#stand up pouch machine
guangdongyuesen · 6 months
Doy Pack Machine: Streamlining Packaging Processes with Efficiency
Explore the innovation and efficiency of doy pack machines in the packaging industry. Learn how these advanced packaging machines enhance productivity, ensure product freshness, and provide versatile packaging solutions for various industries. Discover the key features and benefits that make doy pack machines a preferred choice for modern packaging needs.
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fenbopackaging1 · 13 days
Efficient Stand Up Pouch Filling Machines for Optimal Packaging
Experience optimal packaging efficiency with Fenbo Packaging's stand up pouch filling machines. Designed to fill and seal stand up pouches with precision, these machines cater to various industries including food, beverage, and pharmaceuticals. Our stand up pouch filling machines are equipped with advanced features for accurate filling, reliable sealing, and easy operation. Improve your packaging process and product shelf appeal with our high-performance machines. Visit our product page for detailed information and to see how our stand up pouch filling machines can benefit your business.
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yscpackagingmachine · 2 months
Top 5 Reasons To Choose A  Premade Pouch Machine
In the state-of-the-art competitive packaging landscape, agencies are constantly looking for innovative answers that beautify product presentation, enhance performance, and ultimately, pressure sales. Premade pouch machines have emerged as a recreation-changer, supplying a large number of benefits that conventional packaging techniques absolutely can not match.
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suntermachinery · 1 year
Stand-up pouch liquid filling machine is composed of automatic bag feeding system, quantitative filling system, cleaning and capping system, etc. It can accurately measure and fill, and is easy to operate. It is suitable for the packaging of various vegetable protein beverages, fruit juices, soy sauce, vinegar and other liquid foods. Web: https://www.suntermachinery.com/ E-mail: [email protected] Tel / Whatsapp: +86-13806163230
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shreyabhansal · 1 year
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Is It Worth Buying The Machines For Your Industry In Online Relation?
In this modern earth, the business person uses a lot of machines, equipment, tools and some other needed items in their factor. It is to make the work finish easily and reduce the human resources. If you like buying different kinds of machines for your interchange, you should hire us. 
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We are the leading and top-notch industry to manufacture the best machines that will be useful for your interaction. You can always visit our company whenever you need to buy the high-quality spout pouch filling machine for filling the items you manufacture in your company. This machine works effectively, and you must know how to use and work in it before purchasing it from us. 
Buy the machine by considering the brand and cost:
Whenever you are in shopping time, you have to look for the cost, model, and brand first. It can make you choose an excellent machine for your interchange to complete the entire task easily and effectively. We also offer our customers many options and various brands to choose the right one for your use. We are the best experts to provide you with a well-working machine at a feasible cost where you can save a large amount by choosing our company. So, it is better to choose our agency whenever you need the machines and the service for the machines you buy from us. 
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Can you get top-notch machines for filling the pouch?
Purchasing the standup pouch filling machine and other machines on the web is worth it. Yes, picking the best machines in the net agencies is worthwhile and useful. It is because they are manufactured using different methods and techniques, using many items. The quality will be good, and the cost is less as well as you can get satisfaction by your shopping, so it is good to invest a huge amount online to buy the needed machines for your company.
mesin standing pouch
doypack machine
stand up pouch machine
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giddlygoat · 7 months
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i wanted to experiment with dave and buck fits and how they might dress if they didn’t have a dress code. some thoughts on the design process below :’D
i want to keep dave’s rose motif going strong in my art bc i feel like the rose at the end of his cutscene is really important to his character. the music note pin on his lapel is based off my chum @megalophobic-astronomer’s headcanons :]
he also has a big, bold zoot suit because i feel like it represents him very well. the butterfly collar is always a must and a staple of my design for him lol. golden box chains around his neck and hanging from his waist are mostly me projecting my taste upon him but i think he would wear chains and jewelry pretty regularly!
buck is all over the place bc i wanted to incorporate a bunch of different styles into one mess of a fit. my main inspirations boil down to Punk Butch at Poker Night lol. i think buck’s taste extends far past this look, and we know he wears a suit well, but i think he would be very adventuresome in his style. at the end of the day, i want him to look rambunctious, jagged and fun.
along with the built in chip dispensers in his arms, he also wears a vintage coin dispenser on his belt, card pouches organized by suit on his thigh, and fuzzy dice for luck on his key ring. this guy jangles! oh, and i’ve had lots of hcs about buck’s body for a while but haven’t drawn them too much yet. here’s a kind of outdated ref that still stands
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he has a [convoluted and under-referenced] card shuffler in his chest and a roulette wheel in his belly because i said so <3 the gold trim and detailing is inspired by vintage slot machines and i wanted to give him a kind of cheap tin look.
i don’t have all my hcs for dave’s body drawn out yet, but i’m thinking of giving him accordion bellows in his lower torso and i know for sure he has radio dials on his forearms along with more speakers on the top side. i want to cram as many musical motifs as possible into his design and hopefully i will come up with more ideas for buck too!
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whalesforhands · 10 months
even trivial moments are fine (satosugu x reader)
warnings: fluff?, somewhat different from my usual formats, i’ll let you decide where this fits in, gojo-centric haha
i’m somewhat late on my upload streak i’m SORRY
Grabby hands that find comfort in reaching for Suguru’s, feeling the rough callouses on the other boy’s hand and threading his long fingers through his, the comfort of having Geto with him, beside him, he can finally feel the joy of summer.
When he’s childishly tugging off the hairtie that held the entirety of Suguru’s bun up, letting the wind whisk those black locks up against the azure blue sky. Before his very own glasses are suddenly grabbed and pulled off from his eyes, joined by a melodious sounding of laughs paired with upturned eyes that shone with the glow of a blue spring.
“Payback is really something, huh Satoru?” Geto is laughing despite his hair that continued to billow in the summer breeze, grinning as he held onto the pair of dark sunglasses that hid the affection that adorned the crystal blue.
By the windy grass and clear skies that ran endlessly in this summer of his youth, he knows that that someone will always be waiting, reflected by midnight black and deep, hypnotizing purple.
Gojo Satoru is irrevocably in love with Geto Suguru.
Even when he sees you brushing through Geto’s hair, the mentioned boy with his eyes closed and leaning back onto the back rails of the loungeroom chairs, ears keened as Suguru hears your quiet humming, leaning into your touch as you continue your administrations in quiet, serene delight.
“Satoru?” Suguru calls out, sensing the familiar sorcerer first. “Were you not able to sleep? I’ll join you in a bit.” You’d look over your shoulder and flash him an apologetic smile as you keep brushing.
“I’m sorry for keeping him.” You fully turn your body to meet his.
“Would you like to get your hair brushed too?”
Your footfalls that slow and turn on your heel to look back at him and wave, waiting patiently as Suguru goes after an excited Haibara and rushing Nanami, Shoko’s laughter be serving as the background’s noise whilst you stood in the foreground, smiling as he approaches you with pockets tucked away deep into his pockets, grin on his face as he meets your gaze.
“Waiting for me, huh?”
The way you’d always keep spare change for the whole group in your little pouch, saving them the disappointment of not having the funds to enjoy their weekly vending machine sessions.
“Haibara-kun, you’re doing great! Keep it up.” Shoko’s grinning as the diligent first-year stands before the setting rays of the sun as both you and the aforementioned girl squatted down and hid within the tall first-year’s shadow, her drink in your hand as she took a sip from your chocolate milk.
“Yes ma’am! I will do anything to help keep our benefactor safe from the dangerous UV rays!”
“Yu, your cola’s turning lukewarm.” Nanami’s deadpan call to him would cause the boy to panic, not wanting to leave his duty, and yet, the call of his drink yearned for him.
Satoru likes how you care for all of them. But, he thinks he likes it better when it’s reserved just for him and Suguru.
Finally, notices that he finds solace in the silence with you. The quiet musings of your voice as you slowly sip from the cup of chilled barley tea, the comfortable hush about the both of you zoning him out as his eyes trailed over the way happiness and alleviation manifested on your face, the way you’d turn your attention towards him when you finally notice his gaze.
“Satoru?” You’re bringing him back from his spaced out state, soft giggles that beget his undivided attention to you as you tilt your head slightly, awaiting his reply to your question that went unheard in his indulgence of you.
…Is it pathetic, shallow, selfish of him to wish for you to hold his hand and walk together with him too? Perhaps it is.
For he still wants, hopes, wishes for you to see him as more than just the Satoru that belonged to Suguru, for you to finally see that his love is more than just this.
His body that jumps up at the cue of your heartbeat, his heart that finally loosens up when you’re both finally in his presence, a simple desire to know, to learn every intricate thing about the both of you until the end of his time and beyond.
Because, there’s no denying it.
Gojo Satoru is irrevocably in love with you too.
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descendant-of-truth · 2 months
The way that the Suspicious Object Detector works is pretty vague, acting more like a Pokedex than anything, but I like to think that it's sort of a telepathy machine.
It gathers information that's impossible to observe from the outside, not to mention things that its recipients haven't disclosed to anyone before (Raffina's pouch, the doll that Schezo made by hand, etc). Sure, it senses energy as well, but the detailed stuff has to come from the person's thoughts.
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With that interpretation, then, why would Sig's profile just be "he likes bugs"? Other characters suggested much more self-awareness than that, like Suketoudara knowing he comes across as a nuisance, for example.
Wellllll, Angst Headcanon Extraordinaire that I am, I do have an idea.
At this point in the story, Sig is decidedly Not Himself. But considering that Risukuma's episode takes place before he meets up with Ringo, it's likely that Sig hasn't been like this for very long, yet. That part is important, because the longer his power builds up, the less like himself he becomes, until he eventually discards his name entirely.
So, if he's still hanging in there, trying to cling to a sense of identity even while he's largely being piloted by his demonic powers...
Perhaps that's the one trait he decided to latch onto as his lifeline, due to its simplicity, and it's been repeated in his head so many times that it's the only thing the detector can pick up. For all we know, it could be the only thing he remembers by now.
Because it's not like there isn't anything else it could pick up on, if we use the other characters as a template. It could've easily referenced other things that tend to crop up in his bios; the way he always moves at his own pace, his ability to fall asleep standing with his eyes open, or y'know... the fact that his eye and arm are red? And that he doesn't care about it??
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Risukuma has to notice his arm for himself, but it's such a standout feature that you'd think the Suspicious Object Detector of all things would mention it. Especially since it's most likely the thing it was sensing a strong reading from in the first place.
For Sig's thoughts to be blocking all of that out, he must be trying really hard, huh?
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foibles-fables · 1 year
happy aloy day y'all
this might be Thee Most Unpolished piece of writing I've ever shared, and it's got me a little bit nervy, but. I wanted to get something out for Aloy Day. I'm nowhere near satisfied with it, but I also wanna post about Talisah more than ever, so please enjoy this lil scribble?! Happy April 4th babeeeyyy
It’s not until years and years later that Aloy can be shaken from slumber without snarling and thrashing to defend herself. 
But Aloy survives. She fights, she mourns, she grows. Those years do pass—one and then another, step after step, a blur—like a slow walk that breaks gradually, seamlessly, into a run. Wounds heal where you can see them and where you can’t. Scarred, but always reaching for the light, she lets go, and lets herself begin to flourish.
And today (years and years, they echo behind her), she wakes calmly to a weight scrambling onto the bed and a quick jostle of her shoulder.
It’s past the time when she usually rises. Slowly, she coaxes her eyes open, squinting against the bold Meridian sun streaming in through the bedroom windows. As her vision clears, it settles on another pair of eyes, intent and bright, hovering very close. 
It’s the same amber gaze she’s grown used to waking up beside, reprised on a small face that Aloy knows is half her own—even if most couldn’t tell from a single glance.
Talisah, three years old and bursting with every bit of its energetic willfulness, leans in and speaks a little too loudly for the distance.
“It’s morning, momma.”
Aloy blinks hard and reels back from the near-shout with a soft, surprised laugh. Voice scratchy with oversleep, she says, “So it is, girl.” By habit, she lifts her finger to tap her daughter’s nose—Talisah scrunches her freckle-dusted face into a grin. It’s Talanah’s smile, through and through. “How come you’re waking me?”
She says, “For your birthday,” and Aloy feigns cluelessness. 
“Today’s my birthday?”
Talisah nods eagerly, scooting closer on her knees to crowd against Aloy. “Mama said.”
Aloy shifts to sit upright, pretending to ponder that for a moment. “Well. If mama said that, it must be true.” She gives the girl a big shrug. “I guess it’s my birthday.”
Satisfied with the concession and clearly raring to move on, Talisah retrieves a leaf of parchment from behind her and all but shoves it into Aloy’s face. “Here. Look!”
Once Aloy gets it held at a more suitable distance, the childlike and colorful pigment markings on the page take shape. Vivid blue sky, dazzling yellow sun (of course). A herd of four-legged machines grazes in a field full of sunflowers and the purple-petaled stems they keep in vases around their home. Among them stand four smiling human figures: three large, one small. 
And even though Aloy’s fairly sure she’s understood the concept, she asks anyway.
“This is so nice, Lis. Did you make it for me?” Talisah nods again, beaming. A few pieces of hair fall astray from her messy little tie-up. Aloy tucks them behind her ear. “Will you tell me about it?”
“It’s Grazers,” Talisah explains, nestling easily into the crook of Aloy’s elbow. She has grown so much, but she feels so warm and still fits just right. A crucial part of the new whole. “And us, petting them.” Of course. Putting her hands on any machine is her absolute favorite thing to do, in spite of Talanah’s cautious concern. “See momma, there’s Aunt Milu—” (she points at the tallest, broadest figure, scribbled in green) “—mama—” (long hair, tied back, holding a bow) “—you—” (red braids and a spear) “ —and me.” 
Her own smaller shape is standing closest to the Grazers, connected to Aloy’s at the hand.
And for the umpteenth time in three years, Aloy thinks of how unfathomable and effortless it is to love and to be loved this fiercely. Throat full of embers, she presses a kiss into Talisah’s silky black hair.
“I love this, little one,” she murmurs. “Is it alright if I keep it with me? In one of my pouches?”
“Yeah!” Talisah replies, puffed up with pride, snuggling closer into Aloy’s side. “Don’t rip it, please.”
“You have my word,” Aloy swears. Then, a thought strikes her. She contemplates the drawing again, trying to find what's missing. “Hey, hold on. What about Aunt Beta?”
Without missing a beat, Talisah points to another figure Aloy hadn’t noticed before—sitting a few paces away from the group in the shade of a boulder. “Got sunburn.”
Incredible. Aloy snorts out loud, imagining how Beta’s face will look when she sees it later. “That sounds about right.”
Talisah looks up at Aloy through her long lashes, expression as hopeful as any three-year-old’s could be. “Good birthday, momma?”
Truth be told, Aloy has celebrated very few of them. She’s only known when it actually is for less than a third of her life, and let it be known to others for an even smaller share. It’s always come and gone as a quiet turn of the world—she’s surrounded herself with people who understand why she prefers that, without needing to ask.
But with Talisah, that changed. She reflects her own contagious joy outwards, with no reason not to. A traditional Carja birthday celebration is her only context, and all comparisons are still simple. If for her, why not for everyone else?
And it still feels uncomfortable to acknowledge for Aloy her importance and worth for its own sake—to separate herself from the role she was given, and the ghost whose footsteps she followed. But the years have helped, and maybe it’s never supposed to be completely comfortable to untangle yourself from what’s laid out behind you. Maybe the point is to keep walking on through the rawness of it, and to keep trying.
Aloy looks down at the watchful child in her arms and tries. 
(She makes trying easy.)
“The best,” Aloy says, and means it. She lays a gentle palm on Talisah’s clean-scrubbed cheek. “Do you remember what the Nora do on their birthdays?” Talisah shakes her head, and her brow furrows in reflexive concentration, ready and eager to devour every new bit of information she is offered. “They spend the whole day celebrating their mothers. Would you like that? Giving mama and me gifts on your birthday?”
“Yes,” Talisah answers without hesitation. Then, less than a heartbeat later, with quiet uncertainty: “Would I still get mine?”
Aloy chuckles, rolling her eyes. Talisah’s life is full of safety and an abundance of affection, spoken and unspoken alike. Aloy would accept nothing less. “Of course you would, girl.”
For a moment, Talisah looks assured. Then she gives Aloy another thoughtful frown, a curious glint lighting her gaze.
“What about Elisabet, today?” she asks, sparking a connection between what she knows and the small ways she’s heard that story told. Someday Aloy will tell her the rest. “Your momma.”
It’s a marvel how smart she is. How quickly she cuts to the center of questions Aloy avoids asking herself. 
There’s an ache that comes with it, now. A flare of awareness—an old emptiness that no amount of longing ever could have filled. 
But where some parts linger empty, others run overfull. That, Aloy has learned, can be its own kind of wholeness. Words from long ago, in a voice that sounds like her own, resound gently into the present—into this world of Elisabet’s vision and Aloy’s fulfillment, the only world Talisah has ever known. 
(I would have wanted—her, to be…)
“I think Elisabet would want us to celebrate by going to see some Grazers.”
Talisah almost quivers with abrupt excitement, eyes wide and sparkling. Her hand slips into Aloy’s, gentle and warm. “Can we? Please?”
“We’ll ask mama.” Aloy gives her a reassuring squeeze. “Is she making breakfast? I hope so. I’m hungry.”
“Maize cakes. With honey and peaches.”
“Our favorite.” Aloy smiles and kisses Talisah’s head again. Then she sets the parchment aside and wraps her little daughter into a tight hug. “Thank you for my gift, Lis. I’m going to look at it all the time.” 
(It’s the truth. She will, and she’ll remember this morning.)
Talisah hugs her back, clinging to the soft-worn linen of Aloy’s shirt and burying her face against her chest. “Love you momma.”
Aloy’s heart swells—in that moment, like always, it’s enough to overwhelm every empty space she has ever felt or begun to forget.
“Wherever you go,” she whispers, a promise she’s made every day since Talisah came red-faced and screaming into this new and hopeful world, “I will follow.”
They lie cuddled close and quiet and content in the sunlight until Talanah calls them for breakfast.
Years and years ago, everything came open for this—this is the future that was worth fighting for.
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guangdongyuesen · 6 months
Efficient Cup Filling Machine for Streamlined Production
Explore our state-of-the-art cup filling machine designed to enhance your production efficiency. Our cutting-edge technology ensures precise and reliable filling, meeting the demands of various industries. With user-friendly controls and customizable settings, this machine offers versatility for different cup sizes and fill volumes. Increase your throughput and minimize wastage with our automated cup filling solution. Whether you're in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, or cosmetic industry, our cup filling machine is a cost-effective solution to streamline your packaging process. Experience consistent and accurate fills, optimizing your production line for higher output and customer satisfaction. Upgrade to our cup filling machine and elevate your packaging capabilities today.
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fenbopackaging1 · 7 months
Fenbo Packaging: Efficient Stand-Up Pouch Filling Machines
Explore Fenbo Packaging's range of efficient stand-up pouch filling machines. Our specialized equipment offers precision and reliability in filling stand-up pouches, catering to various product packaging needs. Trust Fenbo for top-quality filling machines designed to optimize your packaging processes with efficiency and consistency.
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yscpackagingmachine · 2 months
Revolutionary PouchFill: Next-Gen Stand-Up Filling Machine
Introducing Ysc Packaging Machine's Revolutionary PouchFill, the next-gen stand-up filling machine that redefines efficiency and precision in packaging. Experience seamless operations and unmatched productivity with our cutting-edge technology, designed to meet the demands of modern packaging needs. Elevate your production process with Ysc Packaging Machine's innovative solution.
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udretlnea · 1 year
A Conundrum at Cotea Cafe
Inspired by @kunichigo (Owner of the Cotea Cafe concept. Go follow them. They're cool...!)
Prompt: A customer arrives at the Cotea Cafe just before closing time, and he brings a message.
A/N: Hey, been a while, though for those following y’all know I'm still active. Fyi btw you can expect more of these shenanigans prompts in the future; I just want to try to write for fun while getting checkpoints on my growth at the same time. Anyway, enjoy.
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“Don’t go dimension hopping soon,” he said with utter seriousness. “Or else you'll end up hurt.”
You widen your eyes. Your hands suddenly felt limp as you processed the threat-no, it was a warning.
20 minutes earlier…
You relaxed into your seat as your eyes scanned the page in the light novel; it was about a samurai who was thrust into the future where Teyvat was taken over by a demon with a robot army. You pictured the samurai facing off against an army of Ruin machines with nothing but his magic sword. The scene felt so vivid you thought you could see it in your mind.
You turned the page to continue when you heard the bell rung. Somebody had entered the cafe!
You placed a bookmark in between the pages and got up. You stretched your legs, feeling the circulation return. Making your way to the front, you frowned.
Who could be here at this time? Last I checked, the sun was nearly setting…
When you opened the door to the dining area, you expected to see the Traveler and Paimon. A teenager in a white and gray hoodie looked at you with brown eyes. He had black hair and youthful features; he put on a friendly smile while inertinghis hands in his pockets.
“Hello po,” he said in a meek voice. “Is this…a cafe?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He put a hand on his chest. “Um, are you open?”
You smiled amicably. “Of course! Would you like to look at a menu?”
He nodded, but his hand didn’t fall to the side. “My name is…Aaron. It’s nice to meet you.”
He took a seat at one nearby one of the windows. You grabbed a nearby menu and handed it to him; while he was reading it with interest, you couldn’t help but stare at him. He didn’t appear to be from any of the nations, at least judging from his clothing. It looked like something one might wear at home. Furthermore, he seemed to know about this place despite the remoteness of this location.
“Excuse me, but do you happen to have…peach mango pie?” His question snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Yes! Would you like that?” He blinked shyly and shook his head.
“No. I was just curious,” he clarified. He pointed at a line of words. “I’ll have a halo-halo please.”
“Sure!” You turned towards the kitchen, deciding to pick up your train of thought after making his dish. Ten minutes later you come back with a tall glass cup full of halo-halo.
“Sal-salamat po…thank you.” He nodded to the glass. You set it down in front of him; he takes a moment to silently observe it. A happy smile slowly forms on his face. “Ah, it looks delicious.”
He gave a brief prayer before picking up the spoon and mixing it.
You decided now was the perfect time to leave him and fiddle away your time; it usually didn’t take long to finish Halo-Halo so you went back to the kitchen to reorganize.
You tidied the kitchen up by cleaning the tools you used to make halo-halo. When you just about finished, the sound of the spoon clattering in an empty cup made you look up.
“I’ve finished,” Aaron announced almost proudly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pouch. He put it next to his empty cup and you heard the sound of Mora clinking; he got up and turned to the door. You made your way to where he sat. The Mora pouch was moderate-sized. A quick calculation told you that he overpaid. You were about to stop him from leaving, but you saw that he was standing a couple feet from you. He looked at you as if he could peer past your mask.
“...Pardon me, but you’re like me, aren’t you.” Aaron put a hand on his hip. “You’re also a...Creator”
You felt the urge to suppress a wave of panic. “I-I’m sorry?”
“Well, they call them Creators. You probably know them as writers. Self-inserts,” he explained. He shook his head. “My apologies for the strange question, and for offending you, if I did. I just thought I finally found someone to talk to. I…can leave if you want. It’s no trouble.”
Rather than tell him to do just that, you waved him off. “It’s fine. Are you one as well?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.”
You examine his form, searching for anything that could tell that he’s lying. When you found none, you shrugged. “...Sure. Although I’m currently living out my cottage-core fantasy at the moment. I don’t care for the stuffy paperwork that comes with being in charge of an entire continent."
“Same. And cottage-core is cool, but I never can find the time to do that. Not that I-not that I deserve anything good,” A moment of silence passed as they let that information process. Internally, you felt a strange sense of kinship beginning to form in your gut. It was certainly strange to find another being like yourself standing in front of you, but given that he was similar, or perhaps greater in power than you it made sense to desire to travel to other branches of the SAGAU multiverse.
“Well, with pleasantries out of the way, um…I actually came here to deliver a message for you,” he said. He raised his hands in the air as if he thought it would ease the anxiety in the atmosphere. “Not-not from any of the Archons, I mean. From me.”
“Eh?” This suddenly turned interesting. What could he possibly have to tell you? He took a deep breath and stared into your eyes.
“Don’t go dimension hopping soon,” Aaron said with utter seriousness. “Or else you'll end up hurt.”
You widen your eyes. Your hands suddenly felt limp as you processed the threat-no, it was a warning.
Aaron bit his lip. His eyes darted from side to side as if he were engaged in an intense internal debate. After a couple seconds, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of flash cards. He flipped through them until he stopped at one “No, but for your own safety, I advise not traveling to other universes in SAGAU until They give you the signal that it’s safe. That's all. Thank you for your time, and the food. I hope your story has a happy ending.”
He put away the flash cards and turned around. Then, he placed a hand on the door knob. But he couldn’t leave yet, not when your interest was piqued!
“Wait,” you interrupt. He turns his head back at you with a surprised look “This…thing that’s going to happen? Call it intuition, but I can't help but feel like it'll be terrible, especially for you. Are you.. alright?”
Aaron simply smiled knowingly. His eyes were glossy. “Thank you for your concern. No, but I will be soon. Ingat po…goodbye."
He opened the door and stepped outside; just as it shut there was a flash of light. When you opened it again to look for him, Aaron was gone.
Something hung in the air, but you weren’t sure what it was. Was this regret, awkwardness, or ominousness? Perhaps it was a mixture of all three.
With nothing else to do, you took the empty glass back and cleaned it. Then you flipped the sign to CLOSED before making your way to the backroom. You reclined back into the comfy chair, settling into the plush cushion. You picked up the book, opened to the bookmarked page, and resumed reading.
The next day you wake up and found posters plastered in front of your door; they informed you that several AUs and ATs were missing and that creator deities had been displaced. Furthermore, it advised everyone to stay calm and continue their routines while this incident was sorted.
Suffice it to say you were grateful when the Traveler brought Paimon, Yae Miko, the Raiden Shogun, Arataki Itto, and Gorou with them. A distraction was just what you needed. They kept you busy, dodging questions and cooking them food. They left and you closed the cafe for the day.
When you woke up, the posters you collected were gone, replaced with a single white sheet of paper with the words, "THE PRIOR INCIDENT HAS BEEN RECTIFIED. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS." -M.
You wondered if Aaron was alright and if whatever happened yesterday was related to him. It was clear you weren't getting any answers soon. With a sigh, you head back into your cottage to get ready for the day.
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theluckywizard · 3 months
In the Shattering of Things, Ch. 72: Wicked Hearts
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Summary: Rose struggles to survive the dark turn the peace talks gala has taken.
Fic Summary: Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke. Excerpt below the cut 👇
Florianne’s laughter leaves me cold. “If you’re going to hide, mind the trail of blood you’re leaving.”
Curled behind the wardrobe, terrified tears slickening my cheeks, wanting Hawke, wanting anyone to come for me, I tremble in wait.
And then she’s standing over me
“Make it quick,” I mutter.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, yanking the cloth away from my side and nudging the wound with her boot. Claiming my last shred of hope, she crouches to cut my pouch from my hip. “I want you to hear their screams when we come for her.”
Florianne dumps my remaining healing draughts on the floor and then stands to crush them under her boot. She takes a step closer and kicks me over onto my back. “A valiant fight, Inquisitor. But not enough.”
“You’re going to regret this,” I spit. “The whole world will hate you.”
Florianne turns, her thin, proud line of a smirk cuts through the shadows.
“The world already hates me.”
She walks out.
My mind drifts. Something like Jaime’s dandelion seeds, aloft on a summer breeze. I’m too weak and woozy to stand or run, but I can roll. I crawl on my cut up forearms closer to the puddled draught on the dusty tile floor and push my hands through it. The potion tastes like bitter hope as I suck it from my fingers and spit splinters of glass. Time swims and my head grows heavier with each lave of my tongue.
There’s no one else to stop him. I have to fight.
It feels so much like drifting to sleep, this last march to the Maker’s side. Peppermint and laughter. Snug thoughts of being pillowed in Hawke’s arms mix with flickers of Father and Mother and Jaime and Tom. It feels like something I’m meant to do— think of those I’ll leave behind and those I’m coming to. But other thoughts crowd in: Corypheus’ ruined face and corrupted eyes taunting me, the broken sky of that dark future, my friends, poisoned by red lyrium. Despair settles heavy over me like a funereal shroud and I lose myself beneath it.
Read the rest here!
Start the fic here!
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milkytheholy1 · 2 years
Everything Ends: Part 4
A/N: As a great man once said, I hope you brought a change of clothes cause your eyes are about to piss tears.
Everything Ends Masterlist. Ultimate masterlist.
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Later that night
It had been eerily quiet in the lair, the only sounds were the waves in the sewers and the muted honking from the city above. You would have gone home but this was far too important to miss.
You were pacing around the lair, you knew everything would be okay, why wouldn't it be? The boys have snuck around plenty of times, this was just another mission to them; easy.
That's when a rumble came from one of the sewer pipes, something was rattling and crashing against the walls. The sound got louder the closer it came to your fortress of safety.
Grabbing one of Donnie's spare bo staffs, you took cover behind some arcade machines and waited. A rather large-ish box landed in the centre of the room, its doors whooshing open and ejecting Donatello out into the open.
He landed on his feet but was clearly shaken, you dropped the bo and ran up to him, "Donnie? Donnie are you ok? Where are the oth-"
Your sentence was cut off as an abundance of other boxes came flying from the darkness, multiple bodies thrusting out and piling on top of you both. You pushed a hand out into the open, feeling another grab you and heave you back into the light.
There stood the gang minus Leo and Raph, which sent a shiver of anxiety down your spine, "Where's Leo?" You questioned, looking over the group who all shrugged or were too stunned to speak.
"So, how would everyone rate their experience? Good? Bad? Excellent?" Donnie stuttered out, dusting himself off. April smacked him on the back of his head, "Donnie, seriously?"
"I'm sorry, counting statistics helps me calm down." he mumbled, holding his injured arm, a small blood trail dribbling down his muscles.
"Guys, what happened?" You took a step forward into the light, worry written as plain as day across your face. Casey went to open his mouth when another pod gently landed in the centre of the room.
You all crowded around it, from the size alone it must have been Raph, which still begged the question: where was Leo?
The doors flung open and stepping out from the smoke was a small figure. Leo crumbled to the ground, his eyes were wide and his mouth was open. You rushed toward him but April stopped you, "Leo?" You hurried out.
"Leo, where's Raph?" Donnie asked, Mikey wondering the same thing. The two kept questioning him as Leo tried to control his breathing. The next minute he was up and charging for Casey, "You knew this would happen! You're from the future, you saw this coming and didn't tell us!"
You rushed to Casey's side, standing between him and Leo while the two brothers continued to pull and tug on their leader. Leo's eyes hardened as he caught you protecting the one person that caused this to happen in the first place, "Oh, so you're protecting him now?" he growled out.
You frowned in return, "Yeah because you're acting like a psychopath right now! What happened back there?" Leo with all his strength yanked away from Donnie and Mikey's grip, freeing himself. But he didn't charge at Casey like before, instead, he pointed his finger at the teen, "Why don't you tell them, future boy, since you knew this would happen!"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Casey mumbled out, paralyzed in fear. Leo pulled out one of his katanas, raising it at the young teen, "Leo!" you yelled at him, condemning his behaviour.
"Those sick alien freaks took him, they took Raph."
You all released a collective gasp, Splinter crumbled to his knees, his head hanging heavy while April tried to comfort him. Your body turned in on itself, "What?" you whispered. Mikey clung to Donatello, seeking some form of physical support, "It wouldn't have happened if I didn't go back for this stupid thing!"
Leo pulled out the key from his pouch, throwing it to Casey who beamed, "You got it! You got the key!" This seemed to anger Leo more, he threw his katana at the boy, you both dodge it in time.
"You did not just do that?" you huffed, teeth bared. Did your boyfriend really just throw his weapon at you? At you of all people?
"Oh, let me guess you're gonna take his side again too? I thought you were my partner, not his! Can't you see, Raph wouldn't have been captured if it weren't for this dumb key! He'd still be here if I didn't-" he stopped, choked up by tears.
"If I didn't get that stupid key, he'd still be here." he whispered under his breath, a tear streaming down his face. He stood straight once more, pushing you and Casey aside with his shoulders as he grabbed his katana that was lodged in the wall, "Where are you going?" Donnie questioned.
Leo partially looked over his shoulder, "I'm going to get my brother back."
"Alone?" Mikey gasped, Leo shook his head, "No, together. And we're doing it my way." before he could leave you leapt in front of him, blocking his path. You glared at him, nostrils flaring and your cheeks stained with salty streams, "If you leave right now, I- I can't be a part of this-" you wiggled your finger in the small gap between you "-anymore. If you leave now, we're over."
Leo's eyes widened, never in a million years did he think this could happen, even the others in the room were taken back. But Leo wasn't backing down, he furrowed his nonexistent brows, his red stripes curving as he did so; the fabric of his mask cringing as he moved.
"Donnie you're driving, let's go." he shrugged you off, walking past you with no other words left to say. Fresh tears blurred your vision, your bottom lip began trembling. Mikey and Donnie offered a look of sympathy as they went past, Donnie going so far as to squeeze your shoulder.
When the room was silent, you all hung your heads low. This wasn't how today was meant to go.
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