#starcourt never happened in this btw
zipperrants · 7 months
Okay first: I woke up to 47 fucking notifications are yall okay?
second: and some of you may not celebrate it but happy fat tuesday/ Mardi Gras (if you're confused about this one I only celebrate this very catholic holiday because its the only holiday that both me and my mother who have a rocky relationship already can agree about)
third: My stranger things Dr. So in this dr I am the same age as Steve and Eddie and I should mention I scripted in my cousin because she and I talk a lot and I want someone that I know from my Cr in every reality so it almost always ends up being her. Well I wasn't really involved in much until 85 when Starcourt mall happened so I had like a vague idea of what happened before. Me and Eddie we're dating at this point btw. Well flash forword to the literal only fucking thing I forgot about, Chrissy's death (more traumatic than Eddie's driving and thats horrible btw) so me and eddie leave quickly, because Holy fucking shit a girl just floated into the fucking ceiling and broke everything, so we go to "reefer ricks" btw I had never met rick Eddie said he was cool but for the most part I told him that if he was dealing drugs don't tell me so I can have deniability. Well Steve, Robin, Nancy, Dustin, and Max found us and went to the store for us and all and the only things I really needed were pads and a pregnancy test because I was 2 weeks late and thats how I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I should mention that in this dr I am now 25 not 19 anymore so like yeah
fourth: if you do want more in detail stuff than that or have questions about any of my DRs just dm me or hit ask me anything
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sterlingarcher23 · 2 years
Hopper told us about El's future... and "Oh, I know. It's okay".
The song starts to play "in his head" at the exact moment when he smiles... He knows.
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First of all, they showed us this as the future:
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In case you did miss my Back to the Future analysis because that's what it is (and it's not the only thing, note the clocks related to Max and in Starcourt) here's a quick summary: The scene exists to A) show us the process from Max been blind, killed, revived and vanishing, El too, linking and reappearing fully linked and B) that this IS the future. Them, together. As a nerd of 80s media (and media in general) you know this movie and the Duffers use it as a reference. Like that El sat in a giant freezer in Nevada - that's Back to the Future that never was (fridge as a time machine & atomic explosion to bring it back). But I digress..
However, just try to forget traditional relationship thinking, Stranger Things isn't a realistic relationship drama, it uses supernatural elements as symbolism... (obviously). If they'd approach ElMax like a normal relationship and right away, I'd agree that this would be problematic to do especially because there's Lucas too etc. But it's not a "normal" relationship (besides there will be a time jump) and I don't mean that it's a queer relationship. It's just a love that spans two worlds so to speak. It's different, only in the mind, in dreams ... And so to speak will be symbolism for a queer relationship after all.
A time jump btw can give you an El without a relationship if that's needed but that's not what this is about: El constantly runs away, trys to be independent (Season 2 & 4), she doesn't have a steady relationship with Mike or a relationship at all. That "thing" between Mike and El. Even Hopper knows that this isn't a relationship at all.
She has no concept of this whatsoever. She didn't know what a friend is at the start let alone romantic love, she was kinda forced into this because that boy kissed her (actually he kissed a little "boy"), making her think it is romantic. El was never in a romantic relationship.
Besides: being alone and without a romance isn't a sign of independence. Independence means to make your own choices. And El choosing Max, which she technically did already, and sacrificing herself for her, that is the pinnacle of independence. Max taught her that "Not Hopper, not Mike", Max respects El's choices. And if this choice is to be with Max... It's still a choice. Choosing to be with someone is still independence. Making choices. Is it not? Or what?
"Without heart we'd all fall apart. Even El. Especially El." - "She places a hand on Max's chest. On her heart." (Script)
El will fall apart. Without her heart, El will die...
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The guilt will "kill" her. She'll sacrifice herself for Max.
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And Hopper saw it.
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And she'll live on...
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... right in here.
ElMax will happen because El will die. They'll fuse. ElMax in a literal sense. (The writers chose to spell it that way in the polls about releasing the revival script: Capital E, capital M = ElMax.) El can bestow memories, abilities... They'd share senses, thoughts, emotions, experiences, everything. It's the opposite of what Henry does.
El making that choice of sacrificing her life for Max: That's the point in this. It's not about what we would Ike to see but what's clearly going to happen.
El chose Max and not the audience.
Max waking up and being okay isn't a matter of if, Elmax come to be isn't a matter of if.. It's a matter of how. - No one wondering, asking the question "why" they became friends all of a sudden? Wasn't this odd writing? Or was it done with intention because there's a reason. A deeper reason that's not yet been revealed. (And there is) Sometimes the Duffers writing is odd, you ask yourself why they do these things even seemingly unnecessary things like the Russia plot that dragged so much. And Hopper's ankle. It seemed so useless. But is it? Or is it intentionally made this way?
A professor of the New York University says that analyzing Stranger Things in the way you analyze a show like "John Adams" is valid because it's on the same artistic level. And je was only talking about the cinematography.
This tweet.
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Or why use this song? "Someday love will find you. True love won't desert you?" That's a deliberate choice by the Duffers. And it's not so much about Lucas, yes, he's part of it, but more about El finding Max. She's centered, it's about her. And El to this point is the protagonist.
The general audience does not get this at this point but going back, rewatching after the revelation will make people notice these things.
True nerd media puts in a ton of references and sometimes, like the Back to the future franchise even foreshadowing that is there for people to discover long after the release. This is how the Duffers work: foreshadowing and revealing. They just took it to the next level: love stories that are foreshadowed and hinted at and certain scenes like the snowball you notice on a subconscious level to later be not that surprised when it actually happens. Character arcs, guys.
Foreshadowing ElMax and how they will end up, reveal them and then when people re-watch Stranger Things they'll notice these moments and learn to treasure them.
... sometimes I think I'm the only one who gets this.
I know I'm not but still: Many think in such traditional and, sorry, "conservative" ways on how this will play out... yes, you need a bit imagination, creative thinking, but it's not that hard if you have an understanding of how narration works. It's not "realistic" teen drama but a show using symbolism and metaphors and some get this and kinda still don't get it at the same time? I talked to a writer once (although calling yourself a writer is like me calling myself a journalist because I use social media - that's "legit" these days but : I am not. And if I was one, I wouldn't call myself that. I'm also not a professional writer. I'm a librarian. And even that doesn't tell you if I'm good at my job or not.) about this and I was stunned that this person was lacking the imagination that's needed for telling stories, that even the obvious way they showed us who will focus on what (Will > One ; Eleven > Max) , how you can make things work in a story and on screen was beyond comprehension. Is it my age? Is it the fact that I have seen a lot of things and how they work?
But then they accepted these other things already. The supernatural stuff with Vecna for example. Once you start telling them how this works for El it's crickets all of a sudden. 🤔 Maybe I am getting old? I've seen a lot. I've seen love stories been told within minutes. I've seen the stuff that the Duffers like (most of it) on VHS when this was a thing.
Some concentrate on story analysis, others on relationship. You need to connect those things. Really connect them, think "supernatural" and mystery, think Scifi and fantasy with love stories. And a message about queer love in general. That's obvious. It would be no message whatsoever if you keep things "subliminal". And revelations. It's the season of revelations.
This is how I approached this. Said it before that "was" (am?) GA. I didn't ship them, only wanted to understand "how".
How will Max wake up? And I understood. And then I found ElMax. And again: How? Why?
And then there was Hopper's dialog. How he felt that he took away choice from Sara, that he signed her death sentence. Hopper face this again, that's why they put in this monologue. And El is about choice. And this is why Hopper will give her choice by "opening" the door. Hopper will go full circle and face Sara once again (this is how David Harbor knows what's going to happen).
El's journey is Max. Plain and simple and they showed us this.
The scenes belong together:
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And Hopper knows.
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These scenes are connected. - It's not just her keeping the door 3 inches wide open for his return but it's okay to love Max. - That's what "It's okay" is (also and most importantly is) about. He even says "Oh, I know."
It doesn't get more obvious. Max started El's life - that's why El will give her's for Max - Max started her life, taught her that she makes her own decisions. (She's looking at Max right in this moment of dialog) and because she did so, it will be El's choice to do this.
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And Max was always part of Hopper and El. Note the color of the table cloth, the napkins, the light cable and then Max's jacket. She's there at the table with them.
In short: It will happen, it will make you cry. You may not like the thought but I'm not here to tell you otherwise, that's what this never was about, all I'll tell you is what will basically happen, not what you may want.
The writing is on the wall. - (And if this feels like I'm talking down to you, then sorry in advance)
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asbealthgn · 1 year
2, 16, + 77 for the fic writer asks! (for 77, choose any of your fics!)
thank you! questions are here
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
definitely write as i go! i have vague ideas for what i want to have happen at some point but i don't really plan much out. if i do it's just a really bare outline that i don't necessarily even stick to
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
there's like three i'm actively working on right now? there's hey, where did we go? which i'm working on the most and posting, then there's a darker monster!eddie one that i've been working on here and there. i may start posting that at some point when i have more of it done but i'm a little uncertain on it since it'll be pretty dark compared to anything else i've written. then i also have a pure smut fic that i'm working on that may very well never see the light of day bc i'm still embarrassed about posting smut O.O oh and i guess my big bang fic should also be counted on there? the first draft is pretty much done so i probably won't touch it again until after artist claims. then i also have several wips that i haven't touched in months so i doubt they'll ever get finished.
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
thank you for this question! i'm just going to copy and paste a scene from one of the fics i'm the proudest of (near wild heaven) (spoilers for it btw):
Steve looked over at Eddie, who was focused on the water below. The setting sun caught on his face, turning him golden. Steve didn’t think he could take it anymore. He was thinking of Robin over the phone, saying “Tell him, dingus.” He was thinking how he didn’t want to go the rest of his life without Eddie knowing how he felt. He was thinking, God, Eddie is so fucking beautiful.
“I love you.”
Steve felt his breath leave his body as time slammed to a halt. He saw Eddie blink, like in slow-motion, then look at Steve.
“What?” he asked. 
The words were out there. Steve couldn’t be a coward now. He had to do this. Eddie had to know. 
“I love you,” he said, “I’m in love with you.” He saw Eddie’s mouth open slightly but he barreled on because he had to say this now or he was never going to be able to. “I’ve been falling in love with you for the past five years, God, maybe even longer. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, not since the first time we kissed.
“I love how you are with the kids, I love your voice when you sing, I love your hair, and your rings, and I love your music even though I hate your music, and I love how fucking smart you are, and I love—God—I love you, Eddie.”
Eddie was looking at him in a way that made Steve’s stomach plummet. His expression—Steve realized it was the same exact way Robin had looked at him when they were curled up on the floor of that bathroom at Starcourt. 
“Steve,” Eddie said, voice soft and heartbreakingly gentle and all Steve could think was Oh, God, please, no, this can’t be happening again—
“Steve, I’m sorry,” Eddie said. And he sounded so deeply and genuinely sorry. Steve felt a pattern of fissures forming on his heart, spreading out through his whole body. “I don’t…” Eddie went on, “Listen, I care about you so much—”
Steve bent over the railing and put his head in his hands. “God, Eddie, don’t,” he groaned.
“No, listen,” Eddie said, putting a hand on his back. “I do, okay? I really fucking care about you. You matter to me, so much. I just don’t… I can’t give you that.” 
Steve lifted his head just enough to look at Eddie. His brows were knit together, face pained in the twilight. 
“I’m sorry, Steve,” he whispered.
The fissures in Steve threatened to break open. He took a shuddery breath and tried desperately to hold himself together.
thank you for the questions i love doing these!
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psychdelia · 3 years
christmas used to be billy’s favorite holiday. he loved setting up the tree every year with his mom, matching big smiles on their faces as she carried him to set the star on top. he would help her cook and bake, dance around the kitchen with her. she always surprised him with more gifts than he anticipated, and he would give her a card with messy handwriting and glitter and a drawing of the two of them with i love you mommy scribbled on the bottom.
and then she left and christmas joy was replaced with pain. his father screaming and presenting him with fists instead of gifts. and then max and susan came along and she was their little angel. spoiled with gifts and love while he received nothing but hurt.
billy hates christmas now. hates the holidays in general, but christmas the most. spends all day sulking, curled up in bed and crying. neil gets on him about it, maybe smacks him around before leaving him even worse than how he started. he lost all hope that maybe she’ll come back as a christmas miracle, scoop him up and take him away from all the hurt.
his plan for the day was to stay in bed. avoid the world. but then neil came barging in, demanding billy get off his ass and take max to the byers’ for a christmas party. he was stupid to think that he could catch a break after being forced to ‘celebrate’ with them yesterday, which essentially meant being forced to help susan in the kitchen and watch max get showered in love and gifts while he received nothing.
so he got up. threw on a dark green sweater, tight jeans and boots, still not nearly warm enough for hawkins winter. he silently drove max to the house, only looking at her when she didn’t get out after a minute of being parked.
“what.” billy spoke flatly, his first word of the day.
“come and hang out with us.” max rushed out, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her sweater.
billy just sighed.
“i’m not really in the mood to hang out with a bunch of snotty little shits, so,” he shrugged. “maybe next year.”
“it’s not just us! nancy and jonathan are there. and mrs. byers and chief hopper! and,” a pause. “robin and steve.” she added on quietly.
“max i don’t really think-“ he was interrupted by a knock on his window. he turned to find a very happy and smiling mrs. byers eagerly waving at them.
“come inside!” she urged as billy rolled his window down.
billy just looked at max and gestured towards the house, ignoring her dramatic defeated groan before she got out.
“you too!” joyce grabbed billy’s shoulder, smile faltering at the way he flinched, her touch unexpected. “max told me you guys already celebrated yesterday. what’s another celebration?”
“i don’t think it’s a good idea mrs. byers.” he replied with a small smile, hoping to charm his way out of this situation.
she sighed. “honey, it’s your second and probably last christmas in hawkins before you go to school back home.” she responded to his shocked expression with a sad smile. “we all figured you’d be applying to schools there. and max might’ve slipped up. don’t be mad at her! she’s just scared to lose you, is all.”
billy frowned and looked down at his hands. he hadn’t even told her he was only applying to schools in california. just trying to graduate and get the hell out of indiana, go back home.
“come on, kiddo. your sister would appreciate it.” a pause. “i’ll spike your eggnog.”
billy sighed, taking a few seconds to contemplate before getting out of the car.
“oh you must be freezing.” joyce rolled her eyes as she tugged at his sweater. “you kids and your fashion. you’re gonna get yourself sick like this. hawkins isn’t california!”
billy snorted. “duh.” he mumbled as she dragged him inside.
billy should’ve expected the stares. the guarded, confused and slightly angry expressions at his presence. he felt small, being glared at by nearly everyone in the room. he wanted to turn around, walk right back out that door. almost did if it weren’t for joyce stopping him in his tracks and holding his arm.
“oh, stop that you brats.” joyce huffed. “it’s christmas. be nice! and if you can’t be nice… no more cookies.” she smirked as they all groaned in protest in unison.
billy didn’t really care about the kids. he apologized to lucas not too long after that night, even agreed to the stupid deal to drive him around town and rev his engine to receive his forgiveness in full. it took him longer to approach steve, though. didn’t have the balls to do it until a couple months before steve graduated. he found him alone in the library, studying to get his gpa high enough to be able to graduate and get his diploma.
“can i sit here?” billy gestured towards the empty chair across from steve, who was glaring at him.
“only if you don’t give me another concussion.”
billy gnawed on his bottom lip as he slid into the seat, staring at the table and avoiding eye contact like a goddamn child.
it took him a minute to finally look up and spit out those two words he’d been meaning to say since that night. but it wasn’t the apologizing he dreaded most, it was the explanation and conversation that followed. he expected steve would ask questions, and shit did he have a lot.
billy kept his answers short, general. didn’t spill too much about all the shit going on in his life and in his head. steve didn’t look satisfied with his answers, but he eventually stopped asking questions. gave billy a stiff nod with a,
“yeah. fine. i accept your apology, i guess. just don’t fuck with me or the kids anymore.”
and that was that. billy kept his distance from them altogether. he occasionally carted lucas and max around for their stupid little dates, teasing them here and there. but it was never malicious.
now he stood right in front of the door in joyce’s house, itching to get out. lucas, max and her friends el and will were the only ones not staring at him apprehensively. the curly haired one was whining, asking why he had to be there, throwing in a few words he was probably too young to be saying. boy wheeler was following suit, making grand gestures and calling him an asshole. nancy looked just as prissy as always, turning her nose up. jonathan avoided eye contact. steve wasn’t quite glaring, but he didn’t look too happy to see him either. just because they were on okay terms didn’t mean they were on great terms. his girl robin didn’t seem too thrilled either.
“i’m just gonna..” billy pointed towards the table filled with drinks and snacks. he walked away as the commotion continued behind him, helping himself to the bowl labeled adult eggnog. he grimaced after the first sip before pouring himself a little more.
it was hard to make himself comfortable. he sat stiff and tense on the edge of the couch, as far away from everyone as he could get. the burn of the rum didn’t do much to heal the hurt in his chest, the pain of abandonment and grief he felt this time every year. he tried to tune everyone out, ignoring the kids yelling as they played video and board games, hopper as he snuck the teenagers more eggnog and beer, joyce as she continued to force feed everyone her christmas appetizers.
he found himself staring at the tree, messily decorated to the brim and a little lopsided. his gaze shifted to the walls, family pictures of just the brothers, then joyce and the brothers, and some including hopper and el. he was unconsciously playing with the chain around his neck, chest getting tighter and tighter. he forced his eyes away from the pictures to find jonathan helping joyce cook and set up dinner in the kitchen, laughing and smiling.
that was his breaking point. he set down his empty cup and sped off to the bathroom, scrubbing at his wet eyes. he shut the door behind him, pacing back and forth, trying to breathe through the lump in his throat. he eventually gave up trying to fight the tears off, a christmas tradition for him at this point. he eventually sat down in and slumped back against the bathtub, closing the curtains and shielding him from the rest of the world. he tuned out the music and chatter from outside, instead hugging his knees to his chest and hiding his face in his hands as he cried.
he knew he shouldn’t have listened to joyce. he shouldn’t have gotten out of his car and stepped foot into this house. he should’ve just gone home and lay in bed all day, much less embarrassing than crying in a goddamn bathtub with people right outside.
but here he was, trying to make up for lost time and bonding and memories with max, to show her that he cares and loves her and isn’t going to abandon her like his mother. and yet he was alone, abandoned and abandoning max in just 5 months. his chest hurt as he cried harder, tears freely slipping down his cheeks and staining his stupid sweater. he was nearly wheezing for air, not getting enough in between his sobs.
he must’ve been too loud because he didn’t hear the door open and shut. didn’t even know he wasn’t alone until steve pulled back the curtain, stunned to find him curled up there and crying.
billy wanted to snarl at him, glare at him with a smartass comment about the bathroom being occupied, but all that came out when he opened his mouth was another choked sob.
“shit, man, you don’t look so good.” steve spoke the obvious. “hargrove, you gotta breathe. don’t want you turning blue on me.”
billy turned away, shielded his face with his arms for god knows what. maybe he was expecting a punch, to be told he was a little bitch for crying like this. but all he received were hesitant hands gently prying his wrists away from his face.
“hey.” steve murmured, now only inches away from him. billy didn’t realize he climbed into the tub with him, kneeling before him in the cramped space.
“fuck off.” billy breathed out, all bark no bite, trying to pull his arms away from steve’s grip. but steve didn’t let up.
“why? so you can suffocate yourself to death in mrs. byers’ bathroom?” steve mused, rubbing circles into billy’s wrists with his thumb. “not gonna happen.”
“i don’t need-“ he choked up, words cracking as more tears unleashed. “i don’t need a fucking babysitter.”
“i know.” steve let go of his wrists, sitting back against the opposite end of the small tub. billy almost whimpered at the loss. was so glad he could will himself against at least one thing.
“what about a friend?” steve took in the way billy’s eyes shifted towards him, expression guarded. “look, man, you’re graduating and leaving next summer,” how many people had max told? “and you’re obviously going through some shit so i don’t see why i can’t at least try to help you through this so we,” he sighed as he gestured between them. “so we can be friends and not on bad terms anymore because i’m tired of having enemies.” he rushed out, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “i know what it feels like to want to leave this shithole, trust me. robin already applied to schools in cali too and i was maybe thinking about going with her and if we end up in the same place then maybe we can all be friends and help each other out.” he rushed out again.
billy just stared at him, bottom lip quivering pathetically. here steve was, offering to be his friend and follow both him and robin all the way to california. he’d be stupid if he didn’t take the offer.
“what? you following your little girlfriend out to cali for her to dump you on your ass like the last one?” billy was never too bright in the friendship industry.
“what? no. robin’s not - we’re not like that. we’re just friends.” steve frowned. “i already applied to some community colleges out there. but this isn’t about that right now.” he waved his hand dismissively. “you gonna tell me what’s up with you now? a secret for a secret?”
billy opened his mouth to try and reject the offer, to tell steve to fuck off again, but another sob wracked his body. he let out a frustrated groan through his tears as he scrubbed uselessly at his eyes.
“fuckin’ hate christmas.” he choked out, grabbing onto the saint necklace. his mother’s. “it-“ a whimper. “it was my favorite. at least until my mom,” he shut his eyes tightly, tears spilling out of the corners. “she just. up and left. left me with no note or explanation and a piece of shit father.” he exhaled shakily. “he beat her. and when she left..” he trailed off, gesturing towards himself. “there were no more fucking homemade pies or trees or gifts. just him. always drunk and angry every christmas, blaming me for her. then max and susan came into the picture and they had their perfect little family. celebrated every year.” the without me went unspoken.
billy hadn’t realized steve was inching closer and closer to him until he looked up from the bathtub and found steve inches away from him again, eyes big and sad as they looked over him.
“what are you-“ billy didn’t get to finish his sentence before he was enveloped in a big hug, the guy squeezing him tightly.
“hugging you.” steve mumbled into his shoulder, forcing billy’s face into the crook of his neck. in no time he was crying yet again, right into steve’s fucking shoulder.
steve was good at hugs. good at comfort. the way he rubbed all along billy’s back, one arm secured around his waist made him feel safe in a way he hadn’t in probably a decade. he let himself go again, freely ugly crying into his expensive and soft christmas sweater, clinging onto the material with weak, shaky fists.
“i didn’t know.” steve finally spoke after a minute. “shit, man, no one knows anything about you. i figured your dad was a hard ass after we talked about the fight but not that bad.” he pulled back just an inch, catching billy’s eyes with his own. “does anyone else know?”
billy shook his head.
“why don’t you tell hopper?” steve frowned. “that’s not normal or okay.”
“no point.” billy shook his head. “i turned 18 in november. can’t do jack shit now but wait until i graduate.”
“then move out.” steve said it like it was easy. like he could afford it, like he had anywhere to go.
billy laughed but it was more sad than humored.
“and where would i go?”
“with me.” steve’s response was immediate, no hesitation. “my dad’s always gone on business trips and my mom’s italian.” he said it like it was self explanatory. billy’s confused expression prompted him to continue. “she can’t stand bad parents and she loves company. you’re another mouth to force feed, too. she makes great pasta.”
billy shook his head. “i can’t just move in with you. what if they say no or-or it doesn’t work.”
“they won’t say no.” steve assured. “come on.” he urged. “it’s just one more semester and then we’re off to the golden coast.” he smiled dumbly. “it’ll work. trust me.”
billy went silent. thought about it for a minute. what it could be like to get out of that house. live and be friends with steve. go back home with him later on.
billy slowly nodded. “okay.” he mumbled. “okay.” he repeated again, louder and solidified.
they’d make it work.
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phireflies · 2 years
hii! Can you write about when robin and Steve are in the bathroom together in season 3, (reader and Steve is dating) and instead of talking about Nancy, robin asks about you instead and Steve is like “I think I found someone a little better for me” and then the reader walks in on them still a little high and she hears them and runs out but Steve doesn’t notice, the reader is crying and is laying on the ground staring at the ceiling and Steve and robin eventually come out and is like “what’s wrong?” and the reader is like “I’m so silly I thought we were honestly in love” and go from there. something along that line! I really like ur work btw it’s super good!
thank u i hope this is decent <3 i could not form a single coherent thought writing this so i hope it's not too... off.... also the ending sucks LOL (fem!reader, swearing, talk of getting drugged/beat up) | wc; 938
with a jerk, you woke up. you were alone in the theater. all you could remember was that steve and robin were with you, then black, and now they were gone.
you were out of it still. the drugs were still in your system, and being thrown around certainly didn't help your state of mind.
you tried to sneak off to the bathroom, half an attempt to find steve and robin and half an attempt to get the drugs out of you. you didn't make it, which led to you sitting outside of the bathroom slumped against the wall.
the drugs, and probably head injuries, had messed with your ability to hear things clearly. you were watching back to the future with audio cutting out, and you were well enough to know that it wasn't supposed to be like that.
you were almost passing out again when you heard a familiar voice coming from the bathroom. robin. it was quiet, almost to the point where you couldn't hear her, but it was undoubtedly her. if only you had enough strength to open the door.
you listened in.
"have you... ever been in love?" robin asked.. she was still coming off of her high. she was laying on the bathroom floor in a stall. steve was in the one next to her.
steve sighs, but it wasn't bad. he was thinking of you. "yeah."
your heart stopped and a wide grin found itself on your face. steve had never said that he loved you before, even though you had been dating for quite some time. that was the push you needed to stand up and push open the door, though it took some time.
you had stopped listening in.
"who? please don't tell me it's linda." robin groans. linda was one of the many girls steve had gotten with. steve told her linda was the one.
finally, you got to the door. almost like something was pushing it closed, you couldn't get it open more than an inch. that's when you heard clear as day, steve say;
"what? no, no i'm done with all that." steve says and robin hums as if to ask why. "i think it's because i found someone who's a little better for me."
suddenly, you were completely sober. everything that happened that night didn't matter because steve was done with you, he had found someone better.
you let the door close, not caring about whether or not they had heard. it didn't matter anymore.
as best you could, you ran away from the bathroom. your face was wet. it could've been tears or blood, but guessing by your blurry vision, it was tears. definitely tears.
fuck starcourt, fuck russians, and fuck them for using starcourt as their base.
you found your way back to the theater, but it wasn't without you stumbling into random theaters playing random movies.
"hey! where are steve and robin?" dustin shouted. he was outside of the theater with erica, pacing back and forth.
you shrug. "check the bathroom i guess."
"what's up with her?" you hear erica ask as you walk past. you needed to get out of there.
there was seating in the middle of the mall. you sat down. your whole body ached, along with your heart.
you laid down on a bench, staring at the ceiling. you wished it was all a dream, a very sick and twisted dream.
"hey there." you heard. finally, sleep had overcome you. a hand was on your arm, rubbing up and down slowly.
it was tough to open your eyes, but you did it. steve. his face was beaten up. his beautiful face.
"don't touch me." you whispered. your voice couldn't go above a whisper. you moved out of his reach.
steve's face softened. "hey, what's wrong? i mean, aside from literally everything."
you didn't laugh at his joke, just glared at him.
"i don't know, ask whoever you found that's better than me."
"what are you talking abou- oh. i didn't know you heard all that."
it was silent again.
"i thought that we were in love. i thought- i mean i know we've never said it, but it was there. i know it was there." you whisper. sleep did not help the drugs to wear off.
steve couldn't help but laugh. it hurt his face, but he laughed. "baby. look at me." he tried to move your head to look at him, but you swatted him away.
"stop it."
he persisted. "hey, it's not what you think, okay?"
you looked in his eyes, or as best as you could anyway. you blinked, waiting for him to continue.
"robin asked if i was in love, and i said yeah."
"i know that."
"but, if you would let me finish, i mentioned how it wasn't just some random girl. it was you. you're the better person for me." his hands found the sides of your face. he was mindful of your bruises and scrapes.
he knew that you weren't thinking clearly. steve was the most understanding person you knew.
"i'm sorry. fuck i'm- i'm so sorry." you apologize. you were crying again. you didn't even realize it until steve wiped a thumb across your cheek. "i'm being silly, i'm sorry."
steve laughed and pulled you into a hug. "very silly. but hey, we're okay right?"
you nodded. "yeah. i think i'm still... drunk or something."
that much was apparent. he laughed. "i know. let's get you cleaned up."
the whole situation was still fucked up, but steve was there to help you through it all, swollen face and all.
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beetlepuff · 2 years
No because imagine Robin Buckley knocking on mr.Hauser’s door nearing graduation day, and telling him that she finally has her list for operation croissant. Like her just all happy and smiley and he’s so happy for her and just yeah. I need more of this duo.
Ok i wrote this a while ago and it’s rlly bad because idk how to write but there’s a little one shot under the keep reading :)
“Robin Buckley, long time no see.”
“Mr. Hauser, hi. Yeah uh its been a while”.
“Well come in, come in.”
She walks in and doesn’t say much, just looking around and taking in the room she spent so many lunch periods in. “So how are the language tapes going?”
“Oh um good, good. I started learning Russian. I mean with everything going on i had to put it down for a while but I’ve been wanting to pick it up again.”
“That makes sense yea. So that’s French of course , Italian, ..spanish?”
“Spanish and pig Latin.”
“Right yes. Did i ever tell you how incredible that is”
She answers with an awkward chuckle
“Right so what brings you back?”
“what i cant just catch up with my favorite teacher before i graduate?”
She cant help but break out in a grin. “I have my list! My three people i mean- for operation croissant!”
And he has to admit he’s a little dumbfounded that she hasn’t stopped thinking about operation croissant. He thought that her slowly stopping her frequent visits meant things were getting better, but she does seem excited about her list. There was a time where he thought she might not find friends her age, friends that would stick around that is. It can’t hurt to encourage this more than he has- albeit indirectly- in the past “thats great! But I’m pretty sure the semester finished a little while ago” he jokes.
“Better late than never right” and god she just cant stop smiling
“Right” he chuckles. “So? Who are the lucky three, don’t keep me in suspense here”
“Okay okay this might seem a bit odd but- *sigh* idk last summer and spring break changed a lot- argh! Ok! Anyways! Steve Harrington- which, i know believe me i know, but he’s a really great guy i promise. He’s changed a lot since his high school days. And um Nancy Wheeler  🤭  -who is just full of surprises btw- , and Eddie Munson.!” Robin gave no more details on Munson, slightly scared of how mr.Hauser would react, but she trusts him, he wouldn’t judge either of them.
“How did that come to be”
“Well you see, it all started last summer when steve and i were working together at starcourt before yk.. everything. And we sort of just bonded? Ig? It- its hard to explain. But with him its like the hawkings monster-” ironic, she thinks, “- isnt that scary anymore. Like i can fully be myself around him and he wont judge. Oh! But its not- its not like how it sounds. We aren’t dating, god no. I love him but not like that. He’s a real dingus you know.”
“please Robin you know i know better than to assume the state of your love life”
“right. well uh yeah and then Nancy and Eddie sort of got closer over spring break. And i know its sort of an odd group but they’re really great. and they accept me, all of me. I wouldnt trade them for the world.”
“im really happy for you robin. seriusly.”
“Me too.  …um mr.hauser, do you remember what you told me, about the paper with the black dot, referencing-“
“the lottery. yeah, yea i remember..” silently asking why
“well. i dont know if you know- well you probably had an idea i guess but- i also pulled out the paper with the black dot. and im not scared of being stoned anymore. at least not by them.”
“well i cant say i didnt have any idea.. but as i said. i know better than to assume.”
“right, right. well what about you, and your hawkins monster.. and front row center?”
“oh, im good, that so happens to be going very well. sort of a safe heaven from my hawkings monster if you will”
“good. thats great im really happy for yo-”
sprinting footsteps pass down the hall, just passing the english teacher’s door, then reteating to peek their head inside “Rob? you coming?”
“yeah, just a sec nance” turning to her and smiling.
Nancy nods and turns to leave after a polite “bye mister hauser”
He lifts a hand to wave even though shes out of sight already “bye ms.wheeler” and turns back to robin
“Well i should get going, Steve is probably outside waiting.. he’s my ride.”
“Yeah no of course” He leaned back on his desk, watching as she smiled and opened the door. She’s at the door frame when he stops her “Robin.” She turns around with a lifted eyebrrow “im proud of you”
“Thanks. A-and I promise ill come by more, yk before i leave”
“Ill see you around kiddo.”
“Yeah :)” [exits].
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buckybxarnes · 2 years
I hate I hate soo much how they use Will's character
I really can't explain how much I hate that they use Will only as a prop for the other characters
I officially have lost all hope that they will give more protagonism to Will in season 5 the protagonism that he deserves
Will is the most useless character of this whole season and also of the 3rd and this makes me very angry, I know that not just because someone is your favorite character the show has to give them protagonism, I really understand it,  because sometimes it just can't happen either because of the character's history or just simply because it’s not a main character, but Will IS a main character his story carries too much weight for the duffers to ignore him the way they are doing it, that child was taken by a monster from another dimension he died in that dimension after being trapped for like a week, they rescue him ¡they revive him! and after they save him he spits out a slug that some monster put inside of him and also has this strange connection that makes him have a flashback from this giant black dust monster from another dimension aaaaand turns out that they are not flashback but are real and this monster can also see him, then this monster possesses him and leads many people to their deaths by falsely sending them to a place that is supposed to help defeat the giant monster thennn they take the monster out of him, and after all that trauma (which btw they never address it) it results that now he stays with this kind of sensor that he feels on his neck every time a monster is near which is completely useless.... .. I don't know what the duffer brothers wanted to achieve with this because until now that "sensor" or whatever it is has no use, I mean every time Will "feels" a monster close it has no use, every time that he "feels" makes no difference, it does not make the plot move, it is just confirming the obvious (like in Starcourt mall they show us that Will senses the giant monster on the roof of the mall but this is really useless because everyone else notices on their own). In season 3 Will literally could not have been in it and everything would have turned out exactly the same and now in this 4 season Will was only present to develop El’s and Mike's story, I mean almost all (and I really mean almost all) the scenes of Will this and in the 3rd season were shots of his face reacting to something and NOW they used Will's pure love to save Mike and El's relationship, I don't hate mileven I swear and this is not about byler but.... I can't understand the purpose of Will's painting if everything was going to redirect to another character, It makes me sick how they turned the whole painting thing that is supposed to be about Will's feelings into something about El and Mike, they massacred Will's whole story.
I hope Will turns evil in season 5 and kills everyone …… with the exception of Jonathan and Joyce (i'm joking but also I’m not joking)
P.S: this post probably has a lot of misspellings because I am writing this very fast and also because English is not my first language, but I hope you understood my point
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serendipitous-magic · 5 years
The Real Season 3 - A Complete Epic (Possibly Novel-Length) Rewrite By Me, Coming Soon
AKA, The Ultimate Fix It Fic.
Because it’s such a shame we never got a S3, so I guess I’ll just have to write my own! (And make it good, unlike some things that don’t exist.)
Some cliff notes:
-Will is the main character, and we actually get a fulfilling arc of his development and journey from S2
-Likewise, Mike is also a main character (and is actually MIKE instead of just Finn Wolfhard in 80s clothes) and gets a real character arc
-There’s a happy ending!! (With byeler!!)
-Dustin is actually part of the Party
-The Teen Summer Stuff still happens (surprise welcome-home party for Dustin; setting up Cerebro on Weathertop; going to movies; El and Max going to the mall; etc.)
-Instead of a weird CGI goo-monster, the Mind Flayer is just the Mind Flayer (the same Shadow Monster form we saw in S2), and the piece of it trapped in this dimension begins to possess rats at first (and, later, Billy - after it first attempts to take Will again, but fails)
-I’m cutting out the Russians. Like, entirely. A nearly identical plot function can be filled by previously established villains. There’s no Russian base under Starcourt, and no side plot of Hop punching (and murdering???) random Russian stereotypes - there is, however, a secret facility underneath the Starcourt Mall (but it’s like the New Hawkins Lab basically, disguised by the mall on top of it, trying to use the electricity hub to re-open the Gate because science (and Brenner may make a reappearance, since it was hinted at in S2 that he’s not actually dead))
-Jopper scenes happen and they’re not assholes to each other
-It starts out mileven-heavy, but then it addresses some of the inherent problems in mileven, and as the “season” goes there’s a shift from mileven to byeler (and, yes, Mileven breaks up - and, yes, we get endgame established byeler)
-Let me say that again: endgame established byeler by the end (and not to brag, but I have the most epic plan for their first kiss)
-Max and El get their friendship (plus possibly a little bit more?) and their girls trip to the mall, but without the bullshit “Oh, girls are a different species and buying them presents can win them back!” sidestory from the boys
-No Murray. I feel like his arc was finished and wrapped up in S2. He’s not needed.
-We get Byeler holding hands (without realizing it until after) as El fights Billy
-Nancy still gets her arc of being treated like shit at her internship and going after the story anyway, accompanied by Jonathan (encouraged by Karen, since Karen deserves to be a good mom), but there’s no “let’s play sexism for laughs!” bullshit
-We have our three main groups playing their different roles until near the end (the Party (including Dustin!!) dealing with Upside Down monster stuff; Nancy and Jonathan being reporters and solving a case; and Joyce and Hop uncovering some shady government shit.
-Oh yeah Will has powers btw. Which he discovers at Castle Byers. And he kicks ass.
-If my writing skills are to be trusted, the characters will actually act like themselves instead of like weird paper-thin caricatures of themselves - or at the very least, they won’t be unrecognizable.
-I have. The most. EPIC. Plan. For the Real Battle of Starcourt. With the Real Mind Flayer (the Shadow Monster one, since the goo-monster version doesn’t exist in this Real Season 3), and the Gate, and Will actually getting to face his abuser, and Byeler happening, and epicness, and just all-around I’m excited to write this. Especially after that non-existent season that we never got to see, amiright?
I’m legitimately excited to write this! Like, I’m not even joking: my goal is to fix Season 3. I want to give us all the Season 3 that we (and the characters!!) deserved, and I truly believe that I can do that. So I’m going to try. Put everything else on hold, I’m doing this. I will fix it. 
I promise.
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katecarteir · 5 years
You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to bc I know (and agree with) your ST3 feelings lol but I was going through your ST tag and got emo so,,,, 8. “Well…this is where I live.” for byeler? 🥺 ily btw
Byeler + #8: “Well… this is where I live.”
Author’s note: Logan! This got so long, I apologize lmao. Happy Stranger Things Day to Logan and Logan specifically. This plot has nothing to do with the prompt at all, but I hope you like it anyway! I needed to get my Mike feelings and dwellings OUT of my brain!
Warning: Vague notions of potentially suicidal thoughts (aka references to 1x06- the monster.)
Will didn’t need any sort of supernatural telepathy to know that something was off. He didn’t feel it like goosebumps on the back of his neck or a sudden shaking of his hands. It something deeper, an unsettled feeling in his stomach. A jumping, something just beyond what he was able to describe. Almost like being nervous but… nervous without a cause.
“What’s wrong?” El asked, sitting across from in cafeteria. Dustin, never far behind El these days, sat beside her with his face buried in a large bag of salt and vinegar chips. Despite the worry in his gut, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips at the thought of the disgusted face and fake gagging Lucas would dramatize at the sight. “You are being quiet today.”
“I’m always quiet.” Will said, slowing pulling the crusts off his tuna sandwich. Dustin pulled a disgusted look at the sandwich of choice, as though he wasn’t currently ripping the bag of chips open and licking at the salt directly from the inside.
El didn’t seem to so much as blink as she sat across the table from him. She was staring him down with unwavering intensity and Will knew what she was going to say before the words had a chance to leave her mouth. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Friends don’t lie.”
He chose to ignore that he and El were a little more than friends at this point. Since the… horrific events at the Starcourt Mall four months ago- the loss of Hopper- El had moved into the Byers House. After three weeks of sharing a bed, and sharing a bedroom since then, Will knew they had a connection that was much deeper than simply being friends. In the deepest, and most innocent of ways, El was his other half. Maybe friends didn’t lie, but Will couldn’t lie. Not to El.
“I just feel weird today.” Will said with half a shrug. “It’s not a big deal. It happens.”
El frowned, eye still narrowed. Will reached across the table and gripped her hand. Her expression softened, and she squeezed Will’s hand back even though he knew it wasn’t comfortable. Even over a year later, Will Byers still struggled to stay warm.
Lucas and Max loudly made their way over then, chattering (arguing? Sometimes it was hard to tell) and Will felt his heart sink when he realized that Mike wasn’t with them. El squeezed his hand once more before pulling away. Will thought maybe he saw her drop under the table towards Dustin, but well- Will wasn’t going to dwell on that. Everybody was entitled to their secrets, he knew all about that.
“Where’s Mike?” Will asked Max as she sat down beside him. Lucas, as predicted, had launched right into an argument with Dustin over the empty bag of chips. Max rolled her eyes at them, and immediately turned to grab fries of Dustin’s tray while he wasn’t paying attention.
“Dunno.” Max said through a mouthful. Will frowned and her could feel El watching them. “Asked to go the bathroom halfway through last period and never came back. Guess he took off.”
“Mike wouldn’t do that.” Will said loyally. Lucas and Dustin’s debate slowed to silence and El stared down at her hands. Max was looking at Will almost sadly. Because Mike had been doing stuff like that lately. 
“Well, where could he go?” Will asked heavily, leaning forward on his elbows. He rested his chin on his tightened fists. “It’s not like he’s going to go home in the middle of the day. If he’s not here, where would he go?”
Nobody had any answer for him, and the table was quiet for a moment before Dustin caught Max attempting to steal more fries from his tray and they quickly fell back into chaos. Will continued to shred the bread into tiny pieces and they tossed the baggie into the garbage as the bell rang for class.
“Hey, Will.” Dustin called after him. Will turned around and frowned. He’d thought he’d been trailing behind the rest of his friends but it seemed while he had been lost in his own thoughts, he’d walked a little faster than he’d thought. Dustin was walking towards him, El by his side. Her arm was definitely linked with Dustin’s, cheek against his shoulder in an all too familiar stance. Will raised his brow at her and El smiled shyly.
Not ready to talk about it. Will could understand that.
“What’s up?” Will asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Dustin cleared his throat, scratching at the back of his head with the hand that wasn’t currently in El’s grip. “I think I might know where Mike is.” Dustin said, voice low. Will took a step closer to hear him better. “I mostly pretend I.. don’t know he goes there. But before I tell you, there’s something else you need to know first.”
Will looked between Dustin and El, Dustin looking in dead in the face and El staring off slightly in the distance with an angry frown on her face. . “What is it?”
“It’s uhm.” Dustin swallowed roughly. “When you were… missing… something happened. With Mike.” Will felt his breath begin to pick up, and El’s gaze jerked up from the floor to look at him. “Lucas doesn’t know, either. Things were just really crazy, and by the time everything had calmed down, and you were back and El…” A pained expression came over Dustin face and he cleared his throat again, eyes dropping away from Will’s for the first time since he’d started speaking. “Mike didn’t want to bother you guys with it, and I didn’t think anything of it but. I don’t know if he ever got over it.”
Will glanced between Dustin and El again, willing himself to breathe normally. “What is it? Dustin, seriously, just tell me, just-”
“Mike and I ran into Troy at the top of the Quarry cliff.” Dustin spit out. “The same one the police were saying you fell off and drowned. El had made Troy piss himself in front of everybody at your service for upsetting Mike-” El gave a half smirk, and Dustin matched it-”and he was so pissed. He grabbed and he pulled a knife. He threatened to cut my baby teeth out if Mike didn’t jump.”
“Jump off the Quarry?” Will asked, voice feeling stuck in his chest. “That’s…”
“Psychotic?” Dustin said darkly. “Yeah. It is. I tried to beg him not to jump, but-”
“Wait, he jumped?” Will squawked, then looked around wildly. The cafeteria had completely emptied and Will shook his head. “He jumped off the Quarry? How is he even alive? This doesn’t make any sense-”
“I saved him.” El interrupted Will’s panicked rambling. “With my powers. I held above the water and brought him back up to the top. I saved him.”
Will held eye contact with El for a long time, matching pained expressions on their faces. The difference being, El was from memories and Will’s were from horrified images drawn up from his imagination.
“He didn’t so much jump as just…” Dustin pursed his lips. “He just walked up to the ledge and stepped off. One second he was there, and the next he was disappearing into thin air. And Troy was holding me back, I couldn’t get to him if I tried. I thought he was gone, man.”
Will’s stomach was fully in his throat now, hands shaking at his side. El reached out and took Will’s shaking hand with her free one, uniting the three of them in some sort of half circle.
“I saved him.” El repeated firmly. “I saved him. He’s okay.”
Will nodded and closed his eyes. Images flashed in his mind, getting back from the Upside Down to find out Mike had died while he was gone. He wasn’t sure he could imagine anything worse, having to go through everything that came after without him. Or maybe he never would have gotten back at all, without Mike.
“But he still goes there. I think.” Dustin said quietly. “He said something once, after the mall that made me think but I never knew how to bring it up. But if you’re looking for him, that’s where he might be.”
Will nodded and forced himself to return the smile El gave him as they walked out of the cafeteria. Will sighed. Looks like he wasn’t going to be making it to his afternoon classes, either.
He skidded to a stop near the top of the cliff, and he spotted Mike immediately. He was sitting up at the top, legs dangling over the edge. Will walked towards him, slowly to not startled Mike over the edge. There was no El here to catch him, and after Starcourt… she couldn’t even if she needed to.
“Go away Dustin.” Mike said. His voice was deeper than usual, thick with what Will knew must have been tears. Will’s heart clenched in his chest.
“It’s not Dustin, Mike.” Will said softly.
Mike flinched slightly and turned away from the edge, looking up at Will with big, wide eyes. “What are you doing here? Your mom is going to be so freaked when you find out you bailed out in the middle of the day.”
“And yours isn’t?” Will inquired, taking a seat next to Mike with his feet dangling off the edge of the world. “You know what I was thinking the whole way over here?” Will asked and Mike hummed in response, stubbornly not looking at him. “I was thinking that the worst thing I could imagine was if I came back from the Outside Down and you weren’t here.”
Mike squeezed his eyes shut. “Who told you? Dustin or El?”
“Both?” Will said with a forced laughed. “They’re sort of a package deal now, if you hadn’t noticed.”
Mike crinkled his brow, opened his mouth then shut it quickly.  “Why did you come here?” He asked. “You shouldn’t have come. I’m just. My sister calls it agonizing.” He said the last word in higher pitched, but almost cripplingly angry voice.
Will wanted to reach out to hold his hand, but couldn’t. Best friends since kindergarten or not, but Mike wasn’t El and Will couldn’t just hold his hand. “You guys are fighting again?”
“No.” Mike said shortly. “It’s not- this isn’t about anything, I just.” Mike shook his head. “Well.. this is where I live.”
Will frowned. “What?”
Mike squeezed his eyes shut and his bottom lip shook. Will’s hands twitched in his lap, desperate to give comfort he didn’t know how. “It’s like. I didn’t hit the water but I never really came up either. It’s so stupid that after everything we’ve been through, all the monsters and bullshit we’ve seen and been through- it’s the water coming up to greet me I dream about.”
Will through his judgment away as he tossed an arm around Mike’s shoulder. He squeezed Mike tightly and tried to ignore how his best friend shook beside him.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Mike said. “I can’t believe I’m crying to you about this like a bitch. You’ve been through so much, all of you have, and I can’t even-”
“It’s not a race, Mike.” Will said softly. “We all went through stuff and we help each other. Okay? We can’t help you if keep it from us.”
“No, I just-“ Mike hands were shaking between his knees and Will rubbed at Mike’s back. “It’s like I went into the Upside Down at all, or like my dad died or my brother or I got kidnapped by Russian spies or-”
“Stop.” Will said sharply. Mike whipped to look at him, guilty. “You’re not any less of a victim then any of us.”
“I am though.” Mike said so quietly that Will almost didn’t hear it.
He grabbed Mike by the shoulders and tugged him to look at him. They sat nose to nose. “Don’t say that. You lead everybody to find me when I disappeared. You watched the girl you love disappear into thin air and spend an entire year being the only person who still thought she was alive.”
“I saw them pull your body from the water.” Mike said, eyes dancing over Will’s face. Will’s heart nearly exploded in his chest. “We all did. Lucas, Dustin, El.. We were all there and they found you. You were dead and I… I didn’t even know how I supposed to keep existing. What I was going to do next.”
Mike swallowed roughly and turned away, looking over the across the almost black water. “That mouthbreather Troy told me to jump and I looked down and I thought. Maybe you were dead. Or you weren’t and we’d never find you and that would be my fault. For chasing El away, for getting rid of the chance to find you.”
Will stared at Mike’s face, mouth half open.
“I don’t even remember jumping, Will.” Mike said in a broken voice. “I just remember thinking you were gonna die, and then the water was coming up to my face.”
Will let out a short, rough breath and grabbed Mike’s face. He kissed him quickly, so quickly that he pulled back before Mike even seemed to have reacted to what had happened.
“I’m right here.” Will said, tears in his eyes. “I’m here because you never gave up on finding me or helping me after you got me back. Okay? So this thoughts, wherever they come from, and whatever they are… we can past them but you have to talk to me. Or El. Or Nancy… somebody… Okay?”
Mike was staring at Will with a dazed expression.
“Okay?” Will pressed him again, squeezing Mike’s shoulders.
“Okay.” Mike breathed out, nodding once. He and Will held eye contact for a long moment before Mike’s nose crinkled up. “Wait. What were saying about Dustin and El?”
Will laughed.
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harringrov3 · 5 years
Harringrove | Spooning
Hey, I’m sorry if this sucks, i wanted to write something cute.. I also uploaded this on AO3. If you want to you can leave some kudos, i’d appreciate it. (btw I used to write lot of fanfictions on wattpad but I’ve never written fluff, so this is my first fluff lmao. bear with me) ___________________________
It’s been a month after the battle of starcourt. It was easier for people, because they thought the mall burnt down, but for others, who were involved and saved Hawkins, and probably the world, struggled. They struggled, but continued to live. 
It’s been a week since Billy’s been discharged from the hospital. He spent all his time in his room, smoking and listening to loud music. He wouldn’t talk to anyone. Even when he was hospitalized, he barely spoke to others. Joyce, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and the kids, even Susan, would often visit him at the hospital. 
On his first day back home, Billy woke up screaming. Even thought, it’s been a month after the battle of starcourt, Billy was not over it. He was scared. All this time he was being asshole to these kids, while they were going through some supernatural shit. 
It was Friday night and Neil came home drunk. He barged in Billy’s room and started to complain how Billy was huge disappointment and useless piece of shit. That night Billy cried himself to sleep, only to be woken up by terrifying nightmare at 5 in the morning. Of course his screams woke up the whole house and Neil kicked him out. 
Billy had nowhere to go, so he got in the backseat of his camaro and spent the whole night there.
The next day, when Max got home from Byers’, somewhere around 10 pm, she walked in on Billy getting a blanket and pillow from his bed, so he could sleep in the car. 
“You don’t have to do that” Max says to him. 
“If I sleep here and wake up screaming again there is no chance I’m ever gonna step in this fucking house” Billy says and walks out of the room, but Max stops him.
“I talked to Steve...” She says. Billy furrows his eyebrows and asks “About what?”
“His parents are never home, so I asked him if you could stay with him. He said it was no problem and you could crash at his place anytime.”Max said, playing with her fingers. 
“I’m not homeless Max, I don’t need to crash at his place” Billy got mad and brushed against Max as he walked by and positioned himself in the backseat of his car. 
It was windy and very cold for August. Billy tried to fall asleep, but he couldn’t. Something was bothering him, he wasn’t feeling safe, so he got in the driver’s seat and drove to Harrington’s. 
It was two in the morning when Billy got there. He banged on the door couple of times before he was greeted with sleepy Steve. 
“Max said I could... that I..could..”
“Yeah, come in, Hargrove” Steve said and opened the door widely for Billy to go inside. He led younger boy to the guest’s room and then went in his own bed. At around 5, Steve woke up at screams coming from the guest’s room. Steve jumped out of his bed and ran to Billy. Billy was covered in sweat and he was panting. “Shh,It’s gonna be alright”Steve reassured Billy and did something both of th boys never expected would happen...Steve wrapped his arms around Billy. “It’s gonna be alright” He said again and Billy fell asleep in the older boy’s arms. 
On the second day of staying over at Steve’s Billy couldn’t sleep. He was tossing and turning in the bed. Billy walked out of ‘his’ room and walked towards Steve’s. Much to his surprise, Steve was awake, lying on hi bed and reading a book. 
“Uh.. hey” Billy said awkwardly
“Hey...” Steve said “Couldn’t sleep?” 
Billy shook his head. “Me neither” Steve sighed and put the book aside. 
“Can...can I s-sleep with you” Billy awkwardly asked. It was weird for Steve but “sure” he said and moved on the one side of the bed. Billy laid down next to Steve and pulled the blanket over his body. The boys were sharing the blanket. 
“Lights on or off?” Steve asked. “On” Billy yelled. “Uh.. sorry” He apologized softly. “It’s okay.”
Billy curled up in a ball, his back facing Steve. Steve looked at the boy lying next to him. “Are you cold?” He asked when he saw Billy slightly shaking. “A bit” Billy said. Steve moved closer to the younger boy, wrapping his arm around him and spooning him. They were so comfortable that both of them fell asleep so fast. 
The next nights, they keep doing the same. Billy would go to Steve’s room, asking if he could sleep with him. Steve would give him a huge smile and say “sure.” Then both of them would fall asleep, with Steve spooning the younger boy.
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ao3feed-byeler · 4 years
She Keeps Me Warm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OQe2UK
by lxvelybyers
After what happened at the Starcourt Mall, Joyce seriously believed that she'd never find her happiness again. Especially not in Hawkins, the town she was so relieved to finally get away from. But the kids wanted to see their friends again, it was the only thing they've wished for ever since they moved. How could Joyce resist there? Right, she couldn't. And so she found herself driving their car back to Hawkins, kids in the back, suitcases with them, and her anxiety becoming worse with every mile they drove.
--------- After realising that almost every Karen x Joyce fanfic is a smutty lesbian oneshot, I decided to give these two babies their own story with an actual plot. Even tho I'm actually team Jopper, Joyce and Karen will always own a part of my heart.
Set after season 3 AU: Hopper is really dead in this one. I'm honestly so so sorry, I broke my own heart writing this too, but it's important for the plot :( Title is from the song "She Keeps Me Warm" by Mary Lambert.
Words: 2794, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Joyce Byers, Karen Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper (mentioned), The Party (minor)
Relationships: Joyce Byers/Karen Wheeler, Minor Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler - Relationship, minor will byers/mike wheeler - Relationship, minor Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield - Relationship
Additional Tags: Lesbian Relationship, Sad Joyce Byers, Supportive Karen Wheeler, Bisexual Joyce Byers, Lesbian Karen Wheeler, there's gonna be smut, but only light and not in the main focus, it takes a while until we get there tho, Anxiety, hints of depression, Joyce can't cope with what happened in season 3, Karen is there to help, AU: Hopper is really dead, I'M SORRY BUT IT'S IMPORTANT FOR THE PLOT, Girls Kissing, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Joyce hates herself so much in this :(, I'm Sorry, Oh btw Joyce / the Byers fam is Jewish
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OQe2UK
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She Keeps Me Warm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OQe2UK
by lxvelybyers
After what happened at the Starcourt Mall, Joyce seriously believed that she'd never find her happiness again. Especially not in Hawkins, the town she was so relieved to finally get away from. But the kids wanted to see their friends again, it was the only thing they've wished for ever since they moved. How could Joyce resist there? Right, she couldn't. And so she found herself driving their car back to Hawkins, kids in the back, suitcases with them, and her anxiety becoming worse with every mile they drove.
--------- After realising that almost every Karen x Joyce fanfic is a smutty lesbian oneshot, I decided to give these two babies their own story with an actual plot. Even tho I'm actually team Jopper, Joyce and Karen will always own a part of my heart.
Set after season 3 AU: Hopper is really dead in this one. I'm honestly so so sorry, I broke my own heart writing this too, but it's important for the plot :( Title is from the song "She Keeps Me Warm" by Mary Lambert.
Words: 2793, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Joyce Byers, Karen Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper (mentioned), The Party (minor)
Relationships: Joyce Byers/Karen Wheeler, Minor Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler - Relationship, minor will byers/mike wheeler - Relationship, minor Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield - Relationship
Additional Tags: Lesbian Relationship, Sad Joyce Byers, Supportive Karen Wheeler, Bisexual Joyce Byers, Lesbian Karen Wheeler, there's gonna be smut, but only light and not in the main focus, it takes a while until we get there tho, Anxiety, hints of depression, Joyce can't cope with what happened in season 3, Karen is there to help, AU: Hopper is really dead, I'M SORRY BUT IT'S IMPORTANT FOR THE PLOT, Girls Kissing, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Joyce hates herself so much in this :(, I'm Sorry, Oh btw Joyce / the Byers fam is Jewish
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OQe2UK
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