Welcome to Brighter Days! We're a freelance roleplay, accepting all characters. From actors, to musicians, civilians, youtubers. No need to be affiliated with the music industry! If you're thinking about joining, please take a gander through our taken list, through the rules, and our plot, just to familiarise yourself with the group. If there's any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Mobile users. reserves (24 hours) // Selena Gomez for liv
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hey guys, just to let you know a little about what’s going on. currently we are working on a new and improved roleplay with a lot more structure. you are all welcome to come over and you will be given three days to secure your role once the new roleplay is open.
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hey! care to be affiliates? we're a new tour-based rpg with criminal secrets, and would love it if anyone interested checked us out. thanks
of course! check them out guys.
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hello guys. i have work today but when i get home i will be doing an activity check and queueing promos. request who you want and i’ll get to them today!
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How bout doing an activity check? Ya'll are never here anymore and it sucks.
we’re very sorry! we’re trying to get things active and running again. both mods have been going through troubles not to mention i haven’t had a laptop and i make the promos. thanks to all who are baring with us.
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Ok but would anyone plot with selena Gomez and can I reserve her for j
consider her reserved. like this if you would plot with her, guys!
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hey guys! I'm back thanks so much for holding my role!
welcome back love!
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reserve Luke holland for K?
of course! 48 hours, sweetheart.
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Hello! I’m a plots page for bandom for anyone that’s looking for any kinds of plots! (Not just relationships) Pages like these go inactive and I just wanted to give a helping hand for once! May I please get a shoutout? Thanks in advance!
check them out, guys!
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hey guys. thanks for being patient. i’m finally around so leave your requests, i’ll be at home making promos all day.
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hi i'm gonna be dropping matty sorry :(
sorry to see you go, everyone unfollow
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i’ve been at work all week as it’s one of our busiest weeks where i work and i’ll be back around properly on monday/tuesday so until then please leave your requests for promos!!!
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hi, loves! we're a brand new festival based band rp with a tv show twist that's opening at 15 applications! care to be affiliates? xx
for sure!
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Hiya, and happy Valentine's Day. We are a new secret-based rp, and we were wondering if you'd like to be affiliates?
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Would you like to be affiliates? :)
of course!
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Hey guys! Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope it’s been a good one for you all! Sorry we’ve been slacking a little on the upkeep of the mod blog. Both Mod Tyler and I have been without a laptop for the majority of the past couple of weeks, but we’re both gradually getting back into the swing of things! That being said, does anyone have any input on how to freshen and liven things up around here? Please shoot us an ask/message/submit on your opinions! Also, give us a clue on who you’d like to see around!! We’re gonna queue promos like hell this week. Sorry for being so spacey and thank you for all sticking around, those of you that have.
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care to be affiliates?
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❝ Please welcome and follow Tori Kelly. Tori is a solo artist. ✩
AIM: lostinterrorland
❝ Please welcome and follow Saraya Jade Bevis. Saraya is a WWE diva. ✩
AIM: shakerattlebang
Welcome to Brighter Days. Please follow everyone and don’t forget to tag your intro with “#bd.intro” so everyone can say hello to you! We hope you enjoy your time with us !!
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