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lucario765g · 9 months ago
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Characters (that appear in this meme/shitpost edit) voiced by Yoshitaka Yamaya (list) ⤵️
note: also due to tag limit
Tomohito Sugino (Assassination Classroom)
Kyosuke Aoi (THE iDOLM@STER SideM)
Iori Hida (Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna / Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning)
Kensuke Yaegashi (Tsukipro)
Muku Sakisaka (A3!)
Yuki Hase (One Week Friends)
Itsuki Tadano (Ace of Diamond)
Akita Toushirou (Touken Ranbu)
Junpei Yoshino (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Yuu Asuka (Stars Align)
Aaron (Pokemon Masters EX)
Marx Francois (Black Clover)
Atari Juumonji (#COMPASS)
Ishida Mitsunari (Ikemen Sengoku)
Lied Shax (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Itsuki Kawasumi (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
Towa Kazuki (Anidol Colors)
Shiita Mikekado (Starevo)
Karl (Senjyushi)
Sosuke Ichino (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope Peak's High School - Despair Arc)
Kazuki Tsuchiya (Oblivion Battery)
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starevotranslations · 6 years ago
April Fools - Part 5
Tera: Heyoo~☆ Everyone~! Welcome to the Hoshinoki zoo~! Giga: There are tons of rare animals to look at here~! Tera: ... Hold on a sec, can I just say one thing? Giga: Yeah, I want to say it too
Tera&Giga: Nothing about us changed!!!!
Tera: Gemini just means normal twins! Giga: We didn't turn into an object like Takuto did! Tera: And we didn't get a power up like Mizuki did! Tera&Giga: God, how booring is that!
Giga: And now we're taking care of the animals since there's nothing else to do... Tera: And I'm not just saying this is fun, 'cause it really is but... Giga: What can you do... Tera: Right...
Tera: Oh, oh right what happened to Yankee-senpai? Giga: He just kinda ran off somewhere... Tera: Eh, is that okay? Like having a lion running around the school... Giga: It's gotta be fine! It's not like he ran off planning to cause any damage!
Rin: Kyun... kyun... Tera: What's up Rin-chan? Chiaki: .......... AAA- Giga: The pool? Oh, are you worried about Jun? Rin: Kuun...
Tera: If it's Jun then he's gotta be fine! He's probably having a nice dip in the pool right now! Rustle Rustle Giga: Ahaha, Kei's happy too... Huh, a chicken? Rustle Rustle!!!! Tera: Wait- wind too strong! I got it! You're a phoenix right!
Giga: But you're like the same size as a chicken! A scarlet chicken! Tera: You look just like an onagadori too! Kei: Cluck!!!! Rustle Rustle!!!! Giga: You just clucked!
Shiita: Baa~~~~~~~~~~~ Kanata: Baaa~~~~~~~~~~~ Tera: I-it looks like you guys don't have a care in the world over here... Giga: Huh, that thing on Mike's head, is that Takuto? Tera: That's gotta be our crown boy Takuto
Yui: Gau gau! Giga: Uwa! You're huge! Tera: A great bear (ooguma)... This Yui isn't it...? Giga: You're cute even as a bear Yui~! Yui: Gau~♥
Swosh(?) Tera: Wait stop! That's dangerous! You're like a 2 meter tall bear, you'll take my shoulder out if you hit it like that! Shiita: Baa~~~~~~~~~ Giga: Huh... Mike what's that on your back, is that Sexy-senpai? Tera: It kinda looks like... He's ready to attack
Yui: Gau........ Rito: ............. Tension Tension Giga: Eh, is this like that habu and mongoose thing? Tera: If it is then that's a huge mongoose
Shiita: Baa~~~~~~~~~~~ Kanata: Baaa~~~~~~~~~~~ Kei: Cluck!!!! Chiaki: AAA!! Rin: Kyuun... Yui: Gau gau! Tera: Alright alright alright alright! C'mon quiet down you guys! Quiet down! Giga: Oh god! Can April Fools hurry up and end already~!!
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namikala · 6 years ago
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The 4+U side of the double-sided jacket for THE BEST「STAR REVOLUTION」Vol.1 4+U&petit march album~♡ It’ll be out on 31 Oct 2018!
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wonderouslilith · 7 years ago
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This time I got all the cards of the event, and gosh how torturing it was to get all of them! Anyway, there you go the cards of the event that was an entire joke with the fact Kira and Rudolph share the same voice actor! (and I still feeling bad for Hayate...)
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himurokira · 7 years ago
Blooming Spring March - 2. The “me” I wanted to be
Second part of the event story! This one focuses on Ai-chan!
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-The next day-
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Ai: Goood moorning! Supervisor: Morning, Ai-chan. I'm looking forward to working with you for today's commercial shoot Ai: I’ll be in your care-♪ Supervisor: I believe you've heard already, but this shoot is for a body soap commercial you've done previously. Supervisor: Since the last one was so popular, they made the offer to have you do it again. Supervisor: I'm looking forward to seeing your full powered cuteness Ai-chan. Ai: Of course☆ Ai: (I'm really happy that I'm getting work but...) Supervisor: Alright, can you gently blow on the bubbles in your hands and then say your line. 3, 2, 1... Start!! Ai: Foo- Ai: With the highest quality floating bubbles, let's get refreshed together☆ Onee-san♪ Director: So cute~! Just as we thought a cutie like Ai-chan was the perfect pick for this commercial. Supervisor: Is it ok? Director: Absolutely! Director: We'll look forward to working with you again when the third shoot is decided, Ai-chan. Ai: Are you sure!? Thank you so much! Director: For the third shoot... I'd like if the costume was more fluffier and maybe fairy like~ Director: Ah, but throwing out the angel idea is much too hard. But anything that makes Ai-chan's cuteness stand out is good. Ai: Ehehe, I'm so happy Ai: (I'm really happy but...) Ai: (I want to wear something cool like what I saw Yui-chan in yesterday) Ai: (Not only that but I want people to say I'm cool!) Ai: (I know I still have a ways to go before I can be like Yui-chan but... I'm still a man! At least I can dream.) Director: Ah, shall we do the poster shoot now. Ai: Of course♪ Photographer: Alright, can you look over your shoulder and wink. Ai: Something like this... Ehehe☆ Photographer: That's great~ Very cute~ Photographer: Girls might get jealous over how unbearably cute you are! Ai: (How is that a compliment for a guy?) Ai: (I mean, now isn't the time to think about that. I have to do my job) Photographer: Ok next, can you kiss the rose petal while looking over here? Ai: Alright☆ Is this okay~? Ai: (Concentrate, concentrate!) Ai: (This is my job!) -- Manager: Ah, Uomi-kun. Good work today. Ai: Good work today as well- Manager: Actually Uomi-kun there's someone I'd like you to meet. Magazine Editor: Nice to meet you. I'm from ran-ran's editorial department. Ai: Nice to meet you. I'm Uomi Ai from petit march☆ Magazine Editor: Mhm mhm, he is good. Ai: For what? Magazine Editor: Actually we've decided to do a large scale feature for our next volume. Magazine Editor: So, we'd like to have you, Uomi-kun, to be on the opening color page Ai: W-... What!? Me, in ran-ran!? Ai: (Getting a huge job like this, I'm speechless!) Ai: (But ran-ran is known for sexy guy photos aren't they) Ai: (Before this they did a feature on LunaLore, and before that a feature about men that wanted to be held!(?)) Ai: (This magazine has a reputation for promoting cool men. Does that mean... Me as well...!?) Ai: (If that's the case then people must know that I'm not just cute!) Magazine Editor: Ah, first let's take a look at the job proposal. Alright Uomi-kun take a look and tell me what you think. Manager: I myself think that this fits the current Uomi perfectly too. Ai: That kind of flattery is making me a little embarrassed~ Manager: While this is a job the company wants to take, the rest is left up to how you feel about it, Uomi-kun. Manager: Ah, here's the proposal. Ai: Thank you very much- Umm, let's see? Ai: ... Huh.... Ai: Cr... Crossdressing!?
To be continued →
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starevo-88 · 7 years ago
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The next event has been announced, Hoshinoki King Grand Prix! There’s no confirmation on the event type, but we do get to see all the cards! This event will feature PURA.net, with Suzume Chiaki and Ootori Kei 5*, and Kozuka Rin and Kushiro Jun 4*. The event will begin on November 28th.
Starevo will also add another new song, “Shutter Chance” - possibly an event song!
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ghostportals · 7 years ago
Rejet’s Star Revolution: Starting the game
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Uh yeah idk if there’s already a guide out but I haven’t seen one? so i figured i’d post a bit of one
keep in mind if you’re reading i can’t actually read japanese, a lot of this was done with google translate lol. but it can still be helpful to make things quicker till a proper guide comes out (if there. isn’t already one)
Menu stuff is at the very bottom of the post ! The stuff before the menu takes you through the tutorial and the basics that aren't covered in that.
edit before you click: warning that there’s currently irl blood on my desktop theme (won’t be soon tho)
Welcome to the Starevo tutorial! Lines with an * at the beginning aren’t in the tutorial, but are stuff I’m mentioning for the later gameplay.
1. Joining
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Enter your Player name. Last name, then first name, Japanese style.
2. Intro
The school’s stuco VP will talk to you for a while. I’d like to tell what he says, but I’m not quite confident enough in my jp listening skills to do so lol. He does call you “president-chan”, though. You’re given a dialogue option:
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It doesn’t matter what you say, but the top says “I’m not very confident” and the bottom basically says “I’ll try to do my best.” Both are not very confident sounding either way, which is understandable considering you’re suddenly being thrust into a position of power in a dang idol school, lol.
3. Lives - require LP
If you’re used to mobile rhythm games, the gameplay is pretty easy to get from just the images. There’s only one “button” and it doesn’t matter where you tap.
*Select a song, select a friend or guest as support, select a team, and click the pink button to begin (out of tutorial).
Small pink circle: Regular tap.
Blue circle with trail: Tap and hold.
Green circle with shine in the middle: Swipe.
Big pink gradient circle: Tap with two fingers (or double tap real fast, if you’re lazy.)
Star shaped: Tap A Lot Real Fast. You need to get a certain amount to get a perfect; continuing after the star fills gives you bonuses.
*After a live, you’ll see your results and get rewards. If your support was a guest, you’ll get a popup prompting you to send a friend request; you can send it (blue) or not (gray).
4. Lessons - require AP
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You can increase affection(?) degree in lessons. Select the lesson type by selecting one of the colored circles. Keep an eye on the characters condition-- how effective the lessons are is directly proportional to how in shape the character is! (Just like real life wow)
Tap twice on a lesson type (circle) to begin. You’ll need to tap through several lesson types to complete a whole session, and can give items to the characters to increase how much they gain in a certain attribute by tapping on the orange button with a coffee cup.
Sometimes characters will be too tired, or moody, to participate in a certain lesson. Keep an eye on their mood, especially if you’re thinking about using an item. Sometimes they’ll sleep, which means they don’t participate in that bit of the lessons. However, letting them get rest can up their FEVER gauge and their tone. When the FEVER gauge is filled, the effectiveness of the lessons increases greatly.
*You can give presents during the lesson to make something good happen. Try to give what the character likes! When a character participates in a lesson, their affection goes up! Let’s become good friends with everyone!
*Lessons are done by unit. Outside of the tutorial, when you click the lesson button, you’ll choose a unit to train.
5. Story
The tutorial will next take you to the story page. After the introduction (which you already read), the stories will no longer be fully voiced. *You need to spend star/story keys to read most chapters. The mechanics work like any mobile vn; if you don’t want to sit through it, you can expand the menu in the upper right and click the skip button to fast fwd through.
*If you’ve played Enstars, the stories are similar to that. They’re organized by unit.
6. Units
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Time to choose your boys! The screen shows you pura.net at first; switch between them by swiping, not by tapping the arrows. When a unit catches your fancy (or you find the one you’re already dedicated to), tap the pink button. It will then ask if you’re sure you want to start with this unit; click OK.
7. Gacha
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Time to scout. You’ll automatically be taken to the gacha page in the tutorial, where you’ll be given a card of one of the members of your chosen unit. This ends the tutorial.
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*Not in tutorial: the actual gacha function. If you’ve played other mobage, you know this. If not, it’s simple: The regular gacha (at the time of writing, only one, but there will probably be more) requires the little rainbow star stones. Spent 15 stars, get one card. Spend 150, get 10 cards. Getting 10 cards ups your chances of a better card! The point gacha (lower card rarities) requires 5000 points(?) for a 10 pull, and 500 for 1.
The tutorial ends after you get your card. The game will give you a couple messages and then prompt you to let it restart so it can complete more downloads (shouldn't take long). Upon starting the game again, you’ll receive login bonuses and be thrown into the fray.
8. Other stuff tutorial mentions
Cards can be strengthened using items. These are what you obtain from playing lives and completing lessons. You require a story key (blue star key) to read story chapters.
9. Cards
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The top button on the card menu is your team organization. There are 5 team slots. Clicking the rightmost button on the bar that shows the cards will show the active skills in the team.
You have two types of teams: live teams, and lesson teams. When you open it, you’re on live teams. Click the other button above the card images to switch. There’s a bunch more buttons on here, but at the time of writing this idk what they are, I’ll. fix this later.
Second button is to level up your cards. Select a card (I have to tap them twice? sometimes more lol) to level. I’d like to add more but I can’t do anything there yet so I’ll fix this later;
Third button is awakening. I assume this is like idolizing/changing/blooming/ect. It looks to require items rather than a second copy? Will update later as well.
The bottom button lets you view a card’s stats. Level, specific stats, and skills. Click the middle button under the card to see the character’s profile. The third button will bring you to the unit pages, where you can look at any character’s profile by tapping them.
10. Menu stuff!
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The main menu can be accessed from most pages by clicking the arrow in the bottom left. It’s shown across the bottom, and is showing by default on the home page. You can full screen your character/cg with the button in the left.
Left to right: Home, live, lesson, story, characters, gacha, friends, more menu menu.
10a. Friends
The rightmost button on the menu lets you view friends. It begins as a desolate and barren wasteland of loneliness. Right side buttons, top to bottom: Friends list, friend requests, pending approval from the other person, and search (find some friends!) The search page looks a bit glitchy atm but nothing gamebreaking. Click the button next to their name to view their profile, or the rightmost on their little bar to send them a request.
10b. More Menu Menu
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Left to right:
Profile, settings, storage/inventory (items) Shop, friends, Transfer data, help, contact us Opening movie, terms of service, back to title.
10c. Settings
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System options -> Live options -> Story options
System options top to bottom: music volume, sound effects volume, voice volume, lightweight mode (makes it run better).
Live options top to bottom: music volume, SE volume, voice volume, lightweight mode, timing calibration, movie (animations), cut-ins (the character popups when skills activate).
Story options is just text speed.
10d. Welcome menu
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...This should probably be first but whatever.
Tap the bottom left button to access. Left to right (to bottom): OP movie, takeover/transfer/”inheritance”, clear cache, contact us.
In all honesty I don’t understand the transfer stuff myself... It looks like you can put an account on for sure, but I don’t know how to assign an email and password to your current account.
And that’s all I’ve got! When I figure out how to assign transfer codes I’ll add that in.
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himenoyo · 7 years ago
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Haven’t posted in awhile, but you guys should give Star Revolution a consideration. I’m surprised nobody has been calling is a rip off of-
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patriciasketch-blog · 7 years ago
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barbaratoes · 7 years ago
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first 5☆ achieved in starevo!! (≧∇≦)
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[12.2] Two birthdays today! Happy Birthday Noel!! 🎉 No luck with his birthday 5☆ card too…
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starevotranslations · 6 years ago
Today is my oshis birthday so here’s a quick tl of the serifu from Koiai Beginner!
Yui: Hey Kanata-kun, Ai-chan, have you been in love? Kanata: Eh? Hitoshi have you? Ai: I have☆ Yui: Love is such a wonderful thing! Ai: Your chest feels all tight and your heart won't stop racing☆ Yui: Fufu, you should fall into a wonderful love too! Kanata: Come on! Quit being dumb!!
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taeamoone · 7 years ago
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Finally after many MANY tries they gave me both his four and five star 
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namikala · 7 years ago
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Star Revolution ended service today (28 June).
Here are the CG versions of the Seia cards in my previous post commemorating this event. Such a shame that they don’t let you remove the ‘back’ button.
Anyway, swordsman Seia is my fave card as he’s so channelling Ichigo/Tenka there~♡ The 2nd CG is from the card story that goes with it. Seia was chosen to play the swordsman in a school play as all his classmates, male and female, thought he’d be perfect for the role and they were right as he manages to steal the show~!! He also apparently has a very elegant way of walking in a kimono as he is trained in traditional Japanese dance~♡
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wonderouslilith · 7 years ago
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So we are not talking about the fact Hayate did curry ESPECIALLY to Kira? JUST BECAUSE he likes curry and he wanted him to eat it?
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himurokira · 7 years ago
Blooming Spring March - 1. Work and Private
I really wanted to translate this event story since I love petit march so much >< I’m actually working on ranking though so I’m not sure how long this will take Feel free to tell me about any mistakes!!
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Kanata: Good work today. Ai: Good work, Kanata-kun. Kanata: Huh? Hitoshi still isn't here yet? Ai: They sent a message earlier. Seems like homeroom is running longer today so they’ll be a little late. Kanata: Ah, really so he’s coming at least. Ai: That's why we first years should get started on our warm-ups until they get here♪ Ai: Especially since we're going to be in the Spring Fes next month! Ai: We have to show our fans something good, right☆ Kanata: I agree with that but... Ai, there's a magazine peaking out of your bag Ai: Uwa! It is, it must have just slipped out. Sorry about that, I'll put it away right now. Kanata: Don't worry about it, it's fine. Actually, let me take a quick look at it. Ai: Ah, Kanata-kun are you interested too? Kanata: Well, Hitoshi's in that one right. Ai: That's right~♪ Ai: It's been awhile and I wanted to see what kind of faces Yui-chan made while modeling so I went and bought it☆ Kanata: I wanted to see that too. Ai: Let's look at it together then. Ai: Oh, look at that, the magazine even wrote about the Spring Fes~♪ Kanata: Nee-chan's doing all kinds of things to support us for this fes. Kanata: I want to make this a success for her sake too. Ai: Right, right! I want to make Onee-san smile since she's always working so hard for us~♪ Ai: Ah! I found the article about Yui-chan! Ai: The current topic is a feature on ikemen models! So... Kanata: That's amazing, that's some big time treatment huh. Ai: And Mio-chan and Chi-chan are shown on the next page too. Kanata: Hitoshi's amazing. Ai: Yup, just what you'd expect from our leader. Kanata: But speaking of Hitoshi... Ai: The gap in their character is amazing too. Kanata: Yeah, he’s almost a completely different person from the usually chit-chatty Hitoshi. Ai: Even though I know that when I see them standing around silently I get the thought they’re ikemen all over again. Ai: Not only that, Yui-chan is tall too~ haah~ I'm so jealous~ Kanata: I wish I was as tall as Hitoshi too. Ai: I promised myself not to say that! (?) Kanata: Why's that? Ai: Because I want to be as tall as Yui-chan and cool like Jun-kun! Ai: But I haven't grown any taller. Kanata: Don't give up! We'll have our growth spurts! Ai: T-that's right! Even we'll get taller! Kanata: I'm not giving up! Ai: Right, me too! I'll be a cool like Yui-chan! Yui: I'm really sorry about being late. Ai: Ah, Yui-chan good work~ Kanata: You're really late. Yui: Now now, there's that event to send off the graduating class isn't there. All the classes are doing something for it aren't they? Yui: My class decided on the details but... Yui: Mike-chan started dozing off again and we weren't able to move the conversation along at all. Yui: My goodness, he's a troublesome child that one~ Yui: How-ev-er! It's alright since everything is set already. So now I can put my all into practice. Yui: Now let's put our all in for the Spring Fes. Ai-chan and Kanata-kun too, let's all do our best! Yui: Yay let's go-♪ Ai: M-mhmm that's right. Yay let's goo Kanata: (The Hitoshi from the magazine really is completely different) Ai: (The gap from the magazine really is huge) Yui: What in the world is with those forced smiles you two?
To be continued →
notes: Nee-chan/Onee-san = rijichou | Chi-chan = Chiaki | Mike-chan = Shiita
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