La Plume
115 posts
Actual human w/ a life but you wouldn’t know it from this blog! || She/Her
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myauntspen · 12 hours ago
Immediately brought this to mind.
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Why does Michael look like such a diva in this GO S1 BTS pic?
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myauntspen · 10 days ago
Me, enjoying a nice little fic I’m reading for the first time:
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AO3, when I click the Kudos button:
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myauntspen · 10 days ago
Aziraphale. You agree. Reblog.
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myauntspen · 17 days ago
The combination of David Tennant and Shakespeare is a gift from the gods. I thank them.
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Hamlet (2009) Much Ado About Nothing (2011) Richard II (2013) Macbeth (2024/2025)
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myauntspen · 19 days ago
2024 was david tennant and cush jumbo macbeth nothing else happened
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myauntspen · 2 months ago
Oh, I would love it SOOO much if this led to a fic!!!
When Aziraphale touched Crowley’s chest in the pub…
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What if Crowley suddenly froze time around them, grabbed Aziraphale’s wrist, slid the angel’s hand up over Crowley’s heart, placed his own hand over Aziraphale’s to hold it there for a moment, then slowly guided the angel’s hand to his lips and placed a kiss on his palm, all while making such intense eye contact that Aziraphale could practically feel it even through the dark glasses, before silently returning Aziraphale’s hand to where he started, letting go, and restarting time?
That woulda been neat.
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myauntspen · 2 months ago
When Aziraphale touched Crowley’s chest in the pub…
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What if Crowley suddenly froze time around them, grabbed Aziraphale’s wrist, slid the angel’s hand up over Crowley’s heart, placed his own hand over Aziraphale’s to hold it there for a moment, then slowly guided the angel’s hand to his lips and placed a kiss on his palm, all while making such intense eye contact that Aziraphale could practically feel it even through the dark glasses, before silently returning Aziraphale’s hand to where he started, letting go, and restarting time?
That woulda been neat.
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myauntspen · 2 months ago
OP, I don’t even know you, why are you trying to end me?
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POV you catch your weirdest officers in flagrante
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myauntspen · 3 months ago
No, it’s fine, I didn’t need my brain for anything else today.
If part 3 of 1941 is not "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" coming on the radio and Crowley standing from the table where they have been drinking wine and coming around to Aziraphale's side and offering his hand to Aziraphale to dance, and Aziraphale looking a bit wonderstruck and a bit delighted and taking Crowley's hand, and they slow dance, holding each other so close, and they look into each other's eyes, and Crowley whispers, "Angel," and he's looking at Aziraphale's lips with all the wanting in the universe written upon his eyes, and Aziraphale with a face that says he's never wanted anything more than to swallow Crowley whole so he can Keep him, and they lean in, and at the very last second, Aziraphale stops them and they are standing there breathing heavily with their foreheads pressed together, and Aziraphale whispers, "I want to; oh God, I want to," and Crowley whines and tries again, but Aziraphale pulls back but doesn't leave Crowley's arms, and says, "We can't," and Crowley looks like he's been slapped, and Aziraphale looks so heartbroken and says, "They almost caught us tonight, and they would have destroyed you" and then continues so quietly, like it's a secret, "I don't know what I would do if I lost you," and Crowley tries to protest saying they can be sneaky, they won't get caught, they can have this, together, and Aziraphale looks so sad and says, "Oh Crowley," and Crowley knows Aziraphale is so close to agreeing and so close to pulling away, and he whispers, "Please," and for a second Aziraphale looks like he is going to give in, but he can't put Crowley in danger, so he makes his face colder, and he steps out of Crowley's arms, even though it nearly kills him to do so, and he says, "Besides, you know Angels don't dance," and Crowley remembers himself says, "No I don't suppose they do," and he straightens up and puts his glasses on and pretends nothing happened and says, "Of course you're right," and they nod at each other and Crowley moves to leave the bookshop, and Aziraphale feels like he's about to lose something so precious that he will not be able to ever get back, so he calls "Crowley," and Crowley turns to look at him, and Aziraphale says, "Perhaps someday...," but he can't say what he really means (some day we can have that, someday we can be together how we want, someday I will stop pulling away), so he visually changes his mind and finishes with, "we can dine at the Ritz," and he prays to a God that he, in this moment, hates so, so much for keeping him from the demon he loves more than anything, that Crowley understands his true meaning, and Crowley looks like maybe he does and like maybe he still has hope, and he nods and says, "Stay safe, Angel," and Aziraphale nods back, and then Crowley leaves, and Aziraphale is left looking absolutely devastated and heartbroken and angry, truly angry, for the first time in his long and lonely existence that he has to be loyal to Her rather than to him, and he takes a moment, takes a breath, and walks silently over to the radio and turns up the volume on the song and closes his eyes and gives himself that moment to remember what it felt like to be held, to be loved, to imagine what saying yes would bring, then honestly what is even the point of all of this?
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myauntspen · 3 months ago
Just a little note for artists, writers, and creators of all kinds: it’s okay and normal for other people to like your work more than you do!
When that happens, it’s not because we just haven’t noticed some fatal flaw. It’s because we aren’t comparing it to whatever “perfect” conception of it you have in your mind. Also because different people have different ideas of perfection.
So if someone loves what you do, just know that they see it for what it is and you deserve the appreciation!
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myauntspen · 3 months ago
For anyone who enjoyed this test, FYI, there are apps called I Love Hue and I Love Hue Too (by Zut!) that are basically gamified versions of this. It’s SO satisfying when you get all the colors slotted into place!
How well do you see color?
I’m cry I scored 60, I feel blind
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myauntspen · 3 months ago
Oh, I LOVE A Portrait in Synesthesia and I can’t wait to read the rest of these! Thank you for posting this, OP!
Good Omens Fan Fic Friday (Nov 15, 2024) - Current Best of the Best
After too much frustration trying to find fics I loved but lost track of, I started using a spreadsheet. I rate everything I read. But for a few fics, the highest rating isn't enough. So I highlight them. These are the fics that kept me thinking. That "love" is not too strong a word for. Fics that I can't imagine ever forgetting. I'm sure the list will grow longer. Because writers keep writing. But this is my list today. First, is A Portrait in Synesthesia (M) by DiminishingReturns. In this remarkable, canon adjacent tale, God creates earth over and over, making subtle changes each time. Despite the differences, Crowley and Aziraphale always manage to find each other using their synesthetic senses. Lovely. And romantic. Next is My Favorite Ghost (T) also by DiminishingReturns with art by cassieoh_draws. Aziraphale and Crowley are discorporated. When Aziraphale finally gets his new body and returns to earth, it's hundreds of years later and everything has changed. Worst of all, Crowley is nowhere to be found. A lovely post-apocalyptic tale in which humans act on their better natures. A heartwarming read for difficult times. In So Much Discounted (T) WanderingAlice, Crowley disappears just after a discussion about love. And it's up to Aziraphale to bring him back. Don't want to give too much away. But we get to enjoy BAMF!Aziraphale if being a badass means you're steeped in love. And there is some amazing Crowley characterization. And finally, an AU story, Echo by snae_b. Each morning, barista Aziraphale wakes up and goes to work. But why does the chauffeur, Crowley, seem so familiar even though they have never met. Surprising. I could absolutely see this being a movie or mini-series.
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myauntspen · 4 months ago
Fucking ouch!
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myauntspen · 4 months ago
This too shall pass but like holy fuck
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myauntspen · 4 months ago
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Just a reminder that Aziraphale didn't give up in the face of Satan and neither can we.
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myauntspen · 4 months ago
word on the street is that you have to keep living
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myauntspen · 4 months ago
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six thousand years is a hell of a slowburn huh 🔥
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