#stan is most like marcus while barry is most like johnny
hoperays-song · 1 year
The Gang In My Continuation Fic Explained
Most of these are based on how I read into the characters in both movies so clearly they are personal interpretation, you don’t have to agree with them. I hope you enjoy tho!
- Comes across as intimidating a lot mainly due to his appearance.
- Is actually a really nice guy, just typically really stressed out worrying about his kid (now kids), brothers, and their finances. He’s a bit silly in nature and protective, he loves taking care of others in any way he can.
- Has relaxed a lot after Sing 1 due to their debt being paid off (thanks Nana) and is mainly just focused on making sure his kids are happy and safe.
- Very much family oriented and spends pretty much every single moment of his day with his family. He doesn’t really feel the need to expand his social circle past this radius either, he just wants to be with his family.
- Decently overprotective of Johnny due to his mum dying when he was young (and him being his last piece of her) as well as Johnny’s struggles with both his health and social life as a child. He constantly is worried about his son and if he’s ok and happy, sometimes being overbearing without meaning to. He just wants his son to have a good life.
- He will primarily show affection in form of Acts of Service and Quality Time, but uses a lot of Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch (hugs, hair ruffling, forehead kisses) with his kids.
- Was disowned formally when he was 24 but had always had a horrible relationship with his birth family. He changed his name to Marcus when that happened.
- Out of the gang, he’s the mediator. He’s the bridge between Stan’s chaos and impulsivity and Barry’s bluntness and cool nature. He typically ends up settling their arguments and only propsed the idea of the gang out of necessity.
- Came out as Demisexual after doing research to support Johnny (who identifies as a Demiboy).
- Had a punk phase growing up which is wear his jacket (that’s now Johnny’s) originates.
- ADHD and struggles a lot with abandonment issues as well as rejection sensitive dysphoria. He is now in therapy though.
- Within the troupe, he’s closet to Rosita and Norman, mainly due to them taking care of Johnny while he was in jail as his son’s foster parents but also because of their more calm nature.
- The best way to describe him is: stressed, worried, and slightly overprotective dad.
- Basically looks like a (very slightly) chiller version of a party loving college student.
- He’s always full of energy and down for whatever, even if it’s a bad idea. Very much a daredevil and adrenaline junkie, he’s never really been one for rules and is a trailblazer of his own path in life.
- A bit more obviously fun-loving compared to how he was in Sing 1 now, due to his debts being paid off (thanks again Nana) and his family’s relationships being on the mend.
- Spends a lot of times with his brothers and family, as well as being  the social butterfly of the group and actually having a fair number of friends outside of it he hangs out with.
- Like Marcus, he is also a bit overprotective of Johnny (though definitely less than his older brother). However, he does also enjoy teasing Johnny constantly.
- Primarily shows affection to everyone through Quality Time and Gift Giving, even though the gifts are typically junk food that Marcus has banned from the garage for Johnny’s health apparently (Johnny and Barry appreciate these gifts).
- Was never close with his birth family and cut off contact when he was 20 to go to college with Barry, who had been his neighbor growing up and who he had considered his baby brother.
- Out of the gang, he’s the energy. He always wants to do something and is pretty impulsive. He was onboard with the robberies from the start and did bicker with Barry about wether or not they were nessicary for a while.
- Deliberately unlabeled about his sexuality and a huge supporter to his family when they came out.
- Still dresses like a university student with a lot of jerseys and a thrifted letterman as his style hasn’t changed since uni.
- ADHD and struggles with sudden changes in routine and rejection sensitive dysphoria. He is also in therapy now.
- When he met the theatre adults for the first time, he became fast friends with Gunter due to their similar personalities, but he is also decently friendly with Buster as well.
- The best way to describe him is: fun-loving, teasing, and energetic uncle.
- Comes off as rude a lot due to how quiet he is and very few facial expressions in public.
- While he is very blunt in both nature and speech, Barry is very passionate about things, just isn’t one to use a lot of things to express that. He is also highly intelligent and is on track to get his doctorate degree.
- He has started to focus more on getting his degree compared to Sing 1, now that he has time since he isn’t constantly working due to debt (Nana is a godssend).
- Prefers to spend any time he’s not with his family alone, is the exact opposite of Stan in this case. However, this rule is a way to see if Barry considers a person family as he does not really see people as friends. They’re either family or strangers.
- He is somewhere in-between Marcus and Stan’s levels of overprotectiveness of Johnny. He is the closest to Johnny out of him and Stan and has been the boy’s confidant since he was little, so he typically knows more about the situations that the other two. He does also join Stan in teasing Johnny though.
- Primarily shows affection through Quality time, particulary in the form of body doubling. The only exception to this rule is Johnny (who he does have a soft spot for) and will occasionally use Words of Affirmation or Physical Touch (mainly short hugs).
- Was raised in a group house in foster care and never really connected with anyone there. Has no contact with anyone from his birth family either.
- Out of the gang, he’s the voice of reason. he protested the robberies in the first place and was the one to insist on them learning medical training first. He’s the direct contrast to Stan.
- Has been out as bisexual since grade school and was bullied for it for awhile before Stan stepped in. Was the first to put together that Johnny was gay and supported him.
- Was the quiet kid throughout school and still dresses in a lot of his old hoodies (the others now belong to Johnny as they are the closest in size).
- Autism and can go mute at times. He struggles a lot with social cues and social norms, typically needing Stan to interpret, and overstimulation as well. He is also in therapy.
- Unsuprisingly to his family, he isn’t really close to any adult member of the troupe. He’s always struggled with connecting with people. However, he is fond of Rosita due to how much she helped Johnny while they were in jail and will occasionally play games online with Eddie.
- The best way to describe him is: blunt, straight-forward, and protective uncle.
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meenasmoon · 7 years
We Need A Little Christmas
The moment Johnny opened the door he was met by an eager Meena clad in an apron and covered randomly in flour and various unidentified substances, “Did they say they’ll come?”
He pretended to pout and dramatically swept his fiance into his arms, “All ya care abaht is my family now. Ya got no time fer lil old me. No kiss at the door, and no cookies.”
Meena just laughed in response and wrapped her arms around her gorilla, planting a big kiss on his cheek, much to his frustration. “Ya missed.”
Meena giggled and placed another kiss on his cheek, this time closer to his lips which were currently pulled into a pout, “Miss again love.”
She place a tiny kiss on the corner of his mouth and Johnny impatiently turned his head to capture her teasing lips in a sweet kiss. Meena smiled into their kiss and relaxed into his embrace, neither of them caring that she was probably transferring her cooking mess all over him. When she finally pulled away he gave her a cheeky wink that sent her into giggles again.
“So are they coming?” She asked again, effectively killing the moment that had settled between them. Johnny was about to tease her again but he caught the worried look in her eyes and gave in, capturing her hand and giving it a little squeeze.
“Of course they’re comin’ love. They’re all excited too.” He watched her entire face light up as she clapped her hands excitedly and rushed into the kitchen, rambling about all of the dishes that she had planned for their holiday meal in a few hours. She was halfway through preparing most of them and as Johnny stepped into their kitchen he stood gaping at the mess while Meena bustled around and sang happy Christmas songs to herself.
When Johnny had sufficiently recovered from the shock of seeing the mess that was their kitchen he leaned against the doorway to watch the woman he loved as she worked. Ever since she had come up with the idea to have his family over for Christmas this year, he had been silently apprehensive. His father and uncles had been finally released from prison this month and had slowly been settling back into normal life at the garage that Johnny had been running since they had been arrested. His apprehension came from the fact that his family hadn’t really celebrated Christmas beyond a small tree and a few presents since his mother had died. Meena, however, had insisted that they just needed some Christmas spirit in their lives and had gone all out for their Christmas.
To prepare he had been tasked with decorating their small house with lights while she decorated the inside and made dinner. He had come in earlier that day from setting up lights to find Meena frantically worrying about inviting his family over. He had volunteered to invite them over in person and drop off some paperwork for the garage and she had shooed him off with a thermos of ‘Christmas coffee’.
Once Johnny had gotten to the garage he had been enthusiastically greeted by his father and uncles and they had talked idly about business until Johnny finally brought the topic up. His family had seemed happy to receive the invite and Johnny was eager to tell his father about his upcoming wedding that night but now as he saw how intricately Meena had decorated the house and the size of the meal she was planning, his was afraid that it wouldn’t turn out to be the perfect family Christmas that she was obviously expecting.
Johnny banished his worries with the decision that he would help Meena make everything perfect and hope for the best, after all no one could resist Meena when she was in such a cheery mood. It was positively infectious. He let a soft smile spread over his face and captured Meena as she bustled past him and danced her playfully around the kitchen to the tune of Jingle Bell Rock that chimed from the kitchen radio. Meena let out a happy laugh and let his spin her around their kitchen, neither of them really doing anything specific besides swaying and spinning. They didn’t need specific dance moves to make the moment perfect.
“ ‘ave I told ya ‘ow much I love ya today?” Johnny suddenly asked and Meena’s cheeks grew slightly redder as she leaned her head on Johnny shoulder and let him sway her back and forth.
“Yes, but I could always use a reminder.” She whispered and Johnny smiled gently down at her, leaning forward to whisper in her ear.
“I love you Meena.” He whispered and he heard her hum out a reply. They stayed in their loose dance for a few more minutes before the beeping oven shattered their little love bubble. Meena practically jumped away from him and ran to the oven to rescue the tray of cookies from the mouth of the beast. She turned away from the tray to put in another one and Johnny saw his chance, darting forward and snatching a hot cookie off of the tray so he could shove it into his mouth. With the other tray safely baking Meena glared as best she could at her adorable fiance as he tried to act innocent and chew the fresh cookie at the same time.
“Johnny Bannerton. These cookies are for our guests.” She scolded him but he just winked and ran out of the kitchen and away from danger. He hid in the living room, admiring the elegant Christmas tree covered in a mix of their ornaments and the decorations that had been spread around the room. He honestly had no idea how she managed to do so much in so little time, and eventually he came to the conclusion that she must have some kind of Christmas magic.
A few hours later Johnny was watching a Miracle on 34th Street in the living room while Meena put the finishing touches on dinner. She had made him change into the ugly Christmas sweater that her Grandmother had made him and he was pleasantly surprised by how soft and comfortable it was. There was a loud knock on the door and Johnny leapt from the couch, hurrying out into the hall so he could intercept his family before Meena got to them, but he was too late.
She was opening the door, clothed in her own handmade sweater, an excited smile on her face. His father and uncles were awkwardly standing on the front step, cradling a bottle of wine that was obviously meant as a gift. He watched Meena eagerly accept it and usher them inside and out of the cold weather. They shed their winter clothes as Meena admired the wine and excused herself to put it into the fridge to chill. Johnny saw his chance and swept in to greet his family.
“’Ey dad. Uncle Barry. Uncle Stan.” He gave them each a hug and Big Daddy nodded towards the kitchen where Meena had disappeared to.
“She’s quite a ball o’ energy tha’ one.” He said but it was with a smile so Johnny tok it as a good thing.
“She’s usually a lot calmer but all of yas comin’ fer Christmas ‘as ‘er all excited.” Big Daddy chuckled but any reply he was going to give was cut off by Meena reappearing, armed with a tray of eggnog and her fresh baked cookies. Johnny watched in absolute amazement as his Uncles swarmed her and eagerly accepted her offerings. He had expected Uncle Barry to dive for the cookies seeing as he had the biggest sweet tooth in the family but stoic Uncle Stan gleefully drinking eggnog and raining praises down on a blushing Meena was the farthest thing from what he had expected.
“Th-thank you!” Meena finally got out in between words and gave both gorillas a sunny smile, “I thought you guys could enjoy this and some Christmas movies while I finish dinner.”
Big Daddy accepted his own glass of eggnog and a couple cookies off of the tray before fixing Meena with one of the softest smiles Johnny had ever seen on his father’s expressive face. Big Daddy had been raised in the mob and had been a hard, loud, passionate man since as long as Johnny could remember. The only other time he had seen his father smile like that had been when his mother was alive. He felt a jolt go through his chest and his heart swelled when he realized that this was Big Daddy’s way of making Meena feel welcome in their family. It was an encouraging sign for their engagement announcement.
“Thank ya fer this Meena. Do ya need any ‘elp in the kitchen?” Big Daddy offered and Meena’s smile got bigger if that was even possible at this point.
“No no no. I’ve got it covered. You just relax and enjoy.” She replied and Big Daddy gave her a nod and a smile before following his brothers into the living room where Stan had taken center seat on the couch and was practically glued to the TV screen while Barry was examining his plate of cookies like it was a gift from heaven.
Johnny tried to follow Meena into the kitchen but was promptly kicked out with an affectionate kiss on the cheek and a parting comment, “Johnny go hang out with your family.”
Johnny knew she was just too nice to tell him that she didn’t want him anywhere near food. Years of living on his own with Ash had taught him that he burned everything he touched. He wandered over to the entrance of the living room and paused there for a second to listen in to his family’s conversation.
“Marcus! ‘Ave ya ‘ad one of these cookies?” His Uncle Barry’s words were muffled by the cookies already in his mouth but there was an almost childlike excitement in it, “It’s loike every bite is a taste of ‘eaven!”
Johnny had to hold himself back from joining his father in laughter at this new side of his uncle. His Uncle Stan remained relatively quiet but he was relaxed in a way that Johnny had never seen before. He had taken off his suit jacket and was leaning back against the couch, nearly finished with his first glass of eggnog.
They had lapsed into a comfortable silence so Johnny slipped into the living room and joined his uncle on the couch. Just like when he was younger he was immediately pulled into a headlock and his perfectly styled hair was subsequently ruined by his uncle’s fist giving him a noogie. He laughed and wriggled out of the hold, thankful that he was finally big enough and strong enough to escape on his own. He was so happy, laughing with his family for the first time in the longest time and watching the love of his life easily charm them that he blurted it out.
“Meena and I are gettin’ married.”
The room immediately went silent as they all slowly realized what Johnny had just said. Suddenly all eyes were on Johnny, who felt like shrinking back into the couch under their scrutiny. Johnny looked up uncertainly at his dad, suddenly and irrationally worried that his engagement wouldn’t be accepted by his father and therefore return their relationship to how it was before prison.
Meena chose that moment to return to the room with some more cookies and a pitcher of eggnog for refills. She gave the cookies to Barry who eagerly returned her smile and kissed her hand, making her blush. She moved on to refill Stan’s glass and the taller gorilla returned her gesture with a nod of his head and a tiny smile that only made her blush more. Finally she looked between Big Daddy and Johnny as if suddenly noticing the tension in the room.
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes...is that okay?” She looked so uncertain that every mammal in the room practically jumped to comfort her. Johnny reached for her and his uncles clamores to praise the food that they had already gotten but it wasn’t until Big Daddy stood and pulled her into a tight hug that they quieted down. Johnny watched in amazement as his dad swallowed Meena up in a hug.
“Daan’t worry abaht timin’ love. Take ya time.” He sounded a little choked up to Johnny and he could swear that he saw a little tear roll down his father’s cheek. When he finally released Meena she gave Johnny a confused look but he just shrugged and gave her a kiss.
“We’ll be in in a minute love.” He whispered against her cheek and Meena gave him a smile before hurrying back into the kitchen. Johnny turned to his father but before he could say anything he was swept up into a crushing hug that he had yet to grow familiar with. After a second of surprise, Johnny wrapped his arms around his dad and faintly felt his uncles join in on the hug.
“I’m real proud of ya son.” Big Daddy whispered in a hoarse voice and Johnny felt himself choke up when the wave of his father’s approval hit him, “She’s perfect for ya.”
Johnny pulled back from the hug and smiled up at his dad, “I know.”
“Let’s go get some supper. I’m starvin’!” Big Daddy declared loudly and the emotional moment faded to the background as they walked into the dining room and found themselves face to face with the largest spread of food that they had ever seen. None of their previous Christmas dinners even came close to the spread that covered every inch of the table and filled the room with heavenly smells. Meena was standing at one end of the table, setting the dish of mashed potatoes on the table when they walked in. As soon as she saw them her face lit up and she shyly gestured to the table.
“Does it look okay?” She asked nervously as she straightened out a dish of seared vegetables. Johnny just gasped at her for a second then hurried over and swept her up into a passionate kiss. Meena let out a squeak of surprise but fell easily into the kiss. They stood locked in their embrace for a minute before Big Daddy finally cleared his throat and brought them back to earth.
Meena was red faced for half the dinner while Johnny directed attention to her food and chatted about the garage with his uncles. As they were nearing the end of the meal and the food was steadily disappearing  Big Daddy stood up and raised his wine glass to the table.
“I just wanna thank Meena fer this lovely meal and fer ‘avin’ us tonight. It’s been awhile since dis family ‘ad a proper Christmas and ya gave us one. We needed a lil Christmas in our lives after these couple years.” He was about to take a sip of his wine when he suddenly smiled and winked at her, “And welcome to the family.”
Meena gaped up at her future father-in-law for a minute before turning to her sheepish fiancé. “You told them without me?!”
Johnny shrugged and kissed her cheek, “Merry Christmas love.”
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hoperays-song · 1 year
While Sing 3 is still developing can you think of the 5 things you want to see in that movie and the 5 thing you don’t wanted?
Thank you so much for the ask and I'm sorry for the delay in answering. I hope you enjoy and this properly answers your question! - <3 Gooseless
Ok so, I'm personally a bit of a skeptic on if Sing 3 will come out soon (or ever at this point) due to the strikes likely halting all work on it. And obviously, if they worked through the strikes, I will not be supporting the movie in the slightest due to my pure hatred of crossing picket lines for no good reason and AI being used as studios want it to be. However, I do have serval things I do want to see if/when it comes out and a ton of stuff I don't.
Things I want to see (Please Illumination, Please):
Rynny being confirmed. That should surprise none of you. This blog was started as, and still primarily is, as Rynny ship blog. I love those two so much together and I feel like it would complete Johnny's queer allegory storyline very well (ie. familial acceptance, wider community acceptance, personal acceptance by allowing yourself to be yourself). My mutual have been spammed with numerous songs that I have choreographed duets to for these two already and I would just absolutely love to see it.
Noodlemoon being confirmed. I am very vocally a Noodlemoon truther and I adore those two together. Buster's chaos to Eddie's chill would work so well and it makes the most sense for me when it comes to potential partners for either of them.
More scenes of the troupe being a family. They act like a family already and I love the snippets we see, but I would love to see more of their group dynamic. Like Mrs. Crawly is essentially Johnny's grandma at this point, Rosita being the troupe mom, Gunter being a chaotic uncle.
The gang being a family. These boys are my absolute favourite characters. They're adorable together already but I really want Johnny to call Stan and Barry his uncles. Or have Marcus refer to Nooshy as Johnny's sister (feel like that one could be slipped in easily). Marcus is an amazingly good dad to Johnny after the whole disownment thing was patched up and it's clear that whatever mandated therapy they went to is working wonders so I want more scenes of them together (and hopefully Johnny doing more questionable things, like please, let the boy pick a lock).
Gunter getting a conflict. Now, I'm not saying drag Gunter through personal hell. He has done that enough in shorts. But he hasn't faced a personal conflict in any movie yet and is the only troupe member to not do so. I think it's about time we get more of an insight into his character and I think this would be an amazing opportunity.
Things I Don't Want To See (Please No Illumination, Please No):
I swear, do not kill off Nana, Hobbs, Clay, or Mrs. Crawly. They're the oldest cast members, I know. You want more character development, I know. If you kill any of them off however, I will personally lead the revolt. They are all immortal now.
Bring back Mike. I hate him. Just straight up. He bullies a kid!!! That goes for Klaus too and Jimmy. They are irredeemable villians. You bring them back, I protest in front of your studio offices. They all deliberately hurt people, two of which used abuse of power as well. Just NO.
Create a love triangle? Jail. I hate love triangles. Partially due to it typically actually being a lover corner (two people interested in one person instead of the actual intricacies of a triangle), mainly because it's stupid. It's overplayed, in nearly every film saga it seems, and are always pretty pointless. I just do not like them in the slightest and will cry if I have to sit through one.
Do not put Buster in jail. I know we joke about the amount of felonies that man has committed but at this point, if he goes to jail, the legal system in their universe will be busy for the next century. Also, none of the teens need extra trauma. Just leave them be.
If y'all destroy one of the best queer allegories I have ever seen by giving Johnny a canon female romantic partner, I will start a fucking revolution. I literally study cultures and films and character coding, ok? Like that's my whole field of study. Johnny's story being a queer allegory is so important to me. Not only is it incredably realistic in my opinion (I cry at the disownment scene because something very similar was said to me when I came out), but almost every other queer personI talk to how has watched these movies picked up on the allegory and loves it as well. It's very well written and not subtle in a good way. It's great for starting conversations about LGBTQIA+ characters in media. ...Also, he's apparently based on Elton John according to my friend that has the character book, and I'm pretty sure Elton John would be pissed if you fucked that up.
Though, I feel like I should make a disclaimer here. My first few fandoms that I was raised in have taught me how to be an expert at ignoring canon (special shout out to Supernatural in particular). Just because it happens in a movie, doesn't mean I'm going to put that in my works. I'm a fanfic writer after all. I write what I want to happen, not necessarily what does happen according to canon.
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Some of My Favourite Random Sing Canon Things
Johnny is small for both his family and for other gorillas around his age.
The mob/mafia does exist and Mike legit thought cheating them was a good idea.
Buster is left-handed (or ambidextrous).
When Ash's guitar gets unplugged, she stomps her foot, which is based off the real life occurrence of porcupines stomping their feet as a warning if they are scared.
Buster went to the Modern Drama Institute based on his diploma.
Marcus’s truck is a 1953–1956 Ford F-Series pickup truck, though he seems to have made some modifications.
Gunter literally put Johnny’s home address in his commercial for his dance studio. Why? Who knows!
Eddie apparently models?? Or does something that puts him on magazine covers (as seen in Sing 2). Leaning towards model just because I feel like he would be most ok with that.
Mike legit mugged someone in his first scene... so there’s that.
Gunter, while being an agent of chaos, is able to not cause any problems for himself personally in both movies (other characters handle it) which in this franchinse is just impressive.
Johnny reacts dramatically to things a lot and tends to be/come across as sarcastic.
It’s implied that Darius was going to be the center performer in the short “Come Home”... for some reason. 
The first friend that Johnny makes outside of the theatre is, drumroll please, Nooshy, a British criminal. Because of fucking course he found one in a huge multicultural city. (This annoys me to no end.)
Mrs. Crawly’s glass eye was apparently made in China.
Adding up the totals (in terms of violent crimes) from both movies (that I remember clearly), there are five threats on a character’s life, one mugging, one hostage-ish situation, one hit-and-run, and one aggravated assault. This is a kid’s series right? Am I understanding that right? A kid’s series???
Nana Noodleman likes to play checkers with Hobbs to pass the time.
Buster Moon has committed more onscreen felonies than the actual criminal gang (two for Stan and Barry, three for Marcus).
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Compared to Gunter, Rosita and Johnny, how are the others at dancing?
Thanks for the ask! I hope you enjoy! - <3 Gooseless
Johnny: Slow learner but decent at the show choreo(after like a month of constant classes). All other dancing? It's painful to watch.
Ryan: A literal dance prodigy who also started formal training at 5 years old. His mother was a Redshore Rockette and he became a principal dancer at age 16. He's a natural.
Nooshy: She is an award winning dancer and has been teaching herself for most of her life. She started training really young and focused primarily on modern and hip hop styles.
Ash: Refuses to dance in front of people. She's not bad or anything, just doesn't trust in her abilities to actually dance when others can see.
Meena: She can dance but doesn't do it often. She is surprisingly good for her only experience coming from school dances.
Porsha: This girl absolutely has taken ballroom dance classes before and is a good dancer. Not great but better than most.
Buster: Surprisingly decent dancer, Buster is much better at dancing than singing but cannot teach it to save his life.
Eddie: He has two left feet and is a hopeless dancer. His grandmother has not given up trying to teach him through, much to his dismay.
Nana: She danced some during her career and is good at those dances (more old fashioned and traditional ones) to this day. She insists on teaching the teens.
Gunter: He is a gifted dancer and has worked in dance studios most of his life. He loves dancing and is really really good at it.
Rosita: Another slow learner but once she's got certain moves she's pretty confident with her abilities and even will try experimenting on her own.
Hobbs: He knows a few select dances very well. Otherwise, he doesn't even try.
Marcus: Johnny got his bad dance genes from his dad because his mother was an amazing dancer. Marcus is terrible and will not attempt it unless his kids really want him to.
Barry: Straight up refuses to dance. He only has like once in his life and while he wasn't mind numbingly terrible he still refuses to do it again.
Stan: He does dance... poorly. He does not seem to notice this fact and dances like an uncle at a family reunion whenever he can. Johnny and Barry refuse to be around him when he does.
Clay: He doesn't really dance but he isn't half bad at it when he does. He is surprisingly good at slow dancing though and helped Mrs. Crawly teach the teens to for charity events.
Mrs. Crawly: She can slow dance pretty well. That's about all the dancing she does however.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
On a scale of "master chef" to "could set a bowl of cereal on fire", how are the Sing characters at cooking?
Oooooo, great ask! Thank you! Here's a bit of an explanation and a rating from 1-10 (10 being the best). I hope you enjoy! -<3 Gooseless
Ash: 5
She's starting to learn how to cook from Rosita after Sing 1 but before that she was mainly surviving off of fast food. She never learned to cook from her parents as they often weren't home and she herself left home young. She's not horrible but not the best by any means.
Barry: 6
He can cook but only a few basic things like grilled cheese and oatmeal. While preferring not to cook, he does have to as Stan cannot and they were in charge of watching Johnny when he was little.
Buster: 2
...He can make sandwiches and that's about it. Even some of those flavour combinations can be extremely questionable.
Clay: 9
He is an amazing chef, having learned from both sides of his family. He cooks a fair mix of both Cajun and Irish dishes and briefly considered being a chef before pursuing music. He now is focusing on teaching Ash some of his recipes. Cooking is essentially a love language for him and he will bring food to almost any gathering.
Darius: 1
Burned cup Mac and Cheese and nearly got kicked out of his apartment... enough said.
Eddie: 2
He can heat up Cup Noodles safer than Buster can and make a few sandwiches... but that's about it.
Gunter: 3
The fanciest thing Gunter can make is boxed Mac and Cheese and he will forget the ingredients in even that. He can actually tell what flavours go together unlike some others but also always burns toast. He isn't that good at this.
Harry: 2
While he can make like a PB&J sandwich, there's a reason they and Darius mostly eat fast food. He sucks at cooking, not as bad as Darius but that's a very low bar.
Johnny: 7
Grew up with tons of home-cooked meals by both his dad and his neighbors, he's surprisingly good at cooking. He does need to follow a recipe exactly but he started practicing more when he lived with Rosita and has kept that practice going into the Majestic stay with phone calls to his dad for help. A lot of his happy childhood memories are cooking with his dad.
Marcus: 9
He learned to cook for his wife when she got too sick to be able to do so. He uses his wife's old cookbook to this day (her father was a chef) and is very good at it. Cooking is essentially a love language for him and he makes sure that when Johnny is at home he gets at least two home-cooked meals a day. He's had over 18 years of practice so he's a very good chef.
Meena: 7
She is much better at baking than cooking but she does know a few recipes. Her grandparents were actually the ones to teach her their old recipes when it comes to savory foods while her mom taught her deserts. She's good but she does credit that too a lot of practice as she much prefers working with sweeter foods. Most of her childhood was spent in the kitchen with her family though and it was a huge family bonding thing for them.
Mike: 1
He does not even know how to boil water.
Mrs. Crawly: 4
Not horrible but will commonly forget what she's cooking or what she already added so you never know what you're gonna get. She can make really good Turkish Delights though.
Nana: 6
While she is a decent cook, she doesn't have to cook for herself and therefore has fallen out of practice doing so. She is still disappointed in Eddie and Buster's cooking abilities.
Nancy: 5
She knows the basics but nothing even close to fancy. She and Mike eat out a lot.
Nooshy: 1
Has legit burned water while trying to boil it, they are not allowed with arms-reach of even a microwave. They are as bad as Darius.
Norman: 6
Decent chef, he knows how to make a few basics for the kids but he's never really been one to be talented in the kitchen. The most unique dish he can make is roasted potatoes.
Porsha: 1
She has never cooked a day in her life and has no idea what to do or where to start.
Rosita: 9
Rosita is an amazing cook and grew up helping her grandmother in the kitchen. She is constantly coming up with creative ways to get the kids to eat and try new foods. Rosita also has several family recipe books that she uses for most of her meals. She also taught Meena, Ash, and Johnny a lot of basics when it came to cooking. It functions as a love language for her as it allows her to take care of others.
Ryan: 6
Food is really difficult for him for various different reasons but he can cook. He is pretty decent at it, learning how to to help with his sisters, even though everyone always exaggerates how bad he actually is. His manman and mom taught his growing up.
Stan: 2
He once nearly got him and Barry evicted for starting a fire in a microwave. Marcus will not let him cook for his son in any way shape or form. Stan is a terrible chef and more than happy to let others cook for him.
Suki: 8
She's lived alone almost all her life and going out to eat in Redshore is crazy expensive. She taught herself to cook with the occasional help of some of her old mentors. Suki is pretty good at it and specializes in stir-frys as they are quick to make after work.
In Order From Worst To Best:
Gunter-Mrs. Crawly
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Assorted Johnny Headcanons
Johnny wears a ring with a rabbit mask on it as a symbol of his dad’s gang. While they aren’t really a gang anymore (and arguably were never one in the first place), Marcus still insists he wears it just in case.
He was absolutely the quiet kid in school and kept to himself.
His jacket was originally his dad’s and a lot of his childhood photos have his mother wearing it as well. He got the jacket when he was 13, after numerous school calls telling Marcus that the staff was worried about Johnny’s lack of social life, in an attempt to make his son more confident.
His mother died when he was only six years old. Johnny never fully recovered.
Johnny is extremely overprotective of his jacket and won’t allow anyone to wear it. The first person he did let wear it was Ryan, his boyfriend.
Johnny was raised bilingually and can fluently speak, read, and write both Hindi and English. He also learned ASL when he was in junior high and he practices it a lot.
His favorite color is teal, preferably dark teal.
He pierced his own ears at 14 years old. Marcus nearly had a heart attack (despite the fact he did it himself at 12).
While Marcus was in jail, Johnny proceeded to get three tattoos, a lip piercing, and an eyebrow piercing. He was grounded for a week for not double checking the safety protocol of the shop that did it.
He came out to his family after Sing 1. Turns out, they’d known for years longer than Johnny had.
(Human AU) Johnny found a pitbull mix puppy when he was 15 which he brought home. While Marcus had insisted that they had to take the dog to a shelter in the morning, he gave in after realizing Johnny slept on the floor of the garage to stay with the puppy. Johnny names her Olive.
He lived with Rosita and her family as a foster kid while his dad was in jail.
Johnny has always been small for his age, and a lot of times when he was little, he was assumed to be a lot younger than his actual age.
He doesn’t actually have any real friends before the talent show. Besides the fact he was never the most sociable kid, he was worried that any of his friends would be pulled into his family’s dangerous lifestyle so he kinda kept himself socially distant from his peers.
Johnny is actually the second music prodigy in his family, as while he is a singing prodigy, his mother was a piano prodigy.
His mother taught him to play the piano before he could even walk and Johnny’s happiest childhood memories were playing with her. 
His dad met Stan and Barry when he was just six years old so he honestly does not really remember a time when his uncles weren’t involved in his life.
Johnny looks just like his mother. Like is practically her splitting image. The only thing he shares with his dad is his nose and stubborn streak.
Johnny has been diagnosed with a panic disorder, depression, and PTSD. However, those all sprung from his mother’s death instead of the gang, despite what people think. He’s also autistic.
Whenever he is tired or upset, his accent comes across a lot stronger, same as his use of slang.
Johnny considers both Ash and Nooshy to be older siblings of his, and Meena as his younger sister. He also treats them accordingly and will address them as such. It isn’t strange to him mainly due to his dad basically doing the same thing with Stan and Barry when he was little.
He has a fear of hospitals and pretty much everything medical related as it reminds him of his mum and the fact she died in a hospital.
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Chaos Style World Building PT. 3
Johnny’s bedroom ceiling is covered in really old glow in the dark stars that somehow still work.
Ash worked as a Starbucks barista for a bit before Sing 1 to support her and Lance.
Nooshy will deliberately wear the most clashing coloured and patterned clothing.
Clay and Rosita are the best chefs of the troupe and even have a cooking competition once.
Marcus will paint his nails teal as a show of support when Johnny’s performing.
Johnny and Nooshy basically act like smaller versions of Stan and Barry and the only person who cannot see it is Stan.
Ash designs her own merch.
Eddie was Pre-Law in college while Buster was Theatre Management. Eddie switched to Interdisciplinary Studies his junior year.
Nooshy technically is the second oldest of their three biological siblings. Her older brother is actually raising the younger two on his own in Canada. 
Meena learned to bake from her mother and grandmother and has been baking with them since she was a toddler.
Mrs. Crawly really loves plants and has them all over her house and the theatre. Buster is not allowed to touch them as he is horrible with plants.
Johnny worked retail for a short while before Sing 1 but the gang made it too difficult.
Meena can drive and has her learner’s permit but utterly hates doing so and takes the bus or rides with her mom to school instead.
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hoperays-song · 2 years
I need some angsty headcanons for the cool fresh out of jail uncle's and dad :)
Of course! :) Sorry for the delay!
With the whole jail thing, Barry struggled the most. Mainly due to the constant being around people and forced socialization leading to him being overstimulated a lot. Because of this, when they first got out, Barry spent like a week alone in his half of his shared apartment with Stan. He didn't really talk to the others or anything either, he just needed to be alone.
They all are going to court mandated therapy. It’s rough for all of them and they end up having movie nights a lot for comfort.
Johnny has nightmares about the fight with his dad and the following temporary disownment a fair bit. When this happens, he goes and just hugs his dad until they both feel better. Johnny typically ends up falling asleep and Marcus never has the heart to wake him up.
They tag along with Johnny to rehearsals a lot. Like anytime they’re free. The really missed being able to spend time with him and are upset that they missed so much of his life (6 months is a long time when you’ve literally never been apart).
Since Johnny turned 18 while they were still in jail they do throw him a make up party when they get out months later... yes they all end up crying by the end of it.
The hardest part for Marcus was realizing he wouldn’t be able to travel back to London for at least 5 years to visit his wife’s grave due to parole restrictions.
Stan really struggles with sudden changes in environment so it took him nearly the entire time they were in jail to get used to it. And since he had just gotten used to sleeping around other people, going back to his and Barry’s apartment was too difficult for him. He instead crashed at Johnny and Marcus’s place for a few weeks until he was feeling better.
Johnny redecorated their apartment with a bunch of his mum’s old stuff while his dad was in jail. When Marcus got home for the first time, he just ended up sitting on the floor in shock for an hour. And when Johnny got home from school, he gave his son a bone crushing hug and a “thank you”.
I’m sorry, that’s all I have for now but I might add more later! I hope you enjoyed and thank you for the ask!
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hoperays-song · 2 years
The Gang Headcannons
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Barry used his experience as a cybersecurity analyst to hack into their target locations to shut off their security systems and gather information.
The gang are actually nonviolent offenders. They never hurt anyone on heists and mainly relied on stealth and speed to avoid getting caught.
They received the nickname “The Innocents” by the press and other gangs in the area since, while pleading guilty to the robbery they were caught on, they were deemed innocent of any previous criminal charges as there wasn’t enough evidence.
Stan, Marcus, and Barry started stealing to make ends meet around when Johnny was eleven, only a year after moving to the states.
Being adrenaline junkies, Stan and Marcus actually loved the thrill of being robbers. Barry didn’t even want to be involved but didn’t want to strain his relationship with his brothers. 
They weren’t even planning on staying robbers after their last heist, as they would have had enough money for their jobs to bring in enough additional money to live comfortably.
Barry has an excellent poker face and would gamble against other gangs a lot. Stan was horrible at it and would end up losing more money than Barry could get back. He was banned from playing for money after that.
Marcus is the strongest fighter out of all three and tends to rely on force in physical confrontations.
Stan is the second strongest fighter out of the group but enjoys irritating his opponents while fighting as they typically end up losing their concentration and he wins as a result.
Barry, while the weakest fighter, is the fastest and uses his speed to win fights by getting into his opponents blindspots.
Johnny still wears (mainly at Marcus’s insistence) a silver ring with a rabbit mask on it. It is recognized as a symbol of the gang by other groups. Johnny, while it is rare, does occasionally flash it when he’s in bad situations. None of their rivals want to mess with the gang with, not only a growing celebrity, but a reputation of hardly ever leaving enough evidence to be convicted for anything.
The gang always brings three duffel bags with them, no matter where they go. The grey duffel bag has lockpicks, weapons, etc. The black duffel bag has mechanic tools. And the blue duffel bag aka the Johnny bag, is actually a first aid kit but was renamed when it became obvious that Johnny was essentially the only one using it.
Johnny would insist on the cutesy patterned band-aids as a kid so the gang would show up at meetings or confrontations with other groups with avengers and disney princess band-aids on miniscule injuries like papercuts. It did help them stay below the radar though as all the others weren’t that intimidated with them until their trial.
Stan, with his degree in communications, was the one to keep tabs on any other groups in the area.
Stan was the only one with any criminal charges before the gang started and most dated back to his teenage years when he got in trouble for things like vandalism and trespassing. Marcus had gotten in trouble before but got off with only warnings.
The gang are skilled boxers and have taught themselves some mixed martial arts as well. Even Johnny can hold his own in a fight, though nowhere near as well as the others.
If Johnny’s mum was still alive, there’s a very big chance that the gang would never have started their life of crime, however, Johnny never has blamed his mother for his involvement.
Part of the gang’s sentencing was mandatory therapy, both individual and family. It helped them a lot.
While they were in jail, Marcus read literally every parenting book he could get his hands on. While Stan and Barry laughed and said he was going overboard, they also read a few when he wasn’t looking.
They definitely pretended that a gang was just a way to say group of friends in England so they didn’t get charged with gang involvement as well.
It was an unspoken rule in the gang that, if they were ever caught, to cover for Johnny at all costs. Even before the boy was involved, they didn’t want him to get in trouble for their actions. Hence how, when Johnny messed up the heist, he wasn’t even being looked for by the police as Stan and Barry claimed to have barely met the kid and Marcus claimed to have hidden it from his son. 
Barry wasn’t surprised that they got caught and wasn’t mad at Johnny for it either, he was more surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.
Stan also didn’t blame Johnny, primarily because he has a soft spot for the kid but also because he knows that teenagers make mistakes. He was kinda disappointed about having to give up crime however until Barry just pointed out he could just go skydiving or on a rollercoaster like a normal person to get an adrenaline high. He becomes the pier’s most frequent guest on weekends.
Marcus, after patching things up with Johnny, is also worried that he would not be able to resist the adrenaline high of robbing. However, after one week with Johnny, he realises that the boy is the cause of enough anxiety for his entire life.
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