company that does it for a fair price?
Buying car insurance online
When you buy a car insurance policy online, will you be required to send copies of drivers licenses or car registration?  I've done it twice and once they did require and once they didnt.  Thanks for the help.
How much does a teenage car insurance for a 1991 chevolet corvette convertible cost per month?
my grades havent been good till this year i kinda have a bad record idk if that would effect it so ya i no i turn 16 on tuesday and im getting the car for my bday so i need to no quickly how much the insurence would cost thanks
Lower my car insurance?
My car insurance is high, $1060 for just 6 months because of 2 accidents in the last few years. I am 21 and drive a 2000 Honda Accord Ex V6. I've shopped around and no other company's are lower so don't recommend that. Do you know any tricks to getting your car insurance lowered??""
Is Blue of california a good health insurance?
Is Blue of california a good health insurance?
Cheap auto insurance for students in louisana?
Cheap auto insurance for students in louisana?
Any program available for women who are pregnant but don't have insurance in CA?
I have a friend who is one month pregnant but doesn't have an insurance. She is a foreign student, studying in CA. Can she obtain any kind of program to help her with medical cost during and after pregnancy?""
What is the best insurance company?
Looking for home and auto insurance.
Can a non-relative be added onto ones insurance?
Example: A friend and his daughter that are living with me  He has no insurance, and wont be getting any for at least 6 months, and I am helping to support her. I would like to add her onto my insurance so she is at least covered in case of emergency.""
Am I paying too much for insurance?
So both me and my wife share vehicle... We are insured through aaa with 500 deductible. We pay quarterly and it cost about 360 until our last statement came which was 435 (it went up). The car is a Chevy hhr 2006 with about 125k mileage on it. We only travel about 8 miles per day to work. Both of us are late twenties, she was involved in a hit and run a year ago (someone hit her costing 3000 in damages) while I got a speeding ticket for $185 2 months ago (those are our only two incidents in past 3 years)... Both of us have good credit, we are not homeowners as yet. Both of us has been on the policy for 2 years now and she has been the only owner (it's in her name). Are we over paying?""
I need good car insurance?
i just got a car, and it isn't insured for the road. it's a 2002 mercury cougar and it's pretty pricey for insurance, in between 400 and five hundred. i live in ontario canada and i was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for insurance, the cheapest quote i got was from bel air insurance and that will run me around 400-500 a month, anybody know of a cheaper insurance company with fairly good coverage? i am 16 years old getting my g2 in january and i have completed drivers ed. please help. and also anywhere i can get free quotes would be great too. thanks!""
Drivers License with Insurance?
Do you have to be on someones insurance if you get a driver's license? I don't know what company my mom gets insurance through but her insurance would go up four hundred and thirty dollars because of my sister's driving record, but the lady said I HAD to be on someones insurance right after I get my license. But I called the local DMV and they said that I don't have to be on someones insurance if I get my license. The car just has to be insured. Who do I believe? Because I heard that sometimes insurance companies try to milk you for money... Who do I believe? Can someone give me a real LEGAL answer?""
About how much per month would insurance for a sub shop/pizza place cost an owner?
Doing research in attempt to know how much it will take to get a small sub shop off the ground. A big question is insurance. In this day in age, I would hate to be sued by someone who slips outside and falls. I will be renting the property from a local land owner. The building is 1,000 square feet, small joint. What is a general range of which I might in liability insurance for my business? Located in ohio small town.""
Is Blue of california a good health insurance?
Is Blue of california a good health insurance?
Planning ahead for car insurance ADVICE.?
OK, So I have recently passed my driving test and am now currently trying to sort out a car for myself. As a young driver I know insurance is high. All I want to do is find out how much the insurance is on each small car, so I can find the cheapest. E.G KA ETC. I have looked online such as confused.com and they ask you for the number plate and ask questions about the specific car. Obviously I can't fill it in because I haven't got one. Is there a website that will show all insurance companies and their prices????? Many thanks.""
Need cheap no-name insurance companies for motorcycle insurance?
Well, i live in Florida where motorcycle insurance is not required at all. But I need comprehensive insurance at least (and maybe liability too) so that I wont have to cry over a stolen bike after a week of purchase. I'm buying this bike in cash (2008 ninja 250R) and still big insurance companies like progressive and geico will charge me a thousand bucks a year for liability and comprehensive coverages alone. So, I need to know the names of some small insurance companies who wont use their big and flashy names to jack up their prices. please help. I dont wanna pay 1000 bucks a year for a 3500 dollar bike. Thanks.""
Cheapest car insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a teenager? Permit .....
Will applying for medicaid affect the insurance I have now in any way?
I am 32 weeks pregnant and I am covered under my dad's insurance through Tricare. I remain eligible under his insurance until I am 23 and everything is full coverage. However, as soon as my baby is born he is not covered at all. I am looking into my options and I read that if I apply for medicaid now, then I can call the day my baby is born and just have him added on so that way he will have coverage right away. I am worried if I do try and apply for medicaid now that it will affect the insurance I am covered under now by Tricare. I do want to stay under tricare, I do not want to lose this insurance and its coverage if that is the case. I am also worried that since I have to wait until the baby is born to apply him for his own insurance through CHIP or Medicaid - whichever one he ends up qualifying - that I will have to wait a long time before he is actually covered and I know the baby is going to need check ups and a pediatrician right away. I am really worried about all this and wondering what is my best option and what I should do! Will I lose my insurance if I apply for Medicaid in advanced so my baby will be covered right away? Is my best option waiting until the day he is born and then applying? I also live in PA if that makes any difference. Anybody who can help out, thanks!""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost me for 6 months being 16 driving a 2008 kawasaki ninja 250R??
Where can I get affordable health insurance in Arkansas??
Where can I get affordable health insurance in Arkansas??
Car insurance?
i am currently insured and my policy expires on July 1st. I don't want my policy to renew so I called to tell them not to renew it. They said ok...and they wouldn't take out the June 1st payment. (I pay monthly). I just bought my new policy with a different company and I want that policy to start on June 31st. I made the down payment today but my next payment with that company isn't until July 31st. Basically I'm really confused....but there is probably some logical explanation. I'm not going to have any gap in coverage but I feel like I'm getting a free month of car insurance just because I switched companies.
American auto insurance?
hello im livivng in ireland and over here we have a disc that is dispayed in the windscreen of our vehicles for our insurance policy but what way does it work in the usa? is there a disc to be displayed?
Insurance? Risks? Help!?
Can somebody give me 4 benefits of using risk reduction methods.. For insurance :/
19 year old needs cheap car insurance?
i need to get car insurance but i cant afford something too expensive, im 19 my car is a 1997 ford mustang coupe, someone help i have to find a place today! my parents arent helping i have to get it on my own.""
Car insurance increase due to speeding question?
I have geico car insurance and recently was convicted of 2 points for speeding. How much will the insurance be raised if Ive had probation one other time prior?
Car Insurance prices???????????????
I am turning 18 soon and will take the written exam. After that, I will try to get a licence. Now my question is, for a first time driver at 18 years old, how much would car insurance usually cost for a '97 Nissan Altima with I'd say no more than 10-20 hours of driving per week? I also have good grades and I think some insurance companies give you up to 15% off for that. Thanks!""
Is car insurance somewhat ridiculous?
ok i may be a little ranting cuz i was at fault for causing my first accident a long time ago, so my rates would go up. this got me thinking, the car was under someone else in my family's name, and the basic idea ive come to question is: after decades of paying for insurance with no accidents, it would probably be more than enough to cover the car repair damages instead of paying for all those years in addition the first accident i got into causing the rates go up? so i mean, isn't car insurance somewhat like a scam since obviously theres not as many accidents as there are people driving without any incidents?""
Buying car insurance online
When you buy a car insurance policy online, will you be required to send copies of drivers licenses or car registration?  I've done it twice and once they did require and once they didnt.  Thanks for the help.
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