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stardusttheaters · 3 months ago
Alcor holds open the door for his Lord, smiling up at him. He receives little but a grunt in response. Once inside, the servant is pulled close to the Lord's side with a firm hand around his waist. He's still nowhere near fully recovered, being drained of a good chunk of star power and energy isn't something that's fixed in a couple of days. But he promised Alcor he'd do this before the end of the year and he makes sure to keep his promises, the serious ones at least. Unfortunately the final week of the year he'd been stuck resting, at his servant's insistence, but he can tell that Alcor is simply happy that they're even doing this at all.
He's re-enabled his flames, at a lower temperature for now; they're a pertinent staple to his image after all. Right arm and shoulder are still pretty fucked but that's to be expected when he's only got one arm to fix it. Alcor's makeshift fix of pinning his cape over his shoulder so it covers the injury has gone untouched. Under bystanders' glances it's hard to tell that there's nothing underneath and it still makes him look pretty badass so...
But this isn't about him, it's about them today. His fingers flex against his servant's side. Normally the Lord is little less than repulsed by PDA but he's still sore as hell so he thinks he deserves it this time. They're in an unfamiliar dimension too! Of course he needs to keep Alcor within sight... and touch. Especially when he knows that that annoying staffbot is around somewhere.
So what are we waiting for?
Oh, well, um... Ah, let me- let me notify her...
Alcor does indeed text Elara, sending a short little "We're here :)". He has to resist fidgeting around with his ribbon at his neck, now tied into a cute little bowtie. It's a bit tighter than usual but he definitely saw the Lord eyeing it so it's worth it. Anything to keep his god content today.
Titan was in the midst of ensuring that some of the stage lights were indeed fixed and operational for today's show. Creator forbid he ever allowed anything to ever go wrong during a show. He was double-checking the high powered light bulbs were screwed on correctly --and they were. He took a moment to send a thanks to his mechanic in training along with a little praise for a job well done.
A notification popped up in his HUD, causing Titan to freeze in place and tilt his head slightly upward as he checked the message. Oh. His computer was pinging him that a multidimensional phenomena was happening around the Theater. Strange... it wasn't in the foam pit that acted as a portal. And that was turned off right now. So how was he getting an energy signature? He quickly made its way to the origan point to find the strange....knight? Animatronics? What the heck was he looking at?
He couldn't come off as he normally does -- stern and demanding to know where the hell they came from. Instead, Titan forced a very small smile and gave them a wave as he approached the pair.
Hello, Welcome to the Stardust Theater. I am Titan Star, Head of Security for this location. How may I be of service today?
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dancingthroughstardust · 5 months ago
Callisto: Hey Titan, Andromeda…everything alright?
Titan blinked a few times before he looked up from the security screens he was staring at.
Hm....yeah. What's up?
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ze-slaughtermod · 2 months ago
I can't get the idea of Witherstorm Titan out of my head. Like would would he look like? His powers? Would he be more instinct driven or be sentient and calculating? Would he still be yellow/gold?
I think he would be GOLD and BLACK IF HE WAS A WITHER TITAN!! ;oisdaflaiufkjkasdgfuhiasljdhf OIHJLKDJHFDLFKH
Yes, Gold and Black with the starlights and undertones of that sickly dark purple in the inky black -- WOOOOUGH!!!! He would be sentient but I think he'd be a bit more like OG V1 Bloodmoon when it comes to wanting to cause chaos and destruction. So he'd still retain his intelligence but he'd be batshit bloodthirst crazy.
He'd ABSOLUTELY be ten times larger than he usually is and he'd have an extra set of arms but they'd be make of wither storm energy. He wouldn't have clothes though. He'd totally be in the buff because animatronics don't need clothes truthfully BUT maybe you could dress him up like a Machamp lmfao
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escapetheslaughters · 3 months ago
[This takes place after Grim leaves Net and Eclipse when they leave to save Astraia as he is unable to help without Reaper's aid.]
Grim was furious with his brother. What did he mean he didn't want to help Pink Lady?! Regardless of their differences, they were still friends. Reaper said so himself, didn't he?!
He was going to make damn sure Reaper answered for ignoring his call for help. Grim's body aches from the after effects of Net having pulled out those damn strings from Giaterra. If Reaper had agreed to help, they could have taken the hag down together. Hell-- if Grim actually practiced on his own a little more, he could have done it himself. They needed to improve...
[more under the cut -- strap in buttercups]
Reaper was waiting for his twin to arrive. He was not far from the theater where Elara worked. In fact, he refused to go too far from it. He wanted to ensure that she and their little ones would be safe. Even after the boys were sent to Malware's playcare, Reaper stayed stationed at the Theater.
When Grim had called for help to save Astraia, he curled his upper lip. It was almost an immediate reaction. No...he was still angry with her. The darker part of him wanted Giaterra to have her way with Astraia. Let her destroy Astraia and see how he felt about her death. Would be relieved as well? Or would he mourn? Reaper snorted to himself. It's been a while since he's felt so callous towards anyone... He wasn't sure what to make of the thought. He couldn't tell if it bothered him or not.
"Why didn't you answer me?"
Reaper didn't bother to look at Grim. He knew it was only a matter of time before his twin found him hiding in the alleyways near the theater. By the sounds of it, Grim wasn't happy.
"Because I don't care."
Grim spat, growling at his brother. He pointed a clawed finger at Reaper.
"Don't lie to me, Other! You, yourself, claimed that she was still our friend! Yet, in her time of need you cast her to the wolves!?"
Reaper looked over at Grim with a frown, "I owe nothing to that Pink harlot."
Grim froze. He slowly lowered his hand, processing if he heard Reaper correctly.
"What did you say...?"
"I said: Fuck--"
Reaper staggered back, holding his face with both hands. Grim had punched him so fast they were both shocked.
Grim couldn't believe he reacted so fast and hit his brother.
Reaper couldn't believe Grim actually hit him.
Hadn't Malware advised them to NOT continue a cycle of violence?
Hadn't they promised to never hit each other...?
Reaper lowered his hands to stare at Grim incredulously. Grim stood there, eyes wide in shock.
"I... I'm so--"
He was cut off by Reaper's furious roar as his twin, now angry, charged at him in a running tackle. The blood twins fell to the ground and the two immediately began to exchange blows and roll around the dirty alleyway in vain attempts to gain the upper hand. Their nanites were working over time to heal every scratch, dent and bite mark they left on each other as they fought like wild animals for control over the situation.
At one point, the pair had begun to fuse, conjoined at the hip as they scratched and slapped at each other furiously. Grim spun his upper torso around, grabbed Reaper by an arm, and slung him over his shoulder. This forcefully pulled them apart but it gave Grim the upper hand to slam his brother into the cold concrete.
He roared at Reaper so loud that his voice box crackled dangerously.
Reaper didn't get up. He laid there on the ground, his eyes wide at his brother's outburst. He didn't expect Grim to stop fighting. Confusion hit him like a wave as he let out a tired and agitated sigh.
"........Because I deserved it..."
Grim's voice dialed from 100 back to 5... There was an edge in his voice, a bitter bite to his words.
"She's never been the same since I lost my temper with her. She never trusted us after I bared my fangs."
He groaned in mental and emotional agony as he backed away from Reaper and plopped down to the ground. Reaper turned his head to look at Grim with a frown.
"I told you that befriending a human was a bad idea."
Grim gave off a low warning growl to which Reaper responded with a hiss in kind.
"Do you hate her so much?"
Reaper rolled his eyes, moving his head to stare up at the sky from his spot on the filthy ground.
"I didn't used to. I was hoping I'd be wrong... But she only proved me right. Humans are weak willed. They crumble when they're afraid of us. Astraia is no different than the rest of humanity. That stupid chainsaw is nothing more than a farce. Something to make her feel strong when she is truly weak. A fake. We have more genuine family and friends to worry about. I'm done with her. The final straw was her poor treatment of our Heart. I don't understand why you two forgive her. But I refuse and I'm done."
Grim slumped over. He didn't know what to say to that.... Yet he knew better than to try and change Reaper's mind. They were both equally stubborn. He spoke lowly as he stared at the ground solemnly.
"....I respect your personal thoughts, Brother..."
"I respect your choice to forgive her."
Grim and Reaper looked at each other briefly before looking towards the third voice in confusion.
At the entrance to the alleyway was [ @stardusttheaters ] Titan staring at the brothers in slight confusion. He didn't know there were two of them-- he just... thought they changed clothes from time to time?!
"Uh....I came to look for you...Elara is worried that she hasn't heard from you two."
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scorchedmizar · 2 months ago
Couldn't decide which I preferred so you get both
Pretty lady 4 u @stardusttheaters
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Refs below cut
Pose from Pinterest: vDrawArt
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stardusttheatergators · 2 months ago
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[I will love you forevermore, my sweet~ -Crescent Moon]
For some bits of context, yes, Crescent Moon has been in the theater before, having taken advantage of the fact Elena was stuck in hiding. Therefore she didn't know to NOT trust anyone who gives her kindness immediately afterwards.
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dancingthroughstardust · 5 months ago
Every two weeks for general maintenance. But other fluids?? Probably once a week. Sometimes twice. Usually with a hip realignment....
Titan shrugs, completely unbothered. But her partners could be a little more gentle.
Hey Elara, where do you get refills for your tank?
Oh, well, Titan ( @dancingthroughstardust ) makes sure all the fluids I need to function are at the correct levels during maintenance checks, if that is what you mean.
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blems-way-to-speak · 14 days ago
Andromeda walks up to Blem with tears in her eyes, holding out what looks like a round ....burnt...lump of some kind of food???
Bleeeeeeem.......I killed it...
He stares in confusion. "Is...is that...an animal? Or..." Upon closer inspection, he realizes it's food. Really burnt food. "Oh my gods, Andi, what was that. What did you do?"
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stardusttheaters · 3 months ago
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I'll give you $100 to tell him it's sold, hide it in storage for 2 weeks, take it out and put it back in the security office while he's charging.
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dancingthroughstardust · 4 months ago
Elara left for work earlier than normal and after changing into her holiday uniform she snuck backstage to hang out with Andromeda for a bit. She did bring blueberries cheese danishes for them to nibble on.
Elara, Darling! How good of you to stop by before I lose you for the next two days! Come in, come in my dearest Jupiter Gem!
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ze-slaughtermod · 3 months ago
im currently thinking.
How would Andi react to N0va (in his animatronic form of course-)
Would she be interested in his odd model with the wings and such?
Absolutely. She's easily fascinated and would probably try to keep petting N0va 💀
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escapetheslaughters · 3 months ago
Time to go home.
*plays @stardusttheaters Titan's favorite song*
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scorchedmizar · 2 months ago
Before I forget >:) can we get honest opinions about Andromeda and Titan from both Alcor and Mizar?
What are your thoughts 💭 🤔 🎤 and you can rate how much you watched to answer that if you'd like.
-Titty Titan-
The front greeter? Fuck if I know. He exists I guess?? 1/10
He seemed nice! I- I didn't really focus on him all that, uh, all that much. 1/10
Bitc- Annoying. Having had time to think it over she's still not as bad as Elara. Just an attention seeker if anything. 3/10
Um... I, uh... I- I know I wasn't really sober but... I do still think she's pretty... 5.5/10
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stardusttheatergators · 2 months ago
Uh huh, could you be any more stupid? I mean, you should've known better, no? But I guess that's why your family tends to push you away when they're busy, huh. They can't deal with your idiocy in the moment, Terry. :)
I-I'm not-
Terry broke down into tears on the spot, why did this faceless one have to be so mean?? He wasn't stupid, he could be really smart when it came to stuff! And he wasn't trying to be stupid or annoying, but that's likely how he came off to a lot of folks.
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lunar-disillusionment · 2 months ago
Titan approaches -- and he's actually wearing his newer work pants and his better pair of boots. And what's this--?! He's actually wearing a shirt! A black button up t-shirt. Hell, he's even wiped off all the usual smudgy stains of old oil and dirt. Looks clean. Smells clean. Actually dressed up and he is holding something behind his back with one hand and taps Callisto's shoulder to get her attention.
[Callisto jumps a bit, swiftly turning around then calms down when she sees Titan. She’d be lying if she said she was gazing very intently at him with a smile and slightly dark tint to her cheeks]
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bumble-the-sun-bee · 15 days ago
From the tapes
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(Tumblr are my quality TvT)
One of the scenes that would be seen in the tapes that N0va gave to @stardusttheaters
(without subtitles below cut)
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