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cumrrnet · 10 months ago
Premature Ejaculation 5 Helpful Tips
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Premature Ejaculation 5 Helpful Tricks for Your Love Life
Which man doesn't know it? You're just getting into the swing of things, but you couldn't stop yourself... You've already heated things up during foreplay, and now that you're about to get started and want to pounce on each other like animals, you realize after not even 30 seconds that you might come too quickly again. But why again? You consciously focused on your partner this time, approached the whole thing very gently. Anyone affected by premature ejaculation knows this feeling. Premature ejaculation is a very unpleasant experience for every man. Experiencing premature ejaculation once can make you lose your sexual desire and confidence once and for all. Most men are afraid of finding themselves in a similar situation again.
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Premature Ejaculation Home Remedies The reasons for premature ejaculation are barely researched. So far, there are only speculations: Some experts imagine that biological factors such as an oversensitive penis or changes in the interaction of hormones and nerves are the cause. Some of them lie in psychological factors such as relationship problems or insecurities. Biological and psychological factors can also be responsible together and influence each other. Some men have been dealing with premature ejaculation since the beginning of their sexual lives. For others, they only occur later in life; then they are referred to as "acquired" premature ejaculations.   About 4% of the men worldwirde experience regular premature ejaculation during sex. Premature ejaculation is a well-known and widespread problem for many men. Men affected by this problem often feel very ashamed in front of their partner and just as often feel unmanly. This also results in these men putting a tremendous amount of pressure on themselves and, in not uncommon cases, even completely losing interest in sex.   But   The good news: Coming too early during sex is not a fate you have to live with. However, you should first come to terms with the fact that something is not going as you imagine it. Then causes need to be found, and in the next step, you can start working on your sexual stamina. Sounds complicated? It's not! We'll show you how to better control your ejaculation.   When do you actually speak of "coming too early"? When is coming early actually "too early"? How long should it take between the first penetration into your partner and ejaculation, so that it is not understood as premature ejaculation? According to the definition in medicine, a man has "come too early" if he has ejaculated within a period of about one minute after penetrating his partner. However, this definition does not take into account several factors. - How long did foreplay last? - How aroused was he before penetration? - How long have the two known each other?   Ultimately, one can only speak of a problem or a "sexual disorder" if:   - It is a recurring "problem." - The man or even the relationship suffers from it.   But before we get to our premature ejaculation home remedies, here's a very important tip for preventing premature ejaculation. Talk to each other! It doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you just because you come "too early." Work together and "train" and experiment :-) And in the meantime, there are still some ways you can bring your partner to orgasm in one way or another. It's very important to have fun with it.
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Premature Ejaculation Home Remedies Trick Number 1 — Pelvic Floor Training Pelvic floor training is not only a great way for women to increase the quality and intensity of their orgasms. It can also be a great home remedy for men to delay premature ejaculation. Through this training, you gain more control over the tension and relaxation as well as your sensations during sex.   Premature Ejaculation Home Remedies Trick Number 2 — Use Your Hips Too Instead of just going through the "in-out" motion during sex, "work" with your pelvis. Circle your pelvis and try something new, you and your partner will surely feel new sensations that you both enjoy. While you "work" with your hips, keep the rest of your body still. This way, you can control your heart rate and won't get aroused as quickly.   Premature Ejaculation Home Remedies Trick Number 3 — Use Numbing Condoms Perhaps try condoms that have a slight numbing effect on your member. There are some good reviews for these condoms. One example would be these condoms from Billy Boy.   Premature Ejaculation Home Remedies Trick Number 4 — The Start-Stop Method In the so-called "start-stop method," the penis is stimulated during sex until you are on the verge of ejaculation. You probably know this point as the "point of no return." With this method, the act is stopped just before reaching this point, and you wait until your arousal subsides. In the meantime, you can also continue to arouse your partner with your hands or tongue. This method can also be used during masturbation to delay ejaculation. With this method, the man can perceive his arousal better over time and thus better control his ejaculation.   Premature Ejaculation Home Remedies Trick Number 5 — Deep and Conscious Breathing Through conscious belly breathing, you can relax yourself and your muscles. A clear advantage is that through deep breathing, you can experience the moment much better, which means you can perceive your body much better and better gauge the point of no return. This will help you with methods such as the start-stop method or other methods such as the squeeze method.
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How to Stop Premature Ejaculation If you're wondering how to stop premature ejaculation, there are several techniques and approaches you can try. From pelvic floor exercises to behavioral techniques like the start-stop method, there are methods that can help you gain better control over your ejaculation timing. It's essential to explore these options and find what works best for you and your partner.   Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels): Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can help improve your ejaculatory control. Kegel exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles that support your pelvic organs. To perform Kegels, identify your pelvic floor muscles by stopping the flow of urine midstream. Once you've located these muscles, contract them for a few seconds, then release. Aim to do several sets of Kegels daily, gradually increasing the duration of each contraction.   Behavioral Techniques: Start-Stop Method: During sexual activity, practice the start-stop method by stimulating your penis until you're about to ejaculate, then pause or stop altogether until the urge subsides. Resume sexual activity and repeat as needed. This technique can help you identify your arousal levels and delay ejaculation.   Squeeze Technique: Similar to the start-stop method, the squeeze technique involves stimulating your penis until you're close to ejaculation, then having your partner gently squeeze the base of your penis for several seconds. This helps reduce arousal and delay ejaculation.   Edging: Edging involves intentionally bringing yourself to the brink of orgasm repeatedly without ejaculating. By practicing edging during masturbation or sexual activity, you can learn to recognize and control your arousal levels, ultimately improving ejaculatory control.   Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or sex therapy can help address psychological factors contributing to premature ejaculation, such as performance anxiety or relationship issues. A therapist can provide coping strategies, relaxation techniques, and communication skills to enhance sexual satisfaction and confidence.   Medications: In some cases, medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or topical anesthetics may be prescribed to delay ejaculation. SSRIs, typically used to treat depression and anxiety, have been found to have a side effect of delaying ejaculation. Topical anesthetics, applied to the penis, can reduce sensitivity and prolong sexual activity.   Lifestyle Changes: Making certain lifestyle adjustments can also help manage premature ejaculation. These may include reducing stress, practicing relaxation techniques such as mindfulness or deep breathing exercises, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine, and avoiding excessive alcohol or drug use.   Communication with Your Partner: Open communication with your partner is key to overcoming premature ejaculation. Discussing your concerns, preferences, and desires can reduce performance pressure and improve intimacy. Experimenting with different sexual activities, positions, and techniques together can also enhance your sexual experiences. What Causes Premature Ejaculation Understanding what causes premature ejaculation is crucial for finding effective solutions. While the exact causes can vary from person to person, factors such as psychological issues, relationship problems, and biological factors like hypersensitivity or hormonal imbalances can contribute to premature ejaculation. By identifying and addressing these underlying causes, you can better manage and overcome premature ejaculation.
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  Psychological Factors: Stress, anxiety, depression, and performance pressure can all play significant roles in premature ejaculation. For example, performance anxiety related to fears of inadequacy or past negative sexual experiences may contribute to ejaculatory issues. Additionally, psychological conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can impact sexual function. Relationship Issues: Poor communication, unresolved conflicts, lack of emotional intimacy, or sexual dissatisfaction within a relationship can lead to premature ejaculation. Addressing relationship dynamics, improving communication skills, and seeking couples therapy may help alleviate these issues. Biological Factors: Various biological factors can contribute to premature ejaculation, including: Hypersensitivity: Some men may have an overly sensitive penis, leading to heightened arousal and quicker ejaculation. Hormonal Imbalances: Imbalances in hormone levels, particularly serotonin, dopamine, and testosterone, can affect ejaculatory control. Neurological Factors: Conditions affecting the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or nerve damage from injury or surgery, may disrupt signals between the brain and genitalia, leading to premature ejaculation. Genetic Predisposition: There may be a genetic component to premature ejaculation, with certain individuals predisposed to ejaculatory issues. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as prostate problems, thyroid disorders, or urinary tract infections, can contribute to premature ejaculation. Treating underlying medical issues may help improve ejaculatory function. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, drug use, or poor dietary habits may impact sexual function and contribute to premature ejaculation. Adopting a healthier lifestyle through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management techniques can support overall sexual health. How to Cure Premature Ejaculation While there's no one-size-fits-all cure for premature ejaculation, there are various treatments and strategies that can help you manage and reduce its impact on your sex life. From therapy and counseling to medications and lifestyle changes, there are options available depending on the severity of your condition. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment plan for you.   Home Remedy for Premature Ejaculation In addition to medical treatments, there are also natural home remedies that may help alleviate premature ejaculation symptoms. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, pelvic floor exercises, and herbal supplements have been reported to have positive effects for some individuals. However, it's essential to approach these remedies with caution and consult with a healthcare provider before trying them.   Do you have any other home remedies that can help to not come too early? Feel free to write them in the comments.   Read the full article
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actuma · 2 years ago
Campagne PUUR rookvrij deelt bewezen methodes en persoonlijke tips van stoppers
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Nederlanders zoeken bij het stoppen met roken vooral afleiding in eten, bewegen, het huishouden en hobby’s. Het blijkt uit een peiling van PanelWizard onder ruim 1.300 mensen die de afgelopen jaren succesvol zijn gestopt. Tweederde van hen deed dit zonder hulp, terwijl uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek blijkt dat stoppogingen tot 77% succesvoller zijn als rokers professionele hulp krijgen. Daarom richt de campagne PUUR rookvrij de aandacht in de aanloop naar het nieuwe jaar – het moment van de goede voornemens – op methodes die een roker helpen te stoppen. Van bewezen stopmethodes tot persoonlijke tips van stoppers zelf. Allerhande hulpmiddelen Bijna tweederde (63%) van de Nederlanders zocht afleiding tijdens het stoppen met roken, vooral iets eten (28%), wandelen (19%) en sporten (15%) zijn populair. Vrouwen zoeken vaker afleiding dan mannen en doen dat onder andere door zich bezig te houden met hobby’s (17% tegen 12%), lezen (9% tegen 4%) en het gebruiken van de mobiel (14% tegen 8%). Jongvolwassenen (17%) grijpen tijdens het stoppen met roken nog vaker naar de mobiele telefoon. Om het ‘gemis’ van een sigaret op te vangen hield 9% iets in de hand als een pen, rietje of wortel, 6% stak iets niet-eetbaars als een tandenstoker of roerstaafje in de mond. Op moeilijke momenten zocht 20% hulp bij de partner. Als er erkende hulpmiddelen werden gebruikt was dat vooral de nicotinepleister (30%), medicatie (17%), een stop-app (10%) of hulp van de huisarts (9%). Professionele hulp Marc Willemsen, programmahoofd Tabak bij het Trimbos-instituut over de peiling: “Vooral professionele hulp helpt, maar alles waar mensen verder baat bij hebben om van de sigaret of sigaar af te blijven is mooi meegenomen. Hoewel het voor sommige mensen uitkomst biedt, is het natuurlijk niet zo dat de meeste rokers met wortels of wandelen kunnen stoppen. Een tabaksverslaving moet je niet onderschatten. Stoppen is niet eenvoudig, zeker als iemand al langere tijd rookt. Een goede plek om te beginnen bij de zoektocht naar hulp is de Stoplijn. Daar krijgen mensen tips en adviezen om het roken voorgoed vaarwel te zeggen.” Gezonde start Staatssecretaris Maarten van Ooijen van VWS steekt toekomstige stoppers een hart onder de riem: “Veel mensen proberen aan het begin van het nieuwe jaar te stoppen met roken. Dat is top maar echt niet eenvoudig weet ik uit de ervaringen van rokers en artsen. Je hoeft het niet op eigen houtje te doen, je kunt bijvoorbeeld met je huisarts overleggen welke stopmethode voor jou het beste kan werken. Ik wens iedereen heel veel succes met deze gezonde start van het nieuwe jaar!”  Over de peiling Deze peiling werd uitgevoerd door PanelWizard in opdracht van het ministerie van VWS onder Nederlanders die de afgelopen twintig jaar succesvol zijn gestopt met roken. De 1.313 respondenten zijn representatief verdeeld naar geslacht, leeftijd, opleidingsniveau en provincie. Doel van het onderzoek was het vinden van tips en tricks voor het stoppen met roken, zodat toekomstige stoppers daar hun voordeel mee kunnen doen. Bron: Rijksoverheid Read the full article
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dfrobots-blog · 6 years ago
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Sending data with socket client
In this ESP32 tutorial we will check how to send data with a socket client on the Arduino core.
Since we will need to reach a socket server, we will implement our own using Python. You can check in detail how to set a socket server in Python on this previous post.
The tests were performed using a DFRobot’s ESP32 module integrated in a ESP32 development board.
The Python code
To get started, we will import Python’s socket module, which will make available the functions we need to set the socket server.
import socket
After that, we create an object of class socket, which we will use to configure the server and to listen to incoming connections.
s = socket.socket()
Now that we have our socket object, we need to bind it to an IP and port. These will be the two parameters that our socket client needs to know in order to reach the server.
To perform this binding, we need to call the bind method on our socket object, passing as first input the IP, as a string, and as second input the port, as a number.
Since we are going to expose the server to be reached in the local network, we will use the ‘’ IP, which will bind the socket to all the IP addresses on the machine. Later, we will need to find out what is the actual local IP of the machine, so we can reach it from the client.
We will use port 8090 in this code, but you can try with other port. Just make sure the port you are going to use is available and not already in use by other application.
s.bind(('', 8090 ))
After the binding, we need to make our server start listening to connections. We do it by calling the listen method on the socket object.
Note that this method receives as input the number of unaccepted connections that are allowed before refusing new connections [1]. Since our simple use case doesn’t involve multiple clients, we can pass the value 0.
To start receiving the actual connections, we need to call the accept method on our socket object. This is a blocking method, which means the execution of the program will stop until a new client connects to the server.
Once a client connects to the server, this method returns a pair with a new socket object and the address of the client. We can then use this new socket object to establish the communication with the connected client.
Note that since sockets are bi-directional mechanisms, we can both send and receive data from it.
Assuming that we want our server to run indefinitely, we do this accept method call inside an infinite loop.
while True:    client, addr = s.accept()    # client handling code
Now we will start receiving data from the client. We will also assume that the client will be the one closing the connection after sending all the data, so we also read the data inside a nested loop, which will only break when the client disconnects.
To receive data sent by the client, we simply need to call the recv method on the socket object returned by the previously called accept method.
Note that in Python 3.x (the one I’m using for this tutorial) the recv method returns the data as a bytes object. On other hand, on Python 2.x, the data is returned as a string, so if you are using an older Python version you should adapt your code accordingly.
As input, the recv receives the maximum number of bytes to receive at once. If more than the specified number of bytes are sent by the client, they can be retrieved with other calls to the recv method.
One important thing to keep in mind is that the recv method is also blocking. So, after calling this method, the execution will block until either the client sends some data or disconnects.
In case of disconnection, the recv method will return an empty bytes object, which we can leverage as stopping condition for the data reading loop.
while True:    client, addr = s.accept()    while True:        content = client.recv(32)        if len(content) ==0:           break        else:            print(content)
Finally, when the client disconnects, we call the close method on the client socket object to free the resources and go back to listening to a new connection. The final Python code can be seen below and already includes this call.
import socket s = socket.socket()         s.bind(('', 8090 )) s.listen(0)                 while True:    client, addr = s.accept()    while True:        content = client.recv(32)        if len(content) ==0:           break        else:            print(content)    print("Closing connection")    client.close()
The Arduino code
In the Arduino code, we will start to include the WiFi.h library, so we can connect to a WiFi network and then establish the socket connection.
#include <WiFi.h>
As global variables, we will declare the credentials of the WiFi network to which we are going to connect. We will need the network name (SSID) and password.
const char* ssid = "yourNetworkName"; const char* password = "yourNetworkPass";
We will also declare as global variables the IP address and port of the socket server we have implemented in Python. As we have seen in the Python code, we did not bind the server to a particular IP address, but rather used the ‘’ IP, which means the server should be available in all the IPs of that machine.
Thus, we need to figure out the local IP of the machine on the local network, so we can use that IP on the Arduino code. The easiest way to obtain the IP is by typing the ipconfig command on the command line if you are on Windows, or the ifconfig command if you are on Linux. These commands should be sent on the machine that will be running the Python code.
Note that for the ESP32 to be able to reach the Python server hosted on a computer, both devices need to be on the same network since we are not doing any port forwarding and we are simply using local IPs.
Alternatively, you can obtain your machine’s local IP from this website.
Note that in the code below I’m using the local IP of my computer on my local network. Yours will most likely be different. The port was 8090, as we have defined in the Python code.
const uint16_t port = 8090; const char * host = "";
Moving on o the Arduino setup function, we will simply open a serial connection to output the results of our program and take care of connecting to the WiFi network, using the previously declared credentials.
void setup() {  Serial.begin(115200);  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {    delay(500);    Serial.println("...");  }  Serial.print("WiFi connected with IP: ");  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); }
Next, on the Arduino loop, we will establish the connection to the server periodically and send some data to it.
First, we declare an object of class WiFiClient, which we will use to establish the connection and send the data.
WiFiClient client;
Then, to establish the actual connection, we need to call the connect method on our WiFiClient object, passing as first input the IP of the server and as second the port.
This method returns 1 if the connection was successful and 0 otherwise, so we can use this to do some error checking. In case the connection fails, then we print a message to the serial connection and delay for a second before trying to connect again.
if (!client.connect(host, port)) {   Serial.println("Connection to host failed");   delay(1000);   return; }
In case of success, we move on and send the actual data to the server, which is done by calling the print method on the WiFiClient object and passing as input the string to send.
Note that there other methods that we can use to send data to the server, such as the write method.
client.print("Hello from ESP32!");
Since this is a simple introductory tutorial, we will not be expecting data from the server, so we can simply finish the connection by calling the stopmethod on our WiFiClient object, thus freeing the resources.
The final source code is shown below. It contains some additional prints and a 10 seconds delay between each iteration of the Arduino loop.
#include <WiFi.h> const char* ssid = "yourNetworkName"; const char* password =  "yourNetworkPass"; const uint16_t port = 8090; const char * host = ""; void setup() {  Serial.begin(115200);  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {    delay(500);    Serial.println("...");  }  Serial.print("WiFi connected with IP: ");  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } void loop() {    WiFiClient client;    if (!client.connect(host, port)) {        Serial.println("Connection to host failed");        delay(1000);        return;    }    Serial.println("Connected to server successful!");    client.print("Hello from ESP32!");    Serial.println("Disconnecting...");    client.stop();    delay(10000); }
Testing the code
To test the whole system, we will start by compiling and uploading the Arduino code to the ESP32. Once the procedure finishes, simply open the Arduino IDE serial monitor.
You should get an output similar to figure 1. Since the Python server is not yet running, then the connection attempts should fail.
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Figure 1 – Output of the program when the Python socket server is not connected.
Next, run the Python code on the tool of your choice. In my case, I’m running it on IDLE, the Python IDE that comes with the language installation.
Once the server is up and running, you should start receiving the messages from the ESP32, as illustrated in figure 2.
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Figure 2 – Output of the Python program when receiving data from the ESP32.
If you go back to the Arduino IDE serial monitor, you should start seeing the connection and disconnection messages we have included in our code, as shown in figure 3.
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Figure 3 – Successful connection to the Python socket server on the ESP32.
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