#starring : dev patel covered in blood
laststandx3 · 1 month
monkey man asks important questions like: what if john wick had a complex subplot about class struggles and inequalities? what if a group of marginalized trans people helped killing the leaders of the rising conservative party? and last but most importantly: do you know how incredibly handsome is Dev Patel covered in blood?
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saintmelangell · 4 months
4, 16, 26!
4. actor(s)/actress(es) you Would love to see in a horror movie/more horror movies
really want to see anya taylor-joy in more horror- she was supposed be the lead in robert eggers' nosferatu (she worked with him previously on the witch) and im so disappointed she ended up dropping out. i think she's very well suited to the genre and carries it a lot better than other actresses of her age and stature (florence pugh + mia goth for instance, which i realize is probably a hot take). i'd like to see dev patel in more horror too, but he is actually slated to lead what seems to be a folk horror film set in wales next year. im seated. it doesn't come out til next year but im just too seated etc
16. the first horror movie you saw that truly ignited your love for the genre
answered but i will use this opportunity to say that the first horror movie i ever watched was scream in 2006, the day after i moved into my grandma's house, and matthew lillard covered in blood really unlocked something in me.
26. a horror movie you didnt expect to like but you did
the colour out of space was SO good and i put off watching it for ages because im not a huge fan of nicholas cage's acting. the same with mandy! i think both are wonderful horror films, very stylized and not cheap at all, which i expected them to be, and weirdly both star nicholas cage.
send me a number about horror movies!
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violetcancerian · 2 years
So I finally used my drawing tablet for something totally self indulgent WHICH IS...do some Arthurian art, and NATURALLY, I go with Gawain. So this is in part inspired by Dev Patel, by my own take, by the poem, and this was the result. 
Image warning: blood 
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[Image Description: A young man with dark skin, black hair, with golden highlights, a yellow cloak, and red undershirt peeking at the bottom, is standing wide eyed in fear or shock with a background of light green. He holds an axe that is covered in blood, his yellow cloak and face are also covered in blood. There is a five pointed star behind his head, only the three corners (top, left and right) are visible, he also wears holly leaves and red berries in his hair. End Image Description.] 
So anyways, here’s my favorite part of the poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: 
Then the Green Knight drew off from him and leaned on his axe, setting the shaft on the ground, and looked on Gawain as he stood all armed and faced him fearlessly–at heart it pleased him well. Then he spake merrily in a loud voice, and said to the knight, "Bold sir, be not so fierce, no man here hath done thee wrong, nor will do, save by covenant, as we made at Arthur's court. I promised thee a blow and thou hast it–hold thyself well paid! I release thee of all other claims. If I had been so minded I might perchance have given thee a rougher buffet. First I menaced thee with a feigned one, and hurt thee not for the covenant that we made in the first night, and which thou didst hold truly. All the gain didst thou give me as a true man should. The other feint I proffered thee for the morrow: my fair wife kissed thee, and thou didst give me her kisses–for both those days I gave thee two blows without scathe–true man, true return. But the third time thou didst fail, and therefore hadst thou that blow. For 'tis my weed thou wearest, that same woven girdle, my own wife wrought it, that do I wot for sooth. Now know I well thy kisses, and thy conversation, and the wooing of my wife, for 'twas mine own doing. I sent her to try thee, and in sooth I think thou art the most faultless knight that ever trode earth. As a pearl among white peas is of more worth than they, so is Gawain, i' faith, by other knights. But thou didst lack a little, Sir Knight, and wast wanting in loyalty, yet that was for no evil work, nor for wooing neither, but because thou lovedst thy life–therefore I blame thee the less."   Then the other stood a great while, still sorely angered and vexed within himself; all the blood flew to his face, and he shrank for shame as the Green Knight spake; and the first words he said were, "Cursed be ye, cowardice and covetousness, for in ye is the destruction of virtue." Then he loosed the girdle, and gave it to the knight. "Lo, take there the falsity, may foul befall it! For fear of thy blow cowardice bade me make friends with covetousness and forsake the customs of largess and loyalty, which befit all knights. Now am I faulty and false and have been afeared: from treachery and untruth come sorrow and care. I avow to thee, Sir Knight, that I have ill done; do then thy will. I shall be more wary hereafter."   Then the other laughed and said gaily, "I wot I am whole of the hurt I had, and thou hast made such free confession of thy misdeeds, and hast so borne the penance of mine axe edge, that I hold thee absolved from that sin, and purged as clean as if thou hadst never sinned since thou wast born. And this girdle that is wrought with gold and green, like my raiment, do I give thee, Sir Gawain, that thou mayest think upon this chance when thou goest forth among princes of renown, and keep this for a token of the adventure of the Green Chapel, as it chanced between chivalrous knights. And thou shalt come again with me to my dwelling and pass the rest of this feast in gladness." Then the lord laid hold of him, and said, "I wot we shall soon make peace with my wife, who was thy bitter enemy."
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He Will Love You {Dev Patel x Female!Reader}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 2647 Summary: Even when things are rough, you know you can always count on him.
When Dev first walked into your shop, you were, admittedly, a little star-struck. He was with his mother, and was picking up a custom made gift for her. You weren’t actually the one to do the transaction, but your boss needed to have a couple of words with the mother to make sure that it was exactly what she had wanted. He told you that this meeting may take a little while, and to fetch Dev, who had accompanied her, a glass of wine while waiting for it to be finished. He and the woman went to the back to look at the jewels that were going into the bracelet, making sure that she knew they were up to quality, while you were set to entertain one of the handsomest men alive.
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“Do you prefer red or white?” You asked, opening up the wine cooler where your boss kept the expensive wine for the more distinguished guest. That would certainly apply to Dev, you thought. Even just standing there in a grey sweater and jeans, a red ballcap covering his long hair, he looked like he just stepped out of a movie. Be cool, you reminded yourself. Be cool.
“Red,” He said. You nodded, uncorked the bottle in front of him, and poured it into a waiting glass. You didn’t expect to have to play bartender at a jewelry store, but this was a very upscale place. You handed it over with a smile, and he took it, his fingers just touching yours. “I’m Dev,” He introduced, taking the glass with one hand, and held the other one out. You took it, shaking it politely.
“Y/N - nice to meet you,” You said, the warmth of his hand contrasting with the damp coolness of Autumn in England. “I just have to say, I’m a bit of a fan.”
“Oh, thank you,” He said graciously, and took a sip of the wine. “Aren’t you going to have any?”
“I’m working,” You said, cheeks going a little pink as you had to remind yourself that yes, you were on the job. You had to be professional. Going all fan mode wasn’t what you were hired for. “I took a peek at what the boss was working on for your mother - it’s beautiful, I’m sure she’s loving it.”
“Good, I wanted it to be special,” Dev nodded.
“Oh, it is,” You nodded. The room fell into a comfortable silence as Dev walked around, taking a look in the different display cases. The store usually catered to custom-made jewelery, but there were some pieces that were a little on the generic side. He asked you about a couple of items, and you gave him all of the information that he could want. Even going as far as to bring a few things out so he could take a closer look at them.
It felt like only a moment had passed but it was at least fifteen before Dev’s mother, and your boss, came out from the back of the store. The woman was absolutely glowing. She rushed to her son to show him the creation that was now sitting on her wrist. “It’s beautiful,” Dev said, setting down the now-empty wine glass. You took it quickly, running it to the break room so that you could wash it. You did so quickly, then went back to your post, expecting to find the actor and his mother to have left but to your surprise, they were still there. Your boss had disappeared, probably to work on more custom-work, so it was just the three of you.
“Is everything okay?” You asked, cheerfully, going back behind the counter. The woman nodded, still admiring the bracelet on her wrist. You turned to look at Dev now, who you saw was smiling at you, with that hundred watt smile. “Dev?” You ventured, feeling a little uncomfortable using his first name.
“Rain check on the wine?” He asked, raising one of his black eyebrows. “Say - tomorrow night?”
“Oh, umm...”  You said, startled by these developments. Taking a deep breath, you nodded, graciously accepting his invitation.
When you came to, you found yourself staring up at the black interior of a car. The little light was on, which usually signaled that there was an open door. But there was none of the familiar beeping. Instead, there was some classical music coming from speakers around you. You blinked your eyes, trying to figure out where you were, since this wasn’t your car.
“Can you turn off the music, please?” You asked, since the sound of it was making your head start to pound. It instantly was turned off, and you were greeted to the sight of Dev in the front seat of the car. You were lying in the back, feeling a little dizzy. It all started to come back to you. You were walking down the street with him, heading to lunch after a stroll around the park, when suddenly you stopped remembering what had happened.
“Are you okay?” Dev asked, looking at you concerned. You held your head, trying to figure out why you had passed out. “You’re in my car, you’re alright. You er - you passed out while we were walking to the restaurant.”
“Oh,” You said, scrunching your eyebrows together. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” He said, with a little laugh. “You’re the one who passes out and yet you’re sorry?” He reached to the back and took hold of one of your hands, giving it a squeeze. “There was a nurse in the park. She said your pulse was strong but you should lay down until you feel a little better, and get you something to eat.”
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“I did skip breakfast,” You admitted. You were so excited for this date that the thought of eating before it hadn’t even occurred to you. Your second date with Dev, and you were embarrassing yourself already. He tutted at you, shaking his head, and you felt his disappointment.
“How do you feel now? Well enough to walk?” He questioned. You slowly sat up, hand to your forehead to block the sun from getting too much into your eyes. He had tinted windows which helped a lot. You steadied yourself and then nodded slowly as the dizziness started to dissipate. “There’s a restaurant right across the street, let’s go there.”
He got out of the car first, then came around and opened the door for you. He took your hand and helped you to get out of the car, standing tall in the sunlight once more. He even closed the door behind you, still taking hold of your hand. He listed some things that the nurse had said would be good for your blood sugar - and you were more than flattered that he had listened enough to take note of it all.
It was that first restaurant that you went to that became yours and Dev’s place. The food wasn’t even that good, and the waitstaff only paid special attention to him due to his celebrity status but it was still your place. For more special occasions, you two went to better places, but for things like breaking news, or just wanting to get out of the house, this was it. And it was for the former reason that you were here today.
You got there first, requesting your usual table which was towards the kitchen of the restaurant, far from where people looking through the windows could see you. You ordered a glass of water rather than your accustomed glass of wine, the drink that brought you and Dev together.
His career had really been taking off in the past year. He’d been nominated, and had won, quite a few awards and now was being quite sought after. He’d been to an audition that very morning while you had been to an important Doctors appointment. He had wanted to go with you but you convinced him that there was likely to be many other appointments in the future, and he only had this one shot for a role that he loved. Of course, at the time, you had expected it to be good news.
He came in a few minutes late, apologizing profusely as he took his seat across from you. His hair was in his face, his forehead sweaty. It almost looked like he had run here - and since he had taken the metro to the interview, it was very likely that he had. He still managed to look so damn sexy while flustered. “So - what did the Doctor say?”
The expectant look on his face was almost too much to bear. You had gone to the Doctor with the hopes of finding out that you were pregnant. You and Dev had been trying since you got married, but things haven’t always been smooth sailing. It didn’t make much sense at first, since he had a high sperm count, and you thought the problem must have been with you. But when you missed your last period, and you’ve been feeling more worn down than usual, you made an appointment for a pregnancy test rather than a fertility one.
You took hold of his hand. You were about to tell him the results but the waitress came around and asked what Dev wanted to drink. He looked at the water that you had, and you realized he thought that because you had that rather than wine, that you were expecting. He grinned and loudly announced, “A glass of your finest red, no matter how expensive it is!”
The waitress walked away and you squeezed his hand. “Dev, baby, I need you to relax for a second and not interrupt me because what I have to say is very important.”
He  nodded, once more grinning, still expecting the good news. It hurt more to tell him the news than it had getting the news from the Doctor in the first place. But he would be quiet and listen, which was all that you could ask for at this point. You took a deep breath, took a sip of your water, and then started.
“I’m not pregnant,” You said, first and foremost, getting that out of the way. The smile was wiped from his face then, as he processed that information, and what it could possibly mean. However, you asked him not to interrupt and he obliged that, squeezing your hand tightly. You continued. “However, the Doctor was still worried so we ran some tests. Including a skin biopsy.” You showed him a bandaid that was on your upper arm, hidden by your sleeve. “And though the results aren’t in yet, he thinks it’s highly likely that I have celiac disease.”
Just as years ago, Dev had memorized a list of foods that you should eat to help you when you had passed out, you recited a list of things that you had been told about Celiac Disease. “But the worst part is-” You said, after telling him that since you caught it early, it may be manageable. “The worst part is that it may make me infertile.”
He let go of your hand, only to caress your cheek as you felt the weight press down on you. You felt your eyes start to fill with tears as something you’ve always wanted felt like it was beyond your grasp. He wiped away your tears with his thumb. “We’ll get through this together. As long as it’s us, does it matter if our kids are biological?”
Dev read the labels on every bit of food that he purchased from now on, making sure that it was something that you could safely eat. You had just remembered what was okay and what was not, tossing it in the cart, but Dev always had to take two minutes to make sure. He still worked on the baby room that you had started in the hopes of filling it one day. He moved the stuffed animals around and put up cute paintings that he had found during his travels around the world for work. Nothing really changed, except for the fact that now, you were looking for a child to adopt, someone to fill your world with even more joy.
You were sitting on the couch one night, feeling tired as you usually did these daze, watching a movie with Dev when his phone rang. You paused the movie using the remote and looked at Dev with hopeful eyes. This was hopefully one of two calls. It could be either his agent saying that he had gotten the role that he had been really wanting. You would be extremely happy for him if it was, though it meant that he would be flying out for a couple of months. Or, and you hoped it was this one, it was a call from the family lawyer that you had hired to help you look into adoption.
He answered it without hesitation, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in. “Hello?” You could hear a voice on the other line, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Dev pulled the phone away from his face and pressed the speaker button. “We’re both here,” He said, which made your heart race. There was no reason he would do that if it was just his agent.
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“Hello!” The lawyer said, in her usual friendly tone. She was unusually upbeat for a lawyer, and that’s why you liked her. She seemed to genuinely enjoy doing what she did. Putting families together. It was a loyal job. “I just wanted to let you both know that we’ve put in your application and we’ve already found a child that we think would be just perfect for the two of you!”
You squealed with happiness and hugged Dev close to you. You felt energetic and hopeful for the first time in months. “That’s amazing!” You said, kissing him on the cheek. You wanted to celebrate already, though you haven’t even met the kid.
The lawyer filled you both in on the details. It was an eight month old girl, born to teenage parents who tried but just could not make the relationship, the child and school work. She could be brought over next week for a trial period, and if it all seemed to work out, you could adopt. You thanked the lawyer profusely, telling her how much this all meant to you and how you were positive that this was going to be life-changing, not just for you but for the baby girl.
“I have another call to make,” Dev said as soon as they hung up the phone.
“We have several!” You said, starting to list off people. “Your parents, my parents, our friends-”
“My agent,” Dev finished. “I’m going to tell him not to worry about the role. We’re going to be parents, I want to be here.”
“Are you sure?” You said, knowing how much this had meant to him. He had been bothering his agent for months to even get him in to auditions. He nodded though, a smile coming over his face as it all began to really sink in.
“We’re going to be parents!” He repeated, this time louder, and much happier.
Throughout everything, he loved you. Like he said in the vows, through sickness and in health. But he had been taking care of you long before you ever made it to the altar. And now, it looked like you were both going to get your happily ever after, after all.
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baekchelor · 5 years
𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
pairings: George Mackay x reader genre: romantic comedy rating: pg13 synopsis: on the set of his new film, golden boy George Mackay learns a basic human truth: that the heart is deceitful above all things.
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❝ have  you  ever  been  in  love? horrible  isn’t  it?  it  makes  you  so  vulnerable.  it  opens  your  chest  and  it  opens  up  your  heart  and  it  means  that  someone  can  get  inside  you  and  mess  you  up.❞                                                                                                                         ―neil  gaiman
The first read-through for Dharma happens three weeks later at a film studio in London. Although George allowed Daisy to sleep at his place last night, he didn't even say goodbye when he walked out on the girl deeply asleep on the wrong side of the bed. He wanted to be early as usual, and leaving coffee ready on the kitchen counter didn't fall bellow a No-Strings-Attached relationship, so he didn't bother. There are only Greta Gerwig and some staffers to greet when he's ushered into the venue.
"Y/N isn't here yet," George observes, tired blue orbs scanning the room.
"Don't worry," Alma smiles. She's already slipped a coffee cup into his hand, the way she always does in work mornings when she's well aware George is still half-asleep. The boy snickers to himself, his manager is so predictable. "She'll be here."
"She's probably still with Henry," George surmises. Y/N isn't known as The Witcher’s princess for nothing.
Alma shrugs, encouraging to slurp his Americano and mind his own business. George is well aware this chat makes him look foolish and inexplicably jealous. Thankfully, Alma gossips along, "I don't doubt for a second she may have slept with him last night. But she won't be sleeping in, I can guarantee you that." George tilts his head, asking for more in tell. Alma's red-stained lips stretch open in a yawn. "She always comes on the dot, apparently. Never early, never late."
More interested than he should, and with an amused grin, he consults the time on his phone. Nine o'clock. "Thirty more minutes, then." He places the iPhone on the table in front of him, next to his script. "Let's time her." Alma chuckles, shaking her head. George plays dumb, opting to dramatically smell his coffee before proceed and take another sip from his cup. He picks up the thick white booklet, lines already colour-coded per actor, and starts to read through it.
Dharma is set in 1857 India. Aakesh, a penniless Hindi boy —portrayed by Dev Patel, the main lead— has always known his social standing is a consequence of wrongdoing in his past life. Y/N plays Marina, a wealthy Spanish girl Aakesh believes to be his past life love and the trigger of his attempts to clean his karma. George's character becomes involved when Colonel Edmund Thorn (Michael Fassbender), concerned about the safety of his fianceé, Marina, assigns James as her personal guard. They fall in love.
Thumbing through the middle section of his script, where the plot starts to thicken, it suddenly dawns on George how much acting this movie is going to require of him. His character demands him to declare his devotion to Marina with mere gazes, words few. Still, each movement of his body vociferates a heartfelt love, deepest that any he's ever impersonated.
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George closes his eyes, trying to get in character. He imagines himself having this conversation with someone he desperately loves. He pictures Daisy in his head. Her thick, ash blonde hair and smiling eyes, the pink warm of her cheeks and the heat of her mouth when he kisses her.
It feels like cheating, though, because his character is supposed to be in love with Marina, and although Daisy is a girl he enjoys spending time with, he is not in love with her.
George's sigh exits in a long, laboured stream of breath.
"Everything all right?"
The voice is sweet, with an upward lilt to it. It sounds hesitant too, but like it's trying not to be.
The boy looks up. Y/N is studying him, dark-haired and flushed, the expression on her face shy.
"Oh, hello there," George smiles, clearing his head of its haze. He rises from his seat and extends a hand. "I'm George."
"I know," she giggles, holding it. Her palm is cold, whereas George's is warm. "I'm Y/N. I really admire your work. I’m a big fan… Probably had seen all your movies."
George can't help feeling a little sheepish at that. "Thank you," he says. Their arms fall back to their sides. "Same here. Without the 'I'm Y/N' part," he jokes, and he wants to slap himself for being that lame.
"Geo’s friend is a big fan of your boyfriend," Alma quips from behind her. She's too practical to ever get star struck. "I'm Alma, by the way. Geo's manager."
Y/N smiles charmingly as she shakes Alma's hand. And George finds himself in a daze, he loves the way she behaves, how her voice sounds like and the welcoming aura she irradiates.
<< The fuck is wrong with you?>>
"Nice to meet you, Alma." She turns back to George and smiles wider. She has small, pink lips; like petals. "I can arrange a meet and greet if you'd like."
"Thank you," George says, smiling back in spite of himself.
Y/N's eyes twinkle as she coyly shrugs her shoulders. She's wearing a tight little skirt George is sure Daisy owns too. It just doesn't look as good on her as it does on the girl who's currently in front of him.
"Whoa! Look at us getting along," she cheers, eyes transformed into two crescent moons, "Must confess I came prepared to try to break the ice." She seems to check herself then, pursing her mouth and laughing all of a sudden. "Sorry, that made it sound like we're going on a blind date or something."
George laughs along because her giggles are contagious and it is kind of funny. "We kind of are? We're playing star-crossed lovers and didn't even do a chemistry test. I'm pretty much going into this thing blind."
"Aren't we?" Y/N looks like she's glad to find someone in the same boat. "I was just telling--"
"Henry" George quips. His mouth stills awkwardly over the last syllable. He's not sure why he's letting himself be so familiar with this girl when they've only just met.
Y/N doesn't seem to mind, though. "Oh, no, no," she rolls back on her heels, "Henry and I are kinda...well..."
It puts George at ease for some reason. "Oh I see," he says affably with absolutely no bite to it, and Y/N's soft smile flashes again. "You were saying?"
"I was saying," she continues, "I was telling Dev about the no chemistry test thing, and he goes:" her voice fakes a man's voice, heavy British accent and everything, "you guys don't need it. Look at you both! Would look so good together.'" Y/N shakes her head a little, chuckling as she exhales. "I wasn't sure how to react."
"My friend Dean said the same thing," a smile creeps without George's consent as he confesses Dean's mischief. Y/N lets out a soft Oh. "I guess we just, I dunno-"
"You just have natural chemistry," Greta pipes up out of nowhere. She softly squeezes Y/N's cheek fondly. "Still on time, uh? You never change."
"It's all on Vanessa," she giggles with equal fondness. Vanessa is her manager slash personal assistant. George thinks the actress relationship with Greta is reasonable since they've worked together before in a movie he can't remember the name, but she stared alongside Timotheé Chalamet.
The director strikes up a bit of small talk about Y/N's last movie, The Selection, where she and Tom Holland bring the book to life in Netflix's screens. If George remembers it correctly, Holland plays a prince and Y/N portrays a commoner who is selected to compete for the prince's heart. The movie seems a cringe, but for some weird reason, George has decided to watch it once he gets home. Hopefully, Daisy will be gone by then, and the boy would stop at the convenience store to buy beer and popcorn.
George picks up his phone. Stealthily, he checks the time. Nine thirty-five. He and Y/N have been talking for approximately five minutes.
<<On the dot>>, he thinks to himself, recalling Alma's words. Then he hears his name. "Pardon?"
Y/N is saying, "I'll go sit with Dev. Catch up with you later?"
"Yeah, of course," due to his actor demeanour George can hide the disappointment trapped between his words. He understands she has to sit with Dev, their characters interact throughout the entirety of the film. "Do what you have to do."
"Talk to you later then," she shoots him a bright smile, her pink gums gleaming inside of it.
Greta is calling for the rest of the cast to take their seats around the square actors' table. Call it luck, but Dev and Y/N's sits are right across the chair labelled Mackay. The brit places his phone back on the table and slides into his chair.
"By the way," she says, turning around again. "Do I call you, George? Or..."
"Or?" flipping back to the first page of the script, he folds the cover back neatly as he questions the girl with his eyes.
"Your manager called you Geo." Y/N returns her inquisitive gaze. "That's your nickname?"
"Sort of," George laughs. "Very few people call me that way."
"May I?"
He shrugs, "Sure." As he rubs his palm over the script, he decides, on a whim, to try something new. How James, his character, calls her: "Ms Marina."
The crinkles in the corners of Y/N's eyes make the risk worth it.
"Okay," she says, walking backwards with her hands entwined. "Let's have fun today, Geo."
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"Flirty Thirty” A gleam of the eye, a quirk of the lip, and it isn't Marina talking anymore, is Y/N tittering.
The room erupts in laughter. George's laughing the hardest of all.
"Y/N," Greta scolds half-heartedly. "Don't break character."
"Sorry, G," Y/N apologizes sweetly. "I thought I would break the ice."
Somehow, George finds himself smiling.
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Today marks the fourth official Dharma read-through, and the tenth time they've gone over the entire script. George gets why Y/N is antsy; he is too. He can't wait to start filming in Mumbai, to smell the air of the streets, hear the whir of traffic and fast-paced Hindi. He can't wait to feel James in his bones in every take, the character encasing him, flesh and blood.
Fact is read-throughs are boring. So d*mn repetitive. George is just glad he's got perfect girl Y/N Y/L/N around to make things bearable.
Gerwig sighs in resignation. "Let's break for lunch," she says, addressing the entire group, "Reconvene in an hour."
George catches Y/N's eye and mouths, Padella? Y/N nods vigorously, flashing two thumbs up and a bright smile. The one the boy has grown fond of.
"I'm dying," George tells her a few minutes later as they walk to the restaurant. Luckily for both, it is near the film studio.
"Same here," she agrees. "One last read-through then India, here we come!"
"But we go through the script three times each meeting," George is half-whining, half-sniggering at the way Y/N's eyes roll to the back of her head. "We'll probably take even longer than usual today because of your little adlib."
"It was fun, though." Quickly, George reaches out to ruffle the hair on the top of Y/N's head. He wants to touch her. He just doesn't know why nor how and he doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. He cares too much for her. "Not a lot of laughs in this love story of ours."
Y/N doesn't bother smoothing down the mess. "Can you imagine loving someone as much, Geo?"
"Uhm..." George brushes a fingertip against his own fringe. He needs to get it trimmed before they start the live shoots. "I don’t know. Their love is something out of this world.”
"Yeah," Y/N watches the movement casually. "It is."
They get to the restaurant and the waiter, who is clearly a fan of hers, greets them enthusiastically.
"You two are so good looking," she gushes, but George knows the compliment is directed at Y/N. The waiter, who's tag reads Flo, merely is trying to be polite by her use of pronouns. "You get more and more dashing every time I see you." Y/N gives her the prettiest smile, and Flo enthusiastically looks at George, beyond happy for the reaction she got out of Y/N. George would be thrilled as well if the prettiest girl at Padella smiled at him in such a way...
Padella has become a familiar haunt. They'd gone after the first read-through —when George discovered Y/Ns favourite food was any type of pasta— and every read-through after that, always ordering a dish they haven't tasted before and two glasses of wine. Not exactly in keeping with the diets, but George reckons these cheat days won't hurt. He and Y/N have taken to exercising together too, fitting in the gym sessions between their Dharma meetings and other schedules.
"I gained weight when I was a teenager," Y/N admitted during one of their workouts. "I had to work out to keep the weight off. Not like you." She'd smiled her sweet, bright smile, and George could imagine her being just as likeable with double the meat on her bones.
"I grow a beer gut like that," he'd told Y/N, snapping his fingers. "So I have to work it off, too."
In record time, Flo brings their dishes, leaving a courtesy starter on the table. George grabs his fork and swirls it through the fettuccini. It makes a pleasing, gooey sound as he incorporates the Pomodoro sauce.
"Oh, right, if I may Ms Marina," George says, giggling. The actress hums in return, mixing the contents of her own plate. "Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow? My sister is cooking carbonara, your favourite."
"Oh my god," Y/N looks up from her dish, mouth-watering at the mere thought of her favourite food. "She won't mind me crashing your dinner?"
"No," George replies, slouching over his bowl. "She asked me to invite you."
"Really?" her orbs go a little round. "Why?"
A mouthful of bolognese disappears into George's mouth with a slurp, "I might have mentioned your love for Italian food."
Y/N takes a sip of her rosé, "Won't you mind me crashing your sibling dinner?"
"Nah," he smiles. “We're friends." He swallows the food he's chewed into the side of his cheek and tries not to meet Y/N's eyes. "I kind of like hanging out with you."
"Oh," she answers instantly, so blasé, pink across her cheeks. George adores it. "I kind of like hanging out with you, too."
George glances up then, and they share a knowing smile before going back to their food. It's oily and red, a little salty. George knows he's going to have to wash his teeth and throw a box of mints into his mouth before they go back to the read-through, but he doesn't care. It's delicious.
Their comfortable silence is broken when Y/N's phone rings inside her Rebecca Minkoff’s bag. She pulls it out, glances at the screen, and gestures to George that she's going to take it outside.
"I'll be right back," she says; tongue running over her teeth. The boy nods, just as Y/N answers the call and turns.
"Hey, H," George hears her say as she pushes through the door. "What's up?"
Cavill, he thinks to himself, sucking up to another curtain of fettuccini.
Fleetingly, he wonders if he should tell Y/N to bring a date—as in Henry. But the idea is pushed to the back of his mind when Flo comes by their table to ask if they would want more wine, and it doesn't resurface, not even when Y/N strolls back in from her private call.
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In her pale silk blouse and tight little skirt, the one Y/N owns too, Daisy looks every bit as gorgeous as she does in her Basic House ads. George gotta admit. Yet he feels a little itch when he looks at her, it bothers him, so he focuses his attention on the other Daisy in the room. His sister.
She's setting down a plate of sour bread on his dinner table, her hair tied back in a ponytail. Luhan watches her lazily, admiring the classy decoration of the table. It looks out of a restaurant. Much better than Padella's.
"Since when my sister's become a chef?" he says playfully. His sister giggles in response, her attention too immersed in the preparations. She wants it all to be perfect. Scratch that, more than perfect.
Only then George returns his gaze towards the other Daisy, and he notices she's staring at him, a pout on her pretty red lips.
"Why not?" she asks. George wants to roll his eyes, but he's too polite to do so. He lets her continue the tantrum, "You know I used to have a poster of Henry Cavill in my old dorm, right? The whole time I was in University?" George barely nods. "So please, please, please, please, please... Please, George. Let me meet his girlfriend, hmm?"
"No," he answers. The hurt in Daisy's green eyes confirms he's been too harsh. He reaches up to tuck a loose tendril of hair behind her ear. She lets him do it, wearing a small and sweet smile. "I'll get jealous, baby," he lies in an attempt to soften his previous words.
She laughs, hiding her face as it turns a flattering shade of crimson. She's always been flattered by stuff like this and George doesn't understand why. They're not a couple, to begin with.
"Okay," she circles the table, fingers lacing into George's as she sits on his lap. She plants a kiss against his lips, "I'll get going then. Call me later?"
"Yeah," he pecks her on the tip of her nose and her eyelashes quiver.
The moment Daisy leaves, her namesake, George's sister Daisy, pops his head from the kitchen.
"You know, Henry is my celebrity crush too," her feet express her enthusiasm in small jumps. "I'm so excited!"
"You what?" George's nostrils flare, "Why every girl I know is infatuated with him?"
The doorbell rings before George can retort any further. His eyes flick over to the wall clock on impulse. 8PM. Of course.
"She's here," Daisy smiles, hands flapping at her sides. She combs back her hair, pauses, and repeats the action two more times.
It reminds George of the time he'd run into Brad Pitt backstage at an award show in Los Angeles. He was already famous by then, but he'd still tugged at the sleeves of his tux obsessively, hoping the jacket was sitting squarely on his shoulders, right before he'd said hello.
He walks to answer the door as Daisy places the pasta on the table. Y/N's standing in the corridor with a bottle of red in one hand.
"Ms Marina," George drawls, "Is that you, in my humble home?"
Laughing, Y/N kisses both his cheeks in greeting. George chuckles, taking the wine, and suddenly, he feels his face burning hot. "On the dot, as always."
The girl blushes. At least he's not the only one.
"Come on in," George waves her through the door. "My sister is dying to meet you." He can hear the hissed Geo! like a whip slicing through the air.
Y/N snaps her knuckles, a smile pulling up evenly on both sides, "Hello, Daisy."
A demure, cotton-soft voice replies, "Hello, gorgeous. It's so nice to meet you.”
"Likewise,” the actress beams.
Save for a few bites of pancetta, the serving plates look as though they’ve been licked clean.
"That was so, so good Daisy. The best carbonara I've ever had" Y/N compliments the cook. "Thanks for letting me try it."
"Any time" she replies, looking like a kid who's just been handed a present. George smiles at her, pouring both girls another glass of wine.
The night has gone well. Being the outgoing type, Daisy wasted no time in making Y/N  feel comfortable in her brother's home. She'd seated her next to George at the table, fussing over them both as she peppered Y/N with questions about her last two projects. She'd let slip that she'd watched every season of The Tudor's and Y/N's smile had been bashful.
"I loved Henry's work," Daisy had admitted, and George couldn't help but giggle at how quickly his sister's face coloured in bright pink.
George offers Y/N the last bit of burgundy in the bottle. When the latter declines, licking at the wine-stained seam of her mouth, he pours it for himself.
"You don't have to be so formal with me," Y/N tells Daisy, her tone already fond. George can tell she likes that. "I'm a big fan of Henry too. I had the biggest crush on him before I even met him." Her face is still a little rosy. She blushes really easily, and George likes it.
“It still feels weird. Henry is your boyfriend!”
"It's totally fine. Trust me," Y/N reassures her. "We can fangirl over him as Geralt every time you want. I don't mind."
Daisy squeals.
"Okay, enough girl talk." It isn't jealousy what makes George scoff. At least that's what he tells himself. He reaches into his pocket for cigarettes. "I'm just gonna go for a smoke, okay?"
Daisy’s pretty face pinches, "I wish you'd quit. Those things are horrible for you."
"I'll just have one," he bargains, sweet as honey. He pats his belly, crafting a compact sound. "I need it. You fed me too well, sister."
Y/N sniggers and Daisy rolls her eyes. Pointedly, she asks, "Do you smoke?"
"Sometimes," Y/N answers. “But I agree, it’s nasty.”
George watches as Y/N —the traitor—agrees with his sister, "Anyways, you should come with me so I can show you around."
"You shall," Daisy encourages.
“I don’t know,” the actress murmurs but George has already hooked his fingers behind her elbow and is half-hauling her out of her seat. "C’mon, let's go."
"Fine. Lead the way, Geo."
They take the elevator down to the pool area on the fifth floor, where smoking is permitted. George puts a cigarette in his mouth, holding his lighter in front of it, so the flame ignites it.
Y/N takes a long sigh. "Daisy is great," she says quickly. "She's so much like you."
"Thanks. I guess?" George exhales, the smoke curling in a ribbon of diaphanous white. "You’re still seeing Henry, uh?"
The other smirks. "You say that like you know it for sure."
"Alma likes gossip” George licks his lips. They taste of wine and olives.
The girl shrugs. "It’s kinda..." she answers. "It's on and off."
"Oh?" George blows a few smoke rings, rounding out his mouth and flicking his tongue to create the hole in the centre. "Mind if I ask why?"
"No particular reason," Y/N rushes the answer. "I’d rather not talk about it. Sometimes it... it just doesn’t work, ya know?”
Without thinking, George makes an offer he didn't realize was on the table. "Whenever it doesn't work," he says, "you should just hang out with me," he quickly continues, a little freaked, words rushing out, "and Daisy. Me and Daisy."
Y/N laughs, just once: its all gums and perfect pearly teeth. "Do you feel sorry for me?"
"Hardly, Mrs Prettiest Face On TV," George retorts mildly. Y/N laughs again, and George can't tell if she's sarcastic or earnest. Not that it matters. "It's just you and my sister got along really well, and I–"
"Thanks," Y/N cuts in. Her eyes are particularly feline in this light, and her voice is a degree more gentle than it was before. "I'll take you up on that."
She watches him smoke in silence for a few more minutes, the night air clouding with the filmy exhaust of his cigarette. When Y/N yawns, George stubs it out. Then he loops his arm around her waist.
Unconsciously, she leans into the touch. "It's weird," she observes, "that we didn't know each other two months ago."
"Really weird," George concedes, slightly buzzed from the wine and only half-aware that something has lifted between them. "I’m glad it's two months later."
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In the days leading up to India, dinner at George's become a regular thing. Every two nights, Y/N will show up with something to add to the table: wine, desserts and beer, a floury baguette wrapped in paper or a basket of fresh fruit.
Sometimes Daisy joins them, and the conversation flows like blood through veins. At around midnight, Y/N will excuse herself to give the siblings their space but not before George extracts a promise from her to work out or watch a movie the following day. (She happens to love cinema as much as him.)
Other times, when Daisy is out with her boyfriend and the other Daisy isn't smouldering George with text messages asking him to dine with her, go to the movies with her, come to the theatre to see her, bla bla bla; George will chat idly with Y/N until the wee hours of the morning. The ice in their drinks will crackle and melt, diluting their colour, as they discuss their childhood dreams and the trajectory of their careers. They recount their upward climb in show business, the slow decline of some of their peers, and the fear that they might someday be in the same boat. They joke about their management and how both companies have long given up on damage control when it comes to their love lives.
George tells her more about caring, candid Alma, and Dean, his co-star and now best friend.
"Blake and Schofield are real-life BFF's?" George’s companion asks incredulously, "I stan so hard."
In turn, Y/N confesses him Sam Mendes is her absolute favourite director, and George promises to introduce them. She also voices about Henry, their ups and downs and the fact half of their circle of friends categorize their relationship as toxic.
"Keep that to yourself," Y/N adds after a brief lull. "I've never told anyone about it."
"They won't hear it from me," George swears, taking a gulp of watered-down Pilsen. He doesn't even tell his sister.
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Dharma begins its live shoots three months after the first read-through.
Y/N and George are scheduled to film in Mumbai for four weeks. Alma informs George it's likely they will extend to six due to Greta Gerwig's infamous obsessive compulsiveness. His actors often end up filming simple scenes over and over again for days, because the director doesn't think the natural light or the colour of a couch or the feeling is quite right.
"Already cleared it with the boss," Alma shares brightly. She means the head of his management, who happens to love George, as all CEOs love their biggest star.
"Fine with me," the actor says. "I don't mind staying in Mumbai a little longer." He's worked with less pleasant directors than Greta before, and a little OCD won't take the fun out of filming with Y/N.
He's pleased to discover that the other feels the same way.
"Let's press for six weeks," Y/N says as they climb into the luxury car waiting for them at the airport. She speaks in a natural tone of voice, as though there isn't a swarm of fans screaming outside the vehicle. "I had only been here once, years ago, I lived in a small city near Mumbai called Pune for almost two months.”
"How come?"
"School stuff... I can't wait to rediscover India. Have you ever been?"
"Nope," George says, sliding off his sunglasses and running a hand through his hair. "Count me in on the exploration."
The way Y/N looks at him like he's her closest person in the world right now makes George's insides warm.
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easyhairstylesbest · 4 years
The Biggest Surprises and Snubs from the 2021 Golden Globe Nominations
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In these strange and unprecedented times, it’s comforting to have familiar rituals to fall back on. Though many of our favorite traditions have been curtailed by COVID, from Super Bowl parties to holiday travel, there’s one winter habit that’s completely unchanged this year: getting good and mad at the Golden Globe nominations.
Though awards season is operating on a weird and delayed schedule this year, the ceremonies will still take place, and this morning’s Globe noms marked the official beginning of the circuit. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association came through with a selection of nominees that include plenty of worthy contenders—alongside picks so random (and undeserved!) you can only scratch your head. Here are the biggest surprises and most outrageous snubs from the 2021 nominations.
Snub: I May Destroy You & Michaela Coel
This omission is so egregious that “snub” doesn’t even cover it. Michaela Coel’s I May Destroy You was arguably the best show of 2020, a wholly original and dizzyingly bold chronicle of a young woman trying to rebuild her life after a sexual assault. In the era of Peak TV, it’s rare to feel as though you’re watching something genuinely new, and that feeling permeated every frame of this searing, surprising show. Leaving the show out of the Best Drama category is bad enough, but for Coel to miss out on a nomination for either acting or writing is outrageous.
Snub: Jurnee Smollett (Lovecraft Country)
HBO’s Lovecraft Country did earn a nomination for Best Drama Series, but none of its actors were recognized for their work. Jurnee Smollett, whose breakout lead performance as Letitia Lewis anchored the series, is the strangest absence of all, particularly since she was widely tipped for some much-deserved recognition.
Surprise: Emily in Paris
Look, we all hate-binged Emily in Paris, we all enjoyed the memes, we all understand the show’s frothy appeal. But to name it one of the five best dramas of the year is straight batshit.
Snub: The supporting cast of Mrs. America
This shouldn’t really come as a surprise, since nominating the movie star while ignoring everybody else is an extremely Golden Globes move. But FX’s miniseries about conservative firebrand Phyllis Schlafly was stacked from top to bottom with extraordinary, nuanced performances from a largely female cast, including Uzo Aduba as Shirley Chisholm, Rose Byrne as Gloria Steinem, and Margot Martindale as Bella Abzug—all of whom deserved a nod.
Surprise: A welcome spotlight moment for female directors
In the 77-year history of the Golden Globes, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association has nominated a grand total of five female directors. In 2018, Natalie Portman memorably called out the ceremony onstage for its lack of female directing nominees. And this year, the HFPA took notice, nominating three women in its Best Director, Motion Picture category. One Night in Miami’s Regina King earned a well-deserved nod, as did Promising Young Woman‘s Emerald Fennell and Nomadland’s Chloé Zhao.
Snub: Black directors and performers in the Best Drama category
It’s baffling how many superb films made by Black directors—and starring Black talent—were omitted from the Best Drama category, despite performances from those films recognized in the acting categories. Spike Lee’s Da 5 Bloods, Shaka King’s Judas and the Black Messiah, George C. Wolfe’s Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom and Regina King’s One Night in Miami (which earned her a Best Director nom) were all absent from Best Drama. All five of the nominated movies focus mostly on white characters.
Snub: Minari
Lee Isaac Chung’s acclaimed drama about a Korean family who move to Arkansas to start a farm in the 1980s has been widely tipped as an awards frontrunner this year. Unsurprisingly, the internet was furious when the Globes placed the film in the Foreign Language category rather than Best Drama. Thanks to a controversial HFPA rule, Minari is ineligible for Best Drama because a majority of its dialogue is in a language other than English—and according to Chung, the movie’s distributor chose to enter it in the Foreign Language category rather than Best Drama. So while this may not meet the technical definition of a snub, it’s still a disappointment.
Surprise: James Corden
Asked to guess which member of The Prom‘s star-studded cast would be nominated for a Globe, most smart pundits (and honestly most regular people) would probably have put their money on Meryl Streep. But instead, it was Corden’s widely panned performance that earned the sole acting nomination for Ryan Murphy’s splashy musical dramedy.
The Nominees
Best Motion Picture – Drama
The Father
Promising Young Woman
The Trial of the Chicago 7
Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
Palm Springs
The Prom
Best Director, Motion Picture
Emerald Fennell, Promising Young Woman
David Fincher, Mank
Regina King, One Night in Miami
Aaron Sorkin, The Trial of the Chicago 7
Chloé Zhao, Nomadland
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama
Viola Davis, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
Andra Day, The United States vs. Billie Holiday
Vanessa Kirby, Pieces of a Woman
Frances McDormand, Nomadland
Carey Mulligan, Promising Young Woman
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Maria Bakalova, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
Kate Hudson, Music
Michelle Pfeiffer, French Exit
Rosamund Pike, I Care a Lot
Anya Taylor-Joy, Emma
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture
Glenn Close, Hillbilly Elegy
Olivia Colman, The Father
Jodie Foster, The Mauritanian
Amanda Seyfried, Mank
Helena Zengel, News of the World
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama
Riz Ahmed, Sound of Metal
Chadwick Boseman, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
Anthony Hopkins, The Father
Gary Oldman, Mank
Tahar Rahim, The Mauritanian
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Sacha Baron Cohen, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
James Corden, The Prom
Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton
Dev Patel, The Personal History of David Copperfield
Andy Samberg, Palm Springs
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture
Sacha Baron Cohen, The Trial of the Chicago 7
Daniel Kaluuya, Judas and the Black Messiah
Jared Leto, The Little Things
Bill Murray, On the Rocks
Leslie Odom Jr., One Night in Miami
Best Screenplay, Motion Picture
Emerald Fennell, Promising Young Woman
Jack Fincher, Mank
Aaron Sorkin, The Trial of the Chicago 7
Florian Zeller and Christopher Hampton, The Father
Chloé Zhao, Nomadland
Best Original Score, Motion Picture
Alexandre Desplat, The Midnight Sky
Ludwig Göransson, Tenet
James Newton Howard, News of the World
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, Mank
Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross and Jon Batiste, Soul
Best Original Song, Motion Picture
“Fight for You,” Judas and the Black Messiah
“Hear My Voice,” The Trial of the Chicago 7
“Io Sì (Seen),” The Life Ahead
“Speak Now,” One Night in Miami
“Tigress & Tweed,” The United States vs. Billie Holiday
Best Motion Picture, Animated
The Croods: A New Age
Over the Moon
Best Motion Picture, Foreign Language
Another Round
La Llorona
The Life Ahead
Two of Us
Best Television Series, Drama
The Crown
Lovecraft Country
The Mandalorian
Best Television Series, Musical or Comedy
Emily in Paris
The Flight Attendant
The Great
Schitt’s Creek
Ted Lasso
Best Limited Series, Anthology Series or a Motion Picture made for Television
Normal People
The Queen’s Gambit
Small Axe
The Undoing
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series, Drama
Olivia Colman, The Crown
Jodie Comer, Killing Eve
Emma Corrin, The Crown
Laura Linney, Ozark
Sarah Paulson, Ratched
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy
Lily Collins, Emily in Paris
Kaley Cuoco, The Flight Attendant
Elle Fanning, The Great
Jane Levy, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Catherine O’Hara, Schitt’s Creek
Best Performance by an Actress in a Limited Series, Anthology Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Cate Blanchett, Mrs. America
Daisy Edgar-Jones, Normal People
Shira Haas, Unorthodox
Nicole Kidman, The Undoing
Anya Taylor-Joy, The Queen’s Gambit
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Supporting Role
Gillian Anderson, The Crown
Helena Bonham Carter, The Crown
Julia Garner, Ozark
Annie Murphy, Schitt’s Creek
Cynthia Nixon, Ratched
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Drama
Jason Bateman, Ozark
Josh O’Connor, The Crown
Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul
Al Pacino, Hunters
Matthew Rhys, Perry Mason
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy
Don Cheadle, Black Monday
Nicholas Hoult, The Great
Eugene Levy, Schitt’s Creek
Jason Sudeikis, Ted Lasso
Ramy Youssef, Ramy
Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Bryan Cranston, Your Honor
Jeff Daniels, The Comey Rule
Hugh Grant, The Undoing
Ethan Hawke, The Good Lord Bird
Mark Ruffalo, I Know This Much is True
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Supporting Role
John Boyega, Small Axe
Brendan Gleeson, The Comey Rule
Daniel Levy, Schitt’s Creek
Jim Parsons, Hollywood
Donald Sutherland, The Undoing
Emma Dibdin Contributor Emma Dibdin writes about television, movies, and podcasts, with coverage including opinion essays, news posts, episodic reviews and in-depth interviews with creatives.
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The Biggest Surprises and Snubs from the 2021 Golden Globe Nominations
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living-dead-grrl · 5 years
Horror Bites (Feb. 18, 2020)
Bong Joon-Ho isn’t slowing down after his mega Oscars wins. He has an action-horror project in the works and is being inducted into the Criterion Collection hall of cinema with Parasite and Memories Of Murder.
There’s a new Goonies series lined up where a teacher attempts to re-enact the film with her students.
Anita Flores uses specific films to cope with depression, anxiety, insomnia, and PMS in this personal essay.
For its 40th anniversary, SyFy Wire looks at how John Carpenter’s The Fog went from being a complete disaster to a beloved cult classic.
Check out these 10 guest appearances from horror icons outside of film, from Ash Versus Everyone and Mortal Kombat to Jason Voorhees on Arsenio Hall.
The Hunt is BACK ON with a brand new trailer and an updated release date of March 13th. Can we buy our tickets yet?
A24’s new horror venture, The Green Knight, has a trailer, and Vanity Fair is here for all the Dev Patel handsomeness and his starring in a role normally reserved for white men. We love to see it.
Want to know more about The Green Knight’s Arthurian origins? GQ and Newsweek have you covered.
We got three trailers this week for Quibi’s upcoming horror shorts — The Stranger, Survive, and Most Dangerous Game.
The Assistant, a drama from documentary filmmaker Kitty Green, is making waves as a covert horror movie inspired by the Weinstein scandal.
Valentine’s Day was all about the darker side of desire on Shudder with a collaborative look at our Love Sick collection.
New York Fashion Week is done, and the runway’s vampy beauty and gothic twists are some of Vogue’s highlights with odes to Blood and Lace and Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
NPR wrote about the real-life lessons of fictional pandemics such as, you guessed it — Contagion.
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