#stargazer sims
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stargazer-sims · 5 months ago
First Visitor
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Nora: Your place is great, Forest.
Forest: Thanks. You know, I feel like I should be mad about my dads kicking me out, but I'm kinda not. I like it here so far.
Nora: What's not to like? This is a nice little spot, and you've got your freedom. No annoying siblings, nobody yelling at you or telling you what to do.
Forest: Nobody yelled at me at home either.
Nora: But the other stuff still applies.
Forest: Yeah, and now I can finally be myself. Know what I mean?
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Nora: I do know what you mean. And you know what? I'll bet a lot of people are super envious of you right now for getting out and finally being free.
Forest: You think so?
Nora: Totally.
Forest: Like who?
Nora: People who are dying to move out 'cause they're sick of their parents' bullshit. Who needs a curfew, or your parents being all weird about who you date? I do what I want, and Cody doesn't care who I invite over to our place.
Forest: Cody's your boyfriend?
Nora: Not really. Students can't have a teacher as their boyfriend. Another stupid rule, but I don't want him to get fired, so...
Forest: He's a teacher?
Nora: Yeah. You know Mr. MacAllister? The guy that's on his work placement from uni? It's him, but he's only going to be at our school until December, and then he's going back to university in January to finish his program. He's like my roommate with... secret benefits, you could say.
Forest: Benefits? You mean, like, you slept with him?
Nora: Why do you look so shocked? Don't tell me you and Caroline never did it.
Forest: We didn't, actually.
Nora: Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Caroline is obsessed with rules. Her parents probably told her she wasn't allowed and she just blindly followed along. Uh... no pun intended.
Forest: No, I don't think her parents told her she wasn't allowed. She said she didn't want to, and I respected that.
Nora: If she said she did want to, would you have done it?
Forest: Probably. Like, I don't really know how, but we would've figured it out, right? Camellia and Hayden did, and I'm pretty sure Caroline's friend Rainbow has too. Like, a lot, 'cause she's always talking about it.
Nora: I heard a rumour that Rainbow did it in the janitor's room with some alien guy. Not that I blame her. The risk of getting caught makes it so much more exciting.
Forest: Did you ever do it in there?
Nora: Not yet. I'm waiting for the right person to come along.
Forest: Such as?
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Nora: Maybe you, if you're up for it.
Forest: I already told you, I don't know how.
Nora: That's not a problem. I can teach you a few things, but it mostly comes naturally anyway, once you get started.
Forest: I kinda want to, but...
Nora: I'll bet Caroline's gonna do it with her new boyfriend. You don't want her to get ahead of you, do you?
Forest: If she wouldn't do it with me, I doubt she'd do it with Ben.
Nora: Seriously? Have you seen him? She probably just didn't want to do it with you because she wanted some jock. You know how athletes are. Totally obsessed with perfection.
Forest: Do you really think that's it?
Nora: Of course it is. You didn't live up to her expectations, so she kicked you to the curb like trash. Now me, on the other hand... I'm interested in getting to know you for who you are, and I can really appreciate a soft body too. Men like you are way more cuddly then guys like Ben.
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Forest: You think I'm a man?
Nora: Unless there's something you're not telling me, or I missed too many biology classes.
Forest: It's not that. It's just that it makes me sound grown up.
Nora: Well, you are independent now, aren't you? How many little boys do you know who're living on their own?
Forest: Good point.
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Nora: Ooh... I just thought of something!
Forest: What?
Nora: We should go to the Harvest Dance together. Imagine how mad Caroline will be when she sees you having a good time and not moping around because she broke up with you.
Forest: You really want to go to the dance with me?
Nora: Why wouldn't I?
Forest: You never seemed interested in me before. Like that, I mean. Like a boyfriend.
Nora: I didn't want to be accused of trying to steal my cousin's boyfriend, did I? I could hardly have asked you out while you still had Caroline hanging onto you, but we don't have that problem any more. Now I can have you all to myself.
Forest: All this time, you really wanted to ask me out?
Nora: Mm-hmm. So, will you go to the dance with me?
Forest: I wasn't planning to go, but yeah. Now that I officially have a date, why not?
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Nora: Great. I already have the perfect dress.
Forest: What's it like?
Nora: Let me keep that a surprise, but I think you'll appreciate it. It hugs all my curves.
Forest: So, like most of your normal clothes, then?
Nora: You've noticed.
Forest: Kinda hard not to, honestly. You do get dress-coded a lot.
Nora: Stupid dress code. Teachers just don't understand freedom of expression. If you've got something to show off, you should be allowed to show it off. That's what I think. School has too many dumb rules.
Forest: If you don't like it, why are you still in school? You're on your own, so you could quit if you wanted to, right?
Nora: I could, but if I didn't go to school, how would I get my daily entertainment? High school is way better than any soap opera.
Forest: Is it really worth the hassle, though? I'm kind of thinking about quitting. My boss at the pizza shop would probably give me full-time hours if I was available.
Nora: If you do it, let me know and I'll quit with you. We could get a place together, and we could do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.
Forest: I don't know if that's really a good pl—
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Nora: Shh... no more serious talk. You need to learn some stuff before we go out together.
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Forest: Is this okay? Shouldn't there be like, consent or whatever?
Nora: I consent. If you consent too, we're good. Besides, it's just kissing. It's not like we're taking each other's clothes off or something. I mean, not that I don't want to take your clothes off you, but...
Forest: I don't want anyone to take their clothes off.
Nora: It's cool. We can save that for another time. Now, show me your skills and stop worrying.
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Forest: *whispering* Is this good?
Nora: You're a quick study.
Forest: Thanks.
Nora: I never would've guessed this is your first time kissing a girl.
Forest: It's technically not my first time. I've kissed Caroline on the cheek a few times.
Nora: You're adorable, Forest.
Forest: Is that a good thing?
Nora: *laughing*
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Nora: I'd better get going, but I'll come back tomorrow if you want, or you can come over to my place.
Forest: I'd like to come over to your place, if that's okay.
Nora: Awesome. I can't wait to show you around. It's not a very big apartment, but I have an amazing bedroom. I think you'll really like it.
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year ago
OC Questions Tag
Thanks for tagging me @stargazer-sims! I will do this for Paul
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NAME: Paul Angelo DiMarco
NICKNAME: His mom had such an easy pregnancy with him that she referred to him as "my little angel" throughout the pregnancy and that continues to this day (and is why his middle name is Angelo).
HEIGHT: I haven't given much thought to this, but I will say he's average height.
ORIENTATION: Hmm, good question. If you asked, he would say he's straight, but let's just say he's about to go on a little journey 👀
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Since my story takes place in the Sims world, he is Tartosan. In real life he would be Italian.
FAVOURITE FRUIT: Strawberries and blueberries
FAVOURITE SEASON: Spring, he loves to garden and he's always excited when things start to bloom.
FAVOURITE FLOWER: He's romantic, so I'll say roses, but he likes flowers of all kinds.
FAVOURITE SCENT: Fresh mountain air
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: He usually starts his day with cup of coffee, but he also likes tea (especially adding fresh mint and honey).
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Probably a solid 8 hours. He's an early riser and has a routine on weekdays (check garden, have coffee, go for a jog), but he does like to sleep in some on the weekends.
DOGS or CATS: He likes both but would probably like having a dog to take on walks or camping trips.
DREAM TRIP: He loves to travel, so he's up for going anywhere different. He's an explorer and loves learning about new cultures. His first choice would probably be Selvadorada.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: He probably has a few. I can see him splurging on sheets with a high thread count and covering his bed in luxurious feeling blankets.
RANDOM FACT: When I first did gameplay with him, I originally had a whole arc for where he climbed to the the top of Mt. Komorebi with his sister and his best friend. I ended up changing some of his history for my current story, but I still consider the Komorebi trip to be cannon (because I have no interest in redoing that lol).
I'll tag @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants, @lynzishell, @bakersimmer, @localthumbcache, @hannahssimblr, and @sirianasims
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rebelangelsims · 2 years ago
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So @stargazer-sims' Aiko met his first ever specter and freaked out, running to the room Edith is staying in banging on the door waking her up (little psa Aiko don't wake up Edith she gets a little hotheaded) She got dressed and walked out the the first thing he does is scream incoherently at her.
My girl Edith is trying so hard not to laugh considering the said specter was just floating by but I mean she did warn him, she calmed him down and told him that these ones are friendly and they like having a witch to talk to.... Aiko was like wait...what?
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(They really seem to like Edith^)
Next day Edith is painting in her room and guess who comes in Aiko both me and Edith knows that the entire night he's been following her around like a lost puppy dog meaning I think he might have a crush on Edith. Can't blame the guy she is a gorgeous sim
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Also Edith's got one skill in painting only got it recently and the game pops up and says Edith likes painting so I'm like sure; this is what she paints with level one
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🤨She doesn't even have the creative trait she's a music lover but she paints this^^ (I do have a painting replacement mod I have had for YEARS I'm gonna change it up though)
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susen70 · 2 years ago
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What I noticed in the CAS is: - the collared bow tie does not work with a saddle
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Otherwise ... very nice colors and also really very well done. The recolored bridle and saddle pad (unfortunately) don't work for the kids. Which I find very unfortunate. Can this possibly be changed? 🤔
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At Little Creek (YE) the saddle pad and bridle work beautifully. 😍
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That's it. 😊
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1nksensei · 10 days ago
Yooo, I just ate so crumb from today news :D
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(All trigun fandoms are woke. it's nice to see that)
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annasiims · 11 months ago
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Lei Low 🌴 located in San Myshuno || Download here
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tttengue · 7 days ago
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I took my Sim Vash and transferred it to a blender. I haven't worked in this program for a long time, but I got high from the process.
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jonquilyst · 9 months ago
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Day 0 - Introduction
🎵 Dear Mom and Dad, I’m doin’ fine. You guys are on my mind… 🎵
Welcome to the premiere of THE 2ND SEASON of Total Drama Sims: the hottest, freshest reality TV show on simblr. I'm your host jonquilyst, though if you tuned in to the show last season, you'll already know who I am!
14 more teenagers have gathered to put their wits, guts, and strength to the test to seek out the ✨ grand prize. ✨ Like last season, they will compete in crazy challenges, deal with less-than-perfect living arrangements, and face the judgement of each other!
🎵 You asked me what I wanted to be, and I think the answer is plain to see… 🎵
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🎵 I wanna live close to the sun. Pack your bags 'cause I’ve already won… 🎵
Allow me to give you the grand tour of the no-longer-abandoned film lot we claimed for this season! Instead of cabins, contestants will be staying in these cramped trailers, just like actors on set! There's one for each team with 7 beds each and complimentary bathrooms.
Our mess hall is a bit less rustic than the one we had at the summer camp, but it's got that same ol' charm with 2 dining tables and a small living area for everyone's convenience!
Now, on to the fun part: replacing the shoddy outhouse, our contestants' destination for providing their juicy confessionals will be a makeup trailer right behind the trailers! Get used to it: it'll appear every single day with a different contestant providing their thoughts.
And finally, the auditorium! This will be the site of our ever-so-exciting elimination ceremonies. In front of it is the walk-of-shame, where losers will say goodbye to Total Drama Sims to catch the lame-o-sine at the very end!
🎵 Everything to prove nothing’s in my way. I’ll get there one day! 🎵
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Now, allow me to formally introduce you to our 14 new contestants!
(from left to right; top to bottom)
(also fun fact: the poses are all different this time, so everyone's portrait is truly unique to them!)
ASHLEE SCHAEFER (she/her) by @shmoodlet - A rap artist who always wants to be the center of attention
BRODY SHERMAN (he/him) by @aniraklova - A football captain who loves to party and cause mischief
COFFEE BEAN (she/her) by @riverofjazzsims - A gloomy and introverted polyglot who was entered into the competition by her twin sister so she can have more typical teenager experiences
DREW PINTO (she/they) by @witheringscreations - A talented track athlete who wants to make friendships outside of those she trains with
ENZO ESPINOZA (he/him) by @seyvia - A handsome model who wants to prove to his brothers that he's the most exceptional sibling
FLO HARPER (she/her) by @akitasimblr - A nosy "rebel" (she only dresses the part) who secretly loves to bake
HANS SOMME (he/him) by @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants - A physically gifted, socially inept snob who doesn't think TDS will be that hard
LIANA MORRIS (she/her) by @bloomingkyras - An introverted computer whiz who chose to compete in TDS so she wouldn't have to go to her grandparents' house
NEAL WARD (he/him) by @nakasumi-sims - Son of famous actor Judith Ward. Judith signed him up for TDS2 so he could be occupied while she's filming overseas
PAULINA CALLAWAY (she/her) by @cowplant-ate-my-sim - A cheerful girl who signed up for TDS so she could have a free vacation
TAKASHI ABBOTTSFORD (he/him) by @stargazer-sims - A friendly and talkative boy who thinks he'd be good at TDS due to growing up in a large chaotic family
TONI STROUD (she/her) by @simsinfinitylt - A creative and imaginative thespian who is determined to make a name for herself
TRISTAN BACHMAN (he/him) by @micrathene-w - A snarky academic genius who accidentally arrived at TDS when he was meant to go to his academic decathlon meet
WILLABELLE LOWES (she/her) by @invisiblequeen - An overachiever who is confident she'll win TDS
Wait... What About Teams?
Yea... about that: teams will be sorted a little differently this season! Instead of randomized teams right away, they are being formed after the first socialization day, when everyone has time to form relationships! Shortly before the first challenge, two people will be selected at random to be the "captains" of the teams. From there, they will select their teammates schoolyard-style (alternating between boys and girls) based on their relationships with the other contestants!
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simvanie · 1 year ago
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7 Sins Legacy - generation 4 (pride)
Engaged! 💍
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episims · 3 months ago
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Cloud "-please don't tempt me. I washed my hair only yesterday, and you know it takes an eternity to dry."
Jonas "As you prefer."
Cloud "So, what do you think Judith will say...?"
Jonas "She might try to change my mind, but whatever. Casper is old enough to do without two adults and an android looking after him."
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Cloud "I guess, mmh, she'd try to change your mind just because it's me you're moving together with, huh?"
Jonas "Eh. It's always been my taste in men she doesn't trust, not you."
Cloud "Hasn't felt that way!"
Jonas "Yeah, well. None of her fucking business, in any case."
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Jonas "...Nervous?"
Cloud "Oof. That easy to tell?"
Jonas "Mmh. It stings a bit that you don't seem very happy."
Cloud "Shit, sorry. I am happy! Just—bleh. Wait a sec, I've got soap in my mouth."
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Cloud "...When I moved here I didn't see it as a romantic advancement since it was mostly because Becs and Ruby were moving, too."
Jonas "You still think so?"
Cloud "No, obviously it was about me and Julian as well. But I needed that story! Otherwise, I would've had to admit I wasn't so against attaching strings after all."
Jonas "Ah... I thought we're a little past that."
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Cloud "We are. I love you both and I want nothing as much as to spend the rest of my life with you. Just, I know it's long overdue but relationship stuff still makes me uncertain? Like, I'm head-deep in something that feels nice, but I'm never quite sure how to swim in it."
Jonas "Is it floaties you need?"
Cloud "Luckily, I have two of those already. Uh. The bottom line is, I'll get over it. I promise."
Jonas "Yeah, take your time. We're not going anywhere."
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stargazer-sims-cc · 8 months ago
Welcome to my Custom Content blog!
My name is Sapphire, and I've been playing the Sims since 2000. I started making custom content for The Sims 4 in 2015 and started sharing my creations in 2016. This is something I do for fun, not for profit, so my CC will always be free and without ads. New updates will be added when I feel like it, and not based on a regular schedule.
I make custom content primarily for myself, for my own characters and gameplay. It's rare that I'll make something with the sole objective of it being publicly-consumed content. As a result, things that I share on this blog may contain swatches that are unique and specific to my characters and builds. If you don't like that, then I suggest you look elsewhere for custom content that more adequately meets your needs.
Due to past issues on my old CC blog, all messaging is disabled for this account. If you need to contact me about something, please reach out to me on my main account - @stargazer-sims. Do not ask me CC-related questions on anon. They will be deleted immediately. This account is not WCIF friendly. If you want WCIFs, please send me a message on my main.
I am not doing any more CC or build requests - both of those take a lot of time, and I've come to realize that doing specific things for people for free is actually a thankless and draining process. As it turns out, nice guys do finish last, and since I no longer wish to be last in my own life, I've made the decision to prioritize my own time and interests.
I make recolours, mesh edits, tuning mods and overrides, and I may also share builds and sims from time to time. I'm always learning new things, and I like to experiment, so if you're looking for something boring and cookie-cutter, this is not the place to find it.
I have a lot of male characters and I like making masculine-frame clothing and accessories. I test my stuff on all default body types, and I try to make clothing unisex whenever possible.
To help you find things, here are some links to my categories:
masculine adult
feminine adult
tattoos & body details
medical & disability
build & environment items
tuning mods & overrides
My TOU I can't stop anyone from doing whatever they want with my custom content. The only things I ask are that you don't claim my creations as your own and that you don't re-upload them or place them behind ads or paywalls.
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stargazer-sims · 9 months ago
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It looks like Nikolai has a new dance partner ♥
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kawaii-miracle-witch · 10 days ago
Reminder that while we're all (rightfully) freaking out about Stargaze getting a release window (and Vash getting a backshot) I've made a small handful of Trigun-related Sims CC among other things - I've also updated Livio & Razlo's face tattoo to work with the new tatt categories introduced with the newest patch, and am (slowly) working on updating everything else as well
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rebelangelsims · 2 years ago
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During the day some specters come out to play two were anger and two were happy, Edith spoke to them then performed a ceremony and they left, Edith found a woodworking bench behind the motel.
Snow started falling as she got her first customer @stargazer-sims Aiko.
Aiko *to himself*: Finally a place to stay! It does look a little worn out
Once inside he's greeted by a green eye beauty
Edith: Welcome to - my name is Edith
Aiko: Hello Edith, I'm Aiko and I would like to stay a few nights
Edith: Not a problem but you do know it's haunted right
Aiko *laughing*: Good one! I think you've got an very creative imagination
Aiko first impression of Edith is In Dreamland: This Sim appears to be a little bit in their own bubble of imagination, a dream land of sorts.
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susen70 · 2 years ago
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Kid: "Good morning, Hawk! How did you sleep?"
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Kid: "Ah, so good!?" 😄
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While Spirit and Rain compete with Little Creek, Hawk trains diligently.
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Hawk: "Hey, I'm the star here! With the pretty bow tie!" 😯😍
Simin: "Yes, but he's a champion!" 🤩🙁
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Rain: "If you keep practicing, one day you'll be a champion too, my son. Just like your father."
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Hawk: "But mom!? I want to be a champion now!" 😞😣
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Hawk still gets the opportunity to win a competition. It's only a beginner's competition, but... he actually got a gold medal. 😊👏
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akitasimblr · 1 year ago
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oh dear... biellmann wearing the same bowtie as the birthday cat 😆 and thank you @stargazer-sims @xpeachynotes @kissalopa for sending me your pixel cats 🩷
🐾 previous | next 🐾
what the cats are saying:
1 - (biellmann) i really like your bowtie, le chat! 2 - (mr oyster) hello to you! 3 - 4 -
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