#stana katic header
isasicons · 2 years
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stana katic icons
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twofghosts · 3 years
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stana katic and louis tomlinson !! [request]
★ like or reblog if u save
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nowayhomz · 4 years
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cabensongirl · 7 years
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like or reblog if you save/use or just © me on twitter @stanakatiz
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selfawarejester · 3 years
Tagged by the amazing @sheimagineddragons, thank you sweetie!
1) why did you choose your url?
honestly, I just thought it sounded cool, not much more to it.
2) any side blogs?
Yes! I have one for HCs and shitposts about my fanfictions on AO3 and Wattpad — but I haven’t posted much on it. If anyone wants to check it out, it’s @surrealer-fics
3) how long have you been on tumblr?
Um… four years now? I think? I didn’t really start using it until about two years back though.
4) do you have a queue tag?
No, I’d need a schedule for that 😂
5) why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted to start writing Reader fics which I only just started, so request away, y’all!
6) why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Stana Katic was my icon growing up, and she’s super underrated — she deserves all the love in the world ❤️❤️
7) why did you choose your header?
It’s pretty 🥰
8) what's your post with the most notes?
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags — an ask game! I was pleasantly surprised. I thought for sure it would be the Bucky fic
9) how many mutuals do you have?
Nine! I don’t talk to most of them, but I still cherish them dearly.
10) how many followers do you have?
Around 70? That doesn’t sound right, though, pretty sure no one’s still around lmao
11) how many people do you follow?
Sixty seven!
12) have you ever made a shit post?
Oh yeah, 50% of my posts are shitposts, I think
13) how often do you use tumblr each day?
I check in twice or thrice a week, not a lot unless I get sucked into a spiral of amazing writing and/or shitposts
14) did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? who won?
Ah, no, and I’m thankful for it.
15) how do you feel about "you need to reblog this posts?"
I don’t really like them, it doesn’t fit Tumblr that users get pressured into reblogging random things — even if it’s only by themselves or superstition or the mutual that reblogged it. Especially when writing and art and some much more content that takes time to make DOESN’T get any attention.
16) do you like tag games?
LOVE THEM, always open to do more!
17) do you like ask games?
Love love love! Same as above!
18) which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I feel like all of them?? But like I don’t have any standard to compare to either?? But they’re all great, so 😊
19) do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nope, I’m too busy obsessing over fictional characters and other hot girl shit
20) tags?
@catxsnow @gamelpar @amayavittori
These are no pressure tags btw 😁
Again, thanks so much to Kit for this! Your Cora fic is coming straight up!
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☆ stana katic headers ☆
please like/reblog if you use/like it ♡
don’t repost it!!!!
and credit to @empireofjules on twitter xx
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preciousheader-blog · 11 years
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myiconsworld · 11 years
could you make a header of stana katic please?
PLEASE CREDIT @SwaggyBieberAss
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liarstwi · 11 years
• stana katic pack •
(c) @crazy4klucyh
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preciousheader-blog · 11 years
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