uzukibeans · 4 months
at first glance i thought the fixation on till’s neck was a sly joke about a/b/o, a genre heavily based in bl works, in the same cheeky way ivan’s name is a play on korean lgbt slang.
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but the recurring motif of strangulation, how till's relationships (excluding his infatuation with mizi) are largely characterized with him being the object while the other is the subject; how him being on a leash, not just a collar, is quite literally one of his defining visual traits...
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it reminds me of shakespeare's othello, where the titular character strangles his wife to death in a fit of jealousy over her alleged infidelity... the results of round 6 almost feel like a subversion of that play, where the leading artwork, esp the red one, seemed to suggest that ivan would strangle till in an act of possession, but it ended up as just the opposite.
but i wonder if there's more symbolism we can extrapolate if we hypothesize that some of the imagery are allegories to othello...
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shakingparadigm · 4 months
my personal guesses on the popularity rankings of the main 6:
1. Luka (undisputed)
2. Ivan
3. Sua (almost tied with Ivan)
4. Till (offset by his amount of haters)
5. Mizi
6. Hyuna
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uh-oh-its-bird · 6 months
Alien stage / Starwars crossover where a very traumatized and very angry Till escapes the stage and gets tangled up in the clone wars. I want him to beat a sith half to death w a guitar.
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*Throws Alien Stage x Honkai Star Rail AU concept/character design sketches at you and leaves* 🚪🏃‍♀️💨
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Oh! Luka is a Halovian and Till's a Sigoni in this AU cause....cause why not? (Totally not in relation to anything no sire) Anyways,
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grand-army-radio · 4 months
This one goes out to the 501st.
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librarisxng · 2 years
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unshallow-feelings · 18 days
look, unshallow feelings, it's a shooting star go make a wish !!!
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alienssstufff · 21 days
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aliens stages
[HYUNA] all her canon art has triangular features like Till, I made them slightly softer here. I also wanted to make the colour of her eyes this glassy far-away look to counter Luka’s
[LUKA] Messy, lots of waves (and a halo shine) to counter Hyuna’s shapes. He got bedroom eyes that look like headlights he’s kind of intimidating that way. There’s a bit of purple gradient for his condition.
[TILL] POINTY. The intense glare in his eyes are his best feature. The red pupils a homage to Round 2 and Round 6.
[IVAN] a neatly kept squareee, his canon design has such a defined jawline. Has a star shine reference to the sky from Black Sorrow. I like the little rhinestone sequins they put on him in that one photoshoot. His eyes remind me of cameras.
[SUA] she’s the first alnst I’ve ever drawn actually. Moon shine to match Ivan’s they are similar in a way but not. Roundest face with the prettiest eyes imo.
[MIZI] Wavy hair like jellyfish and the tinge of purple highlights . Epitome of 🥹 emoji. Her canon design has really long lashes.
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timmie-p · 7 months
april fools post translation 👍 * indicates i have notes on the translation if you want to read below
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Hyun Woo —> He stopped acting in his childhood but is currently working on ALNST as a lighting crew member. Worries about his dull, slow sister
Hyuna —> The last and youngest of the ALNST cast to debut! Her real personality is gentle and innocent
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Mizi —> Fan favourite among the actors. Shy personality and very nervous about her first leading role
Sua —> The feisty actress is popular among her co-stars, thanks to her nonchalant friendliness
Sua: Great job on the shoot today. I’m sure Director Kim was only speaking so harshly because he was worried about your safety, so don’t take it personally.
Mizi: Yeah.. ((It’s sunbae!!! What should I do! What should I do!!))
Sfx: Thump thump thump [heartbeat sound]
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Ivan and Luka are actors from a different agency. They’re also in an idol group together (for the record, Luka hates it)
Ivan —> Ivan loves kids and voluntarily takes care of them
Luka —> Luka is Ivan’s best friend, so he’s forced to babysit with him
Baby Till —> Baby Till for flashback scenes
Baby Mizi —> Baby Mizi for flashback scenes when the kids are older
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Till —> Till, the youngest in the series, is actually the oldest in the cast and debuted with CF before he could even speak in a diaper commercial. Till has a strong “my pace”* persona. He just wants to quickly wrap up the shoot and go home. His dark circles are from overwork, not make-up.
Others —> Three people who want to approach their mysterious** senior but can’t
Ivan: ((Lamenting over delays..?))
Mizi: Want me to talk to him?
Luka: Yeah
Till: ((I want to go home))
Sfx: Spacing out~
*according to namu wiki, either someone who’s strongly independent and doesn’t care what others think or someone who’s always chill
**according to namu wiki, the adjective translates to a famous person who deliberately keeps their private life secret. i just went with mysterious bc it directly translates to “mystic”
i didn’t choose to translate sunbae in Mizi’s thoughts because it sounds weird and most of you probably know what it means anyway
lol it looks like everyone’s personalities were flipped. does that mean ivan actually hates kids? and till as the cool mysterious senior everyone is scared to talk to vs hyuna as no thoughts head empty is kinda funny. i have a feeling ivan and luka are shipped together a lot by fans in this au.. the woes of being besties. also mizisua is always canon 🙏 theyre so yuri
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absha120420 · 3 months
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sing a little louder for the ghosts to hear can ya
Design notes:
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I knew Mizi would be the centerpiece from the get go, since she’s the star of the show (main character and allat) but I also wanted to balance the other characters depending on how important they were or if they operated within the system or not.
For example, ivan&till do break the rules in their rounds but remain entrenched within the system, except ivan… yk… tragic pride month and allat means he can break out a little.
Luka is firmly within the box, as are all the other contestants. Hyuna has escaped, so most of her is outside the box, the dark side and black horse of the stage. Sua is in the background because I guess this poster takes place after Round 1, idk, the dead aren’t costars
Kinda wanted to give Mizi that Virgin Mary glow effect since she’s so dear and even worshipped by the others
Till and his lighting was very difficult, I wanted him to be like Ivan’s candle? But also having some light reflected from Mizi. Hard to balance
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mozzbuns · 6 months
✮ Alien Stage Ponies ✮
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ALNST Pony AU Basics!
Mizi: Unicorn → Alicorn, Sua: Pegasus, Ivan: Seapony, Till: Earth Pony
Luka: Changeling, Hyuna: Earth Pony, Issac: Earth Pony, Dewey: Earth Pony
Cutie Marks: Mizi (Bouquet), Sua (Sleepy Rabbits), Ivan (Star/Moon), Hyuna (Claw Marks), Till (???)
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dropswand · 3 hours
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She is Till's ray of hope on this round. He resigned himself to dying, he gave up practically. Choked in regret and misery, he was alone- Mizi was missing, likely dead and is dead.
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The way his eyes light up ans he regains vitality. He was overwhelmed and felt truly alone, like in Rouns 6 he resigned hinself to dying. But this time, it felt like he was mentally at the brink too, because of round 5 and 6.
Seeing Mizi was like a wake up call to him- a spark and miracle. The push he needed to snap put of it.
He loves Mizi.
It may not be reciprocated, romantically, but the care is mutual.
The round is practically over though, but Till has regained his spark- the same spark that makes him able to fight aginst aliens and win for a few seconds before they put him on a leash again.
And Luka realises this.
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Till is driven by emotions, and in the blink of an eye can drastically change actions and make multiple moves when motivated and charged.
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This scene shows how Mizi and Till are eachothers final hopes.
This round is called Final, not for it being the end of this alien stage- not with out special guests here. But it's the end of what these 2 jad left.
Alien stage is cruel, and it presented multiple instances of false hope. It repeats again and again.
With tbe aliens believing Ivan would win, until he gave it up and in a blink was gone.
With Mizi and Sua beleiving they could tie, and the brief second they felt they did, until in a blink Mizi got 1 more point and Sua was gone.
For Hyuna, who once had both her brother and Luka one moment and seemingly the next lost it all, and by the hands of someone she trusted. Evrrything she had, gone seemingly in a blink.
Hope is fleeting in alien stage. And I feel like it's why the things in the back are also temporary means of happiness shown repeatedly- such as the shooting stars Ivan enjoys and finds peace in, and the flower crown that had its own background story in the mvs with Mizi and Till. Thsy taper off and die or pass eventually. But they're watched carefully by wide eyes.
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It repeated, that joy and hope lost in the matter of seconds.
Blink, gone.
Except, Mizi and Till didn't blink. They watched, eyes wide and focused, and perhaps its thar focus and consumation of hope and emotion that doomed them to barely meet eachothers hands and escape the shot in the crowd.
There is no hope, in a cruel alien stage.
And it's ironic that as always, Till feels like he's won for a few seconds when acting against the aliens, only to lose to them a moment later. This time it's permanent.
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crustyfloor · 2 months
What is this horror that I just woke up to
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Firstly, Luka's tattoo has finally been revealed (too bad it's not where I theorized it was...) Unlike the others, one detail is stark this time, that being that he was awake during the entire process. He's not even lying down when it would probably be less (by a pinch) painful, and more efficient if he did. He's watching. Even helping by keeping his shirt up.
And it seems he is still maintaining his heart rate even through the pain.
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(And, expectedly he is thin so this would've hurt a lot more. I wouldn't be surprised if keeping him awake was to benefit his ability of endurance)
And we have his mugshot too. there are a lot of scribbles on his page so I tried to decipher the two clearest ones to me
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LUKA - 010401 (His ID number)
And alongside that, we finally have the full cast tattoo process. (save my Till loving heart what are they doing to him.) HyunA and the girls on the top and Luka and the boys on the bottom.
On the topic that the Aliens in ALNST are horrible and can't be bothered to even put the pet humans to sleep while going through such a painful process, it doesn't look like Ivan is spared either and was also awake. otherwise, I don't know how he maintained that grip.
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There's no telling for sure yet but his grip looks loose, perhaps he has a good pain tolerance.
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And Till's picture. I think that's a full-body restraint right there (Like a straight jacket) If he was awake the whole time too then that's probably to be expected. There also seem to be wires around his face? a mouth gag? I can tell his is just...gonna be horrible to look at. (I am going to cause a scene. bashes my head against the concrete ARGH)
And we have everyone's mugshots, Sua -> Mizi-> Till -> Ivan -> Luka -> HyunA
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(These were especially hard to read 💀 but they all seem to have their own signatures on their own pictures )
Sua (x2) - 1132 (in the circled area) - 020201 (That's close to her ID number- 020211.) - The rest is indescribable except for the "No"(?)
Another interesting part of this, we're shown Till's part of the Season 50 data book. A lot of the text is scribbled out.
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Lyrics to unknown Till the end (And something scribbled out on the top) it looks like a draft copy. I can't tell if much changed from the version we have today..just got to see when the full version is out.
I tried to decipher as much as I could, take this with a grain of salt but his profile (left) is more of a teacher's note, one of his flaws being that he's aggressive, and he has a strong suit in performance. (Heavy emphasis on practicing music because his performance is his strong suit)
The C might be his overall grade, his only passing class was music.
(So many star scribbles..Mizi liked stars)
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The album cover looks like a Brain (it reminds me of an MRI scan kinda) Is it Till's brain after all the experiments he's been through? if so, I'm not surprised it seemingly has a lot of abnormalities.
Also, the prominent signature in the middle looks a little bit Like Ivan's.
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And finally the main piece, Given the similarities in data the person going through the test is still Sua.
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The bandaging on her head is very confusing though, (is this the process of creating Anakt's child?) She also looks like she's yelling more than singing in this piece. (with the tight restraints it's hard to even tell but she doesn't look as relaxed as the second picture.)
Mental - Good (despite the red light?)
Cry (singing. maybe.) - Good
This could be in the literal sense that Sua was actually crying during this test, or this phase of the test. But Aliens have a warped perception of human sounds. They call crying, singing so...I don't know. If there was a lot of resistance from Sua during the earlier phases then the bandage is probably there as another restraint..so many restraints.
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wowzie-zowzii · 23 days
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Dream (2)
[Id: A drawing of Hyuna from Alien stage. She holds out a microphone towards the viewer, grinning as she does. She wears a black tank top and sunglasses over her hair. She is in front of a backdrop of stars. Luka’s watchful eye is overlayed on top of her. /end Id]
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trolagygirl2022 · 4 months
Hyuna and Junhyung
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7 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, Justice, King of Pentacles, The Star.
Hyuna is unbelievably delusional 😭 I see her being all over him. Reminds me of a certain rapper dating a rapist guy and she stood with him through thick and thin. Her energy is all "He was nice to me" when people tell a girl how bad her boyfriend is. Something about him being "protective"? I see her relying on him. I just checked and he's older than her so it's like she has this strange thing for older guys? I just see her thinking he's someone that she can rely on. He also seems to have a lot of connections and she thinks he can help her be more successful. Yeah she doesn't have any fucks to give and is in her own mini world.
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whizzinpast · 5 months
Alien Swap (ALNST Role Swap AU)
Sua (swapped with Mizi)
Nigeh has a very specific taste in pet-humans and is known to raise them with proper manners and dress them in most exquisite outfits. Tired of the doting, Sua decided to break out and participate in a singing competition. Nigeh was happy to provide her with all the resources she needed to sing on Alien Stage and loves to brag about their ‘daughter’s’ accomplishments.
Sua meets Mizi in the same way as canon. Unlike canon though, Sua is more open with the children in Anakt Garden. Many admired her and saw her as an older sister, but she paid particular attention to very few. She was very picky about her company (which mostly consisted of Mizi tbh, and Till when he’s not being a territorial jerk)
Loves singing from the bottom of her heart and has a magnetic stage presence.
At first, her dream was to sing in Alien Stage under the stars because it was a great honor (even if she knew what death was really like). Then it was to sing with Mizi under the stars.
She firmly believed that Mizi would win— she never expected her to lose on purpose.
After Mizi’s death, Sua became a living doll. She couldn’t bother expressing herself. It was only until Round 5, when Hyuna mimics Mizi’s singing style, that she snaps. She uses stage props to knock Hyuna over and beat her with her microphone.
She is saved from execution by Luka, and during his version of ‘All-in’ she gets a side cut.
Mizi (swapped with Sua)
Guardian Shine is a segyein too old to bother with bonds. They’ve been very emotionally distant to Mizi, who they adopted because they felt sorry for her. They had, quite literally, left her in the dark for so long Mizi’s eyesight suffered. In spite of Mizi’s constant attempts to reach out and impress her Guardian, with one of those attempts being her application for Alien Stage, she was ultimately sent off to die.
Despite her cheerfulness, Mizi’s self-confidence was very low. She believed she was worth nothing up until she met Sua, and decided to get stronger for her sake. She made her laugh and helped her with physically demanding tasks.
Although she seemed happier with Sua, Mizi easily got skittish around others. Most kids thought she was weird, albeit cute to some extent.
Mizi decided to lose to Sua on purpose. Till found out and harshly criticized her for it. He claimed she should at least give it her all, to which Mizi responded by punching someone for the first time in her life— and frantically apologized for it.
Mizi didn’t know how brutal death could be until she got shot.
Ivan (swapped with Till)
Ivan had always loved the stars. Even when he was violently abused by Guardian Unsha’s lackeys, he loved the stars.
In spite of his circumstances (dragged out of the slums by the galactic mafia, tortured and then forced to entertain terrible segyein) Ivan used his intellect and appearance to his advantage. He became self-sufficient very quickly and crafted a persona to appeal to his segyein overlord.
Due to his experiences, Ivan appeared very cold and stoic as a kid. He dismissed anybody that approached him because he didn’t how to react. It was easier to scare people away than risk backlash. But, otherwise, he could be a polite and chatty kid if you know what topics to approach him with.
One of his most prized possessions is a lighter that he stole from Unsha. He keeps flicking it when he’s nervous.
Sua was his idol, his inspiration, and his rare comfort was listening to her sing. He thought she was the human equivalent of a star. Unfortunately, he never got to properly talk to her because she always misunderstood what he said.
Both him and Mizi were too awkward to talk to each other.
At some point, Ivan tried to escape on his own, but was quickly found by Till, who bullied his way into joining him. They almost escaped until Ivan realized they wouldn’t survive out in the wilderness on their own.
Till remained in his periphery because Ivan automatically blanked out when he was mistreated. The only way for Till to get his attention was to pinch him or punch him. Ivan was too resistant to verbal provokations.
Ivan stole enough materials off of rich segyein to design and sew his own outfit for Round 2. He won because his stage presence was so intense it terrified his opponent into silence halfway through the song.
Till (swapped with Ivan)
Urak bought a problematic pet-human on discount and struck a deal with him: in return for success, the child will get whatever he wants. They started with food. Then sweets. Then heavy equipment. Then guitars. Till continued to provide Urak with his musical prowess and earned everything he could dream of.
Spoiled rotten thanks to his wild success as a musical protege, Till became a force to be reckoned with at Anakt Garden. He was openly arrogant and didn’t bother with kids or tasks that he deemed unnecessary. Though, somehow, he still managed to attract admirers who thought his confidence and talent was impressive.
Out of all the kids, Ivan had the misfortune (or fortune, in Till’s eyes) to be graced with his attention. This is because Till thought of Ivan as his rival, which is, honestly, just a synonym for him getting a massive crush on him. He is stupidly into him. He thinks his ‘raw intellect’ makes him a diamond in the rough. But because he doesn’t know how to get Ivan to look at him in any other way, he gets his attention by treating him like a punching bag. (Worse than Canon!Ivan, who verbally provokes Till into fights.)
He was intensely jealous of Sua because she got so much of Ivan’s focus. However, it didn’t stop him from respecting her. She was one of the rare people that had enough talent and skill to get him. The same could not be said for Mizi.
As a celebrity, he has asshole charisma and he knows it.
In Round 6, Till does something similar to what Sua did in Round 5: he uses the microphone as a weapon and hits Ivan in the legs until he drops to the ground. He simultaneously punched Ivan three times and kissed him until he was shot and bled out.
Hyuna (swapped with Luka)
Phan, Hyuna’s Guardian, was abusive for no specific reason. They cut off her leg when she was a kid simply because they were curious. But seeing that she wouldn’t be of use to them with one leg, they provided her with a prosthetic.
Imagine a movie star persona — big smiles, big personality, black, bedazzled suits and cool shades. That’s Hyuna, except she’s dressed to impress. Looks very cool and effortless, but shows off a more cold and ruthless side to her during matches.
Hyuna had an unhealthy fixation with Luka and considered herself his ‘protector’ or ‘knight.’ Her and Hyunwoo had a more…dicey sibling relationship. They fought a lot (more like Hyuna was picking fights under the guise of being ‘the good guy’) and eventually she would beat Hyunwoo to death so there would be no one between them. Think like…the black knight in shining armor.
Luka (swapped with Hyuna)
If there is a tale of a princess escaping her tower, it would pretty much sum up Luka’s life. As a kid, Luka was extremely shy and rarely played with other kids due to his health issues (his slightly aloof attitude didn’t help either though). This changed when Hyuna and Hyunwoo invite him to play, and he became attached to Hyuna, who always protected him from bullies (and Hyunwoo, allegedly).
Despite his know-it-all attitude, Luka was genuinely ambitious and eagerly awaited auditions for Alien Stage. He was very confident in his talent and, despite the abuse at the hands of his Guardian and his declining health, strongly believed that he would win.
It all came crashing down when Hyuna reveals her true colors. She was a warden more than a guardian— keeping Luka isolated by intimidating anyone who comes near, with Hyunwoo being a slight exception. However, she kills Hyunwoo the following day with her bare hands while Luka was experiencing cardiac arrest. (Her excuse was that Hyunwoo caused it by messing with Luka.)
Luka escapes his enclosure and survives with a group of human rebels.
As a leader of the human resistance, Luka is a tactical mastermind that moves troops around like chess pieces. However, he can only do it from the safety of his home base. The few times he goes out, he’s heavily guarded by Isaac and Dewey.
A/N: The brainrot is hard at work. This is just me laying the groundwork. May or may not doodle designs if I have the time.
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