#stardate: doctor visits make me nervous
r2y9s-notartblog · 10 months
went to urgent care the other day and brought Bruce (my ikea blahaj shark) with me. person at the check in said they liked my shark and my shirt (it had a little cat embroidered on it with rainbow hearts around it). and when the doctor came in to see me he said where'd u get ur shark and i said ikea and he laughed.
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Lost in Translation
Title: Lost in Translation
Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Mckirk
Rating: Explicit
Tags: minor character death, hurt, little bit of self destruction, stranded, possible smut down the line
    “Attention citizens. This is the crew of the Enterprise asking for your aid. On Stardate 2264.78 a shuttle manned by our captain and fourteen cadets was ambushed by an unknown source and chased out of sight of our ship and into open space. Those cadets as well as our captain, James Tiberius Kirk, are still missing. We are asking anyone with any information on their whereabouts, or regarding the attack, to please contact the Enterprise immediately. Our family would appreciate any assistance you can give.” 
AO3 Link
Special Thanks: wanted to give a huge shout out to my girl Katie, AKA @goingknowherewastaken for being a huge inspiration for this fic as well as for being a huge help (especially when it comes to putting up with my frantic ramblings lol) you're awesome boo <3
A/N: So this is a work in progress but it’s basically finished and I’ve been making great headway with this recently, so this will be the first fic I’ve ever finished! Woohoo!! And I'm thinking that I’ll probably stick to a Sunday post schedule.
    Also a little note for y’all to keep in mind while reading. I have tagged this fic “possible eventual smut” and that’s because right now I don’t have any planned buuuuut… I'm going to leave that option up to you guys! Between the readers here and AO3, if you're still with me by the end of this fic, leave a comment and let me know if you would be interested in an epilogue or end scene with smut. I’ll post a reminder at the end, but keep it in mind while reading.
    And if anyone is interested in being tagged for future posts for this fic or any others I may post, please let me know and I’ll add you to the list! Thanks for reading <3
Chapter 1:
    “Jim, no!”
    Two words Jim had become most accustomed to hearing in their now almost four years in space. Also, the two words Jim had gotten very good at weaselling his way around.
    As their fellow crew mates piled into the loading bay around them, Jim laid a gentle hand on his best friends shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before saying, “Bones, I don’t know what you're so worried about. We’re going from the ship to the planet’s surface, nothing is going to happen.”
    “I already hate these flying metal death traps as it is, Jim, I don’t need the added headache of you on one of them alone.” Bones was near tomato red at the distress he felt in this argument, but Jim insisted it had to be this way. Didn’t mean bones had to like it.
    “I won’t be alone, Bones,” he smiled at his friend, “I’ll have fourteen other cadets on board with me.”
    Bones scoffed, turning away from Jim for a second before rounding on him again, “You mean fourteen fresh out of the academy cadets, who have no idea what they are doing, let alone what protocol is if something should happen! And I don’t see any of them in medical blues, so what good’ll that do ya?!”
    “Bones!” Jim exclaimed, chuckling a little, “I don’t know what you're so worried about? What could possibly happen in the short distance from here to there?”
    “Anything, Jim!” he threw his arms up, slapping them hard against his thighs, “Anything could happen in this god forsaken black nightmare! And if I'm not there to help you, who will?!”
    Jim couldn’t help but laugh, “Bones, why did you ever apply for Starfleet?”
    The doctor shook his head, he knew why, but it was the “who” that mattered in that equation. The “who” that kept him in line, that kept him focused, and who forced him to remain in the academy rather them turning tail and running for the hills like he had wanted to after his first flight simulation training. It was Jim, he was the reason why Leonard had made it this far. “Kid, I think you know exactly why I dragged my sorry ass all the way up here. Had a lot to do with an over adventurous and dangerously impulsive, sandy blond.”
    “Awe, Bones, you're making me blush.”
    He ignored Jim's comment as he continued, “Not to mention cocky, clumsy, accident prone-”
    “Alright, alright, I get it,” he shook the doctors shoulder lightly, bringing his eyes back to look at his own, “even though nothing is going to happen, I promise to be careful. Now, you just get on the smaller ship with Spock, Ny, Sulu, and Chekov, and I’ll take the new cadets and meet you down there, okay?”
    Bones furrowed his brows, still not happy with the outcome, but Jim was giving him no other option. “I don’t like this, Jim. I should be with you on that shuttle, just in case.” Jim only huffed a small sigh in response, “And why do you always have to be Mr. Fantastic? Let someone else take the kids alone, or at least let me come with you.”
    Jim turned his best friend, then pulled him into his side with an arm around his shoulder, “Because it would be nice to have some words of wisdom and guidance coming from their captain. Going on your first ground mission is scary, Bones, I want to make sure that they know they can trust me and come to me for help if they are scared. And I can’t bring you along anyways. There’s a rumour going around amongst the younger cadets about a certain grumpy doctor with an arm full of hypos ready to attack. They’re afraid of you, Bones, having you there staring them down wont help their nerves.”
    “My hypos are only for you.” Jim smiled at that. “But I guess you have a point.”
    Jim walked Bones to the door of the smaller shuttle, waiting outside for Bones to step in before he turned back to look him in the eyes once again, “Don’t worry, Bones, we’ll be right beside you, it’ll be fine.”
    “It better be,” he grumbled in typical Bones fashion, before clasping Jim on the shoulder, allowing his hand to linger for just a moment, then letting go as the door to the shuttle closed between them.
    When the door to Bones’s shuttle were fully closed and sealed, Jim turned and made way for the larger shuttle to his left. The shuttle that held fourteen fresh and nervous cadets, probably not ready for their first ever ground mission.
    Jim entered the shuttle, it was dead quiet, and every single cadet sat wide eyed and slightly pale in their seats. He knew it would be like this. Though the original crew of the enterprise was not given the luxury of a small and harmless field test, and were instead thrown into the crisis on Vulcan head first, he still expected nothing more then this.
  “Cadet Velnium,” he announced as he made his way to the front of the shuttle.
    “Aye, Captain!” A sharp looking young man stood quickly from his seat in a stiff salute to Jim, who smiled and shook him off.
    “Take us down to the surface, Cadet, follow behind Commander Spock's shuttle to our right.”
    “Aye, Captain!” the dark haired young man bounced past Jim and towards the helm, powering up the shuttle and waiting for the others to lead the way before following them out.
    As the shuttle cruised out of the belly of the Enterprise, Jim stood before the rest of the cadets, they needed something to get them through and ease their minds.
    “Cadets,” he began, all eyes instantly whipped up to meet his, “this is your first away mission, and I know you're all very nervous, but I have chosen one of the easiest missions the Enterprise has ever been sent on. So there is no need to be nervous. This planet has been previously visited by other federation ships in the past. If you’ve all read your mission statements, which I hope you have, you will have noted that the planets surface is non-hostile, with breathable oxygen, and no noted threats in the other ships logs. We are landing on the surface for approximately one hour to retrieve a handful of flora requested by the academy’s research department. Once we have acquired what we need, we will be returning to the Enterprise, mission completed. Any questions?”
    The shuttle remained silent, all eyes still fixed on him at the front of the group.
    He let go his most charming smile, making sure to give the cadets a second to take a breath and soak it all in before continuing, “Now, I know I'm your captain, but I don’t want that to intimidate you. Should you come into any trouble or have any questions at any time, I want you to feel comfortable enough to come to me with your concerns or suggestions. Here on the Enterprise we work as a team, as a family, and you are now a part of that. So, before we land, I would like you all to-”
    Before he could finish the shuttle was violently jerked to the left and Jim was sent flying into the opposite wall. Alarms started going off all around them, the shuttle suddenly being covered in a glow of red, and the screams of the cadets filling his ears.
    Jim instantly sprang into action, launching himself off the ground and planting himself in the seat beside his young pilot. He strapped himself in and commed the Enterprise, connecting Spock's shuttle to the call, “Kirk to Enterprise, we’re under attack, repeat, we are under attack and require immediate assistance. Do you copy?!”
    Scotty’s voice rang clear through the shuttle, “Aye, Captain! We see ya!”
    Spock's voice was the next to hit Jim's ears, before it was abruptly cut off by Bones screaming into the comm, “Jim, what the hell is going on?! Are you alright?!”
    “I'm fine, Bones… for now.”
    Jim's shuttle was hit again, this time hard enough to jostle them off path and away from the planets surface, “Shit!” he muttered as they took a third hit.
    “Jim!” Bones was still screaming into the comm, Spock clearly having given up, “You're way off course, we’re coming around for you!”
  “No!” Jim shouted this time, “You're close enough to the surface now and their ships are backing off your shuttle. Land on the surface and keep the crew safe, that’s an order.”
    Jim rarely pulled the captain card with Bones, he hated to do it, but he knew if he didn’t Bones would make sure that shuttle was turned around and the entire crew would be in danger. It was bad enough that Jim's shuttle was taking fire, he didn’t need two shuttles caught in the middle.
    “Bones, listen to me, please,” the channel went silent, the cadets behind him went silent, but he didn’t care and continued pleading his case to his CMO, to his best friend, “Please keep the crew safe. Get them to the surface and when the Enterprise tells you its safe then head back to the ship. After that, when it’s all clear and you’re safe on the Enterprise, then you can come get me, Bones, but not until you’re safe.”
    Jim felt like he was only talking to Bones now, not the rest of the crew, but Bones. Of course he cared about every single member of his crew, but he needed Bones to be safe, he needed him to be alive and well inside the walls of the ship. If he didn’t have at least that peace of mind, he wouldn’t make it through whatever he was about to face.
    “Jim, I…”
    “Spock!” If anyone would listen, it would be him.
    “Aye, Captain,” came the oddly comforting monotone of the Vulcan, “I will assure that the Doctor is returned to the ship safely, you have my word, Jim.”
    “Thank-you, Spock,” Jim’s shuttle was hit for a fourth time, sending them even further away from their ship, and with no where else to turn, they had no choice but to keep travelling in that exact direction, “Bones…”
    “I'm here, Jim!” The two of them sounded almost hysterical now, but Jim knew he had to hold it together as best he could for the cadets behind him.
    That was the last Jim heard from Bones or the Enterprise as their last hit knocked out all their comms. The only thing they could do was continue tying to outrun their attackers and hopefully find a safe planet to land on between here and there. The Enterprise was too far gone to help them now, and Jim had already made it clear that the shuttle containing the bridge crew and Bones was to be brought back on board before anything else was attempted.
    Jim took a subtle, but calming breath, and plastered on a brave face for the young pilot beside him as he continued to try and get comms back up, “Cadet Velnium.”
    “Aye, C-Captain,” came the shaky response.
    “We’re going to try to out run them, or at least stay in front of them until I can find us a safe planet to land on. You can do this, you were top of your class in flight training, so if anyone can get us to safety it’s you. Just stay calm and focus on your task.”
    The cadet gave Jim a brief nod, the shake in his hands becoming less visible as Jim's words of encouragement sunk in. Jim returned the nod and continued to work on the ships comms. Hopefully he could get something back up and running or else, if worse came to worse, the Enterprise would never find them, and Bones… he would never know what happened to him, and Jim wasn’t sure he could live with that guilt, even in death.
A/N: So that's chapter one! Let me know what you guys think and if you’d like to be tagged in the future :)
And I’m gunna tag...
Mckirk: @goingknowherewastaken @bi-e-ne
And I’m sure I’m mising people but with tumblr being a bitch recently I’ve lost a bunch of stuff, so if I’ve forgetten you I’m sorry and please let me know <3
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