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The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Stancil in Melbourne
When it comes to enhancing your home or business with a unique artistic touch, Stancil Melbourne has become an increasingly popular choice. Whether you’re looking to revamp your interiors, add a personalized design to your workspace, or make a statement with creative wall art, stencils offer a versatile and cost-effective solution. In this guide, we’ll explore why stencil art is trending in…
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kineticpenguin · 20 days ago
Take, as a particularly egregious example, what is perhaps the most widely reported economic indicator: unemployment. Known to experts as the U-3, the number misleads in several ways. First, it counts as employed the millions of people who are unwillingly under-employed — that is, people who, for example, work only a few hours each week while searching for a full-time job. Second, it does not take into account many Americans who have been so discouraged that they are no longer trying to get a job. Finally, the prevailing statistic does not account for the meagerness of any individual’s income. Thus you could be homeless on the streets, making an intermittent income and functionally incapable of keeping your family fed, and the government would still count you as “employed.” I don’t believe those who went into this past election taking pride in the unemployment numbers understood that the near-record low unemployment figures — the figure was a mere 4.2 percent in November — counted homeless people doing occasional work as “employed.” But the implications are powerful. If you filter the statistic to include as unemployed people who can’t find anything but part-time work or who make a poverty wage (roughly $25,000), the percentage is actually 23.7 percent. In other words, nearly one of every four workers is functionally unemployed in America today — hardly something to celebrate.
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sesiondemadrugada · 9 months ago
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Maëva Stancil.
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ravenkings · 8 months ago
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abigailspinach · 27 days ago
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alanfromrochester · 1 year ago
I see that a lot - leftist gets mad at Dems for not doing enough, but the D's tried to do something but were stopped by the Supreme Court (or didn't try because it was obvious this would happen)
The response to that may be to expand the Court, but that runs into a similar issue with the legislature instead of the judiciary. Not codifying Roe v. Wade is another prominent example. Even when Democrats have a nominal (super)majority, relatively conservative Dems won't them do anything radical with it. Joe Manchin is the obvious example there (and he's about as liberal as we're gonna get from West Virginia, leftists could stand to be more reasonable about winning in red states/districts)
Republicans don't seem to have so much restraint. So I wonder whether to take the high road or fight fire with fire. (For instance, New York State Dems passed a fair congressional redistricting rather than a left-wing gerrymander)
Stancil is generally like this, a rational view of liberal politics. And he's running for a state legislature seat so he's going beyond just talking trash on Twitter
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arcticdementor · 8 months ago
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highendconcreteresurfacing · 3 months ago
Discover the Best Stancil Services in Melbourne
Melbourne is renowned for its vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and innovative business landscape. Among the many services sought after in the city, Stancil in Melbourne has grown in popularity, catering to both commercial and residential needs. Whether you are looking for precision cutting, creative solutions, or reliable expertise, Melbourne offers some of the finest Stancil…
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kineticpenguin · 4 months ago
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inhotwater-clips · 1 year ago
IHW-#992 - Celebrating Geno's 22nd Anniversary moving to New York with Jim Stancil.
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stancilmedia · 1 year ago
New fashion film shot by miles stancil media
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discountdyke · 2 years ago
when i was 11 we had a lockdown (before lockdown drills were common) and no one knew what was happening, and my teacher got us to the back of the room to crawl under the computer desks, and she scooted in the back so she was behind all of us and she said, clearly, "get in front of me cause im not getting shot. im going home today." which is insane but in the classroom next door a girl was having a panic attack and the substitute teacher made her stand in the hall as punishment, during an active lockdown. shoutout to the us public school systems
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ciochinaflorin · 2 years ago
76 I 2023. STÂNCILE ASCUNSE SAU OAMENII CARE SE FURIȘEAZĂ [Iuda 1.4, 12 I 2 Timotei 3.4-6 I Ioan 18.19–20]
76 I 2023. STÂNCILE ASCUNSE SAU OAMENII CARE SE FURIȘEAZĂ I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Iuda 1 : 4, 12 I II Timotei 3 : 4 – 6 I Ioan 18 : 19 – 20 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 17 Martie 2023 I Creștinul adevărat lucrează pe față și nu are nimic de ascuns. Un credincios care se furișează, care se ascunde trebuie să fie un avertisment viu pentru adevărații creștini. El face parte din…
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tanadrin · 3 months ago
Listen 👏 To 👏 Trans 👏 Zionists 👏 About 👏 Not 👏 Fighting 👏 Bathroom 👏 Bans
if she's a zionist, yell at her for that! christ almighty. this is peak twitter brain. "i will yell at someone for reasons that are obviously stupid and wildly exaggerated, but when this is pointed out to me, i will use their bad opinion on a totally different issue to justify it." just criticize them for the original bad opinion instead of acting like a complete dipshit.
deciding you don't like someone and then having to invent ad hoc reasons why everything they say is evil and wrong is obnoxious. it's will stancil derangement syndrome all over again. you really need to spend less time on social media if this seems like normal behavior to you.
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collapsedsquid · 25 days ago
Sometimes listen to the New Statesmen keep up with brexit aftermath, you have this thing where they read off in sort of centrist evenhanded tones the unforced catastrophe and humiliation that brexit has caused and continued to cause, it's this weird dissonance.
I feel like if you truly accept how poorly that has gone as they describe, the lack of vision of your political leadership, how the population has acted then if you don't radicalize and call for the leadership of britain to be executed as traitorous capitalists/communists than at least you have to at least become British Will Stancil and start screaming. You should be frothingly angry man. You shouldn't be going "Oh i I hope they make the right choice next time"
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thewebcomicsreview · 8 months ago
so what's your take on the recent "stonetoss is a much better comic than haus of decline because it has fewer words" over on twitter?
I really wanted to reply with a snarky dismissive one-liner. I had one written and everything, but then I wanted to make sure I understood the context and looked into this and ugh. Now I have to explain Twitter drama, this sucks.
Okay. Christ.
Haus of Decline makes this comic
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The comic pops up again, and a person named Basil sees it and has a take that it has too many words.
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As arguably the most prominent Webcomic Critic out there (which is the say, the only one still doing it), I kind of prefer the wordless version as well, but it's a matter of taste, more than an "objectively correct" take.
Basil then follows up on that take with a rather spicier one
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It's worth noting here that Basil is saying Hans Kristian Graebener is "better" in the sense that they believe it's more effective propaganda, not in their own personal opinion of quality. And that's....arguable? For one, Haus of Decline isn't really trying to be left-wing propaganda, it's just shitposting, and for two I think Hans Kristian Graebener's effectiveness is way more complicated and sophisticated than just "brevity". And for three, saying Hans Kristian Graebener is "better comics" is really ill-advised, especially given some context I'll reveal shortly.
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Haus sees this, calls Basil a moron, and it turns into a dumb stupid internet argument where both people look bad. And being, again, the top Webcomic Critic, I can confirm that sometimes when you call a webcomic bad the creator will get mad at you over it and that's just something you have to expect and live with and try not to beclown yourself in response to. I don't think Basil responded well here, and "just learn to take criticism" is a pretty common and loaded phrase in Webcomics Discourse. Still, whatever. A questionable take led to a short slap fight. That would be the end of it.
Except. The context.
Seven or eight months ago, Basil made this tweet.
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Which is a far better tweet, and is now a meme used by liberals in intra-left twitter discord fights to dunk on the anti-voting Trump-curious twitter left. This tweet also came around the time Will Stancil was whipping a lot of normie liberals to push back against the anti-Biden narrative and obviously the election itself has led a notable shift in the vibes where you're seeing a lot more "Biden's not that bad" takes and even a bit of "Actually, Biden is good and I'm tired of pretending he's not" in leftist spaces. And if you follow my personal account you'll know that my vibes have also shifted in that direction a lot. Basil obviously didn't cause the shift, even Stancil didn't, it was the election, but it's their name on the top of the tweet that's used as an anti-anti-voting meme that the left still doesn't has a great response to, so a lot of leftists fucking hate Basil. The kind of passionate hatred you only feel when you're getting clowned on by Matthew fucking Yglesias. So there's a huge hate mob against Basil in the way that hate mobs tend to occur.
This all attracts the attention of Hans Kristian Graebener, who pops out a comic taking a shot at Haus over this. Which is, honestly, a much better example of why Hans Kristian Graebener is effective propaganda than the brevity thing, because god damn did that pour gasoline on the fire, and....well....tldr:
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My take is that this whole fight is incredibly stupid, no one involved looks good, and the only one benefiting from it is the literal fucking Nazi.
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